Basic Science - 1
Basic Science - 1
Basic Science - 1
Department of Education
KT 127-1/Bac. Science 6 (E)
India is my country. All Indians are my
brothers and sisters.
I love my country, and I am proud of its rich
and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be
worthy of it.
I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and
all elders and treat everyone with courtesy.
I pledge my devotion to my country and my
people. In their well-being and prosperity alone
lies my happiness.
State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)
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Typesetting and Layout : SCERT
First Edition : 2015, Reprint : 2016
Printed at : KBPS, Kakkanad, Kochi-30
© Department of Education, Government of Kerala
Dear children,
How many are the sights we witness, the sounds we hear, and
the experiences we pass through everyday!
This textbook provides you with ample scope for such activities
and tools. It provides you with suggestions to boost your science
club activities and hints at ICT possibilities. There are also
suggestions at the end of each lesson for activities that you can
do on your own. Try to do all of them with the help of your
teachers. We can definitely create a society with scientific
Dr.P.A. Fathima
SCERT, Kerala
Textbook Development Team
Sanu V K Sunandan T P
Sr. Lecturer DIET, Idukki Akkara UPS, Kavasseri
Manoj Kottakkal Vasudevan P
GMUPS, Kottakkal VPAUPS, Vilayil
Illyas Perimbalam Ajith Kumar M
GVHSS, Nellikkuthu URC South, Thiruvananthapuram
Adatt Vasudevan Arun S Nair
AUPS, Nellisseri CHS, Adaykakundu
Seraphin Pinheiro Mohammed Abdul Nazar K
UPSA (Rtd.), GUPS, Vellangallur IT@ School, Kozhikkode
AUPS, Ezhuvanthala North, Palakkad
Dr Alaudeen M, Principal (Rtd.), Govt. College, Elerithattu, Kasaragod
Dr S Mohanan, Reader & Head (Rtd.), Department of Physics, University College, Thiruvananthapuram
Sebastian Lukose, Professor (Rtd.), University College, Thiruvananthapuram
Prof. Sivasankara Pillai, Reader & Head (Rtd.), Department of Physics, University College,
Paul P I, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. N.Ratheesh, Asst. Professor, SN College, Kollam
English Version
Dr Sushil Kumar R, Associate Professor of English, D B College, Sasthamcotta
Dr. Saji Mathew, Asst. Professor, School of Letters, M.G.University
Famila E R, HSST, GHSS, Karunagappally
K Suresh Kumar, HSA, AMHSS, Thirumala
Musthajib E C, MMETHS, Melmuri
Noushad Vellalasseri, Ganapath AUPS, Keezhisseri
Muhammed Shameem, VAUPS, Kavanoor
Lohithakshan K, Assisi School for the Deaf, Malapparambu
Viswanathan P, DDE office, Malappuram
Academic Co-ordinator
Dr. Ancey Varughese
Research Officer, SCERT
1. Caskets of Life 7
3. Flower to Flower 30
Let us assess
Extended activities
So painful at the
bite of such a
small insect!
Minnu was walking along the beautiful garden in front of her house, humming
a tune. At once something pricked her. It’s so painful! She was surprised when
she saw a little black insect on her hand. How tiny the creature is!
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
How small…!
While collecting water samples
Try doing this experiment. The following things may be adopted:
Materials required: • collect water in which hay has decayed from
harvested fields.
Microscope, slide, cover glass,
hay-soaked water. • collect the remaining water from canals,
pond etc., which have started drying up.
Take a drop of hay-soaked • take a handful of hay. Cut it into pieces and
water on a slide. Place the boil it in water. Drain the water and cool it.
cover glass and then observe it Mix this water with a spoonful of water
through the microscope. collected from a stagnated water bed.
Observe it after three days.
What can be seen now?
Don't you see tiny organisms moving in it?
Draw them in your science diary.
Could you observe any of the organisms given below?
Haven’t you learnt about bacteria, virus etc., earlier? These are also
microorganisms. Organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye are
Basis of life
Physiological activities take place in microorganisms too. What are their bodies
made of? Find out using the given description.
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
˛˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛˛ ˛˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛-˛˛
Basic Science - VI
Draw the following figures in your science diary and label the parts.
We have identified that the animal body is made up of cells. Now what
about the plant body?
Basic Science - VI
Plant body
Method of preparing slide
Let us examine a part of a plant. Remove the dry outer layers of onion.
Observe the onion peel through a Then peel off the thin layer from the
microscope. Draw the outline of the fleshy part. Keep this in water in a
shape you have observed in your watch glass. After staining (saffranin) it,
place a small portion on a slide by using
science diary. Compare it with the
a brush. Cover it with cover glass.
figure given below.
KT 127-2/Bac. Science 6 (E)
Cell wall
Cell membrane
Animal cell Plant cell
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
Method of construction
Cut the OHP sheets according to
the size of the box as shown in the
figure. Cut the sheets to half in
order to fix them together at 900
and arrange them as shown in the
picture. Cut the thermocol to the
shape of the parts of the typical
plant cell seen earlier in this
chapter. Colour it appropriately
and paste it in the OHP sheet.
Keep the OHP sheet carefully in
a box and pour some water. Now,
you will get the three dimensional
shape of a plant cell.
Observe the picture. Don't you see the lush green field, the road, the house,
etc.? Isn't all this the result of the hardwork of a number of people?
What are the different activities you see in the picture?
$ driving a tractor
Basic Science - VI
Don't you think that the children playing with the ball should have the
capacity to do so? Haven't you learned that the energy for this is obtained
from the food we eat? Don't you require energy for doing other kinds of work
as well?
Basic Science - VI
Mechanical Energy
Electrical energy or the energy
produced by burning fuels is used
to make an engine work and, in
turn, to make machine parts
move. Working of an engine
involves mechanical energy which
enables vehicles move.
Chemical Energy
The energy contained in
a substance is chemical
energy. Plants convert
solar energy into
chemical energy
through photosynthesis.
Chemical energy thus
stored up, reaches
animals through food.
While burning fire wood
too, we get the chemical
energy stored up in
plants. All substances
contain chemical energy.
Basic Science - VI
How many changes!
How often do we use energy changes in daily life? Let's try to tabulate a few
domestic uses of energy.
You might be familiar with the various activities carried out using a
generator. Identify the forms of energy used, the forms of energy produced
and energy changes that occur in each case and record them in the flow chart
shown below. Try to find out those forms of energy that are not used as well.
Fuel burns
Chemical energy
A generator working
Basic Science - VI
Change of state
Substances undergo change of state when they absorb or release adequate
heat energy. On absorbing heat energy, they change from the solid state to
the liquid state and then to the gaseous state. Substances get converted
from the gaseous state to the liquid state and then to the solid state by
releasing heat energy.
Note down in the flow chart given below how heat affects the change of state
of water.
absorbs heat
Ice cube ˛˛-˛˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛ ˛˛-˛˛- ˛- ˛-˛˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛ steam
................... releases
........................................... heat
˛˛-˛˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛- ˛
We have seen that ice, water and steam are the three states of water.
$ Is energy absorbed or released when steam is changed into water and
then into ice?
Basic Science - VI
$ Which among the three states has the maximum amount of energy?
$ Which state has the minimum amount of energy?
Let's make an ice doll
How can you utilise the change of states of matter in the following situations?
Discuss in the class.
$ making the model of an egg using wax for exhibition.
$ suspending an ice ball using a thread.
$ making wax dolls.
Find methods to make them after discussing in groups.
Make attractive models and exhibit them in the school science club.
Plan interesting activities using the concept of change of states of matter.
It is the change
of state that gave
us these beautiful
Basic Science - VI
Analyse the table and find out the peculiarities of the changes. Write them
down. Make use of the hints given below.
$ Are new substances formed in any of the above situations?
$ What are the changes of state that occur?
$ Which among them involve a change in shape?
$ Which among them involve a change in size?
Physical change
Change in the physical properties such as state, shape or size is termed as
physical change. Expansion, melting, breaking, tearing etc., are all physical
changes. New substances are not formed during physical changes.
Permanent change
Are all changes physical changes?
Let's do the following activities.
Take some sugar in a spoon and heat until it melts.
Observe the changes.
Taste it after heating. How does it taste?
Heat again.
Do you observe a change in the colour? Taste it
again after cooling.
How does it taste now?
Does the residue left in the spoon possess all the properties of sugar?
What differences did you find in the changes that occured while heating wax
and sugar? Complete the table and record it in your science diary.
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
We make use of several chemical and physical changes in our daily life. Can
you prepare a list of physical and chemical changes that take place in a kitchen
on a day? Classify and record.
Basic Science - VI
1. The blister caused by steam is more severe than the same caused by
boiling water at the same temperature.
$ Do you agree with the statement?
$ Justify the statement on the basis of physical change.
2. We know that heat is emitted along with light when a bulb glows.
$ LED lamps are better than filament bulbs for maximum reduction
in the consumption of electrical energy. Explain.
$ Are there situations where filament bulbs are used for producing
heat energy? Give examples.
3. Thunder and heavy rain during the monsoon. Rahim and Deepa, who
have learnt about conservation of energy, are engaged in a game related
to it. Let’s take a look at it. When one of them mentions a situation, the
other indicates the change of energy involved in it.
Deepa Rahim
When it rains the cloud releases heat energy.
…………………………… the cloud is formed
Sound energy is produced. ……………………………
…………………………… light energy is released.
Electrical energy is produced ……………………………
$ Caesalpinia
Don't we use different kinds of flowers for decorations and celebrations? What
may be the use of flowers for plants?
A spectacle of flowers
Let us go to a garden and observe each flower carefully. Can you identify the
parts of a flower?
$ Do all flowers have petals?
$ Which is the part that connects flowers to the plant?
Basic Science - VI
Functions of a flower
Now we are familiar with the different parts of a flower.
$ What is the use of each part?
$ What may be the use of the pedicel?
Won't the other parts also have similar functions?
The important parts of a flower and their functions are given below. Match
sam´m-bn-cn-°p-tºmƒ ]qhns\ kwc-£n-°p-∂p.
hncn- ™-Holds
ijw Zf-] parts
p-SsØof the
Km-hb and
- hw
Pedicel attractiveness to the flower Calyx
sam´m- part ofkwc-
°p-tºmƒ ]qhns\ the £
hncn- ™-X(Formed of Zf-
n-\p-tijw anther and filament)
]p-SsØ Xmßn \n¿Øp-∂p.
The longitudinal section of a flower is given below. Label each part and write
down its function. ....................................................................
Longitudinal section of a flower ....................................................................
Basic Science - VI
Stigma Anther
Gynoecium Filament
Egg is seen in the ovule Male gamete is seen in the pollen grain
inside the ovary. found in the anther of the androecium.
Basic Science - VI
Androecium Androecium
Gynoecium Gynoecium
Androecium Gynoecium
Gynoecium Androecium
$ $
$ $
$ $
$ $
What inferences can be drawn by examining the table?
Basic Science - VI
Seed formation
Have you ever thought how
Male and female plant
seeds are formed in flowers? There are male and female plants
among fan palm, gambooge (kudampuli), nutmeg
There are certain processes
etc. The male plant has
behind this. The male gamete only male flowers and the
from the pollen grain should female plant has only
reach the ovary and fuse with female flowers.
the egg. Fusion of male gamete
with the egg is called
fertilization. Fruit is formed in
plants after fertilization.
Observe the figure. Fan palm (Kudappana) Nutmeg
We don't just
Ovary How fortunate you keep drinking
are! Don't you get honey.
honey everyday?
Did you listen to the bee's response? What else does the bee do?
Basic Science - VI
Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma is called pollination. Factors
that help pollination are called pollinating agents.
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
Artificial pollination
Pollen grains from superior quality plants are collected and dusted
on the stigma of other plants to produce high quality seeds. This is artificial
pollination. A variety of honey bee called melipona pollinates the vanilla that
grows in Mexican forests. We had to adopt artificial pollination to cultivate
vanilla in our country, as there were no melipona bees.
Basic Science - VI
Self pollination ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛
Cross pollination ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˛
Now we know that self pollination is of two types.
Do both types of pollination occur in plants like cucumber, bitter gourd,
pumpkin etc.? Why?
Withering petals
After pollination, the male gamete reaches the ovary and fuses with the egg
to form fruit. Have you noticed the withering of petals and androecium during
this stage?
Using a hand lens, observe the petals of a flower that has begun to wither.
$ Which are the parts that remain?
What changes occur in the various parts of a flower when it becomes a fruit?
Basic Science - VI
Ovary fruit
Ovule seed
Only one fruit is formed from each flower. These fruits are called simple fruits.
Add more to the examples of simple fruits in your science diary.
$ How many seeds are there in a mango?
$ Does a tomato have only one seed?
$ What may be the reason for the difference in the number of seeds?
Basic Science - VI
Find out more examples of fruits with one seed and fruits with more than
one seed and note them down in your science diary.
If more than one fruit is formed from a flower, such fruits are called aggregate fruits.
Custard apple, black berry, polyalthia fruit etc. are examples of aggregate fruits.
They turn into chakkachavini. They are all arranged inside a common covering,
as a single fruit. Such fruits are called multiple fruits.
In some plants, parts like the pedicel, thalamus etc., develop into fruit like structures.
These are called false fruits.
Basic Science - VI
The part developed
from the thalamus
Apple - section Pear - section
You have already studied how the seeds of a plant are dispersed. Explain the
advantage of false fruits based on seed dispersal. Examine apple and cashew
apple and find out the true fruit and the false fruit.
Flowers are seen as More than one Flowers are seen one
inflorescence ovary in a flower by one (Single flower)
We see flowers of different sizes everyday. How many kinds of fruits we eat!
Do you observe them closely? Observe the grass, climbers and other kinds of
plants seen in your surroundings. How interesting it is to watch the flowers
in them and the pollinating insects that come to them. Write the observation
note in your science diary. Collect the pictures of various flowers and fruits,
and arrange and paste them in an album.
Basic Science - VI
2. Parts like petals, androecium etc., wither and fall down after fertilization.
The pedicel, thalamus and calyx become stronger. Explain the reason.
Which are the objects on the earth that do not move?
It was with this question that Bindu teacher came to the class that day.
Buildings, rocks, mountains . . . . . .
The children went on answering. They were surprised when the teacher
remarked that all these objects are constantly in motion at great speed.
“Uh... if that's the case, our house wouldn't be there when we get home from
school'', Aswathy quipped. Do you agree with this?
Observe the picture.
Basic Science - VI
You may be aware of the fact that all planets move around the sun. Can you
explain what the teacher said on the basis of the motion of planets? Discuss it
on the basis of the following indicators.
$ Which are the motions of the earth you are familiar with?
$ Which are the objects that move along with the earth when it moves?
$ Can you be in a state of rest at least for a second?
All objects on the earth move along with it. This can be understood only if we
view from outer space.
What a speed!
The earth rotates about its axis at an approximate speed of 1667 kilometre
per hour at the equatorial region. It revolves around the sun with a speed of
1,06,000 kilometre per hour. How wonderful it is to realise that we are moving
at a great speed even while sitting still at a place.
See 'Prapanchathile ella vasthukkalum chalikkunnu'
in School Resources in IT@School, Edubuntu.
What are the other types of motion that take place around you? Enlist.
Now you might have realised that different types of motion take place around
you always.
Force and Motion
When does a body start moving? You might have seen different types of
motion, either fast or slow. What is the reason for the difference?
Conduct the following activities.
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
The motion of a body along a straight line is linear motion. The movement
of a body about its own axis is rotation. The motion along a circular path is
circular motion.
Motion like this too!
You may be familiar with the following type of motions.
$ motion of the pendulum of a clock.
$ motion of a swing.
$ motion of a hanging lamp.
What are the peculiarities of these movements?
Find out similar examples of motions.
The to and fro motion of a body about a mean position is called oscillation.
Is the motion of
the wiper of vehicles
an oscillation?
Basic Science - VI
Let’s make a blow pipe ‘peepi’ which helps us to observe vibrations.
Materials required:
10 cm long pipe of one inch diameter, a balloon, the empty case of a pen,
rubber band, 2 m long thread and cello tape.
Cut open the closed end of the
balloon. Insert the pipe at one end of
the balloon and the empty case of a
pen at the other. Tie them strongly
using a rubber band. Hold the pipe
vertically and stretch the empty pen horizontally. Now the balloon will
appear like a stretched membrane. In the middle of this stretched portion fix
one end of the thread using cello tape. The ‘peepi’ is now ready for use.
Method of operation:
Let your friend pull the free end of the thread. Pull the case of the pen and
blow through it. Don’t you hear a sound like the trumpet of an elephant?
Observe the movement of the thread as well. What type of motion is it?
Basic Science - VI
Motion in application
Observe a tailor stitching clothes using a sewing
machine. Of the different types of motion you have
already come across, which are the ones you can see
in a sewing machine ?
Complete the table adding the types of motion and
the uses of the instruments mentioned below.
Body in motion Type of motion Use
The membrane of a 'chenda' (drumhead) oscillation produces sound
A rotating chair
The tip of a clock's hand
The smaller wheel of a sewing machine
A lift
A swing
The string of a veena
Wheels of a flourmill
Did you complete the table? What do you infer from this? Write it down in
your science diary.
See 'Chalanam prayogathil' in School Resources in IT@School, Edubuntu.
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
$ When the small lid is turned to the left, in which direction does the big
lid turn? what happens when it is turned to the right?
$ Does the big lid also complete one rotation when the small lid completes
$ How many times does the small lid rotate
When the big lid is rotated once?
It is the interlocking of corrugations on the lids
that enables one to rotate with the other. Such
wheels are called gears.
Where have you seen gears?
$ in toys
Try rotating the gears in hand drills and toys. Observe and find out the
changes gears can bring about in motion, on the basis of the indicators given
below and write them down in the science diary.
$ Do they bring about change in the direction of motion?
$ Do they bring about change in the speed of motion?
By making use of the rotation of one part of a machine, gears help us to set in
motion more than one part of a machine at different speeds and in different
directions. When a big wheel is turned using a small wheel, the speed of
rotation decreases. When it is reversed, the speed increases. The use of gears
can bring about changes in speed and direction of motion. We make use of
this advantage in a number of machines.
See ‘Chalanam yanthrangalil’ in School Resources in IT@School, Edubuntu.
Basic Science - VI
1. Take a 50 cm long string and let it pass through a 25 cm long PVC pipe.
Tie to one end of the string an iron nut and to the other end a bottle
filled with water. Holding the pipe tightly, swirl the nut. What are the
motions that you observe in the nut, the rope and the bottle?
2. Conduct a study tour to a science and technology museum. Try out the
available activities related to motion there.
3. Dismantle a damaged clock, toys etc. Examine the arrangements in them
for producing different types of motion.
Basic Science - VI
Basic Science - VI
We provide
We have a lot of
mineral salts and
Which nutrients are available from food? Examine the illustration and
complete the table. Food items Nutrients
Fruits and vegetables
See'Bhakshanathile poshakakhadakangal'
in School Resources in IT@School, Edubuntu.
What is the need of including carbohydrates in our diet? Which food items
contain carbohydrate in plenty?
1. Carbohydrate
Carbohydrate is made up of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Its
chief function is to provide energy
for physiological activities. Starch,
sugar, glucose and cellulose are
different forms of carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate is present in plenty
in cereals and tubers in the form
of starch.
Basic Science - VI
Detecting starch
Materials required: Test tube, rice gruel (Kanjivellam), diluted iodine solution.
Procedure: Take some rice gruel in a test tube. Add 2-3 drops of iodine solution
to it. Observe the colour.
Have you now understood how to detect the presence of starch in food items?
Test egg, banana, tapioca and milk in the same way.
What are your findings?
Iodine test
Conduct this experiment on
more food items and record the A deep blue colour is formed when starch
inferences in your science reacts with iodine solution.
Colour formed on
Food items Inference
adding iodine
• Ash gourd
• Wheat flour
• Potato
Basic Science - VI
2. Protein
Behind growth
Protein is a major food constituent that helps the development and growth
of the body. Protein is essential for the formation of cells, hair, digestive
juice etc., in the body. Protein produces energy in the absence of carbohydrates.
Protein contains hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur. In
accordance with the body weight, one should obtain protein from diet at the
rate of 1 gram per kilogram.
Basic Science - VI
3. Fat
Here are the pictures of some food items we use everyday. We do not eat any
of these directly. Then how do they get into our body?
Basic Science - VI
Which type of food, enables the body to get oil and ghee?
If there is no fat
Fat is one of the food constituents required by our body in
small quantities. Meat, fish, milk, milk products, egg, different
kinds of peas etc., contain fat. Different kinds of oils and ghee
are fats extracted from many food items. Fat also provides
energy like carbohydrates. Certain vitamins dissolve only in fat.
To get these vitamins, it is essential to include fat in our diet.
Detect fat
Rub any food item on a paper.
If the paper is oily even after it
Now scrub lady’s finger to a paper is dried we may conclude that
and examine.
the food contain fat.
Examine different food items in this
way and write your inferences in the
science diary.
Basic Science - VI
If in excess...
I got my blood Lab Report
tested yesterday. The
Test Value Normal
cholesterol is high.
Blood sugar 80 70 - 110 mg/dl
Cholesterol 230 Up to 200 mg/dl
Look at the lab report. What is the normal level of cholesterol?
Basic Science - VI
Synthesized in the
He red
body from sunlight.
alt blo
, ha eye,
ho o
Milk products.
f n d ce
ir e
ave es,
skin lth of
a le leav r,
lea odu anth
erv lls
pea k pr mar
ta b
ring ro
mil rot, a
in fat
Soluble in
Bra k, t
Uti tein d blo f sk
pro of re
liza in
n o aro
l i f lo u s ,
cau aranth e,
tio the ce
f c lea
am abbag
ds. d
n o bo lls,
oun bloo
in wg of he
ere ves
f c dy, hea
als, .
ttin in
arb fo lth
clo Help
od in.
eg g
oh rm
ydr atio
Fruits, gooseberry,
ate n
Basic Science - VI
Analyse the illustration and prepare notes. Record them in your science diary.
5. Minerals
Your daughter is
anaemic. Give her plenty
of leafy vegetables
Basic Science - VI
Leafy vegetables,
Synthesis of haemoglobin in seed of pumpkin,
blood horse gram, jaggery,
Didn’t you earlier learn about certain diseases caused by the deficiency of
protein? Take note of a few diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamins and
Basic Science - VI
Non-nutrient factors
Non-nutrient factors like water and fibre are also to be included in the diet
besides nutrient factors. Examine their importance.
Water Fibres
Water constitutes two-third of our Fibres are a kind of carbohydrate
body weight; 85% of brain, 90% which are available in vegetarian food
of blood and 25% of bones. Water and cannot be digested by the body.
acts as the medium for many They are mainly composed of cellulose.
physiological activities including Though they provide no nutrients to
digestion. About 2.5 litres of water the body, they help in the movement
is lost from our body through of excretory materials in the large
urine, sweat etc. So a large quantity intestine. Cereals containing bran, leafy
of pure water has to be drunk. vegetables, vegetables, stem and bud of
the plantain, etc., are very rich sources
of fibre.
Basic Science - VI
Did you notice the conversation? Do you get all the nutrients by eating only
the food you like? What is your opinion? Notice the illustration given below.
Do you think that we have to
take all types of food in equal
oil, ghee
y v e g e t a b a, puttu, dosa,
l e a f t, banan s chappathi,
carro v e g e t a b l e rice, tapioca,
Balanced diet guava sweet potato
green gram,
Food that contains all nutrients in fish, bengal
required quantities is termed as balanced gram, milk,
diet. dal, egg,
Basic Science - VI
What are the things to be considered while preparing a routine menu chart?
Examine the food charts prepared by three students.
Time Anil Mini Sinan
Morning Idli Parotta Idli
Sambar Egg Curry Chutney
Milk Milk
Noon Rice Rice Rice
Peas Curry Chicken Curry Fish Curry
Amaranthus Sambar
Night Banana Chappathi Chappathi
Chappathi Potato Curry Egg Curry
Vegetable Kuruma
Whose food chart is more balanced? Why?
Can you prepare diverse, balanced food charts?
Make use of the following tables and the matters discussed so far for data
Basic Science - VI
Fruits Carbohydrate Protein Fat Calcium Iron
(100 g) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)
Banana 10 200 400 50 153
Small plantain 24700 1100 100 10 0.5
Cashew apple 11600 200 100 10 48
Grapes 10000 1000 100 10 0.2
Guava 14500 1500 200 10 1.0
Jackfruit 18900 1900 100 20 0.5
Mango 11800 1500 100 10 0.3
Papaya 9500 50 100 10 0.4
Pineapple 12000 600 100 20 0.9
Ingredients: Cucumber, drumstick, carrot, yam,
papaya, tender plantain, coccinea (Kovaikka), pea,
curd (½ cup each), ground coconut and green chili –
2 cups, coconut oil – 3 table spoons, curry leaves, salt
and turmeric powder.
Method of preparation: Cut vegetables into long
and narrow slices. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder and salt for taste. Cook it in
a flat vessel. Add the ground coconut and green chilly to the scraps. After taking it out
from the stove, add curd and stir. Then add coconut oil and curry leaves, stir gently
and close the vessel.
Basic Science - VI
Record your inferences in the science diary. Discuss the findings at home and
try to implement it.
1. Arrange the nutrients given below based on the quantity in which they
are required (from higher amount to lower).
[Protein, Minerals, Carbohydrate, Fat.]
Basic Science - VI
$ Rice $ $ $ $
$ Wheat $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
4. Prepare a questionnaire to conduct an interview with a doctor to get
more information about deficiency diseases.