PIMR Petitioner
PIMR Petitioner
PIMR Petitioner
In The Matter Of
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Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
List of Abbreviations
Index of Authorities
Statement of Jurisdiction
Statement of Facts
Issues Raised
Summary Of Arguments
Arguments Advanced
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Abbreviations Expansions
Sec. Section
¶ Paragraph
& And
AIR All India Reporter
SC Supreme Court
v. Versus
Ors. Others
HC High Court
Hon’ble Honorable
CONSTI. Constitution
ACC. According
P. Page
r.w.s Read with section
SCC Supreme Court Cases
IUCN International Union for Conservation of
UNFCCC United Nation Framework Convention on
Climate Change
GHG GreenHouse Gas
NGRBA Act, 2016 National Ganga River Basin Authority
Act, 2016
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1. Prof. Satish C. Shastri, Environment Law. LIII (6th Edition EBC 2002)
2. International Rivers org., How dams effect water supply
3. Article by: Florida keys National Marine sanctuary
4. Lima, I.B.T, Ramos, F.M., Bambace, L.A.W. et al. Methane Emission
for Large Dams as Renewable Energy Resources: A developing
National Prospective. Mitig Adopt Strategy Glob Change 13, 193-206
C. Statutes Referred
1. Constitution of India
a. Preamble
b. Public Interest Litigation under Article 32
c. Article 14,21,19
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a. Preamble
a. Section 3
D. International Conventions
E. Books Referred
1. Constitution of India: Narender Kumar, M.P. Jain 8th edition
2. Envionment Law and Policy: Aruna Venkat
3. Environmental Law in India: P. Leelakrishnan
4. Administrative Law: Dr. J.J.R Upadhyaya
5. Intellectual Property Right: V.K. Ahuja
1. SCC online
2. Manupatra
3. Indian Kanoon
4. CaseMine
5. Law Library India
G. Other Sources
1. Ipleaders
2. Legalservice India
3. UN Conventions
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The proposed dam would be one of the largest in the world, and would
have significant environmental and social impacts on the region and is
located in an area that is home to several endangered species, including
the Sanges river dolphin and the Gharial crocodile, which are both listed
as critically endangered under the IUCN Red List. The area is home to
several indigenous communities who rely on the river for their
livelihoods, includhing fishing and agriculture.
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ISSUE 1. Whether the petitioners have the standing to bring the case, and
whether they have demonstrated that the law will cause significant harm
to the environment or public health?
It is humbly submitted that the petitioners have the standing to bring the case,
and also they have demonstrated that the law will cause significant harm to
the environment or public health. The communities living in the area located
near to river Sanges are indigenous communities that lack socially and
economically. Further it is violation of their fundamental rights to build a dam
near the place of living and source of livelihood. Therefore, it is the
communities who were deprived of their right to livelihood and were being
denied their rights under Article 21 of the consti. And since the petitioners
were championing their rights, the PIL must be held to be maintainable.
It is humbly submitted that the law strictly violates the constitutional rights to
a healthy environment. The law aims at promoting economic growth by
allowing large- scale industrial development in ecologically sensitive areas. This
law passed by the respondents for construction of dams can cause devastating
effects to the environment like, alter aquatic ecology and river hydrology
upstream and downstream, affecting water quality and quantity and
displacement of indigenous communities and also effects the river dolphins
and Gharial crocodile which are enlisted as endangered under IUCN Red List.
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Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
ISSUE 1. Whether the petitioners have the standing to bring the case, and
whether they have demonstrated that the law will cause significant harm
to the environment or public health?
It humbly submitted before the hon’ble court that the petitioners have the
standing to bring the case and they have demonstrated that the law will cause
significant harm to the environment or public health.
It is submitted that the communities living in the area located near to the river
Sanges are indigenous communities that lack socially and economically.
Further it is violation of their fundamental rights, to build a dam near their
place of living and source of livelihood.
People’s Union for Democratic Right v. Union of India; A.I.R. 1982 SC 1473
(2002) 2 SCC 333
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poor and under privileged that are unable to come to the court due to some
It is submitted that the Bombay HC in the case of Olga Tellis & ors. V. Bombay
Municipal Corporation & ors.5, entertained writ petition filed by a journalist
and two pavements dwellers for enforcing the Fundamental Rights of pavement
and slum dwellers under Art. 21, 37, 39(a) and 41 of the Consti. Against their
forcible eviction and the removal of their rootments under the Bombay
Municipal Corporation Act, 1988. It is further submitted that this court made it
clear that writ petition filed by Olga Tellis & two others were maintainable since
the right to life guaranteed under Art. 21 include the right to livelihood from
which they would be deprived if the slim dwellers were evicted from their slums
and pavement dwelling, which would be unconstitutional.
1.2. The Law will Cause harm to Environment and Public Health
It is submitted before the hon’ble court that the petitioner has demonstrated
that the law will cause significant harm to the environment or public health.
It is submitted that the govt. under the law has planned to construct a new
dam on the river Sanges which aims at increasing the country’s hydroelectric
power generation capacity. This construction of dam would cause habitat
fragmentation, flooding and the destruction of surrounding habitat, GHS,
sediment builds up behind the dam, downstream sediment erosion, negative
impact on local fish population and even displacement of indigenous
communities living near the river.
Villianeer Iyarkkai Padukappu Maiyam v. Union of India; (2009) 7 SCC 561
(1985) 3 SCC 545
(1990) 1 SCC 520
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It is humbly submitted before the hon’ble court that Art, 21 of the consti.
Guarantee the right to life and personal liberty. 11 This Art. Does not directly
confer the right to clean water and a healthy environment. In L.K. Koolwal v.
Article 4 of the constitution of India states that “ the state shall not deny to any person equality before the law
and the equal protection of law within the territory of India”
Stockholm Declaration, 1972, Principle 1, “Man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate
conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life to dignity and well being”.
(1981) 1 SCC 722
Article 21: “no person shall be deprived of his life and personal liberty accept according to the procedure
established by law”
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
State of Rajasthan & ors.12, the Rajasthan HC held that maintaining the quality
of water, environment, sanitation and well being comes under the jurisdiction
of Art. 21 of the Indian Consti.
It is humbly submitted that the right to livelihood is included within the ambit
of Art.21 of the Indian Consti. Which concern s the right of life and personal
liberty. Also Sc in its landmark judgement of Olga Tellis v. Bombal Municipal
Corporation14, held that the “right to life” included the right to livelihood.
Therefore it is humbly contended before the court the petitioners have the
standing to bring the case and the law cause significant harm to the
environment or the public health.
AIR 1988 RAJ 2
(1987) 4 SCC 463
1986 AIR 180
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It is humbly submitted before the hon’ble court that the law strictly violates the
constitutional rights to a healthy environment. The law aims at promoting
economic growth by allowing large scale industrial development in ecological
sensitive areas.
2.1. Preamble
It is submitted that the preamble of the Consti. Starts with the statement “ WE
ALL ITS CITIZENS.” It implies Indian Consti. Follows the SOCIALIST pattern of
society, where the primary concern is to first deal with social problems rather
then the individual. Here, the welfare of the public interest is the utmost
important aspect of the country.
It is humbly submitted before the hon’ble SC that the respondent have violated
Article 48A and 51A (g) of the Consti. Of India. It may be noted that Article 48A
and 51A (g) which embodies India’s Constitutional concerns, find their place in
part IV of the Consti., Titled “ Directive Principles of State Policy” which
embodies several enforceable directives addressed to the state.16 While Art. 48A
imposes a Constitutional obligation on the state to protect and improve the
environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the county, Artilce 51
A (g) enjoins all the Indian citizens to protect and improve the natural
environment, including forests, lakes and wildlife.
“ these two articles are not only fundamental in the governance of the country
but also it shall be the duty of the state to apply their principles in making
Prof. Satish C. Shastri, environmental law. LIII 16th edition EBC 2002
Article 37 of the Constitution declares “ the provision contained in this part shall not be enforceable by any court,
but the principle therein laid down as nevertheless fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the
duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws.”
S.L.P. (Civil) Nos. 7196-7197 OF 2001)
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laws and further, these two articles are to be kept in mind in understanding
the scope and prospectus of fundamental rights guaranteed by the
Constitution of India and also the various laws enacted by the parliament and
the state legislature.”
It is further submitted that this law passed by the respondent for the
construction of dams can cause devastating effects to the environment,
Firstly, alter aquatic ecology and river hydrology upstream and downstream;
“ the society shall have to prosper, but not at the cost of environment, and in a
similar vein, the environment shall have to be protected, but not at the cost of
development of the society… there shall be both development and proper
environment and as much as balance has to be found out..”
It is submitted that the law clearly violates Fundamental rights under Art. 21
of the individual living near the area of river Sanges. Art. 21 ensures right to
life to the citizens of India. This supreme provision of Indian Constitution
provides “ No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except
according to the procedure established by the law.” a constitutional bench of
SC in Kehar Singh v. Union of India19, observed:
“ to any civilized society, there can be no attributes more important than the
life and personal liberty of its members… these twin attributes enjoy a
fundamental ascendancy overall their attributes of its political and social
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
powerlines must be installed that disrupt the environment. Dams often form
reservoirs that flood large areas and displace natural habitats. Further when
dams flood areas, it creates section of still or stagnant water that kill
vegetations which emits GHG.
It is further submitted that reservoirs not only displace animals from their
habitats but they also displace people. This disadvantageous impact of
hydroelectric energy can have quite a large impact on indigenous communities
living near the area. This may lead to displacement leading to economic
instability in the lives of people and violation of their right to livelihood.
“the right to life… does not mean merely that life cannot be taken away or
extinguish, as, for example, by the imposition and execution of the death
sentences except according to the procedure established by law. This is but one
aspect of the life. An equally important aspect of the life is the right to
livelihood. If the right to livelihood is not treated as part of right to life, the
easiest way of depriving a person of his right to life would be to deprive him of
his means of livelihood to the point of abrogation… in view of the fact that Art.
39A and 41 require the state to secure an adequate means of livelihood and the
right to work it would be sheer pedantry to exclude the right to livelihood from
the content of life.”
AIR 1986 SC 180
(2010) 6 SC 291
[1989] 1 QB 26
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i.e., fundamental rights are invoked then the court will act as a primary
Therefore it is contended that the law violates fundamental rights and freedoms
and is thus violation of doctrine of proportionality is justified.
it is humbly submitted before the hon’ble court that the law violates Indian’s
Interntionl obligations under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.
(2009) 15 SCC 620
AIR 2000 SC 3689
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Firstly, the world has to make efforts to reduce the GHG emissions;
Secondly, the signed countries have to limit the options to sequester GHG
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
It is further submitted that Art. 3 of UNFCCC was just one in a long list of
international agreements that contains the precautionary principle. 25 Art. 3 of
UNFCCC states:
1. The parties should protect the climate system for the present and future
generation of human kind, on the basis of equity and in accordance with
their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
It is further submitted that it was held by the hon’ble court the closure of all
tanneries in certain districts which were not connected with common effluent
treatment plants the precautionary principle came to be directly applied in
M.C. Mehta v. Union of India26.
Rabbi elamparo Deloso, The Precautionary Principle: relevance in International Law and Climate Change
AIR 1997 SC 734
AIR 1999 SC 812
Article 253, Constitution of India
AIR 2000 SC 3751
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
case of polluting or other project r industry where the extent of damage likely
to be inflicted is not known.’ The court explained:
“ when there is a state of uncertainty due to lack of data or material about the
extent of damage or pollution likely to be caused, then, in order to maintain the
ecology balance, the burden of proof that the said balance will be maintained
must necessarily be on the industry or the unit which is likely to cause
pollution. On the other hand where the effect on ecology or environment of
setting up of an industry is known, what has to be seen is that if the
environment is likely to suffer, then what mitigating steps can be taken to
offset the same. Merely because there will be a change is no reason to presume
that there will be ecological disaster. It is when the effect of the project is
known then the principle of sustainable development would come into play,
which will ensure that mitigative steps are and can be taken to preserve the
ecological balance.
Therefore, it is humbly contended before the hon’ble court that the law
undermines India’s commitment to reduce GHG emission and combat climate
It is humbly submitted before the hon’ble court that the construction of das
would violate the provisions of NGRBA Act,2016.
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
It is humbly submitted that the preamble of the NRGBA Act, 2016 states its
objectives as:
It is further submitted that the NRGBA Act, 2016 along with sustainable
development, ensures the protection of water quality and ecological integrity.
It is further submitted that dams disturb the flow and composition of the water
within the rivers and channels. Water released downstream from dams are
unnaturally high energy and very little sediment, which causes “ hungry water”
run forcefully, eroding the riverbeds, without sediment concentration to slow it
down.32 This deepens the riverbed compared to the surrounding water table,
which causes the ground water to rush into the channel and become surface
water- a process known as incision.
Article by: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
How dams affect water supply 1727- international rivers org.
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
It is humbly submitted that a recent study found that reservoirs account for
about 4% of human made climate change.33
Lima, I.B.T, Ramos, F.M. Bambace, L.A.W. et al. Methane Emissions from large dams as Renewable Energy
Resources: A developing Nation Perspective. Mitig Adapt strateg Glob Change 13, 193-206 (2008)
International rivers. Org: Article on how dams affect water supply
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It is humbly submitted before the hon’ble court that the use of bloc chain
technology, artificial intelligene and metaverse- based virtual representation
will raise new legal and ethical issues, such as data privacy, intellectual
property, and cultural appropriation, and further these issues are need to be
addressed in the context of the dam construction project.
At this point in time there are a lot of loose ends to be tied up like the rights
and responsibilities of the person who controls the data for developing artificial
intelligence or the rights of the data subjects whose data is being used to
develop such technologies. The double-edged sword situation between
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Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
Wherefore in the light of facts presented, issued raised, arguments advanced and authorities
cited, the counsel on the behalf of petitioner before this hon’ble court pray that it may be pleased
to adjudge and declare that:
Padma Shri Dr. N.N. Jain National Moot Court Competition, 2023
1. The petitioner have Standing to bring the case and the law will cause significant harm to
the environment of public health.
2. The law violates the Constitutional right to healthy environment and the violation is
justificable under th doctrine of proportionality.
3. The law violates India’s International oobligations under the UNFCCC and Paris
4. The construction of dam violates the NRGBA Act, 2016
5. The use of blockchain technology and AI raise new legal and ethical issues in the context
of dam construction project.
Also pass any order that hon’ble court may deem fit in the favour of the petitioner to meet the
ends of equity, justice and good conscience.
For this act of Kindness, the petitioner shall duty bound forever pray.