18MPS42C U1
18MPS42C U1
18MPS42C U1
UNIT - 1
Nature of HRM :
HRM involves management functions like planning, organizing, directing and controlling.
HRM is a mighty disciplinary subject. It includes the study of management psychology communication,
economics and sociology.
The scope of HRM refers to all the activities that come under the banner of HRM. The activities are as
Human resources planning: – Human resource planning is a process by which the company to identify
the number of jobs vacant, whether the company has excess staff or shortage of staff and to deal with
this excess or shortage.
Job analysis design: – Another important area of HRM is job analysis. Job analysis gives a detailed
explanation about each and every job in the company. Based on this job analysis the company
prepares advertisements.
Recruitment and selection: – Based on information collected from job analysis the company prepares
advertisements and publishes them in the news papers. A number of applications are received after
the advertisement is published, interviews are conducted and the right employee is selected thus
recruitment and selection are yet another important areas of HRM.
Orientation and induction: – Once the employees have been selected an induction or orientation
program is conducted. The employees are informed about the background of the company. They are
told about the organizational culture and values and work ethics and introduce to the other
Training and development: – Every employee goes under training program which helps him to put up
a better performance on the job. Training program is also conducted for existing staff that have a lot
of experience. This is called refresher training. Training and development is one area were the
company spends a huge amount.
Performance appraisal: – Once the employee has put in around 1 year of service, performance
appraisal is conducted i.e. the HR department checks the performance of the employee. Based on
these appraisal future promotions, incentives, increments in salary are decided.
Compensation planning and remuneration: – There are various rules regarding compensation and
other benefits. It is the job of the HR department to look into remuneration and compensation
Motivation, welfare, health and safety: – Motivation becomes important to sustain the number of
employees in the company. It is the job of the HR department to look into the different methods of
motivation. Apart from this certain health and safety regulations have to be followed for the benefits
of the employees.
Industrial relations: – Another important area of HRM is maintaining co-ordinal relations with the
union members. This will help the organization to prevent strikes lockouts and ensure smooth
working in the company.
Planning :
A manager must plan ahead in order to get things done by his subordinates. It is also important to
plan in order to give the organization its goals.
Also, planning helps establish the best procedures to reach the goals. Further, some effective
managers devote a substantial part of their time to planning.
With respect to the human resource department, planning involves determining the personnel
programs that can contribute to achieving the organization’s goals.
These programs include anticipating the hiring needs of the organization, planning job requirements,
descriptions, and determining the sources of recruitment.
Organizing :
After the human resource manager establishes the objectives and develops plans and programs to
achieve them, he needs to design and develop the organization’s structure to carry out the different
operations. Developing the organization’s structure includes:
Directing :
The HR Manager can create plans, but implementing the plans smoothly depends on how motivated
the people are. The directing functions of HRM involve encouraging people to work willingly and
efficiently to achieve the goals of the organization. In simpler words, the directing functions of HRM
entail guiding and motivating people to accomplish the personnel programs.
The HRM can motivate the employees through career planning and salary administration by boosting
the employee’s morale, developing relationships, providing safety requirements, and looking after the
welfare of employees.
In order to do this effectively, the HRM must identify the needs of the employees and the means and
methods to satisfy them. Motivation is a continuous process as employees have new needs and
expectations when the old ones are satisfied.
Features of HRM
Recruitment Process
Selection Procedure
Methods of Training
Performance Appraisal
HR Forecasting
Controlling :
Controlling is all about regulating activities in accordance with the plans formulated based on the
objectives of the organization. This is the fourth function of the HRM and completes the cycle. In this,
the manager observes and subsequently compares the results with the set standards.
Further, he corrects any deviations that might occur. Controlling is one of the important functions of
HRM as it helps him evaluate and control the performance of the department with respect to
different operative functions. It also involves appraisals, audit, statistics.
The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and willing workforce for an
organization. Beyond this, there are other objectives too. Specifically, HRM objectives are four fold:
Societal, Organization, Functional and personal.
Personal Objectives:
To assist Employees in achieving their personal goals, at least in so far as these goals enhance the
individual’s contribution to the organization. Personal objectives of employees must be maintained,
retained and motivated.
Functional Objectives:
To maintain the contribution of department at an appropriate level organization should fulfill the
needs. Resources are wasted when HRM is either more or less sophisticated to suit the organizations
Organizational Objectives:
To recognize the role ofHRM in bringing about organizational effectiveness, HRM is not an end in
itselfbut it is only a mean to assist the organization with its primary objectives organization.
Societal Objectives:
To be ethically & socially responsible for the needs and challenges of society while minimizing the
negative impact of such demands upon the organization to use their resources for society’s benefits in
ethical ways may lead to restriction.
Other objectives:
Accomplish the basic organizational goals by creating and utilizing an able and motivated workforce.
To establish and maintain organizational structure and desirable working relationships among all the
members ofthe organization.
Develop co-ordination among individual and group within organization to secure the integration of
To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so as to match it with the
growth ofthe organization.
To attain an effective utilization of human resources in the achievement of rganizational goals.
To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate and equitable wages,
incentives, employee benefits and social security and measures for challenging work, prestige,
recognition, security, status.
To maintain high employees morale and human relations by sustaining and improving the various
conditions and facilities.
To strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by providing training and development
To consider and contribute to the minimization ofsocio-economic evils such as unemployment, under
employment, inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth and to improve the welfare ofthe
society by providing employment opportunities to women and disadvantaged sections ofthe society.
To provide facilities and conditions of work and creation of favorable atmosphere for maintaining
stability of employment.
To create & utilize an able & motivated work force Establish & maintain sound organizational structure
Create facilities attain an effective utilization Identify & satisfy individual & group needs.
Maintain high employee morale Training & development Opportunity for expression Provide fair,
acceptable and efficient leadership Facilities and conditions.
11. Line and Staff organization line relationship staff relationship Chief
Executive Personnel Manager TrainingRecruitment manager Welfare
Compensation manager manager manager
Multitasking is the fifth essential skill needed by HR managers in
order to be successful today. The HR manager is inundated with a
variety of issues, questions and requests on a daily basis. Some of
them might relate to others and some will be completely different
issues altogether. HR managers must know how to adapt to change in
the office if they want to be successful. This is part of multitasking
because they will need handle an issue with an employee while also
implementing a new policy from the higher-ups.
As you can see, working in HR is tough. If you have any of the skills
mentioned in this post, you should have no trouble at all succeeding
in an HR role.
Administrative expert :
Administrative tasks remain a major part of the HR role. Administrative duties
involve areas like employee leave, absence, absence files, the in- and outflow of
employees, payroll and other topics.
Proactive HRM helps to plan and align the core HR tasks in a way that offers the
most value to the business. We recently published an article about this called
Strategic Human Resource Management.
5. Advising
One of the key HR skills is advising different stakeholders. You need to able to
advise both employees, line managers, and senior managers on personnel issues.
These issues can be very operational, for example creating a re-integration plan
for an employee or helping a senior manager with the formulation of an email
to the department. More tactical issues are the organization and advising in
restructuring efforts. Strategic advice involves the alignment of HR practices to
align more with the business.
6. Coaching
Coaching skills are helpful when it comes to one-on-one or group sessions to
spread information or train people. This happens in training and development
situations, but also in onboarding, re-integration, conflict resolution, and in
assisting frontline managers with people issues.
1. Communication skills
The most often mentioned skill in HR job openings are
communication skills. Communication is essential in Human
Resource Management, as the HR professional is the link
between the business and the employee. On the one hand,
you are an activist for employees, and on the other hand, you
represent the employer.
2. Administrative expert
Administrative tasks remain a major part of the HR role.
Administrative duties involve areas like employee leave,
absence, absence files, the in- and outflow of employees,
payroll and other topics.
4. Proactivity
Proactivity is often considered more of a personality trait than
a skill. However, it is certainly something you can develop
over time. As an HR professional, you are the connection
between the employer and the employee, therefore
proactivity can help you in spotting potential problems early
and preventing them from escalating.
Coaching skills are helpful when it comes to one-on-one or
group sessions to spread information or train people. This
happens in training and development situations, but also in
onboarding, re-integration, conflict resolution, and in assisting
frontline managers with people issues.
HRIS knowledge
Human Resource Information Systems are the digital
counterpart of the soft-side of Human Resource Management.
Most information regarding hiring, performance evaluation,
payroll, rewards and benefits, and more are registered in one
or more HRIS.
Large organizations usually have standard providers like SAP
(with SuccessFactors) or Oracle. Smaller companies work with
smaller providers. Knowledge of an HRIS is a prerequisite for
most senior HR jobs and one of the top technology skills HR
professionals need today.
HR reporting skills :
As part of being more analytically driven and oriented, HR
reporting skills are increasingly required too. These skills
include the ability to create, read, and interpret HR reports
using data coming from different Human Resource
Information Systems.
Teamwork :
Teamwork is one of those HR skills that is impossible to avoid.
As an HR professional, you’re expected to work together with
your colleagues in HR and with managers in the organization.
Working together internally by actively aligning HR activities
benefits both the organization and HR.
Wrapping up :
Well, there you have it, a concise overview of the 12 most
sought-after HR skills. Of course, if you think we missed one,
please do share them with us in the comments below.
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Ready to learn? Here are the 5 best known Human Resources Models.
The best-known HR model is the Standard Causal Model of HRM. The model is
derived from many similar models published throughout the 90’s and early
2000’s. The model shows a causal chain that starts with the business strategy
and ends, through the HR processes, with (improved) financial performance.
The model thus shows how HR activities that are aligned with organizational
strategy lead to business performance. According to this model, HR will only be
effective if its strategy is aligned with business strategy (in line with the best-fit
theory). HR strategy is thus derived from the overall strategy.
Two interesting relationships are the unmediated HRM effect, which shows that
some HR practices can directly lead to improved internal performance. For
example, a good training can directly result in better performance, without
necessarily influencing HR outcomes.
The reversed causality in the model shows that sometimes a stronger financial
performance leads to more investments in HR practices and better HR outcomes.
When performance is strong, employees are often more engaged (an HR
This shows that the relationships in the model are not always unidirectional. In
general, however, this Human Resources model shows how HR strategy is
formulated and what the impact is of HR on internal processes and financial
outcomes of the business.
First of all, you see the external general market context, the
external population market context, the external general
institutional context, and the external population institutional
context. These are external forces that influence how we do
The model thus shows how HR activities that are aligned with
organizational strategy lead to business performance.
According to this model, HR will only be effective if its
strategy is aligned with business strategy (in line with the
best-fit theory). HR strategy is thus derived from the overall
This shows that the relationships in the model are not always
unidirectional. In general, however, this Human Resources
model shows how HR strategy is formulated and what the
impact is of HR on internal processes and financial outcomes
of the business.
First of all, you see the external general market context, the
external population market context, the external general
institutional context, and the external population institutional
context. These are external forces that influence how we do
Intended HR practices:
The intention we have with our recruitment, training, and
other practices matters but this model shows it’s only a
starting point.
Actual HR practices:
We can have great intentions but the execution of HR
practices is a cooperation between HR and the manager.
When the manager decides to do things differently, the
intention can be nice but the actual practices can be very
Perceived HR practices:
This is how the employee perceives what’s going on in the
organization. HR and the manager can do their absolute best
but if their activities are perceived in a different way than
they were intended and actually done, the perception will not
mirror the actual HR practices.
HR outcomes:
The perceived HR practices (hopefully) lead to certain HR
outcomes. These are similar to the ones in the Standard
Causal Model of HR, described above.
HR outcomes lead to critical HR goals (i.e. cost-effectiveness,
flexibility, legitimacy, and so on), which in turn leads to
ultimate business goals (i.e. profit, market share, market
capitalization – all related to the viability of the organization,
and other factors that help to build a competitive advantage).
3. The HR value chain
The HR value chain is one of the best-known models in HR. It
is based on the work of Paauwe and Richardson (1997) and
creates a nuance on the models above in regards to how HR
When HRM activities and HRM outcomes hit their marks, they
should lead to better performance. This means that when we
recruit the right people, send people to the right training
programs, and retain our key players, the company’s
performance increases.
Evolution of HRM
HR Generalist
HR recruiter
HR specialist
Compensation Manager
Employee Relations Manager
Training and Development Manager
Change consultant
Technical Recruiter.
Here are some examples of careers in
human resources management to help you
choose the path that is best for you:
Studying a HR course opens doors and not just in the field
itself. The subjects you undertake lend themselves to a variety
of career paths and job positions in human resource
management and beyond. Managing people and client
relations is an important skill to acquire in business, and this is
just one aspect of HR that you can apply to any job. Other
useful skills you will learn include organisation, administration,
multitasking, presentations, reporting and communication.
There are numerous things to expect from a career in human
resource, but job satisfaction being a prominent factor.
Satisfaction with the work that we do is one of the most
important factors for employees when choosing a job, and
there is plenty of job satisfaction to be found from working in
HR. Even in a junior position you will see the direct results of
your work very quickly, and you will be able to measure the
positive impact you have made on the workplace. Highlights
may include offering someone a job position within the
company, promoting from within, improving salary and
benefits, introducing processes and procedures to improve
staff retention and boost staff morale, and training and
coaching employees.
Many important decisions are formed by HR departments and
it is important to remember that this is a responsibility-laden
role from the get go. If this is something you are comfortable
with you can do very well and find success fast. Senior HR
positions will pay generously because of the level of authority
involved which is another great benefit to studying this
Employee satisfaction
Environmental Scanning :
Suggested Videos
Environmental Scanning
The purpose of the scan is the identification of
opportunities and threats affecting the business
for making strategic business decisions. As a part
of the environmental scanning process, the
organization collects information regarding its
environment and analyzes it to forecast the impact
of changes in the environment. This eventually
helps the management team to make informed
environmental scanning
Reference :
1. Aswathappa k. Human resourse
management - Text and cases
( 2013).7thEdn. McGraw Hill education
( india ) private Limited New Delhi.
2. P.c Tripathi human resourse
management, sultan chand @ sons,
New Delhi.