Yes, You CAN Understand Native English Spea
Yes, You CAN Understand Native English Spea
Yes, You CAN Understand Native English Spea
Here are some examples of how spoken English and textbook English might
differ from a grammar standpoint.
There are certain tenses and grammatical structures that are far more
commonly used in written English than they are in spoken English, like —
Passive Voice
The passive voice is a grammatical construction used to emphasise the
action or object rather than the subject or doer. It is often preferred in
academic writing, formal reports and professional documents.
The decision was made by the committee.
"I haven't got any money." Which is common in spoken British English.
While in school, you’re most likely taught to say, “I don’t have any money.”
This is known as connected speech, which refers to the way words are linked
together in natural, fluent speech. There are several key aspects of connected
speech you need to be aware of. I am not going to go too deep into this right
now, but I want you to be aware of certain features you will definitely hear in
spoken British English:
Elision is the omission, or leaving out, of certain sounds in speech, often to
make pronunciation more efficient and fluid. In British English, the most
common example is the dropping of the final /t/ sound in words like 'not',
'but', and 'what'.
For example—
I don't know may be pronounced as I don' know.
Assimilation occurs when a sound changes to become more like a
neighbouring sound. In British English, this often happens with the /t/ and
/d/ sounds when followed by a /j/ sound.
Intrusive 'r'
In British English, an /r/ sound is sometimes inserted between two vowel
sounds to make the transition smoother. This is particularly common in non-
rhotic accents, such as Received Pronunciation (RP).
For example—
law and order may be pronounced as law-r-and order
Linking 'r'
Similar to the intrusive /r/, the linking /r/ occurs when a word ending in 'r'
is followed by a word beginning with a vowel sound. In non-rhotic accents,
the 'r' is pronounced to connect the two words.
For example—
far away may be pronounced as fa-raway
Weak forms
In connected speech, certain words are often pronounced with a reduced or
weak form. This is particularly common with function words, such as
prepositions, articles and auxiliary verbs.
For example—
to may be pronounced as /tə/ and and as /ən/.
In spoken English, native speakers pretty much always use contractions. For
I am I'm /aɪm/
He is He’s /his/
She is She’s
You are You’re
She has She’s
He has He’s
We have We’ve
We had We'd
We would We'd
We will We'll
Informal Contractions
Now, contractions aren’t usually used in formal writing, and they are more
commonly used in spoken English. But native speakers like to take it a step
further. We also use informal contractions, which combine two or more
words into shorter words, but they are quite informal and used in very casual
conversations, like in this sentence —
Rather than:
I have to go to the shops if you want to come.
We tend to use a lot of slang and idioms because it adds colour and
character to what we are trying to say. I’m sure you do the same in your
native language.
Slang and idioms are often used to express ideas or emotions in a more
creative and nuanced way than standard, direct English, but this also tends
to make it challenging for English learners to understand. So, here are some
common slang terms that you will most likely encounter in daily
Additionally, here are some fun idioms for you to get started:
Choose the correct answer for each question.
1) What is the main difference between spoken English and textbook English?
3) What is elision?
6) I was ________ after paying my bills, so I had to wear a ________ outfit to the event, but I
still managed to have a good time.
a. mint; shredded
b. skint; naff
c. dodgy; minted
7) What does the idiom 'every cloud has a silver lining' mean?
8) I've been feeling ________ lately, so I decided to take a day off and rest at home.