Detailed Lesson Plan TAking Body Measurement
Detailed Lesson Plan TAking Body Measurement
Detailed Lesson Plan TAking Body Measurement
I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify the three types of taking body measurement
b. Appreciate the value of taking body measurement accurately
c. Perform the proper taking of body measurements.
b. Greetings
Good morning class!
Good morning ma’am!
c. Classroom management
Before you take your seat
please pick those scattered
pieces of plastic and papers
under your chair ,a gentle
reminder maintain social
distancing, wear your
facemask properly and if you
have a question just raise you
hand. Is that clear class?
Yes ma’am!
Miss Odette who is absent for
None ma’am
That is good to hear!
d. Review
Before we proceed to our
new lesson, what you have
learned yesterday?
Yes Ana.
Very good! Can you give me Ma’am it’s all about the different sewing
an example of sewing tools. tools.
Anyone in the class? Yes Toni
e. Motivation
Very good class I’m so happy that most of Ma’am Tape measure.
you know how to use the tape measure.
( some Students raise their hand)
Moving on to our next lesson let’s have an
activity. This activity called guess the
jumbled word game. if you want to
answer just raise your hand, is that clear
Amazing! It is hips.
Very good class I’m so very impressed Ma’am HIPS
with your cooperation and attentiveness.
B. Discussion
Do you have any idea what is our
topic for today? Anyone, yes Jhen.
Very good! Another idea class? Ma’am it is measuring the different parts
Yes Janina. of the body using tape measure.
Excellent ! all your answers are Ma’am it refers to measuring the actual
correct. person who will wear a garment.
When we say body measurement,
is an act or process of taking the
accurate or exact measurement of
the body.
C. Generalization
And there you have it, we just finished
discussing the ways and how to take body
measurements. Is their any questions or
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment:
Illustrate or draw the following by getting the body measurements of any family
member.Do this in your activity notebook.
1. Shoulder
2. Waist
3. Hip2
4. Bust
5. Neck
Clarity of Illustration- 30
Cleanliness- 10
Workmanship- 30
Labelling- 30
TOTAL : 100pts.