Spoken English For Corporate Jobs
Spoken English For Corporate Jobs
Spoken English For Corporate Jobs
Spoken English for Corporate Jobs: Open elective TextBook for CONTENTS
I Semester B.A/B Com/ B B A / B. Sc /B C A Degree Course,
Unit I: English for Front Desk Management
prepared and Published by Punnami Vennela Publications
Greeting, Welcoming
Bengaluru. Pp: x + Dealing with Complaints, Giving Instructions or
Giving Information: About Various Facilities,
Distance, Area, Local Specialties,
Consultation and Solution of Problems
Accepting Praises and Criticism, Apologizing
© Punnami Vennela Publications
Unit II: Fluency and Etiquettes
First Edition 2022
Polite sentences and Words
ISBN No. 978-81-929888-5-6 Use of Persuading words
Intonation and Voice Modulation
Price : Rs. 100/- Developing Vocabulary
Unit I: English for Front Desk contracts. Generating reports, feedback sorting
Management out e-mail, printing, typing, filing, and updating
1. Greeting, Welcoming records are also some of the duties of the front
2. Dealing with Complaints, Giving Instructions or desk.
Directions Front Office vs. Middle Office vs. Back Office
3. Giving Information: About Various Facilities, On a conceptual level, many firms are divided
Distance, Area, Local Specialties,
into three parts: the front office, the middle
4. Consultation and Solution of Problems
5. Accepting Praises and Criticism, Apologizing office, and the back office. While the front office is
responsible for performing sales and client
Front desk Management service functions, the middle office is responsible
The front desk is a crucial connective link for managing risk and corporate strategy, and the
between the company and its clients. It’s a place back office provides analysis, technical, and
where you can make a good impression on your administrative support services.
clients and it provides on opportunity for you to
stand out as the best among other competitors. Using this conceptual model, the middle office
To keep it running smoothly isn’t an easy task. and back office employees support the activities
The front desk acts as the epicentre of the of the front office. The middle office personnel
company. The front desk oversees all desk are tasked with ensuring that a company remains
operations like greeting, welcoming guests, solvent and complies with regulations and ethical
manage calls, booking schedules, appointments, business practices. For a financial services firm,
addressing clients queries and providing these departments might include corporate
exceptional customer service. The front desk will strategy, compliance, and financial control.
have a manager and supporting staff. The
manager will take responsibility of hiring and The back office includes administrative
training staff ,manage their work schedules ,tend assistants, human resources staff, and accounting
to the customer complaints, ensures that front staff. Also critical to the success of the back office
desk is organised, maintains equipment and operations are the IT and technology
supplies and also manages budgets, records and departments. In a financial services firm,
their experiences to family and friends which may lead to works for both ,the representative and customer
new business relationships but if you do not satisfy their should be established the representative should look
expectations, fail to give a positive experience then you for the customers’ needs but at the same time
will have to deal with their complaints. Customer customers have to give space to the representative to.
complaints are nothing but feedback that point out work on this issue.
problems with the services or products. Some of the
common complaints could be 3 These are a few of the complaints a company may have to
1) when a product goes out of stock for long, they may deal with, but they could be many more. So, it’s important
become impatient. How to resolve this complaint ---- to deal with their complaints by receiving the negative
customer service representatives should report this feedback, investigating the cause of the issue, and
issue to the managers who can notify the product resolving their problem. If it’s not dealt with, there is
management teams and. they have to tell them that every chance that they may share their bad experiences
they will reach out to them when the new shipment with others leading to a negative impact on business or
arrives. some may stop doing their business with you.
2) when a customer service representative fails to meet
the demands of the clients, leading the clients to think So how to deal with customer complaints:
there is a lack of interest---how to resolve this issue -- The basic principle is to listen to your customers it
--customer service representatives should pay is important to understand the reason for
attention to their tone, attitude and body language to complaining.
ensure they are showing a positive and attentive Apologizing for a mistake may solve their
demeanour. Management should investigate the issue problems, unhappy customers are simply looking
they should give their representatives the benefit of for an apology and are more than willing to forgive
doubt but also teach the representatives about a company which offers an apology. Take extra
preventing such occurrences . interest and resolve the complaint
3) If the product doesn’t last long they may blame the Find out the root cause of the complaint and solve
company---how to resolve this issue ---You can it. The customer service team can be given
provide for an immediate replacement of the product authority to handle the complaints.
.If it was the clients fault ,gently tell them how they Keep a track of the complaints and make sure they
can avoid this outcome in future . are happy with the solution. Take feedback on how
4) When you do not follow up a case, clients may think the complaint was solved which shows that you
you have forgotten about the case.4how to solve this care about them and value the relationship
complaint ----the service representative should make Your interaction with customers after their
communication expectations clear .a system that problem is resolved also matters the most and sets
the stage for future endeavours. Always be one Giving Instructions or Directions
step ahead of your customers’ expectations. Send a Instructions and directions are used by people in
thank you note and give early access to your new everyday situations. People exchange information
product features which will keep the customers through instruction and directions. Instructions and
satisfied directions can be oral or written. Both act as providing
guidelines to enable the person to perform the task.
Handling customer complaints is an ongoing
process. Monitor complaints regularly so that new Directions are usually associated with
complaints can be tracked and solved. Sometimes geographical location (north, south, east, west) It helps a
customers tend to share their feedback in multiple person to move from one specified place to another.
channels like forums, websites social media networks and
more and they may go viral. So, you need to pay attention Directions can also be considered as orders. Both
and monitor social media and be proactive in customer provide guidance for guidance seekers. Giving directions
complaint handling. are less forceful when compared to that of instructions.
They act as guidelines indicating that it needs to be
Finding complaints online is not easy but you can followed.
start by checking for negative comments on your blog,
twitter, face book, brand page, bad reviews on your Examples: Boss telling an employee “Redo the
Google my business page, YouTube channels. All these presentation.”
have to be monitored regularly and you need to respond Manager telling a subordinate “Get the work done on
which shows you do care. This will go a long way in time.”
building confidence and loyalty among your customers. Trainer to a staff member “practise English for one hour every
Exercises: Instructions, on the other hand are commands or
1) How would you react if your client comes to you with steps needed to complete a particular task. They are more
a complaint of not receiving any updates about their detailed and specific as compared to directions. They hold
complaint? a tone of authority. Clear instructions enable people to
2) What would you do if a client came to you with a follow without getting confused.
complaint of less than quality service?
3) What would you do if your supervisor complaints Instructions are essential when we are required to
about your teammates not performing well? do tasks which aren’t familiar or we are doing it for the
4) How would you deal with a complaint about non- first time,(there are various ways of giving instructions)
availability of stock which they require urgently? we use the imperative form while giving orders,
commands, advice and warnings. Instructions must be 2. Next select the language among the options given
kept as simple as possible, and they must be logical. on screen
There are two parts to giving instructions 3. Then, enter 4-digit ATM pin (Not to be shared with
1) Sequencers 2) actions anyone)
Sequencers (adverbs) help order your instructions the. 4. After that select your transaction out of the option
Common sequencers are: on display
Firstly, initially, first of all ........ 5. Then select your Account type, which maybe
Then, next, secondly. savings or current
Thirdly, after that, consequently.......... 6. Further enter your withdrawal amount and press
Finally, eventually, lastly .......... enter
These expressions indicate the various stages in giving 7. Lastly collect the cash from the lower slot of the
instructions. machine and also your ATM card
Actions__ 8. End your session by pressing the cancel button.
Tell people what is necessary
What is wrong Exercises:
What is to be done Read the situations and write instructions to do the
What to follow. following:
a) How to book an air ticket
Instructions in different contexts: ______________________
Example 1:Using a device: How to use a photocopier ______________________
1, First check if the copier’s cord is plugged _______________________
2, Turn on the machine
3, Next put your document on the copier b) How to apply for a passport
4, Then select the number of copies ______________________
5, Select the colour preference ______________________
6, Select the paper size ______________________
7, finally press the copy button. c) How to prepare a presentation
Example 2: _____________________
How to withdraw money from ATM: Giving /Asking for information
1. Firstly, insert ATM card into the slot When asking for information one needs to use
(Usually, green coloured slot or any kind of slot) appropriate form depending on the situation whether as
simple as asking someone for time or asking for details
about a complicated process. When asking for If you don’t know the answer to a request for info,
information from a friend use informal form, when asking you can use one of the phrases 3
your superior, colleague or a stranger, use an appropriate Informal:
formal construction. When giving information use precise 1) Sorry, I can’t help you out
words, visual aids can be used for emphasis, use a 2) Sorry, I have no idea
language that everyone understands and be clear of what 3) Maybe, you should ask someone at the front desk.
you tell the clients. Clients maybe interested to know the Formal:
place, the popular destinations of the city, local 1) I would like to help, but don’t have the info
specialities, good hotels and so on. The front desk should 2) I am afraid, I don’t have the answer
be able to provide the right information, to the clients 3) Sorry, I haven’t the faintest idea.
satisfaction. Exercises:
1) Example: asking for information - 1. How would you answer a client’s question about
Informal form: what kind of services the company offers?
How much did you pay for the mobile? 2. What information would you provide to a client
Where did you buy this expensive laptop? who is interested to know the popular destination
2) Example: of the cities?
Formal form: 3. A client wants to know the about the local food
Excuse me, can you tell me how much the Yoga mats specialities. What would you tell him?
Excuse me, I wonder if you could explain the health Accepting Praises and Criticism:
insurance benefits. Interpersonal skills involve the ability to
It would be of great help, if you could provide the details communicate and build relationships with others.
of your new venture. Effective inter-personal skills can help you during
Replying to a request for information: interviews and have a positive impact on your career
You can reply with any one of the phrases 3 advancement. In a work environment strong
In formal: interpersonal skill will help you to manage complex
1) Sure issues challenges and day-to-day tasks. They are
2) No Problem considered soft skills and some examples of soft skills
3) Let me see are- active listening, teamwork, patience, empathy,
Formal: leadership etc. In workplaces (sometimes) one has to deal
1) I would be happy to explain with compliments and criticism.
2) It is my pleasure to help you
3) I should be able to answer that
Examples: Apologizing:
1. Manager: The project submitted isn’t up to the mark. An apology is to say sorry, for the hurt / pain
Manish: Sir, can you clearly state your expectations? caused to someone intentionally or unintentionally.
2. Boss: Your leadership qualities are lacking. Apologies help in building good relationships and
Team Leader: I agree sir and I request you to give friendships. Saying sorry is more than mere words. You
time to better them. are saying that you respect the other person, and you are
concerned about his / her feelings. It also helps you to
feel better because you are trying to make things right 5. How do you apologise After being convicted of a
again. wrongdoing?
drastic end, company employees must have essential when gathering data results in a new perspective or a
training and resources to solve the problem confidently. new problem. In this scenario, it may be worth going
back to step one and revising the problem at hand.
Decision making and problem solving goes hand in hand.
If a problem is identified but no action takes place, things 3. Brainstorming on Possible Solutions- Teams should
will only continue to get worse. However, blind and think together and come up with all ideas that may be
misguided decisions can also expound a problem. solutions. Brainstorming works best in a judgment-
Consequently, it’s important to have a systematic and free atmosphere because you just never know which
logical decision-making process that’s guided by strong idea will plant the seed and spark the eventual correct
business instinct. The proper consultation to resolve the decision. It’s also helpful to brainstorm at an individual
identified problem is extremely important and it can act level first and then come together as a team. Team
as an asset to your career. sessions can be dominated by stronger personalities
and can prevent some individuals from voicing their
One needs a systematic and strategic approach to solve opinions on the spot. If teams are given a chance to
the problem. Following are the few steps to achieve come up with thoughtful options, everyone will have
problem solving behaviour. more confidence and will be more likely to voice their
1. Identifying the problem- One needs to understand
and accept the problem. It needs to be conveyed to the 4. Narrow down the solutions- From long list of
team who will get affected or involved, directly or suggestions and potential ideas make a list of top five
indirectly. Unless you align the problem with your problem solving ideas. To identify top five list, you can
team you will be unaware of the small details and the follow Pros and cons list, SWOT analysis or
problem-solving approach may get influenced. In this Scenario analysis. Different problems require
situation many facts get lost in translation hence it different levels of insight. By comparing data and
become necessary to clearly define and identify the analysing the options in hand you will arrive at
problem which needs consultation. smarter solution.
2. Gathering Data- Some problem cannot be touch 5. Go with optimal solution-When choosing the final
without proper information in hand. During this step solution, keep in mind two things. First and foremost,
of the process, what’s important is to gather the select the option that has the business’ best interest.
relevant information. Usually, having too much data There will be times when some employees or teams
hinders the decision-making process and results in will be negatively affected by a decision. Have trust in
wasted time. At the same time, there may be instances the resiliency of your team and always push for the
optimal solution. Secondly, realize that not everyone Advantages of Problem-Solving behaviour.:
will be happy. Only in rare instances will the entire I. Better risk handling- Problem-solving skills help in
company be happy with a big decision, and that’s okay. being confident of your capability to turn risks into
In most cases, employees who are initially unhappy opportunities by going beyond the expected.
will eventually see that the decision was made for the
betterment of the business and will adapt accordingly. II. Better communication-Problem-solving skills equip
you with solving issues in a way that minimizes
After informing your team about the new solution, accusations and brings about a resolution regarding
delegate the work to the employees who need to help the problem. It heps to build intra-team
implement the solution. Afterwards, ensure there are communication.
follow up procedures in place to check in on progress.
III. Improved productivity- Problem-solving skills help
Problem solving and decision making in the workplace is in implementing solutions in an effective and timely
undoubtedly an important skill. As a result, having the manner without any hindrance.
right systematic approach is essential. It may seem like a
lot of work upfront but taking the necessary steps to IV. Proactive mindset- A proactive mindset
solving important problems and successfully arriving at a enables identifying and executing the solution to a
solution will save much more time and create a healthier specific problem. Defining, generating, evaluating,
business in the long run. and selecting the best solution is possible only when
The Problem Solving skills one must develop are: one has mastered the problem-solving skill.
Analytical skills
Adaptability, Quick thinking ability
Logical reasoning Questions:
Communication skills Answer the following questions : 2 Marks
Perseverance, Motivation skills 1) Write a note on front desk management.
Collaboration 2) Name the duties of a front desk manager.
Team skills 3) What is greeting?
Trust 4) What is the function of greeting?
Cooperation 5) A warm welcome helps the customer to feel ________.
Decision-making skills, Leadership skills 6) How do you welcome a new employee to the office?
Visual perception skills 7) Mention any 2 customer complaints.
Initiative 8) What are instructions?
Critical thinking skills, Negotiation skills 9) When are instructions essential?
10) Which are the 2 parts of instructions?
11) Name the 2 techniques to handle compliments. Unit II - Fluency and Etiquette
12) Name the 2 ways to handle criticisms. 1. Polite sentences and words
13) What is good constructive criticism? 2. Use of persuading words
14) When is an apology required? 3. Intonation and voice Modulation
15) Mention a phrase used to render an apology. 4. Developing Vocabulary
16) What is the purpose of consultation?
Language Fluency
17) Name any 4 problem solving skills.
In the business world where cross-culture
18) Define proactive mindset.
communication has become a buzzword, one need to
inculcate linguistic fluency and etiquettes to encash it.
Answer the following questions : 5 Marks
The fluency and etiquettes, terms may sound cliché, but
1) How do you deal with customer complaints?
they are the important factors to upgrade the portfolio for
2) How do you handle customer complaints?
corporate jobs.
3) Write instructions for the following situation:
How do you open a social media account?
The objective of this chapter is to elaborate on, ‘what is
language fluency? Why it is important? and how to
Answer the following questions : 10 marks
achieve it? The questions aren’t easy to answer.
1) Mention the points to be remembered when
However, the definition of fluency is highly subjective and
greeting someone.
depends on the success of communication process. One
2) Explain the strategies required to solve a problem.
way to describe language fluency is by comparing it with
language proficiency. Language proficiency is mastering a
language with the help of logic, sentence formation and
Mohan, Krishna. Developing Communication Skills. New
grammar. Language Fluency on the other hand is actual
Delhi: Trinity Press, 2019.
speaking of language comfortably, with or without
Bahl, Sushil. Business Communication Today. New Delhi:
grammatically structured sentence.
Response Books.
What is Language Fluency?
The word fluent is derived from Latin word ‘fluentem’
meaning ‘free-flowing’. The noun ‘fluency’ is an ability to
flow freely without any obstacles.
any hesitation with other people, in their common and order to communicate with them one needs to learn
language.’ their lingo.
When learner is fluent in language it means that he can The higher your level of fluency in English the better it is
use the language effortlessly without hesitation. Of for your employer, as you present a more efficient,
course, there will be mistake in usage of language, but professional image for your company when doing
user can communicate their ideas and thoughts correctly business with others. English dominates the online world,
through speech and writing. We often mistake fluency as can be seen on social media, commerce, entertainment
with knowledge of language and judge it either and the fact that most foreign websites provide means for
grammatically, lexically or phonetically. The linguistic translation into English.
ability of a native language speaker (L1) is different from
the second language (L2) speaker. In this case the second How to achieve the fluency in English?
language is English; for second language user There are six levels of fluency developed by Common
communication is pivotal. European Framework of Reference (CEFR), CEFR intend to
evaluate the language qualification of candidates for
Language is a communication tool. To achieve that you educational admission or employment. Its main aim is to
need to establish a fluid speaking pattern. provide a method of learning, teaching and assessing all
European languages. It sets up the systems of validation
Why fluency in English language is important? of language ability.
To communicate in more than one language fluency is The six Levels of Language Fluency
desirable. However, it is not essential for communication
Level Group
Name of the
to take place. You can communicate with native speaker if
you have a mild proficiency in English language but being
fluent in English offers many advantages in corporate
yourself, Ask
and answer
and use basic
English is now adopted by many global business
Basic User
organisations as the language of trade and commerce.
Many of the multinational companies are proliferating
their branches globally, with the headquarters
predominantly located in English speaking countries.
Their influence on the global community is remarkable
Name of the
Intermediate Elementary
connected text clearly while simple and speaker if
on the topics travelling at routine task talk slowly
that are familiar known English requiring direct and clearly
and of personal speaking and simple
interest. region exchange of
Describe Exchange Basic personal
experience, standard and family
event, dreams, inputs at work, information,
ambitions, school, leisure shopping, local
opinions and etc. geography,
plans employment etc.
Proficient User Level Group
Name of the
Advanced Upper Intermediate
language Can main ideas of
flexibly for Can interact complex text on
social, understand with both concrete and
academic and wide range of degree of abstract topics.
professional demanding, fluency
purpose longer clauses and
and implicit spontaneit
Express abstract ideas, concepts Subject specific technical
etc. discussions, sharing ideas on
Produce clear, well structured, Specialised topic etc.
detail text on complex subjects Explaining viewpoints
showing controlled advantages, disadvantages etc.
organisational patterns.
Name of the
company makes it decision to select a candidate.
Tips for profession
If you are pursuing career in corporate jobs, it can be
important to add your level of language fluency in your job
, read and
Can As per the popular global standard there are five level of
proficiency to incorporate in resume. The employer requires at
Mastery or proficiency
Can summarise the
information form
least level three which is professional working fluency level.
C2 and spoken sources
0-5 scale level of language fluency
0 (Zero) 3 No fluency-
This is the lowest level of fluency, there is no knowledge of
of various topics around the world, personal life, global Types of Etiquette
issues, current affairs, business, finance etc. Speaker at Social Etiquettes: The norms and behavioural pattern
this level may have minor accent and can make few accepted by the particular society e.g., Indian Society,
mistakes in the structure of language but this the level Western Society etc.
corporate sector expects their professionals to achieve for
smooth correspondence.
Corporate Etiquettes/ Professional Etiquettes: How to
Native/ Bilingual / multilingual Fluency-
This the level where speaker either raised speaking or behave at workplace and maintain dignity.
learning the language as a mother tongue or native tongue
and achieve the fluency over a period. In Indian situation Business Etiquettes: Guidance force for a professional to
this level is most likely to be observed. conduct the business effectively and ethically.
(Language fluency always come under the heading ‘Skills’ Table Etiquettes: check list for table manners like, do not
or ‘Additional information’ in Resume. E.g., Languages: speak when mouth is full, thank the person who is
Native Kannada, professional fluency in English, limited serving you food, do not leave the table until everyone
working fluency in Hindi finished eating. Etc.
As the society is evolving day by day so are the norms of In this chapter we are focusing more on Linguistic
the society. With the contemporary demand of the Etiquettes. Language fluency and etiquette goes hand in
rational existence, the dictum of social behaviour is also hand. Fluency is the prerequisite of manners and
evolved. There are different types of etiquette one needs etiquettes. To be a successful professional one need to
to be familiar with while leading in society. acquire and utilise both.
Linguistic etiquettes can be defined as, ‘System of norms countries like Japan it is bow. Handshaking is the
and rules of polite speech behaviour which ensures the typical greeting as well as the bow in Korea. Usually, a
existence of polite communication and correctness of the younger person bows first, going on to shake hands
linguistic action in any communication event.’ with both hands if the older person starts
handshaking. The order is important, the senior first. It
The speaker of any language develops a set of verbal and is impolite for younger people to start the handshake.
non-verbal behavioural rules, adopt them in social circle
and adhere to them in practice of communication. These Use title- Name are the first piece of information we
verbal behaviours are instilled in speaker during social get about anyone; hence, it becomes most important to
gatherings, community exchanges, education and as part pay attention to names. If you don’t understand the
of work ethics. Thus, Language etiquettes falls under the pronunciation of the proper noun, ask the person to
concept of politeness. They are consisting of relevance, repeat it in polite manner. Secondly, during
literacy, accuracy, fluency and correct attitude and announcements or presentations, if you are addressing
present in every conversation. Language etiquettes can a person who is elder or on higher position, use the
be achieved by observing speech culture, Correctness of title to introduce him/her or to refer his/her presence.
Speech, logicality, purity, accuracy, speech It is not necessary to use title for every person at
expressiveness, speech tones and the rules of speech workplace all the time. E.g. Mr./ Ms., Dr., Professor etc.
Body language: Stand straight, maintain eye contact.
Corporate Language Etiquettes Keep good postures. Put a smile on the face. While
Maintaining Professional image at workplace while presenting look at the audience or a person you are
dealing with clients, co-worker and customer. Whether addressing. Acknowledge the speaker. Don’t speak
you are having face to face communication, e-mail or loudly and fast. Keep at least one foot distance
telephone you need to observe professional language and between you and speaker. Respect the personal space.
tactful communication skills. Following are the means to
achieve it. Professional Tone: It doesn’t matter if you are
Introduce yourself- Introduce yourself first at meeting face to face, on phone or through emails, each
workplace when you interact with new people, dial a interaction needs to be professional. To strike up the
call or in conference. Tell your name, your role in conversation compliment on something. Remark on
company. If you are meeting a person for the first time, your surroundings, it can be from weather to the book
give handshake or greet person as per his/ her socio- one is holding. Try to ask the open-ended question
cultural norms. E.g., in western countries handshake is rather than questions which needs ‘Yes’, ‘No’ answers
common way of greeting. In India it is ‘Namaste’, in it keeps the conversation long. Do not use insulting,
abusive, casual words in the speech or writing. Polite sentences and words
Personal grievances are communicated through In sociolinguistics and conversation analysis, language
private mails with polite yet firm words. politeness strategies are speech acts that express
concern for others and minimize threats to self-esteem
Proper Grammar- Each message, written or spoken in particular social contexts. Positive politeness strategies
reflects you, so make sure it is professional. Proofread are intended to avoid giving offense by highlighting
your mails for typo errors. Use proper grammar and friendliness.
punctuation. Use proper capitalisation and spell check.
Also avoid the use of emoticons and slang in Politeness Strategies
professional communication. To avoid the errors in According to Brown and Levinson (1978:65) certain
formal writing use online apps for proofreading. While acts can damage or threaten other person’s face and
writing emails describe the subject of email in subject these acts are known as face threating acts. These acts
line. It helps the recipient to locate the email. Similarly, have potential to damage the image of the speaker.
during speech use simple words and complete Hence, speaker need to adopt certain language
sentences. Avoid slang and jargons. Choose strategies to avoid offences in corporate culture. The
appropriate vocabulary to convey the message. strategies include juxtaposing criticism with
compliments, creating common ground to make the
Social Behaviour: All of us have become so attached conversation easy, ushing jokes or puns, addressing
to our phones, tablets and wearable devices that it is the person with name, using honorifics like Mr./Ms.,
hard to disconnect. Using electronic distractions Sir/ Madam etc., and special discourse markers such as
during meetings and corporate conversations is please, however, moreover although etc.
offensive. During meeting time switch off the phone or
keep it on silent. Secondly, if it is one to one Tips for profession
conversation or personal conversation avoid using Honorifics may change as per the culture and language e.g.
speakerphone at workplace. in Hindi if you want to use honorifics you need to use suffix
‘__Ji’ as in ‘ mahatmaji’. In Marathi while addressing an
Language etiquette may sound unimportant and ordinary person you need to use honorifics ‘___rao’, in
negligible, but they are the crucial points to analyse your Kannada it is ‘ ____ avaru’, In Telegu its is ‘____garu’. (These
personality at workplace. The proper language usage has are few common honorifics we observe while speaking).
become evidently important when you are grooming
yourself for the corporate world. Following are the Politeness strategies can be further divided into four
determinants for language etiquette. main strategies: On Record Strategy, Positive Politeness,
Negative Politeness and Off-Record Strategies.
1. On record strategy: Direct way to of saying things It is always difficult to use accurate words and phrases
without any ambiguity, in concise manner. For while communicating in second language. The
example, instead of “please send us the offers” verb inappropriate selection of words may make the speaker
“do” is used like “do send the offers.” sound rude. Following are the common phrases and
2. Positive politeness: it is usually seen in group of words one can keep in mind while using polite English.
friends, or in an environment where people in the ‘Please’, ‘thank you’, ‘excuse me’ are the common polite
group know each other well. It usually helps to words we acquire at beginning level of Language fluency.
communicate effectively by expressing friendliness
and interests in hearer’s needs can be maintained. It Polite phrases to be use in corporate
refers to one’s self esteem. environment
3. Negative politeness: It refers to one’s freedom to
act. There is greater use of indirect speech is involved Situation: Meeting people for the first time
in negative politeness. It normally makes the request Phrases:
less infringing. E.g., “if it isn’t too much trouble, can I am_________ (Your name)
you pass the file” or “If you don’t’ mind.” Here It’s so nice to finally meet you (face to face).
interlocutor is initiating the polite sentence with You must be (name).
negation to respect person’s right to act freely. Here’s my business card.
4. Off record: This politeness strategy relies on
implications. It is indirect and involves breaking of Situation: Small talk at the beginning of a meeting
conventional norms to imply recommended course of Phrases:
action. The politeness in sentence is communicate din Did you have any trouble finding the location? / Did
such a manner that it is impossible to attribute one you have any trouble getting here?
clear intention behind the act. It uses metaphor, it is How was your journey? / How was your flight?
vague, ironic and can be ambiguous. Is this your first time (here) in (name of place)?
Nice day/ Lovely day/ Horrible weather/ Rather hot/
These politeness strategies determine the “Face”. The A bit humid (today), isn’t it?
notion of Face in language politeness has been derived
from Goffman. It means being embarrassed or humiliated Situation: Transitions phrases for moving smoothly
because of wrong language etiquettes. Thus, the face from one stage to another
threatening acts as mentioned in earlier paragraph are Phrases:
the challenges which speaker tackle to maintain the Well (then),…/ Okay (then),…/ Right (then),…/ So,…/
impressive workplace communication. Anyway,…/ Anyhow,…
Phrases: Phrase:
…I’d love to chat more, but… Does everyone have a copy of the agenda?
…you must tell me more about that later, but…
…it’s been lovely to catch up, but… Situation: Introducing the topic of the meeting
Situation: Giving a reason for finishing the small talk As you (all/ should/ probably/ might) know, …
Phrases: As I wrote in my email (yesterday/ about this
…we have a lot to get through today, so… meeting/ sending the agenda), …
…we have to be out of here by 12, so… The main reason for this meeting is…
…I have another meeting at 11, so… What we need to decide/ talk about/ think about today
Situation: Getting down to business phrases The (main) topic/ subject/ aim/ objective/ purpose/
Phrases: goal of this meeting is…
… let’s get down to business/ I think we should make a
start/ shall we get started… Situation: Getting other people to speak/ Asking for
ideas/ Asking for opinions/ Getting people involved
Situation: Language after the suggestion to make it Phrases:
Softer and prompt a reaction (Do you have/ Does anyone have) any (other/
Phrases: particular) thoughts/ comments/ opinions/ views (on
…, if you don’t mind/ if that’s okay (with you). this)?
What do you think (about this/ about that)?
Situation: Weakly disagreeing/ Politely disagreeing Situation: Allowing people to speak/ Inviting people
Phrases: to speak/ Allowing people to interrupt.
(I’m afraid) I don’t really agree. Phrases:
I’m not sure that I agree. (Of course, / Sure), (please) go ahead. (What would
I mostly agree, but… you like to say? / Please have your say.)
(That’s a) good point, but…
I feel almost the same way, but… Situation: Stopping the other person interrupting/
Keeping the turn
Situation: Making suggestions/ Coming up with ideas Phrases:
(when brainstorming etc) Sorry, can I just finish this one point (first)? / Sorry,
Phrases: can I just what I’m saying (first)?
Sorry, just one (more) thing before you have your say, We don’t seem to be making much progress (on this),
so let’s continue this discussion by email, shall we?
Situation: Getting the turn back/ Getting the Maybe we can come back to that later/ in a later
discussion back on track meeting (if we have time).
Phrases: Maybe we should sleep on this and try again next
(Now) where were we? Oh yes,…/ (Now) where was I? week.
Oh yes, …
(Anyway/ Well), as I was saying… Situation: Changing topic/ Moving on
Situation: Requesting Okay, we’ve still got a few points to get through, so…
Phrases: Right, I think we’ve covered that, so…
Could you (possibly) give me a hand with/ lend me a …let’s move on to the next point/ topic on the agenda,
hand with…? shall we?
…let’s turn our attention to…
Situation: Checking/ Clarifying/ Dealing with Situation: (By the end of the meeting) Checking
communication problems agreement
Phrases: Phrases:
Sorry, what do you mean by…? Are we (all) agreed?
(By…) do you mean…?
So (in other words), what you’re saying is… Situation: Summarising what you have discussed and
Sorry, did you say… (or…)? agreed, and responding to that
Situation: To come to an agreement. So, to summarise our discussion/ So, to sum up our
Phrases: agreement, …
Maybe we can decide this with a show of hands. Situation: Checking there’s nothing left to talk about,
Please raise your hand if… and replying to that
I think I can suggest a compromise. Phrases:
Can anyone suggest a (possible) compromise? Is there anything else that we need to discuss (before
we finish)?
Situation: Delaying a decision/ Continuing the No, I think we’ve covered everything, thanks.
discussion later If you all don’t mind then, there is just one more thing
Phrases: (that I’d like to discuss/ that we need to discuss).
finishing the meeting, and responding to that (As I said) I’ll (check with my boss and) get in touch/
Phrases: be in contact/ email you (about)…
Anyway, I’m afraid I have another meeting in 10 See you at…/ See you next…/ See you on…/ See you
minutes, so we’ll have to stop there (if you don’t mind). soon. / See you, then./ See you then./ See you later.
Well, I think someone is waiting for this room, so shall
we call it a day (if that’s okay)? Situation: Good small talk questions at the end of a
So, I’d like to be able to discuss this more, but I meeting
know (name) must be somewhere, so we’ll have to Phrase:
come back to it another time, I’m afraid. Do you have to go (straight) back to your office?
(Do you have) any more meetings today?
Situation: Bringing the actual meeting to a close (Are you) finished for today?
Phrases: (Do you have) any plans for the weekend?
So/ Okay/ Right (then), let’s call it a day/ wrap it up Note that these are few common phrases to react and
there (and continue…) (, shall we?) respond politely under certain situations. These phrases
can change or can use differently in given context.
Situation: Friendly language at the end of a meeting
Phrases: Exercise:
Thanks, that was very useful. / Thanks, that was very I. Perform a corporate Role paly and use the
productive. situation and phrases mentioned above in the
Thanks for (all) your (great) contributions/ ideas. classroom.
(They were very helpful). II. Listen the British Council Audios for proper
Thanks for making the time to meet us. / Thanks for pronunciation of the phrases.
taking the time to meet us.
Thanks for inviting us.
It was great to see you (again).
It was (so) nice to (finally) meet you.
Use of Persuading words:
Have a good weekend/ a good trip/ fun/ a good time/ Normally in English language adjectives acts like a
a safe journey. persuasive word to imply language fluency but verbs in
English acts like a miracle in business or corporate
Situation: Talking about future contact environment to show language fluency and etiquettes
I look forward to seeing you again soon. Here are few persuasive words which one can use to
achieve language fluency
Abolish Define Improve Refresh I. Ask students to use each verb in sentences and speak
Accelerate Defuse Increase Replace loudly. Observe and improve the manner of utterance.
Achieve Deliver Innovate Resist II. David students in group give topic for group discussion
Act Deploy Inspire Respond and ask them to use persuading words during the
Adopt Design Intensify Retain
Intonation and Voice Modulation
Align Develop Lead Save The noun modulation has several meanings, including a
Anticipate Diagnose Learn Scan change of key in music or of the sound of a person's voice.
Apply Discover Leverage Segment It always involves deliberate modification or slight
Asses Drive Manage Shatter change, like an actor adjusting his pitch or volume
Avoid Eliminate Master Shave-off depending on the role he's playing or the mood of the
Boost Ensure Maximize Sidestep scene. The Latin root, modulationem, has a musical
Break Establish Measure Simplify meaning: "rhythm, singing and playing, or melody”. In
Bridge Evaluate Mobilize Solve simple words modulation is defined as “manner of
speaking in which the loudness, pitch, or tone of the voice
Build Exploit Motivate stimulate
is modified.” It is rise and fall of voice pitch. Proper
Burn Explore Overcome Stop intonation and voice modulation is key for language
Capture Filter Penetrate Stretch fluency and etiquette.
Change Finalise Persuade Succeed
Choose Find Plan Supplement Intonation is set of rules which helps the listener to
Clarify Foresee Position Take understand how the words are being spoken in languages
Comprehend Gain Prepare Train based on the inflection patterns and emphasis on certain
Confront Gather Prevent Transfer words. When you regulate your voice to express the
emotion it is called as modulation. Using your voice and
Connect Generate Profit Transformed
tone to express your communication more successfully is
Conquer Grasp Raise Understand
very much necessary. It is when you decide whether to be
Convert Identify Realize Unleash loud or soft, faster or slower, dramatic or emotional,
Create Ignite Reconsider Use casual or rational etc. it is considered is one of the
Cross Illuminate Reduce Whittle- significant techniques in business communication.
down Speaker can change the message by changing the tone,
Decide Implement Refers Win stress on words, pitch and tempo of speech while talking.
Effective voice modulation can transform dull technical
Exercise: presentation into audience captivating one.
2. Have students turn to the page in which each word Reference books
is located. Ask the students to read the word in 1. More effective communication 3 J V Vilanilam, Sage
context and try to figure out its meaning. Publication Pvt Ltd.
3. Have students write down what they think each 2. Effective Documentation & Presentation 3 Rai & Raj
word means. Himalaya Publishing house 3Mumbai
4. Discuss possible meanings and arrive at a 3. Commercial Correspondence & Office Management 3 R
definition in this context. S N Pillai & Bhagawati, SChand & Co.
Exercise 2: Self-Collection 4. Communication Today 3 Ray Rubeen, Himalaya
1. Have students collect interesting words from Publishing House 3 Mumbai.
different sources, preferably non-school sources. 5. Business Communication 3 Lesikar & Pettit 3 AITBS 3
2. Have students identify each word and the context Publishers Delhi
in which it is used. 6. The Essence of Effective Communication 3 Ludlow &
3. Next, have them analyse the word using its Panton PHI, N. Delhi.
context, word parts, and dictionary definitions. 7. Developing Communication Skills 3 Krishna Mohan
Questions: and Banerji.
Answer the Following 2 marks 8. Tecchnical writing Process and product (Third
1. What is language fluency? Edition)- Sharon Gerson / Steven Gerson
2. Mention any two types of etiquettes. 9. Linguistic Etiquettes – Ch-23, Gabriel Karper.
3. Name the six levels of language fluency developed 10. Intercultural Discourse and Communication, The
by CEFR essential reading- Scott Kiesling, Christina Bratt
4. What is the full form of CEFR? Paulston.
5. What is Body language?
Answer the following questions 5 marks Reference Website:
1. Write a note on Politeness strategies. 1. Wikipedia
2. Explain Intonation. 2. British Council
3. What is language politeness? 3. Coppyblogger.com
Answer the following questions 10 marks
1. What is language etiquette? Explain with the help Unit III: Business Speeches
of corporate language etiquettes. 1. Principles of Effective Speech and Presentations.
2. Explain Politeness strategies with examples. 2. Speeches: Introduction, Vote of Thanks, Occasional
3. Elaborate intonation and voice modulation with Speech, Theme Speech.
the help of elements of voice modulation. 3. Use of Audio- Visual Aids in Presentations
A speech that is delivered in business for some specific and hard to understand for a few students, but the
purpose is known as business speech.This is also one way fact is that the professor is delivering something
of Business Communication, and the audience has to sit informative.
on a chair for a few hours while the speech is being In simple words, conveying the information which is
delivered. The audience knows it very well that the unknown to the audience is called informative
speech must contain anything that will be beneficial for speaking or speech. The following are some well-
them. known kinds of informative speech.
The main purpose of business speech is to inform the 1. Speeches about Objects : Speeches about the
audience about any specific topic. It really possesses objects are those speeches that are about things that
great value in the field of business. Generally, the grab the attention of the senses of the audience, such
entrepreneur has to deal with public or private speeches as touch, taste, smell, see, or feel. Its main purpose is
on a regular basis. So, for a passionate business to speak about the sensory objects or the things that
candidate, it is necessary to know the basic purpose and have physical shape. It can be about how various
types of business speech. wildlife animals look, what is the smell of medicine
or any favorite song.
Types of Business Speech
The following are three main types of business speech: 2. Speeches about Events : Those speeches that
1. Informative Speech/Speaking inform the audience about historical incidents or
2. Persuasive Speech/Speaking current occasions are called speeches about the
3. Special Occasion Speech/Speaking event. For example, a new president of any country is
delivering a speech on the oath-taking ceremony
Let’s discuss them all below in detail. about future planning or events to be arranged, is a
Informative Business Speech: Informative business speech about the events.
speech or speaking is such a speech that delivers any
information to the audience that they don’t know 3. Speeches about Processes: The main purpose of the
before. In short, such speech, which comprises the speeches about processes is to inform the audience
purpose to deliver useful information to the audience about anything which is currently happening. The
is called informative speech. It can either be called as best example of the speech about the process is a
informative speaking. cooking class where the audience is informed about
Suppose that there is a professor in a class whose how to cook the specific dish by following a process.
topic for the current day is to discuss the theory of
4. Speeches about Concepts : Speeches that inform
relativity given by Albert Einstein. It seems confusing
the audience about any concept such as the peace of
the world, freedom of rights, or love, are called anything, whether it is wrong or right. Its basic
speeches about the concept. Through this kind of purpose is to challenge the ethical or moral aspect of
speech, the audience gets aware of the primary a certain issue. For example, someone chooses to talk
concept of any topic. about capital punishment, whether it is moral or
immoral, right or wrong, should be done or can it be
Persuasive Business Speech: The speech which is prevented; this speech is called a value persuasive
being delivered with the intention of convincing the speech.
audience to accept the opinion, viewpoint or fact and 3. Policy Persuasive Speech : The speech, which is given
create influence on the audience to do something, is to persuade the audience for either following a policy or
called the persuasive business speech or persuasive rejecting it, is known as a Policy Persuasive Speech. Not
speaking. just a policy, but speech about accepting or rejecting a
Suppose four friends are having a debate about rule or a candidate is also a policy persuasive speech.
global warming, each friend is trying to persuade Suppose the president of a country is not satisfied
others to follow or accept their point of view; this can with the present foreign policy and wants to change
be called as a persuasive speech. Same as informative it, the president goes to give a speech to higher
speech, it can be called as persuasive speaking. authorities for convincing them to change the
current foreign policy and support the new policy;
In short, the speech which influences the listeners to this speech is a policy persuasive speech.
follow a certain idea is called a persuasive speech.
The persuasive speech comprises three kinds, which Special Occasion Business Speech: Everyone
are defined briefly below. intentionally or unintentionally, knowingly or
unknowingly becomes part of at leastone special occasion
1. Factual Persuasive Speech : The Factual Persuasive business speech in the whole life span. When a person is
Speech is a speech that is behind concrete proof asked to say a few words on the best friend’s wedding,
about the certainty of anything that has/had parent’s anniversary, boss’s promotion or funeral of any
happened. The main purpose of this speech is to relative, this is called the special occasion speaking or
persuade the listeners whether certain thing special occasion speech.
happened or not, exists or doesn’t exist.
Suppose a student is giving a speech about the first Usually, this kind of speech is delivered to show
man, who landed on the surface of the moon. Nobody respect, kindness and the rapport you share with a
knows whether it did happen or not, yet there is person on a special event. A range of entertaining
availability of concrete proof. speeches also comes under the category of special
2. Value Persuasive Speech : A Value Persuasive occasion speech. The basic purpose of the speech is
Speech is a speech that tells the audience about to point out the importance of a specific
educational areas after the name of Smith’s uncle and span unless he is a priest, minister, imam, rabbi or
Mr. Smith is asked to give a dedication speech. other religious position of leadership.
While on the other hand, toasts can also be delivered Inspirational Speech:
for appreciating someone’s achievements. Finally, a Inspirational speeches are those speeches that
toast is delivered for remembering someone’s provoke the emotions of the audience. At some point,
accomplishments. an inspirational speech can also be a ceremonial
speech. There are two types of inspirational
Roasts: speeches, i.e., goodwill speech and the speech of
The roast speeches are very exciting as well as commencements.
peculiar because their primary purpose is to either
praise a person who is being honored or insult in a
good-natured manner. Mostly, a roast is given in the Goodwill Speeches:
final moment of a dinner party arranged in the honor Goodwill Speeches are delivered to change the
of someone’s achievements. perception of the audience in favor of an
organization or a person. In short, it is an attempt to
Eulogies: create a view of the audience more favorable for a
Before defining the purpose of delivering eulogy person/company. Goodwill Speech can be both
speeches, there should be a little of what a eulogy is. informative and persuasive by nature.
The speech which is given in the honor of a person
who has died is called the eulogy. The eulogy does It delivers information and makes the audience
not mean elegy, which is a song of mourning. approve of one’s opinion. The fact is that a goodwill
speech is delivered on a specific event or gathering.
No one is allowed to deliver eulogies in the entire life The following are three main kinds of Goodwill
Speeches i.e., Public Relations Speech, Justification What is the secret behind speakers who are eloquent
Speech, and an Apology Speech. when speaking to the public? Do you wonder if those
great speakers are born or made?
Public Relations Speech:
The main purpose of delivering public relations Some people are indeed born with a gift of effective
speech is to enhance the reputation of an public speaking but on the other hand, most effective
organization or a person. The speaker tries to speakers have been trained, coached through
convince the audience to accept what is being heard. training and they have mastered the art of public
speaking through practice and delivering many
Justification Speech: presentations which have made them learn.
The speech of justification is given when someone
tries to defend what made a person to take such The aspiration to be a great public speaker like those
critical actions. Mostly, the speaker is already in great speakers can be achieved by following few
worse behavior when delivering a justification principles.
speech and tells the audience the reason for
obtaining such behavior. Here are the basic principles of public speaking
1. Perception: Focus on speech not being Great
Apology Speech: speaker.
Every individual is familiar with the idea of Apology Be yourself and do not focus on the public at expense
Speech. When a actor, singer, politician. Musician, of speaking. Connect yourself well with the audience
professional athlete, or celebrity gets caught doing because the audience will always prefer to listen to
something inappropriate, them he/she decides to someone interestingand relaxed.
apologize publicly for making such mess. This is Make your speech more conversational and if you can
called an Apology Speech. have a relaxed conversation with two people, then you
can deliver a great speech. Conversations can be made
Speech of Commencement: with good connectionbetween you and the audience.
Speech of Commencement happens when celebrating
the unique achievement of any person. Mostly, this 2. Perfection: Do not compel yourself to be perfect.
type of business speech is delivered when a person ‘To err is human’ goes the famous adage. Even the
gets graduation from school. At some point in life, most competent and experienced speakers make
every individual has gone through a speech of mistakes. When you make a mistake while speaking,
commencement. do not stop but keep going. Do not apologize to the
audience in case you make a mistake because some
Principles of Effective Speech: may not realize the mistake. Nobody is perfect so do
Repetition is a powerful tool, especially in a speech. topic. Or ask people to take an action, such as promise
Audiences tend to absorb only a small portion of what to write to a decision-maker or to contribute to a
they hear, so it’s good to make your point several cause.
8. Use presentation aids if appropriate - Charts and
4. Get the attention of the room - Your opening should tables quickly convey data, and photographs can offer
engage listeners immediately. Engage them with a compelling support. Incorporate visuals into your
unique personal story that is relevant to your topic. Or speech if they’ll make it more powerful. Know what
try a specific reference to the location. Most people will technology will be available for you to share these
appreciate a speaker who says she’s glad to be in visuals. And be prepared to do without them in case
Australia in January. Other good ways to begin a something goes wrong with the equipment.
speech are - ask a question, report a surprising statistic
related to your topic, find an opposite quotation. 9. Write for the ear, not for the eye - Once you’ve
finished a draft of your speech, practice reading it out
5. Organize your speech - Structure your speech loud. You’ll hear anything that sounds awkward.
according to your purpose. If your goal is to inform, try Revise so youare more comfortable giving your speech.
a chronological or alphabetical organization. When You want to sound natural, no matter what the
your goal is to convince your audience to take a stand, occasion.
introduce the problem and then propose a solution.
Use transitions between your examples, so people can 10. Time yourself - Have someone else run the
follow your logic. stopwatch, so you won’t be distracted. Read slowly and
6. Offer examples, statistics, and quotations - You clearly. Include pauses for emphasis or for audience
need evidence to support what you’re saying. Try reaction if you’re saying something that might cause
examples from history, current events, and your own listeners to laugh or gasp. If you’re over your time
life. Consult government sources for statistics. Use limit, you’ll need to edit to shorten your speech.
quotations from experts in the field. Don’t overdo
quotations, though: most of the words in your speech Introduction Speeches:
should be your own. Check your facts4inaccuracies Introduction speeches are short speeches used in
will undermine your credibility.\ business and personal situations to introduce another
person. The speeches should be positive, complimentary
7. Craft a powerful conclusion - Keep it short, and short. The introduction speech includes some
memorable, and to the point. Consider ending with a personal information about the person you are
concrete, vivid image or anecdote that illustrates your introducing, and it is relevant to their current situation.
Using humor in an introduction speech can be good, but You should also take care to thank the participants and
you need to keep it family friendly so not to cause offence. the people who would be a part of the event.
The introduction speech could start like this:
"I'd like to take a few moments to introduce Mr. Roy our A Vote of Thanks is probably the last item for any event 3
new warehouse manager. He's new to the company and be it Teacher’s Day, Annual Day, Birthday Party, the list
to the area so I'm sure we'll all be able to show him a goes on. Keep it short and simple. You can start your vote
warm welcome." It may include something of their of thanks speech by greeting everyone present or with a
background: good quote on gratitude, followed by the list ofguests you
have to extend your thanks on behalf of the
"Mr. Roy has worked for over 20 years in warehouse organization or the party that is hosting the event. It is
management and I know this experience will benefit us then that you thank the participants and everyone who
all. His knowledge of warehouse systems and his ability has been there for the event. Finally, you can end by
to instigate improvements will be essential for us to move thanking the hosts for having given you the opportunityto
forward as a business." represent them.
role, he will oversee the entire sales staff and lead and co-workers at the branch are highly honest, punctual,
generation efforts to drive in new clients. He will also expert, and reliable that can be regarded as the true asset
take over the duties of Mr. Philip, who is retiring next for the organization. I thank you all for being a part of my
month. journey so far and I hope the same from all of you ahead.
For any inquiries about what Alan’s new position entails THANK YOU
and its correlation with yourworking relationship, please
feel free to contact me. Example: Business Launch Speech
I hope you’ll join me in congratulating Alan on his Hello everyone, I am here today to present to you all, our
outstanding contributions to his department and this upcoming launch for our new business venture which is
organization, and we’re wishing him the best of luck in LOFT CREATIONS. Many of you are already aware that we
his future position. have been working hard over the past 2 years to be able
Best Wishes. to get to where we are today and be ready to move
forward with this exciting new venture. I will be
Example: Acceptance of Promotion Speech introducing you all to the much awaited and exciting
The CEO, The Director, my seniors, and co-workers, and moment and unfold this venture. We will be aiming to
the respected audience. reach our proposed sales targets in the next six months.
We are well aware of the current, economic difficulties
I owe all the deepest congratulation and heartiest present within our sector and this will mean that we need
appreciation to exemplary cooperation and to get extra creative and aggressive in our sales methods
encouragement by my seniors and colleagues without and marketing ideas. Tough times are for us to get
which I could never reach such a dignified position. I am tougher and not use the current climate as a negative
pleased and honored to accept the position of Branch block but rather an energizing springboard for new ideas
Manager with a great passion for the company, the with our new company. I don't want any of you to feel
position, and the entire team. that you are not able to ask questions or make some
smart suggestions and I truly welcome any helpful ideas
I believe that all the effort of my entire team made me that any of you might have so please feel free to ask me
capable of being considered for this position. I do hope now or if you prefer in private after the meeting, I will
and wish that together we all will continue the same really appreciate the fast thinking! We are launching a
professional atmosphere in the branch and we’ll make new business venture which we are hoping to be able to
this branch the best in the city and the country one day. I capture a new audience with. Yes, there will be pressure
have worked with this team when I started my job with a on our finances this year, but we have studied this in
low position, and I have observed that all of the seniors depth with our accounting managers and we feel satisfied
specific action. Motivational presentation use persuasive all, they have completely different target
tactics. These presentations, though, focus more audiences.
extensively on igniting the emotions and feelings of the These presentations can be quite useful in a business
audience. Sales managers, for example, may give a environment, working favorably to present current
motivational speech during the annual sales meeting, just customer information or the company’s performance
as a coach will make a motivational speech to a football in a given timeframe. But even those can present a
team at halftime. Understanding your audience’s challenge if you are not capable of providing a
priorities, concerns, and motivations will help you to spur satisfactory assessment of your audience. That is
your audience to action. why understanding your audience is the funda-
mental step to create better business presentations.
Celebration: To better assess who will be consuming your
Other business presentations serve the purpose of business presentation and what needs should be
celebrating some aspect of business culture or some met when building it, start by listing the following
individual or group in a business community. Celebratory information about the persona:
business presentations include toasts given at dinners a. Gender
and events, goodwill speeches made on historically b. Age
significant dates, inspirational speeches given during a c. Industry
memorial or eulogy, and congratulatory messages d. Organization
recognizing achievements. These presentations help to e. Familiarity with the subject
demonstrate an individual’s commitment to the company The more information you can gather about
and his coworkers and to show the company’s your audience, the easier it will be to build an
commitment to its employees and its ideals. Developing impactful presentation that gets a message
celebratory business presentations often involves across.
researching your subject and practicing your delivery, as Organize your information and data-
well as considering the needs and concerns of your Another important step to creating powerful
audience. business presentations is understanding the
Tips to build an effective business presentation information within. The sooner you create a
Know your audience in advance precise persona of whom your company is
The first step to building a powerful business presenting information to, the sooner you will be
presentation is to familiarize yourself with the able to organize the data that is needed in your
target market. Corporate presentations, shown presentation. Data is the best resource a presenter
internally, vary widely from the ones a business has at their disposal to convince their audience of
might build to gain interest from customers. After the benefits of buying into a project, getting a
product, or investing in an idea. So, choose Whether you present your data in pie charts, bar
carefully which data you will include in your graphs, or complex interactive tools, the choice
business presentation and how itwill be shown. should be informed and work in favor of the
Data literacy is a subject that has been gaining businesses’ goals.
traction in companies. It is considered a Think of how people will consume your
fundamental skill in the 21st century as data presentation. Will they see it on their computers,
literacy can inform better decisions and reduce on a large screen, in groups, or alone? This will
feedback loops when answering important help you determine things such as font size,color
business questions. The subject also comes to palette, and the scale for the presented data.
mind when talking about business presentations. Set up a personal mindset
The stronger the level of data literacy of your If you work for a corporation, you probably see
audience, the easier it will be to deliver many presentations every day. So, when building
information with little challenge. But a presenter yours, you will want to use your creative thinking
must also work on their data literacy, sothey can skills to the max. To do so, you will need to focus
pick the relevant data to include in a corporate not only on making the presentation itself but also
presentation. on your mindset.
Make sure that every piece of information Establish targets for your presentation, define its
included in the presentation adds a sharper scope, and learn from the best. Steve Jobs once
context to the concept you are presenting and said that “a lot of times people don’t know what
works in favor of informing decision-making. they want to see until you show them”, and he
Layering is a good strategy to present many data, was one of the greatest lecturers the world has
but don’t lose your audience attention. ever seen.
Choose an adequate layout for your Study how you are going to deliver your
presentation- presentation and, most important of all, make sure
As much as data is important to convince your you believe in the idea you are introducing to the
audience, the way you choose to present it is also target audience. This will go a great length in making
relevant to how it will be perceived by the targets. your business presentation a hit.
Creating an elegant presentation is paramount to Prepare Q & A with the audience
its success because it makes it so much easier to Do you want to know the secret to successful
deliver ideas clearly and concisely. There are business presentations? Any experienced lecturer
many ways to present information to your will provide you the same answer to this question
audience and picking the right data visualization 4 preparedness.
tools is an important step towards succeeding. A presenter should completely master the subject
they are addressing in their business presentation, presentations, thereby increasing your effectiveness in
understanding its nuances and challenges, so they both.
can deliver the message accurately. 1. YOUR BEST STYLE IS RELAXED CONVERSATION
One way to do that is to prepare a little Q&A for 2. BE YOURSELF
afterward. When studying for your Q&A, consider 3. RELAXED CONVERSATION IS TWO-WAY
your persona’s pains, how they relate to the 4. RELAXED CONVERSATION IS RECEIVER-DRIVEN
information that was presented, and what 5. LESS IS MORE
answers you can offer to various scenarios. 6. PEOPLE CAN LISTEN OR THINK
Write those answers down, study them, and review 7. PEOPLE WON'T REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAY
the subject at hand. That will help you engage with 8. THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK
your audience after a presentation, making it 9. SILENCE IS ESSENTIAL
easier to sell a given idea or product.
In case you are presented with questions you YOUR BEST STYLE IS RELAXED CONVERSATION -
haven’t prepared for or can’t answer at the spot, Every day of your life, you convey your messages and
take a note for your next presentation. Use that your personality while engaged in conversation. You
information to guide you in the future and to should therefore emulate conversation in your
understand the persona even better. presentations. You’re not there to "download"
Principles of Effective Presentations information. You are there to create understanding that is
Every time you stand in front of a group, you must based on a two-way exchange, and to facilitate an
achieve two basic goals. First, you need to communicate a environment in which people can apply what you tell
message. And second, you need to communicate your them to their personal or professional life.
personality 4 who you are as a professional and an
individual. If “the medium is the message,” your If you see a puzzled expression, don’t wait for them to ask
personality is the window through which the message a question. Handle it the same way you would in a
must travel to be received, understood and acted upon conversation. Ask them if there is something you can
by the audience. explain more effectively. Allow questions throughout
your presentations. But be brief with your answers.
You convey your message and your personality every day Questions are an opportunity to create milestones of
of your life in relaxed conversation. And relaxed mutual understanding. But remember, you pass
conversation is, therefore, your best possible milestones.
communication style. By understanding the following
principles, you can sharpen the skills youʼve acquired BE YOURSELF - You are unique. You have your own way
one- on-one and transfer those skills to group of speaking and your own mannerisms 3 how you talk,
how you stand, how you hold your hands. To convey your relaxed conversation, the speed at which information
personality to a group, you must express yourself in a goes from sender to receiver is driven by the receiver's
manner similar to the ways in which you express yourself needs, not the senders. During a conversation, if the
one-on-one. If you are expressive with your hands one- person listening doesn't signal that he or she understands
on-one, it's OK to be expressive with your hands when 4 with a "nod" or by saying "uhhuh" 4 the sender stops
talking to a group. In fact, it's essential. You know it's to create a milestone of mutual understanding before
important to be on your best behavior. You know there moving on. If the sender doesn’t do this, the receiver will
are certain standards that you must meet. You must dress stop listening. The same applies to your presentations. If
appropriately. You must be attentive to answer the you talk nonstop, you will quickly lose your audience.
questions asked. Instead, make sure the information you’re sending is
driven by the audience’s needs, not yours. If you throw
Your body language must be natural. And what is natural out an idea that creates puzzled expressions, it’s probably
for you is probably not natural for someone else, or vice- a good time to stop and ask: “Are there any questions?”
versa, which is why we hesitate in setting rules for
gestures you should use or the body language you use LESS IS MORE - The less you say, the more your audience
should attempt to convey. remember. Do not cram too much information in the
presentation as it doesn’t foster two-way communication.
RELAXED CONVERSATION IS TWO-WAY - To be And you certainly won’t be receiver-driven. How can you
effective, relaxed conversation must be two-way. Indeed, be? If you have one hour for your presentation, bring 30
by definition, all communication must be two-way. Even if minutes of information. This leaves plenty of time for
one person does most of the talking in a conversation, he questions, enables you to finish on time or a bit early, and
or she is looking for a response, and stopping to answer allows you time for networking towards the end of the
questions. The speaker quickly recognizes that a blank session.
look means the receiver is not listening. He or she will
respond by changing tactics -- pausing to let the listener PEOPLE CAN LISTEN OR THINK - As human beings, we
catch up or asking if there is a question. Your can either listen or we can think. But virtually none of us
presentations, like your conversations, must be two-way. can listen and think at the same time. By definition, this
If you treat people with respect, and create a two-way means that you must “pause” when delivering your
process in which their questions are answered clearly presentations. And those pauses must be as full and as
and concisely, you stand a better chance of having them frequent in your presentations as they are in your
use or act on the information you present. conversations. You want your seminars to be thought
provoking. You want people to think about what you’re
RELAXED CONVERSATION IS RECEIVER-DRIVEN - In a saying and apply it to their personal situation. But while
they’re thinking, if you’re talking, they won’t hear a word pausing. We call this the second pause. The first pause is
you say. If you talk nonstop, members of the audience will for you to think. The second is for them to think. During
miss large portions of what you say. They’ll rush to catch your presentations, remember that you’re not there to
up once or twice. After that, they’ll give up. And, if they prove that you can talk nonstop. You’re there to provide
give up, your chances of doing further business with them information that people can think about and apply to
decreases proportionately. their own personal circumstances. But remember, they
can only think in silence 4 whether you provide that
PEOPLE WON'T REMEMBER WHAT YOU SAY - silence, or they take it for themselves. If you lose your
Participants at your presentations will not remember place or your audience, pause. If you’re lost, the pause
your exact words. Instead, they will remember what they allows you to think about where you are, where you’re
thought about what you said 4 how they took your going, and what you need to say. If they’re lost, the pause
information and applied it to their frame of reference. But will help them find their way back so they can listen to
this process can only occur in silence, whether you give your ideas again and relate those ideas to their personal
them that silence, or they take it for themselves. frame of reference.
Other Sources of Visual Interest - Consider other information at once. They will comprehend better if the
sources of visual interest such as: · cartoons or information is presented in stages and will anticipate
illustrations cut from magazines or newspapers, clip art what is coming next.
available at graphics supply stores or from graphic
software packages Videotape - Do not turn out the lights and show the
entire videotape from start to finish. Your audience will
Use of audio and visual aids - Prior to the Presentation probably use this time to take a nap. When using a
include the audio and visual aids in the rehearsal of the videotape during your presentation, stop and start the
presentation to ensure everything will run smoothly. videotape at logical breaks. A videotape may be used to
Ideally, do a quick rehearsal in the room you will be introduce a new topic or point of discussion during your
using, prior to the actual presentation. Make sure each aid presentation.
is appropriate for the size of the room and can be seen by
all participants. During the Presentation Use a variety of How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation
audio and visual aids. A mix of aids during your 1. Open a blank presentation again or start from one
presentation helps to maintain interest. Do not overuse you've already created.
audio aids because the lack of visual stimuli can be If you've already created a presentation, double click the
boring. Ensure the use of the audio and visual aids does icon to open the existing file. Otherwise, open Microsoft
not interrupt the flow of the presentation. Bring the PowerPoint, click "File" in the top left corner, and click
visual aid out when you are ready to use it and put it "New Presentation." From there, you can follow the
away when you are done with it. Stand to one side of the prompts to set up a new presentation.
visual aid and use a pointer.
Overhead Transparencies - When using overhead 1. Microsoft offers built-in themes and color variations
transparencies, arrange the frames in the order in which to help you design your slides with a cohesive look.
you will show them and in a direction that does not To choose from these pre-built themes, choose the
require turning when put on the projector. Place the stack "File" tab again, select "New", choose one of the
in a place that is easy to access and set shown frames in a options, and click "Create." Choose a "theme" or
separate stack so they will not get mixed up. Place create your own.
transparencies in cardboard frames or place a piece of Otherwise, you can use PowerPoint elements, your design
paper between them to avoid “static cling”. sense, and your brand's color palette to make your own
Overhead Transparencies and Slides - An effective way
to use slides and transparencies is to reveal a portion of 2. Create a variety of slides for different purposes.
the slide as you describe it to the audience. Using this
approach, the audience is not overwhelmed by too much
You don't want to present the same exact slide, just find something that suits your liking. To remove a
with different content on it. This would bore your transition, select "Transitions" and click "None."
audience. Ensure that you create multiple variations,
accommodating some of the common uses for slides. 5. Add animations to your slides (optional).
At minimum, you'll need: Like transitions, animations can add movement,
A title slides reveal information, and help you underscore the
An agenda or table of contents slide A slide that points you want to hit during your speech. To
introduces the speaker animate an element, follow these steps:
Various content slides (create different layouts Select the element you want animated by clicking on
considering what kind of multimedia you'lluse) it.Choose "Animations" from the top ribbon.
You'll have the option to choose from several effects
3. Use the Duplicate Slides feature to save you time displayed in the ribbon.Clicking on one will give you a
There's no reason to create these designs over and preview.
over again. Now that you have a few to draw from, To customize the animation, select "Effect Options."
you can simply duplicate them before inputting your To remove an animation, click "None" in the ribbon.
content. Here's how to do that: Some of the ways to customize animations include:
On the left pane, right click the thumbnail of the slide On Click with PreviousAfter PreviousDuration Delay
you want to duplicate. Choose "Duplicate Slide" from These describe how you want the effect to behave, so
the pop-up menu. play around with them until you find an effect that
This will automatically add a copy of this slide to suits your liking.
the presentation. From there, you can customize it You'll also have the option to move animations
for your needs. around as you edit your slides with the "Reorder
Animation" function in the top ribbon.
4. Add transitions to your slides (optional).
Done well, transitions can add a little bit of 6. Save your presentation.
movement and showmanship to your presentation. Click "File" and "Save", making sure to specify which
PowerPoint has several transitions built in for you to folder or destination you want your PowerPoint to be
choose from. stored.
To access them, select the "Transitions" tab from the
top ribbon. From there, you can select a transition for 7. Run your presentation.
it to preview on your screen. To customize it further, It's always good to do a trial run to ensure that your
click "Effect Options" and play with the features to slides are set up properly and your animations fire
they way you expect them to.
To present your PowerPoint, go to the "Slide Recent PPT defaults include a small shadow on all shapes.
Show" tab and click "Play from Start". The slide will Remove this shadow if it's not actually needed. Also, don’t
cover your whole screen, blocking out your desktop leave shapes in their default blue.
and PowerPoint software. This is so your audience
(in this case, you for the trial run) is solely focused on 2. Create custom slide sizes. : While you usually can get
the visual elementsof your presentation. away with the default slide size for most presentations,
you may need to adjust it for larger presentations on
8. Advance the slides. weirdly sized displays. If you need to do that, here's
When you're done with one slide and want to show how.
the next in your sequence, click your mouse in
presentation mode. This will advance the slide. In the top-left corner, choose "File."Select "Page Setup."
Type the height and width of the background you'd like
Styles of PowerPoint and click "OK." A dialogue box will appear. Click "OK"
1. Don’t let PowerPoint decide how you use again.
PowerPoint.: Microsoft wanted to provide Your background is resized!
PowerPoint users with a lot of tools. But this does not
mean you should use them all. Here are some key 3. Edit your slide template design.: Often, it's much
things to look out for: easier to edit your PowerPoint template before you
Make sure that present PPT themes complement your start -- this way, you don't have design each slide by
needs before you adopt them. hand. Here's how you do that.
Try to get away from using Microsoft Office’s default
fonts, Calibri and Cambria. Usingthese two typefaces can Select "Themes" in the top navigation.
make the presentation seem underwhelming. In the far right, click "Edit Master," then "Slide Master."
Professionals should never use PPT’s action sounds. Make any changes you like, then click "Close Master."
(Please consider your audience above personal All current and future slides in that presentation will use
preference). that template.
PowerPoint makes bulleting automatic, but ask yourself: 4. Write text with your audience in mind.: A significant
Are bullets actually appropriate for what you need to do? part of a PowerPoint's content is text. Great copy can
Sometimes they are, but not always. make or break your presentation, so evaluating your
written work from a few different angles could make
you seem more persuasive. Thinking about how your
text is received differentiates good presenters from the 6. Use "Format Menus" to better control your objects'
best. designs.:v Format menus allow you to do fine
adjustments that otherwise seem impossible. To do
Typography: this, right click on an object and select the "Format"
Many people underestimate the influence of typeface, but option. Here, you can fine-tune shadows, adjust shape
choosing the right font is important. The perception of measurements, create reflections, and much more.
your font type could influence your audience's
impression of you. The right font is an opportunity to Although the main options can be found on
convey consistent brand personality and professionalism. PowerPoint’s format toolbars, look for complete
control in the format window menu. Other examples of
Some fonts are seen as clean and professional, but this options available include:
doesn't mean they're boring. A common mistake is
thinking your font isn't "exciting" enough, which could Adjusting text inside a shape.
lead you to choose a font that distracts from your overall
message. Creating a natural perspective shadow behind an
object. Recolouring photos manually and with
5. Make sure all of your objects are properly aligned.: automatic options.
Having properly aligned objects on your slide is the
key to making it look polished and professional. You 7. Take advantage of PowerPoint's shapes. : Many
can manually try to line up your images ... but we all users don’t realize how flexible PowerPoint’s shape
know how that typically works out. You're trying to tools have become. In combination with the expanded
make sure all of your objects hang out in the middle of format options released by Microsoft in 2010, the
your slide, but when you drag them there, it still potential for good design with shapes is readily
doesn't look quite right. Get rid of your guessing game available. PowerPoint provides the user with a bunch
and let PowerPoint work its magic with this trick. of great shape options beyond the traditional
rectangle, oval, and rounded rectangle patterns, unlike
How to align multiple objects: even professional design programs like Adobe Creative
Suite or Quark.
Select all objects by holding down "Shift" and clicking
on all of them. Select "Arrange" in the top options bar, Today’s shapes include a highly functional Smart
then choose "Align or Distribute." Choose the type of Shapes function, which enables you to create diagrams
alignment you'd like. and flow charts in no time. These tools are especially
valuable when you consider that PowerPoint is a visual
medium. Paragraphing and bullet lists are boring -- Choose "Crop," then "Mask to Shape," and then choose
you can use shapes to help express your message more your desired shape. Ta-da! Custom- shaped photos.
10. Present websites within PowerPoint.:Tradition
8. Create custom shapes.: When you create a shape, says that if you want to show a website in a
right click and press "Edit Points." By editing points, PowerPoint, you should just create link to the page
you can create custom shapes that fit your specific and prompt a browser to open. For PC users, there’s a
need. For instance, you can reshape arrows to fit the better option.
dimensions you like.
Third party software that integrates fully into
Another option is to combine two shapes together. PowerPoint’s developer tab can be used to embed a
When selecting two shapes, right-click and go to the website directly into your PowerPoint using a normal
"Grouping" sub-menu to see a variety of options. HTML iframe. One of the best tools is Live Web, a third-
party software developed independently.
Combine creates a custom shape that has overlapping
portions of the two previous shapes cut out. By using Live Web, you don’t have to interrupt your
PowerPoint, and your presentation will remain fluid and
Union makes one completely merged shape. natural. Whether you embed a whole webpage or just a
YouTube video, this can be a high-quality third-party
Intersect builds a shape of only the overlapping improvement.
sections of the two previous shapes. Subtract cuts out
the overlapping portion of one shape from the other. Unfortunately, Mac users don’t have a similar option. A
By using these tools rather than trying to edit points good second choice is to take screen shots of the website,
precisely, you can create accurately measured custom link in through a browser, or embed media (such as a
shapes. YouTube video) by downloading it directly to your
9. Crop images into custom shapes. :Besides creating
custom shapes in your presentation, you can also use 11. Try Using GIFs. : GIFs are looped animated images
PowerPoint to crop existing images into new shapes. used to communicate a mood, idea, information, and
Here's how you do that: much more. Users add GIFs to PowerPoints to be
funny or quickly demo a process. It's easy to add GIFs
Click on the image and select "Format" in the options to your slides. To do so, simply follow these steps:
Download and save the GIF you want. Go to the slide you Avoid paragraphs and long quotes. Maintain "white
want the GIF on. space" or "negative space".
Keep percentages, graphs, and data super basic.
Go to the "Home" tab and click either "Insert" or
"Picture". 13. Embed your font files.: One constant problem
presenter has with PowerPoint is that fonts seem to
From the "Picture" drop-down menu, choose "Picture change when presenters move from one computer to
from File". another. In reality, the fonts are not changing -- the
Navigate to where you saved your GIF and select it. Then, presentation computer just doesn’t have the same
choose "Insert". font files installed. If you’re using a PC andpresenting
on a PC, then there is a smooth work around for this
To play the animated GIF, click the "Slide Show" tab and issue.
then "Play from Current Slide".
14. Save your slides as JPEGs. : There is no option to
12. Keep it simple: PowerPoint is an excellent tool to embed fonts within the presentation. So, unless you
support your presentation with visual information, use ubiquitous typefaces like Arial or Tahoma, your
graphics, and supplemental points. This means that PPT is likely going to encounter font changes on
your PowerPoint should not be your entire different computers.
presentation. Your slides -- no matter how creative
and beautiful -- shouldn't be the star of the show. The most certain way of avoiding this is by saving your
Keep your text and images clear and concise, using final presentation as JPEGs, and theninserting these JPEGs
them only to supplement your message and onto your slides. Users can easily drag and drop the JPEGs
authority. into PPT with fast load time. If you do not use actions in
your presentation, then this option works especially well.
If your slides have dense and cluttered information, it will
both distract your audience and make it much more likely If you want your presentation to appear "animated,"
that you will lose their attention. Nothing in your slides you'll need to do a little tinkering. All you need to do is
should be superfluous! Keep your presentation save JPEGs of each "frame" of the animation. Then, in
persuasive by keeping it clean. There are a few ways to do your final presentation, you’ll just display those JPEGs in
this: the order you'd like the animation to appear. While you'll
technically have several new slides in place of one
Limit bullet points and text. original one, your audience won't know the difference.
An important consideration: If your PPT includes a lot of 1. Remember that you are the presenter, not
JPEGs, then the file size will increase. PowerPoint. Use your slides to emphasize a point,
keep yourself on track, and illustrate a point with a
15. Embed multimedia.: PowerPoint allows you to graphic or photo. Don’t read the slides.
either link to video/audio files externally or to 2. Don’t make your audience read the slides either.
embed the mediadirectly in your presentation. Keep text to a minimum (6-8 lines per slide, no more
than 30 words per slide). The bullet points should be
Embedding allows you to play media directly in your headlines, not news articles. Write in sentence
presentation. It will look much more professional than fragments using key words and keep your font size
switching between windows. 24 or bigger.
3. Make sure your presentation is easy on the eyes. Stay
Embedding also means that the file stays within the away from weird colours and busy backgrounds. Use
PowerPoint presentation, so it should play normally easy-to-read fonts such as Arial and Times New
without extra work. Roman for the bulk of your text, and, if you have to
use a funky font, use it sparingly.
16. Bring your own hardware.: Between operating 4. Never include anything that makes you announce, “I
systems, PowerPoint is still a bit jumpy. Even don’t know if everyone can read this, but….” Make
between differing PPT versions, things can change. sure they can read it before you begin. Print out all
One way to fix these problems is to make sure that your slides on standard paper and drop them to the
you have the right hardware -- so just bring along floor. The slides are probably readable if you can
your own laptop when you're presenting. read them while you’re standing.
17. Use "Presenter View.": In most presentation 5. Leave out the sound effects and background music,
situations, there will be both a presenter’s screen and unless it’s related to the content being presented. If
the main projected display for your presentation. you haven’t made arrangements with the conference
PowerPoint has a great tool called Presenter View, coordinator before your presentation, your audience
which can be found in the "Slide Show" tab of members might not be able to hear your sound
PowerPoint 2010. Included in the Presenter View is effects anyway. The same goes for animated graphics
an area for notes, a timer/clock, and a presentation and imbedded movie files. Your sounds and animated
display. graphics will not be functional on the synchronized
version of your webcast.
6. Sure, you can make the words boomerang onto the
Top Eight Rules for Creating a PowerPoint slide, but you don’t have to. Stick with simple
Presentation. animations if you use them at all. Remember that
some of your audience may have learning disabilities presentation tools that may be useful in preparing a
such as dyslexia, and swirling words can be a tough presentation.
challenge. These animations will not be functional in 1. Visme 3 Visme is a cloud-based presentation tool that
the webcast version. allows you to create highly visual presentations to
7. Proofread, proofread, proofread. You’d hate to engage viewers and communicate your ideas. It
discover that you misspelled your company’s name features an intuitive, drag-and-drop design method
during your presentation in front of 40 colleagues, for creating presentations.
with your boss in the front row. 2. Haiku Deck- Haiku Deck is a platform that prioritizes
8. Practice, practice, practice. The more times you go simplicity. Business owners can create elegant, basic
through the presentation, the less you’ll have to rely presentations with high-quality images. The spartan
on the slides for cues and the smoother your approach allows for connecting with audiences
presentation will be. PowerPoint software allows you instead of losing them in information overload due to
to make notes on each slide, and you can print out the text-heavy slides.
notes versions if you need help with pronunciations 3. Pitcherific - Pitcherific is not only a presentation
or remembering what comes next. solution, but also a platform for building and
practicing your presentation. It's a template-based
Making a presentation should not take too much of your program that guides you through the presentation
time. This is only one aspect of your whole presentation, creation process. Instead of drafting a few slides,
and there are more important aspects of a presentation Pitcherific prompts you to write out the areas of each
than this. Therefore, you should make your presentation part of your speech.
in the most efficient way possible. 4. Canva - Canva is an online platform that provides
Team collaboration is necessary to prepare a templates for a wide range of business-related
presentation in order to save time. This saves you from publications, like resumes, newsletters, business
multiple drafts in emails that often lead to confusion cards, media kits, brochures and infographics. You
within your team. This isn’t what you want for your can also use it to construct presentations.
project and it’s a complete waste of time. 5. SlideCamp provide slide templates for creating
company presentations. You can adjust colour
What your team needs is a presentation tool that allows schemes, add company logos, import charts and data,
your team to collaborate even if they are working build infographics, and organize presentations into
remotely. This allows many people to work on the same sections with SlideCamp. This is a great solution for
project/presentation simultaneously and keep everyone maintaining presentation consistency across multiple
updated of the changes. Here are a few collaborative presentations from your organization.
6. Microsoft Events - While PowerPoint may be a tired 1. What are the different types of business speech?
way to handle a business presentation at times, 2. Define Persuasive speech.
Microsoft has other tools that can introduce a new 3. What are the kinds of persuasive speech?
level of practicality to the standard presentation. It 4. What is apology speech?
recently introduced the ability to create live and on- 5. Define Eulogy.
demand events in Microsoft 365. 6. What are the occasions for a toast?
7. Powtoon 3 Powtoon is an animated presentation and
7. What is the purpose of introductory speech?
video platform for creating short informational
8. Name any 4 types of ceremonial speech.
videos and presentations about your brand or
product. Explainer videos are an important part of a 9. Define occasional speech. Mention few occasions that
brand's message, and Powtoon is an affordable tool demands speech.
for creating animated videos and presentations to 10. Explain the importance of visualization for effective
educate consumers and clients about your business. presentation.
8. VideoScribe is a whiteboard video presentation 11. Mention the different visual aids used for a
platform that allows small businesses to customize presentation.
their presentations to fit their needs. These videos, 12. Why is it important for a speaker to know the
which feature a whiteboard and hand that "draws" audience?
different objects and slides in the presentation, are 13. Mention the importance of Time Management in
ideal for quick explainers and marketing videos on effective presentation.
your business or product. 14. Define two-way conversation.
9. Prezi is another template-based presentation
15. What is receiver driven conversation?
solution that you can use to create persuasive and
engaging presentations with unique movement 16. Explain the importance of silence in presentation.
between "slides" and key points. Prezi maps out your 17. Name few audio aids used for a presentation.
whole presentation on an overall track that you 18. Why can GIFs be used in presentation?
decide. 19. What are the factors to consider knowing the
These are few tools you can work simultaneously with 20. How should a presenter prepare for a Q and A
your team and make a presentation that best conveys the session?
Answer the following questions: 5 marks
Questions: 1. Explain informative business speech and types of
informative business speech.
Answer the following questions: 2 marks 2. Describe the different types of persuasive speech.
3. Write an introductory speech in 200-250 words 4. Explain the principles of public speaking.
introducing the new team leader to theteam. 5. What are the guidelines to prepare an effective
4. Imagine you are launching a new product, write a speech?
speech in 150-200 words explaining the product 6. Elaborate on the different types of occasional speech.
and marketing strategies. 7. Explain the purpose of business presentation.
5. You have been promoted as Sales Head of your 8. Explain the basis on which audio-visual aid should be
company. Prepare a promotion acceptance speech
in about 250 words.
9. What are the guidelines for preparation public
6. Mr. Rai is retiring from your company after
completing 40 long years of service. Prepare a speech?
farewell speech of 250 words for the retirement References:
ceremony of Mr.Rai. 1. https://blog.bit.ai/presentation-tools/
7. What are the guidelines for using audio visual
2. https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/6525-
8. Write a speech thanking the guest of honour who
inaugurated the new branch of yourcompany. 3. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-
9. Explain how to prepare an effective presentation. a-presentation-in-powerpoint-422250f8-5721-4cea-
10. Define business speech and explain the purpose of 92cc-202fa7b89617
business speech. 4. https://www.mcgill.ca/skillsets/files/skillsets/powe
5. https://www.oberlo.in/blog/best-motivational-
Answer the following questions: 10 marks 6. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/publicspeaking/
1. Explain in detail the procedure to prepare a power chapter/types-of-special-occasion-speeches/
point presentation.
2. What are the principles of an effective presentation?
3. Mention the kinds of persuasive speech and explain.
Cross Cultural Communication refers to the process in As world becomes increasingly accessible and shifting
which different cultural backgrounds people adjust to toward more digital collaboration across borders it’s
improve communication with one another. It requires important to study Cross cultural communication. Due to
understanding the similarities and differences of people the growth of global business, internet and technology,
from distinct cultural backgrounds. today’s workplace is more closely connected than ever
Written language difference: Arabic language is written In a single day, we can communicate with a colleague in
from right to left and almost all other languages are America, a business partner in Germany, and a customer
written from left to right. in Japan. But its bit more complicated to have diversity
among co- workers and customers with people from
Eye contact: different backgrounds.
- In Australia direct eye contact show you are honest.
In some Asian countries it means that you are not According to the recent survey more than 59% of youths
respectful. are willing to emigrate for jobs in different regions,
countries and continents. It’s result in the increase of
In Corporate sector it’s necessary to understand Cross- cultural diversity in thecompany or workplace.
cultural communication. Because around the world
companies have grown into new countries, regions and Several factors influence for the prevention of successful
continents, which has caused people of different cross-cultural communication in the global workplace.
cultures to move and learn to adjust to their Unwillingness to open communication also one of the
surroundings. People try to negotiate, exchange, and significant issues faced in global workplace. This prevents
intermediate cultural differences through verbal and individuals ‘relationships and correspondence in the
non-verbal formsof communication workplace.
Successful business allows for frequent and effectual Lack of effective Cross Cultural Communication
communication. Frequently employees suffer from Example:
constant miscommunications and insufficient Companies stress on the significance of communication in
understandings. Cross-cultural communication is not many situations, many instances depict the problems
confined to only for people in management positions. All caused by lack of effective cross-cultural communication.
the employees should be aware of different cultures and The frustrating part is that many of these issues could be
etiquettes of different people in global business. avoided with more guidance and education on other
people can create success of a business from different Avoid slang: Most of the instances the most educated
cultures in a multinational organization. English speaker misunderstand the English slang, idioms
and sayings. They can understand individual words you
Strategies for effective Cross-culturalcommunication: have said. They will not have a comprehensive
understanding of idioms, slangs. You could end up
confusing them or at worst, offending them. Be aware
of using slang, idioms or other expression in corporate
understand better and can summarize and ask questions Tell me about your company hierarchy? What motivates
what the other person has said. This can improve you to join this company?
business relationship between employees.
Be cautious or careful with humor:
Follow one another in conversation: Most of the companies consider business very seriously
While conversing we need to take turns while speaking and expects others to behave professionally, and
and listening. Its important part of communication to take elegantly. Humor can be often considered outright
turn to talk. That means ‘it’s your turn to talk’. Rather offensive. Make sure of whether they appreciate your
delivering a long speech, better explain them in short. As humor in a business proceeding. Ensure you are using
conversation continues, speaker and listener will right tone or proper facial expressions or else it leads to
exchange their thoughts. It leads to good understanding; misunderstanding, confusion and argument.
they can also share their thoughts, doubts etc.
Be concerned and supportive:
Record or jot down things: Treat non 3native English speaker with respect, speak
In business proceedings we may have the doubt whether with them clearly and when they respond give them
another person has understood the topic or not, jot down support, encouragement. It leads to build their confidence
the possible proceedings to make sure. Forgetting is and trust. All people feel comfortable in effective cross-
indeed part of human nature. Jot down the points put less cultural communication.
stress on memory. It can be helpful while discussing large
Example: In United States 1025 displayed as 1,025. How to improve Cross-Cultural Communication:
In Germany 1025 displayed as 1.025 It’s challenging to have Effective cross-cultural Communi
cation among people. Duringglobal business, there will be
Avoid Yes or No questions: a chance of facing difficulties due to different cultures.
Don’t form closed questions, it needs a ‘yes’ or ‘no’
answer. It’s better to phrase open ended questions. The following are the various points to improve cross-
Because open ended questions are broad and can get cultural communication:
better, more actionable answers and information. 1. Gain knowledge about different cultures: It can be
Example: Avoid closed questions: Do you like our helpful if business representatives gain knowledge
service? about values, habit, economy, history, customs, social
Are you already completed your project? May I use your view and religion of the culture. It helps business
mobile? representatives to deal with multinationals and can
open ended questions: What is the purpose of meeting? promote good harmony and relationship among
Around the world companies have grown into new 3. Discuss Cultural Differences: In workplace Small
countries, regions and continents, which have caused issues may create major misunderstanding or conflict
People of different cultures to learn different language between the people. Conduct seminar or workshop to
and cultures. It’s common for the employees to work with the employees to discuss about cultural differences.
colleagues from different countries. In communication Before the meeting proceedings or company gathering,
process every so often it leads to embarrassment and make sure to guide your company representatives
misunderstanding. Even though we have an ‘official about cultural differences. This may include everything
language’ in the workplace, still it leads to from the way people sit in their chair, the way they
miscommunication among employees. speak to oneanother etc.
Example: Many western countries customarily kiss a
Miscommunications are more common when a larger business representative on both cheeks in greeting
group of workers are not working in their native instead of shaking hands. While Americans are most
language. For example, When your company has a comfortable at arms-length from business associates,
contract with an Italian company but operates in English. other cultures have no problem standing shoulder-to-
shoulder with their peers or placing themselves 12 or
The following points can be helpful to overcome language fewer inches away from the person to whom they are
barriers in the workplace: speaking.
1. Usage of simple language: Using simple and clear
language helps to the employers to understand the 4. Hire a Translator or an Interpreter: Hiring a
business proceedings easily. It doesn’t matter if you’re professional translator can help to clear up mistakes
trying to communicate something highly technical or and miscommunication among different individuals. It
important to someone who has limited to no is very difficult task for maintaining effective
experience in your field, or you are exploring a foreign communication in a situation of prevailing dominant
country. Usage of simple language helps to avoid sub- cultures. Often, companies will depend on
internal individuals who speak a second language communication while others speaking in their
outside of work. But sometimes it leads to noticeable native language, may not always memorize what
mistakes that a professional translator who is an they have said. Even if employees find it
expert in corporate communications would avoid. annoying for you to repeat yourself, in some
Example: When Indian representative decides to cases it is necessary to ensure everyone is on the
make a contract or deal with Russian company, he or same track. Repetition is the key to memory.
she needs a translator or interpreter if he doesn’t Repetition of words can help us to understand and
know the language. analyze the situation in a right way.
5. Use Visuals: A Chinese proverb says: ‘One picture is 8. Encourage Employees to Explore the Other Culture:
worth a thousand words ‘and also, it’s been said that Encourage employees to learn other culture,
people retain 10 percent of what they read,20 percent expression, dialect and idioms. Schedule training
of what they listen or hear,30 percent of what they see, sessions to explore differences in dress, language, food
and 50 percent of what they hear and see. Can use and traditions in other cultures. Also train them with
visuals to illustrate in order to make employers more conversations about different topics, such as how
comprehensible. cultures handle specific situations or holidays. It helps
Example: Graphics, photos, videos and diagrams- it the employees to grow professionally and personally.
can help people to grasp what they’re trying to convey Even employees find happiness in learning different
in corporate sector. Encourage the employees to use cultures.
audio or visual media if they are not supported by the
talk in cross cultural communication 9. Be aware of sign / Gestures: Before entering the
6. Remind Employees to Be Respectful: There is a workplace, we should be cautious of the gestures we
saying, ‘‘Treat others the way you wish to be treated’’ If are using to others. Educate employees with the
you wish to be respected it is important that you also different usage of gestures in different places. Many of
give respect to others. Whether you are a sub-ordinate, us don’t think before we make gestures with our
manager or employee, no one in the company expects hands, but this can lead to serious hurt, feelings and
to be ignored, being neglected by others. Everyone anger.
expects their ideas, feelings and presence are
respected by the employers. Lack of respect while Example: Common American hand gestures that can get
conversing leads to conflicts between the parties, you trouble in abroad. America: Use of Thumbs up sign
remind your employees to be as respectful as possible. means well-done.
Russia, Greece: Use of Thumbs up sign means hurry
7. Repeat Yourself: In cross cultural appearance.
Effective communication involves several processes Open-ended questions cannot be answer with one word,
including confirming comprehension, sending and which requires detailed explanation. Open question
receiving information. Learning how to probe questions allows for much longer responses. Usually questions
and its skills can provide better comprehension, begin with what, why, how, tell me, describe etc.
encourage analytical thinking and resolve
misunderstandings at workplace.
Questions are a powerful way of: Example: "What do you think about bringing the sales
Way of Learning: Asking open, closed questions and force in for half a day to have their laptops upgraded?"
probing questioning makes other person active
listener and it promote critical thinking. Etiquette in cross-cultural communication:
What is Etiquette?
Strengthen the Relationship: people generally Etiquette (Good manner) is a combination of politeness,
respond positively if you ask about what they do or code of behavior that delineates expectations and
enquire about their opinions. Positive relationship is concern for others.
an integral part of career success. Through questions
you will learn more about co-workers and encourage Why business Etiquette?
open communication. Business Etiquette is a set of manners which required in
professional environment. The professionals are expected
Avoiding misunderstandings: Use probing questions to follow certain rules and behave in manner within the
to ask clarification, information. Get detailed work place. It can lead to challenges, upsets, and
information about the employees through questions. miscommunication, when employee or employer does
Once questions being asked, actively listen their not follow the proper etiquette. People like to talk and
response. Asking questions is an effective way for working with people who have the good manners and
communication. Assumption and misunderstanding courtesy.
are common at workplace. By asking question we can
get clarification and avoid misunderstanding. Importance of Etiquette in business:
Etiquette is a great way to set yourself apart from your
peers. It gives a noticeable career advantage.
Make the situation calm: By using funnel questions, Can gain goodwill from others. Every working day
we can make an angry customer calm. These types of offers the opportunity to accumulate one of the most
questions distract them from their emotions. Which is valuable assets a person can acquire-goodwill. Without
often enough to make them feel that they have "won" goodwill a career or business can never grow.
something, and no longer need to be angry. Getting good job or earning a promotion depends not
only on technical skills, but also on how correctly you
Coax (persuade) the customer: No one likes to be behave.
lectured but asking a series of open questions will help Business Etiquette helps to stay ahead in the
others to embrace the reasons behind your point of competitive business world.
view. Exhibit professionalism and develop a polished image
among employees.
Pay special attention to the culture’s attitude toward 3. Should know Communication styles. It’s better to
time, space, religion, food/dining, dress, hand gestures know the communication style of other culture. Even a
and body language. Learn what is considered taboo, and few key phrases may help to create a good first
which subjects to avoid. If you are physically traveling, impression. If you're dealing with one culture, such as
remember to follow the host country’s customs and rules. Indian or Israeli, make an effort to learn more of their
Be particularly respectful of your surroundings when language.
you’re not home because remember, it’s the host
country’s rules that count. For Japanese silence is an 4. Business Wear or Attire: Attire reflects the general
expression of respect to the person speaking. But for attitude of the society. Business wear are visual
some Americans silence can be awkward. expression of the culture of an organization. Every
culture has norms when it comesto Attire. holiday, food, festivals. The company can organize
Example: Italians and France expects grace and Employ diversity training or mandatory corporate
elegance from their business colleagues. While training to get aware of different cultures and their
American businesses, you can get by with business customs
9. Treat people as individuals: Don’t presume that
5. Physical contact: We should sensibly clear about everyone follows the same etiquette and culture. Some
physical contact in workplace. Greeting each other cultures may stress on individualism, or some may
with hug might seem acceptable in some countries. place a higher value on collectivism.
Brazil considers as sign of trust. Whereas person being
touched is considered highly offended by some 10. Be open-minded: You can be more adaptable to a
countries unique workplace and new cultures. Encourage
employees to share their perspectives in the
6. Gift-giving: Before giving the gift we should know workplace.
their preferences of choice, although the recipient
makes a show of refusing. It’s a business practice for 11. Humour: Be extremely careful with humour. Avoid
many countries to give gift. Giving gift is common in using slangs. It is often said that jokes don’t translate
the country like Japan. For North Americans gift and that is because well, they don’t. Moreover, in
giving is rare in business. In Italy, giving a business many cultures, it is not acceptable to crack jokes in a
colleague a gift is inappropriate unless the relationship business context.
has become close.
8. Accommodate differences: It’s better to have an open Different cultures don't see the world in the same way.
mind towards the new culture and also have to focus What an Indian think is perfect manners may look
on individual differences. Celebrate their traditional imperfect to a business colleague from another culture.
Even the appropriate amount of personal space between 3. How to improve Cross-cultural communication at
two strangers varies around the world. Mastering workplace? Explain.
different cultural etiquette and protocol helps you make 4. Describe the common challenges faced in cross-
a good first impression. cultural communication.
5. Write Laray Barna’s Sources of Miscommunication in
Questions: Cross Cultural Exchanges.
Answer the below questions in a word or sentences: 6. How to Deal with language differences? Write the
2 Marks key points to overcome language barriers in the
1. What is cross-cultural communication? workplace.
2. Write an example for Lack of effective Cross-Cultural 7. Write the importance of Using Questioning
Communication? Techniques at workplace?
3. In Brazil, showing the thumb held upwards, means 8. Write the Importance of Etiquette in business.
everything ‘ok’ and in France it means_________. 9. Why etiquettes are important in cross-cultural
4. Write an example for cultural differences. communication? Explain with examples.
5. Why are questioning skills important?
6. What are close-ended and Open- ended questions? References:
Give an example. Communication-C.S Rayudu
7. What is a probing question? Guide to Cross-cultural communication-Sana Reynolds &
8. Write any three or four situations you would use a Deborah Valentine
clarifying question to get information.
9. When can you use probing questions at workplace?
10. What is Etiquette?
11. Write an example for etiquette of punctuality in
cross-cultural communication.
12. Write an example for unusual business etiquettes
around the world.