Connett Markett Schwartz - Paper3
Connett Markett Schwartz - Paper3
Connett Markett Schwartz - Paper3
Volume 338, Number 2, August 1993
1. Introduction
One of the richest families of special functions arise in a natural way when
the three dimensional Helmholtz equation ((A2 + k2)W = 0, also called the
reduced wave equation) is solved by separation of variables in a coordinate
system with concentric families of spheroids and hyperboloids as level surfaces
[E, Chapter 16, AS, Chapter 21, Mi, 3.1, MSp] (the last reference contains some
excellent figures). If W(x, 6, <p)= U(x)V(Q)exxi(±im<p), then the Helmholtz
equation separates into one of the following systems of two ordinary differential
If" + (ctnhx)U' - [h - (fccsinhx)2 + (m cschx)2]I7 = 0
(0 < x < oo),
where a = m and y = ^(kc)2 (y < 0 for prolate, y > 0 for oblate). With the
addition of the boundary conditions S'(0) = S'(n) = 0 and the normalizing
condition S(0) = 1 this becomes a Sturm-Liouville problem with a discrete
spectrum of eigenvalues. The corresponding eigenfunctions are called the an-
gular spheroidal wave functions {S^'y(6)}nem0 (No = {0,1,2,...}) and are
dealt with in this paper for all a > -1/2 and y £ R, each choice of (a, y)
leading to a different family of orthogonal functions. Moreover, we will con-
sider the radial prolate spheroidal wave functions {^f'y(x)}x>o for a > -1/2,
y < 0, which are eigenfunctions of the Sturm-Liouville equation
y = 0. It is the main purpose of this paper to establish the product formula for
the angular case in the form
(1.5) Sn"y(d)Sn*'y(<f>)
= Í San>?(cl)doe^(S) (0<6,ct><n)
where for each (6, </>),og^ = Og'Ï is an explicitly given Borel measure which
does not depend on n £ No (see Theorem 1 below). For later discussion we
also include the result in the limiting Mathieu case y = 0 which was first
stated by Meixner [Mei] and also treated by Volkmer [VI] in a different context.
In particular we will show that for each pair (a, y), the measure o^'l has
uniformly bounded total variation for 0 < 6, c¡>< n . Moreover, the exact range
of (a, y) will be given for which the measures are nonnegative. Finally, it turns
out that they are absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure if and
only if a > -1/2. The method of proof employs a partial differential equation
technique based on Riemann's integration method for solving Cauchy problems.
These ideas were used in a recent paper [CMS] to give, among other things, a
new proof of the product formula for the ultraspherical polynomials; see also the
previous work by one of us, where the techniques are extended to various other
situations (cf. [Ml, M2, M3], and for further references, [CMS]). The product
formula (1.5) can be used to define a two-parameter family of convolution
structures for expansions in spheroidal wave functions via the introduction of
appropriate generalized translation operators in the sense of Levitan [Le] (cf.
§4). Hence many standard tools from harmonic analysis on locally compact
abelian groups become available for the explication of the harmonic structure
here. The product formula leads in a natural way to a convolution for the Borel
measures on [0, %], M([0, n]). When the measure oe^ in (1.5) is positive,
it is possible to equip [0, n] with a hypergroup structure.
Along the same lines, we will also derive the product formula for the radial
prolate spheroidal functions in the form
allows a more refined study of various questions of harmonic analysis as, e.g.,
multiplier criteria or maximal functions (cf. [CS1, CS2]).
In addition to being useful in the harmonic analysis of eigenfunction expan-
sions, the product formulas of Theorems 1 and 2 give interesting information
about the eigenfunctions themselves. This "special functions" aspect becomes
apparent when observing that the equations (1.3) and (1.4) are singular differ-
ential equations not belonging to the hypergeometric class. In fact, if they are
thought of as equations in the complex plane (after substituting z = cos2(f7/2)
and z = cosh2(x/2), respectively), then according to the Klein-Bôcher-Ince
classification [I, Chapter XX] they have two finite regular singular points at
z = 0 and z = 1 and an irregular singular point of second species at z = oo .
Actually, the two equations are the same, but the product formulas range over
different intervals, namely (0, 1) and (1, oo), respectively. This is an equation
of the confluent Heun type [0,2, 12] (which may be reduced by a quadratic
transformation to the type [1, 1, 1], the singularities being elementary, regu-
lar, and irregular of the first species respectively). Hence the solutions lie in
the "land beyond Bessel" [A2] and cannot, in general, be represented in closed
The remarkable fact is that it is still possible to write down the product
formula in closed form because of the Riemann function techniques even in
cases where there is no explicit representation of the eigenfunctions. So one way
of looking at formula (1.5), for instance, is to regard it as an integral equation
for the unknown function S„'7(6) after an appropriate choice of the variable
<f>as, e.g., 4>= n¡2 (cf. [VI] for consequences of this procedure in the Mathieu
case). Moreover, the formulas can be used to derive uniform and pointwise
estimates of the angular or radial spheroidal wave functions (cf. Theorems 3
and 4).
The spheroidal wave functions provide a rich family of examples in which
to study singular differential equations and the harmonic analysis of the corre-
sponding eigenfunction expansions. Though not in the field of classical special
function theory and, in particular, not of orthogonal polynomial type, they nev-
ertheless show a structure depending on two parameters a and y, which allows
distinct eigenfunction expansions to be organized into a scale or continuum of
expansions [CS1], and the properties of the individual eigenfunction systems
can be described by theorems about the parameters. The spheroidal wave func-
tions thus provide a convenient test for general theorems about eigenfunction
Finally, we mention that these functions are important for various applica-
tions: they arise, for instance in signal theory where they occur naturally in the
analysis of band limited signals, see, e.g., [S, P]. We intend to study the appli-
cation of the positive convolution to these problems at another time. Further
references can be found in [D].
2. Product formulas for angular spheroidal wave functions
We begin with a few properties of the hypergeometric functions. Let (x)o =
1, and (x)„ = x(x + l)(x + 2) ■■■(x + n - 1) for n £ N, and let
n « S^°(d)S^°(<l))= / Sï<°(Z)K°(Z,d,tl>)wa(Ç)dÇ
Kz-->) J\8-(t>\
wa(£) = sin2a+1£,
(2.7) 3T-y(i, 0,0) = Ka(Ç, 9, 4>)fa-XI2(JWo).
(ii) In the particular case of the Mathieu functions, a = —1/2, one has
/ \3?a>y(c¡,9,<¡>)\wa(c:)d!;<l.
To prove Theorem 1 we will proceed (as in the ultraspherical case [CMS,
§2]) from the fact that the product on the left-hand side of (2.6) (and of (2.8))
can be considered as the unique solution of a hyperbolic initial value problem
which can be solved in terms of the initial function by Riemann's integration
method. Set
u(i,r,) = u(n,t) = San'y(Ç)Sn»y(r1)
and observe that because of the symmetry
we may restrict our attention to (Ç, n) for which 0 <n <£, <n - n . Denote
this triangle by E. Then, since S^'y(c¡) satisfies equation (1.3) together with
S'(0) = S'(n) = 0 and S(0) = 1 one has
(Lly-L°>?)u(C,n) = 0, ((Z,n)£E),
u(Ç,0)=Sï>?(Ç), un(i,0) = 0, (0<i<n),
L¡'y = d2/dc¡2 + (2a + l)(cotí)rf/í/í - y sin2 f.
The solution of (2.10) requires explicit knowledge of the corresponding Rie-
mann function. For any fixed point (0, 0) 6 E let Ag^ be the characteristic
triangle with vertices P = (9, 0), ßo , and Rq , where Qe = (0 - 0 + e, e)
and Re = (8 + 0 - e, e). Then for (¿;, n) £ Ag^ , the Riemann function is
defined as the unique solution v(Ç, n) = v(Ç, n; 9, 0) = Ra'v(cl, n; 9, 0) of
the characteristic boundary value problem:
(Las'y-Lan<y')v(c;,n) = 0 ((tZ,n)£Ae^),
(a+l/2 a+l/2\ .„ _ ^
f a+l/2 a+l/2\ ^
v(9,<t>)= l
(the asterisk (*) denotes the adjoint operator). Let
W = ^- o = -^=*
co W- 1 y/
R-xt2>yiZ,n;9,<f>) = Joiy/yx).
(Notice that in the ultrasphericalcase y = 0, (2.12) collapses to the k = 0 term
to yield Ra>\c¡, n; 9, 0) = •#<«(£,n; 9, 4>)F(l/2-\a\, 1/2 - |a| ; 1 ; <D).)
Proof. The substitution of the independent and dependent variables
"; *' 0) = Uin0)(sin0)J V{X'Y''X°' Y0)
leads to the selfadjoint "normal" form of problem (2.11),
2 (X - Y)iX0 - Y0) '
F(x,y;Xo,y0) = (i-w/2)|a|-1/2
W2 \ (yWx/4f
X £F(*+l/2-|a|,l/2-|a|;*+l;w£T)
which is valid for all X0 < X < Y < Y0. Returning to the original variables
C, n, 8, 0 via (2.13) and observing that W2= W, Wx= -% finally yields the
lemma. Notice that in the special case a = -1/2, the boundary value problem
(2.11) reduces to that for the well-known telegraph equation which was solved
by Riemann already in terms of the Bessel function Jo (cf., e.g., [G, (4.84)] or
[L]). D
Remark. In the proofs of the product formulas for the Bessel functions and for
the Laguerre functions given in [Ml], extensive use was made of the fact that
after transformation to a selfadjoint normal form, the characteristic boundary
value problems defining the corresponding Riemann functions are exactly of
the form (2.14), with y = 0 in the Bessel case and y = constant / 0 in the
Laguerre case. This explains the formal similarity of the product formulas for
the Laguerre and spheroidal wave functions (though being defined on different
intervals). In particular, one can say that the relationship between the Laguerre
and Bessel cases is the same as between the spheroidal and ultraspherical cases.
Proof of Theorem 1. (i) We discuss here the case -1/2 < a < 0 ; the case a > 0
is dealt with by similar arguments. The argument used in [CMS, Theorem 1.2]
in the ultraspherical case yields (2.6) with Z%a'y obtained from the Riemann
function (2.12) by
JTa'y(í,9,ct>) = lim i-l-(sinn)2a+x-^-[(sinc:sinr1)-2"-xR°'y(Ç, r/; 0, 0)]
n->0+ [_ L dr¡'
w-a-l/2 Y^F(k + a+1/2, a+1/2; k+1; 0>)( J*^
d_ (-rx/4)A
-a-x/2Y/F(k + a+l/2,a+l/2;k+l;(p)
dr¡ ¥ (k\)2
= -(a + l/2)<p-a~3'2-^- Y, F(k + a + 1/2, a + 1/2 ; k + 1; <D)(-7X/4)*
dn ik\)2
+ y/~
a_i/2 v (fc+ a+l/2)(a + l/2)
k+ 1
dö (-7^/4)*
x Fik + a + 3/2, a + 3/2; k + 2; O)
a?? ik\)2
+ ^-m^F(k+a+i/2,a+i/2;k + ,.^t^C.l^)
k&N v y x ' '
= sx+s2 + s3.
The term-by-term differentiation is justified because all three series converge
uniformly. We show this first for a < 0. Observe that 0 < O < 1 if n £
(0, 7t/2], so that for some constants Ax and A2,
0 < F(k + a + 1/2, a + 1/2 ; k + 1 ; O)
<F(k + a+ 1/2, a + 1/2; fc+ 1; 1)
r(fc + i)r(-2a) +1/2
r(l/2-a)r(fc+l/2-a) - '
and from (2.4)
(k + a+l/2)(a+l/2)
F(k + a + 3/2, a + 3/2 ; k + 2 ; 0)(1 - d>)2a+1
(fc+ q+l/2)(q+l/2)
F(l/2-a,k+ l/2-a;k + 2;<&)
(2.16) < ik + a+l/2)(a+l/2) F(l/2-a, k+ l/2-a;k + 2; 1)
k+ 1
Y(k + l)Y(2a + I)
Y(k + a+l/2)Y(a+l/2)
< A2kx'2~a.
Wrm r(2a+l)
- (2coo)2«Y2(a+l/2/a-l'2{VWo)-
Thus using the Legendre's duplication formula for the gamma function we ob-
tain (2.7).
(ii) In the special case a = -1/2 we have for 0 < e < n/2, (cf. [CMS,
equation (3.9)])
Since v(Ç, n) is uniformly bounded and u„(s) —>0 as £ -> 0+, lime^o+ ^(e)
= 0. Finally
v„it, n)=-IMVU)^
and so
/ \jra>?it,o,<t>)\waiZ)dï
< Ka(i,e,<p)wa(t)dt = i
(as can be seen by setting n = 0 in (2.5)). D
Proof. The proof follows the same lines as the proof of Theorem 1. The char-
acteristic boundary value problem for the Riemann function now reads
,tanhf Ji
-y[sinh2¿:-sinh2f7]v = 0 ((<*,r¡)eAx>y),
,,n /a+l/2 a+l/2\ . ,_
( a+l/2 a+l/2\
v¿-v„- [-rf-z-r1— )v = 0 (t¡ + n = x + y),
( n V tanhcl tanhiy / v ' "
v(x,y) = 1.
Its solution is given by
The explicit form of a^'l given in (4.1) shows that the innermost integral is a
measurable function of (0,0). The product # is a continuous operation on
M([0, n]) provided that Aa'y = sup{||o-0 ^||:0 < 9, 0 < n} < oo. In fact, we
have the inequality \\p#u\\ < Aa-y\\p\\ \\v\\. Let /iA = $*S„*>y(ci)dp(t¡), then
substituting S„'y for / in (4.2) and using (1.5) we have (/i#i/)£ = p^v* , so
the product is commutative and associative. Thus if Aa-y < 1, (M([0, n]),
#"■'') is a commutative Banach algebra. There is also a convolution on an
appropriate Ll space. In particular if
ll/Hi= ll/||i,«=Jof\f(C)\wa(C)dS
(4.3) R«n>y(9)Ran>y(<p)
= f K'yit)dTae'l(i)
and the convolution * = *a ■y is defined by
*!/)({)= r r rf(i)dxae'y^)dp(9)du(ct>).
Jo Jo Jo Jo
This operation is also commutative and associative and defines a convolution
on the space of functions / for which
f |/(0| dma>y(£,)<
dma>r(C)= [S^(i)]2wa(C)dC.
If (Tq'I is a positive measure for every 0 and 0 in [0, n], then so is tae'7^.
Moreover, if we set n = 0 in (4.3), ||Tg'£|| = 1, so * is probability preserving.
That is, if p and v are probability measures (positive with unit mass), then so
is p * v . In particular we have for the unit point masses
00*3^= ^1 (0<9,4><n).
Equation (4.3) yields the global inequality ||/î2','||oo = Rn'7(0) = 1, from which
we obtain the pointwise inequality
|Sï-y(OI<s0,,'(i) (o <£<*)•
Finally we remark that
is a generalized translation in the sense of Levitan [Le]. If f(¿¡) = J2n^ocn^n '7 (£) >
then T*fit) = ZnloCnRan'y(OK'y(<t>),™<i
(f*g)(Z) = fnT't'f(9)g(cf))dma'y(4>).
We summarize these observations and give some particular bounds in
Theorem 3. (i) If y £ E and a > -1/2, then M([0, n]) has a continu-
ous convolution #a'7 which satisfies \\p#a'yv\\ < Aa'y\\p\\ \\u\\ where Aa'y =
sup{||cre^||: 0 < 8, 0 < n}. Moreover HS^'l«, < Aa>y, and Aa<y satisfies the
(a) // y> 0 and a > 0, then Aa-y = 1.
(b) If y >0 and a > -1/2 then Aa>y< max0<x<y\fa- \ß(-Jx)\.
(c) If y >0, then A~xl2<y< 1 + \ max0<x<7\fx(y[x)\.
id) If y<0 and q>-1/2 then Aa<y< \^a-i/2(^/\y\)\ ■
(e) lfy<0, then A~x!2>y
< 1+ pHvTJÏ)-
(ii) If y>0 and a>0, (M([0, n]), #a^y) is a Banach algebra.
(iii) If a > -1/2 and -co < y < j\_Xn, or a = -1/2 and y < 0, then
([0, n], *a'y) is a Jacobi type (a, a) hypergroup with Hermitian characters
{Rn'7}%Lo>identity So, and Haar measure m°J. Moreover
\Sï'y(Ç)\<SZ'y(i) (0<Ç<7t).
The reader is referred to [CS3] for a general discussion of Jacobi type hyper-
groups and to [CMS, §4] for a discussion of those hypergroups which arise from
a general class of differential equations which includes (1.3).
Proof, (i) In light of the discussion preceding the theorem, it only remains to
establish the estimates (a)-(e). Observe that if a > -1/2,
< max{|^_1/2(ym)|: |0 - 0| < £ < n - \8 + 0 - n\}
by (2.7) and the argument used to prove Theorem 1, (iv). This yields (a), and
(b) follows since 0 < yio < 1 . Part (d) uses the fact that JT.-1/2 is an increasing
function; parts (c) and (e) follow from slight modifications of the above,
(ii) is a simple consequence of (i)(a).
(iii) The hypergroup assertions follow from the remarks preceding the the-
orem. The inequality follows since in any hypergroup, the characters must be
bounded by unity. D
For the radial prolate functions, when y = 0, SÇ'°(z) has no zeros in
[0, oo), and Theorem 2 yields the product formula for Jacobi functions ob-
tained in [FK]. In this case we define
with doxly(z) = J?a-0(z, x, y)sinh2a+lzdz and * = *a'° analogous to the
above; there is also an analogous definition of generalized translation suggested
by Theorem 2. With this definition we obtain
Theorem 4. There is a hypergroup ([0, oo), *Q'°) with Hermitian characters
{S>!Pf"O(z)/S^oa'0(z)}x>o, identity element ôo, and Haar measure ma'° given
by dma>°(z) = LS^'V)]2 sinh2a+1zdz . Moreover, for each X>0
\Sf'°(z)\<^0a'°(z) (0<z<oo).
The authors are grateful to Hubert Kalf who pointed out that if y < 0 an
argument based on the Sturm Comparison Theorem shows that Z?Qa'y must
have zeros in (0, oo), and so these methods will not yield bounds on the kernel
that will allow the construction of a convolution.
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