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1. Name of the Organisation:

The organization shall be known by the name of



2. Headquarters:

(i) The head quarter of the Association shall be fixed at the State Capital at the
address given below. Plot No. S/1-B, Behind OSPHWC Building, Bhoi Nagar,
Bhubaneswar, 751022.

(ii) The headquarters of the District Committees shall be situated at District

headquarters as per the decision of the Executive Committee.

3. Object

This association is constituted:

(a) To foster brotherly feeling and an esprit-de-crops among its members.

(b) To afford protection to privileges and departmental interests of its members.

(c) To improve the service conditions of the members.

(d) To improve engineering skill and technical knowledge of members.

(e) To spread awareness about the basic engineering skills among the general

4. Year

The year of the Association shall commence on 1st day of January and end on
the 31st day December next year. The tenure of the executive committee will be for
consecutive two year (Bi-en-nial). General Body meeting will be held annually and the
Executive Body will be elected bi-en-nially.

5. Membership

All Civil Engineers recruited under Odisha Engineering Service (Methods of

recruitment & conditions of service), 2012 and amendments from time to time and in
employment in Water Resources, Works and Housing & Urban Development
Departments of Govt. of Odisha are members of Association, provided that no member
shall have membership of any other service association in the State of Orissa.

6. Wing

Each Department herein after will be called as wing.

7. Procedure for enrolment of members

Any Engineer who is eligible to be a member of the Association as per Article

5 shall join the Association by duly filling up the prescribed enrolment form (copy
enclosed) and sending it together with the enrolment fee, welfare fund fee and amount
of the current year subscription to the General Secretary.

An eligible member has to be a member and retain all his rights as member by
paying enrolment fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) at a time only at the
time of enrolment. Also a member has to pay Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only)
at the time of enrolment for welfare fund of the Association which will be non-

8. Monthly / Annual Contribution

A member shall pay monthly contribution of Rs. 100.00 (Rupees hundred only)
to the Association. This will be collected by District Committees and submitted to the
headquarters quarterly during a year i.e. during March, June, September and December.
A member can pay an annual subscription of Rs.1000/- (one thousand only) at a time
through an A/C payee cheque drawn in favour of the General Secretary, Odisha
Engineers’ Service Association, payable at Bhubaneswar or through cash to the District

9. Cancellation of Membership

(a) A member automatically ceases to function as a member of the Association on

superannuation (including taking VRS) or death during service.

(b) A member, on disciplinary action taken by the Executive Committee shall be
removed from the Association.

(c) A member resigning from the Association on reasonable grounds may be

permitted to do so, on acceptance of resignation by the Executive Committee.

(d) A member automatically ceases to function as member if he fails to pay annual

contribution continuously for three years. Renewal of membership may be
considered only through written application.

10. Management

The affairs of the Association shall be governed by:

(i) The Executive Committee having its headquarters at the State Capital

(ii) The District committee shall comprise of the members of this Association
within the Jurisdiction of the particular District as decided by the Executive
Committee from time to time.

11. Executive Committee

I. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following Bearers and members
duly elected by the General Body.

(A) Office bearers

(i) President - One

(ii) Vice President - Three (One from each wing)

(iii) General Secretary - One

(iv) Secretary - Three (One from each wing)

(v) Joint Secretary-cum-Treasurer- One

(B) Members - 9 (Three from each wing)

II. The Executive Body shall also suggest the names of Nine valid members, out
of which the President shall nominate six as co-opted members. All office bearers of
both Executive and District Committees are Honorary.

12. Election: As appendix No. 1.

13. Power and function of Executive Committee

i. The Executive Committee shall hold, control and administrate the properties of
the Association on its behalf.

ii. The Executive Committee shall not on its own initiate with the scope of the
objectives set out under Article-3

iii. The Executive Committee shall act on the lines as indicated by the Association
in General Body Meeting

iv. The Executive Committee shall maintain close contact with District
Committees for proper functioning of activities of the Association at District

v. Negotiations on forming federation of Engineering Association and other

functional bodies both at State and Union Level shall be conducted by the
Executive Committee.

vi. When the Executive Committee decide that opinion or votes of all the members
on any questions or subject, they may request the General Secretary to obtain
the same by post when it is not possible to convene a General Body Meeting
and such opinion shall have the force of the decision of General Body.

vii. The General Secretary in consultation with the President may extend invitation
to any member of the Association to attend the Executive Committee to take
part in the meeting. However, such invited members shall not have any voting

14. Emergency power of the executive Committee

In the matter of extreme urgency, the Executive Committee can take any action
which shall be binding to all members.

15. Co-option in the Executive Committee

i. In case of a vacancy arising in the Executive Body under category 11 (B), the
President in consultation with Executive Committee shall nominate any other
valid member from the corresponding wing to fill up the vacancy, preferably
from the left out nominated members for co-opted members.

ii. In the event of any vacancy arising in the post of office bearer under article (11-
A) the vacancy shall be filled up by the Executive Committee from amongst the
category 11(B).

iii. Consequent vacancies arising under article 11-B shall be filled up in accordance
with Article 15(i).

16. In the absence of the President / General Secretary out of headquarters for a continuous
period exceeding 15 (fifteen) days, the affairs of the Association shall be managed by
the Vice President / Secretary nominated by the President / General Secretary.

17. Duties of President:

i. President shall be considered as the constitutional head of the Association.

ii. President shall conduct all General Body Meeting and Executive Committee
meeting of the Association.

iii. The President shall not take-part in voting. In case of tie, he will exercise his
casting vote.

iv. The proceedings of each Executive Committee after approval of the next
Executive Committee meeting shall be authenticated by the President.

18. Duties of Vice-President:

President may delegate his powers to any one of the Vice Presidents to act as
President in his absence.

The Three Vice Presidents shall represent three units of the Association – Co-ordination
unit (Co-ordination among other Service Associations inside and outside the State),
vigilance unit (Vigilance / Investing unit to enquire and review the cases of atrocities
on members and report to the EB for taking further necessary action) and Public
Relations (Public Relation and Media management) unit.

19. Duties of General Secretary:

(i) He shall be responsible to the members and to Executive Committee for proper
discharge and implementation of decisions and resolutions adopted in the
Executive Committee and General Body. He shall make all correspondences on
behalf of the Association.

(ii) He shall inform an officer on fresh appointment of the existence of the
Association and request him to join as a member of the Association.

(iii) He shall convene all meetings and record the proceedings of every meeting of
the Executive Committee and of the General Body in a Minute Book and shall
get such records confirmed in the next meeting. The minutes shall be
communicated to District Secretaries at the earliest.

(iv) He shall submit a periodical and Annual reports to the Annual General Body
and shall circulate to all members through District Committees.

(v) He shall offer guidance to District Committees for proper functioning of the
activities of the Association at District levels.

(vi) He shall have power to appoint and discharge any staff for proper management
of the office work of the Association with the approval of the Executive Body.

(vii) He shall remain in charge of all the movable and immovable properties of the

20. Secretary(s):

General Secretary may delegate his powers to any one of the Secretary to act as
General Secretary in his absence.

The three Secretaries shall represent three units – Co-ordination unit, Vigilance
unit and Public Relations unit.

21. Duties of the Joint Secretary-cum-Treasurer:

(i) He shall be responsible for publishing the Association news bulletin and its
distribution in time.

(ii) He shall maintain up-to-date Register of membership and any other register in
connection with collection of funds as will be decided by the Executive

(iii) He shall assist the General Secretary as and when called upon to do so, in the
affairs of the Association.

(iv) He will discharge the duties of the General Secretary in his absence.

(v) He shall be responsible for all sums of money and he shall pay all authorized
bills that may be presented to him.

(vi) He shall be responsible for compilation of accounts for presentation to auditors


(vii) He shall place the annual audited Accounts for the General Body with auditor’s

(viii) He shall prepare and maintain the cash book and the balance sheets the

(ix) He shall primarily be responsible for all collections of funds of the Association
and shall report to the Executive Body for timely action if any such dues of the
Association are not collected.

22. Funds

(i) The funds of the Association shall be utilized towards meeting establishment
charges of the Association and for such other purposes as may be deemed fit by
the Executive Committee.

Funds of the Association shall be kept in any of the Nationalized Banks in the
name of “Odisha Engineers’ Service Association”. The General Secretary and
the Joint Secretary-cum-Treasurer will be authorized by the Executive
Committee to operate the account. The Executive Committee reserves the right
to withdraw such authorization as and when felt necessary.

(ii) The Joint Secretary-Cum-Treasurer may keep a cash of Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five
thousand only) for meeting petty expenditure.

(iii) No expenditure exceeding Rs 5000/- (Rupees five thousand only) shall be

incurred without approval of the President. However, expenditure on
establishment viz payment of salaries of staff, payment of electricity, TV,
telephone tariffs, paper and magazine bills and correspondences may be done
by the Joint Secretary cum Treasurer after obtaining one time approval of the

The President without consultation of Executive Body shall not incur any
expenditure more than Rs 10000/- (Rupees ten thousand only).

(iv) The District Committees shall be financially helped to the extent of 10% to 20%
of the complimentary advertisement subscription by them depending on their
activities over and above Rs 5000/- for the Annual District level committee

(v) Collections shall be made by District Committees on behalf of the Association

through the money receipts issued by the Joint Secretary-Cum-Treasurer.
Receipt books along with abstract expenditures of the Districts shall be sent to
Treasurer every year for incorporating in the Annual Audit.

(vi) Auditor for the year shall be nominated amongst the Association Members /
Chartered Accountant. on the first Executive Committee Meeting of the year
and the Auditor so nominated shall not be a member or office bearer of the
Executive Committee.

(vii) When exigencies of the Association so required the Executive Committee

thereof may authorize the General Secretary to call for voluntary donations from

23. Meeting

(i) The Executive Committee shall meet ordinarily twice in a month. However, in
cases of emergency the General Secretary in consultation with the President
may convene the extra ordinary Executive Meeting at any time.

(ii) Executive Committee Meeting will be held in the Association building on the
schedule date and time as per the decision taken by the Executive Committee
from time to time.

(iii) For purpose of extra ordinary Executive Committee Meeting, the General
Secretary shall see that notice reaches at least 2/3rd of the total members of
Executive Committee.

(iv) The General Body shall ordinarily meet once in a year.

For purpose of each meeting at least fifteen days’ notice shall normally be given
to the members.

(v) The Executive Committee shall at its discretion or on requisition by not less
than 100 valid members in writing convene an extra ordinary General Body

Meeting of the Association to decide specific problems. For purpose of such
meeting at least 15 (fifteen) days’ notice shall be given to the members.

(vi) The Executive Committee shall meet with the District President and Secretary
at least twice in a year. In case of emergency the Executive Committee however
may convene such meeting with at least seven days’ notice to the District
Committees and the place for such meeting may be at State Capital or may be
at District headquarters as decided by the Executive Committee.

24. Quorum

(i) Seven members of the Executive Committee shall constitute quorum.

(ii) 100 of the total members shall constitute quorum for General / Extra-ordinary
General Body Meeting.

25. Disciplinary action:

a. For members-

(i) If an elected office bearer / member of the Executive Committee does not attend
three consecutive Executive Committee Meetings, the Executive Committee
shall have the power to co-opt another member in his place, provided he fails to
convince the Executive Committee in person for such absence, given a chance.

(ii) The Executive Committee on its own initiative or on a proposal from any
member of District Committee may remove any member from the register for
gross breach of professional conduct and action prejudicial to the interest of the
Association. The decision for such removal shall be taken in the Executive
Committee Meeting by a majority of 3/4th of members present by voting. If the
decision be in the affirmative, the name of the member shall be removed from
the register of the Association and the facts shall be intimated to the State
Government as well as the members concerned and other members of the

b. For Executive Committee-

(i) A no-confidence motion against the Executive Committee as a whole can be

moved in a meeting especially called for the purpose provided, it is a demand
of 250 or more valid members of the Association.

(ii) The Executive Body resigns, if, it is passed by 2/3rd majority of the total
members present by voting. The said meeting shall also decide the member for
running of the Association till the next Annual General Body Meeting.

(iii) At no point of time, decision / resolution shall be taken by the committee, which
shall affect the interest of any wing(s). At all times the Executive Committee
will work to safeguard the larger interest of the members of OESA and OESA
as whole.

26. District Committee Members

The District Committee shall consist of the following elected office bearers.

(i) President - One

(ii) Secretary - One

(iii) Joint Secretary-cum-Treasurer - One

(iv) Executive Body Members - Three (One from each wing)

27. Power and Function of District Committee:

i. To maintain liaison with the Executive Committee in the matter relating to the

ii. To depute District Secretary or authorized representative to the meeting of the

Executive Committee if required.

iii. To communicate the resolution adopted in the Executive Committee and

General Body to the members of the District unit.

iv. To collect monthly / annual contribution from members and any other
contribution / subscriptions from the members as per the decision of the
Executive Committee and remit the same immediately to the Joint Secretary-
cum-Treasurer of the Association.

v. To place relevant cases to the Executive Committee as received from the

member after discussion in the District Committee.

vi. To maintain close contact with the members of the District units in respect of
promotion the day to day activities of the Association.

vii. The District Committee shall function as per the direction and decision of the
Executive Committee and shall deal with problems of local nature. This is by
no means a policy making body but may send their views on problems of
General nature for consideration of the Executive Committee.

28. Election of Office Bearer and Meeting of the District Committee

i. The office bearers of the District Committee shall be elected every two years in
an annual body meeting of the District. Such meeting shall be conducted before
15th of December, every alternate year.

ii. Quorum for such meeting shall constitute at least ½ of its strength.

iii. In case of transfer or promotion or any other eventualities, the district

committees will fill up the vacant positions arising thereof and intimate that to
the central Executive Committee.

29. Interpretation of Rules:

Executive Committee of the OESA will have the sole right to interpret any or
all the above rules as and when necessary. Such interpretation of the Executive
Committee shall become final and binding.

Any of the above rules except those of the objectives in Article 3 may be
amended or added in a General Body Meeting by a majority decision of 2/3rd members
present in the General Body Meeting.

30. Handing over of Charges

The outgoing office bearers shall hand over all the charges within a fortnight of
the Bi-en-nial General Body Meeting to the newly elected / nominated office bearers.
For this purpose, a meeting will be convened by the outgoing General Secretary and
presided over by the out-going President.

31. Amendment to Orissa (Odisha) Engineers’ Welfare Fund

Consequent upon dissolution of Orissa Engineers’ Welfare Fund as per the

decisions taken to-day (in 46th Annual Session, 21st January 2006) the Association shall
look after the cause from this date on wards in the following manner.

(i) The Executive Committee of the Association will look after the Odisha
Engineers’ Welfare Fund.

(ii) The Office bearers of the Association will act as such for Orissa Engineers’
Welfare Fund.

(iii) Each member shall pay an amount of Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) at
the time of enrolment for the cause.

(iv) The Executive Committee of the Association will take appropriate decisions for
paying relief to the member(s) / their family at the time of sad demise /
disablement of a member(s).

(v) The relief will be paid to the member’s wife or husband, children, step children,
parents, minor brothers or sisters, if residing with and fully dependent upon the
Engineers. Normally the order of preference shall be as above.

(vi) Relief to Members

a. In the event of the death of a member an amount of Rs. 10000/- (Rupees ten
thousand only) shall be paid to the nominee of the deceased member. Rs 5000/-
to be paid within 3 days from the date of the demise or from the date of receipt
of information by the representative of the area. The balance of Rs. 5000/- shall
be paid within a period not exceeding one month from the date of demise. This
amount may be increased considering the merit of the case ad as per the funds
available at the time, which will be decided by the Executive Committee.

b. In the event of the disablement of a member, an amount of Rs. 1000/- (Rupees

one thousand only) shall be paid every month to the member, as a subsidy, till
his services are terminated due to permanent disablement or till the member
rejoins duty after recovery limiting to maximum Rs. 5000/- (Rupees five
thousand only). The difference between Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees ten thousand
only) and the amount of subsidy paid as above, shall be paid to the member
within one month of the termination of his services due to permanent disability.
In case the member rejoins his duty after recovery, no further amount shall be
paid to the member. The amount is subject for an upward revision as per the
decision of the Executive Committee and will consider the merit of the case and
the availability of the fund.

c. The quantum of relief as described above, shall be reviewed every year by the
Executive Committee, keeping in view the financial position of the Association.
The decision of the Executive Committee in all cases of relief, shall be final.

A) For the purpose of election of members of the Executive Committee a Board of
Scrutinizers consisting of 3 (three) members including a Convenor who will not be a
party to the elections shall be nominated by the Executive Committee. Board of
scrutinisers will be responsible for conducting the election. Before 15th day of October,
the Convenor shall ask all members eligible under Article 5 by letters through the
District Secretaries / Convenors for nominations regarding the next office bearers of
the Executive Committee. The nominations must reach the Convenor before the 15th
day of December of every second year.

B) The Convenor shall then circulate among the nominees about the total members of valid
nominations received and enquire if any, of the nominees desire to withdraw from the
contest such withdrawals must reach the Convenor before 1st day of December every
second year.

C) In case there be more nominations than vacancies than the ballot papers duly signed by
the Convenor along with a list of nominees shall be distributed among the members
present during the General Body Meeting. The members shall vote by writing the serial
number of the nominee, he prefers in the bracket(s) shown along post for which contest
in being held and shall insert it in sealed box(es) kept for the purpose. At the end of the
stipulated period declared prior to the poll by the Convenor, the Convenor shall open
the box(es) and count the votes and declare the results. The nominee or his authorized
agent may remain present during the counting of votes, if they desire.

D) In case of election of any member of Executive Committee could not be held in the
manner as prescribed in above paragraphs, then such vacancies only will be filled upon
the day of Annual General Body Meeting by the Convenor through majority vote of the
members present. An electioneering Committee will be formed by the outgoing office
bearer to conduct the selection.

E) The President, General Secretary, Jt. Secretary-cum-Treasurer shall be from one of the
wings of the Association on rotational basis. At any point of time, no two posts shall be
held by any wing simultaneously.

F) The eligibility criteria for nomination as Executive Committee members will be – the
member filling the nomination should be stationed at Cuttack / Bhubaneswar.

G) Executive Committee will take all decisions regarding construction, extension,

modification and refurbishing of buildings and management of Assets of OESA.

Broad justification for amendments:

i. Due to change of name of the State from Orissa to Odisha and nomenclature of
Engineering Departments,

ii. To replace the zonal committees by district Committees,

iii. To enlarge the scope of object of the Constitution of Association,

iv. To enhance the tenure of the executive body of the Association from one year
to two years with a view to process the demands and cause of the Association
in an effective way,

v. Modification of membership criteria and fees in view of the restructuring of

Engineering Cadre and amendment to Engineering Service Rules.

vi. Restructuring of the Executive Body and District Committees for better
representation and advancing the cause of the Association Statewide,

vii. Amendment to Orissa Engineers’ welfare fund and amalgamation with the
Constitution of the Association,

viii. Inclusion of eligibility criteria for nomination as Executive Committee member

and empowering the Association to take up the extension, modification and
refurbishing and management of the Assets of the Association for smooth
management of Association activities.



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