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ISSN: 0976-3031

International Journal of Recent Scientific

Impact factor: 5.114



Md Manzar Hossain and Rejaul Haque Bepary

Volume: 6 Issue: 9

Available Online at
International Journal
of Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research
Vol. 6, Issue, 9, pp.6069-6075, September, 2015
ISSN: 0976-3031
Manzar Hossain1* and Rejaul Haque Bepary2
1Central Institute of Horticulture, Dept. of Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture,
Government of India, Medziphema, Nagaland
2Defence Food Research Laboratory, Mysore


Article History: Pineapple is an important fruit crops of India and cheaply available in the market. It is one of the widely
Received 15thJune, 2015 grown and consumed fruit in all parts of the world due to presence of distinct flavour and taste. It is rich in
Received in revised form 21st carbohydrate, potassium, calcium, phytonutrients, vitamin C and bromelain. In terms of pineapple
July, 2015 production India’s has 6th in the world and leading pineapple growing states are West Bengal, Assam,
Accepted 06thAugust, 2015 Tripura, Karnataka, Bihar, Manipur, Meghalaya and Nagaland. It has been observed that at post
Published online production level a significant proportion (15-25 %) of the produce get spoiled due to improper post
21stSeptember,2015 harvest handling practices, which causes huge economic loss to the growers. The availability and
accessibility of food can be increased through improved production technology, distribution cool chain,
preservation and by reducing the losses. Thus, reduction of post harvest food losses is a most critical
component of ensuring future global food security. Post harvest loss of pineapple can be minimize by
Key words:
adopting various suitable post harvest handling practices that are presently in practice all over the world to
extend its shelf life. Post harvest handling practices viz., post harvest management, processing and value
Pineapple, Post harvest addition and waste utilization for pineapple are discussed in brief.
management, Value addition,
Waste utilization, Wine
Copyright © Manzar Hossain and Rejaul Haque Bepary. 2015, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION fruits can be harvested from May to June and November to

January and fruits mature in the winter are more acidic than
The pineapple is a non-climacteric, parthenocarpic, multiple summer. The fruits with crown can be kept for 10-15 days after
fruit often called as syncarp or sorosis, and composed of some harvesting (Medina and García, 2005). Pineapple is the 3rd
100–200 berry-like fruitlets, sometimes called eyes, attached to most important tropical fruit in the global market after banana
a central core. It is an herbaceous perennial plant, 0.75–1.5m and citrus. Nearly 70 % of the production is consumed fresh
tall with a spread of 0.9–1.2 m with a very short and stout stem domestically where as 30% is exported. The five leading
and a rosette of waxy, straplike, long-pointed green or red- pineapple producing countries are Costa Rica, Brazil,
striped leaves, usually needle tipped and generally bearing Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia (FAO STAT 2013).
sharp, up-curved spines on the margins (Fig.1). Pineapple India’s ranks 6th in the production of pineapple and contributes
(Ananas comosus L. Merr.) belongs to family Bromeliaceae, 1,571,000 tons per annum and major pineapple growing states
belived to be originated from South America, Southern Brazil, are West Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Karnataka, Bihar, Manipur,
Northern Argentina and Praguay (Paul and Lobo, 2012). Before Meghalaya and Nagaland (FAO 13, NHB Data Base 2014).
the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1493 the fruit had been The pineapple cultivars mostly grown in India are Kew, Giant
domesticated by native South American. The pineapples are kew, Queen and Mauritious (NHB Data Base 2014). The fruit
commercially grown over a wide range of latitude from 30° N of different cultivar varies in size, shape, colour and presence
in the northern hemisphere to 33° 58́ S in the South (Malezieux of spine in the leaves (,
et al, 2003). In ideal condition pineapple plants flower 10-12 (Table 1). Pineapple is produced for both
months after planting and fruits become ready 16-18 months fresh consumption and processing (Hassan and Othman, 2011)
after planting and in case of crown as planting materials require and fruits are often called as nature’s wonderful medicines, rich
nearly 23 months to produce a new fruit under normal in vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and phyto-nutrients without
conditions, while slips and suckers need 20 and 17 months. The which human body cannot maintain proper health and develop
resistance to disease. It also contains pectin, cellulose which

*Corresponding author: Manzar Hossain

Central Institute of Horticulture, Dept. of Agriculture and Co-operation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India,
Medziphema, Nagaland
Manzar Hossain and Rejaul Haque Bepary, et al., Post Harvest Handling Of Pineapples: A Key Role To Minimize
The Post Harvest Loss

stimulates intestinal activities and energy giving substances improve product appearance, as well as ensuring that the
like oils, fats and proteins. The pineapple fruits provide product complies with established quality standards for fresh
nutrients vital for health and maintenance of our body. and processed products. Postharvest practices include the
However, their availability is seasonal and they are perishable. management and control of variables such as temperature and
Hence, there is need for postharvest management and relative humidity, the selection and use of packaging, and the
processing of pineapple into different value added product such application of such supplementary treatments as fungicides.
as juice, RTS, squash, jam and canned pineapple slices to The aim of postharvest management is to minimize the post
reduce the post harvest loss ( Pineapples harvest loss in such a way that it could be beneficial to the
contain 85 to 86.3% moisture, and 13-19% total solids, of whole community, whether through increased export earnings
which sucrose, glucose and fructose are the main components. or extending the availability of fresh produce through the year
Carbohydrates constitute up to 85% of total solids whereas (Hassan et al, 2015).
fiber makes up for 2-3%. It is also rich in potassium, calcium,
iron and vitamin C. The pulp has very low ash content, Maturity index: The harvest maturity of pineapple fruit is
nitrogenous compounds and lipids (0.1%). The nutrient value based on peel colour and shape of individual fruitlets or eyes.
of raw, juice and canned pineapple is given in table 2 The peel colour of fruit may vary due to altitude, season,
( Pineapple has rainfall, microclimate and field practices. The eyes turn from
beneficial health effect on dyspepsia due to chronic digestive green to yellow orange from the bottom and maturity can be
disturbance, Bronchitis, high Blood pressure, arthritis and judged on the number of rows of eyes that have changed colour
intestinal worms and nausea including morning sickness and and fruit is ready to harvest when 30-50% eyes turned yellow
motion sickness (Hossain et al, 2015). In a survey conducted from the base. For distant market harvesting should be done
by Deka et al, (2004) reported that the post harvest losses of when the fruit is 10-20% yellow stage or even 100% green but
pineapple in Assam state is about 9.25%, out of which 4.22 % mature stage just before striking colour changes begins
at growers level and 5.03% at middleman’s level. Keeping in (Adikaram and Abayasekara, 2012). The external colour and
view of significant post harvest losses, in this article we will aroma of pineapple are an important parameter to judge the
discuss the various post harvest management tool to combat quality of fruit by the consumer and minimum TSS of 12-14°B
post production losses. and acidity 0.9-1.3% ensure the minimum degree of consumer
acceptance (Soler, 1992). Maturity index can also be estimated
Table 1 Characteristics of the major pineapple cultivars
by relating it to the time after flowering or mid-flowering, but
grown in India.
the number of days may vary from place to place. The period
Cultivars from flower induction to ripening varied from 140–221 days
Queen Kew (Thompson, 2003).
Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka,
Cultivated area Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand
and NE states of India and NE states of India
Table 2 Nutritional profile of fresh pineapple and its
leaves Very spiny, silvery Spineless processed products.
Fruit weight 1.0-1.5 kg 1.5-3 kg
Nutrient Raw/fresh Juice Canned
Fruit shape Conical Ovoid
Water (g) 86 86.37 85.73
Yellow, small prominent
Peel colour Yellow, eyes are broad Energy (kcal) 50 53 52
Protein (g) 0.54 0.36 0.36
Colour of flesh Golden yellow Light yellow
Total lipid (g) 0.12 0.12 0.12
14-19 °B, Acidity 0.6-0.8% 12-16 °B, Acidity 0.6-1.2 %
Taste Carbohydrate (g) 13.12 12.87 13.45
and low fiber and fiberless
Total dietary fiber (g) 1.4 0.2 0.8
Purpose Table and processing More suitable for canning
Total sugars (g) 9.85 9.98 12.65
Mealy bug wilt, fusariosis,
Disease problems More resistance than ‘Kew’ Minerals
fruitlet core rot and butt rot
Calcium (mg) 13 13 14
Physiological Chilling injuries, internal
Internal browning Iron (mg) 0.29 0.31 0.39
problems browning
Magnesium (mg) 12 12 16
(Source: Paull and Lobo, 2012;
Phosphorus (mg) 8 8 7
Potassium (mg) 109 130 105
Causes of post-harvest losses of pineapple: In pineapple fruit Sodium (mg) 1 2 1
physical injuries, sun burn, rodent’s infestation, contamination Zinc (mg) 0.12 0.11 0.12
with pathogenic fungi and bacteria are major causes of losses. Vitamins
Due to lack of awareness, knowledge and skills related to pre Vitamin C (mg) 47.8 10 7.5
Thiamin (mg) 0.079 0.058 0.091
and postharvest management of produce among the handlers Riboflavin (mg) 0.032 0.021 0.025
and marketers supplemented by high temperature and Niacin (mg) 0.5 0.199 0.292
unavailability of efficient cool chain infrastructure aggravate Vitamin B-6 (mg) 0.112 0.1 0.074
the postharvest loss. The poor handling during transportation Folate (µg) 18 18 5
Vitamin A (µg) 3 0 2
and use of inappropriate marketing structures also contributes Vitamin A, IU 58 5 38
to loss. Vitamin E (mg) 0.02 0.02 0.01
Vitamin K (µg) 0.7 0.3 0.3
(Source: USDA Nutrient Database, 2015)
Loss reduction through postharvest management: Postharvest
management is a set of post-production practices that includes Harvesting: The harvesting operation is carried out manually
cleaning, washing, selection, grading, disinfection, drying, by cutting stalk with help of sharp knife, pruning knife leaving
packing and storage. These eliminate undesirable elements and the stalk 2 cm long. Before havesting, grower may use ethepon

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International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6, Issue, 9, pp.6069-6075, September, 2015

to accelerate the shell degreening and to encourage uniform based, may also be applied to the fruit with the fungicide. The
colour development but reduces the shelf life and this treatment major advantage of waxing is the reduction of the internal
may be done 2-7 days before harvesting the fruit. Spraying @ browning symptoms of chilling injury and it also reduces
5% K2SO4 and ethepon 100 mg/l, 4 weeks before harvest postharvest water loss and improves fruit appearance (Paull and
increases soluble solids, potassium content, flavour and reduces Lobo, 2012).
the harvest period by 1 week (Nanayakkara et al, 2005). In Packaging: Pineapples are packed along with crowns for
Nagaland, fruits are harvested by picker walking between the prolonged shelf life and to avoid infection at the crown
rows and select the fruit in the field based on size, colour or attachment point. Two methods are used i.e. Horizontal
both and stored in carrying bamboo basket on their back. packing and vertical packing keeping the crown on the topside.
Harvesting should be done early in the morning to have best The fruit packed in bamboo or wooden boxes is more prone to
keeping quality ( physical injuries due to sharp edge of bamboo and nails present
in wooden boxes. To minimize the physiological weight loss,
Sorting and Grading: To stimulate the consumers appeal and fruit should be packed in corrugated fiber boxes (Singh, 2009).
increase profits of the producer these two steps are most Pineapples will only fit into boxes in small numbers of around
important to increase the shelf life of the produce. Fruit should four or six packed vertically or horizontally with a crown of
be free of surface debris and stains. Fruit should have no leaves cut to fit snugly into the box (Thompson, 2003).
wounds, sunspot/sunscald, multiple fasciated fruits, scratches,
punctures or bruises. It should have no scars or residues from
insects or spray chemicals and free of soft rots or surface
moulds. The size of the crown and ratio of crown to fruit length
should be guided by market requirement. In local market
grading is done through visual observation based on size and
colour of the fruit.

Washing of the fruits: After trimming, cutting the stem,

sorting and grading, fruits are subjected to clean soft water
washing. If fruits are quite dirty, then washing should be done
in water containing disinfectant like sodium hypochlorite @
100-200 ppm to generate chlorine in the water solution. After
chlorine disinfection rinsing with clean water is absolutely
essential. It is desired that no hard water with heavy
minerals/metals or contaminated with chemicals used for
washing of the fruit at any stage ( Fig.1 Morphological structure of pineapple plant

Hot water treatments: Black rot of pineapple (Chalara Pre-cooling: It is the key component in the preservation of
paradoxa) is a common postharvest problem in many countries quality for perishable fresh produce in post-harvest systems.
and consumer’s resistance to the use of fungicides has Pre-cooling is one of the most important of all the operations
precipitated the need for alternative means of controlling the used in the maintenance of desirable, fresh and salable produce.
insect pests and diseases. Hot water treatment is essential to kill It rapidly lowers the temperature of freshly harvested produce
the mealybug, scale insects, thrips, mites and prevent from and is done immediately following harvest to minimize
storage rots. Pineapples inoculated with 104 spores/ml, C. spoilage. If pineapples are to be exported to the distant market
paradoxa, followed by a hot water dip treatment at 54 °C for within 2 – 3 days of harvesting, then pre-cooling is advisable.
3 min were free of disease when stored at 10 °C for 21 days Pineapples are very sensitive to temperature and depending
followed by 48 h at an ambient temperature (28 ± 2 °C) where upon mode of transport fruit should be cooled as soon as
as dip-treated fruit stored at 28 ± 2 °C for 6 days also remained possible at least within 10 hours of harvest. Pre-cooling
healthy (Wijeratnam, et al, 2005).. temperature for 1/8th mature fruit is advised at 13-15°C for 6 to
8 hours ( It varies and depends on the
Fungicidal treatment: Usually 1000 ppm thiobendazole or size of fruits and harvesting time. Among all the pre-cooling
Bavistin ( is applied for disinfecting the method, forced air cooling system is more efficient but this
fruits from pathogens associated at pre-harvest stage with requires a specially designed unit and compatible packaging
fruits. The fruit should be dipped for 3-5 minutes depending (
upon the size of the fruit.
Storage: The most suitable storage temperature for Queen
Air Drying: Before taking the wax treatment it is essential that cultivar is 12-14 °C provided that it is harvested at 50–80%
fruit should be subjected to air-drying to eliminate the excess of yellow and less than 10 °Brix total soluble solid (TSS). Queen
water adhering to the shell of the fruits ( pineapples stored at 2 or 4°C developed a white, watery pulp
while fruit stored at higher temperatures developed internal
Waxing: Pineapples are commercially treated with a fungicide browning. Storage at 3 and 8°C for longer than two weeks may
in a dip or spray application to control postharvest fruit rot, cause consumers unacceptability due to bad appearance of
caused by the fungus (Robert et al, 2003). A food grade wax, crown and shell where as at room temperature of 20°C and
usually containing polyethylene/ paraffin or carnauba/paraffin- 60% R.H. they could be kept for only about 3 days (Thompson,
2003). Refrigerated storage recommendations are as follows:
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Manzar Hossain and Rejaul Haque Bepary, et al., Post Harvest Handling Of Pineapples: A Key Role To Minimize
The Post Harvest Loss

rodent’s infestation and diseases. It is prepared by the addition

 10°C and 90% R.H. for 2–4 weeks for green fruit by the addition of sugar, citric acids and preservatives to
 4.5–7°C and 90% R.H. for 2–4 weeks for ripe fruit freshly extracted fruit juice (Singh, 2009). It is usually diluted
 Under controlled atmosphere storage pineapple can be 2-3 times with water before consumption. The process flow
stored at 7–13°C and 85–90% R.H. with 2–5% O2 and chart for pineapple squash is shown in fig.3.
5–10% CO2 for 2–4 weeks.
 Storage of pineapples under hypobaric condition can
extend the storage life for up to 30–40 days.

Loss reduction through processing and value added product

Fruits are highly perishable in nature which needs processing to

make it durable and processing is any deliberate change in a
fruit that occurs before it’s available for us to eat. Processing
and value addition promotes the shelf life of the product and it
could be a use full tool to combat the post harvest loss. The
different value added product of pineapple fruits are given

Pineapple juice: It is a natural juice extracted from pineapple

fruit and unaltered in its composition during preparation and
preservation which can be marketed by bottling in to sterilized
glass or PET bottles or can (Fig.2). Addition of preservative in
glass or PET bottle at a specified level such as Potassium
metabisulphite <350ppm or Benzoic acid < 600 ppm per liter
can extend the shelf life of the juice about 5-6 months.
Pineapple juice blended with carrot juice: orange juice in ratio
of 60:10:30 respectively shows the most effective juice blend
for minimum change in TSS 10 °Brix to 12 °Brix and acidity
0.97% to 1.83%. (Jan and Masih, 2012)
Fig. 3 Flow chart for production of pineapple squash (Source: Singh I S,

Pineapple RTS beverage: The ready to serve (RTS) beverages

are very popular among consumers of all age groups because of
its easiness to carry and consume. The RTS should contain at
least 10 % fruit juice and 10 °B TSS. It is prepared from the
extracted pineapple juice, adjusting its soluble solids and
acidity as per FSSAI specifications for RTS beverage by
mixing the juice with required quantity of sugar syrup prepared
from sugar, citric acid and water (fig.4). To increase the
consumer appeal, permitted colour and flavor can be added.
The beverage is filled into bottles leaving a head space of 2.5 to
3.0 cm, crown corked and processed in water for 15-20 min. at
85oC and air cooled. It is reported that blended RTS beverages
can be manufactured from papaya-pineapple (Sindumathi, and
Premalatha, 2013) and pineapple-watermelon (Oyeleke et al,

Pineapple Jam: Pineapple jam is prepared by boiling mature

pineapple fruit pulp with sufficient quantity of sugar and other
ingredients to a reasonably thick consistency, firm enough to
hold fruit tissues in position. The selection of fruit is very
Fig. 2 Flow chart for production of pineapple juice (Source: Singh I S,
important and pineapple must be perfectly ripe and unripe or
2009). immature fruit contains acids and could affect jam quality. The
jam should contain minimum 45% fruit, 65 °B TSS and acidity
Pineapple squash: The pineapple squash should be prepared 0.52 %. Preservatives can be added @ 40 ppm SO2 or 200 ppm
from fully matured or ripened fruit, free from sun burn, insect,

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International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6, Issue, 9, pp.6069-6075, September, 2015

benzoic acid per kg of final product to extend the shelf life vegetables, the broad range of processes and the multiplicity of
(Fig.5). the product (Rudra et al, 2015). In this regard, several efforts
have been made in order to utilize pineapple wastes obtained
Canned pineapple slice: Kew is the suitable variety for from different sources. The post-harvest processing of
canning of pineapple slices. It produced by washing of fruit, pineapple fruits yields skins, crowns, and waste from fresh
peeling and removal of eyes and core. Slicing of the pineapple trimmings and the pomace after extracting the juice. Several
should be done in the form of ring and pour in syrup and fill studies have been carried out and researchers trying to explore
into the can with pineapple slice and drain weight must be not the possibility of using these wastes and attention have been
less than 50% of the net weight, leaving 1.6 cm or 1 inch given on the utilization of pineapple waste primarily for
headspace. Followed by exhausting and thermal processing extraction of bromelain enzyme and secondarily as low-cost
(exhausting) of can for few minute to destroy the Clostridium raw material for the production of vinegar, anti-oxidants, fiber
botulinum at definite temperature. The shelf life of canned and animal feed production.
pineapple slice is more than one year. Fig.6 shows a typical
pineapple canning process flow chart (Singh, 2009). Pineapple vinegar: Processing of pineapple into vinegar is a
way to utilize the over ripe, blemished or surplus fruits,
Wine: Fruits are highly perishable in nature and have to be discarded cores and peels. Although not as popular as coconut
either consumed immediately or preserved in different value vinegar, pineapple vinegar is already being exported in small
added products. In developing countries like India, due to the quantities. Pineapple vinegar can be produced by alcohol and
lack of proper post harvest management and utilization of acetic acid fermentation (Sossou et al, 2009). Pineapple vinegar
pineapple fruit results in considerable amount of postharvest production flow chart is given in fig.8.
losses. Such fruit can be exploited for production of wine by
setting up of pineapple based wineries in pineapple growing Ferulic acid: Ferulic acid is the most abundant
region that could result in the economic upliftment of the hydroxycinnamic acid found in plant cell walls. This phenolic
people, income generation through employment opportunities antioxidant is widely used in the food and cosmetic industry.
and handsome return to orchardist by providing sufficient Pineapple peel has been used for the alkali extraction of ferulic
remuneration (Reddy and Reddy, 2012). The production of acid (Rudra et al, 2015).
pineapple wine would certainly be advantageous in that region
where the large amount of fruit gets spoiled through improper Bromelain: It is a proteolytic enzyme which is known as
post harvest handling. Various research institutions in India bromelain derived from the stem and juice of pineapples
like CFTRI, ICAR, DFRL, NIFTEM and other private (Gautam et al, 2010). It has been extensively used in food
companies are trying hard to reduce these losses by processing industry for meat tenderization, baking processes, prevention of
the fruits into drinks and fresh cut fruits for the local market. browning of apple juice (Azura et al, 2012), chill proofing
However, little work is done on processing the fruits into other beer; to increase the solubility of gelatin for drinking and in the
product such as wine which are currently not available on the leather-tanning process. In modern therapy, bromelain is used
Indian market. Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made from a as a digestive aids and for its anti-inflammatory action after
variety of fruit juices by the fermentative action of selected surgery and to reduce swellings in cases of physical injuries;
yeast, is adapted to an ageing process handed over from also in the treatment of chronic diseases like cancer. Bromelain
generation to generation (Fig.7). Pineapple wine is prepared is also used as active ingredient to provide gentle peeling
from the juice of pineapples and fermentation of the pineapple effects in cosmetic industries (Khan and Abourashed, 2010).
juice takes place in temperature-controlled vats and is stopped The fruit which is normally used as food where as the stems are
at near-dryness as a result a soft, dry, fruit wine with a strong waste by-product and thus, it is a very cheap source for the
pineapple flavour is obtained (Idise, and Emmanuel, 2012; production of bromelain (Tochi et al, 2008). Apart from the Roodagi et al, 2012 reported stem and fruit, it had also been reported that other parts of the
that wine prepared from 30 °Brix ameliorated pineapple juice pineapple plant contain bromelain. The bromelain can also be
shows best result during chemical analysis and consumer extracted from the peel, core, stem and crown of wastes from
acceptability. two pineapple cultivars (Ketnawa et al, 2012). The highest
protein contents and proteolytic activity were obtained from the
Loss reduction through waste utilization: India is a heavily extracts of the crowns while lowest values were recorded from
populated country and this is the only reason for enormous the stem of both cultivars.
wastes being produced regularly out of household & industrial
activities like peeling and cutting of raw fruit and vegetable Pineapple fiber: Pineapple leaves yield a strong, white in
waste prior to processing, eating, cooking (Das et al, 2013). colour, smooth, and glossy as silk, medium length fibre with
When fruits and vegetables are consumed for household high tensile strength. It has a softer surface than other natural
purposes, waste might mean any rotten or over/under-ripe fruit fibres and it absorbs and maintains a good colour. Some
or vegetable. Waste utilization in fruits and vegetable varieties are cultivated especially for the production of fiber
processing industries is one of the important and challengeable and their young fruits are removed to give the plant maximum
jobs around the world. The full utilization of horticultural vitality. The 'Perolera' is a suitable cultivar for extraction of
produce is a requirement and a demand that needs to be met by fiber due to its leaves that are long, wide and rigid. The outer,
countries wishing to implement low-waste technology in their long leaves are preferred. Usually extraction of fiber is done by
agribusiness. The waste obtained from fruit processing industry either manually or mechanically. In the manual process, they
is extremely diverse due to the use of wide variety of fruits and are first decorticated by beating and rasping and stripping, and

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Manzar Hossain and Rejaul Haque Bepary, et al., Post Harvest Handling Of Pineapples: A Key Role To Minimize
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How to cite this article:
Manzar Hossain and Rejaul Haque Bepary.2015, Post Harvest Handling Of Pineapples: A Key Role To Minimize
The Post Harvest Loss. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 6(9) pp.6069-6075.


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