BMC Psychiatry: Thyroid Function in Clinical Subtypes of Major Depression: An Exploratory Study
BMC Psychiatry: Thyroid Function in Clinical Subtypes of Major Depression: An Exploratory Study
BMC Psychiatry: Thyroid Function in Clinical Subtypes of Major Depression: An Exploratory Study
Address: 1Laboratory of Psychophysiology, 3rd Department of Psychiatry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Hospital AHEPA,
Thessaloniki Greece, 23rd Department of Psychiatry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Hospital AHEPA, Thessaloniki Greece,
3Laboratory of of Nuclear Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Hospital AHEPA, Thessaloniki Greece, 43rd Department of
Psychiatry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, University Hospital AHEPA, Thessaloniki Greece and 5Frederiksborg General Hospital Department
of Psychiatry, Hillerod Denmark
Email: Konstantinos N Fountoulakis* -; Apostolos Iacovides -;
Philippos Grammaticos -; George St Kaprinis -; Per Bech -
* Corresponding author
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All patients and controls provided written informed con- The statistical analysis included one and two-way Multi-
sent before participating in the study. The protocol was ple Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) with Scheffe as
approved by the Investigational Review Board of the post-hoc test. Age, the presence of personality disorder
hospital. and the presence of anxiety disorder served as covariates.
Two Discriminant function (stepwise method) analyses
Method were performed with diagnostic group and outcome as
The clinical diagnosis was reached by consensus of two grouping variables and thyroid indices as dependent vari-
examiners. The Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neu- ables. Discriminant function analysis produces one func-
ropsychiatry version 2.0 [21,22] were directly applied and tion for each group by using the dependent variables
the International Personality Disorders Examination [23- appropriately weighted. In this way each case obtains a
26] was retrospectively applied to the data. score (a function of its weighted dependent variables; in
our case of weighted thyroid indices) that corresponds to
The psychometric assessment included the Hamilton every group, and is classified in the group in whose func-
Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) [27,28], the Hamilton tion obtains the highest score. The forward stepwise
Anxiety Scale (HAS) [29], and the Global Assessment of method reduces the number of dependent variables used
Functioning Scale (GAF) [30]. in these functions to a minimum. The Pearson Product
Moment Correlation Coefficient was also calculated.
Assessment of thyroid function Since 2 MANCOVAs were performed and 21 correlation
Free-T3 (FT3) was assessed by an AMERLEX-MAB™ Immu- coefficients were calculated, the Bonferroni correction led
noradiometric Assay (RIA) kit The sensitivity of the assay to the adoption of the p < 0.0021 level (0.05/23 = 0.0021)
is 0.7 pmol/lt. Normal are values 3.3–8.2. Free-T4 (FT4) as the level for significance for all tests (including post-
was assessed by an AMERLEX-MAB™ Immunoradiometric hoc tests)
Assay (RIA) kit The sensitivity of the assay is 0.6 pmol/lt.
Normal are values 11–25 pmol/lt. The Thyroid Stimula- Results
tion Hormone-TSH was assessed with an Ortho-Clinical No patient had FT3, FT4, or TA levels outside the normal
Diagnostics™ Immunoradiometric Assay (RIA). The sensi- range. The plot of FT4 values vs. a logarithmic TSH values
tivity of the assay is 0.04 µIU/mlt. The specificity was < (figure 1) suggests that all depressed patients and controls
0.001% for FSH, LH and Hcg. Normal values are 0.3–3 are located in the normal reference area, away from pri-
mU/lt. Thyroid Binding Inhibitory Immunoglobulins- mary hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Four patients (13.3%)
TBII were measured with a BRAHMS Diagnostica GmbH had increased TSH levels (1 melancholic-8.31% and 3
DYNOtest® TRAK human kit Radio Receptor Assay (RRA). undifferentiated-37.5%), 12 patients (26.6%) had
The test has 98.8% sensitivity and 99.6% specificity. The increased TMA levels (5 atypicals-50%, 6 melancholics-
analytical sensitivity of the assay is 0.3 IU/lt, and the func- 50% and 1 undifferentiated-11.1%), and 5 (16.6%) had
tional assay sensitivity (20% inter-assay variation coeffi- increased TBII levels (2 atypicals-20% and 3
cient) is 0.9 IU/lt. Normal are values below 10%. undifferentiated-37.5%).
Thyroglobulin antibodies-TA were assessed by a RADIM™
Immuroradiometric Assay (RIA). The analytical sensitivity
of the assay is 15 U/mlt and the functional sensitivity
(with 20% inter assay variation coefficient is 40 IU/mlt.
Normal are values below 100 U/ml. Thyroid Microsomal
Antibodies-TMA (or autoantibodies to Thyroid Peroxi-
dase-anti-TPO) were assessed by a MEDIPAN DIAGNOS-
TICA™ radiolingand assay. The functional assay sensitivity
(10% within assay and 20% between assay variation coef-
ficient) is 35 IU/mlt. Normal are values below 50 IU/ml.
All measurements concern the serum levels of patients.
The ratio FT4/FT3 was also calculated.
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Table 1: 1-way MANCOVA between the diagnostic groups in terms of thyroid results, with age, 2-way MANCOVA between the short
term outcome (factor 1) and diagnostic groups (factor 2) in terms of thyroid results
Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D Mean S.D
FT4 16.32 2.69 14.59 1,59 15.50 1.28 14.15 1.45 14.13 1.83 14.04 1.39 15.55 1.52
FT3 6.03 1.56 5.85 1,00 6.57 1.16 5.30 0.50 5.76 0.85 5.83 1.18 5.88 0.61
TS 1.31 0.74 1.52 1,21 0.92 0.33 1.42 0.71 2.43 1.92 1.58 0.99 1.43 1.57
TBII 0.89 1.16 8.67 7,93 7.64 3.13 6.31 1.30 13.49 14.41 7.66 2.29 10.40 12.95
TM 18.80 3.42 124.8 295, 272.14 477. 51.35 66.9 51.04 116.07 151.17 362.54 79.43 111.1
A 6 08 98 4 3
TA 15.26 8.52 20.41 9,91 18.23 4.51 23.72 13.9 18.19 6.71 19.05 5.71 22.77 14.72
T4/ 2.81 0.64 2.54 0,33 2.41 0.39 2.68 0.31 2.46 0.20 2.46 0.35 2.66 0.28
In both analyses, age, the presence of anxiety disorder and the presence of personality disorder as covariates. Scheffe test served as post-hoc test
The means and standard deviations for each group are falsely classified) however the success rate is far lower for
shown in table 1. depressives (around 60% for all subtypes), however is still
higher than chance (which would be 25% success).
MANCOVA results revealed a main effect for the type of
depression alone (p < 0.001, table 1). Post hoc analysis However, the success in discriminating between respond-
(table 2) revealed significant differences between all ers and poor responders is far higher. The functions suc-
depressed subtypes and controls in terms of TBII levels (p ceeded in an 80.00% correct classification of depressed
< 0.0021) and between atypicals and controls in terms of patients on the basis of thyroid indices. If we subtract the
TMA (p < 0.001). two functions, then we obtain the following function:
These results should be considered a true effect of the type When this function takes values above zero, then the
of depression since age, the presence of anxiety disorder respected depressed patient is predicted to be a responder
and the presence of personality disorder were used as with an 89.47% chance of success. These rates are clearly
covariates. higher than the 50% (by chance).
Discriminant function analysis results are shown in table TBII Undifferentiated vs. Normal controls <0.001
3 for depressed subtypes and in table 4 concerning the Atypicals vs. Normal controls <0.001
short-term outcome. Melancholics vs. Normal controls 0.002
TMA Atypicals vs. Normal controls <0.001
Discriminant functions may discriminate controls from
depressives with 98.33% accuracy (only one control is Only significant results are shown at p < 0.0021
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Table 3: Results of Discriminant function analysis (forward stepwise method) with diagnostic groups as the grouping variables.
Undifferentiated 62.50 5 1 1 1
Atypicals 60.00 0 6 1 3
Melancholics 58.33 0 0 7 5
Normal controls 98.33 0 0 1 59
Total 85.56 5 7 10 68
The analysis succeeded in a 85.56% correct classification of all cases on the basis of thyroid indices. Only one control was falsely classified. Each case
is predicted to belong to the group in whose function obtains the highest value. The chance of success of this prediction depends on the group. The
four groups seems to lie on a continuum with melancholics closer to controls and undifferentiated being the group more distant to controls, and
atypicals in the middle.
Table 4: Results of Discriminant function analysis (forward stepwise method) with outcome as the grouping variables.
Responders 89.47 17 2
Partial responders 63.64 4 7
Total 80.00 21 9
Classification Functions
The analysis succeeded in a 80.00% correct classification of depressed patients on the basis of thyroid indices. If we subtract the two functions, then
we obtain the following function: 20.86-1.52*(FT4)-0.98*(TSH)+0.74*(FT3)-0.07*(TBII). When this function takes values above zero, then the
respected depressed patient is predicted to be a responder with a 89.47% chance of success.
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reduced function is more pronounced in those patients lation between specific clinical symptoms and thyroid
without HPT axis abnormality. In this frame, HPT dysreg- indices. This is again in accord with the literature.
ulation may be regarded as a compensatory mechanism Depressed patients had higher Thyroid Binding Inhibitory
for diminished central 5-HT activity[68], which is a Immunoglobulins (TBII), which is suggestive of the pres-
suggestion similar to another one proposed concerning ence of an underlying autoimmune process in depression,
the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis[69]. This just and is independent of the clinical subtype. Response to
reflects the fact that the true relationship of peripheral treatment could be predicted on the basis of thyroid indi-
indices to brain function is always an open question[70]. ces alone with 89.47% chance of success, which is a rather
high success rate. Further study is necessary in order to
The most robust relationship between thyroid dysfunc- investigate the mechanisms of this process and the extent
tion and depression concerns gestation and the postpar- of this autoimmune activation.
tum period. Thyroid antibody-positive women are prone
to hypothyroidism, which is often preceded by transient The current study constitutes only an exploratory effort to
hyperthyroidism after delivery[71]. Also, lower range total search for the relationship between subtypes of unipolar
and free thyroxine concentrations during late pregnancy depression, thyroid function and clinical outcome. This
may be related to postpartum depressive symptoms[72]. effort is restricted both by the study sample as well as from
The presence of abnormal thyroid function tests is not limitation of the methodology employed. Further
related with a distinct clinical picture[73]. However, research is essential in order to arrive to solid conclusions.
again, the literature is split and the results are inconclusive
[74-76]. Competing interests
None declared.
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