MTH HA Safari Week 2
MTH HA Safari Week 2
MTH HA Safari Week 2
Have fun with Jack and Annie off the page
ALL WEEK on your VERY OWN Summer Safari!
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca, AG Ford, and Penguin Random House LLC
Embark on
your safari
with these
Have an adventure with
Jack and Annie this week!
WAKE UP & THINK! Begin each day with a thought activity: What types of animals do you
want to learn about on your safari adventure? Besides llamas, what other animals are native to South
America? Would you rather explore the Amazon rain forest or the Andes Mountains?
What do you think a dolphin does all day? What about a lion?
What animal would you love to have as a pet?
READ & LEARN! Read, learn, and explore with the Magic
Tree House Fact Trackers. Download questions and lessons to
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca.
READ & EXPLORE! Adventure at night with the Magic Tree House fiction
stories. Play games and download activities to celebrate the fun.
HAVE SOME FUN! Create thematic craft projects or stir up
some adventure in the kitchen with a themed recipe!
LISTEN & ENJOY! Grab a snack and settle in
this week to hear Mary Pope Osborne answer
questions from fans and read from Jack and Annie’s
NEWEST adventure, Late Lunch with Llamas!
DISCOVER MORE! Find everything you need on the
Magic Tree House website. Books, educational resources,
crafts and activities are there for you to explore in any order!
member to participate in reading challenges, play games,
collect medallions, earn passport stamps, and win
exclusive prizes! Visit: to enroll.
Magic Tree House Series
Create Your Own Summer Safari Adventure
with Jack and Annie!
Use this interactive checklist to track your reading!
New! New!
Magic Tree House Series
HOME Read These Magic Tree House
Adventures in Any Order You Choose!
HOME Adventures Travel Log
Travel Around the World with
Jack and Annie All Year Long!
Use this interactive map to track your progress as you read around the world with Jack and Annie.
Which books have you read? Which ones do you still want to read? Each time you finish a book,
write down some of the interesting things you learned on your adventure!
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca. Photo licensed from Shutterstock, Inc.
HOME Adventures Travel Log
Travel Around the World with
Jack and Annie All Year Long!
Use this travel log to record some of the facts you’ve learned along the way on your adventures with Jack and Annie!
Print out multiple copies of this page for each of your adventures or keep a separate travel notebook to record
everything you’ve learned!
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca. Photo licensed from Shutterstock, Inc.
HOME Writing Activity
Summer Safari
Travel Diary
After you’ve read around the world with Jack and Annie, you will have experienced different cultures and wild
animals! Now create a NEW adventure for you, Jack, and Annie to go on this summer! Would your adventure include
any South American animals, like llamas? If you had a pet, what adventures would you go on together? What other
animals would be in your new adventure? What was something you learned about animals that surprised you?
Write a summer safari adventure on this page and show off how much you already know about the world!
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by AG Ford.
Join Jack and Annie in South America
on their newest adventure!
Craft Activity
Paper Plate Llama
Create a llama to hang in your home or
to be a travel companion wherever you go!
Ask a grown-up’s
permission before using
• Paper plate
• Paint (optional)
olored pencils, markers,
or crayons
• Scissors
• Glue STEP 1: llama to life! Next draw four
Paint a paper plate any color you long ovals that will be your
onstruction paper
choose! This will be the color llama’s legs. If you wish, you
of your llama. If you don’t have can decorate these to match the
paint, don’t worry! You can either color of the paper plate. With
color in the plate with markers a grown-up’s help, cut out the
or keep your llama the same neck, head, and legs.
color as the paper plate. If you
used paint, let the plate dry. STEP 3:
With a grown-up’s help, cut the
STEP 2: paper plate in half. Next, glue the
On a piece of paper, draw a bottom of the neck and the legs
bubble P to create the llama’s to the back of the paper plate in
neck and head. Draw ears and a the appropriate position. Let dry.
face on the P to bring your
Discover animals from around the world with Jack and Annie! Decorate your llama! Add glitter,
yarn, or stickers to bring your
llama to life. Once dry, your
llama can decorate your home
or travel with you on your next
Craft activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and
the Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
Craft Activity
Cardboard Tube Llama
Can’t get enough of llamas? Create a beloved Peruvian friend!
ardboard tube These are the legs. Color in
aper or card stock the shapes any color you want
or use colored paper. Draw the
rayons, colored pencils, llama’s face and add hair to its
or markers
neck. With a grown-up’s help,
aint (optional) cut out the shapes.
• Scissors
• Glue
Paint a cardboard tube any
color you choose. If you do
not have paint, you can use Assemble the llama. With a
markers. If you use paint, let grown-up’s help, cut a small
it dry. slit on the back of the llama’s
neck. The cut should allow
STEP 3: your neck to be attached to
Once the cardboard tube is the tube body, so measure
dry, decorate your llama’s and cut accordingly. Attach the
body! You can draw a blanket neck to the cardboard tube.
or saddle, or add thick fur Use glue to help it stay on.
made of yarn.
With a grown-up’s help,
Learn more about animals from South America with Jack and Annie! cut two small slits onto the
bottom of the cardboard tube.
Insert the paper legs into the
slits and use glue to stabilize.
Now your llama is complete
and ready to play with!
Craft activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and
the Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
Craft Activity
Egg Carton
Andes Mountain Range
Ask a grown-up’s Bring the Andes Mountains into your backyard.
permission before using
rown, green, and
white paint
olored pencils, markers,
or crayons
Craft activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and
the Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
HOME Craft Activity
Summer Safari
Tie-Dye Shirt
We recommended you Design a safari outfit that is perfect for
do this activity outside
or cover your workspace with your backyard adventures this summer!
a plastic tablecloth.
If you have purchased a new
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca and AG Ford.. Photos licensed from Shutterstock, Inc.
Craft activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and the
Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
Craft Activity
Popsicle Stick Safari
Create a safari adventure in your backyard
with these animal friends!
Ask a grown-up’s STEP 1: STEP 3:
permission before using Take several Popsicle sticks Once dry, draw or paint the
scissors! and decide what animals animal’s faces onto the top of
you’d like to create. Do you the Popsicle sticks. Give the
want to make a roaring lion? animals eyes, a nose, and a
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca and AG Ford. Photos licensed from Shutterstock, Inc.
WHAT YOU’LL NEED A playful elephant? A striped mouth. Decorate your animals
• Popsicle sticks tiger? Once you choose which in any way you choose, and
animals you want for your bring the safari with
• Paper or felt
backyard safari, color or paint you on your next
rayons, colored pencils, the Popsicle sticks so they are adventure with
or markers the color of the animals you Jack and
• Paint (optional) chose. For example, paint the Annie!
• Scissors lion yellow, the elephant gray,
and the tiger orange. Let dry.
• Glue
Once dry, draw some of each
animal’s features onto a piece
of paper or felt. You could
draw the elephant’s ears
and trunk, the lion’s mane
and tail, and the tiger’s tail
and ears. With a grown-up’s
help, cut out the features
and glue them onto the
Popsicle sticks. Let dry.
Craft activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and the
Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
HOME Cooking Activity
Safari Snake Popsicles
A recipe from Jack and Annie’s magic tree house
When working in to your house! A Popsicle is the perfect treat
the kitchen with sharp objects for any summer safari backyard adventure!
and hot appliances, make sure
you have adult supervision
and help!
Cooking activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and
the Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
Cooking Activity
Summer Safari
Animal Crackers
When working in A recipe from Jack and Annie’s magic tree house to your house!
the kitchen with sharp objects
and hot appliances, make sure Bring the safari right to your backyard with these animal crackers!
you have adult supervision
and help!
• 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt
1⁄2 cups of
all-purpose flour
• 1⁄8 teaspoon of nutmeg
• 1 cup of sugar
1/2 sticks of
unsalted butter
• 1 egg
teaspoon of
vanilla extract
• Animal-shaped
In an electric mixer, beat the Add in the egg and vanilla. Mix
cookie cutters
butter on high speed for about for another minute. If contents
two minutes. In a separate begin to build along the side of
small bowl, mix together the the bowl, turn off the mixer and
flour, baking powder, salt, and scrape down the sides.
STEP 2: Turn off the mixer and add half
Reduce the mixer speed to of the flour. Turn the mixer on
medium, and add the sugar low until the flour is all mixed
slowly. Mix at medium speed for in. Turn off the mixer and add
another two minutes. the remaining flour. Mix on low
for about three minutes.
Cooking Activity
Summer Safari Animal Crackers (cont.)
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca, AG Ford and Penguin Random House LLC. Photos licensed from Shutterstock, Inc.
Move the dough from the bowl Once you’re done rolling,
onto a cutting board or work remove from plastic wrap
surface. Divide into two balls. and place on a lightly floured
Shape these balls of dough into service. Dust lightly with flour.
disks and wrap in plastic wrap.
Refrigerate for at least two STEP 10:
hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Line your baking sheets with
STEP 8: parchment paper. Dip your
Remove dough from animal cookie cutters in flour,
refrigerator and let it sit for five and cut your shapes out of the
minutes. Then lay the disk of dough!
dough between two pieces of
plastic wrap and roll it out with STEP 11:
a rolling pin 1/4 inch thick. If Bake cookies for about fourteen
the dough cracks, let it rest for to sixteen minutes or until they
another five minutes. are a light gold. Let them cool
before enjoying!
Read more about animals around the world with Jack and Annie!
Cooking activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and
the Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
HOME Andes Mountains Maze
Help Jack and Annie Make Their Way
Through the Andes Mountains!
Print out this activity to solve the puzzle.
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca, AG Ford and Penguin Random House LLC.
Activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and the
Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
HOME Family Game Night
Memory Game
Do you think you’re an expert on the
Ask a grown-up’s places and animals of South America?
permission before using Put your memory to the test with Jack and Annie!
Print and cut out the cards below or write them on your own pieces of paper. Shuffle the cards
and flip them so they are all facedown. Flip any two cards over. If they match, you can remove
them from the group. If they do not match, flip them back over and try again. If you want to play
with a partner, take turns picking. If you pick a match, go again. Whoever has the most pairs at
the end wins. Keep turning cards over until you have matched them all!
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca and AG Ford.
Create more cards for your memory game with these books!
Activity for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and the Andes
by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce
HOME Family Night Trivia
Welcome Back from Your
South American Adventure!
After you have read Late Lunch with Llamas, put your knowledge to the test! How much did you learn on your adventure to South
America with Jack and Annie? Find out below!
You can play by yourself or as a team with your family! If you’re playing with your family, divide up into teams and have someone host the trivia
night. The host can read the questions, and you can write down your answers. The host will let you know the correct answers!
Each correct answer is worth one point. The person with the most points wins!
When Jack and Annie arrive in Peru, what color What do llamas do to warn someone to back off?
ponchos are they wearing? A. Spit C. Whinny
A. Red C. Green B. Hold up a hoof D. Charge toward the threat
B. Blue D. Yellow
QUESTION 2: Where do the royal guards take Topa’s baby llama?
What is the longest mountain range in the world? A. Lima C. The Amazon
A. The Rockies C. The Andes B. The Secret City D. Ecuador
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca.
What is the name of Topa’s baby llama? How many compartments does a llama’s stomach
A. Larry C. Jackson have?
B. Cria D. Maria A. 2 C. 5
B. 3 D. 10
On their journey to rescue the baby llama, how do
Join Jack and Annie in South America Jack and Annie cross from Young Mountain to Old
on their newest adventure! Mountain?
A. Walking across a C. Scaling both mountains
rope bridge D. Swimming across a river
B. Taking a train
12. B, 13. D, 14. B, 15. B, 16. A, 17. B, 18. C, 19. A, 20. B 1. A, 2. C, 3. A, 4. B, 5. A, 6. B, 7. D, 8. B, 9. A, 10. C, 11. A,
HOME Family Night Trivia
What dangerous animals do Jack and Annie find on
their journey?
A. Sabertooth tigers C. Pit vipers and condors
B. Polar bears D. Dragons QUESTION 15:
What language did the Incas speak?
QUESTION 11: A. Spanish C. English
How high can a chinchilla jump? B. Quechua D. Latin
A. 6 feet C. 15 feet
© 2020 Mary Pope Osborne. Magic Tree House is a registered trademark of Mary Pope Osborne; used under license. Illustrations © 2020 by Sal Murdocca and Penguin Random House LLC.
True or False: Machu Picchu is in a mountain
A. True B. False
12. B, 13. D, 14. B, 15. B, 16. A, 17. B, 18. C, 19. A, 20. B
1. A, 2. C, 3. A, 4. B, 5. A, 6. B, 7. D, 8. B, 9. A, 10. C, 11. A,
HOME Listen and Draw Activity
This Magic Tree House Scene Was Drawn by
Put your drawing skills to work! Listen to Magic Tree House audiobooks narrated by Mary Pope
Osborne and draw what you hear in the space below or on a separate piece of paper.
Game for Late Lunch with Llamas and Llamas and the
Andes by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce