Lezama - QELS 2008 QThB4
Lezama - QELS 2008 QThB4
Lezama - QELS 2008 QThB4
Abstract: Propagation of a quantized optical field through a thick sample of two-level atoms,
considering the complete Zeeman sublevel structure, is theoretically investigated. Squeezing and
entanglement between orthogonal polarization components is predicted for the transmitted field.
© 2007 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (270.2500) Fluctuations, relaxations, and noise; (270.6570) Squeezed states.
1. Introduction.
Preparation of optical fields with purely quantum properties is an essential requirement for quantum information
processing. Squeezed states and EPR-type entanglement of a two-mode field are the basis of continuous variable
teleportation and quantum cryptography [1]. Owing to the high nonlinearity associated to atomic transitions close to
resonance, squeezing has been predicted long ago for an ideal (pure) two-level atomic system driven by a single-
mode field [2]. A more detailed study approaching actual experimental conditions requires the consideration of
multi-mode light fields and multi-level atoms.
We have theoretically investigated the propagation of a light field, in a coherent state, incident upon an atomic
sample of length L consisting of N two-level atoms whose energy levels possess arbitrary angular momentum
degeneracy. The incident field has a given polarization while vacuum is present in the orthogonal polarization. We
have analyzed the fluctuations of the transmitted field along an arbitrary set of orthogonal polarizations.
2. The model
The evolution of the field ( aλ , aλ , with λ=1,2) and atom operators (σ) in the slowly varying amplitude
approximation is described by a set of coupled Heisenberg-Langevin equations (eq. 1 and 2) where appropriate
Langevin forces (f) describe the quantum fluctuations.
( )
d σ / dt = − i Δ [ Pe , σ ] − i [ H B , σ ] + iη ⎡⎣ a 1 e 1 + a 2 e 2 .Q eg + hc , σ ⎤⎦
* *
+ b Γ ( 2 Fe + 1 ) ∑ Q eg σ Q ge − Γ / 2 { Pe , σ } − γ σ − σ
q q
( 0
)+ f (1)
⎛∂ ∂ ⎞ ⎛∂ ∂ ⎞ †
⎜ + c ⎟ aλ = iNη eˆλ .∑ Q ge ,lk σ kl , and ⎜ + c ⎟ aλ = −iNη eˆλ .∑ σ lk Q ge , kl , (2)
⎝ ∂t ∂z ⎠ k ,l ⎝ ∂t ∂z ⎠ k ,l
where Pe is the excited state projector, HB is the magnetic Hamiltonian, eλ (λ=1,2) are the polarization unit vectors, Δ
is the optical atom-field detuning, η is the atom-field coupling constant, Γ is the excited state relaxation rate and γ an
overall decay rate. Qeg=PeQPg is the dimensionless atomic electric dipole operator. σ is a matrix with atomic
operators as elements: σ kl = l k , with l,k corresponding to excited and ground levels, respectively. The atomic
and field operators are separated into their mean value and a fluctuation term, i.e. aλ = aλ + δ aλ and
σ kl = σ kl + δσ kl , and the propagation of the field fluctuation operators is solved to first order. We neglect the
variation along the sample of the mean field amplitude but take into account propagation for the fluctuations. The
model allows for the calculation of the spectral correlation matrix S(L,ω) after the atomic medium for given input
field spectral correlations S(0,ω):
S ( L, ω ) = eCΓGV S (0, ω )e(CΓGV ) + C ⎡⎢ X − eCΓGV Xe(CΓGV ) ⎤.
† †
⎣ ⎥⎦
The spectral correlation depends on the atomic transition parameters and the mean value of the optical field
through properly defined matrices G and V, while matrix X is linearly related to the Langevin-forces’ diffusion
matrix [3]. The cooperativity parameter C=Nη2L/cΓ accounts for the atomic density and sample length.
3. Results
We examined the case of an incident field (propagating along z axis) with linear polarization along x and we
analyzed the output field fluctuations in the x and y polarizations for different choices of the atomic levels’ angular
momenta. Fig. 1(a) shows the power spectrum of transmitted field fluctuations for the transition Fg=0 →Fe=1 for
© 2008 OSA / CLEO/QELS 2008
different values of C. This case is equivalent to a pure two-level atom, as can easily be seen by taking x as the
quantization axis. We analyzed a case of a reduced Rabi frequency Ωr=10Γ and optical detuning Δ=10Γ. The noise
spectrum is dominated by the feature occurring close to the value of the generalized Rabi frequency
( ω / Γ ≈ Ω gen = Ω 02 + Δ 2 ) of the driving field. Ω0 corresponds to the Rabi frequency defined by the reduced Rabi
frequency Ωr times the appropriate Clebsh-Gordan coefficient. Notice the increase of the amplitude noise and the
squeezing of phase noise. The oscillating structure of the noise spectrum seen for large C for ω/Γ=Ωgen≈12 is a
characteristic feature of an optically thick sample owing to a phase mismatch between field spectral components [4].
Since the y polarization is unaffected in this configuration, the following inequality holds:
⎛ a − ax† ⎞
⎟ + Δ ( a y + a y ) ≤ 2.
† 2
Δ⎜ x (4)
⎝ i ⎠
In terms of the two field polarizations + and – corresponding to the two linear polarizations at 45° with respect
to axis x and y ( a± = (ax ± a y ) / 2 ), the above inequality reads:
Δ (Y+ + Y− ) + Δ ( X + − X − ) ≤ 2 ,
2 2
where X ± = ( a± + a ) / 2 and Y± = ( a± − a ) / i 2 . Eq. 5 is a sufficient condition for continuous variable
0.8 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ω/Γ 0 5 10 15 20
ω/Γ 25 30
Fig. 1. Calculated noise spectra for different transitions analyzed. (a) Transition Fg=0→Fe=1. Amplitude (solid) and phase (dashed). Transmitted
field with the same polarization as the incident field. Δ=10Γ, Ωr=10Γ, γ=0.01Γ. Values of C indicated by arrows. Inset: Schematic of energy
levels, taken with the quantization axis parallel to the light polarization. (b) Transition Fg=1→Fe=2. Amplitude (solid) and phase (dashed) noise
for the transmitted field with the same polarization as the incident field. Amplitude (dashed-dot) and phase (dot) noise for the transmitted field
with polarization orthogonal
thogonal to the incident field. Δ=10Γ, Ωr=40Γ, γ=0.01Γ, C=100. Inset left: Schematic of the energy levels. Hollow arrows
indicate the driving field, solid arrows indicate the spontaneous emission channels. Inset right: Expanded low frequency range.
Fig. 1(b) shows the noise spectra for the transition Fg=1→Fe=2. The structures observed for ω / Γ = Ω gen ≈ 17
are reminiscent of the pure two-level atom. However, in this case the y polarization is affected by the atomic
medium. Notice the squeezing of phase quadrature resulting in vacuum squeezing. New features appear in the
spectrum for small noise frequencies. Such structures, specific of degenerate atomic levels and therefore predicted
here for the first time, are the consequence of variations of the Stark shift for different Zeeman sublevels.
In summary, we have calculated the noise spectrum of the transmitted light field through a thick atomic
medium. In addition to the pure two-level features, we showed novel effects that are a consequence of the Zeeman
sub-level structure, such as the vacuum squeezing in the polarization orthogonal to the driving field. Entanglement
between field polarization components is predicted.
We acknowledge support from FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES (Brazilian Agencies), Fondo Clemente Estable, and
CSIC (Uruguayan Agencies).
4. References
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[2] D. F. Walls and P. Zoller, “Reduced Quantum Fluctuations in Resonance Fluorescence”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47, 709 (1981); L. Mandel,
“Squeezed States and Sub-Poissonian Photon Statistics”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 136 (1982); M. Collet et al, “Spectrum of squeezing in resonance
fluorescence”, Opt. Comm. 52, 145 (1984).
[3] A. Lezama et al, “Numerical Investigation of the quantum fluctuations of optical fields transmitted through an atomic medium”, Phys. Rev. A
(in the press).
[4] S. Ho et al, “Quantum theory of nondegenerate multiwave mixing”, Phys. Rev. A 35, 3982 (1987); S. Ho et al, Single-beam squeezed-state
generation in sodium vapor and its self-focusing limitations”, Opt. Lett. 16, 840 (1991).