Resolving The Ayanamsha
Resolving The Ayanamsha
Resolving The Ayanamsha
Jyotisha, the lord of light, leads the way in the study of Kaala, the cycles of time. I bow to the Lord of Kaala, Mahakaaleshwar, who has always blessed me generously and showered sunshine for me to be votive to. Particularly, in this study, Lord Mahakaaleshwar has been abundantly kind leading by various nimittas. I also bow to Brihaspati, Guru, or Jupiter who along with the Sun creates cycles whose comprehension provides a clear and unambiguous path to appreciate this vastly difficult issue. This study endeavours to attempt an answer to the contentious issue of Ayanamshas. Almost all classics in Jyotisha speak of drikaganita in passing assuming that the students of Jyotisha are familiar with it. In this study, I propose to resolve the matter through drikaganita or what is obvious and simple in the cycle of time. This study does not use any scriptural reference, fixed star or constellation, historical reference or any other assumption but is entirely based on an empirical search for patterns and data analysis of the Swiss Ephemeris data available to me through Jagannath Hora software. It suggests that the Zero of the Zodiac or the effect of the precession/ ayanamsha value can be derived independently and exactly from the data of the tropical ephemeris itself without any external input. Ayanamsha is the numerical value by which the visible tropical zodiac, called Sayana differs from the fixed Zodiac values called nirayaana. This is the reason that while Sun visibly appears to be in Gemini rashi, it is often taken to be in Cancer by Jyotisha proponents. Wikipedia, the new web encyclopedia defines it as: "The precession of the equinoxes refers to the precession of Earth's axis of rotation with respect to inertial space. It was discovered by Hipparchus that the positions of the equinoxes move westward along the ecliptic compared to the fixed stars on the celestial sphere. Currently, this annual motion is about 50.3 seconds of arc per year or 1 degree every 71.6 years. The process is slow but cumulative. A complete precession cycle covers a period of approximately 25,700 years, (the so called great Platonic year), during which time the equinox regresses over a full 360. Precessional movement is also the determining factor in the length of an Astrological_Age.Ayanamsha is a term used in astrology. It is defined as the angle by which the sidereal ecliptic longitude of a celestial body is lesser than its tropical ecliptic longitude. 1
The sidereal ecliptic longitude of a celestial body is its longitude on the ecliptic defined with respect to the "fixed" stars. The tropical ecliptic longitude of a celestial body is its longitude on the ecliptic defined with respect to the vernal equinox point. Since the vernal equinox point precesses westwards at a rate of 50".29 per year with respect to the fixed stars, the longitude of a fixed body defined with respect to it will increase slowly."
That the precession of equinox is causing the slight shift in the zodiac, year after year is an accepted scientific and astronomical fact. That the value of this precession is at present 50.29 arc seconds eastwards per year is also not disputed. However, there are differences amongst not only the Jyotishas but also astronomers and students of time and nature regarding: a) The rate of the precession through the ages. It is not clearly established if the precession rate would vary in a few millenniums or will it remain constant at the present value of 50.29-arc seconds/year. b) The date, year or month in which the Tropical and the Jyotisha zodiacs coincided or the ZERO point of the ayanamsha. Even besides, Jyotisha scholars, there have been efforts to establish the date of advent of the "Age of Aquarius" Presently, a large range of Ayanamshas and values are being used though the Chitrapaksha or as it is popularly termed the Lahiri Ayanamsha is the most commonly used value with the Rashtriya Panchang, the formal official calendar as accepted by the Government of India endorsing these set of values. It is based on the concept of Citra naksatra at 0 Libra opposite the beginning of the Zodiac at 0 Aries. It is still not universally accepted though as the Swiss Ephemeris comments on it: "The problem of defining the zodiac One of the main differences between the western and the eastern tradition of astrology is the definition of the zodiac. Western astrology uses the so-called tropical zodiac which defines 0 Aries as the vernal point (the celestial point where the sun stands at the beginning of spring). The tropical zodiac has actually nothing to do with the star constellations of the same names. Based on these star constellations is the so-called sidereal zodiac, which is used in eastern astrology. Because the vernal point slowly moves through these constellations and completes its cycle once in 26000 years, tropical Aries moves through all sidereal signs, staying in each one for roughly 2160 years. Currently, the vernal point, and the beginning of tropical Aries, is located in sidereal Pisces. The Spica/Citra tradition and the Lahiri ayanamsha
After the Babylonian and the Greek definitions of the zero point, there is a third one which fixes the star Spica (in Sanskrit Citra) at 0 Libra. This definition is today the most common one in Hindu astrology. It is named after N.C. Lahiri: 1) ayanamsha = 222737.7 1 Jan. 1900 Lahiri, Spica at 0 Libra However, and this is very confusing, the same definition seems to have used in Babylon and Greece as well. While the information given in the chapters about the Babylonian and the Hipparchan traditions are based on analyses of old star catalogues and planetary theories, the consideration of 22 ancient Greek and 5 Babylonian birth charts leads to different conclusions: they fit better with Spica at 0 Libra, than with Aldebaran at 15 Taurus and Spica at 29 Virgo (Fagan/Bradley)! See Nick Kollerstrom, in Culture and Cosmos in 1997 (Vol. 1, n.2). Were there a different zodiacs for astronomical and astrological purposes? May be, Spica was chosen as an anchor star for reasons of more convenience, but it was not originally meant to be located precisely at 0 Libra. The definition by Spica at 0 Libra would be so simple, clear, and convincing that, had it really been intended, it would probably never have been given up and the other definitions would never have been taken into consideration. The Greek-Hindu astrological zodiac with Spica at 0 Libra has the most striking reference point, the bright star Spica at 0 Libra. But this definition is so clear and simple that, had it really been intended by the inventors of the sidereal ecliptic, it would certainly not have been forgotten or given up by the Greek and Arabic tradition." The questions that remain, therefore, are what could be the logical reasoning for solving this issue of where does the zodiac begin and how long would the cycle or cycles last. To understand this, let us focus on the cycles of Jupiter, the provider of dhi, the intelligent life force in the zodiac as well as this human life. The answers are simple and elegant. It is being proposed that: i) Like the Sun and Moon opposition and conjunctions form the natural cycle for a month; similarly, Jupiter and Sun conjunction/opposition create a natural cycle defining not only a year but also the entire precessional cycle of 25800 years. The very genesis of the Zero of the Zodiac and thus the beginning of Aries/Mesh originates from this cycle. ii) The Zodiac precesses by 54 arc seconds with each Jupiter/Sun conjunction/opposition. That in 320 such conjunctions/oppositions; a basic cycle, called "Ujjayini Cycle" is formed. That in 75 such cycles, the Zodiac will move by
full 360 degrees. That the number of calendar years or dates would vary if the Jupiter/Sun oppositions change. It is known that Jupiter has an average cycle of less than 12 years in which it goes around the zodiac, traversing through one rashi or sign approximately in a year. When we get more specific, Jupiter takes 11.862 years to go around the zodiac and the average synodic cycle (From one opposition of Jupiter from Sun to the next opposition is a synodic cycle) of Jupiter is 398 days. A known astronomical cycle for Jupiter is the synodic multiple cycle that is exactly of 83 years on the moving tropical zodiac. Jupiter returns to approximately the same position with respect to the Sun in this period. 76 synodic cycles of Jupiter equal 83 years. Jupiter moves on an average 5 minutes per day or two and a half degree per month. The movements of Jupiter have been of tremendous significance, historically. The samvatsar (60 year cycles) and the yugas (5 year cycles) in the panchang originate with Jupiter cycles and movements. It is this very Jupiter, along with the Sun, the source of all energy, which reveals the story of the precession and ayanamsha.
The data is based using Lahiri Ayanamsha. A key pointer is that the speed of Jupiter is different in different Rashis/signs. While Jupiter moves 7 degrees in conjunction to 4
Sun in Aries/Pisces, it moves 6 30 while in Le, Vi, Li and Sc. With corresponding distinct values for rashis/signs in between.
Date Conjunction 8/May/2000 14/Jun/2001 20/Jul/2002 22/Aug/2003 22/Sep/2004 22/Oct/2005 22/Nov/2006 23/Dec/2007 24/Jan/2009 28/Feb/2010 6/Apr/2011
a) The Sun/Jupiter conjunction cycle is of 12 years but of 11 conjunctions. In each full cycle of the rashis/signs, there is one rashi in which there is no conjunction. b) The same is true of the Sun/Jupiter opposition, the cycle contains 11 rashis/signs and there is one sign missing. c) Significantly, if we use ayanamsha corrected values there will be no year in which Ju/Sun conjunction/opposition does not take place in either Virgo or Libra rashis. The cycle moves around in the reverse order and after a cycle in which there is no conjunction between the two in Sagittarius, in the next cycle, it is Cancer, which is not in the list. Very rarely, almost once in a few hundred years, it so happens that either Leo or Scorpio misses out on conjunction or opposition. In fact, a fine-tuning of the ayanamsha correction will ensure that Ju/Su conjunction will always take place in Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. CHART 3:
Conjunction in successive years =
Date 8/May/2000 13/May/2012 19/May/2024 17/Apr/2035 22/Apr/2047 27/Apr/2059 3/May/2071 2 7 12 17 37 29 33 43 Aries Deg 24 29 Min 1 9 4 9 13 18 23 7 0 44 39 37 Taurus 29 39 4 9 13 18 22 27 29 9 47 20 58 36 Gemini Cancer 3 7 12 16 20 25 29 18 49 11 34 55 15 36 Leo 5 9 13 17 21 25 01 17 27 41 52 59 Virgo 5 9 13 17 21 25 0 24 32 38 48 55 56 9 Libra 5 9 13 17 21 25 0 17 25 34 47 56 59 3 Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius 5 9 14 18 22 27 0 33 49 8 28 46 0 12 7 11 16 20 25 29 1 3 34 8 38 10 43 26 4 27 10 15 20 24 29 23 13 2 44 33 4 9 27 28 15 20 25 44 49 50 0 5 10 16 40 42 51 1 Pisces Min 26 35 22 27 Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg
It is fascinating to note that while in Virgo and Libra, Jupiter progressions over 12 years are almost constant at around 4.2 degrees while they go on increasing for the other rashis. Another significant observation is that there is a clear pattern of synodic values. In a single cycle, in successive conjunctions, the progression of Jupiter from the preceding conjunction is oscillating from 30 degrees to 37 degrees. In the chart while the differential progression of the conjunction between Taurus and Aries is 35 degrees 37 minutes, it is just 29 degrees 53 minutes between Libra and Virgo. This value again increases to 36/42 between Pisces and Aquarius and then recedes back to 29/53 between Libra and Virgo.
10000 years in an ayanamsha adjusted ephemeris but conspicuously different on the tropical spring equinox-linked ephemeris. CHART 4
Observation of the multiple long-term cycles of Jupiter conjunctions/opposition with Sun reveals that in every 344 years and five days or 319 conjunctions/oppositions; Jupiter and Sun return to nearly the same point in the Zodiac. This natural cycle like the others that are known, the Metonic cycle; the Saros cycle runs in a series. From any date in a calendar and using an ayanamsha adjusted nirayaana ephemeris, to any other date 344 years+4/5 days away will lead to the same position of Jupiter as well as Sun. This chart focuses on the progressive movement of Jupiter over 350 years, showing a cycle of 344 years wherein Jupiter/Sun conjunction or opposition takes place at the same point on the zodiac. It may be noted in the chart that on 18 Sept 1992, Sun and Jupiter get conjunct at 1 Vi 21 (Lahiri Ayanamsha) and then 344 years and five days (or 320 conjunctions) later on 23 September, 2336 they get conjunct again at 1 Vi 14. This cycle named for convenience as the Ujjayini cycle also shows slow progression over a millennium but appears to be the tool to solve precisely the precession of the equinoxes and define the ZERO point of the Zodiac from wherein begins the Rashi/Sign
boundaries. For it is only the application of the correct ayanamsha values which would define the rashi/sign beginning and end.
Virgo Date 18-Sep-92 22-Sep-04 26-Sep-16 30-Sep-28 5-Oct-40 9-Oct-52 13-Oct-64 18-Sep-75 22-Sep-87 26-Sep-99 1-Oct-11 Deg 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 0 4 8 12 Min 21 24 32 38 48 55 56 9 15 25 34 4-6 4-10 4-9 4-3 4-8 4-6 4-10 4-7 4-1 Dif Date 6-Oct-23 10-Oct-35 14-Oct-47 18-Oct-59 22-Sep-70 26-Oct-82 1-Oct-94 6-Oct-06 10-Oct-18 14-Oct-30 19-Oct-42 Deg 16 20 24 29 3 7 11 15 19 23 27
Virgo Min 35 43 50 0 11 16 26 33 42 51 53 4-5 4-10 4-7 4-9 4-9 4-2 Dif 4-1 4-8 4-7 4-10 Date 22-Sep-53 26-Sep-65 30-Sep-77 4-Oct-89 8-Oct-01 12-Oct-13 16-Oct-25 23-Sep-36 27-Sep-48 1-Oct-60 6-Oct-72 Deg 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 1 5 9 13
Virgo Min 10 18 27 36 42 52 59 14 24 33 44 4-10 4-9 4-11 4-10 4-9 4-9 4-6 4-10 4-7 Dif
All the data and charts, so far, have been made by using the Jagannath Hora software and on a nirayaana scale using the Lahiri ayanamsha. The readers are invited to use any ayanamsha in or around Lahiri and similar results will be obtained. It may be mentioned that these results will not be true for the tropical zodiac or the Sayana values.
how Jupiter is progressing slowly between four signs and faster in the seven other signs.
Year -4700 -3953 -3206 -2957 -2708 -2377 -2293 -2128 -1879 -1630 -1380 -1130 -883 -634 -385 30 113 196 279 524 779 843 1192 1358 1440 1524 1603 1690 1773 1856 1940 2190 2440 2935 3184 3433 3682 3931 4180 4263 4346 Aries
Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarian Piscean s Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 10 54 3 54 50 35 45 24 44 5 10 52 51 6 26 54 36 27 4 3 43 41 47 50 47 3 12 10 21 12 50 13 22 10 38 50 57 57 26 58 13 55 7 3 6 24 28 43 29 10 58 21 23 50 35 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 11 19 15 7 0 29 29 36 12 23 32 56 7 26 35 34 29 11 39 59 41 6 27 49 40 56 3 32 42 41 43 3 8 27 10 14 50 18 24 25 26 27 27 27 27 28 29 29 29 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 9 8 8 9 9 34 33 21 16 31 32 54 32 13 11 40 23 58 54 32 55 52 48 48 23 32 47 38 52 7 31 47 13 25 29 29 24 3 53 49 28 5 47 51 12 20 26 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 41 20 43 30 32 27 50 22 55 49 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 21 18 36 8 37 19 32 58 2 35 41 19 14 55 8 56 49 49 44 56 46 0 55 5 7 28 52 2 18 25 22 22 2 15 28 20 12 29 48 7 31 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 17 7 9 41 1 38 44 12 10 26 22 53 33 2 10 33 26 29 2 22 48 51 32 39 35 57 15 17 32 29 24 13 43 31 35 16 53 2 10 29 52 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 3 5 14 51 14 50 51 25 29 22 31 22 55 27 46 55 59 52 42 20 23 49 39 5 7 2 20 20 13 13 32 38 30 21 22 21 22 22 21 21 40 6 43 31 6 46 48
23 20 34 20 31 45 30 25 1 19 37 25 55 13 2 4 22 41 19 19
20 32
4512 4529 4595 4678 4761 4844 4927 5010 5093 5176 5259 5342
20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
20 6 24 5 6 49 34 38 33 32 48 42
27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26
22 8 21 1 1 35 25 25 14 17 28 21
4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
23 8 21 7 6 39 35 34 22 34 40 39
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
53 36 53 50 48 29 32 30 24 42 48 59
13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14
11 54 18 23 23 14 20 20 23 43 53 15
14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16
30 12 44 52 55 56 2 5 15 35 51 18
14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16
32 14 50 59 5 12 15 22 35 54 14 43
14 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16
12 53 30 38 45 54 54 4 14 32 56 20
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16
26 6 40 44 52 57 54 5 9 27 50 8
16 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17
6 46 10 12 18 16 9 20 15 33 53 2
19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
49 30 42 42 44 31 24 28 18 34 49 50
The chart shows data over 10000 years with Ju/Su conjunction at or around 20 Aries. This larger cycle reveals the astonishing situation where the precession of the equinox is clearly visible in the cluster of the four signs in which Jupiter/Sun conjunction progression is steady and near constant. In the year 200 to 300 AD these signs on the tropical zodiac are Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Around 1000 BC they are Cancer, Le, Vi and Libra. Around 1500 AD they are Vi, Li, Sc and Sg. While when we reach 3400 AD, these signs now become Li, Sc, Sg and Capricorn. Move on to beyond 4800 AD and these signs change by one more sign. It is easy to spot the cusp of the two signs where the progression differential is minimum; this cusp reflects the shifting Zero of the Zodiac due to precessional effect. When we use the same set of data with the corrected ayanamsha of let us say, Lahiri, these signs remain the same, viz. Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. This difference may be seen in this strikingly contrast set of values: The values of the conjunction in Aries and Pisces are virtually the same but the shifting Zero from Leo to Sagittarius is shown in the inter-spatial distribution. The change in the values in other rashis may be seen. Conjunction in successive years =
Year -4700 5342 Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarius Pisces s Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Aries Taurus 22 26 2 21 Gemini 22 Cancer 23 3 Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio 0 16 18 16 17 43 20 19 10 42 55 32 39 24 9 34 59 26 14 41 15 5 16 21 20 11 16 17 8 17 17 3 2 21 19 40 50
To illustrate this, two more charts of Jupiter/Sun conjunction each of 83 years each may be seen in the next two charts. The date ranges have been selected to roughly coincide with a near 30-degree change in precession and are Tropical values.
Chart 6A:
Conjunction in successive years (Tropical Values) ===>
Successive Years Date 24/3/-1843 29/3/-1831 3/4/-1819 8/4/-1807 14/4/-1795 19/4/-1783 Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittariu Capricorn Aquarian Piscean s Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min 19 42 25 20 0 1 44 24 48 0 38 7 0 29 52 5 48 12 6 0 7 4 52 10 54 17 10 4 48 9 44 15 54 22 10 9 40 14 50 21 7 27 18
34 24 56 25 32 27 4 0 29 20 29 57 40 3 22 3 40 4 22
1 35 6 12
The focus is on the conjunction and its progressions in successive years in four signs, viz; Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. The differential progressions are tightly together and can be seen distinctly. The values in Virgo indicate that the lowest differential is in Virgo suggesting that the Zero of the Zodiac is hovering around the cusp of Leo/Virgo. A precession of 30 degrees away from the normal Virgo/Libra cusp values. Chart 6 B
Conjunction in successive years (Tropical Values) ===>
Date 20/3/2473 25/3/2485 13/3/2497 6/4/2509 11/4/2521 16/4/2533 Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min 0 22 7 15 13 36 18 15 20 51 21 48 5 28 12 29 18 44 23 9 25 30 26 14 10 53 17 52 23 53 27 57 29 59 4 28 16 17 23 11 28 55 2 41 8 52 21 33 28 19 3 47 7 16 26 49 3 30 8 45 11 59 13 22 Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarian Piscean Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min Deg Min 21 47 21 43 22 28 24 49 29 14 26 8 26 7 27 3 29 42 4 25 0 32 0 25 0 30 1 41 4 39 9 41 4 53 4 45 4 59 6 23 9 38 14 53 9 12 9 6 9 26 11 4 14 34 20 3 13 33 13 24 13 47 15 34 19 19 25 4
4300 years later, the focus is on the conjunction and its progressions in successive years in four other signs, viz; Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. The differential progressions can be visibly seen in a close cluster. The values in Scorpio indicate that the lowest differential is in Scorpio suggesting that the zero of the zodiac is around the cusp of Libra/Scorpio tropical signs. A precession of 30 degrees again in the other direction from the earlier observations of minimal progression around Virgo/Libra cusp values in any ayanamsha adjusted Zodiac. Zero of the Zodiac is defined as the point at which Sun is at actual 0 Aries and Jupiter exactly opposite at 0 Libra in any given year. It will be measured in the Tropical/Sayana Zodiac with respect to the opposition point of Jupiter. For example, if Sun is at 0 Ar on March 21/22 the spring equinox, as in the tropical ephemeris every year, the Zero point will keep moving and will be at 24 Ar if the precession adjustment for that year or the ayanamsha value is 24.00 At opposition, Jupiter will therefore be at 24 Libra. If in this 11
paper, it is said, Zero point is at 17 Sc, it will imply that the Sun is at 17 Ta at the Zero point on the tropical zodiac and the precession will be roughly 47.00. The following patterns emerge: 1. In a single cycle of Jupiter/Sun conjunctions, the sign/rashi in which the differential progression is minimal will be the sign, which contains the Zero point for that year. For example, if Ju/Su conjunct at 15 Vi 00 and then next year at 14 Li 47, followed by a conjunction at 15 Sc 1; then the Zero for that year will be between 15 Vi and 14 Li 47. Implying that the precession on ayanamsha for this year is between -15.00 and 14.47. Therefore, just a glance at a 12-year cycle of Su/Ju conjunctions on the tropical Zodiac establishes a 30-degree arc of the Zero of the zodiac. A matrix of Ju/Su opposition in the same cycle read with the conjunction cycle judiciously reduces this arc to 15 degrees. For example, if in the same cycle, if Su/Ju are in opposition with Ju at 0 Vi 17, 0 Li 13; 0 Sc 43 and 1 Sg 9 in successive years, it can be derived that the Zero lies between 15 Vi and 0 Li 13. 2. Diminishing progression of the differential of Sun/Jupiter conjunctions/Opposition in a full (72/83 year) cycle in a Rashi/Sign indicates that the rashi/sign is moving away from the ZERO of the Zodiac. 3. Increasing values of the progression of the differential will indicate the rashi/sign and its degrees are tending towards or approaching the Zero. 4. An analysis of a full cycle of Jupiter/Sun conjunctions will therefore be sufficient to establish a 4/5-degree arc for the zero. This 4/5-degree arc is the consequence of the normal 12-year progression of Jupiter values. Tropical values of the ephemeris for 83 years alone without any value addition reveal this data unerringly. 5. In successive 83-year cycles, the values are taken at a 'nearly same' degree for each rashi/sign over several cycles. In this case, it is the increasing values, which show that the rashi is moving away from the Zero and diminishing values, which indicate that the rashi is approaching the Zero. Further, the following calculations show the physically observed rate of the precession is linked to Jupiter movement. The present rate of precession is 50.29 arc seconds; it should then be a cycle of 25800 years before the two zodiacs coincide once again. We have seen earlier in a chart of how in a nirayaana-adjusted zodiac, Jupiter creates a cycle of 344 years following which it comes back to the same point on the nirayaana Zodiac. It is not surprising that 75 such cycles of Jupiter will lead to exactly 25800 years. Twenty-five such 344-year cycles lead to a 120-degree change in the precession over a period of 8600 years, with one rashi change occurring in 2150 years. In fact, careful observation of a
single 8600-year cycle suggests that the cycle could be 8588 years, leading to a full cycle of 25764 years, very close to the rate of precession.
A possible cycle is: Jupiter/Sun conjunction in BC 3979 : 0 Ar 35 Jupiter/Sun opposition 22 March 321: 1 Ar 01; 1 Li01 Jupiter/Sun conjunction 22 May 4609: 2 Ar 25 The total period is 8588 years. A completion of 12.5 Jupiter cycles of 344 years lead to 4300 years, from a Jupiter/Sun conjunction in BC 3979 to AD321, March 22, a Jupiter/Sun opposition brings the Zodiac to a ZERO at 0 Aries. Another 4288 years from this and 12.5 cycles later it is once again a Jupiter/Sun conjunction leading to another 60 degrees precession in the Zodiac. Another illustration of the simplicity of this Jupiter/Sun created natural cycle can be seen through the dates of conjunction/opposition over the Ujjayini Cycle period. It will be seen that the dates are 4/5 days progressions that fit in exactly with the movement of the Zero over this period of 4 degrees 48 minutes. Another linkage comes from measuring the progression of Jupiter oppositions/conjunctions in Virgo/Libra. Each progression is almost similar with an average of 4.2 arc minutes. This also coincides with the 4.2 arc seconds change in ayanamsha with a solar change in rashi that is every month.
Interestingly, these dates find a present day ayanamsha values between Fagan, Lahiri, Raman and Ushashashi values. The following data analysis helps in determining the exact values. This chart depicts data from 5183 BC to 5134 AD of Sun and Jupiter oppositions in a 344-year cycle period. The ayanamsha used is Lahiri 2957 from 3000 to 3000 and Lahiri in the other period. The Zero point of the coincidence of the tropical and nirayaana zodiac appears to be around March 22, 321. An 8588-year cycle indicating a 120-degree precession is shown distinctly. Chart 7 Conjunction in successive years =
Year -5183 -4843 -4495 -4151 -3979 -3807 -3463 -3119 -2775 -2431 -2087 -1743 -1399 -1055 -711 -450 -23 321 665 1009 1353 1697 2041 2385 2729 3073 3417 3761 4105 4449 Gemini 5 6 6 6 9 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 14 15 15 15 16 13 33 28 43 49 52 30 16 27 8 14 23 24 32 16 29 36 13 8 30 19 21 17 31 23 35 15 43 30 23 8 7 9 9 12 10 10 10 12 11 12 13 13 14 13 15 15 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 17 18 18 18 19 Cancer 3 2.83 9 Leo 36 1.55 10 48 3.50 11 41 1.45 11 54 1.43 11 44 1.30 14 58 1.40 12 35 1.37 12 16 1.30 12 26 1.30 13 6 1.28 13 8 1.23 14 18 1.25 14 16 1.18 14 22 1.17 15 8 1.18 15 19 1.17 16 26 1.13 16 3 1.13 16 54 1.07 17 21 1.12 17 6 1.07 17 11 1.07 18 10 1.10 18 19 1.03 18 18 1.07 19 31 1.08 18 6 1.03 18 46 1.10 19 29 1.07 19 20 1.02 20 Virgo Dif 0.82 0.78 0.73 0.68 0.62 0.65 0.62 0.57 0.55 0.50 0.43 0.43 0.38 0.33 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.23 0.15 0.18 0.15 0.05 0.13 0.05 0.02 0.05 -1.07 -0.02 -0.15 -0.10 25 35 25 35 21 37 12 50 59 36 34 44 39 42 29 40 41 17 3 32 15 14 18 22 19 34 2 45 20 14 11 12 12 12 14 13 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 18 18 19 19 19 Libra Deg Min 12 22 7 15 59 17 40 22 31 5 58 10 0 58 47 58 51 29 7 36 18 11 17 17 9 28 50 30 15 54 Dif 0.78 0.78 0.70 0.67 0.63 0.67 0.47 0.53 0.53 0.48 0.40 0.43 0.35 0.27 0.30 0.30 0.17 0.20 0.07 0.07 0.05 -0.05 -0.02 -0.08 -0.17 -0.10 0.80 -0.25 -0.08 -0.33 12 13 13 13 16 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 16 18 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 Scorpio Deg Min 37 48 30 36 23 38 7 37 46 18 6 18 6 0 50 2 45 25 58 24 7 53 58 58 43 3 22 56 44 17 Sagittarius Dif Deg Min 1.42 15 1.43 16 1.38 16 1.35 16 1.40 19 1.35 17 1.45 16 1.25 17 1.25 18 1.22 17 1.13 18 1.13 18 1.10 18 1.03 19 1.05 19 1.07 20 0.90 20 0.93 19 0.85 20 0.80 20 0.82 20 0.70 21 0.68 21 0.68 21 0.57 21 0.58 21 0.53 21 0.43 21 0.48 21 0.38 22 Capricorn 17 4.05 32 4.12 12 4.08 23 4.17 24 4.30 25 4.17 52 4.17 27 4.23 32 4.20 6 2 4.23 4.22 54 4.27 54 4.28 42 4.27 31 4.23 48 4.27 19 4.22 3 4.25 Deg Min Dif Deg Min Dif Deg Min Dif Deg Min 18 0.75 10 14 2.77 10 28 2.75 10 26 2.62 13 34 2.70 11 13 2.72 11 58 2.70 12 8 2.68 13 49 2.68 13 54 2.67 14 3 2.67 14 5 2.68 14 12 2.67 15 57 2.68 15 9 2.67 16 18 2.70 16 55 2.70 16 50 2.70 16 14 2.73 17 2 2.72 17 7 2.77 18 4 2.78 18 17 2.77 18 14 2.85 19 26 2.85 18 4 2.82 19 40 2.95 19 25 2.92 19 19 2.93 20 Dif Deg Min Dif 14 2.62 19 25 2.62 20 7 6 2.62 20 2.72 23 13 2.62 20
15 2.62 21 42 2.58 20 13 2.60 21 20 2.57 22 52 2.57 22 38 2.53 22 49 2.52 23 37 2.52 22 26 2.43 23 17 2.45 23 32 2.50 24 6 2.35 24 48 2.38 24 19 2.35 24 39 2.25 24 26 2.32 24 6 8 2.22 25 2.17 25
36 4.28 48 4.15 41 4.25 20 4.23 14 4.10 24 4.22 57 4.15 12 4.07 39 4.18 56 4.03 45 4.02 20 4.08
14 16 16
12 24 31
17 19 19
33 34 29
18 20 20
12 15 10
18 20 20
28 35 31
20 3.92 23 3.98
A narrowing down of these dates by more careful calculations leads to either the Spring or Vernal Equinox of 321 AD as the Zero year for the ayanamsha, leading to a minus 30 minutes value from the existing Lahiri or Chitrapaksha system or the Autumn Equinox of September 273 AD with a correction of plus 947 from Lahiri as the Zero value. Alternatively, the Sun/ Jupiter conjunctions in Libra on the Autumn Equinox around the same time are also analysed. The key period in this cycle emerges as September 273 AD with Sun/Jupiter conjunction at 29 Vi 10. The chart below shows the plotting of the differential of the progressions between two consecutive signs with Tropical values. The intersection of the various series in 279 AD (12 year) series at which the Zero is fixed clearly suggests the Zero year series. Similarly, the arrow marks show the striking patterns at 15, 30, 45 and 60 ayanamsha year series. The key series years are 1354, 2520, 3595 and 4595. In both the charts, Yaxis gives the value of the progression with zero at 30 degree progression.
8.00 7.00 6.00 Differential Progression 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -136 113
The next chart depicts the Sun/Jupiter oppositions centered at 321 AD, 12-year series beginning in 314. Again, around this series the intersections are clearly visible. Arrow marks at 321, 2472, - 1844 intersecting at rash/sign change of ayanamsha also indicate the 30-degree ayanamsha change based entirely on the tropical ephemeris data analysis.
Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi pi aq Sg Cp Sc libra Poly. (Ge)
4.00 Le 3.00
1.00 Vi
-1 92 7 -1 76 1 -1 59 5 -1 42 9 -1 26 3 -1 09 7 -9 31 -7 65 -5 99 -4 33 -2 67 -1 01 65 23 1 39 7 56 3 72 9 89 5 10 61 12 27 13 93 15 59 17 25 18 91 20 57 22 23 23 89 25 55
The values suggested arise from simple data analysis of the Tropical Zodiac and validate the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha concept with marginal corrections. This is only to be accepted, since, the micro and macro movement cycles of Jupiter suggest the role of Chitra nakshatra at the boundary of Virgo/Libra as the "fixed pole" for measurements. The alignment of Jupiter with Chitra, its opposition with Sun at the Spring Equinox being the ZERO. The rate of precession being the time elapsed between 344 nirayaanaadjusted conjunctions/opposition between Sun and Jupiter. For after this period, we once again reach the same position of Sun being in exact opposition to Jupiter at zero Aries/Libra but not at the spring equinox since the zodiac has shifted from the Spring equinox and Zero Aries is no longer coinciding with the equinox. They will coincide again after 8600 years, being a third of the full zodiac at 120 degrees. Till they complete 75 cycles in 25800 years or 24764 maybe more or less depending on the Jupiter cycle of the present 344 years.
To conclude,
The successful derivation of the approximate value of the zero of the zodiac in every 12-year from just the analysis of tropical values of Su/Ju conjunctions/oppositions leads to the following conclusions:
1. The geocentric Jupiter movements with respect to Sun, particularly its conjunction and opposition create definitions of years just like the movements of Moon with respect to Sun create definitions of months. The very genesis of the boundaries and creation of Rashis originates from this cycle. 2. This Zero for signs/rashis is not linked to the equinox alone but the adjusted value including the precession of the equinox factor. The basic cycle is of 344 years in which the Zero precesses by 288 minutes and Ju/Su return to almost the same point in the precession-adjusted zodiac. 3. The rate of precession over this cycle is at present 288 minutes (4 Degrees 48 minutes) per 344 years plus 5 days. This 344-year cycle comprises of 320 conjunctions of Sun/Jupiter and is being termed as the Ujjayini Cycle. 4. A single Jupiter/Sun conjunction/opposition leads to a precession of around 54 minutes. 5. 24000 conjunctions/oppositions of Sun/Jupiter lead to a full 360 degrees precession over a present period of 25800 years but this could vary depending on the natural cycles of Sun/Jupiter over the years. 6. The entire cycle would consist of 75 Ujjayini cycles of 344 years each with 25 cycles over 8600 years will lead to a 120-degree precession. 7. Precession over a single rashi/sign would take 2150 years at the present rate. 8. The most likely mathematical solution for Zero of the ayanamsha with respect to the Tropical Zero is either at the Autumn Equinox of 273 AD at a Sun/Jupiter conjunction at 29:13 Virgo (Tropical value) or the Vernal Equinox of 321 AD with a Sun /Jupiter opposition with Sun at 1 Aries and Jupiter at 1 Libra. 9. Without any reference to Chitra, the Chitrapaksha/ Lahiri ayanamsha gets approximately validated. If the Zero is taken in 273, a correction of plus 9' 47'' is needed and if taken at 321 AD vernal Equinox, the correction is minus 2957. 10. The correction would then be based on a progression of the Zero by 448 in every 320 Su/Ju cycles in 344 years.
11. This would suggest at a correction of Lahiri minus 2957 in 321 AD, the following ayanamsha values:
Year 22 March, 321 27 march, 665 2 April, 1009 6 April, 1353 11 April 1697 Proposed ayanamsha 0-0-00 4-48-00 9-36-00 14-24-00 19- 12-00 Lahiri ayanamsha 0-29-56.97 5-16-8.2 10-3-9.98 14-50-6.66 19-38- 6.20 Difference - 29-56.97 -28-8.2 - 27-9.98 -26-6.66 -26-6.20
24-00-00 28-48-00
24-25-48.25 29-14-47.60
-25-48.25 -26-47.60
The rate of precession or Ayanamsha is being taken as 50.23-arc seconds/year, which corresponds to a 25800-year cycle. It is over to the mathematicians and software developers. More precision in the calculations can perhaps with pinpoint accuracy fix the Zodiac at any given point of time and provide a greater accuracy to the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha. Millenniums ago, a single cycle of Jupiter scrutinized with care would have been good enough to suggest the varying movement of Jupiter in different rashis, of the special significance of Jupiter in Chitra nakshatra, of the progressions of opposition and the measurement and rate of precession could have been observed as Drikaganita; of what is visible and obvious and simple. The sheer simplicity of measuring the precessional values; the elegant symphonic and synchronised movements of the cycles over years is what nature has provided us and the Lord of Time, Mahakaaleshwar has guided me to. Before, I conclude this; I must express my gratitude to Shri PVR Narasimha Rao, the creator of Jagannath Hora, without which this study could not have been possible. I am also grateful to Shri Sanjay Rath whose lucid use of symbols in explaining Jyotisha helped me. Finally, I need to convey my thanks and regards to Shri Rohiniranjan, poet, philosopher, a veteran student of Jyotisha for forty years and a human being par excellence with whom I interacted on this project for many months and despite hopeless forays in many blind alleys his constant encouragement was a source of inspiration in this effort. Rishi Shukla. 16 August 2006 Krishnashtami, 2063 Bhadrapada,
The Resolving the Ayanamsha.xls file contains 11 data charts and 3 data graphs. An index of the data is as below:
Contents Illustrative annual Jupiter/Sun conjunction cycle in Taurus and Libra showing different speeds of Jupiter in different signs. (Lahiri Ayanamsha) Illustrative 12-year cycle of Ju/Su conjunction corroborating different speeds of Jupiter in different rashis/signs. (Lahiri Ayanamsha) Illustrative 83 year, showing conjunctions in successive years in different rashis; multiple synodic year cycle of Ju/Su conjunctions showing the repeating patterns. (Lahiri Ayanamsha) Illustrative cycle over 200 years showing minimal differential progression of the conjunctions on Virgo/ Libra. (Lahiri Ayanamsha) Illustrative 344-year cycle being termed as Ujjayini cycle showing the recurrence of Su/Ju values after 320 conjunctions. (Lahiri Ayanamsha) 10000 year data separated by 249/83 years of Su/Ju conjunctions, showing visible patterns of varying differentials of progressions in different signs with lowest progression in the sign that holds the Zero of the Zodiac. (Tropical Ephemeris) Tropical values around 30 degree ayanamsha, 1843 BC to 1772 BC demonstrating lowest progression in Virgo. (Tropical Ephemeris) Tropical values around +30 degree ayanamsha, 2473 to 2544 demonstrating lowest progression in Scorpio. (Tropical Ephemeris)
Depicts data from 5183 BC to 5134 AD of Sun and Jupiter conjunctions in a 344-year cycle period. The ayanamsha used is Lahiri and Lahiri29.57. The Zero
point of the coincidence of the tropical and nirayaana zodiac is March 22, 321. An 8588-year cycle indicating a 120-degree precession is shown distinctly.
Chart 8 Chart 9 Chart 10 Chart 11 Graph 1 Tropical values over 10000 years showing progression differentials also. Tropical values from 279 to 5342 at 83 years interval symmetrical ayanamsha change seen. Tropical values from -4700 to 279 at 83 years interval symmetrical ayanamsha change seen. Tropical values of Sun/Jupiter opposition from 1927 to 2555 showing distinct points at 321 and ayanamsha at 30 and +30 degrees. Originating from Chart 9 showing unique intersections around the 12-year 279 AD series mark. Also showing ayanamsha change at 15, 0, 45 and 60 degrees from just the tropical ephemeris data analysis of Sun/Jupiter conjunctions. Y-axis is Zero at the Sun/Jupiter progression value of 30 degrees. Originating from Chart 8 showing unique intersections around the 12-year 279 AD series mark. Also showing ayanamsha change various points. Originating from Chart 11, Sun/Jupiter opposition values over 5000 years showing distinct ayanamsha changes intersection.
Graph 2 Graph 3