Part-02 (Conversion ε-NFA to without epsilon NFA)
Part-02 (Conversion ε-NFA to without epsilon NFA)
Part-02 (Conversion ε-NFA to without epsilon NFA)
Epsilon closure of a state is simply the set of all states we can reach by following the transition
function from the given state that are labeled with ε.
Or, the ε closure(P) is a set of states which are reachable from state P on ε-transitions.
The epsilon closure is as mentioned below −
ε-closure (P) = P, where P ∈ Q
If there exists ε-closure (P) = {q} and 𝛿 (q, ε) =r then, ε-closure (P) = {q, r}
Find ε-closure for the following Non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) with epsilon.
ε-closure (q0) = {q0, q1, q2} [self-state+ ε-reachable states]
ε-closure (q1) = {q1, q2} [q1 is self-state and q2 is a state obtained from q1 with epsilon input]
ε-closure (q2) = {q2}
Eliminating ε Transitions
In this method, we try to remove all the ε-transitions from the given Non-deterministic finite
automata (NFA) −
The method is mentioned below stepwise −
• Step 1 − Find out all the ε-transitions from each state from Q. That will be called as ε-
closure(qi) where, qi ∈Q.
• Step 2 − Then, 𝛿' transitions can be obtained. The 𝛿' transitions means an ε-closure on 𝛿
• Step 3 − Step 2 is repeated for each input symbol and for each state of given NFA.
Theory of Computation: Conversion ε-NFA to without epsilon NFA [Part-02]
• Step 4 − By using the resultant status, the transition table for equivalent NFA without ε
can be built.
NFA with ε to without ε is as follows −
𝛿' (q, a) = ε- closure (δ (δ^ (q, ε), a))
where, δ^ (q, ε) = ε - closure(q)
Convert the following NFA with ε to NFA without ε.
1. ε-closure(q0) = {q0}
2. ε-closure(q1) = {q1, q2}
3. ε-closure(q2) = {q2}
Theory of Computation: Conversion ε-NFA to without epsilon NFA [Part-02]
Theory of Computation: Conversion ε-NFA to without epsilon NFA [Part-02]
States a b
→ q0 {q1, q2} Ф
* q1 Ф {q2}
* q2 Ф {q2}
State q1 and q2 become the final state as ε-closure of q1 and q2 contain the final state q2. The
NFA can be shown by the following transition diagram: