Sui Southern Limited: Gompany
Sui Southern Limited: Gompany
Sui Southern Limited: Gompany
Sui Southern Gas
Gompany Limited
June 14,2023
Dear Sir,
This is in continuation of our letter SSGC/CS/2023-LL5 dated May 29,2023 (copy attached).
we have to inform you that cRo-sEcp has directed the company to hold the Election of
Directors on October 23, 2023.
Yours Sincerely,
Mateen Sadiq
Company Secretary
Encl: aa
SSGC House, Sir Shah Suleman Road, culshan-e-lqbal, PO. Box 17989, Karachi-75300
PABX Telephone : 99021000, Fax : 92-21-9923't550, Website :
& Sui $outhern Gas
SSGC Company Limited
May 29,2023
Dear 5ir,
We have to inform you that in response to Company's request for further extension of 180 days
i.e., up to october 2g,2023,cRo-sEcP has advised the company to hold its Election of Directors
on July 26,2A23. The Company has re-submitted its request to CRO-SECP for further extension
Yours Sincerely.
Mateen $adiq
Company Secretary
Encl: aa
SSGC House, SirShah $aleman Road, Gulshanc-lqbal. F.O. Box 17989. t(arachi-75300
PABX Telephone : 99021000, Fax : 92-21-99231550, Website :