Late Chalcolithic Ceramic Development in
Late Chalcolithic Ceramic Development in
Late Chalcolithic Ceramic Development in
1 1
Kani Shaie is a small archaeological site in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, centrally located in the Bazian Basin, a
narrow valley at the western edge of the Zagros Mountains along the major route between Kirkuk and
Sulaymaniyah. Its main mound was inhabited almost continuously from the fifth to the middle of the third
millennium, c. 5000–2500 B.C.E. This period of Mesopotamian prehistory, corresponding to the Chalcolithic
and Early Bronze Age, witnessed major transformations such as initial urbanism and intensification of
interregional interaction networks. The recent resurgence of fieldwork in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is
beginning to reveal local trajectories that do not always match the established chronological framework,
which is largely based on changes in ceramic technology and styles observed in northern Mesopotamia. Here,
we discuss the ceramic sequence retrieved from a step trench at Kani Shaie spanning the entire Late
Chalcolithic (c. 4600–3100 B.C.E.). A bottom-up approach to potting traditions at the site allows an initial
assessment of the relationship between local communities in the Zagros foothills and large-scale developments
in the Mesopotamian world. We argue that the evidence from Kani Shaie reflects a long process in which
different communities of practice made active choices of adopting, adapting, or rejecting non-local cultural
The Late Chalcolithic (c. 4600–3100 B.C.E.) was a period of major transformations in southwest
Asia. From the eastern Mediterranean to Central Asia, societies grew more complex than the
village-based societies that came before. Archaeologists have traced the emergence of urban
settlements, intricate administrative systems, long-distance trade, and complex political
organisation. Consequently, this period features as a major focus of archaeological research aimed
at reconstructing the origins of early complex societies in the Middle East (Algaze 1993; Baldi
et al. in press; Benati 2018; Butterlin 2003, 2018; Marro 2012; McMahon 2020; Petrie 2013;
Postgate 2002; Rothman 2001).
However, our knowledge of Late Chalcolithic (hereafter LC) developments remains uneven. Most
of our data come from the Middle and Upper Euphrates region and the Upper Khabur region of Syria
and Turkey (Akkermans and Schwartz 2003: 181–210; Frangipane 2018; McMahon 2020; Sagona
and Zimansky 2009: 144–171; Schwartz 2001; Ur 2010; Wilkinson and Tucker 1995), and to a
lesser extent the eastern Jazira and Tigris region (Abu Jayyab 2012, 2019; Al Quntar and Abu
Jayyab 2014; Ball 2003; Butterlin 2009; Gut 1995; Kepinski 2011; Mühl 2013: 101–111; Numoto
1998; Reichel 2008, 2011; Rothman 2002). Decades of research have established that northern
Mesopotamia underwent an indigenous development of urbanisation that paralleled the
emergence of cities in southern Mesopotamia such as Uruk (Algaze 2008; McMahon 2020; Nissen
2001; Oates et al. 2007; Stein 2012). At the same time, the nature of the relationship between
northern and southern complex societies remains unclear. The wide spread during the latter part
of the LC of a relatively homogeneous set of material culture (ceramics, administrative practices,
and architectural features) that developed first in southern Mesopotamia is usually interpreted as
an attempt by southerners to access or control the interregional exchange networks that regulated
the flow of raw materials (Algaze 1993). Yet despite much research, archaeologists continue to
grapple with issues of chronology and different local responses to cultural encounters that are
difficult to reconcile within a single model (most recently, Butterlin 2018: 407–427; Dahl et al.
2013; Porter 2012; Rothman 2013).
Iraq (2021) © The British Institute for the Study of Iraq 2021
East of the Tigris River, evidence for the LC is much scarcer than in northern Mesopotamia.
Our knowledge of this region is almost exclusively reliant on outdated sequences from the first
half of the twentieth century. The Kuyunjik Mound at Nineveh is the only site where a
complete sequence spanning the entire LC has been documented (Gut 1995).1 The lack of well-
documented LC sites in the Trans-Tigridian region, and especially the limited evidence for a
southern Mesopotamian presence that is so strikingly visible in northern Mesopotamia, have not
gone unnoticed. Only further to the east, at Godin Tepe, is there good evidence for the
penetration of southern Mesopotamian, or “Uruk”, material culture into the central Zagros
(Rothman and Badler 2011). In his landmark study of the Uruk world, Algaze (1993: 63–71)
could only speculate about the presence of outposts and colonies between the Tigris River and
the Zagros Mountains. More recently, both Rothman (2013) and Matthews (2013), echoing
earlier work by Henrickson (1994), have considered that the Diyala River and the road via
Kermanshah to Hamadan formed a major route connecting Uruk Mesopotamia with the
Iranian highlands. In contrast, Petrie (2014) considers the absence of evidence for Uruk presence
in the western Zagros foothills to suggest that the enclave at Godin Tepe was tied to an
expansion out of southwest Iran, bypassing the Trans-Tigridian region altogether.2 New
fieldwork in Iraqi Kurdistan is now rapidly filling in this gap on the archaeological map,
resulting in a need for updated chronologies and new interpretive models.
The early excavations at Tepe Gawra (Rothman 2002; centers with “Uruk” pottery, similar to Godin Tepe, in the
Tobler 1950) have served to identify the early to mid LC in intermontane plains between Godin Tepe and the Lower
the region. In addition, Iraqi salvage excavations have Diyala. Earlier reports of such sites were based virtually
produced important datasets for the early to mid LC: Qalinj exclusively on the presence of Beveled Rim Bowls, which on
Agha (Hijara 1973); Girdi Resh (Hijara 1976); Tell Begum their own cannot be used as a marker of southern
(Nieuwenhuyse et al. 2016); Greza (Saber et al. 2014); and Mesopotamian presence (Renette 2018: 315–320; see
Tanjero (Saber et al. 2014). For mid to late LC occupation in Renette and Mohammadi Ghasrian 2020 for a synthesis of
Iraqi Kurdistan, Abu al-Soof’s comprehensive study (1985) the present state of knowledge of the Late Chalcolithic in
was until recently the only source of information. the northern and central Zagros).
2 3
Evidence from recent fieldwork by Iranian archaeologists “Tracing Uruk Pottery Workshop”, October 29–30, 2018,
and reanalysis of the Mahidasht Survey dataset contradict organized by R. Bernbeck and S. Pollock as part of the Topoi
Rothman’s and Matthews’ assertions of the presence of Excellence Cluster at the Freie Universität, Berlin.
Fig. 1 Map of the northern Zagros Piedmont and the eastern part of northern Mesopotamia with the main Late
Chalcolithic sites (base map by M. Sauvage).
The Kani Shaie Archaeological Project was initiated in who instantly became an invaluable member of the project. We
2012 as a collaboration between S. Renette (University of also extend our gratitude to the entire staff at the Directorate
Pennsylvania), A. Tomé and R. Cabral (University of for providing logistical and administrative support, especially
Coimbra). We would like to thank the Director of the S.A. Saber, A. Ameen, and S. Abdulrahman.
Sulaymaniyah Directorate of Antiquities Kamal Rasheed and KSAP fieldwork has been generously funded by grants
the Director of the Sulaymaniyah Museum Hashim Hama for from the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology
their support and friendship. We are greatly indebted to Zana (Portugal), the Penn Museum, the Louis J. Kolb
Abdullkarim, representative of the Directorate of Antiquities, Foundation, ASOR, and the Explorers Club.
Fig. 2 Digital Elevation Model of Kani Shaie with indication of the main excavation areas.
highlands during the LC and EBA. The site of Kani Shaie was selected because surface collection
revealed a long history of occupation that could be used to establish a local ceramic typology
before conducting a survey of the basin.6 The main mound of Kani Shaie was primarily occupied
during the Chalcolithic and EBA, allowing direct access to these occupation levels, while later
occupation is mainly spread across the low extension around the mound.
During October–November 2018, KSAP collaborated Basin was visited briefly by E.A. Speiser during his
with J. Giraud and the Mission Archéologique française du exploration of southern Kurdistan (Speiser 1926–27), and it
Governorate de Soulaimaniah (MAFGS) to conduct an was included in the Iraq-Jarmo Project survey conducted by
initial survey of the Bazian Basin, funded by the ASOR R. Braidwood and his team (Braidwood and Howe 1960).
Mesopotamian Fellowship, French Ministry of Foreign As part of this project, B. Howe conducted small-scale
Affairs, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, and excavations at the Epipaleolithic rock shelter of Palegawra
CNRS-UMR Team VEPMO. Before KSAP, the Bazian (ibid. 28–29, 57–59).
Fig. 3 Drone photos of Kani Shaie and the step trench on the southern slope.
TABLE 1 Kani Shaie Main Mound phasing with level descriptions, elevations (measured from permanent point
at the site), proposed periodization, and available carbon dates (phase Vd date is from separate pit).
MM bottom
phasing levels elevations description period C14
1 109.75 poorly preserved surface LC 4(-5?)
2 109.49 two square spaces defined by mudbrick walls LC 4(-5?)
b 3 hiatus / ephemeral activity zone LC 4
4 108.82 burnt collapse LC 4 3530–3370 cal BC
5 108.26 two square spaces defined by mudbrick walls LC 3-4
d 6 107.98 sounding below level 5 LC 3 3770–3665 cal BC
7 107.02 poorly preserved occupation level LC 2(-3)
8 106.45 collapsed mudbrick structure; jar burial LC 2 4065–3959 cal BC
VI 9 106.05 collapsed fire installation; jar burial LC 1
10 104.45 stone wall LC 1
11 103.52 two stone-based walls; small fire installation LC 1
12 102.73 poorly preserved surface LC 1
13 pits late Ubaid
VII 14 101.99 stone paved surface; small fire installation late Ubaid
15 101.15 stone-based wall late Ubaid
Fig. 4 Section drawing of the west profile of the step trench highlighting the Late Chalcolithic levels.
Fig. 5 Trench photos: (a) level 2; (b) level 5; (c) level 8; (d) level 14.
TABLE 2 AMS dates of three LC contexts from Kani Shaie, processed at Beta Analytic (2036-ES.1),
DirectAMS (2088-ES.54), and Keck-CCAMS Group Irvine (11002-ES.1).
occupation of unknown duration. Extended exposure of this level and intrusive activity of the initial
EBA occupation resulted in poor preservation. The subsequent level 2 was much better preserved and
sealed by the architecture and surface of level 1.
Level 3 lacks architectural remains in the step trench sounding. Instead, it is defined by ephemeral
activity areas forming subphase Vb, which could represent a brief hiatus in occupation.
Levels 4–5 form subphase Vc, with large-scale mudbrick architecture oriented northwest-southeast.
The level 4 building was destroyed by conflagration, as the spaces were filled with burnt collapse. Two
C14 dates from level 4 provide a secure dating of 3530–3370 cal B.C.E. (Table 2). Level 5 is an earlier
building with a similar layout that was largely cleaned out before the construction of the level 4 building
(Fig. 5b). Finally, subphase Vd consists of level 6, which was only reached in a sounding below the floor
of one of the level 5 spaces and in a narrow exposure at the edge of the mound in the step trench. A pit
lower on the slope that is most likely contemporary with this level, based on ceramic similarities,
produced a C14 date between 3770–3665 cal B.C.E. (Table 2).
The next phase, MM VI, which spans ca. 4.5 m of deposits, is defined by a change in material
culture and architectural layout. The upper level 7 was only exposed at the very edge of the
mound, where excavations revealed a wall foundation of a single row of stones. Level 8 is
particularly well preserved, with the remains of a collapsed mudbrick building (Fig. 5c). Within
the pile of burnt bricks and roof fragments were large amounts of pottery, including several
broken, but complete, vessels. Underneath the surface of this structure was an intact jar burial
carbon dated to 4065–3959 cal B.C.E. (Table 2). This burial contained the remains of a child
interred with a cooking pot.
A large collapsed fire installation served to identify the surface of level 9. Level 10 is defined by the
presence of a stone wall foundation, but the occupational deposits in this part of the step trench were
difficult to identify and were explored at the very end of excavations in 2015. When excavations
resumed in 2016, a year of wind, snow, and rain erosion had further obscured these contexts,
necessitating the creation of a new step that consisted of small-scale mudbrick architecture in
levels 11–12.
MM phase VII, spanning ca. 1.5 m of deposits, consists of three levels. The top level 13 is defined
by pits that were dug near the edge of the mound without any identifiable corresponding occupation.
Levels 14 and 15 contained small, mudbrick architecture on stone foundations, a stone paved surface,
and a small fire installation (Fig. 5d). While these remains appear similar to the phase VI settlement
layout, the material culture of these levels warrants the identification of a separate phase.
dominate the assemblage at 72.8%, while jars and large basins combine for 27.2%. In total, five bowl
and two jar forms dominate the assemblage, representing 70% of all diagnostic sherds.
Mass-produced bowls (MPB)7 are the most frequent vessel type in phase VII (18.5%).8 This is a
coarse straight sided bowl that combines coarse vegetal and mineral temper and was fired at a
relatively low temperature (Fig. 6: 1). This vessel type occurs at most sites in northeastern
Mesopotamia during LC1–2, at least as far south as the Shahrizor and the Hamrin Basin. In the
Kurdistan region of Iraq it is mainly known from sites in the Erbil Plain, including Qalinj Agha
level A (Hijara 1973: pl. 23), Surezha (Stein 2018: fig. 8: 3), and Tell Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca
2015: fig. 12: 1–3). Further south, this type is found at Late Ubaid/LC1 levels at Gurga Chiya
(Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 12: 23) and Tell Madhhur (Moon and Roaf 1984: fig. 16: 1–2; Roaf
1989: fig. 3: D3, D11, F16). A similar vessel to the MPB is a wide coarse tray (7%) (Fig. 6: 2),
which seems to be exclusive to the Kurdistan region of Iraq and particularly the Shahrizor, where
it has been attested in Late Ubaid/LC1 levels at the sites of Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016:
fig. 12: 20–22) and Tell Begum (Nieuwenhuyse et al. 2016: fig. 27: 21–22).
Straight-sided bowls with simple rims (11.4%) occur frequently throughout phase VII (Fig. 6: 5).
Half of the examples recovered were finer green/buff wares with dark painted geometric designs.
Similar examples were found in Ubaid levels at Qalat Said Ahmadan (Tsuneki et al. 2016: fig.
2.10: 4), Surezha (Stein 2018: fig. 7: 1, 3), and Tell Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca 2015: fig. 10: 3, 7,
10) among many other sites. Variants with an inner ledge (Fig. 6: 4) and a grooved rim (Fig. 6: 3),
which are always decorated with simple painted bands, are less common at Kani Shaie. Straight-
sided bowls with an inner ledge occur further north at Qalat Said Ahmadan in Ubaid
levels (Tsuneki et al. 2016: fig. 2.10: 13) and Tell Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca 2015: fig. 10:
13). Grooved rim straight-sided bowls have parallels in the Erbil plain at Surezha (Stein 2018: fig.
8: 1–2), Tell Nader (Kopanias et al. 2013: fig. 23: 11), and Tell Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca 2015:
fig. 10: 12).
Round bowls with flat rims (Fig. 6: 6) are also relatively common at Kani Shaie (7%), but they seem
to be a locally restricted type with good parallels at nearby Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 12:
15). Another relatively common vessel (10%) at Kani Shaie is the in-turned globular bowl (Fig. 6: 11).
These bowls have many parallels at sites west of the Tigris River and sites north of the Lower Zab
River, but they are not as common south of the Lower Zab.
The most common jar shape (8.4%) at Kani Shaie is the short neck flaring jar (Fig. 6: 13–14).
Similar forms are found at Gurga Chiya during the Late Ubaid/LC1 (Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 12: 7)
and Qalinj Agha level A (Hijara 1973: pl. 23). One example was recovered of a jar with an
internal ledge (Fig. 6: 12). This vessel is only present within this phase and is known from most
Ubaid sites in the region, such as Surezha (Stein 2018: fig 8: 5), Tell Nader (Kopanias et al. 2013:
fig. 23: 14–15), and Tell Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca 2015: fig. 10: 1–2), as well as in the
Hamrin at Tell Abada (Jasim 1985: figs. 124–175) and Tell Madhhur (Moon and Roaf 1984: fig.
18: 13).9 It is also worth mentioning two jar forms that are found at Kani Shaie at low frequency:
grooved rim jars and fine small flaring rim jars (Fig. 6: 8–9) with good parallels at Yorghan Tepe
(Starr 1939: pl. 43: E-F). Finally, a single sherd of an extended rim pot was found in this phase
(Fig. 6: 10).
A relatively frequent category of vessels from phase VII belongs to the Dalma Impressed ware
(Fig. 6: 15–16; Fig. 7: 1–3) (7.7%).10 Dalma Impressed wares have a wide distribution in the
MPBs at Kani Shaie are mainly of the “Wide Flower Pot” stratigraphically reliable data. At least for now, the dominance
type (Baldi 2012: type IV, while the earliest MPB sherds might and early occurrence of MPB of the “Wide Flower Pot” type
be of his type I). While use of the terminology of Wide Flower at Kani Shaie seems to confirm Baldi’s model (2012).
Pot and Coba Bowl has varied over the years, authors This is calculated from the percentage of diagnostic rim
generally agree that these names encompass a variety of forms sherds (n: 70).
that are chronologically sensitive and have different The example from Tell Madhhur is an undecorated
geographical distributions (Baldi 2012; Rothman 2002: 55; cooking pot (Moon and Roaf 1984: 147).
Rova 2007: 12). The MPBs of the Zagros Piedmont have not Frequency is calculated from the entire sherd collection
been fully integrated in this debate due to a lack of (n: 104).
Fig. 6 Phase VII ceramics: 1–14: main vessel types; 15–16: Dalma Impressed ware; 17–21: Ubaid Painted ware;
22: incised ware. See Table 3 for details.
central and northern Zagros, for example at Seh Gabi (Henrickson 1985: fig. 8: 6, 8–11), Chogha
Maran, and Tepe Siahbid (Henrickson 1985: fig. 9; Levine and Young 1987: 33), in addition to
the type-site Dalma Tepe (Hamlin 1975: pl. IIa, IId, fig. 8: C). Recent work in the Kurdistan
region of Iraq has uncovered comparative examples from Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016:
265), Surezha (Stein 2018: fig. 11), Uch Tepe 3 (Mühl and Nieuwenhuyse 2016: fig. 15: 7), and as
far west as Yorghan Tepe (Starr 1939: pl. 45: E–Q). This distribution shows that the region had
ties with the region of Lake Urmia and the central Zagros (Stein 2018: 43).
TABLE 3 Phase VII: description of Fig. 6 illustrated sherds.
Fig. 7 Phase VII–VIb sherd photos: 1–3: Dalma Impressed ware; 4–6: Ubaid Painted ware; 7–9: LC1 incised
In total, 47 decorated sherds, painted or incised/impressed, were recovered from Phase VII,
representing 10.5% (n: 448) of the total sherds and 45.2% (n: 104) of diagnostic sherds. Painted
decoration is the most common at 8% of all sherds (n: 36) and 34.6% of diagnostic sherds (n: 104)
and is commonly executed in dark black or brown paint on a buff (n: 22) or light green surface
(n: 10) (Fig. 7: 4–6). However, three examples are executed with red paint on a cream or cream
slipped surface (Fig. 6: 4, 9, 19), which have parallels at Surezha (Stein and Alizadeh 2017: fig. 14.
K). Patterns are limited to a few simple geometric designs. Simple painted bands (Fig. 6: 19–20)
and festoons along the rim (Fig. 6: 3–5) are the most common. Other patterns are diagonal
bands (Fig. 6: 5), connected lozenges (Fig. 6: 17–18), vertical wavy lines (Fig. 6: 9), and horizontal
triangles (Fig. 6: 21). Straight-sided bowls are the most common decorated vessel type (Fig. 6:
3–5), followed by globular bowls and several jars.
Dalma Impressed wares dominate decorated types with surface modification (n: 8). In addition,
only three examples of incised decoration were found in phase VII: two comb-incised sherds
(Fig. 6: 22) and one with an incised herring-bone pattern. Herring-bone incised vessels are
commonly found at Late Ubaid sites throughout the region, such as Tanjaro (Saber et al. 2014: fig. 7:
1), Tell Madhhur (Moon and Roaf 1984: fig. 20: 7, 13), Tell Dayim (Takriti 1960: pl. 7: 43), Surezha
(Stein and Alizadeh 2014: fig. 12: top), Tepe Gawra level XIII (Tobler 1950: pl. CXXXI: 217), Abu
Husaini (Tusa 1984: figs. 33, 36), and Kudish Saghir (Starr 1939: pl. 46: D).
Most of the fabrics seem to be local,11 as none of the minerals macroscopically observed seem to have
been derived from outside of the immediate vicinity of the site. In total four main fabric groups were
observed in the assemblage of phase VII (see Table 4 and Fig. 16, below). The majority of vessels
contained vegetal temper to differing degrees, with the exception of F4 (5%) and one example of F3b.
F1 constitutes 81% of fabrics (F1a 31%; F1b 42%; F1c 8%). Fabric group F2, which has a finer clay
texture than group F1 due to the absence of limestone, represents 9% of diagnostic sherds. 5% of
diagnostic sherds belong to fabric group F3 (F3a 4%; F3b 1%). Finally, another 5% of diagnostic
sherds, all of which are painted and (non-Dalma) incised wares, belong to fabric group F4 (F4a
2%; F4b 3%). Other painted wares are made from F1b and F1c fabrics, with two examples made
from F3. Almost all MPBs and wide coarse trays are made from coarse fabrics F1a, with two
examples of MPBs made from F2 heavy chaff tempered fabrics. Dalma Impressed wares are made
primarily from fabric F1b, with two examples made from F2 and one example from F3.
Forming Techniques and Surface Treatments
As far as can be observed from fragmentary sherds, coiling or coil building seems to be the
predominant technique, comprising 87.5% of diagnostic sherds. Hand building or pinching
accounts for the rest. In many cases coiling is combined with other building or finishing
techniques. Moulding the base and applying a coiled body is seen in two examples of bowls with a
rounded base and straight vertical walls (Fig. 6: 7). Wheel finishing, most likely on a slow rotation
pivot as a means to smoothen and homogenize the surface, is noted on six examples. This seems to
be a practice applied in preparation for painting the vessel, however it also seems to be true of one
example of a MPB, where the upper half of the body and rim have striation marks. With the
exception of two examples, all the hand-drawn vessels observed were finer painted vessels. Hand-
drawing was usually accompanied by wet smoothing of the vessel surface.
The majority (67.3%) of the vessels observed, including decorated wares,12 were smoothed by
slightly rubbing the surface with a coarse stone or wet smoothed by wiping the surface with a wet
cloth or hand. The exceptions to this are the MPBs, coarse trays, and Dalma Impressed wares, as
well as individual sherds of larger type groups.
Phase VIb
Phase VIb produced a total of 343 sherds, 91 of which were diagnostic (26.5%). This includes rims
(n: 63), bases (n: 2) and decorated body sherds (n: 26). Bowls represent 53.9% of the assemblage,
while jars and large basins combine for 46.1%. In total, eight vessel forms (four bowls and four
jars/basins) dominate the assemblage, representing 68% of all diagnostic rim sherds.
The assemblage from phase VIb shares many features with the phase VII assemblage but also diverges
in a visible manner (see Fig. 17, below). MPBs continue to be an essential part of the assemblage,
comprising 20% of diagnostic sherds (Fig. 8: 1), while coarse trays remain frequent (6%) (Fig. 8:
3).13 One final vessel form that is still present – albeit at low frequency in both phases VII and VIb
(2.8–3%) – is a bowl with a rounded base and straight vertical walls, with parallels at Gurga Chiya
(Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 12: 10; fig. 13). Extended rim pots (Fig. 8: 12) increase from the
previous level and form 3% of diagnostic sherds.
Fabrics are derived from macroscopic observations and the smoothed rims in the cases where a rim profile was
conducted on diagnostic sherds. preserved (n: 3).
12 13
The exception is Dalma Impressed wares, which had This is calculated from the percentage of diagnostic rim
differential treatment between the coarse impressed body and base sherds (n: 65).
TABLE 4 Fabric groups as defined by macroscopic observation during fieldwork and study season.
Fig. 8 Phase VIb ceramics: 1–16: main vessel types; 17–20: cooking pots; 21–24: incised ware; 25: painted ware.
See Table 5 for details.
There is a significant decrease in a number of features and vessel forms during phase VIb: globular
bowls decrease from 10% to 4.5%, straight-sided bowls from 11.4% to 3%, straight-sided bowls with
inner ledges from 2.8% to 1.5%, short neck flaring jars from 8.4% to 1.5%, and to a lesser extent fine
small flaring rim jars from 3% to 1.5%. Most notable is the significant decrease in painted wares.
Furthermore, flat rim bowls, straight-sided bowls with grooved rims, jars with internal ledges, and
Dalma Impressed wares disappear completely in phase VIb.
Fine ware globular vessels with upturned rims become common in phase VIb (6%) (Fig. 8: 7). This
type is a well-fired thin-walled vessel with fine inclusions, which could have been used as a drinking
TABLE 5 Phase VIb: description of Fig. 8 illustrated sherds.
TABLE 5 (Continued)
vessel, with parallels at Tell Helawa in the Erbil plain (Peyronel and Vacca 2015: fig. 12: 17–18).
Several new types appear in phase VIb. Wide deep basins with vertical or slightly angled bodies
become common (7.5%), albeit in a variety of forms. They all have large diameters and outwardly
extended ledge rims with variation in shapes (Fig. 8: 10–11, 13–14). Parallels are found across the
Kurdistan region of Iraq and beyond at Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 12: 17–19),
Surezha (Stein and Alizadeh 2017: fig. 14: A), Tepe Gawra level XIIA (Tobler 1950: pl. CXXXVI:
274, 277), Gird-i Pasha (Mühl and Nieuwenhuyse 2016: fig. 16: 2–4), Tell Begum (Nieuwenhuyse
et al. 2016: fig. 26: 10), Tell Madhhur (Roaf 1989: fig. 5: H7, K7), and Yorghan Tepe (Starr 1939:
pl. 49: C). Two vessels of this type were used as child burial urns at Kani Shaie (one in phase VIb
and one in phase VIa).
Slightly flaring rim jars continue (6%) but frequently have incised decoration (Fig. 8: 15–16). One
of the more common new types found in VIb is a grey, slightly burnished, flaring rim cooking pot
(15.2%) (Fig. 8: 18–20). This type is primarily calcite tempered, which distinguishes it from other
vessels in the assemblage. Parallels were found at Gurga Chiya in Ubaid/LC1 levels (Wengrow
et al. 2016: fig. 12: 4–6). This type is the first formal cooking pot in the Kani Shaie sequence and
continues throughout the LC. Finally, phase VIb also produced the first example of a Beveled
Rim Bowl (BRB) (Fig. 8: 2).
During phase VIb, decoration drops from 10.5% to 7.5% (n: 26; 28.5% of diagnostic sherds).
In a reversion to phase VII, incised wares occur more frequently than painted wares. In total only
four painted sherds with simple bands (Fig. 8: 25) (1.1% of sherds; 4.4% of diagnostics) were
recovered, compared to 22 incised sherds (6.4% of sherds; 24.1% of diagnostics).
The most common decoration type consists of fine (comb-)incised lines both straight and wavy,
primarily executed on jars (Fig. 7: 7–9; Fig. 8: 15–16, 21–23), with parallels at Tell Madhhur
(Roaf 1989: fig. 8: J7, J11; fig. 9: J6, J11; fig. 10: K6), Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016:
fig. 12: 1–2), Surezha (Stein and Alizadeh 2014: fig. 12: top; Stein and Alizadeh 2017: fig. 14: C),
and Yorghan Tepe (Starr 1939: pl. 49: C). Occasionally, this decoration is accompanied by
herring-bone pattern incisions or stop-gap lines (Fig. 8: 15, 22) as at Tell Madhhur (Roaf 1989:
fig. 8: F3, H6, H11; fig. 9: K11; fig. 10: K6) and Surezha (Stein and Alizadeh 2014: fig. 12: top;
Stein and Alizadeh 2017: fig. 14: C). Other incised patterns are executed as zigzags or curved
slashes. Two examples of impressed applique rope pattern were also recovered from this phase.
F1 continues to dominate the assemblage at 77% (F1a 28%; F1b 27%; F1c 22%) (Fig. 16). F2 drops
slightly from 9% to 4% in phase VIb, while F3 increases from 5% to 9%. F4 drops from 5% to 2%,
coinciding with the decline in painted wares. A new fabric group, F5 (together with F3c), appears
during phase VIb, making up 8% of recorded fabrics, primarily restricted to burnished grey
cooking pots. Of these, only one vessel belonged to subgroup F5b without vegetal additions.
Forming Techniques and Surface Treatments
Coiling remains the most common forming technique, at 96.5% of the assemblage. Coiling is
combined with other construction and finishing techniques, such as pinching and slow wheel
finishing. Only rare examples were completely produced by moulding and pinching. The majority
of sherds were smoothed or wet smoothed (77.5%). Only 7.8% were left with rough surfaces,
primarily MPBs. Burnishing was present on 13% of vessels, primarily reserved for grey cooking pots.
Phase VIa
Phase VIa produced 526 sherds, of which 112 were diagnostic (21.3%), with bowls being the most
common form type (56%), followed by jars (37%) and basins (7%). The most distinct difference
between the phase VIa assemblage and that of earlier levels is the complete absence of any decoration.
Several forms disappear completely by phase VIa: carinated bowls, straight-sided bowls with inner
ledges, and coarse trays. Other forms are on their way out during phase VIa: MPBs comprise only
Fig. 9 Phase VIa ceramics: 1–14 and 21: main vessel types; 15–20: cooking pots. See Table 6 for details.
9% of the assemblage, compared to 20% in phase VIb (Fig. 9: 1); in-turned globular bowls decrease
from 10% of the assemblage in phase VII to just 2.7% (Fig. 9: 8); straight-sided bowls with simple rims
decrease from 11.4% in phase VII to only 0.9%.
Other types continue at relatively stable or similar frequencies when compared to the preceding
phase VIb. These include fine ware drinking cups with upturned rims (5.5%) (Fig. 9: 9), grey
burnished cooking pots (16.9%) (Fig. 9: 15–20), collared flaring rim jars (3.5%) (Fig. 9: 13), and
deep basins (7%). Just a couple of types increase in frequency from preceding levels, including
Beveled Rim Bowls (BRB) (3.5%) (Fig. 9: 2) and flat rim bowls (3.6%) (Fig. 9: 4).
Many new forms appear during phase VIa. The majority of these new forms are various types of
bowls, such as flaring rim bowls (1.8%) (Fig. 9: 3), bowls with internal lips (1.8%), slightly outturned
TABLE 6 Phase VIa: description of Fig. 9 illustrated sherds.
bowls (3.6%) (Fig. 9: 5), and squat in-turned bowls (12.5%) (Fig. 9: 7). Internally beveled rim bowls
become common (9.8%) (Fig. 9: 6), with parallels throughout northeastern Mesopotamia, including
Tell Brak (Oates 2012: fig. 7: 5) and Hamoukar (Abu Jayyab 2012: fig. 8: 12–13). One example of a
small, black burnished carinated bowl (Fig. 9: 10) also has parallels at Tell Brak (Abu Jayyab 2012:
fig. 15) and at Qalinj Agha and Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca 2015: fig. 13: 12). Other new forms
include one example of a grooved rim basin (Fig. 9: 12), similar to a type found at nearby
Logardan (Vallet et al. 2017: fig. 18: 7), and internally hollowed jars (2.7%) (Fig. 9: 11, 14) that
are well-attested with a wide distribution in LC2, such as at Tell Helawa (Peyronel and Vacca
2015: 13. 4, 6), Nineveh (Gut 1995: fig. 55), Tell Brak (Oates 2012: fig. 7: 1), and Hamoukar (Abu
Jayyab 2012: fig. 9: 4).
F1 still dominates the assemblage in phase VIa, albeit with a significant decrease to 50% (F1a 24%;
F1b 22%; F1c 4%), while F2 increases significantly from 4% to 22% in phase VIa (Fig. 16). F3 drops
slightly from 9% to 6%, and F4 only comprises 2% of the assemblage, consistent with the continuing
decline of painted wares. Finally, F5 increases in frequency from 8% to 20%, reflecting the increased
presence of cooking wares.
Forming Techniques and Surface Treatments
Coiling remains the most common forming technique and has been identified in 95.5% of the
assemblage. Coiling is sometimes combined with other techniques, such as a moulded base with
coiled upper body. This combination is primarily identified on squat in-turned bowls (Fig. 9: 7).
Moulding of the entire vessel is largely restricted to BRBs. Two sherds have traces of a
combination of coil construction and wheel finishing: a globular vessel with upturned rim and a
slightly outturned bowl.
Regarding surface treatment, the majority of vessels are slightly smoothed (70%) by rubbing the
surface with a coarse stone or wet smoothed by wiping the surface with a wet cloth or hand. Some
vessels, primarily the MPBs, are left without any treatment (17%). Burnishing occurs in 10% of the
assemblage and is primarily applied on cooking pots, with the exception of one black burnished
carinated bowl. The use of red slip and smoothing first makes its appearance during phase VIa
and is applied on 2.6% of the assemblage (Fig. 9: 21).
Phase Vd
314 sherds were recovered from Phase Vd, of which 83 were diagnostic (26.4% of the total sherd
count), including 75 rim sherds (23.9% of the total sherd count). The remaining diagnostic sherds
are bases and lugs. 58 bowl fragments amount to 77.3% of the rim sherd count, while 17 jar rim
sherds form 22.7%.
The dominant form within Phase Vd are BRBs (57.3% of the rim sherd count) ranging from a typical
oblique profile and beveled rim to a sharply flaring rim (Fig. 10: 9–11). Most are very pale brown in
colour with an oxidised core. Other examples range from reddish yellow through to light grey in
colour and feature reduced cores.
Much finer, thin-walled bowls with a beveled rim are a chronologically sensitive form confined
to phase Vd and early phase Vc, albeit relatively rare at only 2.7% (Fig. 10: 7–8). Similar
(unpublished) examples occur at Gurga Chiya within the tentatively dated LC2–3 strata, and at
Nineveh (Gut 1995: pl. 108: S116). Simple rimmed bowls form 6.7% of the phase Vd rim sherds
(Fig. 10: 3–6), recalling MPBs such as those from Girdi Resh (Hijara 1976: 74), Tepe Gawra VIII
(Rothman 2002: fig. 9: n–o), Girdi Qala and Logardan (Vallet et al. 2017: 78), and Nineveh (Gut
1995: pl. 55: 819; 63: 901).
Remaining open forms are represented by single sherds. An incurved rim bowl (Fig. 10: 12)
compares with examples from LC2–3 levels at Girdi Resh in the Shahrizor (Hijara 1976: 75), Tepe
Gawra VIII (Rothman 2002: pl. 22: 2827), Yorghan Tepe (Starr 1939: fig. 42: J), Leilan IV
(Schwartz 1988: fig. 53: 12), and Nineveh (Gut 1995: pl. 107: S66; 108: S81, S92, S95; 109: S130–
131). Another open form features a flattened, protruding exterior rim (Fig. 10: 2), which compares
Fig. 10 Phase Vd ceramics: 1–19 and 21: main vessel types; 14: ring scraper; 20: “tuyère”. See Table 7 for details.
well with LC2–3 examples from Girdi Resh in the Shahrizor (Hijara 1976: 77), Leilan IV (Schwartz
1988: fig. 58: 2), and Nineveh (Gut 1995: pl. 113: S271). A similar variant of this has a more
pronounced interior rim (Fig. 10: 13). A single example of a club-headed bowl (Fig. 10: 1)
compares with examples from Girdi Resh (Hijara 1976: 76), Nineveh (Gut 1995: 248–251), and
Hamoukar’s Southern Extension (Abu Jayyab 2012: fig. 16: 1).
Closed forms are dominated by globular jars with simple everted rims (10.7%) (Fig. 10: 17–19),
with a single variant that has a more distinctively upright rim, with close parallels at Tepe Gawra
VIII (Rothman 2002: pl. 21: 2779), Girdi Resh (Hijara 1976: 78), and Hammam et-Turkman VB
(Akkermans 1988: pl. 107: 99–100; 108: 106; 110: 125). Two beaded rim hole-mouth jar fragments
(2.6%) (Fig. 10: 16) have comparative examples at Tell Brak HS6 level 1 (Matthews 2003: fig. 3:
16.6), Hamoukar Area Z (Al-Quntar and Abu Jayyab 2014: fig. 6: 15), and Hammam et-Turkman
VB (Akkermans 1988: pl. 107: 101).
TABLE 7 Phase Vd: description of Fig. 10 illustrated sherds.
Exterior Surface Surface
No. Type Fabric Technology Treatment Treatment Exterior Colour Interior Colour Core Colour Slip Colour
1 club-headed bowl F2c coil / drawn wet smoothed wet smoothed light brown light brown very dark grey
2 flat rim bowl F2c coil wet smoothed wet smoothed very pale brown very pale very pale brown
3 simple rim bowl F2b coil wet smoothed wet smoothed light red light red dark grey
4 simple rim bowl F2b coil wiped wet smoothed pink pink very dark grey
5 simple rim bowl F2c coil wet smoothed wet smoothed pink pink dark grey
6 simple rim bowl F2c coil wiped wet smoothed light reddish light reddish brown
brown brown
7 bowl with beveled rim F5c coil wet smoothed wet smoothed pink pink reddish grey
8 bowl with beveled rim F2c coil wet smoothed wet smoothed very pale brown very pale pink very pale
(possibly (possibly brown brown
Remaining closed forms are all documented by single sherds. A jar with a narrow, banded rim and
slight concavity (Fig. 10: 21) compares to examples at Hammam et-Turkman VB (Akkermans 1988:
pl. 108: 110). A holemouth jar fragment with grooved rim (Fig. 10: 15) has comparative examples
from Tell Brak HS1 Level 6 (Felli 2003: fig. 4: 19.15) and Hammam et-Turkman VA (Akkermans
1988: pl. 101: 46), while a narrow closed jar has a slightly thickened rim and is similar to an
example at Grai Resh IIB (Kepinski 2011: pl. 11.1).
Two sherds offer glimpses into possible craft production at Kani Shaie. A ring scraper (Fig. 10: 14)
is a tool that has been found at numerous contemporary sites and is often associated with pottery
manufacture (Alden 1988; Alden & Minc 2016). One unusual sherd from phase Vd is long with
extremely thick walls and a rounded rim and could be part of a tuyère usually associated with
metallurgy (Fig. 10: 20), similar to a LC2–4 examples found at Tell Zeidan (Stein 2009: fig. 13)
and Hamoukar (Reichel 2008: fig. 6). The use of draft furnaces in the fourth millennium B.C.E. is
also well-attested on the Iranian Plateau (Matthews & Fazeli 2004; Thornton 2009; Weeks 2013).
Phase Vd also includes an additional, separate context: a pit dug into level 11. The forms from this
pit include a carinated cup with horizontal combing (Fig. 11: 1) with exact parallels at Leilan IV
(Schwartz 1988: fig. 53: 2, 4) and Tepe Gawra VIII (Rothman 2002: pl. 23: 2811), a burnished
brown-ware incurved rim bowl (Fig. 11: 4) (Rothman 2002: pl. 22: 2827), and a club-headed bowl
(Fig. 11: 3). This pit possibly dates slightly later within LC3 than the other material discussed in
this section.
Continuing the declining trend of decorated sherds in previous phases, phase Vd produced no
decorated sherds at all.
Throughout phase V, vegetal tempered fabrics continue to dominate the assemblage with c. 90% of
the diagnostic sherds (Fig. 16). F1a is still the most common fabric group within Phase Vd, at
52% of total diagnostic sherds, but it was now used exclusively for BRBs. At 30%, F2 continues to
grow in importance, becoming the second most common fabric group (F2a 1%; F2b 5%; F2c
24%). Clearly identifiable mineral tempered sherds only form c. 10% of diagnostic sherds
throughout phase V. Cooking ware fabric F5 is used almost exclusively for simple everted rim jars,
with the exception of a single thin-walled bowl with beveled rim and a hole-mouth jar. A new
fabric type F7 is attested by a single sherd but could be intrusive from EBA levels.
TABLE 8 Phase Vd-pit: description of Fig. 11 illustrated sherds.
Globular jars with simple, everted rims remain the most common closed shape in phase Vc (9%)
(Fig. 13: 1–4), with parallels at nearby LC4 sites including Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 8:
4–5), Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 30: 41, 45), Ahmad al-Hattu (Sürenhagen
1979: fig. 10), and Tell Hassan (Nannucci 2012: fig. 5: 58, 60–63). Angled rim jars with an
undercut rim (5.2%) become prevalent in phase Vc (Fig. 13: 9–14). Some examples feature a slight
concavity to the band rim. These jar rims are triangular in profile with a sharply carinated neck,
ideal as a support for a lid. Such vessels are well-known from LC4 pottery assemblages at Gurga
Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 8: 6, 8), Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 31: 57–
60), and Tell Hassan (Nannucci 2012: fig. 6: 75–81), as well as at Sheikh Hassan (Boese 1995: 201,
fig. 13: l–n) in western Syria. Necked jars with flat-topped, everted or ledge rims (Fig. 13: 5–8)
compare to similar forms from LC4 levels at Tell Hassan (Nannucci 2012: fig. 8: 108–110), Tell
Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 32: 80), and Chogha Mish (Delougaz et al. 1996: pl.
91: I). This form is less common at only 4.5%, but it seems to represent a chronologically sensitive
type considering that with only one exception, all examples of these vessels come from phase Vc,
TABLE 9 Phase Vc open shapes: description of Fig. 12 illustrated sherds.
Exterior Surface Surface Exterior
No. Type Fabric Technology Treatment Treatment Colour Interior Colour Core Colour Slip Colour
particularly the earlier level. Neckless jars with everted, flat topped rims are exclusive to this phase
(1.5%) (Fig. 13: 17). Comparative examples are known from Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and
Mynors 1988: fig. 29: 33) and Sheikh Hassan (Boese 1995: 227, fig. 13: 1–b), while a similar vessel
from Tell Hassan has a slightly different rim (Nannucci 2012: fig. 5: 43).
TABLE 10 Phase Vc closed shapes: description of Fig. 13 illustrated sherds.
TABLE 10 (Continued)
Fig. 14 Phase Vc “Uruk” pottery: 1: BRB; 2: conical cup with string-cut base; 3: jar with fingernail impressions;
4–7: nose-lug jar sherds.
Remaining forms are rare within phase Vc. Jars with narrowed, very short rims (1.5%) (Fig. 13:
19–20) have close parallels at Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 29: 28–29).
Another jar represented by a single documented sherd, unique to this phase, features an upright
and flattened rim (Fig. 13: 15) with a comparison at Tell Hassan (Nannucci 2012: fig. 8: 105). The
example from Kani Shaie is decorated with a horizontal incised band around the shoulder and is
characterised by a large quantity of angular mineral temper.
Additional diagnostic forms not included within the above counts include two cannon spouts
(Fig. 13: 21) and sherds with rim swellings, or blunt, flattened lips with incised scoring (Fig. 13:
18) that have comparanda at Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 34: 97) and
Chogha Mish (Delougaz et al. 1996: pl. 98: H–K). Two body sherds with nose lugs find nearby
comparisons at Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016: fig. 8: 7), Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and
Mynors 1988: fig. 34: 98–104), and Tell Hassan (Nannucci 2012: fig. 9: 139, 10: 152–155), but are
otherwise well-documented throughout Mesopotamia.
Three contexts assigned to phase Vc have not been included within the above tallies because they
are stratigraphically disconnected from the other contexts. Based on elevations, stratigraphic analysis,
and material culture, these contexts clearly belong to phase Vc, but their ceramic assemblage shows
some clear differences that are not yet fully understood (Fig. 14). BRBs dominate the assemblage
from these contexts, while thin-walled conical cups with string-cut bases are also found in very
high quantities in these three contexts, both with and without a pouring lip. Other open forms
include incurved rim bowls and wide bowls with flattened, protruding interior rims. Closed forms
include red-slipped jars with nose lugs and incised rope cordons, globular jars with simple, everted
rims, and jars with triangular profiles and sharply carinated necks. Overall this small
sub-assemblage compares well with the broader phase Vc as well as the LC4 assemblages from
Gurga Chiya, Tell Rubeidheh, Ahmad al-Hattu, and Tell Hassan, but it contains a much higher
ratio of BRBs and thin-walled conical cups than the main phase Vc levels, as well as a much more
restricted range of shapes. Whether these differences reflect chronological or functional differences
between these contexts remains to be determined.
19 sherds from phase Vc have decoration (6 painted; 13 incised/impressed); only three of these are rim
sherds. This total equates to 11.4% of the total diagnostic sherd count and 1.9% of the total sherd
count. One sherd features a reddish-brown painted design of a cross-hatched triangular motif
around the shoulder, with traces of a lug handle (Fig. 13: 27). Similar nose-lug jars with painted
criss-cross motifs are known from Late Uruk and Jemdet Nasr strata from Central Mesopotamia
(Rova 2014: 4).
Incised/impressed decoration represents 1.3% of the total sherd count, or 7.8% of diagnostic
sherds. Several sherds of closed jars have horizontal combing on the exterior (Fig. 13: 15–16, 25).
Similar examples are depicted from Tell Brak HS1 (Felli 2003: fig. 4: 25.11) and Sheikh Hassan
(Boese 1995: 83, fig. 20: a–e), as well as from Susa Acropole I:17 (Le Brun 1978: fig. 34: 12) and
Chogha Mish (Delougaz et al. 1996: pl. 95: K–N). One body sherd has thick incised parallel lines
with much thinner incised lines running perpendicular, comparable to a decorative technique seen
at Chogha Mish (Delougaz et al. 1996: pl. 101: E). Rope cordons are also relatively common
decorative motifs (Fig. 13: 26). Simple applications include vertical slashes to the shoulder of the
vessel (Fig. 13: 22), impressed thumb-print design to the vessel shoulder (Fig. 13: 23), and an
applied band of clay with impressed thumb nail design over the top (Fig. 13: 24). One rim sherd
has an impressed thumbnail design with an incised horizontal band on the shoulder of the vessel
(McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig 36: 123–4).
In phase Vc, F2 becomes the dominant fabric group with 58% of diagnostic sherds (F2a 2%; F2b
12%; F2c 44%), a considerable increase from phase Vd (Fig. 16). F1a decreases substantially from
52% to 20%, but this reflects the significantly lower amount of BRBs in the phase Vc assemblage.
The finer fabric F1c, on the other hand, remains relatively constant at 10%. A new fabric type F8,
which is very fine with only extremely fine, sand-sized mica inclusions visible, is observed in a
single sherd.
Remaining fabric groups show the addition of mineral temper. Cooking ware fabric F5c forms 6%
of diagnostic sherds and is still primarily used for everted rim globular jars, although isolated
examples of other jar forms also occur. A new fabric type F6, which features the deliberate
addition of chert, is attested in 3% of the diagnostic sherds.
handle, at Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 29: 34, 33: 87–88, 35: 105) and Tell
Hassan (Nanucci 2012: fig. 10: 145) in the Hamrin, as well as at Chogha Mish (Alizadeh 2009: fig.
32: K; Delougaz et al. 1996: pl. 107: H–I).
Phase Va–b
957 sherds were registered from these contexts, of which only 50 were diagnostic (5.2%) whilst 40 were
rim sherds (4.2%). Many of the non-diagnostic sherds were very small fragments, which could be a
result of a hiatus in occupation and exposure to the elements. The phase Va–b assemblage is
dominated by bowls (65%). Cups amount to 12.5%, while closed forms total 22.5%.
Overall the range of forms in phase Va–b is very limited and probably not fully representative, but it
continues the phase Vc assemblage with few additions. BRBs continue to be the most abundant form
at 37.5% of the total rim sherd count (Fig. 15: 10–12). Late examples of BRBs from Kani Shaie are
characterised by a pink coloured fabric and noticeably taller profile, with contemporary parallels at
Mohammed ‘Arab (Roaf and Killick 1987: 207), Telul eth-Thalathat (Numoto 1998: 53–4), and Susa
Acropole I (Le Brun 1971: fig. 60: 12, 65: 7). Thin-walled conical cups with string-cut bases also
continue and total 12.5% of the phase Va–b rim sherd count, including examples with a pouring
lip (Fig. 15: 1–4). Similarly, incurved-rim bowls still form 7.5% (Fig. 15: 6–7) and simple rim
bowls form 5% (Fig. 15: 5).
Closed forms are relatively rare within phase Va–b: globular jars with everted rims (5%) (Fig. 15: 14),
jars with narrow-banded rims and slight concavities around the rim (5%) (Fig. 15: 16), flat-topped jars
with everted, ledge rims (5%) (Fig. 15: 13), and a single sherd of a jar with an upright rim (Fig. 15: 15).
TABLE 11 Phase Va-b: description of Fig. 15 illustrated sherds.
Exterior Surface Surface Slip
No. Type Fabric Technology Treatment Treatment Exterior Colour Interior Colour Core Colour Colour
1 conical cup with lip F2c wheel thrown wet smoothed wet smoothed pink pink pink
2 conical cup F2c wheel thrown wet smoothed wet smoothed pink pink pink
3 conical cup F2b wheel thrown wet smoothed wet smoothed pink pink pink
4 conical cup F2c wheel thrown wet smoothed wet smoothed light reddish light reddish pink
brown brown
5 simple rim bowl F2c coil self slip self slip very pale brown very pale brown very pale brown
6 incurved rim bowl F2c coil and wheel self slip self slip pink pink pink
7 incurved rim bowl F2c coil self slip / self slip pink pink very dark grey
Fig. 16 Rates of fabric group occurrences per phase (percentage of diagnostic sherds).
Further forms not included in the above tallies are a straight cannon spout and a thumb-impressed
pot stand (Fig. 15: 17) that has comparisons at Chogha Mish (Delougaz et al. 1996: 47, fig. 8: XVI)
and Sheikh Hassan (Boese 1995: 79: fig. 16: g–h, 80: fig. 17: i, 271: fig. 14).
Similar to the previous phase, 10% of the total diagnostic sherds from this phase have decoration,
usually an applique rope cordon (6.3%) or an impressed rope cordon (3.1%). Comparative
applique rope cordons are noted at, for example, Sheikh Hassan Schicht 10 (Boese 1995: 23: fig.
23: g) and Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 30: 46; 31: 58). Impressed/incised
cordons are noted at Gurga Chiya (Wengrow et al. 2016: 262), Sheikh Hassan (Boese 1995: 201:
fig. 13: l–n), and Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 32: 78).
One sherd features a horizontal band of incised triangles around the shoulder of the vessel (Fig. 15:
21). Such sherds with incised triangular motifs frequently occur within Late Uruk period ceramic
assemblages, with comparative examples from Tell Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig.
34: 99) and Godin Tepe (Badler 2002: fig. 17; Rothman and Badler 2011: fig. 4: 47). Another
decorated sherd features a double row of rope cordons applied horizontally to the vessel shoulder
(Fig. 15: 20). Single rope cordons are well known within contemporary Uruk assemblages,
however double-rope cordons are less common. A similar example is depicted from Tell
Rubeidheh (McAdam and Mynors 1988: fig. 32: 75).
F2 continues to dominate phase Va–b at 54% of total diagnostic sherds (F2a 2%; F2b 4%; F2c 48%)
(Fig. 16). F1a, used only for BRBs, represents 26% of the total diagnostic sherd count, while F1c
remains relatively stable at 6%. Mineral tempered fabrics F5c (8%) and F6 (4%), as well as F8
(2%) remain consistent and overall rare.
Fig. 18 Chronology chart of major LC sequences from northern Mesopotamia, the Trans-Tigridian Corridor,
and Khuzestan.
treatment beyond wet smoothing is rare within this phase, with only one example of a red slip applied
to the interior and exterior surface of the banded rim jar with everted rim and flat top, and only one
example of burnishing to one of the incurved rim bowls.
In order to begin constructing a regionally relevant ceramic chronology using local sequences, we
have avoided as much as possible forcing a priori the Kani Shaie phases into the LC framework
that derives mainly from northern Mesopotamian sites. Nevertheless, general similarities in
material culture with distant sites allow a preliminary assessment of contemporaneity, pending a
robust carbon dated chronology (Fig. 18).14
The earliest excavated levels at Kani Shaie, phase VII, can be dated to the late Ubaid/LC1
transition. The best parallels are found in levels said to be Ubaid to LC1 at Tell Helawa, Gurga
Chiya, Surezha, and Tell Madhhur. Defining this transition remains a contested issue. At Surezha,
carbon dates seem to push the onset of LC1 to the beginning of the fifth millennium B.C.E. (Stein
2018: 42; Stein and Alizadeh 2017: 86). However, the parameters used to assign the ceramic
assemblage of Surezha to LC1 differ from those used by other projects. Similarly, at Gurga Chiya,
phase GC2 is assigned to the late Ubaid period, even though material from this phase has
parallels with assemblages assigned to LC1 at Tell Helawa and Surezha (Carter et al. 2020). We
assign Kani Shaie phase VII to the very end of the late Ubaid period, based on the significant
presence of painted sherds and Dalma Impressed ware, while the already high percentage (18.5%)
of MPBs may herald the LC1.
Ten samples spanning the LC step trench sequence from
Kani Shaie have been submitted for C14 dating, the results of
which will be published separately.
Phase VIb, on the other hand, can be reliably assigned to LC1, based on parallels with Gawra XII
and assemblages from Tell Helawa and Surezha. In the step trench, this phase occupies almost four
meters of deposits that show a remarkable consistency in material culture. This suggests that the LC1
period at Kani Shaie might have lasted quite a long time, which could at least partially explain
differences in C14 dates for the same period at sites such as Surezha and Gurga Chiya.15 The next
phase, VIa, finds its best parallels in LC2 levels at Tell Helawa and Hamoukar.
Phase Vd is not well represented in the step trench. The material finds good parallels in Gawra
VIII, while LC2 ceramic types linger, indicating a date early in LC3. Material from a pit lower on
the slope could date slightly later in LC3. Phase Vc can be securely dated to LC4, with an
assemblage that has its closest comparanda at nearby Tell Rubeidheh and Gurga Chiya. The
earliest level of phase Vc (level 5) still displays continuity from LC3, but not the upper level (4).
This phase ends in a destruction that has been observed at different locations in the site, followed
by a short period of ephemeral activity in level 3. Finally, phase Va–b still has its best parallels at
Tell Rubeidheh and other LC4 sites, but new traits herald LC5 characteristics.
15 16
At Gurga Chiya, the Late Ubaid/LC1 level (GC2) M. Lewis is developing a detailed fabric typology
produced a C14 date ranging between 4530–4340 cal B.C. through petrographic analysis, based on the assemblages
(Carter et al. 2020), while the occupation labeled as LC1 at from Kani Shaie, Gurga Chiya, and Gird-i Shamlu, as part
Surezha (phase D–H in Operation 2) produced several C14 of his Ph.D. dissertation.
dates ranging between 5200–4900 cal B.C. (Stein 2018: 42).
observations of fabric composition, the Ubaid wares do not seem to have been produced outside of the
site or at least outside the valley, however they can certainly be distinguished through elements of their
chaînes opératoires. All Ubaid wares recovered were made of finer fabrics. Mineral fabric F4 was
exclusively reserved for Ubaid painted and incised wares, while other wares were almost always
made with fine chaff and mineral temper. This evidence suggests that during the Ubaid/LC
transition at Kani Shaie, Ubaid potting communities of practice were still active at the site, either
as persistent remnants of Ubaid traditions, or as part of a still active oikumene of greater
Mesopotamian traditions with localized expressions.
Dalma Impressed ware is another distinct tradition that exclusively occurs during phase VII.
Dalma Impressed wares occur most commonly in the highlands of the Zagros and only occur in
limited numbers in the Trans-Tigridian Piedmont. In the Zagros Mountains, but mainly east of the
Chaîne Magistrale, these impressed wares occur together with Dalma Painted ware. However,
these do not share many elements in their respective production sequences (Henrickson and Vitali
1987; Sorkhani and Eslami 2018). A common explanation for these differences in distribution and
production is that Dalma Impressed ware was part of the repertoire of mobile communities that
frequently moved between the high Zagros valleys and the piedmont during the Middle
Chalcolithic (Henrickson 1986, 1989; Tonoike 2009, 2012). The majority of the Dalma Impressed
wares from Kani Shaie seem to have been produced locally, with the fabrics predominantly made
from a clay containing limestone with vegetal temper inclusions. One sample made from a mica-
rich clay could have been brought in from outside the region.
Phase VII also produced MPBs, which is a mass-produced bowl type that became common during
LC1–2. However, it would be premature to tie this phase into a typo-chronological scheme that was
developed from assemblages west of the Tigris (Schwartz 2001). Alternatively, we suggest that phase
VII shares elements that have been traditionally considered Ubaid with some elements that belong in
LC1. Without a clear absolute chronology and with limited knowledge of region-specific sequences,
we cannot say for certain if the concept of MPBs arrived from the areas west of the Tigris, were an
early indigenous practice, or resulted from a more complicated process. What we can say is that
the phase VII assemblage of Kani Shaie resulted from the overlap of distinct traditions –
conceived in different communities of practice – coming from different directions and coalescing
at the site, which is a persistent pattern throughout the entire Kani Shaie sequence.
The next phase, VIb, shows continuity with phase VII in terms of potting practices, but with the
addition of new elements, such as grey ware cooking pots that appear for the first time. These pots are
unique in terms of their chaîne opératoire, with primarily calcite temper (fabric F5) and micaceous
clays. Moreover, the overall shape of these vessels, their surface treatments (smoothing and
burnishing), and their firing in a reduced atmosphere distinguish them from other wares at the site.
These vessels may represent a change in diet, as they are best equipped to cook gruels and soups, a
practice not evident in the previous phase.
Another major shift is seen in decoration preference, with incised wares overtaking painted wares
in phase VIb. Changes in potting traditions and aesthetic preferences had clearly shifted, replaced by
potting traditions of new communities of practice. These potting communities became much more
limited in their interaction networks, restricted mainly to the area between the Upper Zab and
Diyala/Sirwan rivers and the Tigris and Zagros Mountains. MPBs are the only ceramic type with
a wider distribution, but even within this broad category the MPBs at Kani Shaie belong to a
variant (“Wide Flower Pots”) that mainly occurs in the eastern part of northern Mesopotamia.
At the same time, disappearance of painted wares, emergence of mass-produced wares, appearance
of specialized cooking wares, and increased regionalism are developments that occur throughout
southwest Asia in LC1 (Abu Jayyab 2019; Baldi 2016; Stein 2012).
After a period of intra-regional entrenchment, phase VIa (LC2) shows a reemergence of
interregional connections. This period is marked by an increase in BRBs, perhaps reflecting new
contacts with southern Mesopotamia, together with a decrease of earlier MPBs. While grey
cooking pots remain numerous, a number of vessels usually associated with assemblages of the
Syrian Jazira, such as internally beveled rim bowls, internally hollowed rim jars, and carinated
black burnished wares, become part of the repertoire of the potters at Kani Shaie. Nevertheless,
while there is a reemergence of external influences from Mesopotamia, the overall potting traditions
at Kani Shaie mostly show continuity from the previous phase while carefully borrowing elements
that were circulating through interregional networks.
This trend of gradual adoption of widespread ceramic wares continues into phase Vd. The
dominance of vegetal temper together with the lack of surface treatment other than wet smoothing
fits well within the broader chaff-faced ware oikumene, demonstrative of the relative
homogenisation of ceramic regions across northern Mesopotamia and the northern Zagros (Baldi
2016; Marro 2010). However, the phase Vd ceramic repertoire from Kani Shaie retains a distinctly
regionalised flavour shared with the LC2–3 strata at Girdi Resh, Girdi Shamlu, and Gurga Chiya
in the Shahrizor. In addition to the disappearance of several ceramic shapes, the most noteworthy
change from phase VIa to Vd is the remarkable increase of BRBs from 3.5% to over 50% of the
diagnostic assemblage, alongside the virtual disappearance of earlier MPBs and the appearance in
their place of simple-rimmed bowls.
Phase Vd features a relatively limited range of forms, which are long-lived within the
archaeological strata (mainly BRBs and simple everted rim globular jars). Characteristic forms of
this phase are few, yet chronologically sensitive. Thin-walled bowls with a beveled rim closely
resemble the coarse BRB, but they differ markedly in their finesse and are much less common.
The assemblage of this phase is somewhat difficult to place temporally as it lies stratigraphically
between the heavily studied LC1–2 horizon and the well-known ceramic forms of the later LC and
the Uruk Phenomenon. LC3, in contrast, is an understudied period in the region due to
widespread site abandonment (e.g., Helawa: Peyronel and Vacca 2015). The as yet small, but
important, phase Vd assemblage from Kani Shaie provides an anchor point that can elucidate the
transition from the early to the later LC.
Phase Vc initially shows strong continuity from Vd but sees the rapid introduction of a completely
new tradition. BRBs remain the most dominant open form, as well as V-shaped bowls with simple
rims and globular jars with plain everted rims. Fine, thin-walled bowls with beveled rims continue
yet are found exclusively within the earliest strata of this phase. Similarly, club-headed bowls and
flat-topped, square profile bowls that are traditionally associated with earlier LC2–3 strata
indicate a prolonged production and conservatism in ceramic trends. On the other hand, several
ceramic forms that herald the beginnings of a typical southern “Uruk” ceramic repertoire appear
and rapidly increase in importance in the upper level of phase Vc. These include fine conical cups,
nose-lugged jars, jars with incised or applique ‘rope cordons’, spouted jars (mainly cannon
spouts), and incurved-rim bowls, which closely resemble assemblages from the Hamrin sites.
Interestingly, some of the conical cups feature scraped bottoms and bases rather than the slightly
later string-cut bases, reminiscent of earlier LC ceramic traditions associated especially with
MPBs. This suggests that local potters initially maintained their traditional practice of producing
a flat base through scraping before adopting the new technology of production on a fast wheel,
resulting in the string-cut bases that commonly define this type.
Macroscopic analysis of production techniques of the vessels mainly indicates continuity with
earlier phases. Most vessels from phase Vc show evidence that the vessel rough-out was formed
using a tournette or other rotary device, with coils added to form the upper body, and a final coil
added for the rim. The continued lack of surface treatment within this phase is a persistent
regionalised expression. This is particularly interesting given the contemporary assemblage at
Gurga Chiya, where slipping and burnishing is widespread (Wengrow et al. 2016: 262–263).
‘Classic’ Uruk wares are present at Kani Shaie, mainly out of context at present, but are for as yet
unknown reasons less attested within the step trench assemblage (Fig. 14; Tomé et al. 2016: fig. 4).
Furthermore, the frequently asserted dichotomy between ‘local’ LC assemblages with vegetal
temper versus ‘Uruk’ assemblages with mineral temper cannot be maintained at Kani Shaie, as
has already been observed at other sites in the region (Carter et al. 2020; Vallet et al. 2017: 75).
The assemblage of final phase Va–b is very similar to that of the upper level of Vc. Surface
treatment beyond wet-smoothing is virtually absent, and manufacturing of the vessels is still
dominated by a mould-made base and lower body, with coils added to form the remainder of the
vessel. BRBs still feature as the dominant form of phase Va–b, while conical cups, globular jars
with simple everted rims and incurved-rim bowls form the majority of the assemblage. Despite this
continuity, phase Va–b sees the introduction of LC5 ceramic characteristics. Dating LC5/Late
Uruk assemblages from the region is particularly difficult given the complete absence of securely
radiocarbon dated strata belonging to this period. Nevertheless, we tentatively ascribe an early
LC5 date to phase Va–b, based on a number of observations. BRBs from this phase are somewhat
taller with a more upright stance and a pinker fabric than those of earlier LC phases, which
matches observations by Helwing (2014) and compares well with the BRBs of the EBA in the
central Zagros and also observed in phase IV at Kani Shaie. Additionally, increased quantities of
conical cups both with and without pouring lip in this phase match observations from the Late
Uruk strata of the Uruk Mound at Abu Salabikh (Pollock 1987: 127). The presence of specific
decorative elements, particularly incised cross-hatched triangles, is also a later development
(Wright 2013: 68). While drooping spouts are commonly used as a definitive marker of LC5
ceramic assemblages, it is interesting to note that these are at present virtually absent in the wider
south-eastern Kurdistan region of Iraq and the Hamrin. Also currently lacking from the
admittedly small phase Va–b assemblage are strap-handled jars, twisted handles, sharply carinated
bowls, trays, and lids. The excavators of Tell Rubeidheh expressed similar difficulties with dating
their ceramic assemblages, even highlighting potential Jemdet Nasr or EBA types (Crawford 1988:
136). A possible explanation is a higher degree of conservatism in ceramic traditions in the Trans-
Tigridian region, resulting in an assemblage that does not match contemporary developments
further west.
Despite current debate that increasingly recognizes the regionalised nature of the Ubaid (Carter and
Philip 2010) and early LC (Marro 2012), the long-term developments of the LC are frequently framed
within a cultural evolutionary model that culminates in the dominance of southern Mesopotamia by
the end of the fourth millennium B.C.E. Rather than a top-down approach that emphasizes general
similarities spread through interregional networks, stability and gradual change in potting traditions
at a single site can be analyzed as the reflection of a historical process of creation and dissolution of
cultural boundaries. In this discussion of the ceramic development at Kani Shaie, we have taken a
bottom-up approach that traces overlapping actions of communities of practice. The significance
of the Bazian passage as a conduit for movement between Mesopotamia and the Zagros, in
addition to Kani Shaie’s access to pasture, farmland, and fresh water sources, should not be
downplayed. This geo-historical condition shaped the site, as evidenced by the longevity of
occupation. Kani Shaie was a central focus of settlement within the Bazian Basin for millennia,
not only during times of intense mobility and interregional interactions, but also in periods of
reduced external interaction (e.g. phase VIb).
While changes in potting traditions at Kani Shaie can be interpreted as local choices, it is striking
that the community opted to orientate themselves overwhelmingly toward Mesopotamia. This is
especially surprising considering that the Bazian Basin provides an environment that has much
more in common with the Zagros intermontane valleys than the Mesopotamian lowlands.
At present, not a single sherd shows connections with the numerous Chalcolithic Zagros painted
traditions that were in use even within a few days travel. This contrasts sharply with the early EBA
period at Kani Shaie (phase IV) when the community closely engaged with Zagros potting
traditions (Renette 2018).
Overall, the Kani Shaie LC ceramic sequence parallels developments that have been observed
throughout northern Mesopotamia, while revealing distinctly regional traditions. Assemblages of
every period find their best parallels within the Trans-Tigridian region and especially within the
southern Kurdistan region of Iraq. While the earlier LC of Kani Shaie shares many elements with
sites from the Upper Zab to the Diyala/Sirwan River, the later LC is more narrowly focused on
the Adhaim-Diyala/Sirwan River drainage system south of the Lower Zab, encompassing present-
day Sulaymaniyah, Kirkuk, and the Hamrin Basin. Additional connections along the western
Zagros flanks to Khuzestan (especially Chogha Mish) further support a change in orientation
southward. This regionalism of late LC pottery assemblages has been highlighted previously
(Trentin 1991: 8) but remains poorly documented and underappreciated. Regionalised ceramic
assemblages are not commonly associated with Uruk period archaeology, yet ethnographic
examples show just such a scenario, with potters producing similar, although somewhat different,
versions of what is traditionally grouped together as a coherent assemblage (Dietler and Herbich
1994: 463). Arguably, at Kani Shaie the local potters were tasked with producing vessels within the
broader remit of the Uruk phenomenon, whilst maintaining certain specific ceramic forms that
more closely served the immediate needs of the local community.
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Steve Renette
Department of Classical, Near Eastern, and Religious Studies
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, Canada
Elizabeth Gibbon
Department of Anthropology
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Michael P. Lewis
Department of Archaeology
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, U.K.
ﺗﻄﻮﺭ ﺍﻟﻔﺨﺎﺭ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻌﺼﻮﺭ ﺍﻟﻨﺤﺎﺳﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺄﺧﺮﺓ ﻓﻲ ﺟﻨﻮﺏ ﻛﺮﺩﺳﺘﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺍﻗ :ﺍﻟﺴﺒﺮ ﺍﻟﻄﺒﻘﻲ ﻓﻲ ﻛﺎﻧﻲ ﺷﺎﻱ
ﺳﺘﻴﻒ ﺭﻳﻨﻴﺖ ،ﺧﺎﻟﺪ ﺃﺑﻮ ﺟﻴﺎﺏ ،ﺇﻟﻴﺰﺍﺑﻴﺚ ﺟﺒﻮﻥ ،ﻣﺎﻳﻜﻞ ﻟﻮﻳﺲ ،ﺯﻧﺎ ﻋﺒﺪ ﺍﻟﻜﺮﻳﻢ ﻗﺎﺩﺭ ،ﺭﻳﻜﺎﺭﺩﻭ ﻛﺎﺑﺮﺍﻝ ،ﺁﻧﺪﺭﻱ ﺗﻮﻣﻲ
ﻛﺎﻧﻲ ﺷﺎﻱ Kani Shaieﻫﻮ ﻣﻮﻗﻊ ﺃﺛﺮﻱ ﺻﻐﻴﺮ ﻳﻘﻊ ﻓﻲ ﻛﺮﺩﺳﺘﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺍﻕ ،ﻟﻪ ﻣﻮﻗﻌﺎ ﻣﺮﻛﺰﻳﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺣﻮﺽ ﺑﺎﺯﻳﺎﻧ Bazian Basinﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﻫﻮ ﺑﻤﺜﺎﺑﺔ ﻭﺍﺩ
ﺿﻴﻖ ﻳﻘﻊ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻑ ﺍﻟﻐﺮﺑﻲ ﻣﻦ ﺟﺒﺎﻝ ﺯﺍﻏﺮﻭﺱ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻃﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻄﺮﻳﻖ ﺍﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻲ ﺑﻴﻦ ﻛﺮﻛﻮﻙ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻠﻴﻤﺎﻧﻴﺔ .ﻛﺎﻥ ﺗﻠﻪ ﺍﻟﺮﺋﻴﺴﻲ ﻣﺄﻫﻮﻻ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﻤﺮﺍﺭ ﺍﻋﺘﺒﺎﺭﺍ ﻣﻦ
ﺍﻷﻟﻒ ﺍﻟﺨﺎﻣﺲ ﺍﻟﻰ ﻣﻨﺘﺼﻒ ﺍﻷﻟﻒ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻟﺚ ﻗﺒﻞ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻼﺩ ) 2500–5000ﻕ .ﻡ ( .ﻫﺬﻩ ﺍﻟﻔﺘﺮﺓ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﺘﺎﺭﻳﺦ ﻗﺒﻞ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻼﺩﻱ ﻟﻮﺍﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﺍﻓﺪﻳﻦ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﺍﻓﻘﺔ ﻟﻠﻌﺼﺮ
ﺍﻟﺤﺠﺮﻱ ﺍﻟﻨﺤﺎﺳﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﻌﺼﺮ ﺍﻟﺒﺮﻭﻧﺰﻱ ﺍﻟﻤﺒﻜﺮ ﺷﻬﺪﺕ ﺗﺤﻮﻻﺕ ﻛﺒﻴﺮﺓ ﻣﺜﻞ ﺍﻟﺘﺤﻀﺮ ﺍﻷﻭﻟﻲ ﻭﺗﻜﺜﻒ ﺷﺒﻜﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺘﻔﺎﻋﻞ ﺍﻹﻗﻠﻴﻤﻴ .ﻋﻮﺩﺓ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﺪﺍﻧﻲ ﻓﻲ
ﻛﺮﺩﺳﺘﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺍﻕ ﻣﺆﺧ ًﺮﺍ ﺑﺪﺃ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻜﺸﻒ ﻋﻦ ﻣﺴﺎﺭﺍﺕ ﻣﺤﻠﻴﺔ ﻻ ﺗﺘﻮﺍﻓﻖ ﺩﺍﺋ ًﻤﺎ ﻣﻊ ﺍﻹﻃﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺰﻣﻨﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﻤﻮﻝ ﺑﻪ ﻭﺍﻟﻘﺎﺋﻢ ﺑﺼﻮﺭﺓ ﻋﺎﻣﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺃﺳﺎﺱ
ﺍﻟﺘﻐﻴﺮﺍﺕ ﻓﻲ ﺗﻘﻨﻴﺔ ﺻﻨﺎﻋﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺨﺎﺭ ﻭﻧﻤﺎﺫﺟﻪ ﺍﻟﻤﻼﺣﻈﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺷﻤﺎﻝ ﻭﺍﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﺍﻓﺪﻳﻨ .ﻧﻘﻮﻡ ﻓﻲ ﻫﺬﺍ ﺍﻟﺒﺤﺚ ﺑﻤﻨﺎﻗﺸﺔ ﺍﻟﺘﺴﻠﺴﻞ ﺍﻟﻔﺨﺎﺭﻱ ﺍﻟﻤﺴﺘﺮﺩ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻨﺪﻕ
ﻣﺪﺭﺝ ﻓﻲ ﻛﺎﻧﻲ ﺷﺎﻳ Kani Shaieﻳﻤﺘﺪ ﺗﺎﺭﻳﺨﻪ ﻋﺒﺮ ﺍﻟﻌﺼﺮ ﺍﻟﻨﺤﺎﺳﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺄﺧﺮ ﺑﺄﻛﻤﻠﻬ )ﺣﻮﺍﻟﻴ 3100–4600ﻗﺒﻞ ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻼﺩ( .ﻧﻬﺞ ﻣﻦ ﺃﺳﻔﻞ ﺇﻟﻰ
ﺃﻋﻠﻰ ﻟﺘﻘﺎﻟﻴﺪ ﺻﻨﺎﻋﺔ ﺍﻟﻔﺨﺎﺭ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻮﻗﻊ ﻳﺴﻬﻞ ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺻﻞ ﺍﻟﻰ ﺗﻘﻴﻴﻢ ﺃﻭﻟﻲ ﻟﻠﻌﻼﻗﺔ ﺑﻴﻦ ﺍﻟﻤﺠﺘﻤﻌﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﻠﻴﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺳﻔﻮﺡ ﺯﺍﻏﺮﻭﺱ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺠﺘﻤﻌﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻜﺒﺮﻯ
ﻓﻲ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ ﻭﺍﺩﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﺍﻓﺪﻳﻨ .ﻭﻧﻨﺎﻗﺶ ﻫﻨﺎ ﺑﺄﻥ ﻛﺎﻧﻲ ﺷﺎﻳ Kani Shaieﺗﻌﻜﺲ ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ ﻃﻮﻳﻠﺔ ﺍﻷﻣﺪ ﻣﺎﺭﺳﺖ ﺧﻼﻟﻬﺎ ﻣﺠﺘﻤﻌﺎﺕ ﻣﺨﺘﻠﻔﺔ ﺗﺒﻨﻲ ﺃﻭ ﺗﻜﻴﻒ ﺃﻭ
ﺭﻓﺾ ﻣﻤﺎﺭﺳﺎﺕ ﺛﻘﺎﻓﻴﺔ ﻏﻴﺮ ﻣﺤﻠﻴﺔ.