Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues

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S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _ original scientific article

approval date 14 05 2012

UDK BROJEVI: 72.01 ID BROJ: 194947596



The aim of this article is to provide an overview regarding

research into aesthetic issues concerning architecture, urban
design, and environment in general. For this purpose, the
article focuses on the period of the last twelve years, as a
period of intensive research into the named issues using new
philosophical positions and values of interculturality. It seems
that in that period research in aesthetics of architecture shifted
into complex interdisciplinary fields developing new theoretical
ideas enriching at the same time processes of creative practice.

Vladimir Mako Key words
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture

urban design
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

Contemporary ideas on issues regarding aspects and principles of aesthetic

thinking in/on architecture are mainly developing according to the theoretical,
philosophical, and inter/cultural views of the last few decades of the twentieth
century. The more interesting point is that these views liberated scholars
from thinking on aesthetics in architecture based on the strict nominal
values regarding principles of “gestalt” theory. Once being the primal field
of investigation what creates the absolute universal concept of beauty in
architecture, as the research in proper proportions, or in the theory of form
in general and particularly suitable for various functions, or what makes the
artistic concept forming a city, vanished. Even the issues regarding empathy
and other concepts of creativity and aesthetic evaluation of this kind developed

Vladimir Mako _ Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues

in the first half of the twentieth century, do not hold strongly in new discussions
on architecture and our built environment.

This position shifted the interest of researchers and scholars into the field of
experimentation and theoretical speculation, incorporating into discussion
on architecture and urban design broader issues from a variety of different
disciplines. A number of new notions regarding the aspects of creativity,
perception, and evaluation of architectural and urban design and their social
and cultural role emerged. The close collaboration between philosophers and
architects in the last quarter of the twentieth century opened that possibility,
and redefined many aspects and principles on which the discipline of building
has been based. This pervasion of philosophy, architecture, and urban design
brought up ideas and notions which the international modernism band from
the theoretical exploration and practice. Many ideas and approaches to the
essence of man’s perception of architecture as a complex environment,
which have been developed by the avant-garde movements on the beginning
of the twentieth century came back into the focus of the scholars and
architects. We can say that dynamic of contemporary life turned back into
the creativity of architects and urban designers, however sometimes in a
way which challenge the essence of our previous understanding what these
fields of human activity are.

This dynamic vision and practice of architecture and urban development

generated new ideas and notions what the aesthetics linked to them can be.
When Derrida and Baudrillard, for example, paid their attention on architecture
and urban environment as a cultural phenomenon of the time, the definition
of aesthetic aspects regarding their contemporary value shifted into the new
speculative field. No more form defined by functional dictate, but anticipated
dynamic activity of the user-participant; no more perceptual solidity of form
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

and cultural meaning, but the notion of aesthetics of disappearance and

fluid perceptual qualities. That brought old issues into new focus, and the
redefinition of aesthetic values in architecture and urban environment took
over. From the ‘perfectly’ formed object, architecture become interpreted
as a cultural performance with various functions and meanings; from the
artistically formed whole, urban structure become a dynamic environment
mirroring contemporary cultural, technological, and commercial activities.
New aesthetic terms and vocabulary has been established, becoming a driving
force of research in new phenomenon and understanding what the perception
and experience of space and form, space and human body, new structuralism
and disappearance of form can be.

Developed mainly on international aesthetic conferences, we can emphasize a

few general topics regarding ideas on architecture and urban design. However,
main approach to the investigation of issues in question is positioned according
to the ideas of inter/multi/trans cultural existence and development of aesthetic
phenomenon in architecture and urban design in the contemporary world. The
general intellectual atmosphere in which the debates are holding is created
in regard to the conscious idea that one should learn from different cultural
experiences. Need for comparison of aesthetic ideas emerging from various
cultural interpretations and experience values become a powerful driving
force in the research of everyday transformation of contemporary societies.
Globalization and regionalization are side by side processes influencing
development of new aesthetic visions, values, and experiences, and that idea
has been deeply rooted into contemporary research approaches and processes.
In that context, a number of investigations are launched trying to research
how historical cultural particularities reflect and influence contemporary
understanding of architecture and urban design in their cultural and trans
cultural complexity. Existence of possible universal values, cultural differences
and similarities in the interpretation of aesthetic phenomenon and meanings,
are researched according to the contemporary processes of social and political
transformations as a global fact. In that sense, particular value proves the
investigation of perceptual issues as the basis for every aesthetic experience,
aider as a pure physiological or cultural quality. It establishes the basis for a
complex investigation of creativity as an aesthetic issue, particularly in the
societies in the process of political, ideological, social and cultural transition,
taking place in the last twenty years.

This process raises many issues and ideas trying to reevaluate ones,
mostly ideologically, leading architectural and urban theories and practice.
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

Domination of social housing, for example, in the general development of

socialistic societies and their urban environment, is under new research scope
trying to establish sustainable cultural and aesthetic values according to the
contemporary conditions of political and ideological transition in which the
majority of European states are living today. Witnessing an enormous activity
and structural transformation of earlier carefully planned urban structures,
the research of this interdisciplinary phenomenon seems inevitable. It is
evident that needs of contemporary life and economy takes over the earlier
established idealistic approach to modern urbanism, not only by interpolation
of new buildings into the free space of the ‘garden city’, but also changing
the functional, social, and cultural matrix of huge parts of urban structures.

Vladimir Mako _ Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues

However, the questions related to the aspects of aesthetic evaluation of this
phenomenon, should be based on various new experience values, not only as
perceptual but also as new social and cultural qualities.

Learning from the past becomes a particularly important issue, especially

when regarding the inter/multi/trans cultural position of architecture and
urban environment. The goal of researching traditional urban matrix and
architectural structures is not any more just to reach knowledge important for
the preservation of that cultural heritage. It is now the research into issues of
sustainability, cultural and ecological, formed by the long lasting experience
of people living under particular historical and natural conditions, mainly
lost in the era off international modernism. Transition of that experience
into contemporary society proves as a very important one, reflecting on new
modes of self sufficient build environment. However, these investigations are
opening new reflections on aesthetic issues, which become a driving force in
development of contemporary ideas on architecture and urban environment.

One of the processes challenging conventional aesthetic values regarding

architecture is related to the change of existing functions of buildings.
It seems that in this field practice surpass the theoretical discussion and
research into aesthetic principles of this process. However, the complexity
of the issue, particularly if related to the aspects of cultural and technological
sustainability, is an argument for deeper research into all social and aesthetic
consequences of this phenomenon. This issue is particularly urgent when
talking about the industrial building heritage and its technological facilities.
Especially in the countries under political, economical, and social transition,
this kind of heritage disappears fast. Being not substantially researched, the
cultural significance and aesthetic potential of this building practice is not
recognized, causing its degradation or demolition. Research into this issue
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

can also bring up new methodologies and approaches, aider in practice or

education, which seems to be a substantially important field for contemporary
architectural theory and aesthetics.

Contemporary aesthetics enters the field of creativity and epistemology in the

search for the nature of aesthetic intention, as the foundation of every aesthetic
activity. Complexity of this issue raises many questions regarding mainly the
processes in forming concepts, leading to the final architectural and urban
design appearance as a materialized cultural phenomenon. In that context,
investigation in the field regarding the relationship between architectural
creativity and education seems to be of interest, rising up questions looking on
the process of conceptualizing ideas in a broader cultural context. The issues
of interdisciplinary approach to the architectural education, the influence
of other arts and design fields, of theories and fundamental perceptual and
functional qualities, are recognized as the main factors in the process of
defining the aesthetic intention, creative aspects, and concepts of design. They
are at the same time tools for establishing the aspects of aesthetic evaluation,
as the final step in the creative process. Awareness of such a structure of a
creative process, can lead towards educational programs developing complex
thinking and individual creative power, able to reflect on contemporary
dynamic cultural environment.

Close to these issues, research into the relationship between architecture and
consumerism and commercialism finds its important place. Not only that the
research takes into the contemporary significance of these issues as an important
part in the process of designing, but also as a manifestation of particular
cultural value. It seems that consumerism and commercialism developed as a
power controlling in some way the formation of aesthetic taste, respond, and
needs of a majority in contemporary societies, becoming a strong force in the
process of globalization. These issues are related to particular significance of
contemporary media trough which ideas in architecture, art, and design are
presented to the public, which brings them into the dynamic focus of the global
information society. Does this process establish an global matrix of universal
aesthetic values, or does it lead towards controlled everyday changeability of
taste is still an open issue.

Only further research and discussion regarding the nature of aesthetic taste and
how it forms in contemporary environment, can answer on questions related
to the essence of creativity and its link to consumerism and commercialism.
Can they help in generating values of high art or are they condemned to
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

be identified as developers of mass produced kitsch in our everyday urban

environment, are questions waiting for discussion. Entering also the field of
ethics and its essential role in the development of aesthetic ideas, this issue
proves to be a highly complex one. That way it also contributes to the research
efforts regarding general environmental issues.

Research undertaken in the last decade, proves the importance of the

environmental aesthetic issues. This field of interest is extremely complex,
and it integrates different sub fields ranging from the issues regarding natural
environment, through the research in ecology and its relationship with aesthetics,
to urban and cultural environmental ideas. It also involves ideas relating new

Vladimir Mako _ Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues

technologies and sustainability in architecture and urban environment, aider on
the global level and regarding cultural and climate particularities. Relationship
between these issues and aesthetical and ethical concepts seems to be primal
research field, looking on aesthetics as a new power generating ideas which can
bring sustainable urban development into function. Aesthetics in this context
can be thought as a main component in the search for sustainable solutions
because through it one can establish balance between technologies as products
of human industrial capacities, ecology as a necessary component if the
humanity wishes to survive, and cultural environment, global and particular,
as the generator of future developments of ideas.

This general context of investigation deals with a number of questions

related to the issues discussing relationship between city and nature trough
their complex spatial, ecological, and cultural pervasions. The enormous
development of cities creating urban environment with various, sometimes
completely different concepts for each part of the same urban whole regarding
their functional and historical particularities, brings up new issues and ways of
interpretation of the essence of architecture, urban design, and nature. It also
develops our understanding what the aesthetic can be when included into the
process of a dynamic environmental development.

In this context, all aspects of contemporary commercialism, advertising

and branding, find its place in our new experience of the city as a centre of
economical power. However, it is not only the issue of relationship between
architecture and new forms of public street advertising, often aggressive,
which is in the focus of research into the perceptual phenomenon of merchant
leading cities. There are different cultural issues and meanings regarding the
multi/inter/trans cultural nature of contemporary megalopolis. The cultural
exchange, particularly on the level of ordinary visitors to these cities, brings up
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

extremely important issues, how and in what way we perceive and aesthetically
reacting on cultural differences on a large urban scale.

New methodologies are established researching the possibility of urban

regeneration through direct involvement of art as a form of public performance.
It brings back the essential meaning of public spaces as places where the political,
cultural, and social performance occur, particularly in and after renaissance time.
Importance of these approaches raises from the fact that public art performance
as a social and cultural phenomenon generates new aesthetic values within
everyday urban environment. Further research in this field will open discussion
of its limits and possibilities in the process of urban development.

Indicated research issues are proving the importance of aesthetic ideas regarding
architecture and urban environment in their further development. Research
of aesthetic ideas, which are essentially related to the cultural existence of
men, opens the possibility for revalorization of theoretical positions on issues
regarding essential processes of architectural creativity, perception of our
contemporary built environment, and their further development.

Adorno, Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory. Trans. R. Hullot-Kentor. Minneapolis, MN: University of
Minnesota Press, 1997.
Winters, Edward. Aesthetics & Architecture. London:Continuum, 2007.
Baudrillard, Jean. Nouvel, Jean. The Singular Objects of Architecture. Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 2002.
Berleant, Arnold. Carlson, Allen. The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Broadview Press, 2007.
CD Proceedings of the International Conference Architecture and Ideology. ed. Vladimir Mako,
Mirjana Roter Blagojević, Marta Vukotić Lazar, Belgrade: Faculty of Architecture University
of Belgrade, Board of Ranko Radović Award, Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers
of Serbia, 2012.
Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference Architecture, Civil Engineering –
Modernity. Varna: Varna Free University, 2011.
Proceedings of the 4th Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics. Irbid: Yarmouk University, 2009.
Proceedings of the International Conference The Space in European Architecture – Tradition and
Innovation. Varna: Varna Free University, 2009.
Proceedings of the ENHSA-EAAE Architectural Design Teachers’ Network Meeting, Transactions
S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _

on Architectural Education No. 35 Teaching and Experimenting With Architectural Design:

Advances in Technology and Changes in Pedagogy. Lisbon: University Luisiada, 2007.
Proceedings of the 3rd Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics Imagination, Sensuality, Art.
Ljubljana, Koper: Slovenian Society of Aesthetics, 2006.
Proceedings of the 2nd Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics Space and Memories. Association
Tunisienne d’Esthetique et de Poietique, ATEP & Maghreb Diffusion, 2005.
CD Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Academy of Design Design
System Evolution. Bremen: University of the Arts, 2005.
CD Proceedings of the 1st International Tropical Architecture Conference. Singapore: National
University of Singapore, 2004.
CD Proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Aestheticians. Tokyo: Institute of
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Aret, Faculty of Letters University of Tokyo, 2003.
Proceedings of the mAAN 2nd International Conference Towards Modern Asian Architecture.

Vladimir Mako _ Aesthetics in Architecture: Contemporary Research Issues

Singapore: National University of Singapore, 2002.
Proceedings of the 1st Mediterranean Congress of Aesthetics. Annals for Aesthetics, Volume 41B,
Athens: Panayotis & Effie Michelis Foundation in collaboration with the Hellenic Society for
Aesthetics, 2002.
International Yearbook of Aesthetics. International Association for Aesthetics. Online volumes on

S A J _ 2012 _ 4 _


Vladimir Mako

Cilj ovog članka je da pruži osvrt u vezi sa istraživanjima pitanja estetike

vezanim za arhitekturu, urbano projektovanje, kao i životnu sredinu u opštem
smislu. U tu svrhu, članak se fokusira na period poslednjih dvanaest godina, kao
period intezivnih istraživanja navedenih pitanja korišćenjem novih filozofskih
stavova i vrednosti interkulturalnosti. Čini se da je u tom periodu istraživanje
estetike arhitekture pomereno u složena interdisciplinarna polja razvijajući
nove teorijske ideje a u isto vreme obogaćujući procese kreativne prakse.

ključne reči: estetika, arhitektura, urbano projektovanje, životna sredina,



Aleš Erjavec

Autor skicira razvoj odnosa između umetnosti i estetike u nedavnoj prošlosti.

Kao svoju polaznu tačku on uzima stanovište koje su umetnici ustanovili
šezdesetih godina u odnosu na filozofsku estetiku. Po njegovom mišljenju
1980 godina je predstavljala istorijski početak što se tiče transformacija i u
umetnosti i u filozofiji. On zatim razmatra tri teorije umetnosti i estetike –
„relacionu estetiku“ Nikolasa Burioda iz devedestih, estetski projekat Žaka
Ransijera iz naredne decenije i najskoriju „teoriju savremene umetnosti“
koju je razvio Teri Smit. Po autorovom mišljenju, ove tri teorije estetike i
umetnosti ne samo da opovrgavaju prožimajuće mišljenje da je savremena
estetika shvaćena kao filozofija umetnosti još jednom odvojena od savremene
umetnosti i sveta umetnosti, ali isto tako jasno ispoljavaju njihov faktički
značaj i uticaj u savremenim diskusijama o umetnosti.

ključne reči: umetnost, estetika, relaciona estetika, žak ransijer, teri smit,
savremena umetnost

Odnosi, potencijalnosti i kriticna
Ž mesta

Miško Šuvaković

U raspravi ”ARHITEKTURA I FILOZOFIJA / odnosi, potencijalnosti i

kritična mesta” biće reči o pojmovima ”filozofija arhitekture” i ”estetika
arhitekture”. Biće uvedene razlike između tradicionalne i savremene filozofije
i estetike arhitekture. U posebnom potpoglavlju se razmatra status ”teorija” i

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