Bec Higher 4 Answers - Test 01 To Test 04
Bec Higher 4 Answers - Test 01 To Test 04
Bec Higher 4 Answers - Test 01 To Test 04
1 Unit sales of cookers, however, are likely to highlighted steps in order to motivate our staff
Question 1 fluctuate, starting off at 5,000, sales will to eat in our company.
increase to 10,000 during the second and We will need to look into a new
third quarter of next only to decrease to company. a wide
1 5,000 unit sales during fourth quarter. "healthy food" on offer, such as
The aim of this report is to summarise changes
1 D 2 E 3 B 4 C 5 A in sales forecasts for the three main products of It was concluded that TVs will be Toller fusion food or bio-drinks. We can
6 D 7 B 8 A Toller Electrical Ltd for the four quarters in Electrical Ltd's strongest product area in the attract our by a new
next year. following year. concept of food
XXXXXXX "custom from the
It is showed that TV's will contribute components he/she a reasonable
9 E 10 G 11 B 12 A 13 F most to company for the sales forecasets are 25 November 2006 prices.
14 C the highest in three products every quarter. It
will stand at 10 thousands in lstt Qtr. Then it Our canteen needs to become trendy so that
will have a steady increase to 15 thousands in staff will once again choose to stay indoors
5 instead of going for a lunch in the city.
15 B 16 D 17 A 18 A 19 C 2 nd Qtr. Before it will rise to the of 20 A very good answer, but a little lexical
20 B thousands in 4 th Qtr, it will off in 3 rd Qtr. awkwardness prevents this being an upper band 5. We should also refurbish the interior of our
In the sales forecast of trend is canteen. Perhaps few accessories and
totally It is 5 thousands in Qtr. a friendly colours modern
Unfortunetly, it remains constant in next 3 design would make the desired difference.
21 B 22 D 23 D 24 A 25 C
while, the cookers' sales forecast is 5
26 C 27 28 29 30 C thousands in 1st the same as fridges'. We set up a meeting to discuss viable
........ '-,theV '-,L. will increase steadily and options. Choice of a new catering
reach the peak of 10 thousands in 2 nd Qtr. Then should be based on their ability to
31 THAN 33 AS it will has no chang in 3 rd Qtr a drop desired "cost-quality" equasion, so that our
34 35 THE to 5 thousands the original position in Qtr. em01C)Vel~S are convinced that our canteen is the
36 PAST/LAST 37 DO 38 OF It is concluded that trends of sales best for their lunch break.
39 INTO/UNDER 40 AT/FOR forecasts next year of these products are
different. It is good time to take measures to sometime it became evident that most of
direct the trends in much bright way. the company staff chooses to outside in 3
41 CORRECT 42 UP 43 CORRECT order to have their lunch. motivation Natural use of language, although not error free. A
44 AND 45 IT 46 UNLESS to do so might be different were 3 good of structures and vocabulary. Well
47 THE 48 DONE 49 ON Band 2 main factors to such decission organised, Linguistically, this is an band
50 MUCH 51 CORRECT 52 COMES This is close to a band 3, but there are a number of making process. however, the content point has
non-impeding errors. Also, there is a lack of and one task penalty reduces it to band 3.
control in the third which would have Firstly, there are plenty of other options
a negative effect on target reader. Therefore it available. Our company is located in the heart
is awarded an upper band 2. ' of the city with many restaurants wide
range of attractive lunch menues. All of
Report: The report of why our staff don't go to
places are within a 5 minutes walking distance
our canteen.
from our premises.
Report on sales forecasts for Toller Electrical Introduction:
Second reason, often mentioned, was that the
Ltd meals offered in our canteen are much too As requested by the Managing
The aim of this report is to compare the sales expensive and of a relatively poor quality. conduct to the reason of less number staff
forecasts for three product areas for next year. Additionaly, many employees pointed out that using the company canteen at mealtimes as
the menue does not offer any variety. following findings.
Unit sales of fridges are likely to remain at
5,000 during all four quarters of next year. Thirdly, it came to our attention that the service Findings:
staff was very slow and not always friendly to Firstly, as our company change the workhour,
TV sales, on the other hand, will significantly our staff.
increase during the second quarter from the lunch time for our staff is limited. So as the
10,000 to 15,000. Unit sales will remain at Recommendation Dinner Hall is in another building. They do not
15,000 during the third quarter and soar once After closely assesing the situation it is want to spent time on this. Secondly, the
again to 20,000 during the fourth quarter. recommended to take the following below canteen department has been individuel this
Key Test 1
year. The cost of one meal is much higher than the spot and that we can deal with all inquires appointment to discuss some topics concerning with such skills will give us a chance to develop
before, meanwhile, there are a lot of cheap efficently and quickly. our future work. I would suggest the 15 th of our contacts with foreign customers and
restuants open around. Last but not the least, December this year in your company's office, if suppliers.
Therefore, would you please advise in which
our canteen offered a few kind of food to be part of Poland, which city we should open our it is convenient. PROBLEMS TO BE OVERCOME
choosen. office? Where are the most appropriate I hope our cooperation will be fruitfull. If you Mr Dowbor will be absent from work for 3
In conlusions & Recommendations: customers located? require any further information, please don't months. The way to solve this problem can be
hesitate to call me - 0048 501 779 558. I also employing someone as a replacement for this
From the 5 findings, there are a lot of space to Please indicate whether in your opinion it's a
enclose some documents and brochures about period. We are looking for people in other
be promoted: good idea for us to open this branch in first
place? What are the advantages and our company. sections in the company, so if the person is
1. Suggest the canteen sector offer a delivery good at his job, we can transfer him to another
work. Open their number, so as to our staff can disadvantages of this project? Yours faithfully
section later.
order and eat in their tea & coffee room. Moreover, we would like to arrange a meeting XXXXXXX
with your company in order for us to discuss it Please, be prepared to give feedback on this
2. Our company can spend some money on the proposal at the meeting next Tuesday.
canteen in order to giving our staff some further. Would you please advise the date you
discount, Or buy some IC cards send to our are available for a meeting. Band 3
staff as a benefit. Trusting All content points covered. This is a well-organised
and fairly ambitious response, but with a number Band 4
3. Tell the Human Resource department to find All content points covered. Natural use of
of non-impeding errors.
a new chief. language with occasional awkwardness. A good
Band 4 range of vocabulary. Overall, it has a positive
Please refer to band 4 descriptors on the General Question 4
effect on the target reader.
Impression Mark Scheme, as this is a good
Band 2 Sample G
example of a band 4 script.
A limited range of structures and vocabulary and Sample H
some errors which obscure communication. This To: The Head of Human Resources
Sample F
would have a negative effect on the target reader Subject: The permission to the Business English The proposal of the course
and result in a lower band 2. In addition, the first Course To: MrWhite
Dear Sir
content point has been omitted. However, as this is
already a lower band 2, there is no penalty for My name is XXXXXXX, I am a manager of a BACKGROUND From: Mr Black
omission. Polish furniture company YYYY. I am writing One of the employees of my section, Mr Date: 13 th May
you with request for some advice how to invest Dowbor, has found an offer of a 3-month Subject: course
Question 3 on your market effectively. Business English Course in London and he is
asking for permission to go there. The course Course Contents
Sample E Our company exists on the Polish market for
over 20 years and we have been developing starts on I." January 2007. Obviously, Mr With more and more transaction with foreigner,
throughout this period constantly. We produce Dowbor will be absent from work in this time. the aim of the course is improving staffs'
Dear Sirs,
furniture of the highest standard, not only for THE COURSE CONTENTS English skill. We invisted a English educational
I am writing on behalf of my company Kolon some interiors but also for offices, with organisation, which own a good reputation in
International Corporation, a Korean trading The participants of the course will this flied. It provide five oral practise lesson and
appropriate design and functionality.
house, who specialize in import and export of opportunity to learn a wide six writing skill lesson. It contain the business
stainless steel and tinplate. We are very Last time we have decided to open a new related vocabulary as well as will be taught communication in oral and written. Every staff
succesfull in Far East. branch in Romania, that is a new line of how to deal with business correspondence must be divided into six group, and they
ecological furniture production. We find it professionally. What is more, several lectures
Due to the fact that we would like to expand practise business English at the real stage.
encouraging that your country's resources are and workshops concerning new business
our business teritory in Eastern Europe we wish pure and of high quality, which is the reason of methods are included in the contents of the Employees
to investigate the possibility of opening a new our investment. course. All staff must join the course, but avoiding the
branch in Poland. We are aware of the fact that
However we still need to obtain following SKILLED EMPLOYEES AS A FACTOR OF waste of time and money. We divide into
Poland in particular, is a developing country,
information about your market concerning the DEVELOPMENT sereval steps. It begin with the sale department,
and the demand for products such as stainless
legal situation regarding opening new business, then the staffs of management enter the second
steel and tinplate is huge. Mr Dowbor is a young employee, but he has
the market structure, that is supply and demand period training, The production department is
We hope that by opening a new branch we have already proved to be very determined and to
for furniture product, possibly as well the the last one.
better chances in finding customers, and for have outstanding interpersonal skills. He has
business culture. Benefit Of Course
sure will give credability and reasurance in next been working for us for two years. At present
stage to our potenciel customers that we are on As we seek for further contacts with your we do not have employees with a knowledge of The course provide a chance to practise the oral
company, we would like to propose you an business English in our company. An employee English and the skill of written. The staff can
96 97
Key Test 1
3 staying on as President. From the start, I disagreed Now listen to the recording again.
knowledge about not only the ;anguage skill, with the new owners, and things did not go well.
but also the culture and business practise 23 C 24 B 25 A 26 B 27 B [pause]
Then the sky fell in. In February nineteen ninety-
among different countries. It benefit our 28 B 29 C 30 C
one, the bank called in the company's loans. There That is the end of Part One. You now have 20
company to expand aboard market and study was no cash at the time. In fact, the company's seconds to check your answers.
management skill and technolege from other balance sheet gave a net worth of minus two point
countries. The course also help us to build an [pause]
five million dollars for nineteen ninety-one, the
international brand company having lost that much the previous year Part Two. Questions 13 to 22.
Recommend on sales of eleven point five million dollars.
This is the Business English Certificate Higher 4, You will hear five different people talking about
Avoiding the problem caused by the I made a personal loan to the company of sixty-
Listening Test 1. the Master of Business Administration courses
absence, our can implement five thousand dollars to stave off the bank for one
(MBAs) which they have taken.
flexsible work time. let someone work Part One. Questions 1 to 12. week so I could start to negotiate with three senior
through the managers at Hinde interested in buying the For each extract, there are two tasks. Look at Task
You will hear Jack Lester, founder of Hinde
staffs can do the anytime company. It worked, and Amtex agreed to sell us One. For each question, 13-17, decide why each
Instruments Corporation, a telescope
save the time and money spend in one hundred per cent of the company's stock, along person decided to take that particular course, from
manufacturer, giving a talk about the development
the company, The written lesson produce with all its liabilities, for one thousand dollars. As the list A-H. Now look at Task Two. For each
of his company.
that staffs can watch them in home, if they the key investor, I purchased fifty-one per cent of question, 18-22, decide what the main benefit of
must work. If we these we must As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the the company for five hundred and ten dollars. the course has been for each speaker, from the list
ensure all staffs good quality and notes, using up to three words or a number. The four of us managed to put together two A-H.
build system to check every staff million dollars, and we decided this was to be used
After you have listened once, replay the recording. After you have listened once, replay the recording.
work 1'"'\O,e-f-" .. n-.o-n-t totally on product development. Amtex hadn't
You now have 45 seconds to read through the moved on any new products, so we had the luxury You now have 30 seconds to read the two lists.
Thank you for reading notes. of engineering and of proof-of-concept waiting for
us. We published a new catalogue of high-tech
products and took out advertising in leading Now listen, and do the two tasks.
Now listen, and complete the notes. astronomy magazines. Just twelve months after
Errors are basic and numerous, and [pause]
our purchase, we managed to get the company into
communication is therefore, this is [pause]
the black. For the first two years, we all took very Speaker One
awarded a lower band 2. addition, content modest salaries. But it was an exciting time, and
points are omitted (no individual is but Woman: I'm glad I did the course I did, and I
progress was being made.
no penalty is given, as this is already a lower would, taken as a whole, recommend it to
We develop products the market wants to buy.
2 answer. others. The prospectus went on about the fact
We rely on our instincts and have frank discussions
that the university had world-class computer
with dealers. We do this rather than run marketing
and library facilities and so forth, but that's not
studies, because we think they can be a waste of
what really attracted me so much as the big-
time. It sounds simple, and it works for us. And
name lecturers. And I have to say, they were very
while the advanced telescopes are clearly the
good, though when I look back on it now, I
company's brand strength, a major reason for our
realise that the people I learned most from were
1.1.Ll.1..LJ'\..!Vl'll.'\.J...LJ..'-1J / HQ success with consumers is our ability to apply
my fellow students. They came from all over the
sophisticated technology to mass-market models.
world, and I've really valued the insights they
ENGINEER We offer a range of telescopes costing from eighty-
gave me into being on the receiving end of multi-
4 ORDER nine dollars to fifteen thousand dollars, but fifty
national marketing. It was those insights that I
5 FEATURES per cent of sales are generated by telescopes sold
feel have been of real value since I came back
6 LOANS for under five hundred dollars.
into the workplace.
7 STOCK In the future, I see Hinde creating more
8 TWELVE MONTHS / 12 MONTHS / ONE telescopes for amateur astronomers. But the Speaker Two
/ A YEAR company is also looking for ways to broaden into
Man: Doing the MBA has made me much more
9 DEALERS new markets. We believe that our core
marketable, I think. My particular area of
10 BRAND competencies are in demand and will achieve that
interest e-commerce management - was
11 CORE COMPETENCIES / COMPETENCES market, amateur breakthrough for us. For the last year, for example,
becoming very popular, but I wasn't likely to get
12 (OPTICAL) COMPONENTS astronomers keen to buy our telescopes the company has supplied optical components to
a good job without the added value of the higher
because of the features they offered. By nineteen HNT Networks in Seattle, a wireless-
qualification. The reason for choosing this
plO'nr'J-t/lrpp sales reached two million dollars. communications company.
course is obvious; with my family commitments,
nineteen eighty-six, I sold the company for Thank you. If you have any ...
13 E 14 F 15 H 16 G 17 A I wouldn't have been able to do a masters if the
six point five million dollars to the Amtex Group,
18 E 19 B 20 F 21 C 22 H [pause] college had been miles away, but I was
98 99
Key Test 1
pleasantly surprised when I started just how Business Regulation helped me to get my the markets closer to home first, while the of Jista, the core product. So Ralcona had
strong the course was on the legal side of current job. It's significant, though, that I marketing team were worried any new drinks targeted the market accurately, but had failed to
business, which helped me in the work I now do haven't actually had to apply much of my legal would dilute the image of the core brand and so see how wide the applications for the products
in staff recruitment and support. And I think a knowledge in the job. Instead, I've ended up were looking at new names. But across the were.
good grounding in law is of great benefit to most working in product standardisation and board, the people at the top favoured launching Woman: And this taught Ralcona some valuable
people, at whatever level of management they monitoring which, of course, my MBA studies each product separately at different times to get lessons that have now put them at the forefront
find themselves. helped with, too. maximum impact for each product. So that's of the industry.
what happened. All right, go on ... Man: Yes, it seems they have now established a
Speaker Three [pause]
Man: Well, they then had to decide which market good creative team who constantly come up
Woman: In the first term of my MBA, I was a bit Now listen to the recording again. to aim for. Did they just replicate other drinks with new ideas, and the marketing division has
disappointed by the number of general lectures on the market and try to eat into those markets? rethought its mission and now focuses on getting
rather than smaller-scale seminars, even though Should they focus solely on the youth market, copious feedback from supermarkets, clubs and
I'd been warned in advance that this would be That is the end of Part Two. which was rapidly expanding? Or should they cafes to find out what consumers are looking for.
the case. I had a choice between a course be daring and go for an older, more Woman: So other businesses, not just the drinks
Part Three. Questions 23 to 30.
specialising in law and one which offered lots of sophisticated age group with more exnensrve industry, have looked to Ralcona as a model and
modules on finance. I opted for the latter. It was You will hear a Business Studies tutor and a products? Riskily, they plumped for latter. as a warning. What were your conclusions?
really a matter of self-discipline - I was always student, Martin~ discussing Ralcona, a UK-based Then, having decided where they were the Man: Their experiences prove what we already
bad at it, so I thought I'd better do something soft-drinks company. Rand D department began developing know that successful companies must be
about that. We far less on personnel products. to go out on a limb, and finely targeted
For each question, 23-30~ mark one letter (A~ B or
matters, but I've got a more out of Woman: Right, and a key factor here was deciding can be more profitable than making
C) for the correct answer.
those sessions. I suppose what I'm saying is that on the all-important design of the packaging. products with more general appeal. But what it
the course has helped me to be more realistic After you have listened once, replay the recording. Now, designers tend to have a track record of uniquely demonstrates is that, in any business,
about where my strengths and weaknesses lie. success or not so the safest option would you should never assume that you know what's
You now have 45 seconds to read through the
I seldom have anything to do with the financial have been to employ a team of consultants who going on the consumers have a lot to tell us
side of things now. specialised in this. But, driven by the focus on but they won't if not asked, and
[pause] innovation from the new chairman, they trawled products can live or by getting the
Speaker Four
the market for recent thinking their information.
Now listen, and mark A~ B or C.
Man: I remember I was feeling rather under- enthusiasm would up for lack of Woman: OK, now can you write all that up for
challenged at that time - a lowly admin officer- [pause] They were also approached by
V.L"-.JV"'-'-V.U.'-V. me ... ?
and I was fascinated by all the opportunities from other companies, but thought
Woman: OK, Martin, I asked you to prepare the [pause]
opening up with internet business, you know, so be too set in their ways. So the industry
case study of Ralcona, the soft-drinks
I chose an MBA which was lots of was waiting to see what Ralcona had to Now listen to the recording again.
manufacturer. Let's work through the main
innovative sessions in that area. I have to offer, but at the halted
issues together. I assume looked [pause]
say, the course did me a great deal of good all the launch for three
at the background? you me a
round. I'd been of a loner, but Man: Um ... an over-worked marketing That is the end of Part Three. You now have ten
since corning the course, I've in a department had out all the stops to minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer
Man: Erm, yeah, er well,
more co-operative environment. I don't think I evervttunz ready. the retailers, who Sheet.
company who had one
would ever have managed that without having been up for getting the products in the
Jista which was selling world-wide. But [pause]
done the course. I'm thinking of changing jobs shops, took a poor view of the decision.
two ago, when the new Chairman arrived,
again - moving from purchasing into customer- But Ralcona's had heard, correctly, Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time
he to exploit that popularity to expand
service and I'm looking forward that their main rivals intended to attack the ten minutes. Remind students when there is one
the product range. Ralcona had introduced Jista
to another The MBA has given me the launch with an promotion, so he minute remaining.
into markets in Japan, Australia and several
confidence to do without worrying. intervened at the minute. Eventually, the
South-East Asian countries. But there's [pause]
delayed launch went ahead, and the new
Speaker Five been a slide in sales, despite the fact that Jista
products were brilliantly successful. That is the end of the test.
still holding up reasonably well against some
Woman: I decided against doing the MBA at the Woman: Yes ... and hoping to this still
stiff competition from other multinationals.
college down the road, because they further, Ralcona did some into why the
Woman: OK, stop because I want to fill you
had an excellent reputation, to me products had struck such a chord, exoecnnz to
in on the discussions took place in the
to be too traditional for needs. find positive results for their advernsmz
planning of this new product range they were
I plumped for a course at even though it campaign or design. But they were aback.
interesting. Inevitably, the various interested
was such a long way away, because it had a
in the company all had very different
good track record dealing with to the Man: they discovered that the drinks were
but all advocated caution. So, for
statute book. And I don't it: I the being drunk as mixers with other products so
example, the department wanted to test
fact that I did my thesis on - European much so that sales had almost reached the level
100 101
Key Test 2
102 103
Key Test 2
Question 3 Sample F
will explain clearly about the sole objective of In conclusion I mean that the company can
Sample E our company. Further more, you will be able to benefit from this exchanging program
Date: 20 may 06 enormously in order to stay competitive.
gain hand on experience, which also benefit the
Dear Students To. John Smith. next research that you take in future. We have to focus globally.
Thank you for your letter. 'Education for All' Introductions about ABC company. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate
welcomes requests for aid in research, especially Dear Sir, to contact me on 66777.
Band 3
from students, as it is your future we strive to We look forward to hearing from you. All content points addressed, albeit at times very
Further to your letter about benefits that this
protect. My name is Jasmine and I am in charge thinly, e.g. job title to describe responsibilities.
city will receive on account of our company's Yours sincerely
of initiatives underway in Bangalore. Otherwise adequate and meets band 3 descriptors.
presence I would like to give you thanks.
Let me start by explaining about the
ABC company is one of the leading Sample
relationship between us and the city. The
multinational retailers, offering various product
burgeoning development has unfortunately also
to our customers. One month ago, we Band 3
caused the impoverished and the Proposal on staff exchange for overseas study
established an outlet in your city, is proven to All content points are covered and developed.
underprivileged to be sorely neglected. We
increase our turnover. What's more, our service However, while there is an adequate range of Introduction
attempt to bridge this by providing free
and products are viewed as a positive that structures and vocabulary, it tends to be rather The aim of this proposal is to make a decision
education to children the ages of 5-17
is to say, we receive far fewer complaints inaccurate and in parts impeding. Overall, it is just of which members of our staff should be chosen
from scheduled tribes. We also
our clients than our competitors. good enough for a band 3. to take part in a staff exchange scheme for six
regularly interact the state government on
issues of legislature and educational policy. It is As for the benefits that our company bring, I months' overseas study. It is based on results of
our aim to push for a mandate on inclusive think that is a combination from both society Question 4 a recent detailed questionnaire sent to all
education and aid in the construction of schools and individual. An eye for details, a large employees in addition to the in-depth
Sample G
friendly to the disabled. number of workforce is employed that is interviews with some senior managers and with
because we need staff to do lots of things, such representatives.
You may have read about us in the Times The aim of this proposal is to members
as transportation to warehouse, promotion. By Findings
yesterday over our five year inception, we of staff that seem suitable to place into an
doing this, pressure of lay-off on our society
have successfully educated over two hundred exchanging programm. The Chief Executive has It is clear that the research and development
can be solved properly. What's more, when we
and fifty students and secured employment on asked me to do this. staff, also with the employees from sales
begin to our sales, customers will look for the
further vocational training for close to a 100. department have the priority to participate the
goods for what they really want to pay. A lot of I would recommend to make the younger staff
We hope to double these statistics in the next exchange scheme.
choice can be given so that diversify our members taking part into the exchange
five years and construct our very own
people's lives. program. Because it seems to me firstly that • As for technology field, there is no doubt
institution for those with special needs. Of
course, we will continue to lobby for increased Now, focusing our attention on our further these staff members are more willing to do this, that it is a pretty critical aspect of a business
expenditure on educational infrastructure and development. Obviously, more revenue will be they are more flexible career ranges first, they idea. Sometime advanced technology means
making it disable-friendly. provided for your government, as the turnover still have no family. Secondly it seems to me competitive advantage, which may make
of sale increase steadily. Despite this, the that they like to travel abroad, learning from great sense for our leading position in
I would much like to discuss your project different cultures, their attitudes current sector. The updating of technicals is
products we offered is enviromental conscious,
further you to visit us at our head difficult to keep. That is they have changed a
from both promotion and production, to ensure I would suggest in detail Mr Brown and Mr
office in Cox Town. It would enable you to lot, and are chaning.
the enviromental burden is reduced and to Webster. Their current position is sales-
meet some of our project leaders and engage in
contribute the goal of establishing a sustainable representatives. It's a good chance for them to Concerning sales department, we aims to
interactive discussions outlining our present
In my opinion, the most fundamental gain experience abroad. The company can contribute to the deep and wide marketing.
and future ventures. Please contact me to
one is we have planed to establish a benefit from this enormously. They can obtain Marketing is a science, and also an art. Above
discuss this further.
training strategy in your city. Everyone who special know-how abroad, I think out company all, therefore, the external communication is
I look forward to receiving you. want to enter into our company, should be needs flexibility. the emphasis part we should pay more
Yours sincerely trained by global thinking and professional attention to. Besides, it is important to
And engaging staff from a broad it seems to me
ways. For our company, retaining high quality research into the overseas markets for in-
Jasmine Das this is a favourable exchange. We can make
workforce means holding a key to business depth market analysis. Then it can easily
connections to companies abroad more easily.
success. As for your city, high qualified provide a stage for our next market
This is a competitive advantage.
workforce can improve the city's mental culture development programme. It will be advisable
Band 5 as well as enhance work efficiency. I have already spoken with Mr Brown and Mr to make good preparations for later foreign
This is an almost flawless script and an exceptional Webster concerning this matter. They are customer wants and needs anticipates,
If you want to know more specifications it is
example of a good band 5 answer. prepared to do this. The are willing to learn, to together with accurate market position.
imperative that you should visit our company.
gain experience. They will have more expertise. That's their current important responsibilities.
You will know about how we work, and we
104 105
Key Test 2
and managing projects that I'd like to share with breed competitiveness the more the better if
Conclusions you today. you want to get the best result.
It is felt that the staff representatives from R & First of all, choose carefully! Your project And finally, don't forget that companies that
D and sales department should be the 1 SELECTION PROCESS needs to be large enough to be worthwhile and appear to be doing well all the time owe their
priority to attend the overseas exchange 2 TIMESCALE I TIMETABLE one in which your basic skills will enable you to success, in part, to a willingness to diversify
scheme. 3 CUSTOMER(')S I succeed. This means sifting through proposals when the market moves or alters, or as they
CUSTOMERS(')/CUSTOMER very carefully, and so it's essential that you recognise where they can make a better
Recommendations allocate enough hours to the selection process. contribution. And, when you're contemplating a
In order to deal with the issue of making good 5 RECORD(-)KEEPING When you've done that, you need to work out risky project, make sure you employ people who
preparations for the scheme, it will be how long the project will take. It's pretty tough have several skills. This means they could be
recommended that several seminars and 7 SPEED UP I ACCELERATE to maintain a project's freshness and flexibility, transferred if the original project doesn't
training courses should be ahead of 8 SHARE INFORMATION so you don't want it running on too long succeed.
time. It is also to the 9 REQUIREMENTS therefore, you need to set a sensible, manageable Well, er, I hope that's helped. Um, now, if
appintees' foreign skills. timescale. anybody has any questions ...
11 DIVERSIFY When you start, you need to think about how
12 TRANSFERRED your project will be better than the last one, and
Band 1 this means you should constantly keep the Now listen to the recording again.
This is a confused and contusma customer's circumstances in mind and think
task which has a very [pause]
about what they want. Employees will be
reader. 13 F 14 A 15 H 16 C 17 B enthusiastic about the project if you emphasise That is the end of Part One. You now have 20
18 F 19 B 20 A 21 C 22 E how important it is. So you should aim to seconds to check your answers.
convince them of how crucial teamwork is, and
3 if you can do that, you're more likely to get the
24 B 25 A 26 C 27 C best results. Also, good managers have a Part Two. Questions 13 to 22.
23 B
30 C constantly updated picture of the project
28 A 29 B You will hear five different people talking about
performance, and to achieve this, you need to be
efficient at record-keeping. the companies they work for.
As the project gets going, you should always For each extract, there are two tasks. Look at Task
keep employees informed and involved in what's One. For each question, 13-17:) choose the recent
going on, so that they understand any change in the company the person mentions, from
constraints. At the same time, this will help them the list A-H. Now look at Task Two. For each
This is the Business English Certificate Higher 4:)
to appreciate the progress being made. And try question, 18-22:) choose the strength of the
Listening Test 2. meeting across boundaries. In well-managed company the person mentions from the list A-H.
Part One. Questions 1 to 12. projects, you'll find that meetings that are
held are not exclusive to project workers, After you have listened once, replay the recording.
You will hear a speaker giving a group of
but include people from different disciplines You now have 30 seconds to read the two lists.
managers advice on how to run a project.
who work in the same organisation. These
As you listen, for questions 1 to 12:) complete the 'outsiders' may come up with fresh approaches,
notes, using up to three words or a number. which can speed up the whole project. Now listen, and do the two tasks.
Now, encountering problems is almost
After you have listened once, replay the recording. [pause]
inevitable; you need to recognise that and deal
You now have 45 seconds to read through the with them. To do this successfully, you need to Speaker One
notes. share information about anything which is not
going well. This will allow you to make Man: There seem to have been so many changes
[pause] decisions quickly and minimise any big changes. already this year ... it's hard to keep up, to
These come as a result of the customer keep taking things on board. The CEO's nothing
Now listen, and complete the notes.
altering requirements. It's vital to be able to if not dynamic, that's for sure! Well, they say
[pause] adjust to these developments, so make an this new system will work better, compared to
attempt to be as flexible as you can in your the previous one, with its habit of crashing the
Woman: Um, OK, er, can I have your attention,
dealings with them. network on a weekly basis. It's certainly been
please? Thanks. Now, er, people ask me 'how do
The prospect of success rises when those tough, battling to meet our performance targets,
I know if a project is good and, if so, how do I
involved are consciously trying to do better than only to find your PC can't access anything all
then keep it on track?' Well, there are no magic
any other businesses or even past practices afternoon. It's just so frustrating! So let's hope it
formulas, but I do have a few tips for choosing
within their own company, so it's important to proves to be one innovation that's of real
benefit, that helps us help clients with what they
106 107
Key Test 2
need ... because that's what we're best at, the charge this time. John's skills will transfer very Woman: Mm. But we have to be looking at the to make you see what employers actually require
front line, and I hope we never lose sight of that. well from his old section, and his IT knowledge wider picture, don't we? . . . I mean, the ... you know, take you out of your dream
Satisfying them is what's rewarding, after all. is second to none, which will come in very strategies these organisations put in place . world ...
handy here as we battle away with our rather Man: Yes, how they structure employees . Man: Yeah .
Speaker Two antiquated computers! Woman: And it's that aspect of organisations Woman: and get you into the business of
Woman: It always comes down to people in the we're supposed to be reviewing. focusing the value of what you offer more
Speaker Five
end, and that's why keeping staff happy is so Man: Yup. I must say, I think the course in general precisely onto what a company's looking for.
crucial to success. We have to have a culture of Man: I have to say I feel almost uneasy about our is pretty well put together ... Though their commission can be sky-high.
creativity, of imagination, to keep improving. success ... it's as if it's too good to be true, and Woman: Yeah, the lecturing input's pretty high Man: Yes! Do you know, another thing I'd be
Our growth and profits come from our ability to that eventually all this expansion will have to standard, isn't it? looking for is the chance to work from home
keep bringing out new models, new features, come to a halt. I don't know if I trust the long- Man: No better than I expected ... though it's more.
that keep us ahead, and of course, those ideas all term predictions for growth. But then again, I probably a bit tipped in favour of the theoretical Woman: Escape commuting? Wouldn't we all?!
come from people. That's why I think this latest guess we really have got the right package a side, I'd say. But whatever, I do feel everyone's Man: Seriously, don't you feel it would do
in-company development makes sense. Instead reliable product that customers know they can particular situation's taken account of, so we all wonders for your output, that you'd just get
of having different people spread about in trust in a market where things are changing so feel it's tailor-made for us, somehow, if you see more done in a day? Half the time, I feel
different departments all over the company, rapidly that they can often feel rather bewildered what I mean. exhausted before I even get to the office ...
while trying to think in related ways, it's much by all the new developments. What they want to Woman: Mm, I do, though I can't say I'm entirely Woman: Oh, I know what you mean ... But what
better to group them/in one section, especially be sure of is getting value for money, and we're happy ... about the energy you get from colleagues?
since we've got the space. I think it's a good succeeding by offering high-quality products that Man: Oh? Man: Well, nothing can replace the creative buzz
example of intelligent management proper don't cost the earth. Anyway, I suppose this Woman: Well, we do all the reading and I've you get off interacting with them, really
strategic thinking at its best. I'll be very refurbishment is the right thing to do, to learnt a lot from that in itself - and then into exchanging ideas it's only whether the price
interested to see what fresh angles come out of rearrange the sections like this ... it's certainly our respective groups, but then I find all of that is worth it .
the new set-up. easier than looking for a new site, at any rate. got different concerns . . . Woman: Mm ... well, who knows what the
Man: Contexts ... future will hold for us? People are saying
Speaker Three [pause]
Woman: Yeah, yeah, that it doesn't really gel, even computer applications will mean more and more
Man: Well, yes, it's very much in line with the way Now listen to the recording again. in the two-hour slots they give us, which ought accuracy in harnessing relevant data.
we usually go about things, so I'm sure it'll to be enough, surely. Man: I'm not convinced ... I certainly think
prove to be a change for the better. I mean, if Man: But don't you find that's true in any work specialisation's going to be the key, knowing
we're saying we want to monitor things, to That is the end of Part Two. situation? your own region, and that comes from hands-on
relate achievement to targets and so on, then of Woman: Not necessarily, no. Well, er, perhaps I'm experience.
course we should be looking to have more not at my best in teams, full stop. My Woman: What's special about it, yeah, sure, so
aspects tied in and programmed. It's only fair Part Three. Questions 23 to 30. motivation comes from seeing steps, you know? how to focus your sales efforts accordingly ...
that the sales staff should become involved in A line of particular projects coming up, and the Man: Mm, because customers will always respond
You will hear two managers, Peter and Sarah, who
the setting of targets in the first place, so that's a challenge of knocking each one into shape and to focused marketing.
are taking an MBA course, discussing their
useful improvement, which'll make them feel then going onto the next. I think that's the best Woman: Oh, absolutely. Anyway, what's your
experiences and views of business.
more accountable for results. I also think it way to be satisfying client demand, whether view on ...
could have an impact on how they deal with For each question, 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or you're dealing directly with them or not. I used
their customers, because they'll have more of a C) for the correct answer. to be more face-to-face, but I have less of that
stake. We've always been good at bringing staff now. Now listen to the recording again.
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
on, providing attractive career paths, quarterly Man: That's interesting, 'cause where I'd like to be
bonuses and so on, that keep them motivated. You now have 45 seconds to read through the further on down the line is in dealing with
questions. building up brand image for my company ... That is the end of Part Three. You now have ten
Speaker Four you know, seeing what strategies can be put in minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer
Woman: Well, in a small company like ours, place to increase the perceived quality of what Sheet.
everything has to count for something, otherwise Now listen, and mark A, B or C. you've got on offer ... so that's similar to what
we'll sink ... competition's so tight now, we you're saying in some ways .
have to be sure that we're doing the right thing. Woman: In some ways, yes course, the Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time
Without scale, we're never going to be able to Man: Well, Sarah, what do you make of this question is, how do you get there? ten minutes. Remind students when there is one
compete on price - that's just a fact of life - but assignment? Quite tough, isn't it? Man: To the dream job ... minute remaining.
where we've always been good, I think, is on Woman: Hm, Peter, it's not the easiest, that's for Woman: I expect we both need to talk to a
sure! But this course was never going to be a That is the end of the test.
getting our name noticed out there. Ingenious recruitment consultant in the near future.
promotions, placements, high-profile local holiday, was it? Man: They are the ones with the contacts ...
sponsorship, that kind of thing ... it all adds Man: Definitely not! Anyway, the job this time Woman: Mm-hm, yeah, but often in a specialised
up. And I think they've put the right person in seems to be pretty detailed, analytical ... field ... I mean more that they're in a position
108 109
Test 3
3 Sample Question
Question Sample
Report: Cruseline train company
1 D 2 C 3 B 4 E 5 A Sample
6 C 7 A 8 B The graph shows the passenger revenue and the Report: Training Centers in the Bank Julius Baer
percentage of trains arriving on time during the
The following report will describe the changes Introduction
2 years 2005 and 2006 of a train company called
in the passenger revenue and the percentage of
Cruiseline. currently, Julius Baer provids several training
9 E 10 C 11 F 12 A 13 G trains arriving on time. centers. The main center is located in the head
14 D nd Regarding the passenger revenue during 2005 it
For both 1S and 2 quarter the passenger
office facility in Zurich. Around 5 small
started around fm 280 in the first
revenue has increased in comparison with last training centers abroad are in place in order to
3 increased slowely to fm 300 in the quarter
year results. The last two quarters' passenger adapt their training programms according to
and then fell to around fm 290 at the end of
15 A 16 D 17 A 18 B 19 C revenues have decreased drastically, resulting in local needs. Every center is headed by a local
the In 2006 the revenue increased steadidy
20 C less than 25% of the original revenue. Manager reporting directly to the Managing
to 330 during the 2 nd quarter before falling
Director in Zurich.
As we can observe the punctuality of the trains rapidly to around fm 230 in the 3 rd quarter
has fallen down. In 2005 it did not go under ending at fm 225 at the end of 2006. Strengths of the training provided
85% while in 2006 it fell to less than 70%.
21 D 22 D C 24 A 25 B The percentage of trains on time stayed During the last 5 years a very professional
Quarter by quarter the punctuality is worst in
26 A 27 A B 29 C 30 B stable at around 88% during I." and 2 nd training department has been established.
2006 then in 2005. We can appreciate the
quarter in 2005, then decreased to 850/0 in the As a result of investments, many
reduction of arriving on time observing the 3 rd
5 3rd quartat before at around 87% at programms has launched or are still in
quarter results. In 2005 the company had its
the end of 2005. Till the in 2006 the planning. The maturity of them are adapted to
31 SO 32 FROM 33 AS 34 SUCH worst result (850/0) and at the same period of
percentage decreased to 85% before Bank internet procedures. That means are in
35 THE 36 IN 37 SAME 2006 it fell down to 690/0.
falling rapidly to 680/0 (3rd quarter) and line with JB processes and are in general not
In conclusion, the percentage of trains arriving recovering to 75% at the end of 2006. based on a generic approach.
late has increased and the passenger revenue
Weaknesses of the training provided
rose first to end up falling.
6 Band 4 Many are held in several locations.
41 CORRECT 42 CAN 43 EITHER All content points included. Natural use of As a some course were performed with
44 WITH 45 TOO 46 THEM Band 1 language which is virtually error free. However, only one or two trainees. Sometimes this could
47 CORRECT 48 CORRECT 49 YOU This script has notable content omissions. From the range of language used is not sufficient for a be a disadvantage because the knowledge
50 WHICH 51 IDENTIFY 52 MOST the first paragraph, it is impossible to visualise the band 5. transfer between candidates is not so effective
bar chart for passenger revenue. In addition, the as when more members take part. An other
confusion caused by the second has a point is that more the one infrastructure has to
very negative effect on the target be ensured and provided. In some training
centers it is very difficult to organise rooms and
technical matirals.
Recommendation for the company's training
However, in order to reduse the administation
and all efforts in the locations, some training
programms should be performed in one single
center. This will also improve the transfer of
knowledge between staff members of different
parts of the group.
Band 2
A reasonable realisation of the task set; however,
the first content point has been inappropriately
dealt with. For this reason, it is given one task
penalty, so is awarded a band 2.
110 111
Key Test 3
In order to improve the current weakness of the with. As we know, everyone has his or her own our clients and visitors, who are organisation to make an modification of the
training, it's better for the company to consider right. There is no excuse for you "invading" my remarks about dust in our waiting room. words in our advertisement. An effective
to oursource the training part to the specific right. If your company doesn't make any advertisement words should include the
reaction to this, our company will send a letter As a conclusion, I would like to warn you that
training Centre. In this case, it will not only if we do not see a drastic in the characteristics of our major product, the
save the of our own staff but also to Consumer Right Protection Committee. We feature as well as the convinient for users.
all hope for your answer. quality of your we be forced to
guarantee quality of the training. - website. loading the new
look for another company.
Yours faithfully number and addresses on
Conclusion: Yours sincerely website in time is the first step. next is
The training has successfully increased the xxxxx adding an asked question)
profits of our company, although it has its own Band 2 section and section to the
shortcoming. Chances are for the improvements All the content points are covered; however, there website. All of these have the
as long as the company take the suggestions Band 5
is a lack of control and a number of lexical errors. potential to increase our sales in the future.
mentioned above. A little awkwardness keeps this from being a
These, combined with use of some inappropriate
realisation of the task. This prevents this
register, would have a negative effect on the target
an upper band 5.
112 113
Key Test 3
114 115
Key Test 3
After that, it's just a case of wandering me to look into how best to achieve this. Well, atmosphere was awful. But it also proved very Woman: Well, Duncan, I think we can often get a
around, seeing what attracts your eye. And a key this was a great opportunity for me. I thought it difficult to find out exactly how the other lot out of these informal talks.
piece of advice - have a good look at the stands was really important to send our own staff company had been operating. It was small, and Man: I couldn't agree more, Kathy ... the
of small These are often just starting overseas, so they could devote all their time to the directors were basically a group of friends agendas in standard meetings are usually too
out, and stands frequently exhibit getting our products into the markets. But it who'd set up the business together. Everything rigid to allow for real discussion.
innovative products. turned out the boss actually meant I should was done verbally, and they hadn't bothered to Woman: OK, now, you'd like to appoint a new
As you go around, look, listen, discuss, ask mvestizate local companies to use as our agents: draw up organograms or job descriptions. I had assistant ...
questions. Don't be afraid to enquire about he they would already have information to spend ages talking to all of so it took Man: Yes, I think it's important.
introductory discounts. You may be at about potential customers. I wish he'd spelt this me a long time to reach the point I felt Woman: ... because you're wanting to look at
what companies are prepared to offer out at the beginning, because at least we could confident enough to present my report. agents and consultants ...
they're trying to set up a deal. have discussed it. As it was, he ignored most of Man: Yeah - they're all stored on computer, but
Now, obviously, you'll be aiming to make
Speaker Five
what I proposed, so I'd simply wasted my time. not in a useful way. I want the whole thing
plenty of contacts, and should keep an eye Woman: We're a small manufacturer of fashion revised, so that we can access information in a
on how long it takes companies to
Speaker Two
clothing, targeted at people in their twenties wide of clear categories.
back to you - sending the requested Man: My boss gave me responsibility for this big with high disposable incomes. We compete with Woman: that's a separate job.
~.ll \.,~al~UJ..,"" quotations and so forth. With today's
.. project once, where I had to plan a strategy for imported clothing, and only use outlets close by, Man: Quite and a big one. We need a set-up like
should hear improving the amount of flexibility in our which keeps distribution costs down. And then the Marketing Department has for clients llser-
from them within two or days or even production section. You see, there were people management decided we were too dependent on friendly.
twenty-four hours. company that takes who could operate a specific machine, or do a these customers, and we should aim at a broader Woman: I can certainly see your case. My only
longer than a week is not worth pursuing, in my particular part of the process, but if someone age and as soon as possible. They thought is that this person's role is likely to
opinion. So, next, I'd like ... was off sick or on holiday, nobody else could considered designing new ranges for other age become more complex.
take over. It also meant that when people got groups, but we just didn't have the production Man: Oh, sure - these are just my initial
bored with their job, they tended to leave. So I capacity, so they decided to change the product thoughts ...
Now listen to the recording again. was supposed to work out how to get image, to broaden its appeal. The task of Woman: So, you'll have to make sure you get
[pause] familiar with several machines. Well, I making this happen fell to me. Well, I wish I'd someone who's the right qualifications ...
know the very well, so I wanted to refused, because they simply didn't realise that Man: Mm the diplomas.
That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 discuss my with the shopfloor workers, but it's a very complicated process, and that lots of Woman: And be going to many
seconds to check your answers. morale had got so bad, most of them couldn't be companies have tried and failed. Instead they meetings?
[pause] bothered, and in the end, I can't claim I had blamed me for not being bold enough. Man: Yeah, but not having to travel there ...
much success. I mean, they'll be in-house ...
Part Two. Questions 13 to 22. [pause]
Woman: I see it as a cross-departmental role.
Speaker Three
Now listen to the recording again. Man: I that depends on the Directors. I'd
You will hear five different people talking about a
Woman: We make rather it within HR.
project they carried out at work, and their [pause]
experience while carrying it out. short of customers. our own Woman: it's always an issue, isn't how the
stores: the bags are sold by retailers, and we That is the end of Part Two. first idea the job gets transformed,
For each extract, there are two tasks. Look at Task work closely with them. They generally have neglecting the original need. I've sat on plenty
One. For each question, 13-17, choose the purpose [pause]
pretty limited storage space, so they can't carry panels where we're all doing
of the project from the list A-H. Now look at Task much stock, which means we have to make lots Part Three. Questions 23 to 30. our utmost to let the give it their best
Two. For each question, choose the person's of small deliveries. So I had to do a comparative shot ...
experience of the project from list A-H. You will hear a discussion between two managers,
study of the alternatives. The was, though, Man: Oh sure.
Kathy and Duncan, who work in the Human
that I was told just to look at our Woman: ... and found myself thinking, on,
After you have listened once, replay the recording. Resources department of a company.
finished products from the to the outlets, too many have got their hands on
You now have 30 seconds to read the two lists. which was straightforward but I soon For each question, 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or and or desirable
[pause] realised that it would make more sense to look C) for the correct answer. qualities the we put out the
at the whole of the chain. Anyway, I advertisement ... I just don't think all the
Now listen, and do the two tasks. After you have listened once, replay the recording.
managed to solve the problem. details should be passed around as they
[pause] You now have 45 seconds to read through the currently are.
Speaker Four
questions. Man: I
Speaker One Man: The I worked for with looking
Woman: I worked for a tool manufacturer, which another one, was given the of someone
had the domestic market, but
evaluating all the senior positions and redefining Now listen, and mark A, B or C. might help me ...
then the Director realised our their roles to fit into the structure of the new Woman: Only natural.
,",Vj-~~IJ'a~~y. It was hard, because Man: The new salary scales, welcome the
lines would do abroad, too, and he
lose their jobs, so increases are, don't address the real
116 117
Test 4
And the flexible holiday system hasn't done environments and cross old-fashioned national Sample
anything to reduce the day-to-day pressure. boundaries. Question 1
Woman: I know what mean, but I do have Man: It's certainly quite a challenge ... Report: Changes in Reliabitity, Punctuality and
faith in things if the current Woman: ... and one we need to meet. Sample Number of Complaints.
initiatives go Man: Anyway, so ... Reliability:
Man: Hm, I'll believe them when I see them, REPORT: Changes in Supatrain's reliability,
[pause] punctuality and number of complaints. In general, whilst about 980/0 between Dec 13
especially these glamorous new systems IT are
proposing. and Jan 9, the reliability of this train operator
Now listen to the recording again. The study of train's reliability, punctuality and
Woman: Well, I ... made an upward movement to 100% in the
[pause] number of complaints has covered the time next eight weeks, from Jan 10 to Mar 6.
Man: I just wish could be as span twelve weeks divided further into three
straightforward as production team manage That is the end of Part Three. You now have ten sub-periods. Punctuality:
to make it - what they're proposing is so minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer The of punctuality were always fewer
practical that it's bound to go through, while the Sheet. In regards to trains' reliability there was slight
than reliability in the same period. 12 weeks
rest of us are sitting around, considering every increase in the second period, reaching the level
[pause] saw a falling trend from 95% to 92 %.
possible aspect and application, and drawing up of 100 percent. This high score has remained
endless finance projections. Note: Teacher, stop the recording and time ten level for the rest of periods studied. Complaints:
Woman: Time will tell ... I must say, I'm not minutes. Remind students when there is one Conversely, in terms of punctuality, after As numbers per 100,000 passenger journeys
entirely happy about the way things are going. minute remaining. recording high score of 950/0 in the first period, there were 190 complaints in second four
Man: No? it declined steadily in the two subsequent weeks, from Jan 10 to Feb 6, which were
That is the end of the test.
Woman: Well, I just don't think information is periods. slightly down on the first week's figure, about
being handled very well it's a skill that's 200 complaints.
neglected here. We have, in theory at least, a Number of complaints per 100,000 passanger
good team system, but we still end up running st journeys has reached the level of 200 in the first Conclusion:
late at crucial stages on many projects simply 4 weeks studied. In the following period it has In the 12 weeks, the percentage of timetabled
Part 1
due to our own over-elaborate processes slightly plummeted. During the last 4 weeks of trains actually running at this train operator is
which, in terms of quality and efficiency, is 1 E 2 B 3 E 4 C 5 E 6 C the study number of complaints rose sharply, up to 1000/0. The punctuality took a down
clearly far from ideal. 7 D 8 A peaking at level around 225. towards 92 0/0.
Man: Yeah, well ... I think a lot of it is to do To conclude it is clear that increased number of But complaints had a growth so that the
with capturing and disseminating information, Part 2 complaints recorded in the last period, could be operator should take more care to the
and whether we do that effectively or not. We're 9 D 10 G 11 C 12 F 13 A caused by constantly decreasing punctuality of passengers.
not alone in encouraging employees to come up 14 E trains.
with ideas for improvements in procedures,
etcetera, particularly those aimed at enhancing Part 3 Band 2
customer service levels . . . Band 3 Nicely organised with headings. All content points
Woman: No ... 15 B 16 A 17 D 18 C 19 D A reasonable achievement of the task. All content are covered. However, there is a certain amount of
Man: ... but I'd like to see the outcomes of that 20 A
points are covered. An adequate range of structure awkward phrasing, which obscures
publicised internally ... we could have a kind of and vocabulary. Organisation and cohesion are communication and has a negative effect on the
magazine to supplement the annual report, and Part 4
good, and register and format are reasonable. target reader.
it could come out several times a year. 21 C 22 D 23 B 24 D 25 B However, there are issues of control, e.g. the writer
Woman: I guess that could help. 26 C 27 A 28 A 29 B 30 C moves between present perfect and past simple,
Man: It all ties up with where the company thinks and there is also an omission of articles. Overall, it
it might be going. Part 5 is a higher band 3 for most of the General
Woman: Yeah, that's the big issue. I'd say that Impression Mark Scheme criteria.
boils down to identity . . . 22 FORIAS 32 BE 33 ON 34 TO
Man: ... which we need to work on developing 35 THE 36 MORE 37 BY 38 IS
over the internet. 38 WHEN/IF 40 FROM
Woman: Hm, I think that probably comes later
... What we need to ask is and this is surely Part 6
where we're heading is how to build 41 YOURSELF 42 CORRECT 43 UP
recognition ... If you look at who succeeds in 44 ALL 45 SUCH 46 THE 47 OR
selling globally ... 48 THAT 49 WHILE 50 CORRECT
Man: our role models ... 51 US 52 SHOULD
Woman: being readily identifiable helps
companies to sell in on- and off-line
118 119
Key Test 4
120 121
Key Test 4
122 123
Key Test 4
year, they I am pleased to be able to Globally, however, demand for steel may well almost beyond our means. In the end, we Speaker Five
announce, than we at this time strengthen over the next year, because of managed to get it, but it was a struggle.
Man: In my sector, there are lots of small
last year: this year's figure is hundred and improving business confidence. In the US, for
Speaker Two companies, with frequent mergers and
fifty-four million pounds compared with last instance, analysts think that consumer spending
acquisitions, and high staff turnover. Of course,
year's figure of four hundred and fifty-one will be maintained at high levels. Although we Woman: The company I work for does contract
can never be one-hundred-per-cent sure how the that can be a disadvantage, but on the other
million pounds. The Board is recommending a work for the government, and we moved here
markets will develop, we do feel confident that hand, ideas for new products tend to grow, not
final dividend of seven share, which from London. In fact, the original designs were
the Middle East offers profitable prospects and just from internal research and development, but
makes a total year of ten p per for a much building, but that caused a
we some growth opportunities in steel or through the informal contacts that staff have
share, identical to last major furore, a local newspaper running a
-.:tPPI-rPI:::ltf'(1 businesses in this region.
with people at other firms. We really couldn't
The profit is campaign against it, so it had to be scaled down.
create those links where we were, because we
UK plants, which London was great, but the high overheads and
[pause] were geographically isolated, so to get close to a
performances, of the difficulties of travelling meant we had to
cluster of similar meant we had to
production records. Now listen to the recording again. move - almost It was important to
move. Rents were so that the boss decided
Deliveries to markets outside Europe were retain as many staff as possible, so the
[pause] to invest in having something built. Initially, he
twelve per cent up on the previous year, largely bosses did a to find out what would make
hired a small building firm, which went under
due to economic conditions outside our control. That is the end of Part One. You now have 20 people agree to The majority were
just after they'd started the work. Apparently
Operating costs, we are pleased to report, were seconds to check your answers. fairly mobile, as their children had grown up,
they'd overstretched themselves by taking on too
two per cent lower than- in the previous due and what emerged as their priority was that
[pause] many jobs, had serious cashflow problems, and
mainly to reduced costs, as house prices should be within their reach. This
couldn't pay their creditors, but he found
workforce was cut from thousand to Part Two. Questions 13 to 22. place is ideal in that respect.
another firm straightaway, who managed to
You will hear five senior managers talking about Speaker Three meet the original deadline.
to the less good news: there have been
why their companies selected new locations, and
difficulties with our trade over the last Man: The original plan was to construct a new [pause]
about a difficulty that affected the move.
year. The main culprit has been the strong manufacturing plant here. Because we use 'just
which has reduced profits by For each extract, there are two tasks. Look at Task Now listen to the recording again.
in time' methods, we didn't want to have
approximatelv five hundred million pounds. One. For each question, 13-17, choose the reason components and raw materials coming great [pause]
our nrrv-orre-ner-cenr- selecting the particular location from the list distances, so we picked this town because we
owned Now look at Task Two. For each question, That is the end of Part Two.
could most of these from local sources. But
continued to be badly affected by depressed 18-22, choose the that each company soon we started we realised we [pause]
selling prices. Then Huntingdon's, our had from the list didn't require additional capacity
five-per-cent-owned joint venture in the
Part Three. Questions 23 to 30.
after all, and decided to use the site for a big
After you have listened once, replay the recording.
encountered technical problems during the year, distribution serving the whole of Europe, You will hear a conversation between two Human
which mean that it is unlikely to resume You now have 30 seconds to read the two lists. and to close smaller centres. So Resources managers, Maria and David, about how
onerannz at again until late this year. construction of the plant was new plans to reduce staff turnover in their company.
problems, your Board were drawn up, and we went the whole
has taken a number of measures, which we Now listen, and do the two tasks. For each question, 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or
procedure of getting planning again.
C) for the correct answer.
believe will be effective within a short time- But it all went very smoothly, and we were still
frame: firstly, we have established a target for all able to open on the original date. After you have listened once, replay the recording.
our businesses of achieving nrreen-rier-cenr Speaker One
Speaker Four You now have 45 seconds to read through the
return on assets. We are the
Man: We're a small firm that manufactures questions.
organisation structures to make them flatter and Woman: I work for a foreign company which
machine parts, and we wanted to expand. There
more responsive to needs. moved a here from another country [pause]
was no space on our old site, so we realised we'd
We have also a team to look at fairly size of the available site was
have to move to a different town. We had well- Now listen, and mark A, B or C.
our working with the aim of improving it was the of state aid
qualified staff who would have no difficulty
are creating a considerably determined where factory ended up. [pause]
getting other jobs without having to move home,
more supplier base; and lastly, we are There was a lot of competition to construct it,
information more ,.--.-""'"1r",,,ol'\:7 and we needed to keep nearly all of them. So Woman: David, this issue of staff turnover has been
and in the end, the contract went to a
that meant looking for premises in towns that brewing for a while. I assume you've had time to
turn now to the outlook in the consortium, but had all sorts of problems,
were within easy reach for most of the read the from the consultants we called in
and abroad: the is complex. The UK financial ones and there was a lot of
workforce. We found somewhere suitable, but to look at problem? And I was horrified to see
economy is forecast to slow down next year. For between involved. The
within a very short time, several major that turnover of staff is now to
the economy as a whole, a recession is not upshot it all was that move was
employers moved to the area, as a cent a Can we put our
for the manufacturing sectors, overdue. Luckily, there was a penalty clause
rents rocketed. This was before see we can come up with?
predictions of, shall we say, the so we didn't lose as much money as
lease, and suddenly the place we Man: Yes, I've read the report and I agree we need
unfavourable conditions. we would done otherwise, but a lot of the
to deal with this fairly urgently.
people we'd offered jobs to went elsewhere.
124 125
Woman: Now, I'm aware that our pay rates have Man: Umm ... and what about this issue of
not been competitive for a while, but we still training that the consultants raised?
seem to be able to recruit, so we need to look at Woman: Well, I think we'll have to consider a
what happens when people actually start here. bigger programme, but to save costs, perhaps we
They seem to become unhappy when realise should only send our more motivated staff on
how much we require of them - and in courses? That may work better. To facilitate practice for the Speaking test, the Interlocutor:
difficult circumstances as well. I think most staff Man: I'm not sure that we do need more. And I scripts followed by the interlocutor for Parts 2 and • Thank you. Now, B, please ask A a question
are conscious of how essential they are to our actually think it's the courses that need careful 3 appear below. They should be used in conjunction about his/her talk.
success, but that's clearly not enough ... what's planning rather than focusing on who attends. If with Tests 1-4 Speaking tasks. These tasks are [Candidate B asks a question.}
your view? the programme is appropriately directed at contained in booklets in the real Speaking test.
Man: Well, particular topics, then it will be relevant to all Interlocutor frames are not included for Part 1, in Interlocutor:
report, it seems are serious issues affecting the staff involved in that area. which the interlocutor asks the candidates questions Thank you.
all grades of staff - for example, they mentioned Woman: Mmm - suppose so. directly rather than asking them to perform tasks. • Can I have the booklets, please?
the fact that, although new recruits are well Man: We've also got to look at how we can
catered for, there's no real ongoing training. compensate people better when we're not in a Part 2: Mini presentations (about six minutes) Part 3: Collaborative task and discussion (about
Then it noted that, once sales staff reach a position to raise our basic salaries. seven minutes)
certain level, there's nowhere for them to go. Woman: Yes well, for the moment, we could Interlocutor:
And also it found that the higher levels of perhaps increase staff loyalty by offering stock Now, in this part of the test, I'm going to give Interlocutor:
management would a more clearly defined options as a carrot say when people have been each of you a choice of three different topics. I'd Now, in this part of the test, you are going to
role in the organisation. seems there are a here for a year. If we go down the route of like you to select one of the topics and give a discuss something together.
range of problems. offering bonus payments, then it looks attractive short presentation on it for about a minute. You [Interlocutor holds the booklet open at the task
Woman: Yes, and it's not been helped by that initially, but I'm not sure it's effective in the long will have a minute to this and you can while giving the instructions below.}
newspaper article about our expansion. It was run, because it depends on reaching targets. You make notes if you you have finished
so critical that I think it will start affecting our know, considering what those consultants your talk, your partner will ask you a question. Interlocutor:
ability to attract new staff. We've already got charged, they haven't really come up with any All right? Here are your topics. Please don't You will have 30 seconds to read this task
too many skilled staff leaving, and having a useful solutions, have they? write anything in the booklet. carefully, and then about three minutes to
shortage in other areas will just compound the Man: No, you're right. Look, let's go away and discuss and decide about it together. You should
[Interlocutor hands each candidate a booklet and a give reasons for your decisions and opinions.
problem. Certainly the article didn't present a get this down on paper and then we can draw pencil and paper for notes. Allow one minute
very confident view of our future - but people up a detailed proposal of what we think should You don't need to write anything. Is that clear?
preparation time.}
on the inside have more faith in us, thank be done in the next year. We'll give that to the [Interlocutor places the booklet in front of the
goodness. MD and, if he agrees, he can take it to the Board Interlocutor: candidates so they can both see it. Allow 30
Man: Well, we've got a range of options, haven't next month. Now, B, which topic have you chosen, A, B or
seconds for candidates to read the task.}
we? I think we've got a good communication Woman: OK, I'll email you something, and we C?
system in place now most of the managers feel can meet next week . . . A, please listen carefully to B's talk and then ask Interlocutor:
that's working fairly well. But we need to make him/her a question about it. I'm just going to listen and then ask you to stop
[pause] after about three minutes. Please speak so that
sure we're all working towards the same
[Candidate B speaks for one minute.}
recognisable end. We need a system in place so Now listen to the recording again. we can hear you.
everyone knows what they're doing and why. Interlocutor:
[pause] [Candidates have about three minutes to complete
Other alternatives, like offering rewards for • Thank you. Now, A, please ask B a question
achieving performance targets, don't really the task.}
That is the end of Part Three. You now have ten about his/her talk.
address the underlying problem. minutes to transfer your answers to your Answer Interlocutor:
[Candidate A asks a question.}
Woman: Hmmm - I know that our closest Sheet. Can I have the booklet, please?
competitor, Harston's, had a similar problem a Interlocutor:
[pause] [Interlocutor asks one or more of the follow-on
few years ago, and they seem to have addressed • Now, A, which topic have you chosen, A, B or C?
it successfully by deciding to get all the staff Note: Teacher, stop the recordings here and time B, please listen carefully to A's talk and then ask questions as appropriate, to extend the discussion.}
together every year, somewhere different like a ten minutes. Remind students when there is one him/her a question about it.
hotel, and getting them to talk about what's minute remaining. Thank you. That is the end of the test.
[Candidate A speaks for one minute.}
bothering them. But I think you get the same
That is the end of the test.
result by using an appraisal system. I think
Harston's also tried to prevent problems arising
in the first place by setting up a system where all
new staff were assigned a mentor, but, er, I'm
not sure how effective it's been.
126 127