Assignment 01
Assignment 01
Assignment 01
Write an essay in which you discuss the potential for individuals and Non-
Governmental Organizations to gain direct access to the African Court on
Human and Peoples’ Rights.
Note that this is an analytical essay that does not have a standard/model answer and
will vary from one student to another depending on the depth of the research
conducted. Points were awarded for the general structure of the essay and Content.
The applicable convention is the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and
Peoples’ Rights Establishing an African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights
(Court Protocol) as well as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
(African Charter)
The question of locus standi before the African Court is governed by Article 5
of the Protocol establishing the Court- and there are 5 classes of those who has
direct access to the Court-as mentioned above.
Article 5(3) of the Court Protocol provides that “The Court may entitle relevant
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with observer status before the
Commission, and individuals to institute cases directly before it, in accordance
with article 34 (6) of this Protocol.
Article 34 (6) provides that at the time of the ratification of this Protocol or any
time thereafter, the State shall make a declaration accepting the competence
of the Court to receive cases under article 5 (3) of this Protocol.
Article 34(6) further indicate that the Court shall not receive any petition under
article 5 (3) involving a State Party which has not made such a special
It is clear that in terms of article 5(3) individuals do not have direct access to
the African Court unless the state in question has deposited a special
declaration permitting individual petitions.
For NGOs and individuals to have direct access to the Court few things are
taken into consideration and the key questions determining whether
individuals or NGOs would have access to the court are as follows:
o Who is the claimant?
o If the claimant is an NGO does it have the necessary observer status
before the African Commission? If Yes
o Has their country made an optional declaration under Article 34(6) of
the Protocol enabling direct submissions to the African Court? If so,
claimants may bring their case to the Court
If the claimant is an individual the only question is asked is whether the country
in question has made a special declaration in terms of Article 34(6).
Most cases before the African court fail on this procedural issues-since few
states have made this special declaration
Any other relevant information based on additional research.
Just like assignment one, this assignment is also an analytical essay that does not
have a standard/model answer and will vary from one student to another depending
on the depth of the research conducted. Points were awarded for the general structure
of the essay and Content.
The examination is a three-hour paper for 100 marks. The paper contains short
questions, problem- and essay-type questions. When writing the essay type
response, ensure that you pay particular attention to the structure by
demarcating your essay into headings and sub headings. Use Provisions of
various conventions, their interpretations and case law as authority.