22151a - RaySafe Pro Mam Accreditation Phantom - Flyer - en
22151a - RaySafe Pro Mam Accreditation Phantom - Flyer - en
22151a - RaySafe Pro Mam Accreditation Phantom - Flyer - en
Key features
• Complies with ACR phantom specifications
and accreditation program/quality control (QC)
• Tests the performance of a mammographic
system and its ability to image small structures
similar to those found clinically
• Contains test objects to simulate indications of
breast cancer, punctuate calcifications, tissue
fibrillar extensions in adipose tissue, and
tumorlike masses
• Ideal for monitoring the overall performance of
your mammographic imaging system RaySafe Pro Mam Accreditation Phantom allows
• Equivalent in X-ray attenuation to a 4.2 cm you to detect any changes in imaging quality,
compressed "average" breast enabling you to maintain the system so it remains
• Helps ensure optimum image quality and peak at peak performance.
performance of the mammographic system
This phantom was designed to test the
• Essential for MQSA compliance performance of a mammographic system by a
quantitative evaluation of the system’s ability to
Detect imaging changes image small structures, important in the early
This phantom is intended for use as an integral detection of breast cancer.
part of the Mammographic Quality Control
Program. Objects within the phantom simulate fibrous
lesions, microcalcifications, and tumor masses.
It helps you to quickly and easily perform Sizes range from what should be visible on any
routine testing to evaluate the overall imaging system, to objects which would be challenging to
performance of your mammographic system. detect even for the best mammography units.
Ordering information
Fibrils Model 18-220-01 RaySafe Pro-Mam Accreditation Phantom.
Includes a comfortable carrying case.
We empower our everyday heroes
to focus only on protecting lives.
Unfors RaySafe AB
Uggledalsvägen 29
427 40 Billdal, Sweden
For more information, contact us at:
Tumor-like Masses +46 31 719 97 00
©2023 RaySafe
Specifications subject to change without notice.
3/2023 22151a-en