Dilated Cardiomyopathy Notes Atf
Dilated Cardiomyopathy Notes Atf
Dilated Cardiomyopathy Notes Atf
Dilated Cardiomyopathy Medical Editor: Aldrich Christiandy
o TTN gene
Autoimmune o Cocaine or methamphetamine
o Systemic lupus erythematosus o Doxorubicin, trastuzumab
Infection Tachycardia-induced
o Cox-B o Atrial fibrillation (AFib)
o HIV o High PVC burden
o Parvo B-19 Metabolic
o Trypanosoma cruzi o Adrenal medulla cancer (pheochromocytoma)
Stress-induced o Vitamin B1 deficiency
o High emotional stress o Thyroid gland cause
o Pregnancy
Etiology Pathophysiology
Probably affects TTN gene If there’s genetic defect in the sarcomere
o Controls different proteins that are connecting o Decrease in the sarcomere function → decrease
different parts of the sarcomere proteins ventricular contractility
Sarcomere is the structural and functional unit of o Reduction in cardiac output
the actual muscle Reduction in cardiac output causes ventricles trying to
Remember sarcomere is the structural and functional unit come up with
of the actual muscle o Dilating the ventricles
o Trying to make their ventricles a little bit thinner
Figure 3. Autoimmune
Etiology Pathophysiology
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) Develop certain types of autoantibodies and cause
particular destruction of the actual myocyte
Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) o Destroy myocyte → destroy functional unit of the
cardiac muscle
o Decrease in the contractility of the muscle →
reduction in cardiac output
Figure 4. Infections
Etiology Trypanosoma cruzi
Coxsackie B virus (Cox-B) High yield material
HIV Nasty bug that leads to the disease called Chagas
Parvovirus B19 disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
Clinical vignette that may present
Patient went traveling maybe in South America or Africa
May actually cause myocarditis and came back
o Inflammation of the myocardium → decrease the Having these conditions
function of the myocardium o Low-grade fever
o Decrease in contractility
o Periorbital swelling
o Having difficulty swallowing
o Mega esophagus
o Had difficulty being able to eliminate feces
Because they have a mega colon
o Chest pain or cardiomyopathy
Figure 5. Stress-induced
Etiology Peripartum cardiomyopathy
High emotional stress → Takotsubo cardiomyopathy Around the time periods of pregnancy can put a lot high
o E.g., due to emotional stressor or loss of a loved one degrees of stress on the body
Pregnancy → Peripartum cardiomyopathy o Particularly third trimester up to about six months
o Particularly third trimester up to about six months postpartum
postpartum Pathophysiology
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy Put a lot of stressors on sympathetic nervous system
o Sympathetic nervous system on high activation due
to high stress state
o Increase the release of norepinephrine
Norepinephrine stimulates adrenal medulla to increase
the secretion of epinephrine that works on the heart
o Puts tons of stress on the heart
o Increase the contractility of the heart and heart rate
Overtime increase stress on the heart for a long time
(acute intense stress on the heart)
Figure 6. Takotsubo cardiomyopathy o Heart starts to go into a failure state
(A) ventriculogram (B) takotsubo pot [Buttner, R., & Burns, E., 2021]
This cardiomyopathy is named after the takotsubo pot
due to LV appearance like this pot [Buttner, R., & Burns, E., 2021]
Figure 7. Cardiotoxins
Etiology Doxorubicin / daunorubicin / trastuzumab
Chemotherapeutic agent → kill cancer cells
Cocaine or methamphetamine usage Trastuzumab is a breast cancer drug
Doxorubicin / daunorubicin /trastuzumab
Clinical vignette
Alcohol abuse
Too much alcohol can put a lot of stress on the heart o Taking some type of medication for their chemo and
Those toxins can put a lot of destruction to the actual start developing dilated cardiomyopathy
cardiac cells o Think about these agents
o Less cardiac tissues to maintain enough contractility
o Decrease in contractility
o Decrease in the cardiac performance overall
Cocaine or methamphetamine
Similar effect to sympathomimetic surge
Lots of norepinephrine and epinephrine causes
o Vasoconstriction
o Increase contractility
o Increase heart rate
These puts lots of stress for the heart
Increase preload a little bit too much This causes them to go through a special type of
hypertrophy → eccentric hypertrophy
Remember Frank Starling’s law o Causes the ventricles to become thin
o “As you stretch the sarcomere, if you get it to the o And allow for the actual lumen of the left ventricle to
optimal stretching point, the contraction increases” dilate to accommodate these high volume
o Basically
Increase stretch → increase contraction Disease
o Dilated cardiomyopathy
If you stretch the sarcomere too much beyond their
point of optimal contractility (ii) High pressure stress
o Contractility goes down If we put the actual muscle cells under high degree of
Because ventricles dilate, myocardium has to go through pressure stress
remodeling process o They have to be able to work hard against a high
o Myocardium has to actually accommodate all of these degree of pressure
higher volume o Sarcomerse are added in parallel
o The actual ventricular walls will actually start to be
o This drops the actual contractility even more
Cardiac remodeling type
Figure 15. Sarcomeres are added in parallel
This causes them to go through a special type of
hypertrophy → concentric hypertrophy
o In this condition, causes the ventricle to get thicker →
myocardium thickness will increase
o Left ventricular hypertrophy in condition due to
Aortic stenosis
Quick recap – Dilated cardiomyopathy
Reduction in contractility
o Ventricles trying to remodel by increasing preload
o Get volume overloaded
Figure 13. Cardiac remodeling type o Dilate the lumen of the ventricle
Put the myocardium cells under a high degree stress Ventricle walls get thin due to eccentric hypertrophy →
because of these two situations contractility drops
o High volume state
o High pressure state
We have two of these sarcomeres in a line
Common symptoms
Difficulty of breathing
Crackles or rales
o Via auscultation Back up into the lower extremities → pedal edema
Table 1. Quick recap for right and left-sided heart failure
Maybe even cough
Low blood pressure Right-sided failure Left-sided failure
o Small degree of hypotension Jugular vein distension Hypotension
Hepatomegaly Pulmonary edema
Pedal edema
Table 2. Diseases that Chest X-Ray and 12-lead EKG rule out on diagnosing dilated cardiomyopathy
Chest X-Ray rules out 12-lead EKG rules out
Pneumonia Any type of ischemia
ARDS ST segment elevation
Pneumothorax MI
Table 4. Summary of causes of dilated cardiomyopathy
Causes Pathophysiology
Decrease in the sarcomere function → decrease ventricular
Idiopathic TTN gene o Reduction in cardiac output
o Dilating the ventricles
o Trying to make their ventricles a little bit thinner
Develop certain types of autoantibodies and cause particular
Systemic lupus destruction of the actual myocyte
Autoimmune erythematosus o Destroy myocyte → destroy functional unit of the cardiac muscle
Rheumatoid arthritis o Decrease in the contractility of the muscle → reduction in cardiac
Polyarteritis nodosa output
Coxsackie B virus Inflammation of the myocardium → decrease the function of the
(Cox-B) myocardium
Infection HIV Decrease in contractility
Parvovirus B19
Trypanosoma cruzi
Put a lot of stressors on sympathetic nervous system
o Sympathetic nervous system on high activation due to high stress
o Increase the release of norepinephrine
High emotional Norepinephrine stimulates adrenal medulla to increase the secretion of
stress → Takotsubo epinephrine that works on the heart
Stress—induced cardiomyopathy o Puts tons of stress on the heart
Pregnancy → o Increase the contractility of the heart and heart rate
cardiomyopathy Overtime increase stress on the heart for a long time (acute intense
stress on the heart)
o Heart starts to go into a failure state
o Decrease in contractility
o Cardiac output o Blood pressure
2𝑇𝑇 𝑥𝑥 ℎ
𝑃𝑃 =
Symbol Explanation
Collapsing pressure of ventricle
Pressure to pump the blood out
𝑻𝑻 Represents contractility (force that the
myocardium generates)
𝑹𝑹 Ventricle lumen diameter
𝒉𝒉 Ventricle wall thickness
6) What other signs that you expect to find in this
VIII) REVIEW QUESTIONS patient with further examination? (May choose more
than 1)
1) What is the most common cause of dilated
a) Reduced ejection fraction
b) Increased thyroid hormone
a) Autoimmune
c) Hypotension
b) Coxsackie B virus
d) Jugular venous distension
c) Idiopathic
e) Hepatomegaly
d) Pregnancy
f) Thinning of the ventricle wall
g) Hypokinesia of ventricle
2) Which option below that contributes to stress-
induced dilated cardiomyopathy?
7) What would you like to do next in order to ensure
a) Destruction of the cardiomyocytes
your diagnosis or decide treatment plant for this
b) Ischemia due to coronary blood vessel occlusion
c) Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system
a) Activate cath lab
d) Sympathetic nervous system activation
b) Ask question about previous emotional stressors
c) Ask question about past medication
3) Biventricular failure can be found in patient with d) Ask question about syncope history
dilated cardiomyopathy because left ventricle failure e) Echocardiogram
that causes pulmonary edema and eventually causes f) MRI
right ventricular failure g) Trypanosoma cruzi serology
a) True h) HIV screening
b) False i) 24-h Holter monitoring
This scenario is used to answer question no. 4-9 8) In order to ensure the condition of the patient, you
A 35-year-old female patient present with chest pain and want to order echocardiogram. Echocardiogram
palpitation. She also has difficulty of breathing. She shows increased diameter of the left ventricle with
reported to have difficulty swallowing and eliminating thinning of the ventricular wall. The patient’s ejection
feces. She denies contacting person with similar situation fraction was 45%. What is your now current
as her. She studied abroad in an African country around differential diagnosis?
10 years ago and came back 6 years ago. During a) Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
physical examination, S3 heart sound, holosystolic b) Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
murmur, and crackles were heard with auscultation. The c) Myocardial infarction
other physical examination findings are unremarkable. d) Pneumonia
12-lead EKG shows atrial fibrillation and signs of LV e) Dilated cardiomyopathy
hypertrophy based on Sokolow-Lyon criteria with no ST- f) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
elevation. Lab result shows no elevation in troponin and g) Myocarditis
unremarkable toxicology screening result. CXR shows h) Rheumatoid arthritis-associated cardiomyopathy
signs of enlarged heart with pulmonary edema.
9) Assume that we’ve treated the underlying cause,
4) What are the more probable causes this condition in what is another treatment plan for this patient? (May
this patient? (May choose more than 1) choose more than 1)
a) Adrenal medulla cancer a) To reduce preload → lifestyle change by restricting
b) Alcohol abuse fluid and sodium intake
c) Autoimmune b) To increase afterload → administer epinephrine via
d) Emotional stressor IV
e) Endurance exercise c) To inhibit cardiac remodeling → prescribe ARB
f) Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi d) Reduce risk of thromboembolism events →
g) Total occlusion of coronary artery vessels prescribe rivaroxaban
h) Resistance exercise e) Reduce the risk of VTach and VFib → Implant AICD