Mmah Building A Modular House en 202 12 06
Mmah Building A Modular House en 202 12 06
Mmah Building A Modular House en 202 12 06
Building a
modular house
Disclaimer: This document is provided for convenience only and should not be relied upon
as a substitute for construction, engineering, architectural or legal advice. The Ministry of
Municipal Affairs and Housing does not assume responsibility for errors or oversights resulting
from use of this document.
Benefits of a modular
house Housing innovation
There are many benefits to building a More Homes, More Choice: Ontario’s
modular house. For example, a modular Housing Supply Action Plan recognizes
house can: that fresh approaches to tackle
Ontario’s housing crisis will give people
■ be built according to a predictable
more options to access housing that is
timeline in a controlled environment,
affordable. The ministry has created a
so timing and quality are not subject to
series of housing innovation guides to
the weather
help homeowners and homeseekers
■ be less likely to be impacted by labour
navigate building processes and
shortages and the coordination of
financing options.
■ be one storey or several storeys high These guides make it easier for
■ be designed in any style or layout people to explore different housing
according to the owner’s wishes options, and to help homeowners,
■ save construction time homeseekers, property owners and
■ be energy efficient landlords navigate complex design
■ produce fewer carbon emissions and and building processes to create
less waste during construction than more housing supply, including rental
traditional on-site construction housing, and make housing more
■ be just as beautiful, functional affordable for Ontarians.
and sustainable as any well-built
conventional house
Prefabricated, or “prefab” construction refers to any part of a building (for example, a flat panel or
three-dimensional module) that is primarily constructed in a factory and then transported to and
installed at the site.
Any home that is constructed in a factory and then assembled on site is considered prefab. In
other words, all modular houses are prefab. However, not all prefabs are modular.
Modular houses have evolved over the last few decades. New products and technologies allow
modular houses to look and function like conventionally-built homes.
The design of your modular house will depend on the company you choose and your own budget.
It can be a good option for someone looking to build a house from the ground-up or for someone
who wants or needs more certainty about the move-in date and final price of their home.
When choosing a modular house builder or Some companies even complete the
manufacturer, you should carefully select landscaping on your property.
one that meets your needs.
If you have experience with building, you The kind of warranty your new home may
can use this option to save money. You can be eligible for also depends on who does
also hire a general contractor to coordinate what.
As with today’s modular houses, the foundation and site needed to be prepared before the
kit house’s arrival. However, Aladdin went the extra mile to provide detailed instructions on
foundation construction.
Kit prices in the 1920s ranged from approximately $1,000 for a small bungalow to over $6,500 for
a spacious, two-storey model (about $12,000 to over $78,000 in 2021 dollars).
What is Tarion?
Tarion Warranty Corporation (Tarion) is the administrator of the warranty plan under the Ontario
New Home Warranties Plan Act, 1990 (ONHWPA). Tarion’s website outlines the types of homes
covered by the warranties and protections, as well as details specific to modular houses.
The vendor (typically the builder/company that sells you your house) is responsible for providing
warranty coverage. However, if the vendor in unwilling or unable to meet their warranty
obligations, Tarion steps in to manage warranty claims.
Some of the most important factors that ■ are building a home that cannot be
will determine your modular house’s occupied in all seasons
eligibility for the warranty plan under
ONHWPA are listed below; however, please The statutory warranty coverage may
consult the Tarion website for the full list of not apply if you hire a builder to build
eligibility criteria: and assemble the modules but take
responsibility for building the foundation
■ the house must be new
yourself. It depends on the contract you
■ the modular home must be built on a
have with your builder — you should
permanent foundation
contact Tarion to find out for sure.
■ the builder or vendor must be licensed
by the Home Construction Regulatory If your project does not qualify for
Authority (HCRA) statutory warranty coverage, you will need
to rely on any warranty provided by the
The statutory warranty coverage would not builder or manufacturer that is part of your
apply if you: contractual agreement instead. It may be
■ supply or purchase the materials and/ difficult to get financing from a lending
or prefabricate the modular home institution unless the house qualifies for
yourself statutory warranty coverage.
Home Construction You can also start from scratch and work
with the company’s architect to design a
Regulatory Authority completely custom-built home.
If you are considering a modular house, we Extensive pre-planning is key to saving time
encourage you to check the Ontario Builder and money on your modular house project.
Directory to ensure your prospective The end design needs to be finalized early
builder or vendor is licensed by the Home in the process. While this helps to ensure
Construction Regulatory Authority (HCRA). that each stage of the project is completed
With a few exceptions, all builders and on time, within budget and in coordinated
sellers of new homes in Ontario must be stages, it can limit your ability to make
licensed by HCRA. design changes later in the construction
You need to consult with your municipality
as a first step of the design process to Modular houses, like all other houses,
understand any applicable local requirements. can be almost any size. Depending on the
complexity of the design, for example:
Depending on the builder and the package
you go with, one option is to choose the ■ a small house can be a single module
design of your modular house from an ■ a one-storey house can consist of two
existing template. Then, with support from or more modules
the modular company’s designer, you can ■ a larger two- or three-storey house
modify the design to create a unique home may contain four or more modules
that meets your needs.
You should always speak to planning staff For a list of the key considerations when
in your municipality before submitting a planning a modular house project, see
page 18.
If you are planning to buy a modular home manufactured or purchased from a supplier outside
of Ontario, you will need to confirm that it meets Ontario’s Building Code. Just because it is sold to
someone in Ontario does not mean the modular home meets Ontario’s Building Code. Learn more
about meeting Building Code requirements on page 14.
There are two main inspection sites for
modular houses:
■ certification of the factory quality Image 11: Two partially completed modules in a
program manufacturing facility.
■ certification of the modules
■ auditing the factory quality program Municipally-led module inspections
■ in-factory inspection of the modules
When modules aren’t built under factory
certification, they must be inspected by
To meet applicable CSA standards for
building officials from the municipality that
modules, factories must be accredited by a
certification organization that is authorized issued the building permit. Alternatively, if the
by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) Chief Building Official agrees, the modules
to perform compliance inspections in the can be inspected by a qualified professional
manufacturing facility. on behalf of the municipal building official.
A home built in a certified factory will have a The permanent location of your modular
label, often on the electrical panel, indicating house is also important to consider. If the
the building code(s) the home meets. A modules are built in a different municipality,
specification sheet provides additional the building officials from the municipality
technical information about requirements where your new house will be situated must
for wind, snow and rain, for example. Your consent to the module approval process.
local building inspector will check for these
The following are some options the
municipality may agree to if the municipality
It is helpful for everyone if the building permit thinks that it is appropriate:
drawings and other information clearly show
■ Allowing their building officials to travel
which parts of the house are to be completed
and certified in the factory and which parts to the factory to inspect the modules
are subject to local inspections. at the project’s expense. Inspectors
may need to make several trips to
the manufacturing facility during
In the future, it is expected that Ontario will update its construction before they approve the
Building Code to reference the most recent CSA A277 modules.
standard (2016), Certification of prefabricated buildings,
modules and panels.
Inspections of the
modular house at its
permanent location
Image 12: Exterior of a modular house.
Everything included in the building permit
■ Appointing a representative to inspect will need to pass inspections by municipal
the modules to determine if they meet building officials, such as:
Building Code requirements.
■ the foundation of your house
■ Accepting reports by consultants (such
■ the basement (if applicable)
as engineers or architects) retained by
■ grading
the building permit holder that show
■ installation of the modules on the site
how the project meets Building Code
Electrical and plumbing permits and
■ Using an alternative means of
inspections will also be needed. If your
inspection (for example, live video).
property is in a rural area that does not
have municipal water and sewer services,
It is important for you to discuss with your local
your private water supply and wastewater
municipal building official early in the process disposal system will also need to pass
to understand what local operational policies inspection.
may apply if the modules are not built in a
certified factory. As with any house, after your modular house
is completed, the municipality will issue
Inspections are conducted at several stages. an occupancy permit if its inspectors have
Inspectors examine framing, insulation, determined that all requirements have been
plumbing, interior finishes and other items met. After this has been issued, you can
contained in the Building Code, as well as Fire move in.
Code requirements.
Diagram 1: The process of building a modular house from design to final occupancy. The main advantage
of the modular house building process is that various stages can occur simultaneously, including
module manufacturing, on-site demolition and excavation work, and module inspections.
Diagram 2: The process of building a site-built house from design to final occupancy. Typically, site-built
construction follows a more linear process, so no two stages can occur at the same time.
If the modules are being built and Some companies have their own crews or
certified according to CSA A277, most hire contractors to complete this work (it
of these requirements will be covered can be part of your contract). Otherwise,
during construction in the factory. Other you will need to arrange for this work to
technical requirements must be verified at be completed before final inspection and
the building site, such as the foundation, move-in.
the way the building is anchored to its
Other examples of finishing work may
foundation, and the grading of the property
– since these activities must occur on your
property. ■ testing the electrical system and
installing light fixtures that have not
No matter how complete the modules are
been installed
when they leave the factory, some of the
■ making final ductwork connections
plumbing and electrical work will need to
■ installing the furnace and the central
occur after the house is assembled. As the
cooling unit
homeowner, you will need to arrange for
■ repairing cracks that may have
utility hook-ups for electrical, gas, water and
occurred during transportation
potentially septic services before moving
■ touch-up painting
in. Some modular homebuilding companies
provide this as part of their “turn-key”
Finally, any site-built structure in addition
to the modular house (for example, garage,
In addition, any finishing work that is not front porch or deck) must be built according
completed during the manufacturing process to the building permit and pass local
will need to be completed after assembly. inspections.
After the modules were manufactured in Grimsby, they were transported and installed at the
City of Toronto-owned site. The entire process, from design to installation, took five months to
complete. The building opened on January 28, 2021.
It also helped that multiple levels of government worked together to make these projects happen.
As the Honourable Parm Gill – then Parliamentary Assistant to the Ontario Minister of Municipal
Affairs and Housing – noted regarding the 321 Dovercourt Road project:
“COVID-19 has heightened the need to get critical housing projects approved and completed faster.
That’s why the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, at the request of the City of Toronto, issued
a Minister’s Zoning Order to help get this innovative project completed and get vulnerable people
into the housing they need today.”
Diagram 3: A diagram
illustrating the rapid
assembly process of
multi-residential modular
housing. Image by
Montgomery Sisam.
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