D8 - Lab - Practicals - Day 8

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Day 4

Practicals - RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset)


scala> sc.setLogLevel("ERROR")

1. Create RDD (Parallelize Method)

- Method - Function defined in class

Method: spark.sparkContext.parallelize - use to create a RDD

scala> val carsArray = Array("BMW", "Bentley", "Mercedes", "Suzuki",

"Honda", "Jaquar", "Fiat", "Audi")

carsArray: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley, Mercedes, Suzuki,

Honda, Jaquar, Fiat, Audi)

scala> val carsRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(carsArray,2)

carsRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0]

at parallelize at <console>:25
scala> carsRDD.collect()

res2: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley, Mercedes, Suzuki, Honda,

Jaquar, Fiat, Audi)


scala> val carsRDD = sc.parallelize(carsArray,2)

carsRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[1]

at parallelize at <console>:26

scala> carsRDD.collect()

res3: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley, Mercedes, Suzuki, Honda,

Jaquar, Fiat, Audi)

2. Transformations

2.1 distinct

# Create an RDD with some duplicate values - BMW

scala> val carsArray = Array("BMW", "Bentley", "Mercedes", "Suzuki",

"Honda", "Jaquar", "Fiat", "Audi", "BMW")

carsArray: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley, Mercedes, Suzuki,

Honda, Jaquar, Fiat, Audi, BMW)

scala> val carsRDD = sc.parallelize(carsArray,2)

carsRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[2]

at parallelize at <console>:26

scala> carsRDD.collect()
res5: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley, Mercedes, Suzuki, Honda,
Jaquar, Fiat, Audi, BMW)

# Get distinct values in RDD. i.e. BMW should only come 1 time

scala> val distinctCarsRDD = carsRDD.distinct()

distinctCarsRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] =
MapPartitionsRDD[5] at distinct at <console>:25

scala> distinctCarsRDD.collect()

res6: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Mercedes, Jaquar, Fiat, Honda,

Bentley, Suzuki, Audi)

2.2. filter

Example 1:

scala> distinctCarsRDD.collect()

res6: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Mercedes, Jaquar, Fiat, Honda,

Bentley, Suzuki, Audi)

scala> distinctCarsRDD.filter(carName =>


res7: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley)

OR - use shorthand notation

scala> distinctCarsRDD.filter(_.startsWith("B")).collect()

res15: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Bentley)

Example 2:
# defining an RDD with numbers 1 to 10 in 2 partitions

scala> val numbersRDD = sc.parallelize(1 to 10,2)

numbersRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = ParallelCollectionRDD[14]

at parallelize at <console>:24

scala> numbersRDD.collect()

res16: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

# filter only even numbers

scala> val evenNumbersRDD = numbersRDD.filter(x => x%2 ==0)

evenNumbersRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = MapPartitionsRDD[15]

at filter at <console>:25

scala> evenNumbersRDD.collect

res17: Array[Int] = Array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)


# use shorthant notation

scala> val evenNumbersRDD = numbersRDD.filter(_%2 ==0)

evenNumbersRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = MapPartitionsRDD[16]

at filter at <console>:25

scala> evenNumbersRDD.collect

res18: Array[Int] = Array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)


# for more complex filters, prefer to define function separately

scala> def evenFilter(x: int) = {

| x%2 == 0
| }

<console>:23: error: not found: type int

def evenFilter(x: int) = {

scala> def evenFilter(x: Int) = {

| x%2 == 0

| }

evenFilter: (x: Int)Boolean

scala> val evenNumbersRDD = numbersRDD.filter(evenFilter)

evenNumbersRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = MapPartitionsRDD[17]

at filter at <console>:27

scala> evenNumbersRDD.collect()

res19: Array[Int] = Array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10)

2.3 map

scala> distinctCarsRDD.collect()

res20: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Mercedes, Jaquar, Fiat, Honda,

Bentley, Suzuki, Audi)

# make a map as carname, true/false

scala> val carsWithBRDD = distinctCarsRDD.map(carName => (carName,


carsWithBRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Boolean)] =

MapPartitionsRDD[19] at map at <console>:25
scala> carsWithBRDD.collect()

res21: Array[(String, Boolean)] = Array((BMW,true), (Mercedes,false),

(Jaquar,false), (Fiat,false), (Honda,false), (Bentley,true),
(Suzuki,false), (Audi,false))

# filter only true

scala> carsWithBRDD.filter(x => x._2 == true).collect()

res22: Array[(String, Boolean)] = Array((BMW,true), (Bentley,true))

Example 2: carname, length of carname. eg: bmw,3

scala> distinctCarsRDD.collect()

res25: Array[String] = Array(BMW, Mercedes, Jaquar, Fiat, Honda,

Bentley, Suzuki, Audi)

scala> distinctCarsRDD.map(x => (x,x.length)).collect()

res27: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((BMW,3), (Mercedes,8), (Jaquar,6),

(Fiat,4), (Honda,5), (Bentley,7), (Suzuki,6), (Audi,4))

2.4 flatMap

Example 1: Scala

scala> val array1D = Array("1,2,3", "4,5,6", "7,8,9")

array1D: Array[String] = Array(1,2,3, 4,5,6, 7,8,9)

scala> val array2D = array1D.map(x => x.split(","))

array2D: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 3), Array(4, 5, 6),

Array(7, 8, 9))

scala> val arrayFLATD = array1D.flatMap(x => x.split(","))

arrayFLATD: Array[String] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Example 2: RDD

scala> val book = Array("The history of textbooks dates back to

ancient civilizations.", "The Greek philosopher Socrates lamented the
loss of knowledge because the media of transmission were changing",
"The next revolution in the field of books came with the 15th-century
invention of printing with changeable type. ","Gutenberg's first and
only large-scale printing effort was the now iconic Gutenberg Bible in
the 1450s — a Latin translation from the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament. ", "While many textbooks were already in use,
compulsory education and the resulting growth of schooling in Europe
led to the printing of many more textbooks for children. ")

book: Array[String] = Array(The history of textbooks dates back to

ancient civilizations., The Greek philosopher Socrates lamented the
loss of knowledge because the media of transmission were changing,
"The next revolution in the field of books came with the 15th-century
invention of printing with changeable type. ", "Gutenberg's first and
only large-scale printing effort was the now iconic Gutenberg Bible in
the 1450s — a Latin translation from the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament. ", "While many textbooks were already in use,
compulsory education and the resulting growth of schooling in Europe
led to the printing of many more textbooks for children. ")

Steps for word count example

Step 1: split words by space (The, history )

Step 2: assign value 1 to every word (The 1, history 1)

Step 3: reduce it (The 5, history 3)

# make an RDD from array in 2 partition

scala> val bookRDD = sc.parallelize(book,2)

bookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[22]

at parallelize at <console>:26

scala> bookRDD.collect()

res28: Array[String] = Array(The history of textbooks dates back to

ancient civilizations., The Greek philosopher Socrates lamented the
loss of knowledge because the media of transmission were changing,
"The next revolution in the field of books came with the 15th-century
invention of printing with changeable type. ", "Gutenberg's first and
only large-scale printing effort was the now iconic Gutenberg Bible in
the 1450s — a Latin translation from the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament. ", "While many textbooks were already in use,
compulsory education and the resulting growth of schooling in Europe
led to the printing of many more textbooks for children. ")


# using map - get array of array

scala> bookRDD.map(x => x.split(" ")).collect

res31: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(The, history, of, textbooks,

dates, back, to, ancient, civilizations.), Array(The, Greek,
philosopher, Socrates, lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because,
the, media, of, transmission, were, changing), Array(The, next,
revolution, in, the, field, of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century,
invention, of, printing, with, changeable, type.), Array(Gutenberg's,
first, and, only, large-scale, printing, effort, was, the, now,
iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the, 1450s, —, a, Latin, translation,
from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament, and, the, Greek, New, Testament.),
Array(While, many, textbooks, were, already, in, use,, compulsory,
education, and, the, resulting, growth, of, schooling, in, Europe,
led, to, the, printing, of, many, more, textbooks, for, c...

# flatMap - Flattens

scala> bookRDD.flatMap(x => x.split(" ")).collect

res32: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,

to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

Day 5 – RDD Day 2

scala> val flatBookRDD = bookRDD.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))

flatBookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[1] at

flatMap at <console>:25

scala> flatBookRDD.collect

res2: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,

to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

2.5 sort

scala> flatBookRDD.sortBy(word => word.length()).collect()

res5: Array[String] = Array(—, a, of, to, of, of, in, of, of, in, in,
of, in, to, of, The, The, the, the, The, the, the, and, was, the, now,
the, the, Old, and, the, New, and, the, led, the, for, back, loss,
were, next, came, with, with, only, from, many, were, use,, many,
more, dates, Greek, media, field, books, type., first, Bible, 1450s,
Latin, Greek, While, effort, iconic, Hebrew, growth, Europe, history,
ancient, because, already, Socrates, lamented, changing, printing,
printing, printing, textbooks, knowledge, invention, Gutenberg,
Testament, textbooks, education, resulting, schooling, textbooks,
children., revolution, changeable, Testament., compulsory,
philosopher, Gutenberg's, large-scale, translation, transmission,
15th-century, civilizations.)


scala> flatBookRDD.sortBy(word => word.length(),false).collect()

res6: Array[String] = Array(civilizations., transmission, 15th-

century, philosopher, Gutenberg's, large-scale, translation,
revolution, changeable, Testament., compulsory, textbooks, knowledge,
invention, Gutenberg, Testament, textbooks, education, resulting,
schooling, textbooks, children., Socrates, lamented, changing,
printing, printing, printing, history, ancient, because, already,
effort, iconic, Hebrew, growth, Europe, dates, Greek, media, field,
books, type., first, Bible, 1450s, Latin, Greek, While, back, loss,
were, next, came, with, with, only, from, many, were, use,, many,
more, The, The, the, the, The, the, the, and, was, the, now, the, the,
Old, and, the, New, and, the, led, the, for, of, to, of, of, in, of,
of, in, in, of, in, to, of, —, a)

2.6 randomSplit
Data Engineering – Not required

Data Science – Machine Learning – Because you need to break the entire
data set into 70:30 train-test sets

# Splitting as 70-30%. Returns Array of RDD

scala> val trainTestBookRDD = flatBookRDD.randomSplit(Array[Double]


trainTestBookRDD: Array[org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String]] =
Array(MapPartitionsRDD[17] at randomSplit at <console>:25,
MapPartitionsRDD[18] at randomSplit at <console>:25)

scala> trainTestBookRDD(0).collect

res8: Array[String] = Array(history, of, dates, back, to,

civilizations., The, Greek, Socrates, lamented, loss, knowledge, the,
media, transmission, were, changing, next, revolution, in, of, came,
with, the, 15th-century, invention, printing, changeable, type.,
first, large-scale, printing, effort, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, in,
the, 1450s, —, a, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament, and,
Greek, Testament., While, textbooks, already, in, use,, compulsory,
education, the, resulting, growth, of, led, of, many, more, textbooks,
for, children.)

scala> trainTestBookRDD(1).collect

res9: Array[String] = Array(The, textbooks, ancient, philosopher, the,

of, because, of, The, the, field, books, of, with, Gutenberg's, and,
only, was, Bible, Latin, the, New, many, were, and, schooling, in,
Europe, to, the, printing)

3. Actions

Starts the Transformation/ Kicks Transformation

3.1 collect
scala> flatBookRDD.collect

res10: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,

to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

3.2 reduce

It takes next element and perform operation (eg adds) with the
existing result

Wap in spark to find the shortest word from the book

scala> flatBookRDD.collect

res12: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,

to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

# define the function

scala> def smallestWord(leftWord:String, rightWord:String): String = {

| if (leftWord.length > rightWord.length)
| return rightWord
| else
| return leftWord
| }
smallestWord: (leftWord: String, rightWord: String)String

# call the function in the reduce method

scala> flatBookRDD.reduce(smallestWord)
res13: String = —


# not so good way of doing

scala> flatBookRDD.reduce((x,y) => (if (x.length > y.length)

| y
| else
| x
| )
| )
res16: String = —
3.3 count

Number of elements in the RDD

scala> flatBookRDD.count
res17: Long = 100

3.4 countApprox

# count returned in 25 millisecond timeout. Default confidence

interval is 95%
scala> flatBookRDD.countApprox(25)
dDouble] = (final: [100.000, 100.000])

scala> flatBookRDD.countApprox(21)
dDouble] = (partial: [0.000, Infinity])

# with 22 milliseconds timeout and 10% confidence interval the count

is between 49 and 50. Actual was 100

scala> flatBookRDD.countApprox(22, .1)

dDouble] = (partial: [49.000, 50.000])

3.5 countByValue

Wap to find number of times each word comes in a textbook

scala> flatBookRDD.collect
res38: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,
to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

scala> flatBookRDD.countByValue()
res39: scala.collection.Map[String,Long] = Map(Testament. -> 1,
Testament -> 1, for -> 1, Greek -> 2, in -> 4, printing -> 3, Old ->
1, Gutenberg's -> 1, effort -> 1, already -> 1, history -> 1, field ->
1, use, -> 1, Latin -> 1, civilizations. -> 1, revolution -> 1, led ->
1, growth -> 1, came -> 1, type. -> 1, a -> 1, because -> 1, textbooks
-> 3, Europe -> 1, Gutenberg -> 1, to -> 2, iconic -> 1, now -> 1,
large-scale -> 1, Hebrew -> 1, was -> 1, schooling -> 1, The -> 3, — -
> 1, ancient -> 1, education -> 1, 15th-century -> 1, dates -> 1,
While -> 1, lamented -> 1, back -> 1, with -> 2, from -> 1, books ->
1, next -> 1, first -> 1, media -> 1, knowledge -> 1, Bible -> 1, loss
-> 1, changing -> 1, were -> 2, more -> 1, New -> 1, changeable -> 1,
children. -> 1, translation -> 1, tran...

3.6 countByValueApprox

# 30 millisecond timeout and 50% confidence interval

scala> flatBookRDD.countByValueApprox(30,.50)
.apache.spark.partial.BoundedDouble]] = (final: Map(Testament. ->
[1.000, 1.000], Testament -> [1.000, 1.000], for -> [1.000, 1.000],
Greek -> [2.000, 2.000], in -> [4.000, 4.000], printing -> [3.000,
3.000], Old -> [1.000, 1.000], Gutenberg's -> [1.000, 1.000], effort -
> [1.000, 1.000], already -> [1.000, 1.000], history -> [1.000,
1.000], field -> [1.000, 1.000], use, -> [1.000, 1.000], Latin ->
[1.000, 1.000], civilizations. -> [1.000, 1.000], revolution ->
[1.000, 1.000], led -> [1.000, 1.000], growth -> [1.000, 1.000], came
-> [1.000, 1.000], type. -> [1.000, 1.000], a -> [1.000, 1.000],
because -> [1.000, 1.000], textbooks -> [3.000, 3.000], Europe ->
[1.000, 1.000], Gutenberg -> [1.000, 1.000], to -> [2....

3.7 first

# 1st record/word/string in RDD

scala> flatBookRDD.first
res51: String = The

3.8 max – gives max value

scala> sc.parallelize(1 to 10).max()
res53: Int = 10

3.9 min – gives min value in RDD

scala> sc.parallelize(1 to 10).min
res54: Int = 1

3.10 take, take ordered and top

scala> val sampleRDD = sc.parallelize(List(6,7,5,3,10,25,9,70,35))

sampleRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = ParallelCollectionRDD[26]
at parallelize at <console>:24

scala> sampleRDD.collect
res55: Array[Int] = Array(6, 7, 5, 3, 10, 25, 9, 70, 35)

# take 1st 3 elements from RDD
scala> sampleRDD.take(3)
res56: Array[Int] = Array(6, 7, 5)


# Ascending Order
scala> sampleRDD.takeOrdered(3)
res57: Array[Int] = Array(3, 5, 6)


# Descending Order
scala> sampleRDD.top(3)
res58: Array[Int] = Array(70, 35, 25)

scala> flatBookRDD.take(3)
res59: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of)

scala> flatBookRDD.top(3)
res60: Array[String] = Array(—, with, with)

scala> flatBookRDD.takeOrdered(3)
res61: Array[String] = Array(1450s, 15th-century, Bible)

3.11 takeSample

scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(true, 70, 10L)

# true – with Replacement

# 70 – number of Words
# seed – important for reproducibility

res62: Array[String] = Array(of, field, schooling, the, were, The,

While, Old, type., effort, 1450s, the, in, printing, from, media, the,
knowledge, of, large-scale, were, Gutenberg's, of, While, back, of, a,
the, a, and, textbooks, with, Testament., from, the, the, loss,
lamented, Socrates, because, the, was, Gutenberg, growth,
civilizations., New, and, civilizations., Bible, printing, Latin, of,
Testament, printing, resulting, in, The, now, changing, to, a, first,
printing, —, first, books, loss, the, of, 15th-century)

since with replacement was true, of came 7 times above even when in
the entire data of was present 4 times

scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(false, 70, 10L)

res63: Array[String] = Array(New, the, to, and, from, Greek, loss,
growth, in, use,, in, of, of, and, of, history, printing, in, next,
books, was, led, Testament., textbooks, lamented, only, came, The,
Socrates, Greek, textbooks, iconic, textbooks, with, media, were,
knowledge, ancient, Gutenberg, the, of, to, back, dates, printing,
Europe, —, were, Hebrew, philosopher, 1450s, large-scale, the, 15th-
century, civilizations., Gutenberg's, with, field, changeable,
invention, the, resulting, While, type., for, The, the, changing, in,

since withReplacement was false, word of came only 4 times

# note: below if you don’t specify seed, it will give you random
scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(true, 5, 10L)
res65: Array[String] = Array(lamented, While, books, growth,

scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(true, 5, 10L)

res66: Array[String] = Array(lamented, While, books, growth,

scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(true, 5, 10L)

res67: Array[String] = Array(lamented, While, books, growth,

scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(true, 5)
res68: Array[String] = Array(of, came, invention, Latin, in)

scala> flatBookRDD.takeSample(true, 5)
res69: Array[String] = Array(for, the, —, in, ancient)

3.12 saveAsTextFile

scala> flatBookRDD.saveAsTextFile("/home/hadoopuser/temp201225")

# Just check the output below

hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -ls
Found 3 items
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadoopuser supergroup 0 2020-12-25 20:31
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadoopuser supergroup 172 2020-12-25 20:31
-rw-r--r-- 1 hadoopuser supergroup 467 2020-12-25 20:31
hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -cat
hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -cat


3.13 cache and persist (Sure interview question)

Problem : in below code, flatMap transformation is executed 2 times, 1
time for take and 1 time for top

scala> val flatBookRDD = bookRDD.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))

flatBookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[46]
at flatMap at <console>:25

scala> flatBookRDD.take(5)
res79: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates)

scala> flatBookRDD.top(5)
res80: Array[String] = Array(—, with, with, were, were)

Solution: use cache

scala> val flatBookRDD = bookRDD.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))

flatBookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[48]
at flatMap at <console>:25

# cache in a memory.
scala> flatBookRDD.cache()
res81: flatBookRDD.type = MapPartitionsRDD[48] at flatMap at

scala> flatBookRDD.take(5)
res82: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates)

# will not do flatMap again. Instead will take from memory

scala> flatBookRDD.top(5)
res83: Array[String] = Array(—, with, with, were, were)
# stored in memory

scala> flatBookRDD.getStorageLevel
res84: org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel = StorageLevel(memory,
deserialized, 1 replicas)

Caution: Memory is limited. Memory exception if you do lot of catching

If I still want to do caching?????
Answer: use DISK. For DISK you have to use persist
Cache is only for memory

scala> flatBookRDD.persist()
res85: flatBookRDD.type = MapPartitionsRDD[48] at flatMap at

scala> flatBookRDD.getStorageLevel
res86: org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel = StorageLevel(memory,
deserialized, 1 replicas)

scala> flatBookRDD.unpersist()
res100: flatBookRDD.type = MapPartitionsRDD[48] at flatMap at

res101: flatBookRDD.type = MapPartitionsRDD[48] at flatMap at

scala> flatBookRDD.getStorageLevel
res102: org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel = StorageLevel(disk, 1

Day 6

3.14 checkpoint
- Debug Purpose

scala> sc.setCheckpointDir("/checkpoint201226")

scala> flatBookRDD.checkpoint()

# you can see the checkpoint created

hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -ls /checkpoint201226
Found 2 items
drwxr-xr-x - hadoopuser supergroup 0 2020-12-26 19:18
drwxr-xr-x - hadoopuser supergroup 0 2020-12-26 19:16

3.15 pipe – write linux command inside pipe method

scala> flatBookRDD.pipe("wc -l").collect()

res8: Array[String] = Array(25, 75)

3.16 mapPartitions

Map does the transformation element wise

scala> bookRDD.collect

res10: Array[String] = Array(The history of textbooks dates back to

ancient civilizations., The Greek philosopher Socrates lamented the
loss of knowledge because the media of transmission were changing, The
next revolution in the field of books came with the 15th-century
invention of printing with changeable type., "Gutenberg's first and
only large-scale printing effort was the now iconic Gutenberg Bible in
the 1450s — a Latin translation from the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament. ", "While many textbooks were already in use,
compulsory education and the resulting growth of schooling in Europe
led to the printing of many more textbooks for children. ")

scala> bookRDD.map(x => x.split(" ")).collect

res11: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(The, history, of, textbooks,

dates, back, to, ancient, civilizations.), Array(The, Greek,
philosopher, Socrates, lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because,
the, media, of, transmission, were, changing), Array(The, next,
revolution, in, the, field, of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century,
invention, of, printing, with, changeable, type.), Array(Gutenberg's,
first, and, only, large-scale, printing, effort, was, the, now,
iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the, 1450s, —, a, Latin, translation,
from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament, and, the, Greek, New, Testament.),
Array(While, many, textbooks, were, already, in, use,, compulsory,
education, and, the, resulting, growth, of, schooling, in, Europe,
led, to, the, printing, of, many, more, textbooks, for, c...
mapPartitions – does transformation partition wise
Since mapPartitions operates in partition level, it is comparatively
faster than map.

scala> bookRDD.getNumPartitions
res12: Int = 2

scala> bookRDD.mapPartitions(part => Iterator[Int](1)).sum()

res13: Double = 2.0

3.17 mapPartitionsWithIndex

Debug : you want to know which word is present in which partition

scala> def indexFunc(i:Int, wordInIterator: Iterator[String]) =

{ wordInIterator.toList.map(word => s"Partition:$i
=>$word").iterator }
indexFunc: (i: Int, wordInIterator: Iterator[String])Iterator[String]

scala> flatBookRDD.mapPartitionsWithIndex(indexFunc).collect
res15: Array[String] = Array(Partition:0 =>The, Partition:0 =>history,
Partition:0 =>of, Partition:0 =>textbooks, Partition:0 =>dates,
Partition:0 =>back, Partition:0 =>to, Partition:0 =>ancient,
Partition:0 =>civilizations., Partition:0 =>The, Partition:0 =>Greek,
Partition:0 =>philosopher, Partition:0 =>Socrates, Partition:0
=>lamented, Partition:0 =>the, Partition:0 =>loss, Partition:0 =>of,
Partition:0 =>knowledge, Partition:0 =>because, Partition:0 =>the,
Partition:0 =>media, Partition:0 =>of, Partition:0 =>transmission,
Partition:0 =>were, Partition:0 =>changing, Partition:1 =>The,
Partition:1 =>next, Partition:1 =>revolution, Partition:1 =>in,
Partition:1 =>the, Partition:1 =>field, Partition:1 =>of, Partition:1
=>books, Partition:1 =>came, Partition:1 =>with, Partition:1
=>the, ...
3.18 foreachPartition

- It operates on each partition (similar to mapPartitions)

- Diff between mapPartition and foreachPartition is , mapPartition
will return some thing for each partition. Whereas
foreachPartition will not return any thing

# define a function to write contents of each partition into different

files in tmp directory
scala> def forFunc(wordInIterator: Iterator[String]) = {
| import java.io._
| import scala.util.Random
| var randomFileName = new Random().nextInt()
| var printWriter = new PrintWriter(new File(s"/tmp/randomfile-$
| while (wordInIterator.hasNext) {
| printWriter.write(wordInIterator.next())
| }
| printWriter.close()
| }
forFunc: (wordInIterator: Iterator[String])Unit

scala> flatBookRDD.foreachPartition(forFunc)

3.19 glom

Writes contents of each RDD into an Array

scala> flatBookRDD.glom().collect
res21: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(The, history, of, textbooks,
dates, back, to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher,
Socrates, lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing), Array(The, next, revolution, in, the,
field, of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of,
printing, with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only,
large-scale, printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg,
Bible, in, the, 1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew,
Old, Testament, and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many,
textbooks, were, already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the,
resulting, growth, of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing,
of, many, more, textbooks, for, children.))

scala> flatBookRDD.collect
res22: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,
to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

4. Key – Value RDD

Dictionary in Python {“name”:”Harish”, “location”:”xyz”}

JSON {“name”:”Harish”, “location”:”xyz”}

{“connectionString”:”jdbc::/mysql………”, “userId”:”xyz”,

1. Can you have multiple Keys of same name? - No

2. Can you have multiple values? – yes “name”:[“harish”,”masand”]

RDD – Yes you can have duplicate Keys

scala> flatBookRDD.collect
res23: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,
to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

3.1 map to create key-value pair RDD

scala> flatBookRDD.collect
res23: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,
to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)



scala> flatBookRDD.map(word => (word, word.toLowerCase)).collect

res24: Array[(String, String)] = Array((The,the), (history,history),
(of,of), (textbooks,textbooks), (dates,dates), (back,back), (to,to),
(ancient,ancient), (civilizations.,civilizations.), (The,the),
(Greek,greek), (philosopher,philosopher), (Socrates,socrates),
(lamented,lamented), (the,the), (loss,loss), (of,of),
(knowledge,knowledge), (because,because), (the,the), (media,media),
(of,of), (transmission,transmission), (were,were),
(changing,changing), (The,the), (next,next), (revolution,revolution),
(in,in), (the,the), (field,field), (of,of), (books,books),
(came,came), (with,with), (the,the), (15th-century,15th-century),
(invention,invention), (of,of), (printing,printing), (with,with),
(changeable,changeable), (type.,type.), (Gutenberg's,gutenberg's),
(first,first), (and,and), (only,...

scala> flatBookRDD.map(word => (word, word.length)).collect

res27: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((The,3), (history,7), (of,2),
(textbooks,9), (dates,5), (back,4), (to,2), (ancient,7),
(civilizations.,14), (The,3), (Greek,5), (philosopher,11),
(Socrates,8), (lamented,8), (the,3), (loss,4), (of,2), (knowledge,9),
(because,7), (the,3), (media,5), (of,2), (transmission,12), (were,4),
(changing,8), (The,3), (next,4), (revolution,10), (in,2), (the,3),
(field,5), (of,2), (books,5), (came,4), (with,4), (the,3), (15th-
century,12), (invention,9), (of,2), (printing,8), (with,4),
(changeable,10), (type.,5), (Gutenberg's,11), (first,5), (and,3),
(only,4), (large-scale,11), (printing,8), (effort,6), (was,3),
(the,3), (now,3), (iconic,6), (Gutenberg,9), (Bible,5), (in,2),
(the,3), (1450s,5), (—,1), (a,1), (Latin,5), (translation,11),
(from,4), (the,3), (Hebrew,...

3.2 key value pair rdd using keyBy

scala> flatBookRDD.keyBy(word => word.length).collect

res28: Array[(Int, String)] = Array((3,The), (7,history), (2,of),
(9,textbooks), (5,dates), (4,back), (2,to), (7,ancient),
(14,civilizations.), (3,The), (5,Greek), (11,philosopher),
(8,Socrates), (8,lamented), (3,the), (4,loss), (2,of), (9,knowledge),
(7,because), (3,the), (5,media), (2,of), (12,transmission), (4,were),
(8,changing), (3,The), (4,next), (10,revolution), (2,in), (3,the),
(5,field), (2,of), (5,books), (4,came), (4,with), (3,the), (12,15th-
century), (9,invention), (2,of), (8,printing), (4,with),
(10,changeable), (5,type.), (11,Gutenberg's), (5,first), (3,and),
(4,only), (11,large-scale), (8,printing), (6,effort), (3,was),
(3,the), (3,now), (6,iconic), (9,Gutenberg), (5,Bible), (2,in),
(3,the), (5,1450s), (1,—), (1,a), (5,Latin), (11,translation),
(4,from), (3,the), (6,Hebre...

3.3 mapValues – modifies the value of a key-value RDD

scala> val keyValueRDD = flatBookRDD.keyBy(word => word.length)

keyValueRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String)] =
MapPartitionsRDD[17] at keyBy at <console>:25

scala> keyValueRDD.collect
res29: Array[(Int, String)] = Array((3,The), (7,history), (2,of),
(9,textbooks), (5,dates), (4,back), (2,to), (7,ancient),
(14,civilizations.), (3,The), (5,Greek), (11,philosopher),
(8,Socrates), (8,lamented), (3,the), (4,loss), (2,of), (9,knowledge),
(7,because), (3,the), (5,media), (2,of), (12,transmission), (4,were),
(8,changing), (3,The), (4,next), (10,revolution), (2,in), (3,the),
(5,field), (2,of), (5,books), (4,came), (4,with), (3,the), (12,15th-
century), (9,invention), (2,of), (8,printing), (4,with),
(10,changeable), (5,type.), (11,Gutenberg's), (5,first), (3,and),
(4,only), (11,large-scale), (8,printing), (6,effort), (3,was),
(3,the), (3,now), (6,iconic), (9,Gutenberg), (5,Bible), (2,in),
(3,the), (5,1450s), (1,—), (1,a), (5,Latin), (11,translation),
(4,from), (3,the), (6,Hebre...

scala> keyValueRDD.mapValues(word => word.toUpperCase).collect

res30: Array[(Int, String)] = Array((3,THE), (7,HISTORY), (2,OF),
(9,TEXTBOOKS), (5,DATES), (4,BACK), (2,TO), (7,ANCIENT),
(8,SOCRATES), (8,LAMENTED), (3,THE), (4,LOSS), (2,OF), (9,KNOWLEDGE),
(7,BECAUSE), (3,THE), (5,MEDIA), (2,OF), (12,TRANSMISSION), (4,WERE),
(8,CHANGING), (3,THE), (4,NEXT), (10,REVOLUTION), (2,IN), (3,THE),
(5,FIELD), (2,OF), (5,BOOKS), (4,CAME), (4,WITH), (3,THE), (12,15TH-
(10,CHANGEABLE), (5,TYPE.), (11,GUTENBERG'S), (5,FIRST), (3,AND),
(4,ONLY), (11,LARGE-SCALE), (8,PRINTING), (6,EFFORT), (3,WAS),
(3,THE), (3,NOW), (6,ICONIC), (9,GUTENBERG), (5,BIBLE), (2,IN),
(3,THE), (5,1450S), (1,—), (1,A), (5,LATIN), (11,TRANSLATION),
(4,FROM), (3,THE), (6,HEBRE...

3.3 flatMapValues – modifies the value of a key-value RDD and

separates each element. i.e. flattens

scala> keyValueRDD.flatMapValues(word => word.toUpperCase).collect

res32: Array[(Int, Char)] = Array((3,T), (3,H), (3,E), (7,H), (7,I),
(7,S), (7,T), (7,O), (7,R), (7,Y), (2,O), (2,F), (9,T), (9,E), (9,X),
(9,T), (9,B), (9,O), (9,O), (9,K), (9,S), (5,D), (5,A), (5,T), (5,E),
(5,S), (4,B), (4,A), (4,C), (4,K), (2,T), (2,O), (7,A), (7,N), (7,C),
(7,I), (7,E), (7,N), (7,T), (14,C), (14,I), (14,V), (14,I), (14,L),
(14,I), (14,Z), (14,A), (14,T), (14,I), (14,O), (14,N), (14,S),
(14,.), (3,T), (3,H), (3,E), (5,G), (5,R), (5,E), (5,E), (5,K),
(11,P), (11,H), (11,I), (11,L), (11,O), (11,S), (11,O), (11,P),
(11,H), (11,E), (11,R), (8,S), (8,O), (8,C), (8,R), (8,A), (8,T),
(8,E), (8,S), (8,L), (8,A), (8,M), (8,E), (8,N), (8,T), (8,E), (8,D),
(3,T), (3,H), (3,E), (4,L), (4,O), (4,S), (4,S), (2,O), (2,F), (9,K),
(9,N), (9,O), (9,W), (9,L), (9,E), (9,D), (9,G), (9,...

3.5 keys and values – returns all keys

scala> keyValueRDD.keys.collect
res33: Array[Int] = Array(3, 7, 2, 9, 5, 4, 2, 7, 14, 3, 5, 11, 8, 8,
3, 4, 2, 9, 7, 3, 5, 2, 12, 4, 8, 3, 4, 10, 2, 3, 5, 2, 5, 4, 4, 3,
12, 9, 2, 8, 4, 10, 5, 11, 5, 3, 4, 11, 8, 6, 3, 3, 3, 6, 9, 5, 2, 3,
5, 1, 1, 5, 11, 4, 3, 6, 3, 9, 3, 3, 5, 3, 10, 5, 4, 9, 4, 7, 2, 4,
10, 9, 3, 3, 9, 6, 2, 9, 2, 6, 3, 2, 3, 8, 2, 4, 4, 9, 3, 9)

scala> keyValueRDD.values.collect
res34: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,
to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

Day 7

# preparing data to work - keyValueRDD


scala> sc.setLogLevel("ERROR")

scala> val book = Array("The history of textbooks dates back to

ancient civilizations.", "The Greek philosopher Socrates lamented the
loss of knowledge because the media of transmission were changing",
"The next revolution in the field of books came with the 15th-century
invention of printing with changeable type. ","Gutenberg's first and
only large-scale printing effort was the now iconic Gutenberg Bible in
the 1450s — a Latin translation from the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament. ", "While many textbooks were already in use,
compulsory education and the resulting growth of schooling in Europe
led to the printing of many more textbooks for children. ")
book: Array[String] = Array(The history of textbooks dates back to
ancient civilizations., The Greek philosopher Socrates lamented the
loss of knowledge because the media of transmission were changing,
"The next revolution in the field of books came with the 15th-century
invention of printing with changeable type. ", "Gutenberg's first and
only large-scale printing effort was the now iconic Gutenberg Bible in
the 1450s — a Latin translation from the Hebrew Old Testament and the
Greek New Testament. ", "While many textbooks were already in use,
compulsory education and the resulting growth of schooling in Europe
led to the printing of many more textbooks for children. ")
scala> val bookRDD = sc.parallelize(book,2)
bookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0]
at parallelize at <console>:26

scala> val flatBookRDD = bookRDD.flatMap(x => x.split(" "))

flatBookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[1] at
flatMap at <console>:25

scala> val keyValueRDD = flatBookRDD.map(word => (word,word.length))

keyValueRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] =
MapPartitionsRDD[2] at map at <console>:25

scala> keyValueRDD.collect
res2: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((The,3), (history,7), (of,2),
(textbooks,9), (dates,5), (back,4), (to,2), (ancient,7),
(civilizations.,14), (The,3), (Greek,5), (philosopher,11),
(Socrates,8), (lamented,8), (the,3), (loss,4), (of,2), (knowledge,9),
(because,7), (the,3), (media,5), (of,2), (transmission,12), (were,4),
(changing,8), (The,3), (next,4), (revolution,10), (in,2), (the,3),
(field,5), (of,2), (books,5), (came,4), (with,4), (the,3), (15th-
century,12), (invention,9), (of,2), (printing,8), (with,4),
(changeable,10), (type.,5), (Gutenberg's,11), (first,5), (and,3),
(only,4), (large-scale,11), (printing,8), (effort,6), (was,3),
(the,3), (now,3), (iconic,6), (Gutenberg,9), (Bible,5), (in,2),
(the,3), (1450s,5), (—,1), (a,1), (Latin,5), (translation,11),
(from,4), (the,3), (Hebrew,6...

3.6 lookup – to find the value, for the given key

scala> keyValueRDD.lookup("history")
res5: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(7)

scala> keyValueRDD.lookup("were")
res3: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(4, 4)

scala> keyValueRDD.lookup("the")
res4: Seq[Int] = WrappedArray(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)

# separate all the characters preset in the data and make key value
pait as T,1;h,1;e,1

scala> flatBookRDD collect

warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with
res2: Array[String] = Array(The, history, of, textbooks, dates, back,
to, ancient, civilizations., The, Greek, philosopher, Socrates,
lamented, the, loss, of, knowledge, because, the, media, of,
transmission, were, changing, The, next, revolution, in, the, field,
of, books, came, with, the, 15th-century, invention, of, printing,
with, changeable, type., Gutenberg's, first, and, only, large-scale,
printing, effort, was, the, now, iconic, Gutenberg, Bible, in, the,
1450s, —, a, Latin, translation, from, the, Hebrew, Old, Testament,
and, the, Greek, New, Testament., While, many, textbooks, were,
already, in, use,, compulsory, education, and, the, resulting, growth,
of, schooling, in, Europe, led, to, the, printing, of, many, more,
textbooks, for, children.)

# separate to characters
scala> val charBookRDD = flatBookRDD.flatMap(word =>
charBookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Char] = MapPartitionsRDD[2] at
flatMap at <console>:25

scala> charBookRDD.collect
res3: Array[Char] = Array(t, h, e, h, i, s, t, o, r, y, o, f, t, e, x,
t, b, o, o, k, s, d, a, t, e, s, b, a, c, k, t, o, a, n, c, i, e, n,
t, c, i, v, i, l, i, z, a, t, i, o, n, s, ., t, h, e, g, r, e, e, k,
p, h, i, l, o, s, o, p, h, e, r, s, o, c, r, a, t, e, s, l, a, m, e,
n, t, e, d, t, h, e, l, o, s, s, o, f, k, n, o, w, l, e, d, g, e, b,
e, c, a, u, s, e, t, h, e, m, e, d, i, a, o, f, t, r, a, n, s, m, i,
s, s, i, o, n, w, e, r, e, c, h, a, n, g, i, n, g, t, h, e, n, e, x,
t, r, e, v, o, l, u, t, i, o, n, i, n, t, h, e, f, i, e, l, d, o, f,
b, o, o, k, s, c, a, m, e, w, i, t, h, t, h, e, 1, 5, t, h, -, c, e,
n, t, u, r, y, i, n, v, e, n, t, i, o, n, o, f, p, r, i, n, t, i, n,
g, w, i, t, h, c, h, a, n, g, e, a, b, l, e, t, y, p, e, ., g, u, t,
e, n, b, e, r, g, ', s, f, i, r, s, ...

# assign a value 1 to each of these keys

i.e. (t,1) , (h,1) , (e,1)

scala> val kvCharBookRDD = charBookRDD.map(x => (x,1))

kvCharBookRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Char, Int)] =
MapPartitionsRDD[3] at map at <console>:25
scala> kvCharBookRDD.collect
res4: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((t,1), (h,1), (e,1), (h,1), (i,1),
(s,1), (t,1), (o,1), (r,1), (y,1), (o,1), (f,1), (t,1), (e,1), (x,1),
(t,1), (b,1), (o,1), (o,1), (k,1), (s,1), (d,1), (a,1), (t,1), (e,1),
(s,1), (b,1), (a,1), (c,1), (k,1), (t,1), (o,1), (a,1), (n,1), (c,1),
(i,1), (e,1), (n,1), (t,1), (c,1), (i,1), (v,1), (i,1), (l,1), (i,1),
(z,1), (a,1), (t,1), (i,1), (o,1), (n,1), (s,1), (.,1), (t,1), (h,1),
(e,1), (g,1), (r,1), (e,1), (e,1), (k,1), (p,1), (h,1), (i,1), (l,1),
(o,1), (s,1), (o,1), (p,1), (h,1), (e,1), (r,1), (s,1), (o,1), (c,1),
(r,1), (a,1), (t,1), (e,1), (s,1), (l,1), (a,1), (m,1), (e,1), (n,1),
(t,1), (e,1), (d,1), (t,1), (h,1), (e,1), (l,1), (o,1), (s,1), (s,1),
(o,1), (f,1), (k,1), (n,1), (o,1), (w,1), (l,1), (e,1), (d,1), (g,1),
(e,1), (b,1), (e,1), (c,1), (...

3.7 countByKey

scala> kvCharBookRDD.countByKey
res5: scala.collection.Map[Char,Long] = Map(e -> 69, s -> 28, x -> 4,
4 -> 1, n -> 46, . -> 4, y -> 8, t -> 55, u -> 10, f -> 13, a -> 30, 5
-> 2, m -> 11, i -> 38, - -> 2, , -> 1, v -> 3, 1 -> 2, — -> 1, ' ->
1, b -> 12, g -> 17, l -> 22, p -> 8, 0 -> 1, c -> 16, h -> 26, r ->
29, w -> 11, k -> 8, o -> 44, z -> 1, d -> 13)

3.8 countByKeyApprox

# timeout is 100 milliseconds, and default conficence is 0.95

scala> kvCharBookRDD.countByKeyApprox(100L)
pache.spark.partial.BoundedDouble]] = (final: Map(e -> [69.000,
69.000], s -> [28.000, 28.000], x -> [4.000, 4.000], 4 -> [1.000,
1.000], n -> [46.000, 46.000], . -> [4.000, 4.000], y -> [8.000,
8.000], t -> [55.000, 55.000], u -> [10.000, 10.000], f -> [13.000,
13.000], a -> [30.000, 30.000], 5 -> [2.000, 2.000], m -> [11.000,
11.000], i -> [38.000, 38.000], - -> [2.000, 2.000], , -> [1.000,
1.000], v -> [3.000, 3.000], 1 -> [2.000, 2.000], — -> [1.000, 1.000],
' -> [1.000, 1.000], b -> [12.000, 12.000], g -> [17.000, 17.000], l -
> [22.000, 22.000], p -> [8.000, 8.000], 0 -> [1.000, 1.000], c ->
[16.000, 16.000], h -> [26.000, 26.000], r -> [29.000, 29.000], w ->
[11.000, 11.000], k -> [8.000, 8.000], o -> [44....

# timeout is 100 milliseconds, and confidence is 0.10

scala> kvCharBookRDD.countByKeyApprox(100L,0.10)
pache.spark.partial.BoundedDouble]] = (final: Map(e -> [69.000,
69.000], s -> [28.000, 28.000], x -> [4.000, 4.000], 4 -> [1.000,
1.000], n -> [46.000, 46.000], . -> [4.000, 4.000], y -> [8.000,
8.000], t -> [55.000, 55.000], u -> [10.000, 10.000], f -> [13.000,
13.000], a -> [30.000, 30.000], 5 -> [2.000, 2.000], m -> [11.000,
11.000], i -> [38.000, 38.000], - -> [2.000, 2.000], , -> [1.000,
1.000], v -> [3.000, 3.000], 1 -> [2.000, 2.000], — -> [1.000, 1.000],
' -> [1.000, 1.000], b -> [12.000, 12.000], g -> [17.000, 17.000], l -
> [22.000, 22.000], p -> [8.000, 8.000], 0 -> [1.000, 1.000], c ->
[16.000, 16.000], h -> [26.000, 26.000], r -> [29.000, 29.000], w ->
[11.000, 11.000], k -> [8.000, 8.000], o -> [44....

3.9 groupByKey

scala> def additionFunction (x: Int, y: Int) = x + y

additionFunction: (x: Int, y: Int)Int

scala> kvCharBookRDD.groupByKey().map(z =>

res13: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((d,13), (z,1), (4,1), (p,8), (x,4),
(t,55), (b,12), (.,4), (0,1), (h,26), (n,46), (—,1), (f,13), (v,3),
(r,29), (l,22), (,,1), (w,11), (s,28), (e,69), (',1), (5,2), (a,30),
(i,38), (y,8), (k,8), (u,10), (o,44), (-,2), (1,2), (g,17), (m,11),

3.10 reduceByKey

scala> kvCharBookRDD.reduceByKey(additionFunction).collect
res15: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((d,13), (z,1), (4,1), (p,8), (x,4),
(t,55), (.,4), (b,12), (0,1), (h,26), (n,46), (—,1), (f,13), (v,3),
(r,29), (l,22), (,,1), (w,11), (s,28), (e,69), (',1), (5,2), (a,30),
(i,38), (k,8), (y,8), (u,10), (o,44), (-,2), (1,2), (g,17), (m,11),

reduceByKey is same as groupByKey + reduce

spark. Eg: driver – 10 executor

- Group by key – does in a driver
- Reduce By Key – 1st do in executor and then do in driver

Reducebykey will be fast.

Also groupbykey may risk outofmemory
Analogy in SQL
Reduce by -Select name, sum(marks) from table group by name
Group by – select name, marks from table group by name

3.11 aggregate

scala> val numbers = sc.parallelize(1 to 20,4)

numbers: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = ParallelCollectionRDD[18] at
parallelize at <console>:24

scala> numbers.glom().collect()
res22: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Array(6, 7, 8,
9, 10), Array(11, 12, 13, 14, 15), Array(16, 17, 18, 19, 20))

scala> numbers.aggregate(0)(_ + _, _ + _)
res23: Int = 210

Yellow is partition wise addition – 15, 40, 65, 90

Blue is going to add the result of partition wise addition i.e =
15+40+65+90 = 210

scala> numbers.aggregate(1)(_ + _, _ + _)
res37: Int = 215

1 + 15 = 16
1 + 16 + 40 = 57
1 + 57 + 65 = 123
1 + 123 + 90 = 214
1 + 214 = 215


Scala> val numbers = sc.parallelize(1 to 4,2)

numbers: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] = ParallelCollectionRDD[20] at
parallelize at <console>:24

scala> numbers.glom.collect
res39: Array[Array[Int]] = Array(Array(1, 2), Array(3, 4))

scala> numbers.aggregate(2)(_ * _, _ * _)
res46: Int = 192

partition wise multiplication = 1x2=2 and 3x4=12

2 x 2 = 4
2 x 4 x 12 = 96
2 x 96 = 192

3.12 treeAggregate
Even the second operation happens at the executor level depending the

scala> numbers.treeAggregate(0)(_ + _, _ + _, 3)
res48: Int = 10

3.13 aggregareByKey
scala> kvCharBookRDD.collect
res50: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((t,1), (h,1), (e,1), (h,1), (i,1),
(s,1), (t,1), (o,1), (r,1), (y,1), (o,1), (f,1), (t,1), (e,1), (x,1),
(t,1), (b,1), (o,1), (o,1), (k,1), (s,1), (d,1), (a,1), (t,1), (e,1),
(s,1), (b,1), (a,1), (c,1), (k,1), (t,1), (o,1), (a,1), (n,1), (c,1),
(i,1), (e,1), (n,1), (t,1), (c,1), (i,1), (v,1), (i,1), (l,1), (i,1),
(z,1), (a,1), (t,1), (i,1), (o,1), (n,1), (s,1), (.,1), (t,1), (h,1),
(e,1), (g,1), (r,1), (e,1), (e,1), (k,1), (p,1), (h,1), (i,1), (l,1),
(o,1), (s,1), (o,1), (p,1), (h,1), (e,1), (r,1), (s,1), (o,1), (c,1),
(r,1), (a,1), (t,1), (e,1), (s,1), (l,1), (a,1), (m,1), (e,1), (n,1),
(t,1), (e,1), (d,1), (t,1), (h,1), (e,1), (l,1), (o,1), (s,1), (s,1),
(o,1), (f,1), (k,1), (n,1), (o,1), (w,1), (l,1), (e,1), (d,1), (g,1),
(e,1), (b,1), (e,1), (c,1), ...

scala> kvCharBookRDD.aggregateByKey(0)(_ + _, _ + _).collect

res49: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((d,13), (z,1), (4,1), (p,8), (x,4),
(t,55), (.,4), (b,12), (0,1), (h,26), (n,46), (—,1), (f,13), (v,3),
(r,29), (l,22), (,,1), (w,11), (s,28), (e,69), (',1), (5,2), (a,30),
(i,38), (k,8), (y,8), (u,10), (o,44), (-,2), (1,2), (g,17), (m,11),

3.14 cogroup

scala> val kvCharBookRDD2 = charBookRDD.map(x => (x,2))

kvCharBookRDD2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Char, Int)] =
MapPartitionsRDD[29] at map at <console>:25
scala> kvCharBookRDD.collect
res54: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((t,1), (h,1), (e,1), (h,1), (i,1),
(s,1), (t,1), (o,1), (r,1), (y,1), (o,1), (f,1), (t,1), (e,1), (x,1),
(t,1), (b,1), (o,1), (o,1), (k,1), (s,1), (d,1), (a,1), (t,1), (e,1),
(s,1), (b,1), (a,1), (c,1), (k,1), (t,1), (o,1), (a,1), (n,1), (c,1),
(i,1), (e,1), (n,1), (t,1), (c,1), (i,1), (v,1), (i,1), (l,1), (i,1),
(z,1), (a,1), (t,1), (i,1), (o,1), (n,1), (s,1), (.,1), (t,1), (h,1),
(e,1), (g,1), (r,1), (e,1), (e,1), (k,1), (p,1), (h,1), (i,1), (l,1),
(o,1), (s,1), (o,1), (p,1), (h,1), (e,1), (r,1), (s,1), (o,1), (c,1),
(r,1), (a,1), (t,1), (e,1), (s,1), (l,1), (a,1), (m,1), (e,1), (n,1),
(t,1), (e,1), (d,1), (t,1), (h,1), (e,1), (l,1), (o,1), (s,1), (s,1),
(o,1), (f,1), (k,1), (n,1), (o,1), (w,1), (l,1), (e,1), (d,1), (g,1),
(e,1), (b,1), (e,1), (c,1), ...
scala> kvCharBookRDD2.collect
res55: Array[(Char, Int)] = Array((t,2), (h,2), (e,2), (h,2), (i,2),
(s,2), (t,2), (o,2), (r,2), (y,2), (o,2), (f,2), (t,2), (e,2), (x,2),
(t,2), (b,2), (o,2), (o,2), (k,2), (s,2), (d,2), (a,2), (t,2), (e,2),
(s,2), (b,2), (a,2), (c,2), (k,2), (t,2), (o,2), (a,2), (n,2), (c,2),
(i,2), (e,2), (n,2), (t,2), (c,2), (i,2), (v,2), (i,2), (l,2), (i,2),
(z,2), (a,2), (t,2), (i,2), (o,2), (n,2), (s,2), (.,2), (t,2), (h,2),
(e,2), (g,2), (r,2), (e,2), (e,2), (k,2), (p,2), (h,2), (i,2), (l,2),
(o,2), (s,2), (o,2), (p,2), (h,2), (e,2), (r,2), (s,2), (o,2), (c,2),
(r,2), (a,2), (t,2), (e,2), (s,2), (l,2), (a,2), (m,2), (e,2), (n,2),
(t,2), (e,2), (d,2), (t,2), (h,2), (e,2), (l,2), (o,2), (s,2), (s,2),
(o,2), (f,2), (k,2), (n,2), (o,2), (w,2), (l,2), (e,2), (d,2), (g,2),
(e,2), (b,2), (e,2), (c,2), ...

scala> kvCharBookRDD.cogroup(kvCharBookRDD2).collect
res56: Array[(Char, (Iterable[Int], Iterable[Int]))] = Array((d,
(CompactBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1),CompactBuffer(2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))), (z,
(CompactBuffer(1),CompactBuffer(2))), (4,
(CompactBuffer(1),CompactBuffer(2))), (p,(CompactBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1),CompactBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))), (x,(CompactBuffer(1,
1, 1, 1),CompactBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2))), (t,(CompactBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1),CompactBuffer(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2))), (b,
(CompactBuffer(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1...

3.15 joins

scala> kvCharBookRDD.join(kvCharBookRDD2).collect
res57: Array[(Char, (Int, Int))] = Array((d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,
(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,(1,2)), (d,

Day 8:

3. Advanced RDD Methods

3.1 zips – to make pair RDD

# make 1st RDD

scala> val wordArray = Array ("bmw", "audi", "mercedes",
wordArray: Array[String] = Array(bmw, audi, mercedes, suzuki)

scala> val wordRDD = sc.parallelize(wordArray,2)

wordRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] =
ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at <console>:26

scala> wordRDD.collect
res2: Array[String] = Array(bmw, audi, mercedes, suzuki)

# make 2nd RDD

scala> val costArray = Array (100000, 200000, 300000, 50000)
costArray: Array[Int] = Array(100000, 200000, 300000, 50000)
scala> val costRDD = sc.parallelize(costArray,2)
costRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Int] =
ParallelCollectionRDD[1] at parallelize at <console>:26

scala> costRDD.collect
res3: Array[Int] = Array(100000, 200000, 300000, 50000)

# zip: Zips this RDD with another one, returning key-value pairs with the first
element in each RDD second element in each RDD

scala> val zippedRDD = wordRDD.zip(costRDD)

zippedRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Int)] =
ZippedPartitionsRDD2[2] at zip at <console>:27

scala> zippedRDD.collect
res4: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((bmw,100000),
(audi,200000), (mercedes,300000), (suzuki,50000))

1. Both RDD’s should have same number of partitions.

2. Both RDD’s should have same number of elements in each

3.2 coalesce
 only reduce number of partitions
 avoids reshuffling of data

3.3 repartition
 reduce or increase the number of partitions
 repartition causes shuffling of data
When to reduce number of partitions and when to increase number of

Reduce – example: you do a filter on some RDD and data in the RDD
reduces, so no meaning in keeping data in multiple partition, so you
can reduce the number of partitions

Increase – you want to increase parallelism in the job

val carRDD = RDD(“x1”,”x2”,”x3”,”x4” ……… 100’s of model names , 1


Make some reporting

X1 reporting, x2 reporting, x3 reporting…. Can be in parallel

val carRDD = RDD(“x1”,”x2”,”x3”,”x4” ……… 100’s of model names , 10

- basically increasing the amount of parallelism being performed


# created a car array

scala> val carArray = Array ("bmw", "audi", "mercedes", "suzuki",
"toyota", "chevorlete", "saab", "honda", "mazda", "toyota")
carArray: Array[String] = Array(bmw, audi, mercedes, suzuki, toyota,
chevorlete, saab, honda, mazda, toyota)

# created a carRDD with 4 partitions

scala> val carRDD = sc.parallelize(carArray,4)
carRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = ParallelCollectionRDD[3] at
parallelize at <console>:26

# Reduce the number of partitions using coalesce and repartition

Note that repartition took more time and did the complete shuffle
scala> carRDD.glom().collect()
res5: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(bmw, audi), Array(mercedes,
suzuki, toyota), Array(chevorlete, saab), Array(honda, mazda, toyota))

scala> carRDD.coalesce(3).glom().collect()
res6: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(bmw, audi), Array(mercedes,
suzuki, toyota), Array(chevorlete, saab, honda, mazda, toyota))

scala> carRDD.repartition(3).glom().collect()
[Stage 6:> (0
+[Stage 6:>
(0 +[Stage 6:==============>
(1 +[Stage 6:=============================>
(2 +[Stage 6:============================================>
(3 +
res7: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(suzuki, mazda), Array(bmw,
toyota, chevorlete, toyota), Array(audi, mercedes, saab, honda))

# Increase number of partition.

Coalesce does not work as coalesce can only reduce the number of
Repartition is increase the number of partition
scala> carRDD.coalesce(6).glom().collect()
res8: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(bmw, audi), Array(mercedes,
suzuki, toyota), Array(chevorlete, saab), Array(honda, mazda, toyota))

scala> carRDD.repartition(6).glom().collect()
res9: Array[Array[String]] = Array(Array(suzuki), Array(bmw, toyota),
Array(audi, honda), Array(mazda), Array(chevorlete, toyota),
Array(mercedes, saab))

3.4 custom Partition

- you are able to control which partition gets what data

Data we are using is as below

United States,Romania,15
United States,Croatia,1
United States,Ireland,344
Egypt,United States,15
United States,India,62
United States,Singapore,1
United States,Grenada,62
Costa Rica,United States,588
Senegal,United States,40
Moldova,United States,1
United States,Sint Maarten,325
United States,Marshall Islands,39
Guyana,United States,64
Malta,United States,1
Anguilla,United States,41
Bolivia,United States,30
United States,Paraguay,6
Algeria,United States,4
Turks and Caicos Islands,United States,230
United States,Gibraltar,1
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines,United States,1
Italy,United States,382
United States,Federated States of Micronesia,69
United States,Russia,161
Pakistan,United States,12
United States,Netherlands,660
Iceland,United States,181
Marshall Islands,United States,42
Luxembourg,United States,155
Honduras,United States,362
The Bahamas,United States,955

Step 1: Create a csv file

Option A: using vi command

i. hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ vi flightData.csv
ii. copy the data
iii. to save exit, used Esc + wq!
Option B: If you are not comfortable using vi

i. open the text editor in the ubuntu

ii. copy the data
iii. press save button and save it to path

Step 2: Copy the data from local linux machine into the hadoop

To copy the file first create the directory:

hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -mkdir /sparkLabDay8

hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal

/home/hadoopuser/flightData.csv /sparkLabDay8/

Step 3: See the data in hadoop directory

hadoopuser@hadoopuser-VirtualBox:~$ hdfs dfs -cat

1. Load the data in a data frame

2. You do all the transformation actions
3. Convert data frame to RDD
4. Do the custom partition on RDD {NOTE: YOU CAN NOT DO A CUSTOME
5. Convert RDD back into data frame
6. You do all the transformation actions according to business

1. Load the data in a data frame

scala> val df =
[Stage 11:>
(0 +
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [DEST_COUNTRY_NAME:
string, ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME: string ... 1 more field]

scala> df.show(5)
| United States| Romania| 15|
| United States| Croatia| 1|
| United States| Ireland| 344|
| Egypt| United States| 15|
| United States| India| 62|
only showing top 5 rows

scala> df.schema
res11: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType =

2. You do all the transformation actions

3. Convert Dataframe into RDD

# convert df into rdd with 8 partitions

scala> val rdd = df.repartition(8).rdd
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] =
MapPartitionsRDD[38] at rdd at <console>:25

scala> rdd.collect
res12: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines,United States,1], [United States,Singapore,1],
[Moldova,United States,1], [United States,Netherlands,660], [United
States,Grenada,62], [Honduras,United States,362], [Pakistan,United
States,12], [Marshall Islands,United States,42], [United
States,India,62], [Bolivia,United States,30], [United
States,Gibraltar,1], [Malta,United States,1], [Anguilla,United
States,41], [United States,Marshall Islands,39], [Costa Rica,United
States,588], [United States,Ireland,344], [Algeria,United States,4],
[Turks and Caicos Islands,United States,230], [The Bahamas,United
States,955], [Italy,United States,382], [United States,Paraguay,6],
[Luxembourg,United States,155], [United States,Croatia,1],
[Guyana,United States,64], [Eg...
scala> rdd.glom().collect()
res13: Array[Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row]] = Array(Array([Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines,United States,1], [United
States,Singapore,1], [Moldova,United States,1], [United
States,Netherlands,660]), Array([United States,Grenada,62],
[Honduras,United States,362], [Pakistan,United States,12], [Marshall
Islands,United States,42]), Array([United States,India,62],
[Bolivia,United States,30], [United States,Gibraltar,1],
[Malta,United States,1]), Array([Anguilla,United States,41], [United
States,Marshall Islands,39], [Costa Rica,United States,588], [United
States,Ireland,344]), Array([Algeria,United States,4], [Turks and
Caicos Islands,United States,230], [The Bahamas,United States,955],
[Italy,United States,382]), Array([United States,Paraguay,6],
[Luxembourg,United States,155], [United S...

scala> rdd.getNumPartitions
res14: Int = 8

Hash Partitioner : Operates on Discrete values: Eg: city names

Range Partitioner : Operates on Continuous values: Eg: Marks,

Scala> import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner

import org.apache.spark.HashPartitioner

# RDD to Key Value pair RDD

scala> val keyedRDD = rdd.keyBy(r => r(0))

keyedRDD: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Any,
org.apache.spark.sql.Row)] = MapPartitionsRDD[40] at keyBy at

scala> keyedRDD.collect
res15: Array[(Any, org.apache.spark.sql.Row)] = Array((Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines,[Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines,United States,1]), (United States,[United
States,Singapore,1]), (Moldova,[Moldova,United States,1]),
(United States,[United States,Netherlands,660]), (United
States,[United States,Grenada,62]), (Honduras,[Honduras,United
States,362]), (Pakistan,[Pakistan,United States,12]),
(Marshall Islands,[Marshall Islands,United States,42]),
(United States,[United States,India,62]), (Bolivia,
[Bolivia,United States,30]), (United States,[United
States,Gibraltar,1]), (Malta,[Malta,United States,1]),
(Anguilla,[Anguilla,United States,41]), (United States,[United
States,Marshall Islands,39]), (Costa Rica,[Costa Rica,United
States,588]), (United States,[United States,Ireland,344]),

scala> keyedRDD.partitionBy(new
<console>:27: error: not found: type HashPartioner

scala> keyedRDD.partitionBy(new
res17: Array[Array[(Any, org.apache.spark.sql.Row)]] =
Array(Array((Moldova,[Moldova,United States,1]), (The Bahamas,
[The Bahamas,United States,955])), Array((Costa Rica,[Costa
Rica,United States,588]), (Algeria,[Algeria,United States,4]),
(Guyana,[Guyana,United States,64]), (Senegal,[Senegal,United
States,40])), Array((Turks and Caicos Islands,[Turks and
Caicos Islands,United States,230])), Array((Anguilla,
[Anguilla,United States,41]), (Italy,[Italy,United
States,382]), (Egypt,[Egypt,United States,15])),
Array((Honduras,[Honduras,United States,362]), (Marshall
Islands,[Marshall Islands,United States,42]), (Bolivia,
[Bolivia,United States,30])), Array((Pakistan,[Pakistan,United
States,12]), (Malta,[Malta,United States,1])), Array((Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines,[Saint Vincent and the G...

Next Variation

You want all flights for Italy in 1st partition

scala> import org.apache.spark.Partitioner

import org.apache.spark.Partitioner

scala> class customPart extends Partitioner {

| def numPartitions = 3
| def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {
| val flightDestination = key.toString
| if (flightDestination == "Italy") {
| return 0
| } else {
| return new java.util.Random().nextInt(2) + 1
| }
| }
| }
defined class customPart

scala> keyedRDD.partitionBy(new customPart).glom().collect()

res18: Array[Array[(Any, org.apache.spark.sql.Row)]] =

Array(Array((Italy,[Italy,United States,382])), Array((Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines,[Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines,United States,1]), (United States,[United
States,Singapore,1]), (United States,[United
States,Netherlands,660]), (United States,[United
States,Grenada,62]), (Pakistan,[Pakistan,United States,12]),
(Bolivia,[Bolivia,United States,30]), (United States,[United
States,Gibraltar,1]), (Malta,[Malta,United States,1]), (United
States,[United States,Marshall Islands,39]), (Costa Rica,
[Costa Rica,United States,588]), (Algeria,[Algeria,United
States,4]), (Turks and Caicos Islands,[Turks and Caicos
Islands,United States,230]), (The Bahamas,[The Bahamas,United
States,955]), (Luxembourg,[Luxembourg,United States,155]),

scala> val a = keyedRDD.partitionBy(new customPart).map(_._1)

a: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Any] = MapPartitionsRDD[46] at map

at <console>:28

scala> a.glom().collect()
res20: Array[Array[Any]] = Array(Array(Italy), Array(Moldova,
United States, Costa Rica, United States, Algeria, Turks and
Caicos Islands, United States, Luxembourg, United States,
Guyana, Egypt, United States, United States, Iceland, United
States), Array(Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United
States, United States, Honduras, Pakistan, Marshall Islands,
United States, Bolivia, United States, Malta, Anguilla, United
States, The Bahamas, United States, Senegal))

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