Summer Internship Report
Summer Internship Report
Summer Internship Report
B. Com V Semester
I hereby declare that this report entitled “RECRUITMENT & SELECTION PROCESS’’
which is submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor
of Commerce from Banasthali Vidyapith is my original work and not copied from any other
students or report.
I express my sincere thanks to my report guide Dr. Nanda Priyadarshini Dy. Manager
(Personnel) and Miss Tanupriya Junior Manager (Personnel) for guiding me right form the
inception till the successful completion of the report. I sincerely acknowledge them for
extending their valuable guidance and all the moral support provided to me with all stages of
this report.
I would like to express big thanks to Prof. Harsh Purohit Dean of Banasthali Vidyapith for
giving me an opportunity to do this internship. Without him this internship wouldn’t be
My thanks are due to all those who have directly and indirectly helped me in preparing this
Internal Recruitment:
Internal Circular (Both Executive & Non-executive)
External Recruitment:
Executive (MTT & MTA)
Chapter 4: Conclusion
I want to conclude that from this internship I achieve a work experience in an organization. I
gain so much knowledge. I interact with the customers due to this my communication skills
and confidence level increases. It provides real life experience and exposure. From this
internship and report my skills also increases. This internship is one of the memorable parts
of my life.
3 Research Methodology………………………………………………3
4 Data Analysis………………………………………………………...5
5 Conclusion of the report
Appendix I……………………………………………………………….7
SAIL is an Indian state-owned steel making company, operated by the government of India.
SAIL is the largest steel producer of the world. It is one of the India’s fastest growing public
sector units.
Five integrated steel plant
Steel plant Location
Bhilai steel plant Chattisgarh
Durgapur steel plant West Bengal
Rourkela steel plant Odisha
Bokaro steel plant Jharkhand
IISCO steel plant West Bengal
Refractory Plant
Steel Plant Location
SAIL Refractory Unit Bhandaridah Jharkhand
SAIL Refractory Unit Bhilai Chattisgarh
SAIL Refractory Unit, IFICO, Ramgarh Jharkhand
SAIL Refractory Unit Ranchi Road Jharkhand
2.1 Recruitment & Selection
“The art of choosing men is not nearly as difficult as the art of enabling those one has chosen
to attain their full worth”.
The Recruitment & Selection Process is concerned with identifying, attracting and choosing
suitable people to meet an organization’s human resource requirements. They are integrated
activities and where recruitment stops and selection begins is a moot point.
Developing and implementing an on-going recruitment
Providing maximum employment security
To hire the top quality personal required for the company.
To improve the quality of life of employee need.
To know the kind of people that we are looking for by analysing the company goal and
using the job description prospective that match your need.
Encouraging employee with continuing development of talent and skills.
Non-executive refers to those who not involve in management or organisation’s decisions.
Internal Recruitment
It is done when the company looks to fill the vacancy from their organization or existing
workforce itself. It is cheaper and quicker process to recruit, people are already familiar with
the organization, the company already knows about the strength and weakness of the
Internal Circular
Vacancies are advertised among SAIL units to find eligible candidates who are selected
through a well-defined process.
All appointments in both Executive and Non-executive grade.
Compassionate Appointment
If any employee is declared medically invalid by the company medical board, his eligible
dependent is provided appointment on compassionate ground.
All appointments in Non-executive grade.
To provide relief/ benefit to dependent family members of employees in cases of death,
permanent total disablement and medical invalidation.
The relief/ benefit shall be available to the employees/ dependents of regular employees of
The guidelines shall cover specifically two types of compassionate cases which are as below:
In case of death or Permanent Total Disablement due to accident.
In case of an employee declared incapable to perform his normal duty by the
committee constituted for this purpose, due to his/ her physical / mental incapacity
due to suffering from chronic debilitating diseases.
Procedure for dealing with cases of death/ Permanent Total Disablement (PTD)
of employee arising out of and in course of employment.
The eligible dependent/ employee shall need to submit application, in duplicate, in the
prescribed format (Annexure-II) within 3 months of date of separation of the
employee from the services of the company.
The application shall be received in the respective Departmental Personnel Office by
the Shop Personnel Executive (SPE).
The Shop Personnel Executive (SPE) shall obtain an “Application Registered
Number” (ARN) from Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and
acknowledge receipt.
The number to be given for such cases shall be “ARN/ <Staff number>/ OTJ/ number”
a. The ARN shall be endorsed on the original application and duplicate copy.
b. Acknowledgement slip with ARN shall be handed over to the employee/ dependent.
c. Second copy to be retained in the Personnel File.
The SPE shall get the details of the application verified from personnel records and
examine the request with respect to eligibility criteria.
The original application of each eligible case, complete in all respects, shall be
forwarded to Head of Recruitment section by SPE with self-contained note in a file.
The SPE shall enclose copies of 10w report, Separation order, details of family
members, medical disability assessment-cum-compensation certificate, note of Head
of Department, Condolence letter etc depending on the nature of the case.
Recruitment section shall
a. Obtain in principle approval of Competent Authority.
b. Call the applicant/ dependent candidate for interview.
c. Verify all certificates from original.
d. Obtain all relevant undertakings & declarations from the applicant.
e. Obtain final approval of Competent Authority.
f. Issue offer of appointment & accept joining of dependent candidate.
g. Intimate concerned SPE of the process outcome.
For any clarification/ query, the ARN shall be quoted by the applicant/ employee.
Procedure for dealing with cases of medical invalidation of employees suffering
from debilitating diseases.
A regular employee who is suffering from any of the enlisted debilitating (Annexure-
I) feels that he is not in a position to continue with his normal duties and wishes to
avail compassionate benefits under this scheme, shall need to submit an application in
the prescribed format (Annexure-III) to shop Personnel Executive (SPE). The
application must be forwarded by Controlling officer/ Head of Department.
SPE shall scrutinize the application with respect to eligibility criteria and
completeness and acknowledge receipt. The number to be given for medical
invalidation cases shall be “ARN/ <Staff number> / MED/ Number”.
a. The ARN shall be endorsed on the original application and duplicate copy.
b. Acknowledgement slip with schedule of next Medical Board where the applicant
needs to appear with all medical treatment records shall be communicated to the
Application of eligible cases and that are complete in all respects shall be forwarded
by SPE to recruitment section with self-contained note in a file. Recruitment section
shall centrally forward all cases to medical department.
The employee should appear before the medical board on schedule date along with all
relevant medical records/ treatment history.
A multi-specialty team of company’s doctors, nominated by Director, shall constitute
the Medical Invalidation Board (MIB). The MIB shall meet once every month (4 th
Wednesday of every month or next working day if scheduled date is holiday). The
MIB shall examine the detailed medical condition of the employee including medical
treatment history records available/ submitted by the employee. The MIB may advice
the employee to undergo further testes/ refer to other specialists for collecting more
information. It shall give its views based on and supported by medical data. The case
files along with minutes of MID shall be sent immediately by Medical Department to
recruitment section.
All cases examined by MIB shall be placed before a three -member High Powered
Standing Committee (HPSC) consisting of Heads of works. P&A and medical
divisions. This committee shall be empowered to declare the medical invalidity of an
employ under these guidelines.
The Head of Recruitment section shall act as the Convener-Secretary of HPSC.
Recruitment section shall communicate the decision taken on each case to concerned
Shop Personnel.
The SPE shall immediately intimate the concerned employee and process the suitable
cases for medical discharge and issue separation order.
The employee, on getting information about his medical invalidation from SPE, may
either opt for benefit under Employee Benefit Scheme (EFBS) or seek compassionate
employment. He shall need to submit an application for compassionate appointment
of nominated dependent in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) within 3 months of
issue of separation order. In case the employee expires after being declared medically
invalid by the HPSC, his/her dependent may submit request for compassionate
The request for compassionate appointment shall be further processed as per
Procedure-I above. No new ARN needs to be given and the same ARN/ Staff no./
MED/ Number shall continue.
External recruitment
Planning for recruitment
Based on requisitions/ proposals received from Plants/Units at the beginning of the
financial year, SAIL Corporate Office will appear Human Resource Plan (HRP) of the
company taking into consideration the various relevant factors related to manpower
planning. The HRP will specify Recruitment Budget in terms of number of posts to be
filled for each Plant/Unit for the year with approval of Board of Directors.
Each Plant/Unit will appear its recruitment plan with specific skill/ grade and
discipline wise requirement for the year as per the approved Annual Human Resource
Plan, indicating there in the positions to be filled centrally and at plant/unit level
separately, at the beginning of the year for which the recruitment has been planned.
In case position is to be filled through central level recruitment, the plant/ unit will
send the requisition to Corporate Office clearly indicating the discipline wise number
of posts against each position.
All recruitments at plants/units will be initiated after clearance from Director
(Personnel) of SAIL. The requisition for the same will be sent by the plant/ unit to
Corporate Office with clear job specification and mode of selection proposed to be
All external recruitments in the company will be in accordance with the approved
Human Resource Plan and with their prior approval of the Competent Authority.
Recruitment for any additional requirement beyond recruitment budget, not
anticipated earlier, recruitment of the same may be planned with specific approval of
Written Test
Executive Non-executive
Offer of Appointment
Selection Process
Exam Group discussion Interview
i. MT circulates
ii. Online form
iii. Admit card
iv. Written test
v. Interview
Non-executive by SAIL:
ACT (Attendant-Cum-Technician) [ Lower grade]
Metric + ITI
Selection Process
written test (no interview) [skill test]
For Grade 4
A E0-E1 S1-S2
B E2 S2-S5
C E3-E4 S6-S8
D E5 S9-S11
Mode of Selection
Recruitment of executives will be done through open advertisement.
Job Specification
Job specifications will be laid down for each post/ cadre to prescribed minimum eligibility
conditions in terms of the following.
Educational Qualifications
Experience required if any
Age limit
Physical/Medical standards
Any other requirements as may be deemed necessary
Job specifications prescribed for each grade/ cadre will be reviewed periodically as per
changing needs of the organization centrally with approval of Director (personnel).
Selection Segments
Selection of candidates for appointment in the company will be made on the basis of merit
and suitability as assessed through any one or combination of selection tests out of written
test/ trade test/ skill test/ interview/ group discussion exercise and or any other tests as may be
prescribed by the competent authority.
Methodology refers to the process used by the researcher to collect information or data.
As data is collected through primary source and secondary source.
Primary data refers to original data source or first-hand data collected by the researcher
himself for their needs through surveys, observations, experiments, questionnaire, personal
interview, etc.
Secondary data refers to data collected by someone else earlier. Sources of secondary data are
books, documents, websites, articles, etc.
I collected data for my report through both primary as well as secondary sources.
Primary data for my report, I get from my mentor Tanupriya Ma’am Junior Manager
(Personnel). During the internship I had visited Bokaro Steel Plant with my mentor, from that
I get many information related to plant, products of plant, management and process of steel
In Bokaro Steel Plant there are many Human Resource departments- Recruitment, Human
Resource Information System (HRIS), Final Settlement Cell (FSC), Law, Industrial Relation
(IR), Human Resource Development, Services & Organization Development.
Apart from my department I had visited two more departments- HRIS and FSC.
In HRIS my mentor handover me to an executive of that department and she gives me
information about executives, non-executives, division of labour, ex-employees.
Then, in FSC (Final Settlement Cell) I get information related to benefits provided to ex-
employees after separation. I also interacted with the customers who come in FSC for their
grievances. In FSC I worked under an executive Nanda Priyadarshini DY. Manager
(Personnel). I do a survey on the topic- Customer’s Feedback it shows customers are satisfied
or unsatisfied with the services provided by FSC. I attained two function of FSC- EK NAE
SAFAR KI SURUAAT and FAREWELL. Through these functions I get many information
for my report.
I collected secondary data for my report from first day orientation in Bokaro Steel Plant,
some data through documents, power point presentation, books my mentor provided me.
I also collected some information through google and official site of Bokaro Steel Plant.
The data I use here is related to Recruitment and Selection- age profile and qualification of
the employees of Bokaro Steel Plant is provided by my mentor.
1.The age profile of the employees
Age Percentage (%) of Percentage (%) of Non-
Executives Executives
<30 yrs. 4.33 1.73
30-35 yrs. 5.98 4.19
36-40 yrs. 7.45 7.83
41-45 yrs. 7.38 11.79
46-50 yrs. 10.46 19.08
51-55 yrs. 31.92 32.65
56-60 yrs. 32.47 22.73
According to this survey, the percentage (%) of executives between the age group 56-
60 years is more.
The percentage (%) of Non-Executives between the age group 51-55 years is more.
<30 yrs. 30-35 yrs. 36-40 yrs. 41-45 yrs. 46-50 yrs. 51-55 yrs. 56-60 yrs.
%age of Employees
At last I want to conclude that from this internship I achieve a work experience in an
organization. I gain so much knowledge about the SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant, products of
BSL, recruitment process of Bokaro Steel Plant, on which basis they recruit the candidates
and who are eligible for job etc. I interact with customers due to this my communication
skills and confidence level increases. It provides real life experience and exposure. I observe
the relationship between boss and an employee. I notice how the employees work in any
situation and that was a big motivation for me. This internship and report making increases
my skills. This internship is one of the memorable parts of my life. I enjoy the works a lot.
Books and documents of recruitment department.
During the internship, I do a survey on Topic- Customer’s Feedback. I had prepared a
questionnaire and distributed to 10 customers. It’s related to satisfaction’s level of the
customers by services provided by FSC (Final Settlement Cell) [HR department] of Bokaro
Steel Plant. When customers come in department for their problems mostly related to
Mediclaim then I interact with them and take their feedback. It was one of a best experience
gain by me during my internship.