1.7.1 Colonialism Balance Sheet - Economist Article
1.7.1 Colonialism Balance Sheet - Economist Article
1.7.1 Colonialism Balance Sheet - Economist Article
Making judgements about the impact of European imperialism in 19 th century is fraught with difficulties. This
issue is illustrated by the Economist article below which quotes the British ambassador to Sudan as willing to
apologize for Britain‟s colonial past as long as he could „also apologise for the roads, hospitals, schools and
university; indeed for creating a country called Sudan.‟ Apologists for imperialism will draw attention to the
modernising benefits of colonialism, whereas critics will point out that the roads and railways of modernisation
were built with native African „blood, sweat and tears‟.
The Europeans were slow to seize black Africa, ruthless in doing so, harsh when they had done it—but by
no means doers only of harm
OF ALL the targets of European empire-builders, Africa was nearest; and “black Africa” among the least
advanced. Yet, save for its far south, it was the last to be grabbed. Its coast had been known to Europeans for
centuries and was dotted with their trading posts. But until around 1860 the interior was protected. Fevers killed
off intruding white men, roads were few and cataracts blocked access by river. Then, setting off from their
enclaves along the shores, European explorers began to walk old Arab trade routes. They searched for the truth
of ancient stories about the Dark Continent and the sources of its mighty rivers. By 1862 they had reached the
source of the Nile. A little later, they traced the route of the Niger. They confirmed the reality of Africa‟s fabled
riches—ivory, gold, diamonds, emeralds, copper. Entrepreneurs also saw that, instead of buying crops like
cotton or palm oil from its villagers, they could set up plantations and use cheap local labour to work them.
Africa was becoming too valuable to be left to the Africans. Besides these were violent, savage and backward,
in need of Christianity and civilisation, were they not?
Yet, ripe for takeover as Africa was, the European grab for it was neither inevitable nor consistent. Britain at
first opposed a carve-up, but ended with the richest parts: today‟s South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria. Belgium‟s
King Leopold II was one of Europe‟s least powerful rulers. But once he had carved out the Congo basin as a
personal fief, other countries were quick to stake claims. Otto von Bismarck, chancellor of the strong new
Germany, put in a bid for huge chunks of East and West Africa. Europeans, quick to fight each other at home,
were loath to do so for slices of a continent that they barely knew. Besides, it would set a bad example to the
natives. So in 1884 the powers met in Berlin to share Africa out. In some areas, ignorant of people and
geography alike, they made frontiers simply by drawing straight lines on the map.
The Africa they seized was technologically in the Iron Age, and politically divided into several thousand units,
some based on language and culture, others on conquest, paying tribute to their conquerors. Much of the
continent was in turmoil, as slaving gangs sent out by some of its own rulers spread war and sent communities
fleeing. Some Africans resisted the takeover, but the Europeans, no slouches at savage violence, most often
swept their spear-wielding armies aside with the Maxim gun and repeater rifle, and brutally crushed local
resistance. Much of Africa gave in without a fight, its kings signing away their sovereignty with a thumb-print.
Many allied with the intruders, maybe believing that these would not stay long and would give help against
some local rival. Some tried to play one set of Europeans off against another. Others were overawed by
technology: the kingdoms of northern Nigeria surrendered to forces, led by a handful of white men, far smaller
than their own. By 1914 Europeans ruled all of Africa, bar Liberia, the state founded by America for its ex-
slaves, and Abyssinia (Ethiopia), an ancient kingdom which had fought off the Italians in 1896.
Posing as parents to Africans, Europeans counted them, taxed them and ordered their communities into tribes—
or, where true tribes did not exist, invented them. Meanwhile, the best land was taken for plantations, and the
minerals dug out and shipped off to be processed in Europe (a division of labour—and, inversely, of profits—
which, except in South Africa, largely continues today). The storehouse was steadily exploited, but Africans saw
little of its wealth. Yet not all was oppression, nor plunder. King Leopold‟s arm-choppers were no improvement
on the past; Christian missionaries mostly were. Europeans brought schools and hospitals; and order, and the
start of modern administration, on which independent states would later be built. Not late enough, thought
many colonial administrators. The European occupation of black Africa was short-lived—barely a generation in
some areas. After the Second World War (in which many Africans died fighting for the Allies), America wanted
an end to European imperialism, and African leaders, often socialist and aided by the Soviet Union, wanted self-
rule. In Algeria, Kenya and Rhodesia, white settlers tried to keep power by force, but in time lost support from
“home”. White South Africans—far more numerous and longer in place—held out into the 1990s, but, facing
unrest and outside pressure, had to give up.
It is too soon to draw up a balance-sheet of colonialism. Perhaps the Africans‟ worst loss was not of land or
power but self-respect, as the newcomers taught them that their ways, cultures and gods were inferior and
should be abandoned. The alien religion put in their place often caught on; but the Europeans kept their version
of politics, which arguably was indeed superior, for use at home, merely chucking Africa a few tattered
pretences at it as they lowered the flag. Africa was left both psychologically and politically impoverished. Much
of it still is so. The result today is a continent of states stranded between its old ways and modernity. African
rulers grabbed the European-style institutions bequeathed to them, but nearly everywhere ran them into the
ground, without creating new ones based on African traditions and values. Whose fault was it? In 1998, on the
100th anniversary of the battle of Omdurman, the British ambassador to Sudan was asked if he planned to
apologise to his hosts for that butchery of their Mahdist forefathers resisting invasion. “Why not?” he said, “as
long as we also apologise for the roads, hospitals, schools and university; indeed for creating a country called
The dominant hegemony of civilising modern western culture resulted in the erosion and loss of native culture,
values and traditions. Modernization brought schools, clinics, roads, railways, etc. but these were built by local
labourers who were paid little, if at all. New modern types of political and administrative organisation were
established that often created „nation‟ states for the first time but the artificial boundaries reflected pragmatic
European diplomatic settlements not local tribal identities and priorities. The colonies became integrated into the
world capitalist economy with modern farming and industrial techniques. But the emphasis on cash crops and
raw materials ends local self-sufficiency, created a trading imbalance and an over-reliant dependency of the
colony (periphery) on the mother country (core). This inequality is probably colonialism‟s most important
legacy today.
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