M&D Overview Brochure en 2021 08 Gea 33143 r002
M&D Overview Brochure en 2021 08 Gea 33143 r002
M&D Overview Brochure en 2021 08 Gea 33143 r002
Grid Solutions
Why monitor assets?
• Continuous online early-warning fault monitors for transformers • Equivalent to having a DGA lab in a box
• Uses fuel cell technology behind a vacuum resistant membrane • Quick set up. Get results from a manually taken oil sample in <30 minutes
• Tracks mainly Hydrogen (H₂) which is the key gas omnipresent in all fault types • Easy to use by a trained operator, no need for a laptop
• Can detect a rising gas level, indicative of a possible fault condition • Ideal partner when dealing with an alarm from a single gas DGA monitor as it
provides on-site diagnostics
• Raises an alarm if a gas threshold or a gas rate-of-change is exceeded
• Supports mineral oil, ester-based fluid and Buchholz gas samples
• Choice of “Hydrogen only” or traditional Hydran “Composite gas” sensor
• No moving parts, and easy single valve installation
Hydran M2-X
As per the 201Ti but with added moisture in oil
measurement and wider range of communications
options (including Ethernet) and protocols (DNP3,
IEC*61850). Can also connect additional sensors
and run transformer models. Versions available for
Ester based insulating fluids.
PAS Technology Kelman Multigas DGA
PAS Unit
Mirror Kelman DGA 900 TAPTRANS
Radiation 9-gas DGA for monitoring main tank and OLTC related tanks
Wavelength where gas concentrations are different. Uses unique dual
(Filter Wheel) Chopper manifold system to avoid oil mixing.
Sample IN
Microphone Kelman DGA 900 MULTITRANS
Pump Sample Out 9-gas DGA specifically designed for monitoring three single
phase transformers in close proximity.
No recalibration of PAS detector required
following original factory calibration
Kelman DGA900 PLUS & MS 3000 Intellix BMT 330
MS 3000 System
“All-in-one” transformer monitoring solution
that combines online data from all transformer
components with sophisticated analytics to form Intellix BMT 330
an aggregate view of the transformer’s health System provides % change in Capacitance C1 and
and provide an accurate expert diagnostic for relative Power Factor (tan delta) with respect to the
continuous peace of mind. The MS 3000 has no “as new” nameplate values. Also detects the presence
inbuilt DGA Monitor however, it connects with any of Partial Discharge (PD) activity in the bushings and
single DGA or multi gas device. the transformer main tank.
These modular systems can adapt to the transformer and the monitoring
needs, and are suitable for all transformer types and makes. New or retrofit.
In addition to DGA, the TMS solution provides additional monitoring and modeling, which
enables identification of the other possible causes of transformer failure:
Assesses and classifies the condition of the transformer into one single health/risk score.
• Compact, modern and modular online monitoring device for most brand/type of HV • Automatically downloads, stores and analyses data from all GE monitors (for
circuit breaker transformers and circuit breakers)
• Measures and checks key parameters every time the circuit breaker operates and • Centralized Server software with Desktop and Web clients
continuously monitors other values in-between operations
• Evaluates both online (downloaded) and offline (imported) data using powerful
• Used to keep aging assets operating while extending maintenance intervals and algorithms based on Standards and/or best practice
reducing the risk of “failure to operate”
• Calculates a Risk Index (1 to 5) to represent the health of the asset and risk to normal
• Detects gas leaks early to reduce costly SF6 releases to the atmosphere operation
• Raw data and Industry-standard diagnostic tools for the asset expert
• Fleet-wide health assessment and Risk Index ranking for the asset manager
• Simple and intuitive user interface with email alerts
CB Watch 3 • Representation of assets status on geographical view
Modular and configurable. Monitors operation
timing, SF6 gas leaks, arcing contact wear, coil
current, rewind/pump motor current and cabinet
temperatures by adding more modules and
sensors. Rich in features: Web HMI, Ethernet, F/O,
IEC 61850 and Comtrade files.
Why GE as your partner of choice?
GE, the GE monogram, Kelman, Hydran, Intellix, Perception, Transfix, Transport X, CB Watch and
Minitrans are trademarks of the General Electric Company.
* Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc., IEC is a registered trademark of
Commission Electrotechnique Internationale. IEEE is a registered trademark of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers Inc. Some images used under license from Shutterstock.com.
GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without
notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.