Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues
Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues
Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues
Vladimir Mako Key words
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
urban design
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This position shifted the interest of researchers and scholars into the field of
experimentation and theoretical speculation, incorporating into discussion
on architecture and urban design broader issues from a variety of different
disciplines. A number of new notions regarding the aspects of creativity,
perception, and evaluation of architectural and urban design and their social
and cultural role emerged. The close collaboration between philosophers and
architects in the last quarter of the twentieth century opened that possibility,
and redefined many aspects and principles on which the discipline of building
has been based. This pervasion of philosophy, architecture, and urban design
brought up ideas and notions which the international modernism band from
the theoretical exploration and practice. Many ideas and approaches to the
essence of man’s perception of architecture as a complex environment,
which have been developed by the avant-garde movements on the beginning
of the twentieth century came back into the focus of the scholars and
architects. We can say that dynamic of contemporary life turned back into
the creativity of architects and urban designers, however sometimes in a
way which challenge the essence of our previous understanding what these
fields of human activity are.
This process raises many issues and ideas trying to reevaluate ones,
mostly ideologically, leading architectural and urban theories and practice.
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Close to these issues, research into the relationship between architecture and
consumerism and commercialism finds its important place. Not only that the
research takes into the contemporary significance of these issues as an important
part in the process of designing, but also as a manifestation of particular
cultural value. It seems that consumerism and commercialism developed as a
power controlling in some way the formation of aesthetic taste, respond, and
needs of a majority in contemporary societies, becoming a strong force in the
process of globalization. These issues are related to particular significance of
contemporary media trough which ideas in architecture, art, and design are
presented to the public, which brings them into the dynamic focus of the global
information society. Does this process establish an global matrix of universal
aesthetic values, or does it lead towards controlled everyday changeability of
taste is still an open issue.
Only further research and discussion regarding the nature of aesthetic taste and
how it forms in contemporary environment, can answer on questions related
to the essence of creativity and its link to consumerism and commercialism.
Can they help in generating values of high art or are they condemned to
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extremely important issues, how and in what way we perceive and aesthetically
reacting on cultural differences on a large urban scale.
Indicated research issues are proving the importance of aesthetic ideas regarding
architecture and urban environment in their further development. Research
of aesthetic ideas, which are essentially related to the cultural existence of
men, opens the possibility for revalorization of theoretical positions on issues
regarding essential processes of architectural creativity, perception of our
contemporary built environment, and their further development.
Adorno, Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory. Trans. R. Hullot-Kentor. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press, 1997.
Winters, Edward. Aesthetics & Architecture. London:Continuum, 2007.
Baudrillard, Jean. Nouvel, Jean. The Singular Objects of Architecture. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 2002.
Berleant, Arnold. Carlson, Allen. The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Broadview Press, 2007.
CD Proceedings of the International Conference Architecture and Ideology. ed. Vladimir Mako,
Mirjana Roter Blagojević, Marta Vukotić Lazar, Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture University
of Belgrade, Board of Ranko Radović Award, Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers
of Serbia, 2012.
Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference Architecture, Civil Engineering –
Modernity. Varna: Varna Free University, 2011.
Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics. Irbid: Yarmouk University, 2009.
Proceedings of the International Conference The Space in European Architecture – Tradition and
Innovation. Varna: Varna Free University, 2009.
Proceedings of the ENHSA-EAAE Architectural Design Teachers’ Network Meeting, Transactions
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Vladimir Mako
Aleš Erjavec
ključne reči: umetnost, estetika, relaciona estetika, žak ransijer, teri smit,
savremena umetnost
Odnosi, potencijalnosti i kriticna
Ž mesta
Miško Šuvaković