Ek-Hscma-Sv-002 HSC Service Manual Dec89
Ek-Hscma-Sv-002 HSC Service Manual Dec89
Ek-Hscma-Sv-002 HSC Service Manual Dec89
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1 General Information
1.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 HSC Cabinet Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
1.3 HSC50 Cabinet Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1.4 External Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1.5 HSC Hardware Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-13
1.5.1 Port Link Module (LINK) Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-15
1.5.2 Port Buffer Module (PILA) Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-16
1.5.3 Port Processor Module (Kpli) Functions and Interfaces. . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-16
1.5.4 Disk Data Channel Module (K.sdi) Functions. . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-16
1.5.5 Tape Data Channel ModUle (Ksti) Functions . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-17
1.5.6 Data Channel Module (Ksi) Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-17
1.5.7 110 Control Processor Module (P.ioj/c) Functions. . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-17
1.5.8 Memory Module (M.std2) Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-18
1.5.9 Memory Module (M.std) Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .... .. . .. . . 1-19
1.6 HSC Software Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
1.7 HSC Maintenance Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1-22
1.7.1 Maintenance Features .......................................... 1-22
1.8 Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
iv Contents
3.5.4 Removing and Replacing the Disk Data Channel Module (K.sdi) ......... . 3-23 Removing the Ksdi Module ................................... . 3-23 Replacing the Ksdi Module ................................... . 3-24 Testing the K.sdi Module ..................................... . 3-24
3.5.5 Tape Data Channel Module (Ksti) ................................ . 3-25 Removing the K.sti Module .................................... . 3-25 Replacing the Ksti Module .................................... . 3-25 Testing the K.sti Module ...................................... . 3-25
3.5.6 Removing and Replacing the Data Channel Module (Ksi) .............. . 3-26 Removing the K.si Module .................................... . 3-26 Setting the Replacement Ksi Module Switches .................... . 3-26 Configuration of Requestors While Replacing the Ksi Module ......... . 3-27 Replacing the K.si Module .................................... . 3-28 K.si Module External Loop Test ................................ . 3-29 Initializing the K.si Module ................................... . 3-30 Correcting K.si Module Configuration Problems .................... . 3-31 K.si Module New Boot Microcode ............................... . 3-32 Testing the K.si Module (After Initialization) ...................... . 3-33
3.5.7 Removing and Replacing the I/O Control Processor Module (P.ioj/c) ....... . 3-33 Removing the P.ioj/c Module ................................... . 3-33 Setting the Replacement P.ioj/c Module Jumpers ................... . 3-34 Replacing the P.iojlc Module ................................... . 3-34 Testing the P.ioj/c Module ..................................... . 3-35
3.5.8 Removing and~eplacing the HSC Memory Module (M.std2) ............ . 3-35 Removing ~e M.std2 Module .................................. . 3-35 Replacing the M.std2 Module ............•...................... 3-36 Testing the M.std2 Module .................................... . 3-36
3.5.9 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Memory Module (M.std) ........... . 3-37 Removing the M.std Module ................................... . 3-37 Replacing the M.std Module ................................... . 3-37 Testing the M.std Module ..................................... . 3-38
3.6 Removing and Replacing Subunits .................................. . 3-38
3.6.1 Removing and Replacing the RX33 Disk Drive ....................... . 3-38 Removing the RX33 Disk Drive ................................ . 3-38 Setting the RX33 Disk Drive Jumpers ........................... . 3-41 Replacing the RX33 Disk Drive ................................. . 3-45 Testing the RX33 Disk Drive ................................... . 3-45
3.6.2 Removing and Replacing the TU58 Tape Drive .......... ' ............. . 3-45 Removing the TU58 Tape Drive ......... '.' ..................... . 3-45 Setting the TU58 Tape Drive Jumpers ........................... . 3-49 Replacing the TU58 Tape Drive ................................ . 3-50 Testing the TU58 Tape Drive .................................. . 3-51
3.6.3 Removing and Replacing the HSC Operator Control Panel (OCP) ........ . 3-51 Removing the HSC OCP ...................................... . 3-51 Replacing the HSC OCP ...................................... . 3-52 Testing the HSC OCP .......... : ............................. . 3-53
vi Contents
3.6.4 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Operator Control Panel (OCP) ....... 3-53 Removing the HSC50 OCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 Replacing the HSC50 OCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 Testing the HSC50 OCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55
3.6.5 Removing and Replacing the HSC Airflow Sensor Assembly ............. 3-56
3.6.6 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Airflow Sensor Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . 3-58
3.6.7 Removing and Replacing the HSC Blower ................. . . . . . . . . . . 3-60
3.6.8 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Blower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-62
3.6.9 Removing and Replacing the 881 Power Controller .................... 3-64
3.6.10 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Power Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-67
3.6.11 Removing and Replacing the HSC Main Power Supply ................. 3-69
3.6.12 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Main Power Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-73
3.6.13 Removing and Replacing the HSC Auxiliary Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-76
3.6.14 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Auxiliary Power Supply ............ 3-79
4 Initialization Procedures
4.1 Introduction ................................................... . 4-1
4.2 Console!Auxiliary Terminal ........................................ . 4-1
4.2.1 Console Terminal Connection .................................... . 4-1
4.2.2 HSC50 Auxiliary and Maintenance Terminal Connections .............. . 4-2
4.2.3 LA12 Parameters ............................................. . 4-4
4.3 HSC Initialization ............................................... . 4-5
4.3.1 Init P.io Test (INIPIO) .......................................... . 4-7
4.3.2 INIPIO Test System Requirements ................................ . 4-7
4.3.3 INIPIO Test Prerequisites ....................................... . 4-7
4.3.4 INIPIO Test Operation ......................................... . 4-7
4.4 HSC50 Initialization ............................................. . 4-8
4.4.1 HSC50 Off-line Diagnostics Tape ................................. . 4-8
4.4.2 Init P.ioc Diagnostic ........................................... . 4-8
4.5 Fault Code Interpretation ......................................... . 4-9
6 Off-line Diagnostics
6.1 Introduction ................................................... . 6-1
6.1.1 Software Requirements ......................................... . 6-1
6.1.2 Off-line Diagnostics Load Procedure ............................... . 6-1
6.2 ROM Bootstrap ................................................. . 6-2
6.2.1 Initialization Instructions ....................................... . 6-2
6.2.2 Failures ..................................................... . 6-3
6.2.3 Progress Reports .............................................. . 6-3
6.2.4 Error Information ............................................. . 6-4
6.2.5 Failure Troubleshooting ........................................ . 6-4
6.2.6 Bootstrap Test Summaries ...................................... . 6-4
6.2.7 Generic Error Message Format ................................... . 6-7
6.3 ODL-Off-line Diagnostics Loader .................................. . 6-7
6.3.1 Loader System Requirements .................................... . 6-8
6.3.2 Loader Prerequisites ........................................... . 6-8
Contents ix
7 Utilities
7.1 Introduction 7-1
7.2 DKUTIL - Off-line Disk Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.2.1 Starting DKUTIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
7.2.2 Command Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.2.3 Command Modifiers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
7.2.4 Command Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 Command Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3 DEFAULT Command ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4 DISPLAY Command.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5 DUMP Command ........................................... . 7-6 EXIT Command ................ ; ........................... . 7-7 GET Command ............................................. . 7-8 POP Command ............................................. . 7-8 PUSH Command ............................................ . 7-9 REVECTOR Command ....................................... . 7-9 SET Command ............................................. . 7-9
7.2.5 Sample Session ............................................... . 7-10
7.2.6 Error and Information Messages .................................. . 7-12 Error Message Variables ...................................... . 7-12 Error Message Severity Levels ................................. . 7-13 Fatal Error Messages ........................................ . 7-13 Error Messages ............................................. . 7-13 Information Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7-14
7.3 VERIFY - Off-line Disk Verifier Utility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-15
7.3.1 Running VERIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
7.3.2 Sample Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
xii Contents
8 Troubleshooting Techniques
8.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
8.2 How To Use This Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1
8.3 Initialization Error Indications ..................................... . 8-2
8.3.1 OCP Fault Code Displays ....................................... . 8-2 Fault Code Interpretation ..................................... . 8-3
8.3.2 Module LEOs ................................................ . 8-11 P.ioj/c LEDs ................................................ . 8-12 Power-up Sequence of I/O Control Processor LEOs .................. . 8-12 Memory Module LEOs ....................................... . 8-12 Data Channel LEOs ......................................... . 8-13 Host Interface LED .......................................... . 8-13
8.3.3 Communication Errors .......................................... . 8-14
8.3.4 Requestor Status for Nonfailing Requestors ......................... . 8-14
8.3.5 HSC Boot Flow and Troubleshooting Chart ......................... . 8-15
8.3.6 HSC50 Flow and Troubleshooting Chart ............................ . 8-21
Contents xiii
6-1 Example HELP file display ........................................ . 6-16
6-2 Off-line RX33 Exerciser Data Patterns ............................... . 6-67
7-1 Example Patch of a File .......................................... . 7-31
&-1 MSCPITMSCP Error Message Format ............................... . &-27
&-2 Controller Error Message Example .................................. . &-29
&-3 MSCP SDI Error Example ........................................ . 8-30
8-4 Disk Transfer Error Example ...................................... . 8-35
&-5 Bad Block Replacement Error Example .............................. . 8-38
8-6 STI Communication or Command Error Example ....................... . 8-40
&-7 STI Formatter Error Log Example .................................. . 8-41
S-8 STI Drive Error Log Example ...................................... . 8-42
&-9 Tape Drive Related Error Message .................................. . 8-45
&-10 Additional Tape Drive-Related Error Message ......................... . 8-46
B-1 Crash Dump Example ............................................ . B-1
B-2 SINI-E Exception Code ........................................... . B-2
C-1 Error Log Fields Example ......................................... . C-1
Contents xv
1-1 Redundant Cluster Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-2 HSC Cabinet Front View .......................................... 1-3
1-3 HSC Cabinet Inside Front View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--4
1--4 HSC Module Utilization Label Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-5 HSC Cabinet Inside Rear View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
1-6 HSC50 Cabinet Front View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-7 HSC50 Cabinet Inside Front View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1-8 HSC50 Module Utilization Label Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
1-9 HSC50 Cabinet Rear View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
1-10 HSC50 Cabinet Inside Rear View ................ : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
1-11 HSC External Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-12 HSC50 External Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
1-13 HSC Subsystem Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
1-14 Memory IYlap (M.std2-LOl17) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-19
1-15 Memory Map (M.std-L0106) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-20
1-16 HSC Internal Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21
1-17 HSC Specifications ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
2-1 Operator Control Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-2 ControlslIndicators Inside Front Door. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2--4
2-3 RX33 and dc Power Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2--4 HSC50 ControlslIndicators Inside Front Door. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-5 HSC50 Maintenance Access Panel ................................... 2-7
2-6 Module LED Indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-7 HSC Module Utilization Label Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-8 LOl18 Module (DIP) Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13
2-9 L0107 Module (DIP) Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2-10 L0109 Module (DIP) Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
2-11 K.si Module (LOl19-YA) Switches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
2-12 881 Power Controller-Front Panel Controls ........................ . . . 2-18
2-13 881 Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19
2-14 HSC50 Power Controller (60 Hz)-Front View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20
2-15 HSC50 Power Controller (50 Hz)-Front View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
2-16 HSC50 Power Controller (60 Hz)-Rear View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
2-17 HSC50 Power Controller (50 Hz)-Rear View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
3-1 HSC DC Power Switch. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--4
3-2 HSC 881 Power Controller Circuit Breaker ............................ 3-5
3-3 HSC50 DC Power Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
3--4 HSC50 Line Power Circuit Breakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-5 HSC FRU Removal Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3-6 HSC50 FRU Removal Sequence ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
3-7 HSC OCP SignallPower Line Connector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-8 HSC50 Maintenance Access Panel Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12
3-9 HSC Card Cage Cover Removal. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
xvi Contents
3-56 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Auxiliary Power Supply .............. 3-82
4-1 Console Terminal Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-2 Auxiliary or Maintenance Terminal Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
4-3 Operator Control Panel Fault Code Displays ........................... 4-6
6-1 P.ioj Switch Display Register Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-79
6-2 P.ioj Control and Status Register Layout .............................. 6-81
8-1 Operator Control Panel Fault Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
8-2 OCP Fault Code 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8-3 OCP Fault Code 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4
8-4 OCP Fault Code 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8-5 OCP Fault Code 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8-6 OCP Fault Code 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
8-7 OCP Fault Code 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
8-8 OCP Fault Code 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
8-9 OCP Fault Code 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-6
8-10 OCP Fault Code 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
8-11 OCP Fault Code 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7
8-12 OCP Fault Code 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8-13 OCP Fault Code 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-8
8-14 OCP Fault Code 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
8-15 OCP Fault Code 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
8-16 OCP Fault Code 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11
8-17 HSC Boot Flow and Troubleshooting Chart ............................ 8-16
8-18 HSC50 Boot Flow and Troubleshooting Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-22
8-19 Request Byte Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-32
8-20 Mode Byte Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
8-21 Error Byte Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-33
8-22 Controller Byte Field ............................................. 8-34
8-23 GSS Text Field Bits Summary Breakdown. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 8-46
8-24 RX33 Floppy Controller CSR Breakdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-51
8-25 RX33 Error Message Last Line Breakdown ............................ 8-52
8-26 MMSRO Bit Breakdown ........................................... 8-57
A-l HSC Internal Cabling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
A-2 HSC50 Internal Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-8
A-3 HSC50 (Modified) Internal Cabling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A-15
E-l HSC Revision Matrix Chart .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2
E-2 HSC50 (Modified) Revision Matrix Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-7
E-3 HSC50 Revision Matrix Chart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E-12
1-1 Differences Between HSC Models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1-2 HSC Module Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-14
2-1 Functions of Logic Module LEDs .......... :......................... 2-10
3-1 Ksi Switchpack Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-27
3-2 Physical Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28
3-3 Ksi New Microcode Load Conditions ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
xviii Contents
This manual contains servicing information and procedures for the HSC70, HSC50 (modified),
HSC50, and HSC40 subsystems. In this manual, HSC refers to the HSC70 and HSC40 models.
HSC50 refers to the HSC50 and HSC50 (modified) models. Individual model names are used only
when the information is model specific.
This manual describes HSC controls and indicators, error reporting, field replaceable
units, troubleshooting, and diagnostic procedures. All information in this manual is
informational/instructional and is designed to assist service personnel with HSC maintenance.
Operational theory is included wherever such background is helpful to service personnel.
Installation procedures, most HSC utilities, and detailed technical descriptions are not included in
this manual. For source material on these and other subjects not within the scope of this manual,
refer to the list of related documentation below.
This manual is intended for use by Level 1 Digital Field Service Engineers and other personnel in
maintaining the components of the HSC controller subsystem.
This manual is divided into the following chapters:
1. General Information
2. Controls and Indicators
3. Removal and Replacement Procedures
4. Initialization Procedures
5. Device Integrity Tests
6. Offline Diagnostics
7. Utilities
8. Troubleshooting Techniques
9. Appendixes:
A. Internal Cabling Diagrams
B. Exception Codes and Messages
C. Generic Error Log Fields
D. Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
E. Revision Matrix Charts
About This Manual xx
Related Documentation
Documents related to the HSC are available under the following titles and part numbers:
• HSC User Guide (AA-GMEAA-TK)
• HSC Installation Manual (EK-HSCMN-IN)
• HSC70 illustrated Parts Breakdown (EK-HSC70-IP)
• HSC50 Illustrated Parts Breakdown (EK-HSC50-IP)
• HSC50 Device Integrity Tests User Documentation (EK-IHSC5-UG)
• HSC50 Offline Diagnostics User Documentation (EK-OHS-UG)
• HSC50 Utilities User Documentation (EK-UHSC5-UG)
• VT320 Owners Manual (EK-VT320-UG)
• VT320 Programmer Pocket Guide (EK-VT320-HR)
• VT320 Installation Guide (EK-VT320-IN)
• VT220 Owners Manual (EK-VT220-UG)
• VT220 Programmer Pocket Guide (EK-VT220-HR)
• VT220 Installation Guide (EK-VT220-IN)
• Installing and Using the LA50 Printer (EK-OLA50-UG)
• LA50 Printer Programmer Reference Manual (EK-OLA50-RM)
• Installing and Using the LA75 Printer (EK-OLA75-UG)
• LA75 Printer Programmer Reference Manual (EK-OLA75-RM)
• Star Coupler User Guide (EK-SCOOS-UG)
• CI7BO User Guide (EK-CI7S0-UG)
• DECwriter Correspondent Technical Manual (EK-CPL12-TM)
• TU5B DECtape II User Guide (EK-OTU5S-UG)
These documents (except for the HSC User Guide) can be ordered from Publication and Circulation
Services, 10 Forbes Road, Northboro, Massachusetts 01532 (RCS code: NR12; mail code: NR031W3).
The HSC User Guide can be ordered from the Software Distribution Center, Digital Equipment
Corporation, Northboro, Massachusetts 01532.
Please consult the HSC Software Release Notes for the latest hardware revision levels.
General Information 1-1
General Information
1.1 Introduction
This chapter includes general information about the Hierarchical Storage Controllers (HSC) mass
storage server, including:
• Cabinet layout
• Software overview
• Subsystem block diagram
• Module descriptions
• Maintenance features
• Specifications
In this manual "HSC" refers to the HSC70 and HSC40 models. "HSC50" refers to the
HSC50 and HSC50 (modified) models. Individual model names are used only when the
information is model-specific.
Table 1-1 shows the major differences between the various HSC models. Note that the HSC70
supports a combination of eight disk and tape data channels, the HSC50 supports a combination of
six disk and tape data channels, and the HSC40 supports a combination of three disk and tape data
Each disk data channel supports four drives over the standard disk interface (SDI). Each tape
data channel supports four tape formatters over the standard tape interface CSTI). Depending upon
which formatter is used, from one to four tape transports can be supported by each formatter.
1-2 General Information
The HSC controller subsystem can interface with multiple hosts using the computer interconnect
(CI) bus. One CI bus is included with the subsystem. In case of bus failure, each CI bus consists
of two paths (path A and path B). See Figure 1-1 for a sample five-node cluster configuration with
two HSCs and three host computers. In this figure, all three hosts access both HSCs over the CI
bus. Through dual-porting, both HSCs can access the tape formatter and the disks.
- .. -
Bkhd X
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Requester slots A, B, C, D, E, F, M, and N, illustrated in Figure 1-4, are optional tape
or disk data channels. Optional slot labels are blank when no module is present.
Appropriate labels are provided with each data channel option ordered.
Open the cabinet rear door with a 5/32-inch hex key. A rear view of the cabinet with the back
door open is shown in Figure 1-5. The backplane logic modules are cooled by a blower mounted
behind the card cage. Air is drawn in through the front door louver, up through the modules, and
exhausted through the larger duct at the rear.
1--6 General Information
_~"""":IJ..I-,-- BLOWER
Figure 1-5 shows the blower motor outlet duct for current models. Earlier models have a
smaller blower motor outlet duct.
Two levels of cable connections are found in the HSC: backplane to bulkhead and bulkhead to
outside the cabinet. All connections to the logic modules are made through the backplane. All
cables attach to the backplane with press-on connectors.
The power controller is located in the lower left-hand rear corner of the HSC. The power control
bus, delayed output line, and noise isolation filters are housed in the power controller.
Exterior CI, SDI, and STI buses are shielded up to the HSC cabling bulkhead. These cables are
attached to bulkhead connectors located at the bottom rear of the cabinet. From the interior of the
I/O bulkhead connectors, unshielded cables are routed to the backplane.
General Information 1-7
TU58 TU58
Q) Qj rJ)
c c CD
c c o
.:. C\'l o
o .&:.
o 0:
<{ C\'l
o CD ._
Bkhd X c D E F
Req 1 4 5 6
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Requester slots A through F t as shown in Figure 1-8, are optional tape or disk data
channels. Optional slot labels are blank when no module is present. Appropriate labels
are provided with each data channel option ordered.
The upper right-hand portion of the cabinet houses the maintenance access panel. A dc power
on/off switch and connectors for the TU58, the OCp, and the maintenance terminal port are located
on this panel.
Power supply units are housed under the maintenance panel. A basic HSC50-AA/AB contains one
power supply capable of providing power for three data channels. A fourth data channel requires
the addition of an auxiliary power supply. Each power supply has a fan drawing air from the front
of the cabinet across the power unit and exhausting it through a rear duct. Figure 1-9 shows the
back of the HSC50 cabinet. The rear door is opened with a 5/32-inch hex key.
1-10 General Infonnation
""'' ' ' ' ' "',' ,'"'111111111""""",,,,,,'' ' ' ' ' ',',
,,,,,,,,,'111' "'111""""""",,""111
"""'' ' ' ' ',',',','"' "' "'11"""""",,,,,,,,'' ' ' ' '
1.4 Externallnterfaces
Figure 1-11 shows the external hardware interface lines used by the HSC, and Figure 1-12 shows
the external hardware interface lines used by the HSC50.
1-12 General Information
A S C I I - - - - - (NOT USED)
Line Function
CI bus Four coaxial cables (BNCIA-xx): two-path (path A and path B) serial
bus with a transmit and receive cable in each path. This is the
communication path between system host(s) and the H8C.
8Dlbus Four shielded wires for serial communication between the H8C and
the disk drives (one SDI cable per drive per controller) (BC26V-xx).
8TI bus Four shielded wires for serial communication between the H8C and
the tape formatter (one 8TI cable per formatter) (BC26V-xx).
ASCII serial line R8-232-C cable for local console terminal communication with the I/O
control processor module.
ASCII serial line R8-232-C cable in the HSC50 to link the TU58 controller to the
RX33 disk drive signal interface Cable linking RX33 drives with the RX33 controller on the M.std2
module of the H8C.
ANSII hand held terminal R8-232-C cable for hand held terminal communications with the I/O
Control Processor module of the H8C50.
K.PLI L0107-YA
P.IOC/LO 105
---. TUS8
-. OR
PILA L0109 M.STD2IL0117
-- ...
..... ..
CI K.STI/L01 08-YB ...... TAPE
A 'f B
- I SC008 --.. CHANNEL
---. TAPE
...l STAR
.. ~
CI PATH B ~ \ K.SI/L0119 ~
- K.SDI/LO 108-Y A
RA81 , RASO,
• Checks the error detection code (EDC) and generates or checks the error correction code (ECC)
during read/write operations.
Commands and responses pass between the disk data channel microprocessor and other internal
HSC processes through control memory. The disk data channel module interfaces to the control
memory bus and to the data memory bus. It can also interface to four disk drives with four
individual SDI buses. Currently, combinations of up to eight disk data channel or tape data
channel modules are possible in the HSC70. The HSC50 supports combinations of up to six disk
data channel or tape data channel modules and the HSC40 supports combinations of up to three
disk data channel or tape data channel modules. Configuration guidelines are found in the HSC
Installation Manual (EK-HSCMN-IN).
The switch pack on the M.std2 module is factory set to calibrate the RX33 diskette
controller. Do not change the setting of this switch pack; the switch settings
are unique to each module and cannot be restored outside of the manufacturing
• RX33 diskette controller (K.rx)-Resides on the Program bus and performs direct memory
access word transfers when reading or writing data to/from the RX33 diskette.
Using .physical addresses, the memory space allocations for the three memories are illustrated in
Figure 1-14.
General Information 1-19
Two completely redundant memory banks make up control memory. Only one bank at a
time is usable during functional operation. Bank failure detection and bank swapping
are done at boot time.
The interface to the control memory is through the backplane control bus, and to the data memory
through the backplane Data bus. The interface to the 110 control processor local Program memory
is through a set of backplane signals to the Program memory module. In addition, the memory
module houses the control circuitry for the RX33 disk drives.
Using physical addresses, the memory space allocations for the three memories are illustrated in
Figure 1-15.
Functional processes within the HSC communicate with each other and the HSC control program.
They communicate through shared data structures and send/receive messages.
The MSCP class server validates, interprets, and routes incoming MSCP commands and
dispatches MSCP completion acknowledgments. The following are part of the MSCP class server:
• The SDI manager handles the SDI protocol, responds to attention conditions, and manages the
on-lineloff-line status of the disk drives.
• The disk 110 manager translates logical disk addresses into drive-specific physical addresses,
organizes the data-transfer structures for disk operations, and manages the physical positioning
of the disk heads.
The CI manager handles virtual circuit and server connection activities.
The disk error processor responds to all detected error conditions. It reports errors to the
diagnostic manager and attempts to recover from errors, such as ECC, bad block replacement,
and retries. When recovery is not possible, a diagnostic is run to determine if the subsystem can
function without the failing resource. Then, appropriate action is taken to remove the failing
resource or to terminate subsystem operation.
The TMSCP class server sets up the data transfer structures for tape operations and manages
the physical positioning of the tape. The STI manager is the part of the TMSCP class server that
handles the STI protocol, responds to attention conditions, and manages the on-line/off-line status
of the tape drives.
The diagnostic manager handles all diagnostic requests, error reporting, and error logging. It
also provides decision-making and diagnostic-sequencing functions, and can access a large set of
resource-specific diagnostic subroutines.
The diagnostic subroutines run under the control of the diagnostic manager and are classified as
device integrity tests.
The utility processes perform volume-management functions such as formatting, disk-to-disk
copy, disk-to-tape copy, tape-to-disk restore. They also handle miscellaneous operations required
for modifying subsystem parameters, such as COPY, PATCH, and error dump, and are used in
analyzing subsystem problems.
• Console terminal-After initialization, the operator can use the console terminal to run on-line
device integrity tests (see Chapter 5) or off-line diagnostic tests (see Chapter 6). Also, certain
resource failure detections can initiate tests automatically.
• Module LED indicators-All logic modules have at least one LED to indicate board status. See
Chapter 2 for the location of these LEDs.
The HSC subsystem allows logical assignment of a disk drive or tape formatter to the diagnostics.
Device integrity tests allow drive diagnosis, even though other active drives are connected to the
Background (periodic) diagnostics test HSC logic not currently in use by the subsystem. Failures
cause the HSC to reboot and execute the initialization diagnostics.
Requestor-detected data memory errors cause an initiation of the in-line memory diagnostics to test
the buffer causing the error. Failures found in any data buffer cause removal of that buffer from
service. If no failure is found, the tested buffer is returned to service. If the same buffer is sent to
test twice, it is retired from service, even though no failure is found.
1.8 Specifications
Figure 1-17 lists the HSC physical and environmental specifications.
1-24 General Information
0 0 0
59 - 90 F .40 - 151 F 20 F/HR
0 0
20 - 80% 5 - 95% 0
20%/HR 7676 BTu/HR 8078 KJ/HR
15 - 32 C .40 - 66 C 11 C/HR
8000 FT 30,000 FT
210 5.92 N/A
2.4 KM 9.1 KM
Controls and Indicators
2.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the following controls and indicators located in five areas of the HSC and
l. Operator control panel (OCP)
2. Inside front door
3. RX33 disk drives
4. Logic modules
5. Power controller
• HSC50
l. Operator control panel (OCP)
2. Inside front door (TU58 tape drives)
3. Maintenance access panel
4. Logic modules
5. Power controllers (60 Hz and 50 Hz)
2-2 Controls and Indicators
\ I
\, /
@ 0
State Power
An on power indicator does not mean these voltages are within specification (:t5
• Fault indicator and switch-Comes on when the HSC logic detects a fault. The Fault switch
is also used for the OCP lamp test.
Fault codes-When the Fault switch is pressed and released, the lamps in Init, Online,
Fault, and the two blank switches function as an error display. If the fault code is a hard
fatal error, the fault code blinks on and off until the HSC is powered down or the Fault
switch is pressed again.
Controls and Indicators 2-3
If the displayed fault code is a soft (nonfatal) failure, the fault code clears on subsequent
toggling of the Fault switch. Multiple soft fault codes can be queued in the fault code buffer.
Subsequent toggling of the Fault switch displays each soft fault code until the buffer is
Soft fault codes are identified by the Fault indicator on (or displayed fault code) while the
State indicator is pulsing. With soft faults, the HSC continues to operate without use of
the failing resource. Hard fault codes are identified by the fault indicator on (or displayed
fault code) while the HSC State indicator is not pulsing. With hard faults, the HSC does
not continue operation until the failure is remedied.
Error codes associated with the OCP display are defined in Chapter 4 and in Chapter 8.
Lamp test-Pushing and holding the Fault switch causes all the OCP indicators to light
and function as a lamp test. Even if the Fault indicator is already on before the switch is
pushed, the lamp test can be executed.
• Online switch-Puts the HSC logic in the available state when pushed to the in position and
allows a host to establish a virtual circuit with the HSC. When this switch is released to the
out position, no new virtual circuits can be made.
• Online indicator-Shows a virtual circuit exists between the HSC and a host CPU when the
Online indicator is on. When this indicator is off, no virtual circuits are established with any
• Blank indicators-Forms the lowest two bits of a five-bit fault code.
The following list describes the controls and indicators found on the HSC inside front door:
• SecurelEnable switch-Disables the Init switch from the OCP when in the secure position.
Also, the SET utility program cannot run and the break key from the terminal is disabled. With
the SecurelEnable switch in the enable position, the Init switch and all the utility programs can
be used.
The SHOW utility is operable with the SecurelEnable switch in either position.
• Enable indicator-Indicates the SecurelEnable switch is in the enable position when the
Enable LED is illuminated (all switches can be used). When the Enable indicator is off, the
OCP is secure.
• RX33 LEDs-When lit, indicates which particular drive is in use. There is an LED on the
front panel of each drive. When not in use, the RX33 diskettes are stored inside the front door
(Figure 2-3).
• dc power switch-Located on the left side of the RX33 housing (Figure 2-3). When the dc
power switch is in the 0 position, the HSC is without dc power. Moving the switch to the 1
position restores dc power.
• TU58 Run indicators-When a TU58 Run indicator is on, the TU58 is currently moving tape.
Data loss can occur if the tape is removed while this indicator is on. If the indicator is off, tape
is not in motion.
• TU58 Self-Test indicator-The TU58 Self-Test indicator is found on the TU58 controller
module (Figure 2-4). The controller module is located inside the TU58 housing with the drive
mechanics. Observe the Self-Test indicator by looking down through the TU58 housing vents.
When this indicator is on, the TU58 controller has successfully completed self-diagnostics.
(REV E2)
Figure 2-6 and Figure 2-7 shows a typical HSC module configuration. The disk and tape
data channel module combinations vary as follows between the HSC models:
The HSC70 supports up to 8 disk and tape data channel module combinations.
The HSC50 supports up to 6 disk and tape data channel module combinations.
The HSC40 supports up to 3 disk and tape data channel module combinations.
Figure 2-7 shows the HSC slot location for each of the modules.
Q; Q; Q; Q) Qj Q) Q) Qj U)
t: t: t:
0 t: t: t: t:
as as as as as as as as 0
m a
as m
as I
as m
CiS >-
as m
Cii >-
as m
Cii >-
as <:
Cii <:
eo Ceo C rl> C rl> C rl> C ~ 0 'r'" 0
o ".::t; o ".::t; o ".::t: o ".::t; o .. ~ 'r'" •• E ··0
' r ' " > f I ) 'r'" >
o (1).-
..JO::C -10::0
'r'" >
o (1).-
..JQ:C ..JQ:C
~ .~ o (I) . - 'r'" >
'r'" > fI) CD
..JQ:C 3~~ ..Ja::::::
o ~o
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
LINK (LOIOO-E2) Green Board status-Indicates the node is either transmitting or receiving;
LINK (LOllS) dims or brightens relative to the amount of local CI activity.
Red Board status-Indicates the module is in the internal maintenance
PILA (LOI09) Green Board status-Indicates the operating software is running and that
all applicable diagnostics have completed successfully.
Red Board status-Indicates an inoperable module except during
initialization when it comes on during module testing.
Amber Always on when the HSC is on (used only for engineering test
K.pli (LOI07-YA) Green Board status-Indicates the operating software is running and that
self-test module microdiagnostics have completed successfully.
Controls and Indicators 2-11
Memory module M.std2 (LOl17) contains a switch pack. These switches are factory
set to calibrate the RX33 diskette controller. Do not change the setting of this switch
pack; the switch settings are unique to each module and cannot be restored outside
of the manufacturing environment.
Controls and Indicators 2-13
LINK L0118
• CI port processor and CI port buffer modules (LOI07 and LOI09)-Both the LOI07 and
LOI09 modules have dual in-line pack (DIP) switches to indicate the hardware revision leveI.
DIP switch positions should not be changed, except as directed by a Field Change Order (FCO).
Figure 2-9 shows the location of the LOI07 switches.
• K.si (LOl19-YA) data channel switchpack - Figure 2-11 shows the location of the K.si
module switches.
• P.ioj (LOllllLOlll·YA)-The P.ioj module contains two punch-out connector packs used to
assign an unique value to the P.ioj serial number register. The switch settings should never be
modified in the field.
The P.ioj module serial number is used only when a default HSC SDS-ID is generated. The
SDS-ID is a hexadecimal number uniquely identifying the HSC as a node in the cluster. This
ID is usually generated by initializing the HSC70 (toggling the Init switch on the OCP) while
holding in the OCP Fault switch until the INIPIO banner is printed on the console. For all
other reboot cases, the HSC70 P.ioj serial number is not used.
The BUS position is intended for remote sensing of Digital power control bus
instructions. The switch is left in the on position when the power control bus is
not used.
• TOTAL OFF connector-A two-pin male connector on the rear panel of the power controller
(Figure 2-13). It removes power from the HSC whenever the air flow sensor detects system air-
flow loss or an over temperature condition. To reset the TOTAL OFF, cycle the circuit breaker
off and then back on again.
2.9.2 . Fuses
The three line phases are fused to protect the HSC50 circuitry. These fuses are located beside the
Line Phase indicators as shown in Figure 2-14 and Figure 2-15
o CB1 I
When the switch is in the Remote position, the routing of ac power is dependent upon the Power
Control bus signals.
Removal and Replacement Procedures
3.1 Introduction
This chapter emphasizes conditions that must be met when replacing field replaceable units (FRUs),
including the following information:
• Safety precautions
• HSC failover
• FRU overviews
• Jumper configurations
• Swi tch configurations
• Test sequence to perform after FRU replacement
Observe the safety and electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions in this section before starting
removal and replacement procedures.
This chapter covers the following replaceable HSC subunits and modules:
Port link module (LINK)
Port buffer module (PILA)
Port processor module (K. pli)
Disk data channel module (K.sdi)
Tape data channel module (K.sti)
Data channel module (K.si)
110 control processor module (P.ioj and P.ioc)
Memory module (M.std2 and M.std)
RX33 disk drive
TU5S tape drive
Operator control panel
Air flow sensor
Power controller
Main power supply
Auxiliary power supply
3-2 Removal and Replacement Procedures
7. Use the SETSHO command SHOW DISK to verify that all on-line drives have failed over to the
alternate HSC.
8. If failover did not occur, reselect the ports on the drive and check the connections between the
drives and the HSC.
9. Mter all tapes and disks have been failed over, take the HSC off line using one of the following
• Turn off the dc and ac power to the HSC, or
• Place the Off-line switch in the out position, or
• Press the Init switch to reboot the HSC.
Ensure the OCP SignallPower line indicator is connected; otherwise the power
indicator on the OCP can show power off when the power is on.
2. Place the main power switch CBl on the power controller in the off position (Figure 3-2). To
ensure safety precautions, unplug the ac power plug from the ac socket.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-5
o G1
:rn rn rn m:
JI3 JI2J11 J1 0
When performing the following steps, take care not to damage the front spring
2. Remove HSC power by setting the dc power switch to the 0 position.
3. Disconnect the ground wire from the door.
4. Disconnect the OCP signal/power line connector at the bottom of the OCP shield (Figure 3-7).
When performing the following steps, take care not to damage the front spring
2. Disconnect the ground wire from the door.
3. Remove the maintenance access panel cover by loosening the four captive screws.
Some HSC50s have a hinged maintenance access panel with only one captive screw.
4. Remove HSC50 power by setting the dc power switch to the 0 position.
5. Remove the plastic cable duct cover.
6. Disconnect the cables from the maintenance access panel connectors shown in Figure 3-8.
3-12 Removal and Replacement Procedures
Because hazardous voltages exist inside the HSC, service must only be performed by
qualified people. Bodily injury or equipment damage can result from improper servicing
A Velostat (anti-static) kit (part number 29-11762) must be used during module
On the H8C50, the dc power switch is located on the maintenance access panel.
4. Turn the two nylon latches on the card cage cover one-quarter turn.
5. Pull the H8C card cage cover up and out.
6. Locate the LINK module in slot number 14 of the card cage. This can be verified by the module
utilization label.
7. Move the door latch plate attached to the left side of the cabinet frame away from the module
removal path. In the H8C cabinet, the latch plate is swivel mounted. Lift the plate slightly and
press it flat against the cabinet frame. Remove the LINK module.
4 3.
2 '
2 '
II 0
• P
• P
64 711 64 711
128 8
• 0
128 8 •
S1 52
Figure 3-12 shows the LINK (L0100-E2ILOl18) module node address switches.
~~ ~~
:~~ :~~
:~ :~
'~ '~
S1 S2 S3
W2 1+ +I~ W4
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and perform the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line K test selector
• Off-line KIP memory test
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure that both A and B paths
are present to all hosts.
7. Use the SETSHO command SHOW CI to verify the absence of the RTNDATIDISC datagram.
I, ~" , " ~r
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
3-22 Removal and Replacement Procedures
I"'" ,"r
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line K test selector test
• Off-line KIP memory test
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to and ensure both A and B paths
are present to all hosts.
3.5.4 Removing and Replacing the Disk Data Channel Module (K.sdi)
The Ksdi data channel interfaces between the HSC and the standard disk interface (SDI). Ksdi
operation is controlled by an on-board microprocessor with a local programmed read-only memory
(PROM). Commands and responses pass between the Ksdi microprocessor and other internal HSC
processes through Control memory.
On the HSC50, the dc power switch is located on the maintenance access panel.
4. Turn the two nylon latches on the module cover plate one-quarter turn.
5. Pull the card cage cover up and out.
6. Check the module utilization label above the card cage for the location of the Ksdi module. The
module slots are numbered from right to left when viewed from the front.
7. Remove the K.sdi module.
The off-linfl. diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line K test selector test
• Off-line KIP memory test
3. Place the Secure!Enable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
7. Use the SETSHO command SHOW DISK to verify that all applicable drives are present.
S. Perform the disk drive integrity test ILDISK. Refer to Chapter 5 for test description and
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-25
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line K test selector test
3-26 Removal and Replacement Procedures
The K.si data channel initializes only with HSe Version 3.90 or higher software. Do
not use the K.si module with HSe system software with a version level lower than 3.90.
Versions lower than 3.90 will cause initialization failure.
The four switches must be in the OFF position to prevent errors during initialization and
normal operation.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-27
Requestor priority in the HSC ascends from Requestor 2 Oowest priority) through the highest
requestor number on the HSC. Note that requestor priority levels are all relative; that is, the
individual requestor numbers have no intrinsic speed characteristic. When configuring, it is
recommended that you leave blank slots where possible to eliminate reconfiguration when adding
requestors in the future.
The lowest priority slot is located next to the K.ci module and the highest priority slot is
located next to the P.ioj/c module.
6. If the HSC shows an error on boot, check that the loopback connectors are seated and that the
Ksi modules are fully seated in the backplane.
7. Remove the system media and insert the off-line diagnostic media into the load device.
8. Press and release the Init switch on the OCP.
The load device drive-in-use LED should light within a few seconds, indicating the bootstrap is
loading the off-line diagnostic loader to program memory.
The off-line diagnostic loader indicates it has been loaded properly by displaying the following:
HSC OFL Diagnostic Loader, Version Vnnn
Radix=Octal,Oata Length=Word,Reloc=OOOOOOOO
10. If you receive a failure message, check that the loopback connectors are securely installed.
Remove the K.si module and try it in a different slot. If these steps fail, replace the K.si. Be
sure to run the tests again after fixing the fault.
11. Set SW3 of the K.si switchpack to the OFF position.
12. Install or replace all SDI cables on the HSC bulkhead.
• When replacing tape formatters with disk drives after the K.si has been configured for tape
• When replacing disk drives with tape formatters after the Ksi has been configured for disk
The term HSCxx refers to the HSC model that is receiving the K.si module.
2. Mter initialization, use the SETSHO command SHOW REQUESTORS to show the status of the
requestors. In the following example, the Ksi modules are in requestors 2, 3, 4,6, and 8; note
that these modules show up as K.sdi modules.
Req Status Type Version Next Microcode Load
o Enabled P.ioc
1 Enabled K.ci MC- 43 DS- 2 Pila-O K.pli-32
2 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
3 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
4 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
5 Enabled Empty
6 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
7 Enabled Empty
8 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
9 Enabled Empty
SETSHO-I Program Exit
3. Change the configuration of requestors 2 and 8 to tape data channels. Enter reconfiguring
commands as shown, then re-initialize the system:
Ensure the system load media is write enabled.
SETSHO-S The HSC will reboot on exit.
SETSHO-Q Rebooting HSC, type Y to continue, CTRL/Y to abort: Y
INIPIO-I Booting ...
This configuration is retained on the boot media to ensure that the K.si module comes up in the
proper data channel configuration when the HSC is rebooted. If you have a K.si configured as a
3-32 Removal and Replacement Procedures
tape data channel and you attach disk drives, you can reconfigure it using the above procedure and
specifying TYPE=DISK
4. Use the SHOW REQUESTORS command again to current configuration of the Ksi modules:
Req Status Type Version Next Microcode Load
o Enabled P.ioc
1 Enabled K.ci MC- 43 DS- 2 Pila-O K.pli-32
2 Enabled K.sti MC- 2 DS- 3
3 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
4 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
5 Enabled Empty
6 Enabled K.sdi MC- 2 DS- 4
7 Enabled Empty
8 Enabled K.sti MC-2 DS- 3
9 Enabled Empty
SETSHO-I Program Exit
2. Repeat the command SET REQUESTOR for each Ksi in the HSe to set the HSe configuration
on the new boot media.
Table 3-3 describes the conditions that determine if new Ksi microcode is loaded.
Using the SET SCT CLEAR command. N~The new boot media must be updated with the SETSHO
command SET REQUESTOR ntrYPE=xxxx and the HSC must
be rebooted.
Holding in the Fault button while pushing N~The boot media must be updated with the SETSHO
in the Init switch. (This action clears the command SET REQUESTOR nlTYPE=xxxx and the HSC
SCT.) must be rebooted.
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line K test selector test
• Off-line KIP memory test
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
7. If the K.si is configured as a disk data channel, run the disk drive integrity test ILDISK. Refer
to Chapter 5 for test description and procedure.
8. If the K.si is configured as a tape data channel, run the tape drive integrity test ILTAPE. Refer
to Chapter 5 for test description and procedure.
3.5.7 Removing and Replacing the 1/0 Control Processor Module (P.ioj/c)
The P.ioj module (LOIIIILOIII-YA) uses a PDP-II ISP (J-II) processor. The P.ioc module (LOI05)
uses a PDP-II ISP (F-II) processor. Both contain memory management and memory interfacing
logic. These processors execute their respective HSC internal software.
X157~ tj
On the HSC, the dc power switch is located on the side of the RX33 housing.
On the HSC50, the dc power switch is located on the maintenance access panel.
Once VAXNMS recognizes an HSC, the HSC's Online indicator may show that the
HSC is alternately going on line and off line. This is because there is a discrepancy
between the nodename or ID of the HSC and the one recognized by the host for that
HSC. The HSC will be allowed to function only if the old nodename is equal to the
new nodename and the old ID is equal to the new ID.
5. Press CTRLIY to get the HSC> prompt, and issue the SETSHO command SHOW SYSTEM.
Compare this printout with the one saved during removal.
If the printout for the NodenamelID is different, use the SETSHO commands SET NAME or
SET ID to change the NodenamelID so it is the same as in the saved printout.
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line cache test (P.ioj only)
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line K test selector test
• Off-line KIP memory test
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
The switch pack on the M.std2 module is factory set to calibrate the RX33 diskette
controller. Do not change the setting of this switch pack; the switch settings are unique
to each module and cannot be restored outside of the manufacturing environment.
1. Install the M.std2 module in slot number 2 of the card cage. This can be verified by the module
utilization label.
2. Replace the M.std2 module.
3. Pull the card cage cover down and in.
4. Turn the two nylon latches on the module cover plate one-quarter turn.
5. Set the dc power switch to the 1 (on) position.
On the HSC, the dc power switch is located on the side of the RX33 housing.
6. Press CTRL/C to get the HSC> prompt.
7. Issue the SET MEMORY ENABLE ALL command.
8. Mter the HSC reboots, type the command SHOW MEMORY. Check that the available memory
is equal to the maximum memory, except for 32 (decimal) words, which are disabled for lock
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line KIP memory test
• Off-line memory test
• Off-line refresh test
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the lnit switch.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-37
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS and ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
7. Run the memory integrity test ILMEMY and refer to Chapter 5 for test description and
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to the Chapter 6 for test descriptions and procedures and run the following tests:
• Off-line bus interaction test
• Off-line KIP memory test
• Off-line memory test
• Off-line refresh test
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
7. Run the memory integrity test ILMEMY and refer to Chapter 5 for test description and
Because hazardous voltages exist inside the HSC, service must be performed only by
qualified people. Bodily injury or equipment damage can result from improper servicing
3. Turn off the de power switch, located on the side of the RX33 housing (Figure 3-20).
4. Rotate the four fasteners on the RX33 cover plate one-quarter turn and remove the cover plate
(Figure 3-21).
Avoid snagging the cables attached to the rear of the drives during the next step_
6. Carefully slide the drive assembly out until the housing is cleared.
7. Support the drive assembly with one hand and remove the fiat ribbon cables and power cables
from the rear of the drives.
8. Determine whether drive 0 or drive 1 should be replaced.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-41
9. Loosen the captive screws on the drive to be replaced and remove the drive from the drive
assembly (Figure 3-22).
FG FG Frame ground In
HG Hi gain In
LG Lo gain Out
I SI Speed, mode 1 Out
Dual speed
II II Speed, mode 2 In
360 RPM only
DSO DO Drive select 0 In to select drive 0
DS1 D1 Drive select 1 In to select drive 1
DS2 D2 Drive select 2 Out
DS3 D3 Drive select 3 Out
U1 UO Selects mode of operation In
for loading the heads and
lighting the bezel LED (See
U2 U1 See Ul/UO above In
HL HL Not applicable to HSC use Out
IU IV Not applicable to HSC use Out
ML Motor enable Out
RE Recalibration Out
DC DC1 Disk changed on pin 34 Out
DC2 Factory setting In
DC3 Not applicable to HSC use Out
DC4 Not applicable to HSC use Out
RY RY Ready on pin 34 In
The HSe loads the heads and lights the drive-in-use LED when the DRIVE SELECT n
and READY signals are both true.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-43
Figure 3-23 shows the jumper locations for RX33 with a revision Ai module.
'--_--' 20 00 RY
Figure 3-24 shows the jumper locations for RX33 with a revision A3 module.
Ie •• 11'e e' el
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Refer to Chapter 6 for a test description and procedure and run the RX33 off-line exerciser
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
7. Refer to Chapter 5 for test description and procedure and run the RX33 device integnty test
When servicing the TU58, avoid bending the tachometer disk mounted on the drive
motor shaft. If the disk is bent but not creased, it may be straightened. If it cannot be
straightened or if it is creased, the TU58 must be replaced. The disk should not rub
against the optical sensor block or dangling wires.
5. Remove the two locknuts on the bottom of the TU58 bezel assembly (Figure 3-26).
• --- -- •
11/32 NUT
8. Support the bezel assembly with one hand and disconnect J3 and J4 from the OCP
(Figure 3-27).
(20 PINS)
9. Disconnect the cables from the TU58 controller module (Figure 3-28).
The head cover connector shown upper left in Figure 3-28 should be removed during
10. Slide the TU58 controller module out of the plastic guides.
~ ••••••••••••
L:.:..:..:J •••••••••••• BAUD RATE
When servicing the TU58, avoid bending the tachometer .disk mounted on the drive
motor shaft. If the disk is bent but not creased, it may be straightened. If it cannot be
straightened or if it is creased, the TU58 must be replaced. The disk should not rub
against the optical sensor block or dangling wires.
1. Slide the controller module into the housing on the plastic guides.
2. Connect the cables to the TU5S controller module.
3. Support the bezel assembly with one hand and connect J3 and J4 to the OCP.
4. Attach the bezel assembly to the mounting hooks.
5. Replace the two locknuts on the bottom of the TU5S bezel assembly.
6. Replace the ac plug in the wall socket and place the main power switch on the power controller
in the on position.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-51
3.6.3 Removing and Replacing the HSC Operator Control Panel (OCP)
If any OCP lamp fails, replace the entire OCP.
5. Remove the four screws securing the OCP to the shield (Figure 3-30).
OCP "-
6. Close and secure the front door by turning the key counter-clockwise.
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Run the off-line OCP test. Refer to Chapter 6 for a test description and procedures.
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
3.6.4 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Operator Control Panel (OCP)
OCP indicators are not field replaceable. If any lamp fails, replace the entire OCP.
(20 PINS)
The off-line diskette must be write protected. Place a write-protect tab over the
diskette write-enable notch.
2. Run the off-line OCP test. Refer to Chapter 6 for a test description and procedure.
3. Place the SecurelEnable switch in the secure position.
4. Boot the HSC with the system media by pressing and releasing the Init switch.
5. Bring the HSC on line by pressing and releasing the the Online switch.
6. Use the SETSHO command SHOW VIRTUAL_CIRCUITS to ensure both A and B paths are
present to all hosts.
3-56 Removal and Replacement Procedures
o (f)
:rn rn rn m:
JI3JI2J11 J10
(;) OD
Figure 3-33 Removing and Replacing the HSC Airflow Sensor Assembly
5. Slide the sensor assembly out of the duct.
6. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the airflow sensor assembly. Align the slots in the
airflow sensor tip horizontally with the floor. Mter turning on ac power to the HSC, test the
new airflow sensor for proper operation by blocking the flow of air.
3-58 Removal and Replacement Procedures
I •• ,
" :. :::~
. " .
" . . ..: ':.
Figure 3-35 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Airflow Sensor Assembly
5. Slide the sensor assembly out of the duct.
6. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the airflow sensor assembly. Align the slots in the
airflow sensor tip horizontally with the :floor. Ensure sensor operability by blocking the :flow of
air. Pinching the sensor should trip CB1.
3-60 Removal and Replacement Procedures
o G)
:rn mmm:
JI3JI2J11 J1 0
Figure 3-37 Removing and Replacing the HSC Main Cooling Blower
6. Loosen, but do not remove, the three Phillips screws holding the blower mounting bracket to
the cabinet.
7. Lift the blower and bracket up and out of the cabinet.
8. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the cooling blower.
3-62 Removal and Replacement Procedures
o (t)
:rn rn rn m:
JI3JI2J11 J1 0
Do not pull the power controller out too far because cables are connected to the back
and top_
3-66 Removal and Replacement Procedures
Be sure to rotate the line cord elbow to the vertical position if replacing a defective
power controller with a new one. To rotate the elbow, remove the set screw, rotate
the elbow to the position shown in Figure 3-40, and replace the set screw in the other
10. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the power controller.
To ensure proper phase distribution, reconnect the main power supply, auxiliary
power supply, and cooling blower line cords as shown in Figure 3-41.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-67
5. Remove the two top screws and then the two bottom screws securing the power controller to the
cabinet (Figure 3-44). While removing the two bottom screws, push up on the power controller
to take the weight off the screws.
, ..
! •••
." . ...
- .. ,
• - I'
. '~
'. .
~ .., '.'
::'~;{?~';::" .
J1,J2, J3
Do not pull the power controller out too far because cables are connected to the back
and top.
6. Pull the power controller towards you and then out.
7. Remove the power control bus cables from connectors Jl, J2, and J3 at the front of the power
controller (Figure 3-43).
8. Turn off ac power (CBl on the power controller) (Figure 3-43).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-69
The power supply is heavy. Support it with both hands to avoid dropping it.
1. Open the back door using a 5/32-inch hex wrench.
2. Turn off ac power (CBl on the power controller) (Figure 3-45).
o (±)
:rn rn rn rn:
JI3JI2J11 J1 0
6. Unplug the main power supply line cord at the power controller.
While performing 7 through 15, refer to (Figure 3-46).
7. Remove the nut from the -VI stud (ground) on the back of the power supply.
8. Remove the nut from the +VI stud (+5 volts) on the back of the power supply.
9. Remove the nut from the - V2 (ground) stud on the back of the power supply.
10. Remove the nut from the +V2 (-5.2 volts) stud.
11. Unplug J31 (+12 VDC output from the supply to backplane, power fail, and -5 volts sense line).
12. Unplug P32 (+12 VDC sense line and +5 VDC sense line).
13. Unplug J33 (to dc power switch).
14. Unplug J34 (remote on/off jumper to auxiliary power supply).
15. Unplug J35 (+12 VDC power to the airflow sensor).
Figure 3-46 shows the HSC main power supply test points.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-71
TBI-3-3 GND (12 V)
BLACK TBI-2-1 GND (-5 V SENSE) ORANGE TB1-2-2 -5 V SENSE (52-)
RED TB1-1-1 5 V SENSE PURPLE TB1-3-2 12 V
J33 DC
Figure 3-46 HSC Main Power Supply Cables and Test Points
3-72 Removal and Replacement Procedures
16. Turn the four captive screws on the front of the power supply counterclockwise (Figure 3-47).
Figure 3-47 Removing and Replacing the HSC70 Main Power Supply
17. Pull the power supply out about an inch. Check the back of the cabinet to ensure the cables
and flexbus connectors are clear and will not snag when the supply is completely removed.
18. Carefully pull the power supply all the way out of the cabinet.
19. Remove the power cord from the failing unit and install it on the new power supply.
Spare power supplies are not shipped with a power cord.
20. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the main power supply.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-73
The power supply is heavy. Support it with both hands to avoid dropping it.
1. Open the back door using a 5/32-inch hex wrench.
2. Turn off ac power (CBl on the power controller) (Figure 3-48).
5. Remove the power controller (Section 3.6.10) to access the back of the power supply.
6. Unplug the main power supply line cord at the power controller.
While performing 6 through 14, refer to Figure 3-49, which shows the HSC50 main
power supply test points.
7. Remove the nut from the -V1 stud (ground) on the back of the power supply (Figure 3-49).
8. Remove the nut from the +V1 stud (+5 volts) on the back of the power supply (Figure 3-49).
9. Remove the nut from the -V2 (ground) stud on the back of the power supply (Figure 3-49).
10. Remove the nut from the +V2 (-5.2 volts) stud on the back of the power supply (Figure 3-49).
11. Unplug J31 (+12 VDC output from the supply to backplane, power fail, and -5 volts sense line)
(Figure 3-49).
12. Unplug P32 (+12 VDC sense line and +5 VDC sense line) (Figure 3-49). Ensure the P32 cable
is free to be removed with the power supply.
13. Unplug J33 (to dc power switch) (Figure 3-49).
14. Unplug J34 (remote on/off jumper to auxiliary power supply) (Figure 3-49).
15. Unplug J35 (+12 VDC power to the airflow sensor) (Figure 3-49).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-75
Figure 3-49 HSC50 Main Power Supply Cables and Voltage Test Points
16. Turn the four captive screws·on the front of the power supply counterclockwise (Figure 3-50).
3-76 Removal and Replacement Procedures
Figure 3-50 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Main Power Supply
17. Pull the power supply out about an inch. Check the back of the cabinet to ensure the cables are
clear and will not snag when the supply is completely removed.
18. Carefully pull the power supply all the way out of the cabinet.
19. Remove the power cord from the failing unit and install it on the new power supply.
Spare power supplies are not shipped with a power cord.
20. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the HSC50 main power supply.
This power supply is heavy. When removing the power supply, support it with both
hands to avoid dropping it.
1. Open the back door using a 5/32-inch hex wrench.
2. Turn off ac power (CB1) on the power controller (Figure 3-51).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-77
o (t)
:rn rn rn m:
JI3JI2J11 J10
While performing 7 through 10, refer to Figure 3-52.
7. Remove the nut from the +V1 stud (+5 volt) on the back of the power supply.
8. Remove the nut from the -VI stud (ground) on the back of the power supply.
9. Disconnect J50 (sense line to voltage comparator).
10. Disconnect J51 (dc on/off jumper).
3-78 Removal and Replacement Procedures
POWER SUPPL Y _ _........1
Figure 3-52 HSC Auxiliary Power Supply Cable and Test Points
11. Figure 3-52 shows the HSC auxiliary power supply test points.
12. Turn the four captive screws on the power supply counterclockwise (Figure 3-53).
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-79
Figure 3-S3 Removing and Replacing the HSC Auxiliary Power Supply
13. Pull the power supply out about an inch. Check the back of the cabinet to ensure the cables
and flexbus connectors are clear.
14. Carefully slide the power supply out through the front of the HSC.
15. Remove the power cord from the failing unit and install it to the new power supply.
Spare supplies are not shipped with a power cord.
16. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the HSC auxiliary power supply.
This power supply is heavy. When removing the power supply, support it with both
hands to avoid dropping it.
3-80 Removal and Replacement Procedures
While performing 7 through 10, refer to Figure 3-55.
Removal and Replacement Procedures 3-81
7. Remove the nut from the +VI stud (+5 volt) on the back of the power supply (Figure 3-55).
8. Remove the nut from the -VI stud (ground) on the back of the power supply (Figure 3-55).
9. Disconnect J50 (sense line to voltage comparator). (Figure 3-55).
10. Disconnect J51 (dc on/off jumper) (Figure 3-55). Refer to Figure 3-55 for the HSC50 auxiliary
power supply test points.
+5V DC
Figure 3-55 HSC50 Auxiliary Power Supply Cable and Voltage Test Points
3-82 Removal and Replacement Procedures
11. Turn the four captive screws on the power supply counterclockwise (Figure 3-56).
Figure 3-56 Removing and Replacing the HSC50 Auxiliary Power Supply
12. Pull the power supply out about an inch. Check the back of the cabinet to ensure the cables
and connectors are clear.
13. Carefully slide the power supply out through the front of the HSC50.
14. Remove the power cord from the failing unit and install it to the new power supply.
Spare supplies are not shipped with a power cord.
15. Reverse the removal procedure to replace the auxiliary power supply.
Initialization Procedures 4-1
Initialization Procedures
4.1 Introduction
This chapter contains procedures for connecting the console terminal on the HSC and the auxiliary
terminal on the HSC50, and initialization procedures for both HSC models.
A malfunction during initialization may be reported by a fault code displayed on the operator
control panel (OCP). These fault codes are explained in Chapter 8.
The VT3xx series terminal can be connected to an RS-232 compatible port only.
Connection to another type of port will result in initialization failure and FCC violations.
4-2 Initialization Procedures
TO J60
~ ______A_______ ~\
o o o o
c=> c=> c=>
00 00 00 00
O~O~O 00 D Qo D Qo D Qo 00 0
00 00 00
1~O~O~D 00 D 00 0 00 00 1
00 00 00
2~ 0 ~ 0 ~ D 00 0 00 0 00 0
3~ 0 ~ 0 ~ D 00
00 0 00
00 0 00
F@ E @ o @ C @ B
If this procedure is not followed., the HSC may enter micro-on-line debugging tool (ODT)
mode. This mode is indicated by an @ symbol on the screen. Typing a P (PROCEED)
should exit this mode.
~ Ill.: I!iI
P42 P41 P40
olli::i::i:l o / .
YV \
o o o
J l
FROM } . . - ____ / /
SOURCE ~-------
4. If it is necessary to put the SecurelEnable switch in the enable position, do so at this point.
If this procedure is not followed, the HSC50 may enter micro-on-line debugging tool
(ODT) mode. This mode is indicated by an @ symbol on the screen. Typing a P (proceed)
should exit this mode.
In order to run the HSC device integrity tests, the system diskette must reside in the
RX33 drive. Customarily, this diskette resides in RX33 drive O. However, drive 1 and
drive 0 are identical, and disk placement is arbitrary.
Logic in the following areas is tested with the Init P.ioj diagnostic:
• Control processor-The rest of the instruction set not tested by the ROM bootstrap, interrupts,
memory management, and the control memory lock-cycle circuitry are included. Detected
failures result in an error code display on the OCP (Figure 4-3).
• Memory-Program memory is tested from the 110 control processor. However, the control and
data memories are tested by the highest-numbered available requestor controlled by the 110
control processor. Again, detected failures result in an OCP error code display.
• Host interface and data channels-Module status is collected and placed in a table for the HSC
operating software initialization process. As each module is enabled, it automatically executes
internal microdiagnostics. These internal diagnostics test the following:
• ROM (sequencer, checksum, parity, and so forth)
• Special logic unique to that particular module
Upon completion of diagnostics for each module, a status code is passed to the lIO control processor.
Status codes for the various modules are discussed in Chapter 5.
If the module diagnostics complete successfully, the status code represents the module type and
the green LED is turned on. If the diagnostics fail, the status code indicates the failing microtest.
In addition, detected failures cause a red LED to light on that module. Kci, Ksdi, Ksti, and Ksi
failures are also displayed on the console terminal after the boot is completed.
~ Initialization Procedures
02 02 00010 OFF OFF OFF
03 03 00011 OFF OFF
Lighting of the red LED on the LOIOO or LOllS LINK module does not indicate a failure of
the module.
For a detailed description of the boot process, refer to the HSC Boot Flowchart in Chapter 8.
Initialization Procedures 4-7
• HSC operational software is being loaded when the State light flashes rapidly.
• HSC operational software indicates it has loaded properly when the State light blinks
• HSC displays its name and version indicating it is ready to perform host 110.
4-8 Initialization Procedures
Once initiated, the INIPIO test is terminated only by halting and rebooting the HSC. If the test
fails to load using the preceding startup procedure, perfonn the next four steps:
1. Check the OCP fault light. If the fault light is on, press the fault light once and check the fault
code (Figure 4-3).
2. Boot the diskette from the RX33 unit 1 drive (right-hand drive).
3. Boot using another diskette. If that diskette boots, the original diskette is probably damaged or
4. Boot using the HSC Off-line Diagnostic diskette. This diskette contains the off-line P.io test,
which provides extensive error reporting features. A console tenninal must be connected to run
the off-line tests.
The progress of the INIPIO test is displayed in the State LED. Before the test starts, the State
LED is off. When the test starts, the State LED is turned on, and the INIPIO-I BOOTING message
is printed on the HSC console. When the test completes with no fatal errors, the State LED begins
to blink at a steady rate. If the test detects an error, the Fault lamp on the HSC OCP is lit.
In order to run the HSC50 device integrity tests, the system tape must reside in the TU5S
drive. Customarily, this tape resides in TU58 drive O. Drive 1 and drive 0 are identical,
and tape placement is arbitrary.
However, the utilities tape does not contain a bootable image, and if drive 0 contains the
utilities tape, the system will try to boot from drive 1.
The HSC50 can be initiated by either powering on the unit if it is powered down or, if power is
already applied, by pressing and releasing the lnit switch with the SecurelEnable switch in the
enable position. This causes the P.ioc bootstrap ROM tests to run and then load the Init P.ioc test.
• Memory-Program memory is tested from the 110 Control Processor. However, the control and
data memories are tested by the highest-numbered available requestor controlled by the I/O
control Processor. Again, detected failures result in an OCP error code display.
• Host interface and data channels-Module status is collected and placed in a table for the
HSC50 operating software initialization process. As each module is enabled, it automatically
executes internal microdiagnostics. These internal diagnostics test the following:
• ROM (sequencer, checksum, parity, and so forth)
• Special logic unique to that particular module
Upon completion of diagnostics for each module, a status code is passed to the 110 control processor.
Status codes for the various modules are discussed in Chapter 5.
If the module diagnostics complete successfully, the status code represents the module type and
the green LED is turned on. If the diagnostics fail, the status code indicates the failing microtest.
In addition, detected failures cause a red LED to light on that module. K.ci, Ksdi, Ksti, and K.si
failures are also displayed on the auxiliary terminal after the boot is completed.
Lighting of the red LED ·on the·LOIOO or LOllS LINK module does not indicate a failure of
the module.
For a detailed description of the boot process, refer to the HSC50 Boot Flowchart in Chapter 8.
Device Integrity Tests
5.1 Introduction
Device integrity tests executing in the HSC do not interfere with normal operation other than with
the device being tested. The device integrity tests can be found on the HSC system media disk or
HSC50 utilities media tape.
The tests described in this chapter are:
• ILRX33-RX33 integrity tests
• ILTU58-TU58 integrity tests
• ILMEMY-Memory integrity tests
• ILDISK-Disk drive integrity tests
• ILTAPE-Tape device integrity tests
• ILTCOM-Tape compatibility tests
• ILEXER-Multidrive exerciser
5-2 Device Integrity Tests
The first line of the elTor message contains general information about the elTor. The second line
describes the nature of the error. Lines 1 and 2 are mandatory and appear in all error messages.
Line 3 and any succeeding lines display additional information and are optional.
If a P.ioj/c or M.std/2 module fails during the periodic ILMEMY tests, the FAClLITY
section of the crash code displays PRMEMY, which indicates the failure occurred during
the periodic tests.
If a Ksdi, Ksti, or Ksi modUle fails during the periodic K tests, the FACILITY section of
the crash code displays PRKSDI, PRKSTI, or PRKSI, which indicates the failure occurred
during the periodic tests.
The term DXn: refers to the RX33 disk drives (DXO: or DXl:).
If ILRX33 cannot load from the specified diskette, try loading the test from the other diskette. For
example, if RUN ILRX33 fails, try RUN DXn:ILRX33.
The string LB: indicates the RX33 drive last used to boot the HSe control program.
One of the indicated strings must be entered. If one of these strings is not entered, the test prints
lllegal Device Name and the prompt is repeated.
An unknown status error indicates the status value received from the driver did not match
any of the status values known to the test. The status value returned (xxx) is displayed to
help determine the cause of the problem. Any occurrence of this error should be reported
through a Software Performance Report (SPR). See Appendix B for detailed information on SPR
• Error 007 t Data Co:mpare Error-Indicates data subsequently read back.
MA -aaaaaa
aaaaaa represents the address of the failing word
within the block (512 bytes) that was read.
bbbbbb represents the data written to the word.
cccccc represents the data read back from the word.
Because this test only reads and writes block 1 of the diskette, all failures occur while trying to
access physical block 1.
• Error 008, lllegal Device Name-Indicates the user specified an illegal device name when
the program prompted for the name of the drive to be tested. Legal device names include DXO:,
DX1:, and LB:. LB: indicates the drive from which the system was last booted. Mter displaying
this error, the program again prompts for a device name. Enter one of the legal device names
to continue the test.
The contents of the disabled buffer queue are lost during a reboot of the HSC. As a result,
all bad memory locations are lost.
Buffers sent twice to this test are also sent to the disabled buffer queue even if they did not fail the
test. Buffers that pass the memory test and have not been tested previously are sent to the free
buffer queue for further use by the HSC control program.
When the test is initiated on demand, any buffers in the disabled buffer queue are tested and the
results of the test are displayed on the terminal from which the test was initiated.
This test runs concurrently with other HSC processes and uses the services of the HSC control
program and the Diagnostic Execution Monitor (DEMON).
Type RUN dev:ILMEMY to initiate the memory integrity test. This program has no user-supplied
parameters or flags.
ILMEMY tests only data memory buffers. Control/program memory errors typically
cause a reboot of the HSC.
5-8 Device Integrity Tests
If the memory integrity test is not contained on the specified device (dev:), an error message is
When all buffers on the test queue are tested, the memory integrity test terminates.
Device Integrity Tests 5-9
2. Drive known (to the HSC disk server, that is, identifiable by unit number}-ReadlWrite/Fonnat
tests are perfonned in addition to the SDI verification tests. If an error is detected, the most
probable FRU is identified in the error report. If no errors are detected, presume the FRU is
the drive.
To find the drives known to the Disk and Tape Servers, type the SETSHO command SHOW DISKS
10 prevent access from another HSC, deselect the alternate port switch on the drive to be
tested. The alternate port switch is the drive port switch allowing alternate HSC access
to the drive.
The HSC system RX33 must be present at all times.
1. Press CTRLIY.
2. The following prompt appears:
5.5.3 Availability
If the software media containing ILDISK is not loaded when the RUN ILDISK command is
entered, an error message is displayed. Insert the software media containing ILDISK and repeat
Section 5.5.2.
Device Integrity Tests 5-11
Enter the unit number of the disk drive for test. Unit numbers are in the form Dnnnn, where nnnn
is a decimal number between 0 and 4095 corresponding to the number printed on the drive unit
plug. Terminate the unit number response with a carriage return.
ILDISK attempts to acquire the specified unit through the HSC diagnostic interface. If the unit is
acquired successfully, ILDISK next prompts for the drive integrity test to be executed.
If the acquire fails, one of the following conditions is encountered:
1. The specified drive is unavailable. This indicates the drive is connected to the HSC, but is
currently on line to a host CPU or an HSC utility. On-line drives cannot be diagnosed. ILDISK
repeats the prompt for the unit number.
2. The specified drive is unknown to the HSC disk functional software. Drives are unknown for
one of the following reasons:
• The drive and/or disk data channel port is broken and cannot communicate with the disk
functional software.
• The drive was previously communicating with the HSC but a serious error occurred, and
the HSC has ceased communicating with the drive (marked the drive as inoperative).
In either case, ILDISK prompts for a requestor number and port number. Refer to Section 5.5.6.
Mter receiving the unit number (or requestor and port), ILDISK prompts:
Answering N causes the drive to execute its entire integrity test set. Answering Y executes a single
drive integrity test. If a single drive integrity test is selected, the test prompts:
Enter a number (in hex) specifying the drive integrity test to be executed. Consult the appropriate
disk maintenance or service manual to determine the number of the test to perform. Entering a
test number not supported by the drive results in an error 13 generated in test 5.
The test prompts for the number of passes to perform:
t OF PASSES TO PERFORM (1 to 32767) (D) [1] ?
Enter a decimal number between 1 and 32767 specifying the number of test repetitions. Pressing
RETURN without entering a number runs the test once.
5-12 Device Integrity Tests
it. An ECHO exchange verifies the integrity of the write/command data and the read/response
data lines of the SDI cable.
• Test 05, Run Drive Integrity Tests-Directs the drive to run its internal integrity test. The
drive is commanded to run a single integrity test or its entire set of integrity tests depending
upon user response to the prompt:
Run a Single Drive Diagnostic ?
Before commanding the drive to run its integrity tests, the drive is brought on line to prevent
the drive from giving spurious Available indications to its other SDI port. The drive integrity
tests are started when the disk data channel sends a DIAGNOSE command to the drive. The
drive does not return a response frame for the DIAGNOSE until it is finished performing
integrity tests. This can require 2 or more minutes. While the disk data channel is waiting for
the response frame, ILDISK cannot be interrupted by a CTRLIY.
• Test 06, Disconnect From Drive-Sends a DISCONNECT command to the drive and then
issues a GET LINE STATUS internal command to the K.sdiJK.si to ensure the drive is in the
Available state. The test also expects Receiver Ready and Attention are set in drive status and
Read/Write Ready is not set.
• Test 07, Check Drive Status-Issues a GET STATUS command to the drive to check that
none of the drive's error bits are set. If any error bits are set, they are reported and the test
issues a DRIVE CLEAR command to clear the error bits. If the error bits fail to clear, an error
is reported.
• Test 08, Drive Initialize--Issues a command to interrogate the Real-Time Drive State of the
drive. The test then issues a DRIVE INITIALIZE command to ensure the previous DIAGNOSE
command did not leave the drive in an undefined state.
• Test 09, Bring Drive On Line-Issues an ONLINE command to the drive under test. Then
a GET LINE STATUS command is issued to ensure the drive's real-time state is proper for the
On-line state. Read/Write Ready is expected to be true; Available and Attention are expected to
be false.
• Test 10, Recalibrate and Seek-Issues a RECALIBRATE command to the drive. This ensures
the disk heads start from a known point on the media. Then a SEEK command is issued to the
drive, and the drive's real-time status is checked to ensure the SEEK did not result in an
Attention condition. Then another RECALIBRATE command is issued, returning the heads to
a known position.
• Test 11, Disconnect From Drive-Issues a DISCONNECT command to return the drive to
the Available state. Then the drive's real-time status is checked to ensure Available, Attention,
and Receiver Ready are true and Read/Wri te Ready is false.
• Test 12, Bring Drive On Line--Attempts to bring the disk drive to the On-line state. Test 12
is executed only for drives known to the HSC disk functional software. Test 12 consists of the
following steps:
1. GET STATUS-ILDISK issues an SDI GET STATUS command to the disk drive.
2. ONLlNE-ILDISK directs the HSC diagnostic interface to bring the drive on line.
If the GET STATUS and the ONLINE commands succeed, ILDISK proceeds to test 13. If the
GET STATUS and the ONLINE commands fail, ILDISK goes directly to test 17 (termination).
Note the on-line is performed through the HSC diagnostic interface, invoking the same software
operations a host invokes to bring a drive on line. An on-line at this level constitutes more
than just sending a SDI ONLINE command. The FCT and RCT of the drive also are read and
certain software structures are modified to indicate the new state of the drive. If the drive is
unable to read data from the disk media, the on-line operation fails. If test 12 fails, ILDISK
skips the remaining tests and goes to test 17.
5-14 Device Integrity Tests
• Test 13, Read Only 110 Operations Test-Tests that all read/write heads in the drive can
seek and properly locate a sector on each track in the drive read only DBN space. (DBN space
is an area on all disk media devoted to diagnostic or integrity test use.) Test 13 attempts to
read at least one sector on every track in the read only area of the drive's DBN space. The
sector is checked to ensure it contains the proper data pattern. Bad sectors are allowed, but
there must be at least one good sector on each track in the read only area. Mter each successful
DBN read, ILDISK reads one LBN to further enhance seek testing. This ensures the drive can
successfully seek to and from the DBN area from the LBN area of the disk media. ILDISK
proceeds to test 16 when test 13 completes.
• Test 14, 110 Operations Test (Read/Write 512 byte format)-Checks to see if the drive
can successfully write a pattern and read it back from at least one sector on every track in the
drive read/write DBN area. (Read/write DBN space is an area on every disk drive devoted to
diagnostic or integrity test read/write testing.) Bad sectors are allowed, but at least one sector
on every track in the read/write area must pass the test. Mter test 14 completes, ILDISK
proceeds to test 17.
• Test 17, Terminate ILDISK-Is the ILDISK termination routine. The following steps are
1. If the drive is unknown to the HSC disk functional software, or if the SDI verification test
failed, proceed to step 5 of this t~st.
2. An SDI CHANGE MODE command is issued to the drive. The CHANGE MODE command
directs the drive to disallow access to the DBN area and changes the sector size (512 or 576
bytes) back to its original state.
3. The drive is released from exclusive integrity test use. This returns the drive to the
Available state.
4. The drive is reacquired for exclusive integrity test use. This is to allow looping if more than
one pass is selected.
5. If more passes are left to perform, the test is reinitiated.
6. If no more passes are left to perform~ ILDISK releases the drive, returns all structures
acquired, and terminates.
• Error 02, Unit selected Is Not a Disk-The response to the unit number prompt was not of
the form Dnnnn (refer to Section 5.5.5).
• Error 03, Drive Unavailable-The selected disk drive is not available for ILDISK.
• Error 04, Unknown Status from DDUSUB-A call to the diagnostic interface resulted in
the return of an unknown status code. This indicates a software error and should be reported
through a Software Performance Report (SPR). See Appendix B for detailed information on SPR
• Error 05, Drive Unknown to Disk Functional Code-The disk drive selected is not known
to the HSC disk functional software. The drive may not be communicating with the HSC, or
the disk functional software may have disabled the drive due to an error condition. ILDISK
prompts the user for the drive's requestor and port. Refer to Section 5.5.6 for information on
specifying requestor and port.
• Error 06, Invalid Requestor or Port Number Specified-The requestor number given was
not in the range 2 through 9 (HSC) or 2 through 7 (HSC50), or the port number given was not
in the range 0 through 3. Specify a requestor and port within the allowable ranges.
• Error 07, Requestor Selected Is Not a K.sdi-The requestor specified was not a disk data
channel (K.sdi/K..si). Specify a requestor that contains a disk data channel.
• Error 08, Specified Post contains a Known Drive-The requestor and port specified contain
a drive known to the HSC disk functional software. The unit number of the drive is supplied in
the report. ILDISK does not allow testing a known drive through requestor number and port
• Error 09, Drive Can't Be Brought On Line-A failure occurred when ILDISK attempted to
bring the specified drive on line. One of the following conditions occurred:
1. Unit Is Off Line-The specified unit went to the Off-line state and now cannot communicate
with the HSC.
2. Unit Is In Use-The specified unit is now marked as in use by another process.
3. Unit Is a Duplicate-Two disk drives are connected to the HSC, both with the same unit
4. Unknown Status from DDUSUB-The HSC diagnostic interface returned an unknown
status code when ILDISK attempted to bring the drive on line. Refer to error 04 for related
information on this error.
• Error 10, K.sdi Does Not Support Microdiagnostics-The KsdilKsi connected to the drive
under test does not support microdiagnostics. This indicates the K.sdilK.si microcode is not at
the latest revision level. This is not a fatal error, but the KsdilK.si should probably be updated
with the latest microcode to improve error detection capabilities.
• Error 11, Change Mode Failed-ILDISK issued an SDI CHANGE MODE command to the
drive and the command failed. The drive is presumed the failing unit because the SDI interface
was previously verified.
• Error 12, Drive Disabled Bit Set-The SDI verification test issued an SDI GET STATUS
command to the drive under test. The drive disabled bit was set in the status returned by the
drive, indicating the drive detected a serious error and is now disabled.
• Error 13, Command Failure-The SDI verification test detected a failure while attempting to
send an SDI command to the drive. One of the following occurred.
1. Did Not Complete-The drive did not respond to the command within the allowable time.
Further SDI operations to the drive are disabled.
2. Ksdi Detected Error-The K.sdilK..si detected an error condition while sending the
command or while receiving the response.
5-16 Device Integrity Tests
• Error 23, Failed To Reacquire Unit-In order for ILDISK to allow looping, the drive under
test must be released and then reacquired. (This method is required to release the drive from
the On-line state.) The release operation succeeded, but the attempt to reacquire the drive
failed. One of the following conditions occurred:
1. Drive Unknown to Disk Functional Code-A fatal error caused the HSC disk functional
software to declare the drive inoperative, so the drive unit number is not recognized. The
drive must now be tested by specifying requestor and port number.
2. Drive Unavailable-The specified drive is now not available for integrity test use.
3. Unknown Status from DDUSUB-Refer to Error 04.
The drive may be allocated to an alternate HSC. Check the drive port lamp to see if this
caused the error.
• Error 24, State Line Clock Not Running-The SDI verification test executed a command
to interrogate the Real-Time Drive State of the drive. The returned status indicates the drive
is not sending state line clock to the disk data channel. Either the port, SDI cable, or drive is
defective or the port is not connected to a drive.
• Error 25, Error Starting I/O Operation-ILDISK detected an error when initiating a disk
Read or Write operation. One of the following conditions occurred:
1. Invalid Header Code-ILDISK did not supply a valid header code to the HSC diagnostic
interface. This indicates a software error and should be reported through a Software
Performance Report (SPR). See Appendix B for detailed information on SPR submission.
2. Could Not Acquire Control Structures-The HSC diagnostic interface could not acquire
sufficient control structures to perform the operation.
3. Could Not Acquire Buffer-The HSC diagnostic interface could not acquire a buffer needed
for the operation.
4. Unknown Status from DDUSUB-The HSC diagnostic interface returned an unknown
status code. Refer to Error 04.
Retry ILDISK during lower HSC activity for the second and third problems if these
errors persist.
• Error 26, Init Did Not Stop State Line Clock-The SDI verification test sent an SDI
INITIALIZE command to the drive. When the drive receives this command, it should
momentarily stop sending state line clock to the disk data channel. The disk data channel
did not see the state line clock stop after sending the initialize. The drive is the most probable
• Error 27, State Line Clock Did Not Start Up After Init-The SDI verification test sent an
SDI INITIALIZE to the drive. When the drive receives this command, it should momentarily
stop sending state clock to the disk data channel. The disk data channel saw the state clock
stop, but the clock never restarted. The drive is the most probable FRU.
• Error 28, I/O Operation Lost-While ILDISK was waiting for a disk Read or Write operation
to complete, the HSC diagnostic interface notified ILDISK that no I/O operation was in
progress. This error may have been induced by a hardware failure, but it actually indicates
a software problem, and the error should be reported by a software performance report (SPR).
See Appendix B for detailed information on SPR submission.
• Error 29, Echo Data Error-The SDI verification test issued an SDI ECHO command to the
drive. The command completed but the wrong response was returned by the drive. The SDI set
and the disk drive are the probable FRUs.
5-18 Device Integrity Tests
• Error 30, Drive Went Off Line-The drive, previously acquired by the integrity test, is now
unknown to the disk functional code. This indicates the drive spontaneously went off line or
stopped sending clocks and is now unknown. The test should be restarted using the requestor
and port numbers instead of drive unit number.
• Error 31, Drive Acquired But Can't find Control Area-The disk drive was acquired, and
ILDISK obtained the requestor number and port number of the drive from the HSC diagnostic
interface. However, the specified requestor does not have a control area. This indicates a
software problem and should be reported through a Software Performance Report (SPR). See
Appendix B for detailed infonnation on SPR submission.
• Error 32, Requestor Does Not Have Control Area-ILDISK cannot find a control area for
the requestor supplied by the user. One of the following conditions exists:
1. The HSC does not contain a disk data channel (or other type of requestor) in the specified
requestor position.
2. The disk data channel (or other type of requestor) in the specified requestor position failed
its initialization integrity tests and is not in use by the HSC.
Open the· HSC front door and remove the cover from the card cage. Locate the module slot in
the card cage that corresponds to the requestor. Refer to the module utilization label above the
card cage to help locate the proper requestor. If a blank module (air baffle) is in the module slot,
the HSC does not contain a requestor in the specified position. If a requestor is in the module
slot, check that the red LED on the lower front edge of the module is lit. If so, the requestor
failed and was disabled by the HSC. If the red LED is not lit, a software problem exists and
should be reported through a Software Perfonnance Report (SPR). See Appendix B for detailed
information on SPR submission.
• Error 33, Can't Read Any Sector on Track-As part of test 03, ILDISK attempts to read
a pattern from at least one sector of each track in the read-only area of the drive DEN space
(DBN space is an area on every disk drive reserved for diagnostic or integrity test use). All
drives have the same pattern written to each sector in the read only DBN space.
During the read process, ILDISK detected a track that does not contain any sector with the
expected pattern. Either ILDISK detected errors while reading or the read succeeded, but the
sectors did not contain the correct pattern. The error information for the last sector accessed
is supplied in the error report. The most likely cause of this error is a disk media error. If test
04 also fails, the problem may be in the disk read/write electronics, or the DBN area of the disk
may not be formatted correctly. To interpret the MSCP status code, refer to Section 5.5.11.
• Error 34, Drive Diagnostic Detected Error-The SDI verification test directed the disk
drive to run an internal integrity test. The drive indicated the integrity test failed, but the
error is not serious enough to warrant removing the drive from service. The test number and
error number for the drive are displayed (in hex) in the error report. For the exact meaning of
each error, refer to the service documentation for that drive.
• Error 35, Drive Diagnostic Detected Fatal Error-The SDI verification test directed the
disk drive to run an internal integrity test. The drive indicated the integrity test failed and the
error is serious enough to warrant removing the drive from service. The test and error number
are displayed (in hex) in the error report. For the exact meaning of each error, refer to the
service manual for that drive.
• Error 36, Error Bit Set in Drive Status Error Byte-The SDI verification test executed an
SDI GET STATUS command to the drive under test. The error byte in the returned status was
nonzero indicating one of the following conditions:
1. Drive error
2. Transmission error
3. Protocol error
4. Initialization integrity test failure
Device Integrity Tests 5-19
• Error 50, Can't Acquire Drive State Area-ILDISK cannot perform the low-level SDI tests
because it cannot acquire the Drive State Area for the drive. The Drive State .Area is a section
of the K Control Area used to communicate with the drive through the SDI interface. To
perform the SDI tests, ILDISK must take exclusive control of the Drive State .Area; otherwise,
the HSC operational software may interfere with the tests. The Drive State.Area must be in
an inactive state (no interrupts in progress) before it can be acquired by ILDISK If the drive
is rapidly changing its SDI state and generating interrupts, ILDISK may be unable to find the
drive in an inactive state.
• Error 51, Failure While Updating Drive STATUS-When in the process of returning the
drive to the same mode as ILDISK originally found it, an error occurred while performing an
SDI GET STATUS command. When a drive is acquired by ILDISK, the program remembers
whether the drive was in 576-byte mode or 512-byte mode (reflected by the S7 bit of the mode
byte in the drive status). When ILDISK releases the drive (once per pass of the program),
the drive mode is returned to the state the drive was in when ILDISK first acquired it. In
order to ensure the HSC disk functional software is aware of this mode change, ILDISK calls
the diagnostic interface routines to perform a GET STATUS to the drive. These routines also
update the disk functional software information on the drive to reflect the new mode.
Error 51 indicates the drive status update failed. The diagnostic interface returns one of three
different status codes with this error:
1. DRIVE ERROR-The GET STATUS command could not be completed due to an error
during the command. If informational error messages are enabled (through a SET ERROR
INFO command), an error message describing the failure should be printed on the console
2. BAD UNIT NUMBER-The diagnostic interface could not find the unit number specified.
The drive may have spontaneously transitioned to the Off-line state (no clocks) since the
last ILDISK operation. For this reason, the unit number is unknown when the diagnostic
interface tries to do a GET STATUS command.
• Error 52, 576-Byte Format Failed-The program attempted to perform a 576-byte format to
the first two sectors of the first track in the read/write DBN area. No errors were detected
during the actual formatting operation, but subsequent attempts to read either of the
reformatted blocks failed. The specific error detected is identified in the error report.
• Error 53, 512-Byte Format Failed-The program attempted to perform a 512-byte format to
the first two sectors of the first track in the read/write DBN area. No errors were detected
during the actual formatting operation, but subsequent attempts to read either of the
reformatted blocks failed. The specific error detected is identified in the error report.
• Error 54, Insufficient Resources to Perform Test-This error indicates further testing
cannot complete due to lack of required memory structures. To perform certain drive tests
ILDISK needs to acquire timers, a dialog control block (DCB), free control blocks (FCBs), data
buffers, and enough Control memory to construct two disk rotational access tables (DRATs). If
any of these resources are unavailable, testing cannot be completed. Under normal conditions
these resources should always be available.
• Error 55, Drive Transfer Queue Not Empty Before Format-ILDISK found a transfer
already queued to the K.sdilK.si when the format test began. ILDISK should have exclusive
access to the drive at this time, and all previous transfers should have been completed before
the drive was acquired. To avoid potentially damaging interaction with some other disk process,
ILDISK aborts testing when this condition is detected.
• Error 56, K.sdi Detected Error During Format-K.sdilK.si detected an error during a
Format operation. Each error bit set in the fragment request block (FRB) is translated. into a
text message that accompanies the error report.
Device ·Integrity Tests 5-21
• Error 57, Wrong Structure on Completion Queue-While formatting, ILDISK checks each
structure returned by the K.sdilK.si to ensure the structure was sent to the proper completion
queue. An Error 57 indicates one of these structures was sent to the wrong completion queue.
This type of error indicates a problem with the K.sdilK.si micro sequencer or a Control memory
• Error 58, Read Operation Timed Out-To guarantee the disk is on the correct cylinder and
track while formatting, ILDISK queues a Read operation immediately preceding the FORMAT
command. The Read operation did not complete within 16 seconds indicating the KsdiJK.si
is unable to sense sector/index pulses from the disk, or the disk is not in the proper state to
perform a transfer. ILDISK aborts the format test following this error report.
• Error 59, K.sdi Detected Error in Read Preceding Format-To guarantee the disk is on
the correct cylinder and track while formatting, ILDISK queues a Read operation immediately
preceding the FORMAT command. The Read operation failed, so ILDISK aborts the format
test. Each error bit set in the fragment request block (FRB) is translated into a text message
which accompanies the error report.
• Error 60, Read DRAT Not Returned to Completion Queue-To guarantee the disk is on
the correct cylinder and track while formatting, ILDISK queues a Read operation immediately
preceding the format command. The Read operation apparently completed successfully because
the fragment request block (FRB) for the read was returned with no error bits set. However,
the Disk Rotational Access Table (DRAT) for the Read operation was not returned indicating a
problem with the K.sdilK.si.
• Error 61, Format Operation Timed Out-The K.sdilKsi failed to complete a Format
operation. A Format operation consists of a Read followed by a format. The Read completed
successfully, but after waiting a 16-second interval the Format was not complete. A change in
drive state may prevent formatting, the drive may no longer be .sending sector/index information
to the K.sdilK.si, or the K.sdilK.si may be unable to sample the drive state. The format test
aborts on this error to prevent damage to the existing disk format.
• Error 62, Format DRAT Was Not Returned to Completion Queue-The K.sdilK.si failed
to complete a Format operation. A Format operation consists of a read followed by a format.
The Read completed successfully, and the fragment request block (FRB) for the format was
returned by the K.sdilK.si with no error indicated. However, the disk rotational access table
(DRAT) for the Format operation was never returned, indicating a probable K.sdi.lK.si failure.
Mter reporting this error, the format test aborts.
• Error 63, Can't Acquire Specified Unit-ILDISK was initiated automatically to test a disk
drive declared inoperative. When initiated by the disk functional software, ILDISK was given
the requestor number, port number, and unit number of the drive to test. ILDISK successfully
acquired the drive by unit number, but the requestor and port number of the acquired drive did
not match the requestor and port given when ILDISK was initiated. This indicates the HSC
is connected to two separate drives with the same unit number plugs. To prevent inadvertent
interaction with the other disk drive, ILDISK performs only the low-level SDI tests on the unit
specified by the disk functional software. Read/write tests are skipped because the drive must
be acquired by unit number to perform read/write transfers.
• Error 64, Duplicate Unit Detected-At times during the testing sequence, ILDISK must
release, then reacquire, the drive under test. ..After releasing the drive and reacquiring it,
ILDISK noted the requestor and port number of the drive it was originally testing do not
match the requestor and port number of the drive just acquired. This indicates the HSC is
connected to two separate drives with the same unit number. If this error is detected, ILDISK
discontinues testing to prevent inadvertent interaction with the other disk drive.
• Error 65, Format Tests Skipped Due to Previous Error-To prevent possible damage to
the existing disk format, ILDISK does not attempt to format if any errors were detected in the
tests preceding the format tests. This error message informs the user that formatting tests will
not be performed.
5-22 Device Integrity Tests
• Error 66, Testing Aborted-ILDISK was automatically initiated to test a disk drive declared
inoperative by the disk functional code of the HSC. The disk drive had previously been
automatically tested at least twice and somehow was returned to service. Because the tests
performed by ILDISK may be causing the inoperative drive to be retu.rn.ed to service, ILDISK
does not attempt to test an inoperative drive more than twice. On all succeeding invocations
of ILDISK, an Error 66 message prints and ILDISK exits without performing any tests on the
drive. This prevents ILDISK from automatically initiating and dropping the drive from the test
over and over again.
• Error 67, Not Enough Good DBNs for Format-In order to guarantee the disk is on the
proper cylinder and track, all formatting operations are immediately preceded by a Read
operation on the same track where the format is planned. This requires the first track in the
drive's read/write DBN area to contain at least one good block that can be read without error.
An Error 67 indicates a good block was not found on the first track of the read/write DBN area,
so the fonnatting tests are skipped.
The boot process takes about 1 minute, and then the following message appears:
ase Version xxxx Date Time System n
2. Press CTRI1Y.
5-24 Device Integrity Tests
3. Type R DXn:ILTAPE.
This invokes the tape device integrity test program ILTAPE. The DXn is the HSC device name. The
n refers to the unit number of the specific HSC drive. For example, DX1: refers to RX33 Drive 1
(HSC) and DD1: refers to TU58 Drive 1 (HSC50). The following message appears:
ILTAPE>D>hh:mm Execution Starting
To run formatter tests or transport tests, enter Tnnn, where nnn is the MSCP unit number (such
as T316).
For a full interface test, enter Xm, where m is any number. Typing X instead of T requires a
requestor number and slot number. The following two prompts solicit requestor/slot numbers:
Enter the requestor number. The range includes numbers 2 through 9, with no default value.
Enter the port number. The port number must be 0, 1, 2, or 3 with no default value. After this
prompt is answered, ILTAPE executes the K.stilK.si interface test.
Enter RETURN to execute formatter tests. The default is Y. Entering N will not run formatter
This prompt appears only if the response to the previous prompt was RETURN. A formatter test is
named according to the formatter memory region where it executes. Enter the memory region (in
hex) in which the formatter test is to execute. ILTAPE continues at the prompt for iterations. Refer
to the appropriate tape drive service manual for more information on formatter tests.
To test the tape transport, enter Y (the default is N). If no transport testing is desired, the dialog
continues with the ITERATIONS prompt. Otherwise, the following prompts appear:
Device Integrity Tests 5-25
This test writes to the tape transport, requiring a mounted scratch tape. Enter Y if a scratch tape
is already mounted.
Select one of five transport tests. The default is 1 (the canned sequence). Enter 0 if a new user
sequence will be input from the terminal. Enter 2, 3, or 4 to select a user sequence previously input
and stored on the HSC device. User sequences are described in Section 5.6.4. Enter 5 to select the
streaming sequence.
This prompt appears only if the response to the previous prompt was o. See Section 5.6.4 for a
description of user sequences.
Answering this prompt determines the time limit for the canned sequence. It appears only if the
canned sequence is selected. Enter the total run time limit in minutes. The default is 1 minute.
SELECT DENSITY (O=ALL, 1=1600, 2=6250) [O]?
This prompt permits selection of the densities used during the canned sequence. It appears only if
the canned sequence is selected. One or all densities may be selected; the default is all.
SELECT DENSITY (1=800, 2=1600, 3=6250) [3]?
This prompt appears only if a user-defined test sequence was selected. The prompt permits
selection of anyone of the possible tape densities. The default density is 6250 bits per inch (bpi).
Enter 1, 2, or 3 to select the desired tape density.
1 = 800 bpi
2 = 1600 bpi
3 = 6250 bpi
The next series of prompts concerns speed selection. The particular prompts depend upon the type
of speeds supported (fixed or variable). ILTAPE determines the speed types supported and prompts
If fixed speeds are supported, ILTAPE displays a menu of supported speeds, as follows:
Fixed Speeds Available:
(1) ssss ips
(2) ssss ips
(3) ssss ips
(4) ssss ips
The supported speed in inches per second is shown as ssss. The maximum number of supported
speeds is 4. Thus, n cannot be greater than 4. The prompt for a fixed speed is:
To select a fixed speed, enter a digit (n) corresponding to one of the above displayed speeds. The
default is the lowest supported speed. ILTAPE continues at the data pattern prompt.
5-26 Device Integrity Tests
If variable speeds are supported, ILTAPE displays the lower and upper bounds of the supported
speeds as follows:
UPPER BOUND = uuu ips
If only a single speed is supported, ILTAPE does not prompt for speed. It runs at the
single speed supported
To select a variable speed, enter a number within the bounds, inclusively, of the displayed supported
variable speeds. The default is the lower bound. The prompt for a variable speed is:
Enter the number of unique words in the data pattern. Up to 16 words are permitted.
Enter the data pattern word (in hex), for example, ABCD. This prompt repeats until the all data
words specified in the previous prompt are exhausted.
Enter the desired record size in decimal bytes. The default is 8192 bytes. The maximum record
size that can be specified is 12288.
This prompt does not appear if streaming is selected.
Enter the number of times the selected tests are to run. After the number of iterations is entered,
the selected tests begin execution. Errors encountered during execution cause display of appropriate
messages at the terminal.
Device Integrity Tests 5-27
The following paragraphs describe the ILTAPE user dialog during a new user sequence.
Enter one of the user sequence commands listed previously. ILTAPE keeps track of the step
numbers and automatically increments them. Up to 50 steps may be entered. Typing QUIT in
response to the INPUT STEP prompt terminates the user sequence. At that time, the following
prompt appears:
The sequence entered. at the terminal may be stored on the HSe load device in one of three files. To
select one of these files, type 2, 3, or 4. Once stored, the sequence may be recalled for execution at a
later time by referring to the appropriate file (typing 2, 3, or 4 in response to the sequence number
Typing <BOLD>(the default) indicates the user sequence just entered should not be stored. In this
case, the sequence cannot be run at a later time.
An example of entering a user sequence follows:
5-28 Device Integrity Tests
This sequence writes a record, reads it backwards, and skips forward over it. If an EOT is
encountered prior to writing 950 records, the tape is rewound and the sequence terminates. Note,
the sequence is saved on the HSC device as sequence number 3 and can be recalled at a later
execution of ILTAPE.
Successful completion of a formatter test is indicated by the following message on the terminal:
2. Formatter
3. K.sti!K.si (least probable)
When the STI set is identified as the FRU, replacement should be in the order indicated in the
preceding list.
In reading the tape, ll..TAPE uses the ACCESS command. This allows the tape to move at
speed.. This is necessary because of the buffer size restrictions existing for test programs.
The test number reflects the state level where ILTAPE is executing when an error occurs. This
number does not indicate a separate test that can be called. Table 5-1 defines the ILTAPE test
5-30 Device Integrity Tests
• Error 12, Read Memory Byte Count Error-The requested byte count used in the read
(formatter) memory command is different from the actual byte count received.
• Error 13, Formatter Diagnostic Detected. Error-A test running in the formatter detects
an error. Any error text from the formatter is displayed.
• Error 14, Formatter Diagnostic Detected Fatal Error-A test running in the formatter
detects a fatal error. Any error text from the formatter is displayed.
• Error 15, Load Device Read Error-While attempting to read a user sequence from the load
device, a read error was encountered. Ensure a sequence has been stored on the load device as
identified by the user sequence number. The program reprompts for a user sequence number.
To break the loop of reprompts, press CTRLIY.
• Error 16, Insufficient Resources to Acquire Specified Device-During execution, ILTAPE
was unable to acquire the specified device due to a lack of necessary resources. This condition
is identified to ILTAPE by the tape functional code through the diagnostic interface, TDUSUB.
ILTAPE has no knowledge of the specific unavailable resource.
• Error 17, K Microdiagnostic Did Not Complete-During the STI interface test, the
requestor microdiagnostic timed out.
• Error 18, K Microdiagnostic Reported Error-During the STI interface test, an error
condition was reported by the K microdiagnostics.
• Error 19, DCB Not Returned, K Failed for Unknown Reason-During the STI interface
test, the requestor failed for an undetermined reason and the Diagnostic Control Block (DCB)
was not returned to the completion queue.
• Error 20, Error in DCB upon Completion-During the STI interface test, an error condition
was returned in the DCB.
• Error 21, Unexpected Item on Drive Service Queue-During the STI interface test, an
unexpected entry was found on the drive service queue.
• Error 22, State Line Clock Not Running-During the STI interlace test, execution of an
internal command to interrogate the Real-Time Formatter State line of the drive indicated the
state line clock is not running.
• Error 23, Init Did Not Stop State Line CLock-During the STI interlace test, after
execution of a formatter INITIALIZE command, the state line clock did not drop for the time
specified in the STI specification.
• Error 24, State Line Clock Did Not Start Up After Init-During the STI interface test,
after execution of a formatter INITIALIZE command, the state line clock did not start up
within the time specified in the STI specification.
• Error 25, Formatter State Not Preserved Across lnit-The state of the formatter prior to
a formatter initialize was not preserved across the initialization sequence.
• Error 26, Echo Data Error-Data echoed across the STI interface was incorrectly returned.
• Error 27, Receiver Ready Not Set-Mter issuing an ONLINE command to the formatter, the
Receiver Ready signal was not asserted.
• Error 28, Available Set in On-line Formatter-Mter successful completion of a formatter
ONLINE command to the formatter, the Available signal is set.
• Error 29, Load Device Errol"-File Not Found-During the user sequence dialog, ILTAPE
was unable to locate the sequence file associated with the specified user sequence number.
Ensure load device media is properly installed. The program reprompts for a user sequence
number. To break the loop of reprompts, press CTRIJY.
5-32 Device Integrity Tests
• Error 30, Data Compare Error-During execution of the user or canned sequence, ILTAPE
encountered a software compare mismatch on the data written and read back from the tape.
The software compare is actually carried out by a subroutine in the diagnostic interlace,
TDUSUB. The results of the compare are passed to ILTAPE. Informatipn in the text of the error
message identifies the data in error.
• Error 31, EDe Error-During execution of the user or canned sequence, ILTAPE encountered
an EDC error on the data written and read back from the tape. This error is actually detected
by the diagnostic interface, TDUSUB, and reported to ILTAPE. Information in the text of the
error message identifies the data in error.
• Error 32, Invalid Multiunit Code from GUS Command-Mter a unit number is input to
ILTAPE and prior to acquiring the unit, ILTAPE attempts to obtain the unit's multiunit code
through the GET UNIT STATUS command. This error indicates a multiunit code of zero was
returned to ILTAPE from the tape functional code. Because a multiunit code of zero is invalid,
this error is equivalent to a device unknown to the tape subsystem.
• Error 33, Insufficient Resources To Acquire Timer-ILTAPE was unable to acquire a timer
from the system; insufficient buffers are available in the system to allocate timer queues.
• Error 34, Unit Unknown or On Line to Another Controller-The device identified by the
selected unit number is either unknown to the system or it is on line to another controller.
Verify the selected unit number is correct and run ILTAPE again.
• Sixty· six records 12,024 (decimal) bytes in length. These records sequence through the 33 data
patterns in the same manner as the preceding data patterns.
The data patterns used are shown in Table 5-3.
1 377 Ones
2 000 Zeros
3 274,377,103,000 Peak shift
4 000,377,377,000 Peak shift
5 210,104,042,021 Floating one
6 273,167,356,333 Floating zero
7 126,251 Alternate bits
8 065,312 Square pattern
9 000,377 Alternate frames
10 001 °
Track on
11 002 Track 1 on
12 004 Track 2 on
13 010 Track 3 on
14 020 Track 4 on
15 040 Track 5 on
16 100 Track 6 on
17 200 Track 7 on
Track off
Track 1 off
20 373 Track 2 off
21 367 Track 3 off
22 357 Track 4 off
23 337 Track 5 off
24 277 Track 6 off
25 177 Track 7 off
26 207,377,370,377 Bit peak shift.
27 170,377,217,377
28 113, 377, 264, 377
29 035,377,342,377
30 370,377,207,377
31 217,377,170,377
32 264,377,113,377
33 342,377,035,377
The boot process can take several minutes, and then the following message appears:
HSC Version xxxx Date Time System n
2. Press CTRLIY.
This causes the KMON prompt to appear:
3. 1)rpe R DXn.:ILTCOM. The variable n equals the number of the RX33 drive containing the HSC
system diskette. When running ILTCOM on an HSC50, use DDn: to access the TU58 tape
This invokes the compatibility test program ILTCOM. The following message appears:
ILTCOM>D>hh:mm Execution Starting
Enter the write density by typing (up to) four characters of the density desired (1600 for 1600 bpi).
Enter the function by typing the characters that uniquely identify the desired function (for instance,
REA for read).
The subsequent dialog is dependent upon the function selected.
• WRITE-The write function writes new bunches on the compatibility tape. Bunches are either
written one at a time or over the entire tape. Bunches are written from the current tape
position. If the write function is selected, the following prompts occur:
Type Y to proceed with the initial write. The default is no, in which case program control is
continued at the function selection prompt. If the response is yes, the following prompt occurs.
Type Y if the entire tape is to be written. Writing of bunches begins at the current tape position
and continues to physical EOT. Type the default N if the entire tape is not to be written. rn this
case, only one bunch is written from the current tape position. This prompt only appears on
the initial write selection. Mter the bunch has been written, control continues at the function
selection prompt.
• READ-The read function reads and compares the data in the bunches with an expected
(predefined) data pattern. As the reads occur, the bunch header information is displayed at the
terminal. The format of the display is shown in the following example:
ON A HSC SERIAL NUMBER 005993 ON 09-18-84
The number of bunches to be read is user selectable. All reads are from beginning of tape
(BOT). If the read function is selected, the following prompt appears:
Type the number of bunches to be read. The default (0) causes all bunches to be read. Mter the
requested number of bunches have been read and compared, control continues at the function
selection prompt.
• LIST-The list function reads and displays the header of each bunch on the compatibility tape
from BOT. The display is the same as the one described under the read function. The data
contents of the bunches are not read and compared. Mter listing the tape bunch headers,
control continues at the function selection prompt.
• ERASE-The erase function erases a user-specified number of bunches from the current tape
position toward BOT. ILTCOM backs up the specified number of tape marks and writes a second
tape mark (logical EOT). This effectively erases the specified number of bunches from the tape.
Thus, for example, if the current tape position is at bunch 5 and the user wishes to erase two
bunches, three bunches are left on the tape after the ERASE command completes.
ILTCOM does not allow the user to erase all bunches. At least one bunch must remain. For
example, with five bunches on the tape, only four bunches can be erased.
If the erase function is selected, the following prompt appears at the terminal:
5-36 Device Integrity Tests
Type the number of bunches to be erased. The default of 0 results in no change in tape contents
or position. Control continues at the function selection prompt.
• REWIND-The rewind function rewinds the tape to BOT.
• EXIT-The exit function rewinds the tape and exits the tape compatibility program ILTCOM.
The optional text is dependent upon the type of error. Some error messages contain the term object
count in the optional text. Object count refers to tape position (in objects) from BOT.
• Error 05, Specified Unit Not Available-The selected unit is on line to another controller.
• Error 06, Specified Unit Cannot Be Brought On Line-The selected unit is offline or not
• Error 07, Specified Unit Unknown-The selected unit is unknown to the HSC configuration.
• Error 08, Unknown Status from TDUSUB-An unknown error condition returned from the
software interface TDUSUB.
Device Integrity Tests 5-37
• Error 09, Error Releasing Drive-After completion of execution or after an error condition,
the tape drive could not successfully be returned to the system.
• Error 10, Can't Find End of Bunch-The compatibility tape being read or listed has a bad
• Error 11, Data Compare Error-A data compare error has been detected. The ACTual and
EXPected data are displayed in the optional text of the error message. For example:
ILTCOM>D>tt:tt T 000 E 011 U-T00030
• Error 12, Data EDC Error-An EDC error was detected. ACTual and EXPected values are
displayed in the optional text of the error message.
d. KstilK.si microcode
e. SDI manager
f. STI manager or equivalent
g. Disk functional code
h. Tape functional code
1. Error Handler
j. Diagnostic Interface to Disk functional code
k. Diagnostic Interface to Tape functional code
Tests cannot be performed on drives if their respective interfaces are not available (K.sdi, Ksti, or
ILEXER then prompts for parameters. After all prompts are answered, the execution of the test
proceeds. Error reports and performance summaries are returned from ILEXER.
When ILEXER has run for the specified time interval, reported any errors found, and generated a
final performance summary, the exerciser concludes with the following message:
ILEXER>D>hh:mm Execution Complete
Device Integrity Tests 5-39
Certain parts of ILEXER cannot be interrupted, so the CTRLIY may have no effect for a brief
moment and may need repetition. Whenever ILEXER is terminated, whether normally or
by operator abort, ILEXER always completes any outstanding I/O requests and prints a final
performance summary.
• PROMPT DESCRIPTION explains the type of information ILEXER needs from the operator.
• The DATATYPE is the form ILEXER expects and can be one of the following:
YIN-Yes/no response
D -Decimal number
U -Unit number (see form below)
H -Number (in hex)
• DEFAULT is the value used if a carriage return is entered for that particular value. If a default
value is not allowed, it appears as [J.
The next prompt is:
Enter the unit number of the drive to be tested. This prompt has no default. Unit numbers are
either in the form Dnnnn or Tnnnn, where nnnn is a decimal number between 0 and 4095 that
corresponds to the number printed on the drive's unit plug. The D or T indicates either a disk
drive or tape drive, respectively. Terminate the unit number with a carriage return. ILEXER
attempts to acquire the specified unit through the HSC Diagnostic Interface. If the unit is acquired
successfully, ILEXER continues with the next prompt. If the acquire fails with an error, one of the
following conditions was encountered:
1. The specified drive is unavailable. This indicates the drive is connected to the HSC but is
currently on line to a host CPU or HSC utility. On-line drives cannot be diagnosed. ILEXER
repeats the prompt for the unit number.
2. The specified drive is unknown to the HSC disk functional software. Drives are unknown for
one of the following reasons:
• The drive and/or KsdilK.si port is broken and cannot communicate with the disk functional
• The drive was communicating with the HSC when a serious error occurred and the HSC
ceased communicating with the drive.
5-40 Device Integrity Tests
In either case, ILEXER asks the operator if another drive will be selected. If so, it askS for the
writ number. If not, ILEXER begins to exercise the drives selected. If no drives are selected,
ILEXER terminates.
When a disk drive is specified, one set of prompts is presented. When a tape drive is selected, an
entirely different set of prompts is presented. Pressing CTRUZ at any time during parameter input
selects the default values for the remaining parameters.
Mter a drive is selected and ILEXER has both acquired the drive and brought it on line, or if a
nondefaultable parameter is encountered, the following prompt appears:
ILEXER>D>hh:mm Nondefaultable Parameter
Select up to 12 drives to be exercised: either all disk drives, all tape drives, or a combination of the
Answering Y to this and the next prompt directs ILEXER to perform testing in the user data area.
It is the operator's responsibility to see that the data contained there is either backed up or of no
value. If this prompt is answered with an N or carriage return, testing is confined to the disk area
reserved for diagnostics or integrity tests (DBN area). When testing is confined to the DBN area,
the following five prompts are not displayed.
Answering N causes the DBN area to be exercised. Answering Y allows the exercise to take place
in the user data area of the disk.
Answer N if the drive is suspected as bad. If you are positive the drive is good, answer Y to enable
This value specifies the starting block of the area ILEXER exercises when the user data area is
selected. If block 0 is specified, ILEXER begins with the first LBN on the disk.
This parameter specifies the ending block of the area ILEXER exercises when the user data area
is selected. If block 0 is specified as the ending block, ILEXER exercises up to the last LBN on the
Answering Y to this prompt causes ILEXER to write the entire test area before beginning random
testing. If the prompt is answered with an N or a carriage return, the prompt immediately
following is omitted.
Device Integrity Tests 5-41
This question allows an initial write on the drive and terminates the test at that point. The default
answer (N) permits this initial write. After completing the initial write, the test continues to
exercise the drive.
The following prompts specify the test sequence for that part of the test following the
initial write portion. That is, even if the operator requests read-only mode, the drive will
not be write-protected until after any initial write has been completed.
The operator has the option of requesting all disk data access be performed in a sequential manner.
If answered N, the operator is asked for both a pattern number and the possibility of write-only
mode. If the answer is Y, ILEXER does not prompt for write-only mode, but only asks for a data
pattern number if an initial write was requested.
DATA PATTERN NUMBER (0-15) (D) [15]?
The operator has the option of selecting one of 16 disk data patterns. Selecting data pattern 0
allows selection of a pattern with a maximum of 16 words. The default data pattern (15) is the
factory format data pattern.
This option permits only Write operations on a disk. This prompt is not displayed if read-only mode
is selected.
If this prompt is answered with an N or a carriage return, data read from the disk is not checked;
for example, disk data is not compared to the expected pattern. If the prompt is answered with a Y,
the following prompt is issued. The media must have been previously written with a data pattern
in order to do a data compare.
Answering a Y causes ILEXER to check the data returned by every disk Read operation. Answering
with an N or carriage return causes data compares on 15 percent of the disk reads.
Selection of data compares significantly reduces the number of disk sectors transferred
in a given time interval.
Answering with a Y permits selection of another drive for exercising. This prompt has no default.
Answering with an N causes ILEXER to prompt:
These prompts request the range of size in sectors of each data transfer issued to the disk drives.
The default disk transfer length is 10 sectors.
Once the preceding parameters are entered, ILEXER continues with the prompts listed as global
user prompts (Section 5.8.7).
5-42 Device Integrity Tests
Answering N results in a reprompt for the drive unit number. Answering Y displays the next
If the answer is N, the operator is reprompted for the drive unit number. If answered with a Y, the
following prompts are displayed.
DATA PATTERN NUMBER (16-22) (D) [21]?
Seven data patterns are available for tape. The default pattern (pattern 21) is defined in
Section 5.8.8.
DENSITY (1=800, 2=1600, 3=6250) (D) [2] ?
The response to this prompt is 1, 2, or 3. Any other response is illegal, and the prompt is displayed
again. The default is 2 or a density of 1600 bpi.
Either Automatic Speed Management (if the feature is supported) or a tape drive speed is selected
at this point. If the choice is Automatic Speed Management, the available speeds are not displayed.
This is an informational message identifying the speeds available for the tape drive. If the speeds
are fixed, the value is presented. If the speed is variable within a range, the range is listed, and
the next prompt asks the operator to select a speed. See the tape drive user documentation for
available speeds.
This prompt allows selection of the variable speed for the tape drive selected. See the tape drive
user documentation for available speeds.
RECORD LENGTH IN BYTES (1 to 12288) (D) [8192)?
Response to this prompt specifies the size in bytes of a tape record. Maximum size is 12K bytes.
The default value is 8192, the standard record-length size for 32-bit systems. Constraints on the
HSC diagnostic interface prohibit selection of the maximum allowable record length of 64K bytes.
Answering N results in no data compares performed during a read from tape. Answering Y causes
the following prompt:
Answering Y selects data compares to be performed on every tape Read operation. Answering N
causes data compares to be performed on 15 percent of the tape reads.
Device Integrity Tests 5-43
If answered with Y, the prompts beginning with the prompt for DRIVE UNIT NUMBER are
repeated. If answered with N, the global prompts in Section 5.8.7 are presented. This prompt has
no default, allowing the operator to default all other prompts and to be able to set up another drive
for this pass of ILEXER.
The minimum time is 1 minute, and the default is 10 minutes. After the exerciser has executed for
that period of time, all testing terminates and a final performance summary is displayed.
The number of hard errors allowed for the drives being exercised can be specified. The limit can be
set from 0 to 20. When a drive reaches this limit, it is removed from any further exercising on this
pass of ILEXER. Hard errors include the following types of errors:
• Tape drive BOT encountered unexpectedly
• Invalid MSCP response received from functional code
• UNKNOWN MSCP status code returned from functional code
• Write attempted on write-protected drive
• Tape formatter returned error
• Read compare error
• Read data EDC error
• Unrecoverable read or write error
• Drive reported error
• Tape mark error (ILEXER does not write tape marks)
• Tape drive truncated data read error
• Tape drive position lost
• Tape drive short transfer occurred on Read operation
• Retry limit exceeded for a tape Read, Write, or Read Reverse operation
• Drive went OFFLINE or AVAILABLE unexpectedly
The prompt next calls for:
Answering Y presents a narrow report which displays the performance summaries in 32 columns.
The default display, selected by answering N or carriage return, is 80 columns. The format of this
display is described in further detail in Section 5.8.12. This report format is intended for use by
small hand-held terminals.
5-44 Device Integrity Tests
Answering Y enables soft error reports. By default, the operator does not see any soft error reports
specific to the number of retires required on a tape I/O operation.
Answering N results in no soft error report. Soft errors are classified as those errors that eventually
complete successfully after explicit controller-managed retry operations. They include Read, Write,
and Read-Reverse requested retries.
If data pattern 0 was selected for any preceding drive, the size of the data pattern must be defined
at this time. The pattern can contain as many as 16 words (also the default). If a number larger
than 16 is supplied, an error message is displayed and this prompt is presented again. When a
valid response is presented, the following prompt is displayed the specified number of times.
A Performance summary is displayed for each disk drive and tape drive active on the HSC. The
following list explains the performance summary:
• Unit Number-The unit number of the drive. D is for disk, T is for tape. The nUmber is
reported in decimal.
• R--The status of the drive. If an asterisk (*) appears in this field, the drive was removed
from the test and the operator was previously informed. If the field is blank, the drive is being
• Serial Number-The serial number (in hex) for each drive.
• Position-The number of seeks.
• Kbyte Read-The number of Kbytes read by ILEXER on each drive.
• Kbyte Written-The number of Kbytes written by ILEXER.
• Hard Error-The number of hard errors reported by ILEXER for a particular drive.
• Soft Error-The number of soft tape errors reported by the exerciser if enabled by the operator.
• Software Corrected-The number of correctible ECC errors encountered by ILEXER. Only
ECC errors above the specific drive ECC error threshold are reported through normal functional
code error reporting mechanisms. ECC errors below this threshold are not reported through an
error log report, but are included in this count maintained by ILEXER.
If any tape drives are exercised, the following summary is displayed within each performance
Tddd ddddd ddddd ddddd ddddd ddddd ddddd ddddd ddddd
• Test number 5, INITD-INITD initializes the disk drives for the exercise. This routine clears
all disk access control blocks and invokes the initial write.
• Test number 6, TPINIT-TPINIT initializes the tape drives for the exercise. It rewinds all
acquired tape drives and verifies the drives are at the BOT. If an error occurs, the drive is
removed from the exerciser. TPINIT is also responsible for obtaining buffers for each acquired
tape drive.
• Test number 7, Exerciser-EXER is the main code of the exerciser. It dispatches to the disk
exerciser (QDISK and CDISK) and the tape exerciser (TEXER). It continuously queues up I/O
commands to disk and tape, and checks for I/O completion. The subroutines EXER calls are
responsible for sending commands and checking. for I/O completion.
• Test number 8, QDISK-QDISK is part of the disk exerciser that selects commands to send
to the disk drives. If the initial write is still in progress, it returns to EXER. QDISK calls a
routine to select the command to exercise the disk drive. The following scenario is the algorithm
used to select the command:
a. If the drive is read only and data compare is not requested, a Read operation is queued to
the drive.
b. If read only and data compare (occasional) are requested, a Read operation is queued along
with a random choice of compare/not-compare.
c. If read only and data compare (always) are requested by the operator, a READ-COMPARE
command is queued to the drive.
d. If write only is requested, and data compare is not, then a write request is queued up to the
disk drive.
e. If write only and data compare (occasional) are requested, a Write operation is queued along
with a random choice of compare/not-compare.
f. If write only and data compare (always) are requested, a WRITE-COMPARE command is
queued to the drive.
g. If only data compare (occasional) is requested, then a random selection of read/write and
compare/not-compare is done.
h. If only data compare (always) is requested, a COMPARE command is paired with a random
selection of read/write.
QDISK randomly selects the number of blocks for the selected operation.
• Test number 9, RANSEL-RANSEL is the part of the tape exerciser that is responsible for
sending commands to the tape drives. This routine is called by TEXER, the tape exerciser
routine. RANSEL selects a command for a tape drive using a random number generator.
Following are some constraints for the selection process:
a. No reads when no records exist before or after the current position.
h. No writes when records exist after the current position.
c. No position of record when no records exist before or after the current position.
d. Reverse commands are permitted on the drive when 16 reverse commands previously
have been selected. That is, lout of every 16 reverse commands are sent to the drive.
Immediately following a reverse command, a position to the end-of-written-tape is
performed. The reason for forward biasing the tape is to prevent thrashing.
The following commands are executed in exercising the tape drives:
5-50 Device Integrity Tests
RANSEL randomly selects the number of records to read, write, or skip.
• Test number 10, CDISK-CDISK checks for the completion of disk 110 specified by QDISK.
CDISK checks the return status of a completed 110 operation and if any errors occur, they are
• Test number 11, TEXER--TEXER is the main tape exerciser which selects random writes,
reads, and position commands. TEXER processes the I/O once it is completed and reports any
errors encountered.
• Test number 12, EXCEPT-EXCEPT is the ILEXER exception routine. This is the last
routine called by MDE. EXCEPT is called when a fatal error occurs, when ILEXER is stopped
with a CTRUY, or when the program expires its allotted time. It cleans up any outstanding
110, as necessary, returns resources, and returns control to DEMON.
The error message is an ASCII string describing the type of error discovered.
The MSCP status code, first word in error, and number of words in error are not relevant for this
type of error. The other fields are as described for the data compare error.
The following disk errors identify the function attempted by IT,EXER that caused an
error to occur. Error logs do not indicate the operation attempted.
• Error 119, Hard Failure on Compare Operation-A hard failure occurred during a compare
of data on the disk drive.
• Error 120, Hard Failure on Write Operation-A hard fault occurred during a Write
operation on the specified disk drive.
.• Error 121, Hard failure on Read Operation-A hard failure occurred during a Read
operation on the disk drive being exercised.
Device Integrity Tests 5-55
• Error 123, Hard Failure on INITIAL WRITE Operation-A hard failure occurred during
the first write to the disk drive.
• Error 124, Drive No Longer On Line-A drive that was being exercised went into an
Available state. This could be caused by the operator releasing the port button on the drive. A
fatal drive error could also cause the drive to go into this state.
• Error 221, Retry Required on Tape Drive-A failed ReadlWrite operation required a retry
before succeeding.
• Error 222, Hard Error Limit Exceeded. ..removing drive from test-The drive exceeded
the threshold of hard errors determined by a global user parameter (Section 5.8.7). The drive is
then removed from the exercise.
• Error 224, Drive Went Off Line...removing from test-The drive went off'line during the
exercise. This is caused by the operator taking the drive off line or a hard failure forcing the
drive off line.
• Error 225, Drive Went Available...removing from test-The drive became available to
ILEXER and was not at the beginning of the exercise.
• Error 226, Short Transfer Error...rewinding to restart-Less data was received than
• Error 227, Tape Position Discrepancy-The tape position was lost, indicating a hard failure.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-1
Off-line Diagnostics
6.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the off~line diagnostics, how to run them, errors that can occur, and
summaries of th~ tests in each diagnostic. Included in the off-line diagnostics are:
• ODL-Off-line diagnostics loader
• OFLCXT-Off-line cache test (HSC only)
• OBIT-Off-line bus interaction test
• OKTS-Off-line K test selector
• OKPM-Off-line KIP memory test
• OMEM-Off-line memory test
• OFLRXE-Off-line RX33 exerciser (HSC only)
• ORFT-Off-line refresh test
• OOCP-Off-line operator control panel (OCP) test
The off-line diagnostics contain specific common characteristics, which are discussed in the following
three sections. These characteristics are listed below:
• Identical software requirements
• Common load procedure
• Identical bootstrap initialization procedures
• Generic error message format
6-2 Off-line Diagnostics
The off-line diagnostics TU58 cassette boots from either TU58 drive and should not be write-
enabled. This TU58 contains the necessary software to run all the HSC50 off-line diagnostics.
Booting is accomplished either by powering on or by pressing and releasing the Init switch with
the SecurelEnable switch in the enable position. This causes the P.ioc ROM bootstrap tests to run
followed by the off-line P.ioc test.
For off-line diagnostics, the HSe must be booted with the SecurefEnable switch in the
enable position. If a hardware error occurs during boot, the software executes a halt
instruction on certain errors. A halt instruction, even in Kernel mode, is valid only if the
SecurefEnable switch is in the enable position. Otherwise, the result can be an illegal
instruction trap in addition to the error causing the halt.
In order for the bootstrap to complete successfully, the following must be operational:
• Basic instruction set of the PDP-11
• First 2048 bytes of program memory plus 8 Kwords of contiguous Program memory below
address 160000
• RX.33 controller and at least one RX33 drive containing a diskette with a bootable image for the
• TU58 controller and at least one TU58 drive containing a cassette with a bootable image for the
Before control is turned over to the HSC bootstrap ROMs, internal microcode tests execute in
the J11 (HSC) or F11 (HSC50) chip sets. Refer to Table 2-1 for definitions of the J111F11 module
(P.ioj/c) LEDs.
4. Set the SecurelEnable switch to the enable position, then press the Init switch. The bootstrap
initiates automatically.
At this point, the P.ioj/c module executes internal microdiagnostics and then begins to execute from
the boot ROM. The Init lamp lights on the HSC operator control panel (OCP) when the bootstrap
PDP-II tests are done. The load device drive-in-use LED lights within 8 to 10 seconds, indicating
the bootstrap is attempting to load software into Program memory. If the load is successful, the
bootstrap transfers control to the first instruction of the image just loaded from the diskette.
6.2.2 Failures
Most bootstrap failures result in lighting the fault lamp on the HSC OCP. When this happens, press
the Fault switch momentarily, and read the failure code displayed in the OCP lamps. Section 6.2.5
indicates the HSC modules most likely causing the bootstrap failure. Momentarily pressing the Init
switch on the OCP reinitiates the bootstrap.
The microdiagnostic LEDs on the JI11FII module indicate if a hard fault exists causing the JIIIFI1
to hang before control is passed the boot ROM. Section 6.2.5 contains an explanation of these LEDs.
If a failure occurs in the tests of the PDP-II basic instruction set, the fault lamp mechanism does
not report the failure. Instead, the PDP-II executes a Branch dot (BR .) and does not continue the
bootstrap program. A failure of this type is easily detected because the Init lamp does not light.
(The Init lamp does light immediately after the basic PDP-1I tests successfully complete.)
When a console terminal is connected to the P.ioj/c, the exact instruction that failed is determined
by pressing the terminal break key and noting the address displayed on the terminal. With a
bootstrap listing, this address indicates the instruction that failed.
The bootstrap does not accept user-modifiable flags.
It is not possible to simultaneously have information in addresses 00000400 and 00000410.
If the boot fails with a RX33 error, the ODT feature of the PDP-II is used to examine the RX33
error table to determine why each RX33 drive failed the test. (Remember, the bootstrap tries both
drives before declaring an error.) Use the following sequence to examine the RX33 error code table.
1. Press the break key on the console terminal.
The terminal displays the address of the current instruction of the bootstrap, then prompts
for input with an @ character.
2. Type the appropriate address, nnn.
The terminal displays the (octal) contents of that address.
3. Press LINEFEED to examine the Table 6-2 controller error and related failure
Failure information for both drives in address 00000410 is possible. In this case, nonzero data
is in both bytes. Only when failures are detected on both drives does the boot ROM generate a
LOADFAL failure code and branch to the fault light routine.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-7
• Test 6, Transfer Control to Loaded Image-This part of the bootstrap is not actually a test.
However, it is given a test number in case an error occurs in this section of code. The PDP-11
general registers are loaded with certain parameters (CSR and unit of load device, base address,
and size of partition, and so forth). The image loaded from the RX33 is initiated by jumping to
the first instruction. Any errors occurring in this part of the bootstrap are probably unexpected
traps or interrupts caused by intermittent P.ioj/c or M.std2/M.std failures. When the loaded
image is started, the State lamp is lit, and the lnit lamp is turned off.
The final field in the first line appears only in diagnostics where such information is appropriate.
Each error number has a unique text string associated with it. For errors that consist of results
that did not compare with the expected value, the diagnostic uses the optional lines to show
EXPected/ACTual (EXP/ACT) data. Errors on data transfers and SEEK commands use the optional
lines to print out the LBN, track, sector, and side to help isolate problems to the media or the drive.
5. The off-line loader is now ready to accept commands. Section 6.3.4 contains information on the
loader command language.
DEPOSIT Command:
The DEPOSIT command is used to modify the contents of any location in the asc Program,
Control, or Data memories. The format of the command is: DEPOSIT <address> <data>. The
<address> can be a string of digits in the current (default) radix. Certain symbolic addresses
also are permitted (Section
In the next example, the user entered a command to store the value 123456 in the contents of
address 14017776. The previous contents of this Data memory location are replaced with the
value specified in the DEPOSIT command (123456).
ODL> D 14017776 123456
• Minus sign (-)-This sign also is used as a symbolic address. It indicates the loader is to use
the address preceding the last address used by either command. When the loader sees a minus
sign (-) as an address, the loader takes the last address used by an EXAMINE or DEPOSIT
and subtracts an offset, which depends on the current default data length (Section
If the current default data length is a byte, the loader subtracts one from the last address. If
the default is a word, the loader subtracts two from the last address. The loader subtracts four
for longword data length and eight for quadword. This feature is useful in the same way as the
+ symbol, but examines a table starting at the highest address and proceeding down to lower
For example, if a table of words that ends at address 14012346 is to be examined, the operator
would examine the last location of the table by typing EXAMINE 14012346. The preceding
location in the table could now be accessed by typing EXAMINE - instead of typing EXAMINE
• At (@)-The @ symbol also is used as a symbolic address. This symbol means the loader uses
the data from the last EXAMINE or DEPOSIT command as an address. This feature is useful
when following linked lists. For example, first examine location 123434 which contains a
pointer to a linked list. Now type EXAMINE @ to examine the location pointed to by the first
In the repeating an EXAMINE command example, the contents of address 14017776 can be
continuously examined. The format of the EXAMINE command does not change. The EXAMINE
command is just preceded by the word REPEAT.
REPEAT BXAMDm 14017776
BE E 14017776
In the examples shown, the contents of location 14017776 are displayed continuously on the
terminal. This slows down the repetition of the command and wastes paper on hardcopy devices.
Stop output to the terminal by typing a CTRUO. However, the loader also provides a special
EXAMINE command qualifier (!INHIBIT) for suppressing output to the terminal. This qualifier is
discussed in Section
Load the relocation register with the address of the first location in Data memory (14000000).
When an EXAMINE command with an address of 0 is issued, the loader adds the relocation
register to the address given, resulting in the examination of address 14000000. Likewise, when an
EXAMINE command with an address of 1234 is issued, the loader displays the contents of location
The following example shows how to examine many locations in Control memory.
(C) 16000000 125252
(C) 16004320 125432
The relocation register is loaded with the address of the :first location in Control memory
(16000000). When an EXAMINE command is issued with an address of 0, the loader adds the
relocation register to the address given, displaying the contents of address 16000000. Likewise,
when the user issues an EXAMINE command with an address of 4320, the loader displays the
contents of location 16004320. You can stop the display with a CTRUC.
The /NEXT qualifier works the same way for the DEPOSIT command, except that the data
given with the DEPOSIT command is stored in the location specified and the next number of
locations following.
• IBYTElWORDILONG/QUAD--These qualifier switches are used to control the data length of
examined or deposited data. Normally, the loader uses the default data length (Section
when data is examined or deposited. However, the data length qualifiers can be used to
override the default for a single examine or deposit. For instance, assume the default data
length is currently a word, and a byte quantity at address 16001234 is to be examined. Typing
EXAMINE 160012341BYTE would display the proper byte without affecting the default data
• IOCTAUDECIMAIIIIEX-These qualifier switches can be used with an EXAMINE command
to control the radix of the address and data displayed. They are not used to control the radix of
the address supplied in the EXAMINE command. The radix of the address and data displayed
by an EXAMINE command is usually controlled by the current default radix (Section,
but the IOCTAlJDECIMAUHEX qualifiers are used to override the default radix for a single
EXAMINE command. For example, assume the default radix is octal. Typing EXAMINE
140012341HEX displays the contents of address 14001234(8) in the hexadecimal radix. The
Off-line Diagnostics 6-13
EXAMINE display would be as follows: (D) 30029C HHHH. HHHH represents the contents
(hex) of the location displayed. The address is also displayed in hex.
• /INHIBIT (abbreviated to IINH)-This qualifier switch inhibits the display of examined data
when repeating an EXAMINE command. This is useful both for saving paper on hardcopy
devices and for speeding up the EXAMINE operation for scope-loop purposes. For example, the
command REPEAT EXAMINE 16012346IINH results in the loader continuously reading the
contents of location 16012346 without displaying anything at the console.
The first line of the unexpected trap report is issued for all unexpected traps or interrupts.
The second line is issued only if the trap was through vector addresses 000004 (NXM trap) or
000114 (parity trap). The address of the vector is a direct clue to the cause of the trap. Refer to
Section for a list of the devices and error conditions associated with each vector.
6-14 Off-line Diagnostics
The virtual PC (VPC) of the instruction executing when the trap occurs is sometimes useful in
determining the cause of the trap. The VPC can be referenced in the listing to find the instruction
causing the trap. The contents of the VPC includes the address of the instruction following the
instruction executing when the trap occurred. Notify Customer Service to analyze such failures.
NXl\f traps can be caused by EXAMINE or DEPOSIT commands if an address not contained in a
particular HSC is specified. For example, if an HSC contains only Data memory from addresses
14000000 through 14177776, and an EXAMINE or DEPOSIT is tried for address 14200000, the
loader reports an NXM trap. In this example, the NXM trap would not represent an error condition.
Parity traps can be caused by an EXAMINE command if a user examines an address not initialized
with good parity. For example, when the HSC memories are powered on, the parity bits are in
random states. Thus, if a user examines a location not written since power-on, the location may
generate a parity error. This does not constitute an error condition.
However, if a location produces a parity error and that location has been written since power-on, a
memory error is indicated. .
The 110 Control Processor and Ks have hits allowing them to write had parity for testing
the parity circuit. These bits are for diagnostics engineering purposes only.
000004 Nonexistent memory, stack overflow, halt in user mode, and odd address trap
000010 illegal instruction
000014 BPI' instruction
000020 lOT instruction
000024 Power fail interrupt
000030 EMT instruction
000034 TRAP instruction
000060 Console terminal-receiver interrupt
000064 Console terminal-transmitter interrupt
000100 Line clock interrupt
000114 Parity trap
000120 Control bus interrupt---level 4
000124 Control bus interrupt---level 5
000130 Control businterrupt---level6
000134 Control bus interrupt---level 7
000230 RX33 interrupt
000250 MMU abort (trap)
000300 SLU (Serial Line Unit) #1, receiver interrupt
000304 SLU (Serial Line Unit) #1, transmitter interrupt
000314 SLU (Serial Line Unit) #2, receiver interrupt
000310 SLU (Serial Line Unit) #2, transmitter interrupt
6-16 Off-line Diagnostics
Selection of this optional test increases test time per pass to about 4 minutes. It is useful for
the manufacturing burn-in and test areas. It is not necessary to run this optional test in order
to fully verify the health of the cache.
• Leave Cache Enabled-Determines the cache state at the termination of the diagnostic.
OFLCXT prints:
Leave cache enabled after successful completion (Y/N) [N] ?
This feature allows enabling the cache for further use after running the diagnostic to verify the
cache is working. If the diagnostic detects any hard failures in the cache, it is not enabled at
the end of the diagnostic. This prevents complications if the cache contains hard failures and is
inadvertently turned on.
• Number of Passes-Accepts a total number of passes from 1 to 32767 (decimal). The test
prompts for this number as follows:
* of passes to perform (D) [D) ?
Any decimal number up to 32767 can be used. Fatal errors can cause the diagnostic to
terminate before the specified number of passes executes.
At the completion of the total passes requested by the user, the diagnostic prompts:
Reuse parameters (Y/N) [Y] ?
6-18 Off-line Diagnostics
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN.
To cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
The errors field contains the number of errors for the pass. The total errors field contains a running
total of errors accumulated since the start of the diagnostic.
For any OFLCXT prompts, use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating
the entry with RETURN. If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC
to return to the initial prompt and re-enter all parameters.
• Test 6, Byte accesses-Ensures byte references to the cache are handled correctly by the
control logic. The first operation is a byte-write to the test location not allocated followed by
a byte-read of the test location. The read results in a miss. Then the entire word at the test
location is allocated. The upper byte of the test location is modified, and a cache hit is expected.
The entire word is also read and compared against the expected result to see if the byte-write
occurred. A similar chain of events follows, this time modifying the low byte.
• Test 7, PDR Cache bypass test-Tests all of the Kernel PDRs <0:7>, as well as the User
PDRs. It is very important for the bypass cache bit (bit 15 of any PDR) to work correctly in the
multiprocessing environment of the HSC.
PDR bypass is tested by remapping all PDRs to point to control memory. Control memory is
written by the MMU writing a data pattern and allocating cache. Control memory windows
are used to write Control memory to a second pattern without involving the cache control logic.
When Control memory is read through the lMMU with the bypass bit set, the actual Control
memory content (second pattern) is the result if the bypass bit is actually set. If the old content
(first pattern) is read back, the bypass bit is not working. PARs 1,2, 3, 5, and 6 are tested in
this way.
PARs 0, 4, and 7 are treated as special cases due to programming environment restrictions.
They are tested by allocating cache with some location mapped by the PARlPDR under test and
then setting the bypass bit. When the test location is read, the hit/miss register records a hit
and then invalidates the location. If the location is written or read again, it results in a miss as
long as the bypass bit is set.
After all the Kernel PARlPDR registers are tested, the program maps user space that is
identical to Kernel space and switches into user mode to re-execute all the tests. After all
User PARlPDR pairs have been tested, the program swaps back. into Kernel mode and proceeds
to the next test.
• Test 8, Cache :Bush action-Allocates all 4 Kwords of cache, and then executes a flush
command by setting bit 8 in the cache control register. The cache control logic then writes every
location in cache with the data value 17777746 and resets the valid bit for each location. All 4
Kwords of cache allocated before the flush are read again, and if any location responds with a
hit when read, an error is declared.
• Test 9, Unconditional bypass to main memory-Checks the correct operation of bit 9 of the
cache control register. Bit 9 is used to bypass cache in a fashion similar to the bypass bits in
the PARJPDRs. Any location allocated in cache before the bypass bit is set results in a hit on
the first access, and further accesses all show as misses.
This function is used when it is desirable to temporarily disable the cache in a fashion that does
not leave the cache with stale data when re-enabled. A test location is allocated, and then the
bypass bit is set. The first access of the test location is a hit, and the second is a miss.
• Test 10, Force tag/data parity errors-Forces parity errors in the tag and data fields of the
cache array to test the parity detection logic. A special diagnostic mode is used, with bit 0 of
the cache control register and one of the force parity error bits set. When bit 0 is set, any trap
through 114 is disabled on a parity error detected in cache. If a parity trap does occur, an error
is declared.
First, tag errors are forced using bit 10 in the cache control register. When this bit is set,
locations allocated to cache do so with bad tag parity. When accessed again (resulting in a
cache hit), the tag parity error bit is set (bit 5 in the memory system error register). The force
data parity error bit (bit 6 of the cache control register) is checked next. After a location is
allocated to cache with bad data parity, further reads of that location result in setting the data
parity error hits (bits 6:7) of the memory system error register. After using the force bad parity
bits, the program flushes the cache to remove these parity errors.
6-20 Off-line Diagnostics
• Test 11, Abort/interrupt on parity errors-Uses the force parity error bits in the cache
control register to force parity errors in the cache array. Because testing of the detection of such
errors has been done, testing of the other logic related to cache data or tag parity errors can be
Different combinations of tag and parity errors are forced, with the cache control register set to
interrupt through trap 114, or abort through trap 114 on parity errors. An interrupt through
trap 114 sets the correct error bites) in the memory system error register. Also, the instruction
detecting the parity error completes.
On an abort through trap 114, the correct error bites) is set, but the instruction does not
complete. If the parity error is detected on the fetch of the source data, the data in the
destination of the instruction is not modified. The PC on the stack after each interrupt or
abort instruction is checked against the PC that is expected.
• Test 12, DMA invalidate-Modifies a location resulting in· the cache acquiring stale data
unless cache logic detects the DMA change. The RX33/.M:.std2 subsystem is used to generate
DMA operations to Program memory. A DMA write to a Program memory location allocated to
cache results in a cache miss when it accesses after the DMA write.
• Test 13, Check blockage of parity error on NXM abort-Generates simultaneous NXM
and parity errors. The NXM trap occurs, overriding the parityerror.
• Test 14, Cache data RAM test---Tests the cache data RAMs by mapping one PAR and using
the cache solely for data storage. A data pattern to detect dual-addressing is written to the
cache. Failures of the cache data to match the EXPected data on read-back are considered
miscompare errors. The test is first done using word addresses and test values, and then
repeated with byte addresses and byte data patterns. Each location allocated is expected to be
a hit from cache, and the content is checked as well.
• Test 15, Tag store RAM test-Checks the tag bits of the cache array for dual address errors
and stuck-at faults. With the cache flushed and completely deallocated, the first 256 locations
of the cache are written with a unique data value in each address. Then the entire cache is
read. Only the 256 locations written are cache hits, and only these locations have the EXPected
data pattern. Then the upper address bits are changed so a new combination of tag bits results.
This test is repeated 15 times until all of the tag bits have been tested.
• Test 16, Data RAM reliability test---Performs a modified moving inversions test on the cache
data RAM array. Due to the geometry of the data RAMs, every fourth bit is done concurrently
to save time. This results in using the same pattern in both nibbles of the data word. This
test must be selected by the user as it does not normally run by default. About 4 minutes are
required to complete one pass of this test.
Each error number has a unique text string associated with it. For errors with results that did not
compare with the expected value, the diagnostic uses the optional lines to show EXPected/ACTual
Soft errors (such as cache parity errors) can accumulate to a point where the diagnostic classes
them as fatal. The test then terminates on a fatal error.
• Error 07, Expected Cache Miss Did Not Occur-Applicable to tests 7, 9, and 10. Shows a
test location not expected to be allocated, or valid, as a hit on access.
• Error 10, Value in HitJMiss Register Incorrect-Applicable to test 5. Indicates the 6-
bit value in the hit/miss register was incorrect after a certain sequence of instructions. The
expected values, as well as the actual contents of the hit/miss register, are printed as optional
• Error 11, Write Byte Operation Caused Cache Update-Applicable to test 6. A byte
operation (on a miss) did not cause cache to deallocate the test location. Thus, when the test
location was read back, a cache hit resulted.
• Error 12, Write Byte Did Not Cause Cache Update-Applicable to test 6. A byte-value did
not get written into cache or main memory.
• Error 13, Cache Failed To Flush Successfully-Applicable to test 8. When checking cache
after a flush command was executed, one or more locations still contained valid data (were
detected as cache hits).
• Error 14, Access with Force Bypass Did Not Cause Invalidate-Applicable to test 9. The
second access to an allocated location, with the force bypass bit (bit 9) set in the control register,
did not result in a miss as expected.
• Error 15, Tag Parity Error Did Not Set-Applicable to test 10. The diagnostic could not
set the tag parity error bit in the memory system error register when faced with an actual tag
parity error.
• Error 16, Abort on Cache Parity Error Did Not Occur-Applicable to test 11. The cache
logic did not abort the instruction under execution when a cache parity error was forced, and
the abort bit (bit 7) was set in the control register.
• Error 17, Unexpected Parity Trap During Abort Test-Applicable to test 10. Although
expected to, cache control bit 0 did not prevent the cache logic from taking a trap on bad parity.
The address where the trap occurred is printed as optional information.
• Error 20, Content of Memory System Error Register Incorrect-Applicable to test 11.
The error bits in the memory system error register (1777744) do not reflect the correct status
for the operation. under test. The EXPected and ACTual content are printed as optional lines.
• Error 21, Return PC Wrong During Abort/Interrupt Test-Applicable to test 11. The
return PC on the stack is not equal to the value expected during an abort or interrupt operation
caused by a cache parity error. The state sequencer gate array is most likely defective.
• Error 22, Cache Data Parity Bit(s) Did Not Set-Applicable to test 10. The diagnostic was
unable to set the data parity error bitCs) in the memory system error register on a forced parity
error. The parity logic may not be detecting parity errors or one of the bits in the memory
system error register may be stuck low.
• Error 23, Interrupt on Parity Error Did Not Occur-Applicable to test 11. The cache did
not interrupt through vector 114 on a forced parity error. The state sequencer or the parity
detection logic may be faulty.
• Error 24, Expected NXM Trap Did Not Occur-Applicable to test 13. A NXM trap was not
detected during an access to location 1777757776. The timeout logic that detects a NXM may
be defective, or some problem may exist in the cache data path gate array that prevents it from
acting on timeout.
• Error 25, Parity Error Was Not Blocked By NXM-Applicable to test 13. When accessing
a location expected to result in a NXM, the parity error flag set instead, and a trap occurred
through vector 114. The NXM signal may not have been detected by the cache data path gate
Off-line Diagnostics 6-23
• Error 26, Cache Data Miscompare on Word Operation-Applicable to test 14. A word
address in the cache array did not have the correct data when read. This may indicate address
line faults or data path faults allowing the location to be rewritten after the test value was
placed there. The EXPected/ACTual data values are printed as optional lines.
• Error 27, Cache Data Miscompare on Byte Operation-Applicable to tests 14 and 15.
A location in the cache, when addressed in a byte fashion, did not have the EXPected data
pattern. This may indicate address line faults or data path control faults which allowed
overwriting the EXPected value.
• Error 30, DMA Write to Memory Did Not Cause Cache To Invalidate-Applicable to test
12. A DMA write by the RX33 controller to a test location, allocated to cache, still resulted in a
hit status after the transfer. The cache has stale data.
• Error 31, Instruction Still Completed During Abort Condition-Applicable to test 11.
With the abort bit set in the cache control register, an instruction set up to detect a parity error
on an operand fetch still finished execution modifying the destination of the instruction.
• Error 32, Load Device Error During DMA Test-Applicable to test 12. The load device
subsystem did not respond correctly to the DMA test operation. There may be faults in the load
device controller or the interrupt service logic. This message is information only.
• Error 33, PDR Cache Bypass Failed-Applicable to test 7. Setting the PDR bypass bit in
the PARJPDR pair under test did not bypass the cache. This points to a Ml\{U or cache data
path gate array problem. The PDR number and the CPU execution mode (Kernel or User) are
printed as optional lines in the error message.
• Error 34, Tag Store Address mt Failure-Applicable to test 16. Changing the value of the
tag bits (bits 16:22 of the physical address) still resulted in a hit condition (even though the
address should not have compared) forcing a fetch to main memory. There may be a problem in
the tag RAMs or the tag compare logic in the cache data path is not working.
• Error 35, Tag Store Address Miss Failure-Applicable to test 16. When going through the
possible values for the tag bits (16:22 of the physical address), the cache failed to allocate for
some combination of the bits. Possible problems are stuck bits in the address lines going to the
cache array, bad RAMs in the cache array, or a fault in the tag compare logic.
• Error 41, Processor Type Is Not JI1-Applicable to test 1. The processor type register does
not show the correct value for a J11 chip set. Attempting to run this diagnostic on anything
other than a J11 produces this error.
The test then sizes the Program, Control, and Data memories and determines the number of
requestors available for testing.
For any of the OBIT prompts, use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters. If an
error in a parameter already terminated with is noted, type a CTRUC to return to the
off-line loader. Then typ~ START to restart the test from the beginning.
The test prompts for selection of the requestors used for the test, as follows:
Use requestor #001, K.ci (YIN) [Y] ?
Answer with a Y if the K.ci should be used. Answer with N if the K.ci should not be used.
At least two working requestors must be used to run the bus contention test because one requestor
cannot generate bus contention by itself. The program displays the following error message if less
than two requestors remain after the requestors that should be used have been indicated:
Not Enough Ks Available for Test
Next, the program prompts for the type of I/O Control Processor interaction desired.
P.ioj Memory Interaction desired (YIN) [Y] ?
Answer the prompt with a RETURN (or Y) if I/O Control Processor interaction with memory is
wanted. Answer with N if I/O Control Processor interaction with memory is not wanted. If the
prompt is answered with an N, the following three prompts are skipped. If the prompt is answered
with a RETURN, the following prompts are displayed:
Interact with Program memory (YIN) [Y] ?
Interact with Control memory (YIN) [Y] ?
Interact with Data memory (YIN) [Y] ?
For each prompt, answer with a RETURN if I/O Control Processor is to interact with the specified
memory while the requestors are generating contention on the Control and Data buses. Answer
with N if the I/O Control Processor is not to interact with the specified memory. (If I/O Control
Processor interaction is selected, the I/O Control Processor interacts with the memory at the same
time the requestors are generating Control and Data bus contention.) The program next prompts
for OCP interaction.
OCP Interaction Desired (YIN) [Y] ?
If I/O Control Processor interaction with the OCP is wanted, answer with RETURN. If OCP
interaction is not wanted, answer with N. The test then prompts for load device interaction.
Interact with load device (YIN) [Y] ?
6-26 Off-line Diagnostics
If 110 Control Processor interaction with the load device is wanted, answer with RETURN. If such
interaction is not wanted, answer with N. The program then prompts:
Number of passes to perform (D) [1] ?
Enter a decimal number between 1 and 2,147,483,647 (omitting commas) to specify the number of
times the bus interaction test is repeated. Entering 0 causes one pass of the test. Mter the nwnber
of passes is entered, the bus contention test begins. The test can be aborted at any time by typing
CTRUC. The test may continue running for a few seconds after CTRUC is typed.
After the specified number of passes is completed, the following prompt is issued:
Reuse parameters (YIN) [Y] ?
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRLlC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
Refer to Section 6.5.9 for information on Requestor Error Summary, and to Section 6.5.10 for
information on Memory Test Configuration.
This sample error report indicates the Ksdi detected a memory parity error while reading
address 16010234 of Control memory (M.ctl). The requestor expected to find the value 000177
in the location but instead found the value 000377. At the time the error occurred, the Kci
in requestor 1 was testing addresses 16000700 through 16100274 of Control memory, and the
Ksdi in requestor 7 was testing addresses 16100300 through 16177674 of the Control memory.
• Error 001, K Timed Out During Init--Displayed when a requestor fails to complete its lnit
sequence in time. This error usually indicates the specified requestor failed one of its internal
microdiagnostics. A sample error report follows:
K Timed-out During Init
K.ci , requestor 001, Status = 104
Other Ks Enabled:
K.sdi, requestor 6
K.sdi, requestor 7
This sample error report indicates the K.ci in requestor 1 did not finish its initialization
diagnostics in the required time. The requestor status displayed with the error report indicates
the requestor failed test 4 of its microdiagnostics (lxx in status = failed test xx). Two other
requestors were enabled at the time the requestor K.ci timed out, and one of these requestors
may be responsible for the time-out.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-29
When the 110 Control Processor enables the requestor to perform the memory test, the requestor
begins its initialization sequence, including execution of certain microdiagnostics. At the
end of the requestor's Init sequence, the requestor indicates it found the K Control Area by
complementing a pointer word in Control memory. If the requestor fails to complement this
pointer word within 50 milliseconds (4.2 seconds for the K.ci) after being enabled, error 001 is
reported. The contents of the K status register are displayed with the error report.
• Error 002, K Timed Out During 'lest-Indicates the specified requestor failed- to complete its
memory test within the expected time. A sample error report follows:
K Timed-out During Test
K.sdi, requestor 007, Status = 002
Memory Test Configuration:
K.ci , requestor 1, M.ctl 16000700 16100274
K.sdi, requestor 7, M.ctl 16100300 16177674
The sample error report indicates the K.sdi in requestor 7 never completed the memory test
it was assigned. (Ks are allowed up to 1 minute to complete a memory test.) The memory
configuration displayed with the error report shows all Ks testing at the same time the K.ci
timed out. In this example, the K.ci in requestor 1 was also testing at the time the K.sdi timed
Test time-out failures may be caused by a failure in the requestor that timed out. They may
also be caused by a failure in one of the other requestors that was testing at the same time.
• Error 003, Parity Trap-Indicates the 110 Control Processor detected a parity error. The
22-bit address of the location causing the error is displayed as the MA data in the error report,
• MA is the address causing the parity trap.
• VPC is the Virtual PC of the memory test at the time the trap occurred. Reference this
address in the listing to locate the area of the test where the error occurred.
The data is lost when a parity trap occurs so no EXPected or ACTual data can be displayed.
• Error 004, NXM Trap-Indicates the 110 Control Processor detected a Nonexistent Memory
(NXM) error. An NXM error is caused when no memory responds to a particular address. The
MA data in the error report indicates the address which produced the NXM trap. Mter the trap
is reported, the program attempts to restart the test from the beginning. The MA and VPC
fields have the same meanings as error 003.
If this error occurs at a memory address that should be in the memory configuration, the
memory in question is not supplying an ACK to the I/O Control Processor when the specified
address is presented on the memory bus. The most probable point of failure is the logic on
the memory module that compares addresses on the memory bus with the range of addresses
to which the module is to respond. Also, the comparator itself could be faulty or the [C IN, C
OUT], [D IN, D OUT], or [P IN, P OUT] lines on the backplane could be installed in error.
• Error 005, Memory Test Error (P.ioj/c detected)-Indicates the 110 Control Processor
detected an error while testing Program memory. This error can only occur if I/O Control
Processor interaction with Program memory is selected. This interaction consists of:
1. A series of PDP-II instructions that perform read/modify/write (RMW) cycles to selected
Program memory locations
2. Quick-verify tests of the entire Program memory (done 6 Kwords at a time)
Error 005 can be caused by cross-talk between the Program memory bus and either the Control
or Data bus. It can also be caused by a failure in the Program memory logic which inhibits
refresh cycles in the middle of a RMW cycle.
• Error 006, TU5S Synchronization Failure - This is an HSC50-only error. The TU58 drive
was unable to properly establish synchronization.
6-30 Off-line Diagnostics
• Error 007, General TU58 Error- This is an HSC50-only error. Text is provided with the
error message to indicate details about the TU5S failure.
• Error 008, TU58 Checksum Error- This is an HSC50-only error. The data checksum read
from the TU5S did not match the one generated during the read operation.
• Error 009, TU58 End Packet Error- This is an HSC50-only error.
• Error 010 (12 octal), Cache Parity Trap, VPC = iii*XX Can happen during any test. The
Jll trapped through the parity vector. The error was caused by the cache.
Errors 011 through 017 can occur on an HSC when load device interaction is enabled.
• Error 011, RX33 Drive Not Ready-The drive selected for the operation was not ready. The
door may be open or the diskette absent during a READ or POSITION command.
• Error 012, RX33. CRC Error During Seek- The RX33 detected a CRC error during a seek.
The RX33 could not verify position when reading header information from the diskette.
• Error 013, RX33 Track 0 Not Set on Recalibrate---A Recalibrate (seek to track 0) operation
is performed before each block of Read operations. The RX33 did not show correct status after
the RECAL command.
• Error 014, RX33 Seek Timeout- The RX33 did not respond by interrupting during a seek.
• Error 015, RX33 Seek Error-Sets the seek error bit (bit 4 of the CSR). At the end of a Seek
operation, the RX33 was not where it thought it should be.
• Error 016, RX33 Read Timeout-Indicates the RX33 did not interrupt at the end of a READ
• Error 17, RX33 CRCIRNF Error on Read Command-Can be caused by a soft error or a
bad spot(s) on the disk. For informational purposes, the following additional message prints
First LBN In Transfer = xxxx
Where xxx is the LBN of the first block in the transfer. The off-line interaction bus test
performs reads in blocks of four.
Answer this question with a single digit (1 through 9) that specifies the requestor number of the K
to be used. Terminate the response by typing RETURN. After the requestor number is supplied, a
K Control Area is located in Control memory and tested. This area is required for communicating
with the K that will run its microdiagnostics. The test then prompts:
Test * (1 through 20) (0) [] ?
Legal test numbers are octal numbers between 1 and 20, except for test 5. Test 5 is the K's Control
and Data memory test, which is supported by the OFL KIP memory test. Terminate the test
number entry with RETURN.
Refer to the following lists for the names of each microdiagnostic. Included in each list is the type
of K being used and the failing test number.
1. Kci microdiagnostics-The following list shows the test number and name of each of the Kci
Test 0 - Sequencer test
Test 1 - ALU test
Test 2 - Data bus test
Test 3 - Control bus test
Test 4 - PROM parity test
Test 5 - Memory test (unavailable through K test selector)
Test 6 - RAM test
Test 7 - PLI interface test
Test 10 - Packet buffer test
Test 11 - Link test
2. Ksdi microdiagnostics-The following list shows the test number and name of each of the Ksdi
Test 0 - Sequencer test
Test 1 - ALU test
Test 2 - Data bus test
6-32 Off-line Diagnostics
Test 0 - 2911 test
Test 1 - ALU t.est
Test 2 - ROM parity/traps test
Test 3 - Scratchpad test
Test 4 - Data bus test
Test 5 - MOVI for system test
Test 6 - Control bus test
Test 7 - RTS gate array test
Test 10 - SIECL test
Test 11- Frame test (U => L)
Test 12 - Frame test (L => U)
Test 13 - Sector test (U => L)
Test 14 - Sector test (L => U)
Test 15 - WCS load/verify test
Test 16 - WCS MOVI test
Test 17 - WCS EDC check
Test 20 - INIT packet search test
The test then prompts:
# of passes to perform (D) [1] ?
Enter a decimal number between 1 and 2147483647 to specify the number of times the memory test
should be repeated. (Entering 0, or just RETURN, results in the performance of one pass.)
The P.ioj/c next instructs the K to perform the selected test, and allows up to 4.2 seconds for the K
to complete its test. If the K completes the test within this time, the P.ioj/c displays an end-of-pass
message. If the K fails to complete within 4.2 seconds, the P.ioj/c displays a K time-out elTor (elTor
The K microdiagnostics are designed to hang when an error is detected, so all failures in the
microdiagnostics are reported as time-out elTors. The current test may be aborted at any time by
typing CTRUC.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-33
Mter the first test has been specified and completed, the following prompt is issued:
Reuse parameters (YIN) [YJ ?
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
3. Again read all locations in order from lowest to highest. Check that each location contains
the data previously written. Rewrite the data found with a single additional 1 bit. Reread
it to verify the Write operation worked properly.
4. Repeat step 3 until the test pattern consists of a word containing all 1's (pattern 177777).
5. Repeat step 3, but this time substitute a single extra 0 each time, instead of a 1.
6. Continue step 5 until the test pattern consists of a word of all O's (pattern 000000).
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6, but this time start at the highest memory address and work
down to the lowest each time. This will work each memory location from all O's to all l's,
and back to all O's.
8. End of test. All memory is cleared to 000000.
• Thst 001 through test 020, K Microdiagnostics-Refer to the following four lists for the
names of each microdiagnostic. Included in each list is the type of K being used and the failing
test number.
1. K.ci microdiagnostics-The following list shows the test number and name of each of the
K.ci microdiagnostics:
Test 0 - Sequencer test
Test 1 - ALU test
Test 2 - Data Bus test
Test 3 - Control Bus test
Test 4 - PROM Parity test
Test 5 - Memory test (unavailable through K test selector)
Test 6 - RAM test
Test 7 - PLI Interface test
Test 10 - Packet Buffer test
Test 11 - Link test
2. K.sdi microdiagnostics-The following list shows the test number and name of each of the
K.sdi microdiagnostics:
Test 0 - Sequencer test
Test 1 - ALU test
Test 2 - Data Bus test
Test 3 - Control Bus test
Test 4 - PROM Parity test
Test 5 - Memory test (not available through K test selector)
Test 6 - RAM test
Test 7 - SERDESIRSGEN test
Test 10 - Partial SDI Interface test
Test 11- Control Memory Access test
Test 12 - Lock test
3. K.sti microdiagnostics-The following list shows the test number and name of each of the
K.sti microdiagnostics:
Test 0 - Sequencer test
Test 1 - ALU test
Test 2 - Data Bus test
Test 3 - Control Bus test
Test 4 - PROM Parity test
Test 5 - Memory test (not available through K test selector)
Test 6 - RAM test
Test 7 - SERDES test
Test 10 - Partial STI Interface test
Test 11- Control Memory Access test
Test 12 - Lock test
Off-line Diagnostics 6-35
4. K.si microdiagnostics-The following list shows the test number and name of each of the
'~ K.si microdiagnostics:
3. Unexpected traps detected by the P.ioj/c (NXM: and Parity). Errors 010 and 011 are unexpected
trap errors detected by the P.ioj/c. Error 010 signifies a parity trap occUlTed, and error 011
indicates a nonexistent memory trap. The reports for unexpected trap errors differ slightly from
a data error report since they do not display EXPected and ACTual data. Error 012 indicates no
working Control memory could be found for a K Control Area. Error 13 is a cache parity trap.
The following list describes the nature of the failure indicated by each error number:
• Error OOO-Occurs in the moving inversions test when the P.ioj/c is testing the K Control Area
at a memory location that did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem (the location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was written). At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized by:
1. The ACTual data contains a single additional 1.
2. The additional 1 bit occurs immediately to the left of the left-most 1 in the EXPected data.
For example:
EXP=000377, ACT=000777
EXP=077777, ACT=177777
For the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 000777
when a lower numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the
location in error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern
(000377), it contained the next pattern (000777).
Data errors at this step of the test fall into one of the following classes:
a. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=017777, ACT=017477
b. The ACTual data contains fewer 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
c. The bit in error is not in the bit position immediately to the left of the left-most 1 in the
EXPected data:
EXP=000777, ACT=002777
• Error OOl-Occurs in the moving inversions test when the P.ioj/c is testing the K Control Area
at a location written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the location was read and
found to contain an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-37
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 001777 when
a lower numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (003777), it
contained the next pattern (001777).
Data errors in this step of the moving inversions test fall into one of the following categories:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=177777, ACT=174777
2. The ACTual data contains more 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=037777, ACT=077777
3. The bit in error is not in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data:
EXP=001777, ACT=001377
• Error 003-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the P.ioj/c is testing the K Control Area.
A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the location was read and
found to contain an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
6-38 Off-line Diagnostics
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 000777 when
a higher numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (000377), it
contained the next pattern (000777). Data errors at this step of the test fall into one of the
following classes:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=017777, ACT=017477
2. The ACTual data contains fewer 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
3. The bit in error is not in the bit position immediately to the left of the left-most bit in the
EXPected data:
EXP=000777, ACT=002777
Off-line Diagnostics 6-39
• Error 005--0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the P.ioj/c is testing the K Control Area.
A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the location was read and
found to contain an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address is probably defective. If the error occurs in many locations, but
only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of the bus data transceivers for that nibble
probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably faulty.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, there could be crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines. For instance,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 006-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the P.ioj/c is testing the K Control Area.
A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem. (The location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was being written). At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized
1. The ACTual data containing one more 0 than the EXPected data.
2. The additional 0 occurring in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected
data. For example:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
EXP=000017, ACT=000007
EXP-177777, ACT-077777
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 001777 when
a higher numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (003777), it
contained the next pattern (001777). Data errors in this step of the moving inversions test fall
into one of the following categories:
1. The AC'fual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=177777, ACT-174777
6-40 Off-line Diagnostics
2. The ACTual data contains more 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=037777, ACT=077777
3. The bit in error is not in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data:
EXP=001777, ACT=001377
• Error 007-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the P.ioj/c is testing the K Control Area.
A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the location was read and
found to contain an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address is probably defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably faulty.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, there could be crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error OOS-Indicates the selected K did not complete its Init sequence properly. When the
P.ioj/c enables the K to perform a test, the K begins its Init sequence (which includes executing
certain microdiagnostics). At the end of the K's Init sequence, the K indicates it found the
K Control Area by complementing a pointer word in the Control memory. If the K fails to
complement this pointer word within 4.2 seconds of being enabled, error 008 is reported.
The contents of the K status register are displayed with the error report.
If this error occurs, make sure the requestor number parameter given matches the actual
requestor number of the K.
• Error 009-Indicates the K failed the selected microdiagnostic test. This usually indicates a
serious hardware problem in the K. The contents of the K status register are displayed with the
error report.
• Error OIO-Indicates the P.ioj/c detected a parity trap. The 22-bit address of the location that
caused the trap is displayed as the MA data in the error report, where:
• MA is the address causing the parity trap.
• VPC is the virtual PC of the memory test at the time the trap occurred. Reference this
address in the listing to locate the area of the test where the error occurred.
Because the data is lost when a parity trap occurs, no EXPected or ACTual data is displayed.
Mter the trap is reported, the program attempts to restart the test from the beginning.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-41
• Error OIl-Indicates the P.ioj/c detected a nonexistent memory trap. A NXM error is caused
when no memory responds to a particular address. The MA data in the error report indicates
the address which produced the NXM trap. After reporting the trap, the program attempts to
restart the test from the beginning, where:
• MA is the address causing the NXM trap.
• VPC is the virtual PC of the memory test at the time the trap occurred. Reference this
address in the listing to locate the area of the test where the error occurred.
If this error occurs at a memory address that should be in your memory configuration, the
memory in question is not supplying an ACK to the P.ioj/c when the specified address is
presented on the memory bus. The most probable point of failure is the logic on the memory
module that compares addresses on the memory bus to the range of addresses the module is to
respond to. Also, the comparator itself could be faulty, or the [C IN, C OUT], [D IN, D OUT], or
[P IN, P OUT] lines on the backplane could be in error.
• Error OI2-Indicates no working Control memory could be found for a K Control Area. A K
Control Area is required to communicate with a K The Control memory must be repaired before
the K test selector can be used to test a K Use the off-line loader command TEST MEMORY to
test Control memory.
• Error OI3--Cache parity trap, vpe = xxxxxs This can happen during any test. The
JIl1Fll trapped through the parity vector. The error was caused by the cache.
During the run of the diagnostic, the JIl1Fll took a trap through the parity error vector. This
is a cache error and the virtual PC at the time of the trap is printed.
For any of the OKPM prompts, use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before
terminating the entry with RETURN. If an error in a parameter entry was terminated
with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial prompt and re-enter all parameters.
OKPM first prompts:
Requestor # of K (1 through 9) [] ?
Answer this question with the single digit (1 through 9) that specifies the requestor number to be
used. Terminate the response by typing RETURN. After the requestor number is supplied, a K
Control Area is located in Control memory and tested. This area is required for communicating
with the requestor that performs tests of Data and Control memory. The test then prompts:
Control (O) or data (1) memory [O]?
Type 0 to test Control memory or type 1 to test Data memory. Type RETURN to terminate the
response. (Typing just RETURN selects the Control memory test.) The memory test next prompts
for the first address to test.
First (min=XXXXXXXX) [min] ?
Enter the first address to be tested. Addresses are 8 octal digits in length. The [min] address
displayed is the lowest address that may be entered for the memory chosen. After typing the
address, terminate the response with RETURN. (Typing just RETURN causes the first address to
default to the [min] address.)
Because requestors test Control memory in 4-byte units, the lowest 2 bits of the starting
address are ignored (treated as binary O's). For example, if address 16000223 is entered
as the first address, the requestor starts testing at address 16000200.
Because requestors test Data memory in 64-byte units, the lower 6 bits of the starting
address are ignored (treated as binary O's). For example, if address 14012376 is entered
as the first address, the K starts testing at address 14012300.
The test next prompts for the last address to test:
Last (max=XXXXXXXX) [] ?
Enter the last address to be tested. The max address displayed is the highest address still within
the memory chosen. If the system being worked on does not have a fully populated memory, the
last address that may be tested is less than the max address displayed. If a last address that
exceeds the amount of memory in this system is chosen, the memory test displays a Nonexistent
Memory (NXM) error when the test reaches the first address beyond the end of the memory. (Use
the off-line loader command SIZE to determine the actual last address in a given HSC.)
Off-line Diagnostics 6-43
Because requestors test Control memory in 4-byte units, the lower 2 bits of the ending
address are ignored (treated as binary l's). For instance, if address 16023400 is specified
as the last address, the K will test up to and including address 16023403.
Because requestors test Data memory in 64-byte units, the lower 6 bits of the ending
address are ignored (treated as binary l's). If address 14005400 is specified as the last
address, the requestor will test up to and including, address 14005477.
Finally, the memory test prompts:
t of passes to perform (D) [1] ?
Enter a decimal number between 1 and 2147483647 to specify the number of times the memory
test is to be repeated. (If 0 or just RETURN is entered, the test performs one pass.) The test can
be aborted at any time by typing CTRUC.
Mter the first memory test completes, the following prompt is issued:
Reuse parameters (YIN) [Y] ?
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
4. Type De * nnnn4n. The nnnn4n represents the previous contents of the register, including a 1
in bit 5. I/O Control Processor parity traps are now disabled.
5. Return to the memory test by typing START.
6. Rerun the memory test with the original parameters.
If the location that previously produced a parity trap then produces a data error, the original
parity trap was caused by a data bit problem. The error report indicates the failing bit through
the EXPected and ACTual data displayed.
If the location that previously produced a parity trap does not fail again when the memory test
is rerun, the original parity trap was caused by an error in one of the parity bits (high or low
byte) for that word.
7. Type a CTRUC to return to the loader, and re-enable parity errors by typing De 17770042
nnnnOn. The nnnnOn represents original contents of the I/O Control Processor SWCSR, before
parity traps were disabled (refer to step 5).
Error numbers 000 through 007 are all Control memory errors detected by the 110 Control
Processor. The difference between these errors is the exact step in the memory test where they
are detected. The step where an error is detected can be a helpful clue to the cause of the error.
Error 008 indicates the requestor failed to initialize properly.
Error 009 indicates a Control or Data memory error detected by the K In addition to the normal
error information, the last line of the error report contains a K error summary.
Errors 010 and 011 are unexpected trap errors detected by the 110 Control Processor. Error 010
signifies a parity trap occurred. Error 011 indicates a Nonexistent Memory (NXM) trap. The
reports for unexpected trap errors differ slightly from a data error report because they do not
display EXPected and ACThaI data.
Error 012 indicates no working Control memory could be found for a K Control area. Error 013
indicates a parity trap caused by cache.
The following list describes the nature of the failure indicated by each error number.
• Error OOO-Occurs in the moving inversions test when the 110 Control Processor is testing the
K Control Area. A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem (the location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was written). At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized by:
1. The ACTual data contains a single additional 1.
2. The additional 1 bit occurs immediately to the left of the left-most bit in the EXPected data,
such as:
EXP=000377, ACT=000777
EXP=077777, ACT=177777
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 000777 when
a lower numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (000377), it
contained the next pattern (000777).
Data errors at this step of the test fall into one of the following classes:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=017777, ACT=017477
2. The ACTual data contains fewer l's than the EXPected data:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
3. The bit in error is not in the bit position immediately to the left of the left-most bit in the
EXPected data:
EXP=000777, ACT=002777
Off-line Diagnostics 6-47
• Error OOl-Occurs in the moving inversions test when the 110 Control Processor is testing
the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the
location was read. It contained an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
If the error occurs in. more than one location, but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines may be present. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 002-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the 110 Control Processor is testing the
K Control Area. A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem. (The location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was being written.)
At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized by:
1. The ACTual data contains one more 0 than the EXPected data.
2. The additional 0 occurs in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data,
such as:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
EXP=000017, ACT=000007
EXP=177777, ACT=077777
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 001777 when
a lower numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to 'ensure it still contained the previous pattern (003777), it
contained the next pattern (001777).
Data errors in this step of the moving inversions test fall into one of the following categories:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=177777, ACT=174777
6-48 Off-line Diagnostics
2. The ACTual data contains more 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=037777, ACT=077777
3. The bit in error is not in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data:
EXP=0017777, ACT=00377
• Error 003-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the 110 Control Processor is testing
the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the
location was read. It contained an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines could be present. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 004--0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the 110 Control Processor is testing the
K Control Area. A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem (the location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was written). At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized by:
1. The ACTual data contains a single additional 1.
2. The additional 1 bit occurs immediately to the left of the left-most hit in the EXPected data,
such as:
EXP=000377, ACT=000777
EXP=077777, ACT=177777
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 000777 when
a higher numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (000377), it
contained the next pattern (000777).
Off-line Diagnostics 6-49
Data errors at this step of the test fall into one of the following classes:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=017777, ACT=017477
2. The ACTual data contains fewer 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
3. The bit in error is not in the hit position immediately to the left of the left-most bit in the
EXPected data:
EXP=000777, ACT=002777
• Error 005-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the I/O Control Processor is testing
the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the
location was read. It contained an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address is probably defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines could be present. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 006-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the I/O Control Processor is testing the
K Control Area. A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem. (The location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was being written.)
At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized by:
1. The ACTual data contains one more 0 than the EXPected data.
6-50 Off-line Diagnostics
2. The additional 0 occurs in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data,
such as:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
EXP=000017, ACT=000007
EXP=177777, ACT=077777
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 001777 when
a higher numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (003777), it
contained the next pattern (001777).
Data errors in this step of the moving inversions test fall into one of the following categories:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=177777, ACT=174777
2. The ACTual data contains more 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=037777, ACT=077777
3. The bit in error is not in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data:
EXP=001777, ACT=001377
• Error 007-0ccurs in the moving inversions test when the 110 Control Processor is testing
the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the write, the
location was read. It contained an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines may be present. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error OOS-Indicates the selected requestor did not complete its lnit sequence properly. When
the I/O Control Processor enables the requestor to perform the memory test, the requestor
begins its Init sequence (which includes executing certain microdiagnostics). At the end of the
requestor's Init sequence, the requestor indicates it found the K Control Area by complementing
a pointer word in Control memory. If the requestor fails to complement this pointer word within
50 milliseconds (4.2 seconds for K.ci) of being enabled, error 008 is reported.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-51
The contents of the K status register are displayed with the error report. If this error occurs,
make sure the requestor number parameter given matches the actual requestor number.
• Error 009-Indicates a Control or Data memory error detected by the K, where:
• MA is the 22-bit address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected by the K.
• ACT is the data pattern found by the K
In addition to the address and the EXPected/ACTual data, the K returns an error summary,
displayed as the last line of the error report. The error summary information indicates whether
the error was caused by a parity error, a Nonexistent Memory (NXM) error, or a Control bus
(CBUS) elTor. If the error was not caused by any of the these, the error summary line does not
appear in the elTor report. Refer to Section 6.7.9 for further information on the elTor summary.
• Error OlO-Indicates the I/O Control Processor detected a parity trap. The 22-bit address of
the location that caused the trap is displayed as the MA data in the error report, where:
• MA is the address causing the parity trap.
• VPC is the virtual PC of the memory test at the time the trap occurred. Reference this
address in the listing to locate the area of the test where the error occurred.
Because the data is lost when a parity trap occurs, no EXPected or ACTual data can be
displayed. To further localize the problem, disable parity errors and rerun the test as described
in Section 6.7.6. If the original failure was in a data bit position, the memory test detects and
reports the error, displaying the EXPected and ACTual data. This helps to trace the error to a
particular address and/or bit position. If no further errors are detected after disabling parity
errors, the original failure was in one of the parity bits for the address displayed in the parity
trap report.
• Error OIl-Indicates the I/O Control Processor detected a Nonexistent Memory (NXlM) trap. A
NXM error is caused when no memory responds to a particular address. The MA data in the
error report indicates the address that produced the NXM trap. Mter the trap is reported, the
program attempts to restart the test from the beginning, where:
• MA is the address causing the NXM trap.
• VPC is the virtual PC of the memory test at the time the trap occurred. Reference this
address in the listing to locate the area of the test where the elTor occurred.
If this error occun at a memory address that should be in the memory configuration, the
memory in question is not supplying an ACK message to the I/O Control Processor when the
specified address is presented on the Memory bus. The most probable point of failure is the
compare logic on the memory module. This logic compares addresses on the Memory bus with
the range of addresses to which the module is to respond. The comparator itself could be faulty
or the [C IN, C OUT], [D IN, D OUT], or [P IN, P OUT] lines on the backplane could be in error.
• Error Ol2-Indicates no working Control memory could be found for a K Control Area. A K
Control Area is required to communicate with a requestor. Control memory must be repaired
before the KIP memory test can be used. Use the off-line loader command TEST MEMORY to
test the Control memory.
• Error 013, Cache Parity Trap, vpe = *1**** Indicates the Jl1 took a trap through the
parity elTor vector during the run of the diagnostic. This is a cache error; the virtual PC at the
time of the trap is printed.
6-52 Off-line Diagnostics
For any of the OMEM prompts, use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before
the typing RETURN. If an error in a parameter already terminated with RETURN is
noted, type CTRI1C to return to the initial prompt and re-enter all parameters.
The following are the parameters that can be modified:
Control(O), Data(l) , or Program(2) Memory [0] ?
Off-line Diagnostics 6-53
Enter the first address to be tested. Addresses are 8 octal digits long. The default is the lowest
address that may be entered for the memory chosen
The test next prompts for the last address to test.
Last (max=XXXXXXXX) [] ?
Type the last address to be tested. The max address displayed is the highest address in the
memory chosen. Use the memory size information displayed by the ODL SIZE command to answer
this prompt with the correct address for the HSC under test.
If an address exceeds the memory in the system, the memory test displays a nonexistent memory
(NXM) error when the test reaches the first address beyond the end of the memory.
The test then prompts:
* of passes to perform (D) [1] ?
Enter a decimal number between 1 and 2,147,483,647 (omitting commas) to specify the number of
times the memory test should be repeated. (Entering 0 results in one pass.)
Mter the first memory test is complete, the following prompt is issued:
Reuse parameters (YIN) [Y] ?
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
A complete pass through the memory test for program memory may take about 8 hours.
Unless exhaustive memory testing is required, allow this test to run only until the quick
verify pass complete message is displayed. This takes no more than 10 minutes.
6-54 Off-line Diagnostics
• 'lest 001, moving inversions test-Detects data and addressing problems in dynamic
semiconductor memories.
The moving inversions algorithm performs the following:
1. Writes 000000 in each location of the memory.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-55
2. Reads all locations in order from lowest to highest. Mter reading a location and checking
for a 0, rewrites the same location with a single 1 in the least significant bit. Then rereads
the location and verifies the Write worked correctly.
3. Again reads all locations in order from lowest to highest. Checks that each location contains
the data previously written. Rewrites the data found with a single additional 1 bit. Rereads
it to verify the Write operation worked properly.
4. Repeats step 3 until the test pattern consists of a word containing all l's (pattern 177777).
5. Repeats step 3 but this time substitutes a single extra 0 each time instead of a 1.
6. Continues step 5 until the test pattern consists of a word of all O's (pattern 000000).
7. Repeats steps 1 through 6 but this time starts at the highest memory address each time
and works down to the lowest. This writes each memory location from all O's to alII's and
back to all O's.
8. Clears all memory to 000000.
• 'lest 002, walking-l's test-An algorithm that stresses semiconductor memories and is
effective in locating timing problems on the memory module or on the bus.
The walking I's algorithm performs the following:
1. Writes all memory to O's (pattern = 000000).
2. Checks all memory for O's. Declares error 008 if not o.
3. Sets TESTADDRESS equal to the first address to test.
4. Writes 177777 to contents of TESTADDRESS.
5. Checks that all other locations are equal to 000000. Declares an error 009 if not equal to
6. Checks that TESTADDRESS contains 177777. Declares an error 010 if not equal to 177777.
7. Writes 000000 to contents of TESTADDRESS.
8. IF TESTADDRESS is the last address to be tested, testing is complete. If TESTADDRESS
is not the last address to be tested, 2 will be added to TESTADDRESS and the process will
go back to step 4. This will continue until TESTADDRESS is the last address to be tested.
Parity trap and NXM trap errors do not include expected and actual data.
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 000777 when
a lower numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (000377), it
contained the next pattern (000777).
Data errors at this step of the test fall into one of the following classes:
Off-line Diagnostics 6-57
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=017777, ACT=017477
2. The ACTual data contains fewer 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
3. The bit in error is not in the bit position immediately to the left of the left-most bit in the
EXPected data:
EXP=000777, ACT=002777
• Error OOl-Occurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7) when the 110 Control Processor
was testing the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the
write, the location was read. It contained an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pr:ttern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly, but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing probably is the problem.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar and crosstalk could exist between the memory data and addressing lines. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 002-0ccurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7). A memory location did not
contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem. (The location was incorrectly addressed and written when some other
location was being written.)
At this step in the test, a dual-addressing problem is characterized by:
1. The ACTual data contains one more 0 than the EXPected data.
2. The additional 0 occurs in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data.
For example:
6-58 Off-iine Diagnostics
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
EXP=000017, ACT=000007
EXP=177777, ACT=077777
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 001777 when
a lower numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (003777), it
contained the next pattern (001777).
Data errors in this step of the moving inversions test fall into one of the following categories:
1. The AC'fua1 and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=177777, ACT=174777
2. The ACTual data contains more 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=037777, ACT=077777
3. The bit in error is not in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data:
EXP=001777, ACT=001377
• Error OOS-Occurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7). A location was written with a
pattern. Immediately after the write, the location was read and found to contain an incorrect
pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem and one of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address is probably defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, crosstalk could be present between the memory data and addressing lines. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 004-0ccurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7) when the 110 control processor
is testing the K Control Area. A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error can be caused by a data error in the address specified, or it may indicate a dual-
addressing problem. In the latter case, the location was incorrectly addressed and written when
some other location was written.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-59
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 000777 when
a higher numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (000377), it
contained the next pattern (000777).
Data errors at this step of the test fall into one of the following classes:
1. The ACThaI and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=017777, ACT=017477
2. The ACThaI data contains fewer 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=003777, ACT=001777
3. The bit in error is not in the bit position immediately to the left of the left-most bit in the
EXPected data:
EXP=000777, ACT=002777
• Error 005--0ccurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7) when the 110 control processor
is testing the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the
write, the location was read and it contained an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are.
similar, crosstalk between the memory data and addressing lines could be present. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 006-0ccurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7) when the 110 control processor
is testing the K Control Area. A memory location did not contain the expected pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
6-60 Off-line Diagnostics
In the first example, the location in error was probably written with the pattern 001777 when
a higher numbered address was being written with the same pattern. When the location in
error was subsequently checked to ensure it still contained the previous pattern (003777), it
contained the next pattern (001777).
Data errors in this step of the moving inversions test fall into one of the following categories:
1. The ACTual and EXPected data differ by more than one bit:
EXP=177777, ACT=174777
2. The ACTual data contains more 1's than the EXPected data:
EXP=037777, ACT=077777
3. The bit in error is not in the same bit position as the left-most bit in the EXPected data:
EXP=001777, ACT=001377
• Error 007-0ccurs in the moving inversions test (Section 6.8.7) when the I/O control processor
is testing the K Control Area. A location was written with a pattern. Immediately after the
write, the location was read and found to contain an incorrect pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected.
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error indicates a memory data problem. One of the following hardware failures is
1. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was written.
2. A bit was picked up or dropped when the location was read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a single location, the memory chip containing the
failing bit for that address probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations, but only occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of
the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is defective.
If the error occurs in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
word, the memory or bus timing is probably the problem.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-61
If the error occurs in more than one location but the addresses of the failing locations are
similar, crosstalk may be present between the memory data and addressing lines. For example,
all failing addresses end with either 2 or 6.
• Error 008-0ccurs in the walking 1's -test (Section 6.8.7). All locations in the memory under
test were written with the pattern 000000. Then all locations were read to check that they
contained 000000. When the location specified in the error report was read, it did not contain
000000, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected (000000).
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
Because all locations were cleared to 000000 before this error was detected, a dual-addressing
problem is unlikely. More likely, a bit was picked up when the word was written or read.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in one location, the memory chip containing the bit in
error for that address is probably marginal.
If the error occurs in many locations, but always occurs in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one
of the bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is marginal.
If errors occur in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
words, the memory or bus timing is probably marginal.
• Error 009-0ccurs in the walking 1's test (Section 6.8.7). One location in the memory under
test was written with the pattern 177777 and all the other locations should contain the
pattern 000000. While reading to check that all other locations are clear, a location was found
containing something·other than 000000, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
• EXP is the data pattern EXPected (000000).
• ACT is the data pattern ACTually found.
This error is either a data error or a dual-addressing error. (The location was incorrectly
addressed and written when some other location was being written.)
At this step of the test a dual-addressing failure is possible if the ACTual data is 177777.
During this part of the test, one location in the memory was written to 177777. When this
write was performed, the failing location may also have been addressed and written with
the same data. When the test was checking that all other locations were clear, it found the
second location with the pattern 177777. If this is a true dual-addressing problem, the error is
repeated on each pass of the test.
At this step of the test, a data error is probable if the ACTual data is not 177777. Some clues to.
the possible causes of a data error follow.
If the error occurs repeatedly but only in a particular bit in a single location, the memory chip
that contains the failing bit for that location is defective.
If errors occur in many locations, but only occur in a particular nibble (4-bit field), one of the
bus data transceivers for that nibble probably is marginal.
If errors occur in many locations and the bits in error are randomly spaced throughout the
words, the memory or bus timing is probably marginal.
• Error 010-0ccurs in the walking 1's test (Section 6.8.7). At this step of the test, one location
in the memory under test was set to the pattern 177777 and all other locations were cleared to
000000. Mter checking that all other locations contain 000000, the location that should contain
177777 was read. It contained some other pattern, where:
• MA is the address of the failing location.
6-62 Off-line Diagnostics
If the ACTual data in the error report is 031463(8) or 146314(8), a dual-addressing problem
probably is the cause of the error. (When an address lower in memory was written with a test
pattern, the failing location also was written with the same pattern.) Dual-addressing problems
are normally caused by shorts between memory address bits.
If the ACTual data is other than 031463(8) or 146314(8), the problem probably is caused by
a memory bit or bits stuck in the 1 state. The first pattern written is 146314(8). The second
pattern written is the 1's complement of the first pattern, 031463(8).
• Error 014-0ccurs in the quick verify test. The MA in the error report shows the failing
address. The ACTual data shows the bit or bits that failed.
• Error 015-0ccurs when an NXM trap occurs as the memory under test is initially being
cleared. The last address to test (operator-supplied) exceeds the amount of memory actually
installed in the HSC or part of the memory under test is not responding. If the NXM: occurs at
an address that should respond, use CTRUC or CTRUY to return to the off-line loader. Use the
loader's REPEAT EXAMINE (address that caused trap) to set up a scope loop for isolating the
• Error 016-Cache Parity Trap, VPC = xxxxxx Indicates the J11 took a trap through the
parity error vector during the run of the diagnostic, and the error was determined tQ be from
the cache. The virtual PC at the time of the trap is printed.
H unable to boot from drive 0, move the diskette to drive 1, try again, or use a backup
copy of the off-line diagnostics diskette.
The default is Y. The prompt repeats for each available diskette on the HSC. The test prompts if
the initial Write operation is to be performed:
Perform initial write on this drive (YIN) [Y] ?
The default is Y. This lays down a background pattern on the entire disk in preparation for the
random read/write exerciser. Selecting this option adds 10 minutes of test time per drive.
As soon as the previous prompts have been answered, the program directs placement of a scratch
diskette in the selected drive:
Insert a scratch diskette in the drive, type a carriage return to continue.
At this point, insert the scratch diskette. The random read/write exercise takes place over the
entire surface of the diskette, so be sure the diskette is a scratch one only to be used for the
exercise. Run time of the exerciser is user-selectable and is prompted for by the program as follows:
* of minutes to exercise (D) [30] ?
Enter a number between 1 and 32767. The default is 30 minutes. This 30 minutes starts after the
initial patterning of the disk (if selected) so the total test time with two drives and initial patterning
is amount of time selected plus 20 minutes. A value of 1440 minutes gives a 24-hour run time for
burn-in purposes. The 30-minute default is sufficient for installation use and repair verification.
At the end of the amount of time allotted for the exerciser, the program prompts you by printing:
Reuse parameters (YIN) [Y] ?
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-65
At the end of the initial write test (if selected), the exerciser prints:
Initial write completed on drive OOOn
Where: n is the drive number (0 or 1).
When the exerciser begins the random read/write phase of the testing, the following message is
Beginning random exerciser
The random exerciser is now in progress. It runs for the amount of time requested by you. When
the requested time has expired, the program prints the following string:
Exerciser completed.
• Test 6, oscillating seek test-Performs an oscillating seek test using the algorithm:
oscillating seek test
incnt = 0
outcnt = 124
while incnt<> outcnt do
seek outcnt;
If outcnt <> rxtrk then error 11
outcnt =outcnt-1;
seek incnt;
if Incnt <> rxtrk then error 11
incnt =incnt + 1;
end { oscillating seek test. }
In this manner, all seeks are performed in both directions with all seek counts between <0:77>.
Verification is performed on each track to check the step logic.
• '.lest 7, sequential read/write test-Performs the basic patterning of the diskette with a
background pattern. This test is user-selected. If selected, this test writes each LBN on the
RX33 diskette in ascending order with a unique pattern consisting of the track, sector, and
side of that LBN, and then an incrementing-byte pattern for the remainder of the 512-byte
sector. Each LBN so written is then read back, and each word is compared to the data that was
written. This test takes about 10 minutes per drive.
• '.lest 8, random reads/writes-Does random Reads and Writes to the selected drives. If both
drives are selected for test, operations on each drive are performed in groups of five.
This test runs until the allotted time for the exercise expires, or the user terminates the test
with CTRUC. The mechanism of this test is as follows:
A random number is generated. The value of this number determines if the operation is a Read
or a Write, and which LBN is used.
If the command is a READ, the appropriate LBN is read from the disk. The header bytes (0:5)
of the data read are then compared against the values expected. The pattern number bytes
(6:7) are then compared against a list to see which pattern is to be used to compare the rest of
the buffer (10:512).
If the command is a WRITE, other bits of the random number are used to select one of four
different patterns to write to the disk. A buffer is then set up with the correct header bytes for
the LBN to be written and the correct background data pattern. This buffer is then written out
on the diskette.
Descriptions of the data patterns used are found in the following section.
Soft errors, such as seek errors, can build up to a. point where a diagnostic defines them as fatal
and terminates on a fatal error. The internal bias for soft errors is currently set to 20. When this
number is exceeded, the exerciser determines the errors are fatal and terminates.
• Error 16, RX33 Header Does Not Compare-Applicable to tests 7 and 8. The header
information written in the data area of a sector is not what it should be for that sector and side,
written as part of the data in that sector. This error happens when an undetected positioning
error has occurred, either during the read or the write of the sector involved. The LBN, track,
sector, and side are displayed as optional lines.
• Error 17, Record Not Found during Read (Could Also Say Write)-Applicable to tests
7 and 8. Indicates the controller was unable to find that sector on the current track when
attempting to read or write a given sector. Either a misposition occurred, or that sector is
unreadable. Because this error occurs after basic read capability has been tested, the most
probable culprit is the diskette, with the diskette chip being the next most probable problem
point. The LBN, track, sector, and side are displayed as optional lines.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-09
• Error 20, CRC Error in Data During Read (Could Also Say Write}-Applicable to tests
7 and 8. Indicates the controller detected a CRC error when reading the desired sector. If the
error occurs multiple times in a row for a given sector, the problem is most likely the diskette
(or the drive it is installed in). Single errors when an LBN has this error only once are soft
errors. The LBN, track, sector, and side information is printed as optional lines.
• Error 21, Lost Data Detected During Read (Could Also Say Write}-Applicable to tests
7 and 8. Indicates the DMA logic did not service an I/O request of the diskette controller chip
in time. There are probably problems in the DMA logic, or stuck-at faults exist in the etch
between the controller chip and the DMA logic.
• Error 23, Invalid Pattern Code in Buffer-Applicable to test 8. Indicates the data word,
defined as the pattern code, read from the diskette does not match any of the possible patterns
used. It is unlikely the data was read incorrectly from the diskette and not detected as a CRC
error. Usually this error occurs when a diskette is not written with the initial data pattern.
The LBN, track, sector, and side are displayed as optional lines.
• Error 24, Drive Is Write-Protected-Applicable to tests 7 and 8. Indicates the drive is
sending write protect status. Either the interface is bad, or the drive is in error (assuming
there is not a write-protected diskette in the drive). This error terminates the diagnostic, as a
write-protected diskette cannot be written on.
• Error 25, CRC Error in Header during Read (Could Also Say Write)-Applicable to tests
7 and 8. Indicates the controller detected bad eRC in the header it was reading as part of a
data transfer command. This probably is a diskette error. The LBN, track, sector, and side are
displayed as optional lines.
• Error 26, Data Incorrect after DMA TEST MODE Command-Applicable to tests 3 and
4. Indicates the memory content after a DMA test mode command was not correct. There
are either stuck-at faults in the DMA registers, or the transfer did not happen at all (that is,
the memory is unchanged). This is a fundamental error in the diskette logic; the diagnostic
terminates after detecting it.
• Error 27, Data Compare Error-Applicable to tests 7 and 8. Indicates a manual check
of data read by the diskette turned up an error. Either the transfer did not complete, an
intermittent error occurred in the data or address path, or what was written on the disk was
written incorrectly. The LBN, track, sector, and side are displayed as optional lines.
• Error 30, RX33 Detected Parity Error during Read (Could Also Say Write)-Applicable
to tests 7 and 8. Indicates the RX.33 detected a parity error when doing a DMA read from
memory. Either Program memory is bad or the parity logic on the controller is in error.
• Error 31, RX33 Detected NXM during Read (Could Also Say Write)-Applicable to tests 7
and 8. Indicates the RX33 detected a NXM during a DMA operation. Either the DMA address
was loaded wrong and pointed to a nonexistent location, or the handshake logic on the M.std2
board is in error.
• Error 32, RX33 MAR Value Incorrect after DMA 'rransfer-Applicable to test 3. Indicates
the value of the MAR address counters was in error after a DMA test operation. The problem is
probably in the counters or the etch associated with them. The EXPected and AC'fua1 data are
printed out as optional lines.
• Error 33, Parity Error Was Not Forced in Main Memory-Applicable to test 4. Indicates
a write to Program memory with bad parity set (bit 11 of the CSR) did not result in bad parity
in memory. There is either a stuck-at fault in the parity logic or the operation never wrote
memory in the first place.
• Error 34, Parity Error Did Not Set in CSR-Applicable to test 4. Indicates a DMA read of
a location with known bad parity did not set the parity error bit (bit 15 of the CSR). Either the
data was never read or there is a stuck-at fault in the parity logic.
6-70 Off-line Diagnostics
• Error 35, NXM Did Not Set in CSR-Applicable to test 4. Indicates a DMA read of a location
expected to give a NXM did not set NX]M in the CSR. Look for stuck-at faults in the NX]M
detection logic.
• Error 36, Parity Error Set Along with NXM in CSR-Applicable to test 4. Indicates both
the parity error and the NXM error set simultaneously in the CSR. On a NXM error, the parity
error should not set. Check for stuck-at faults in the NXM/parity error logic.
• Error 37, Cache Parity Error, VPC = * * ***" Applicable to all tests. Indicates the J11
took a trap through the parity error vector, a cache error during the run of the diagnostic. The
virtual PC at the time of the trap is printed.
For any of the ORFl' promptst use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before
typing RETURN. If an error in a parameter already terminated with RETURN is noted,
type CTRUC to return to the initial prompt and re-enter all parameters.
ORFT first prompts with:
# of passes to perform (D) [1] ?
Enter a decimal number between 1 and 2,147,483,647 (omitting commas) to specify the number of
times the refresh test is to be repeated. (Entering a 0 or just a carriage return results in one pass.)
After selection of the number of passes the test begins. The test can be aborted at any time by
typing CTRUC. Each pass of the test requires three minutes to complete.
After the refresh test completes, the following prompt is issued:
Reuse parameters (YIN) [Y] ?
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRUC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
• Test 03, pattern 100001-Fills the memories with the pattern 100001. This sets data hits 0
and 15 and clears data bits 1 through 14. Both parity bits are also cleared. The entire Control
and Data memories are filled with the pattern. All of Program memory not occupied by the
refresh test and the off-line loader is also filled with the pattern. After filling the memories, the
program delays for 1 minute, then each memory location is read and checked for the pattern.
Any errors detected are reported on the terminal.
If this error is at a memory address that should be in the memory configuration, the memory
in question is not supplying an ACK to the I/O Control Processor when the specified address is
presented on the Memory bus. The most probable point of failure is the logic on the memory
module that compares addresses on the Memory bus with the range of addresses to which the
module is to respond. The comparator itself could be faulty or the [C IN, C OUT], [D IN, D
OUT], or [P IN, P OUT] lines on the backplane could be in error.
• Error 05, Cache Parity Trap, vep = x x x x x x: Indicates the J11 took a trap through the
parity error vector during the run of the diagnostic. This is a cache error. The virtual PC at the
time of the trap is printed.
If the SecurelEnable switch is in the enable position and the above prompt is issued anyway, a
problem is indicated with the bit in the 110 Control Processor CSR that monitors the SecurelEnable
switch. Refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8. The program waits until the
SecurelEnable switch is changed to the enable position and issues the following message:
(Enable LED is lit, State LED is blinking)
Check to verify the enable LED is lit and the OCP State LED is blinking. There are two State
LEDs: one is to the left of the lnit switch on the HSC OCP, and the other is located on the I/O
Control Processor module (the fourth LED from the bottom of the rightmost module in the HSC
card cage). If either LED is not blinking, refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
The test next prompts for a lamp test.
Press Fault (all OCP lamps should light) (Y/N) [YJ ?
Press the fault lamp and observe that all OCP lamps light. If none of the lamps light, a problem
may be present in the lamp test logic on the OCP assembly. If all lamps light properly, type a
carriage return to continue the test. If the lamp test fails, replace the OCP.
Next, the program checks that all OCP switches are OFF (out position). If any switch bits in the
110 Control Processor switch/display register read as l's (ON), the program lights the lamps for
those switches and prompts:
Put all lit switches in OFF (out) position (Y/N) [YJ ?
If the fault or lnit lamps are lit (nonlocking switches), a problem exists with the wiring in those
switches or with their respective bits in the switch/display register. Replace the OCP.
Otherwise, press all lit switches to release their locks and type a carriage return. If the message
repeats and one or more lamps remain lit even though the switches are OFF (out position), refer to
the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
The program then tests each of the OCP switches, one at a time. A switch lights and the following
prompt is displayed:
Press and release the lit switch
Press the switch that is lit. The program allows about 1 second for the switch to be released after
it is pressed and then continues to the next prompt. If the program fails to respond when a switch
is pressed, refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8. For those switches that lock in
the ON position (online switch and the two unmarked switches), the program prompts:
Press and release the lit switch again
Press the switch again to return it to the OFF (out) position. If the online switch or either of the
unmarked switches fails to lock in the ON position, the switch is defective, and the OCP should be
After the OCP switch tests are complete, several features of the SecurelEnable switch are tested.
The program begins these tests by prompting:
Put Secure/Enable switch into secure position
The program waits until the SecurelEnable switch is in the proper position before continuing.
If the program fails to respond when the switch is moved to the secure position, refer to the
troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8. When the program detects the switch is in the secure
position, it prompts with:
(Enable LED should turn off)
Off-line Diagnostics 6-75
Ensure the enable LED is off. If this LED fails to turn off when the switch is in the secure position,
a short or wiring problem is probable.
Next, the program prompts:
Press Init (HSC should not re-boot) (Y/N) [YJ ?
Press the lnit switch. When the SecurelEnable switch is in the secure position, pressing the lnit
switch has no effect. (Do not press any other switch or an error message results.) If the HSC starts
to perform a bootstrap (Init lamp turns on and green LED on I/O Control Processor turns off), the
SecurelEnable switch is not disabling the action of the lnit switch. After pressing the lnit switch,
type RETURN to continue. The test responds with the following prompt:
Press terminal break key (HSC should not halt) (Y/N) [Y] ?
Press the break key as directed. When in secure mode, the break key does not cause the JI11Fll
processor to halt (enter ODT). If the terminal displays the @ character when break is pressed, the
SecurelEnable switch is not disabling the action of the break key. Refer to the troubleshooting
procedures in Section 6.11.8. After pressing the break key, type RETURN to continue the test. The
final prompt of the test is:
Put Secure/Enable switch into enable position.
The test waits until the SecurelEnable switch is returned to the enable position. At that point the
test terminates and returns to the off-line loader.
To repeat the last test specified using the parameters, answer this prompt with Y or RETURN. To
cause the test to prompt for new parameters, answer the prompt with N.
Use the DELete key to delete mistyped parameters before terminating the entry with RETURN.
If an error in a parameter was terminated with RETURN, type CTRIlC to return to the initial
prompt and re-enter all parameters.
If a lamp remains ON, even though the corresponding switch is OFF (out position), the switch
is either wired incorrectly or the bit in the I/O Control Processor switch/display register for that
switch is faulty. Refer to Section to localize the problem.
• Test 003 t Fault switch-Directs pressing the lit Fault switch. The program then monitors the
switch bits in the I/O Control Processor switch/display register and waits for the Fault switch
bit to set. If any other switch bit sets, an error is reported and the program terminates.
If pressing the Fault switch has no effect, one of the following could be the cause:
Fault switch is broken.
Fault switch is not properly wired.
Fault switch bit in the 110 Control Processor CSR cannot be set.
Refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
If pressing the Fault switch results in an error message, refer to Section 6.11.7.
• Test 004t Online switch-Directs pressing the lit Online switch. The program then monitors
the switch bits in the I/O Control Processor switch/display register and waits for the Online
switch bit to set. If any other switch bit sets, an error is reported and the program is
If pressing the Online switch has no effect, one of the following could be the cause:
Online switch is broken.
Online switch is not properly wired.
Online switch bit in the I/O Control Processor CSR cannot be set.
Refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
If pressing the Online switch results in an error message, refer to Section 6.11.7.
• Test 005t first unmarked switch-Directs pressing the lit first unmarked switch. The
program then monitors the switch bits in the I/O Control Processor switch/display register and
waits for the first unmarked switch bit to set. If any other switch bit sets, an error is reported
and the program is terminated.
If pressing the first unmarked switch has no effect, one of the following could be the cause:
First unmarked switch is broken.
First unmarked switch is not properly wired.
First unmarked switch bit in the I/O Control Processor CSR cannot be set.
Refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
If pressing the first unmarked switch results in an error message, refer to Section 6.11.7.
• Test 006t second unmarked switch-Directs pressing the lit second unmarked switch. The
program then monitors the switch bits in the I/O Control Processor switch/display register
and waits for the second unmarked switch bit to set. If any other switch bit sets, an error is
reported and the program terminates.
If pressing the second unmarked switch has no effect, one of the following could be the cause:
Second unmarked switch is broken.
Second unmarked switch is not properly wired.
Second unmarked switch bit in the I/O Control Processor CSR cannot be set.
Refer to the troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
Off-line Diagnostics 6-77
If pressing the second unmarked switch results in an error message, refer to Section 6.11.7.
• Test 007, enable LED off-Begins with a prompt to put the SecurelEnable switch into the
secure position. The program waits until bit 15 of the 110 Control Processor control and status
register reads as a 0, indicating the switch is in the secure position. Then the program tells the
operator to observe that the enable LED 'is OFF.
If the enable LED fails to turn off when the switch is in the secure position, replace the OCP.
• Test 008,!nit switch in secure mode-Checks that the Init switch has no effect when the
SecurelEnable switch is in the secure position. The test prompts for the Init switch to be
pressed while the program monitors the switch bits in the 110 Control Processor switch/display
register. Monitoring ensures that pressing the Init switch does not cause any switch bits to set.
If pressing the Init switch causes the HSC to reboot, the secure position of the SecurelEnable
switch is not disabling the Init switch. Replace the OCP.
If pressing the Init switch causes one of the switch bits in the switch/display register to set, an
error message is displayed. Refer to Section 6.11. 7 for further information.
• Test 009, break key in secure mode-Checks if the terminal break key has no effect when
the SecurelEnable switch is in the secure position. (Normally the break key causes the 110
Control Processor JIl1Fll CPU to halt and enter ODT.) The prompt is to press the break key
and to observe if the HSC does not halt.
If pressing the break key causes the terminal to print an @ symbol, the secure position of the
SecurelEnable switch is not disabling break from halting the JI11Fll CPU.
The media address (MA) field of the error report gives the address of the 110 Control Processor
switch/display register. The EXPected and ACTual data in the error report show the switch bit
the program expected to find set and the bit or bits that actually were set.
If the EXPected and ACTual data each consist of only one bit, the failure was caused by either
the operator pressing the wrong switch or by a wiring error. If the ACTual data consists of two
or more set bits, a short between switches is likely. Refer to the troubleshooting procedures in
Section 6.11.8.
• Error 001, bit set when Init is pressed - Occurs when the Init switch is pressed while the
HSC is in the secure mode (test 008). This error can be caused by one of the following:
Pressing some switch other than the lnit switch.
Pressing the lnit switch, causing a switch bit in the 110 Control Processor switch/display
register to set.
The media address (MA) field of the error report gives the address of the 110 Control Processor
switch display register. The EXPected data is always 0 (no bit is expected to set). The ACTual
data shows the bit or bits that read as a 1 when the lnit switch was pressed. Refer to the
troubleshooting procedures in Section 6.11.8.
,It , ,
'_____-....y,._-_____J I~ I~
6. Type RETURN to restart the off-line loader (or the diagnostic that was interrupted), then type
Using this method, various lamps can be manually enabled or disabled.
, . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0 0 0 0 0 ( 8 ) 0 WHEN SECURE
, . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - 40000(8) ALWAYS 0
,....-----------20000(8) ALWAYS 0
~--------10000(8) ALWAYS 0
...----1000(8) ALWAYS 0
, It , ,
115114113112111110J 9 I 8 I 7 I 6 I 5 1 4 I 3 I 2 11 J 0 J
h 'I' " 'I'
4. To light the State LED, type the octal value corresponding to the State LED, followed by
RETURN. To extinguish the State LED, put a 0 in the same bit position and press RETURN.
Bit 7 of the 110 Control Processor CSR must he set to allow the HSC Ks to access
Control memory. The setting of other hits in the CSR can result in side effects. Be
careful not to set any hits except the State LED hit and leave hit 7 set when done.
5. 1YPe a slash (I) to re-examine the contents of the I/O Control Processor CSR.
6. To restart the off-line loader (or the diagnostic that was interrupted), type RETURN, then type
Utilities 7-1
7.1 Introduction
This chapter contains the information required to run the following off-line utilities:
• DKUTIL - Off-line Disk Utility
• VERIFY - Off-line Disk Verify Utility
• FORMAT - Off-line Disk Formatter Utility
• PATCH - Off-line Load Media Modification Utility
The HSC must be in the command mode before running the off-line utilities. Type CTRLIY to get
the command prompt.
Topics covered in this chapter include initiating the utility, using commands, and interpreting error
messages. These HSC utilities are interactive and therefore are prompt-oriented. Note that prompt
information displayed in square brackets is the default.
Refer to the HSC User Guide for information on other HSC utilities that are not documented in this
The format for entering the drive is a D followed by the unit number. If the drive parameter is
omitted, DKUTIL defaults to DOOO (unit 0).
7-2 Utilities
The first block of the Format Control Table (FCT) is read, if possible, and dumped in a format
similar to a VERIFY printout. The unit is brought on line with the ignore media format error
modifier so drives improperly or not completely formatted can be examined. If the FCT cannot be
read or the mode is invalid, the program prompts for the sector size.
DKUTIL-Q Enter sector size (512/576) [512]?
The program places the unit in diagnostic mode to access the DBN area. The program retmns to
the command mode and prompts for a command.
Comment lines can be entered by prefixing them with an exclamation point (D. A null line is
ignored. Entering CTRUZ terminates the program. Commands are executed immediately and take
only the time necessary to print the results. Entering CTRUY or CTRUC at any time aborts the
program and releases the drive.
Modifiers are processed left to right and applied to the current default modifiers. The DUMP
command is the exception. The default modifiers for DUMP can be changed through the DEFAULT
command. The initial default modifiers for DUMP are !DATA, IEDe, and IIFERROR.
Utilities 7-3
DISPLAY ERRORS-Reads the error history in the drive. The error history in the drive is
read from region 2, offset 0, and dumped in hexadecimal. This option should not be used for
RA60 drives because it causes them to become inoperative. Current drives display only 16
bytes of error log data. Succeeding drives display the error log header and all selected error
log entries.
DISPLAY FCT-Displays the information in FCT block O. Certain fields are not displayed
unless the /FULL modifier is given. The list of bad PBNs is displayed unless the fNOITEMS
modifier is given. For each item in the list, the header bits, PBN number, type (DBN, LBN,
RBN, or XBN), and XBN number are displayed.
DISPLAY RCT-Displays the information in RCT block O. Certain fields are not displayed
unless the /FULL modifier is given. The list of revectors, bad RBN s, and probationary
RBNs are displayed unless the /NOITEMS modifier is given. For bad and probationary
RBNs, just the RBN number is displayed (in decimal). For revectors, the LBN number and
RBN number to which it is revectored are displayed (in decimal). A primary revector is
distinguished by the character sequence "->". A non-primary revector is distinguished by
the character sequence "*->".
Examples are:
DUMP xCT [BLOCK {number}] [COpy {copy}]-If a BLOCK number is given, that
block in the FCT or RCT is read in and dumped. If none is specified, every block in the
nonpad area of the FCT or RCT is read in and dumped. If COPY is not specified, it defaults
to copy l.
Examples of DUMP command parameters are:
DU LBN 1000
• Modifiers:
IIFERROR (NOIFERROR) (defaults ON)-Dumps the error, header, and ECC fields in the
buffer when an error occurs while reading the block. When used in conjunction with the
/RAW modifier, the error must occur on the read of the LBN (reread) with the header code
extracted from the RBN (first read). Refer to Section
IERRORS (NOERRORS) (defaults OFF)-Dumps the error fields in the buffer.
IEDC (NOEDC) (defaults ON)-Dumps the EDC and calculated EDC fields in the buffer.
IECC (NOECC) (defaults OFF)-Dumps the ECC fields in the buffer.
/DATA (NODATA) (defaults ON)-Displays the data in the buffer unless the /NZ modifier is
also specified.
/HEADERS (NOHEADERS) (defaults OFF)-Displays the header fields in the buffer.
fALL (NONE)-The same as IERRORSIEDCIECCIDATAlHEADERS. It requests display
of all fields. Its opposite, INONE, requests display of no fields. When using the INONE
qualifier, only the MSCP status line prints.
/RAW (NORAW)-Allows a read of the original revectored LBN (rather than the RBN that
would be read without the /RAW qualifier). !RAW only affects revectored (primary or non-
primary) LBNs. If in effect, the IIFERROR modifier applies only to dumping a revectored
/NZ (NONZ)-Prevents data from being displayed when it is all O's. Instead, a single line
prints indicating the data is O's. INZ has no effect unless the /DATA modifier is specified. It
also has no effect if /DATA is not specified (or is defaulted OFF).
IBBR (NOBBR) (defaults OFF)-Permits bad block replacement. Normally, bad block
replacement is inhibited when a block is accessed. BBR occurs if the block being accessed is
detected as bad by the error recovery code and is an LBN in the host area.
fORIGINAL (NOORIGINAL)-Saves the first data seen for display. When a block is
accessed for dumping, the data is seen twice by the program when an error occurs. It is
seen first just after the K detects the error and sends it to error recovery. It is seen again
after error recovery takes place and the data has been corrected or reread. Normally, the
data is saved for displaying when it is last seen.
• Usage: The current drive is released, all resources are returned, and the program exits.
Examples are:
.- DKUTIL-E All copies of xCT Block n are bad-Prints when all copies of FCT or RCT blocks
are bad. It occurs when the FCT or RCT is being read just after a drive has been selected, or
when the DISPLAY FCT or DISPLAY RCT command is being used.
• DKUTIL-E Invalid sector size; only 512 and 576 are legal-Prints if the sector size
entered for the SET SIZE command is other than 512 or 576 bytes.
• DKUTIL-E Revector for LBN n failed., MSCP Status: (status)-Prints if a revector (using
the REVECTOR command) fails. If the status indicated that the drive went OFFLINE or
AVAILABLE, DKUTIL goes into command mode.
• DKUTIL-E Error log corrupted., cannot display header-Prints when the DISPLAY
ERRORS command reads a header that does not begin with the standard FFFB code.
• DKUTIL-E Error log corrupted, cannot display entries-Prints when the DISPLAY
ERRORS command is unable to read a valid entry from region FFFB.
• DKUTIL-E Unable to read error log-Prints when the DISPLAY ERRORS command is
unable to execute the read memory command.
• DKUTIL-E Error log not implemented in drive-Prints when the DISPLAY ERRORS
command is executed on an RA60.
• DKUTIL-E Drive must be acquired to execute this command-Prints if the requested
command requires that a drive must first be acquired before the command can be executed. A
drive can be acquired and not brought on line by using the /NOONLINE modifier with the GET
• DKUTIL-E Drive must be on line to execute this command-Prints if the requested
command requires that a drive first be acquired and brought on line before the command can
be executed.
The VERIFY utility only reads the disk. It does not destroy user data and does not
perform bad block replacement.
The following steps describe the process by which this utility verifies a disk:
1. The first block of the Factory Control Table (FCT) is read to determine how the disk is
formatted. The serial number, format mode, date first formatted, date last formatted, format
instance, state of the FCT, number of bad PBNs, scratch area parameters (offset, size of not
last, and size of last), flags, and format version are printed.
2. The first block of the Revector Control Table (RCT) is then read. The information in it is
printed, including the serial number, flags, bad block replacement variables (LBN being
replaced, replacement RBN, and bad RBN) , and cache variables (ID, incarnation, and
incarnation date).
3. All copies of the first two blocks in the RCT (used by bad block replacement) are read and
compared. Discrepancies or bad blocks are reported.
4. All copies of the rest of the RCT are read and compared. Any discrepancies or bad blocks are
reported. The information about revectors and bad RBNs is dumped. A summary of the number
of bad blocks and revectors by type is printed.
5. All copies of FCT block 0 are read and compared, and bad blocks or discrepancies are reported.
6. All copies of the appropriate FCT subtable are read (if not null) and bad blocks or discrepancies
are reported.
7. The list of bad PBNs is printed. Each entry is printed with the header bits, PBN number, and
XBN number (in parentheses) as separate fields. If a bad PBN which should be in the RCT but
is not is found, the XBN field is printed in brackets instead of parentheses. If any such PBNs
are found, an error message indicating the total number is printed at the end of the bad PBN
S. Mter reading and dumping the FCT, a quick scan of DBN space is done. Every block is accessed
only once. Counts of various detected errors are recorded for a summary printed at the end of
the scan. If more than nine positioner errors are detected, a message is printed suggesting
DBN space be reformatted. If more than nine EDC errors are detected, a message is printed
suggesting the INITIAL WRITE option should be used when running ILEXER.
9. All LBN space up to the RCT and all RBNs are scanned. Any block with an error is reread five
more times to determine the type of error. Information about bad blocks and revectors collected
in this phase is compared with information collected from reading the RCT. During the scan,
four error classes can be found:
Structure errors
Permanent recoverable errors
Permanent unrecoverable errors
Transient errors
Structure and permanent unrecoverable errors are considered inconsistencies and are always
reported. Permanent recoverable errors, usually ECC errors, are reported if requested. During
the five rereads of a block with an error, a block read at least once with no detected error is
considered to have a transient error. Transient errors are reported if requested.
7-16 Utilities
10. At the end of the scan, certain other errors are reported. Some errors can only be determined
at that time by examining information collected during the scan.
11. Finally, a summary, by type, of the errors detected and certain other information is printed.
If no inconsistencies were discovered, a message prints saying the drive is OK Otherwise, the
message indicates the number of inconsistencies.
The following prompt asks for the unit number of the disk to verify.
VERIFY-Q Enter unit number to verify (U) [DO]?
Enter Y or press RETURN if the disk has not been accessed by a host or diagnostic since it was
This question is asked because certain errors are classed as inconsistencies only when the disk has
not undergone bad block replacement after formatting. The next prompt determines whether errors
not considered inconsistencies should be reported.
VERIFY-Q Print informational (non-warning) messages (YIN) [N]?
Enter N or press RETURN if you want VERIFY to only report inconsistencies-but not information
VERIFY reports the total number of transient errors in its final summary. You can also request
that VERIFY display individual blocks with transient errors. If you answered Y to the above
prompt, VERIFY next prompts:
VERIFY-Q Report transient errors by block (YIN) [N]?
If you enter Y, VERIFY displays a message for each block that contains a transient error. If you
enter N or press RETURN, you will not get this report.
Regardless of the response to this question, the number of transient errors is printed in the final
summary. The response to this question determines whether or not individual blocks with transient
errors should be reported.
A CTRLIZ can be entered at any prompt for the remainder of the responses. CTRUZ forces the
default response (in square brackets). Also, the responses to subsequent questions can be supplied
at any question by typing them separated with commas. For example, if unit D133 which was just
formatted is to be verified and all options are to be selected, the user could type DI33"Y,Y at the
first prompt.
If the unit does not exist or cannot be accessed, notification and reprompt for another unit number
are received. If the unit can be accessed, it is acquired and brought on line. VERIFY runs to
completion, unless aborted by CTRLIY or CTRUC.
Utilities 7-17
3 total ECC symbols corrected,
3 blocks with 1 symbol ECC errors,
2 revectors verified,
5 total blocks with any error.
VERIFY-I Drive is OK.
The preceding example is the output of an actual session for an RA80 disk with one bad PBN in
the FCT. Notice this PBN corresponds to copy 1 of RCT block 2. RCT block 2 is used to store the
copy of the user data during bad block replacement. In its scan of the RCT, VERIFY noticed this
block was bad and printed an information message indicating that. If information messages had
been suppressed by responding with N to VERIFY-Q Print information (nonwarning) messages, this
information would show only in the summary of the RCT dump.
In the example, VERIFY also printed information messages for the three blocks it found with solid
one-symbol correctable ECC errors. If information messages had been suppressed, these messages
would not have printed. However, the number of such blocks would show up in the summary
No transient errors were detected and, therefore, no count is reported in the summary statistics.
Also note that although no messages were printed for them, the two revectors in the RCT were
verified (as indicated in the summary statistics). Note the odd date for the First Formatted field.
This date is the default when no date is supplied by a host or a human during manufacturing
format. If structure inconsistencies had been found, some of the following VERIFY error messages
would also print.
• VERIFY-W Nonexistent unit number-Prints if the unit number entered does not
correspond to any known unit. The program reprompts for the unit number.
• VERlFY-W Unit is not available-Prints if the unit requested is unavailable. It may be
in use by a host or another diagnostic, or it may be inoperative. The program reprompts for
another unit.
• VERIFY-W XBN n. has a hard EDC error-Prints for LBNs and RBNs found to have
a bad EDC (neither correct nor forced error). This error is classed as an inconsistency.
Only a software error can result in a record with a bad EDC (unless the DKUTIL command
WRITEfBAD is used).
• VERIFY-W XBN n. I/O error in access (MSCP Code: o)-Indicates that an inconsistency
was found in the drive or data channel module. VERIFY provides its own error processing for
records read where the K detects errors. This message is displayed under two conditions:
a. If requests do not return with a SUCCESS code, indicating a problem in the drive or disk
data channel.
b. If the return from the 110 operation is not successful after VERIFY reads the record in error
one more time with error recovery enabled.
• VERlFY-W RBN block is good but not used for a revector-VERIFY found a valid RBN
(with valid EDC) in the verification pass, but it is not recorded in the RCT as being used. This
record should not exist just after FORMAT has been run.
If you answered YES to the Was Unit Formatted prompt, this message is displayed with a
severity of W (warning). If the disk has undergone bad block replacement, this message is
displayed with a severity of I (informational).-If the drive was just formatted, reformat. If
the drive was not recently formatted, no action is necessary. If the message is displayed again,
submit an SPR.
• VERIFY-W RBN block_no marked bad in the RCT was not bad-VERIFY flagged a bad
RBN in the RCT that is not bad. This condition should not exist after FORMAT has been run.
If you answered YES to the Was Unit Formatted prompt, this message is displayed with a
severity of W (warning). If the disk has undergone bad block replacement, this message is
displayed with a severity of I (informational).
• VERIFY-W LBN block has corrupted data (forced error)-A bad block replacement
in which the data could not be recovered produced a revectored LBN with forced error set,
indicating the data is probably bad. No such LBNs should exist after FORMAT has been run.
If you answered YES to the Was Unit Formatted prompt, this message is displayed with a
severity of W (warning). If the disk has undergone bad block replacement, this message is
displayed with a severity of I (informational).
• VERIFY-W LBN n marked primary in RCT, not revectored to its primary-The specified
LBN number that was marked primary in the RCT was not revectored to its primary RBN.
• VERIFY-W xBN block has an uncorrectable ECC error-VERIFY detected an LBN or an
RBN with an uncorrectable ECC error that was not marked bad in the RCT. An LBN with an
uncorrectable ECC error should be revectored by FORMAT or bad block replacement; an RBN
with an uncorrectable ECC error should be marked bad in the RCT. Both of these errors are
classed as inconsistencies.
If VERIFY detects an RBN with an uncorrectable ECC error and it IS marked bad in
the ReT, this message is displayed as an informational message.
Utilities 7-21
• VERIFY-I RBN block is good but not used for a revector-VERIFY found a valid RBN
(with valid ED C) in the verification pass, but it is not recorded in the RCT as being used. This
record should not exist just after FORMAT has been nIn.
• VERIFY-I RBN block_no marked bad in the RCT was not bad-VERIFY flagged a bad
RBN in the RCT that is not bad. This condition should not exist after FORMAT has been run.
• VERIFY-I LBN block has corrupted data (forced error)-A bad block replacement in
which the data could not be recovered produced a revectored LBN with forced error set,
indicating the data is probably bad. This condition should not exist after FORMAT has been
• VERIFY-I xBN block has an UDcorrectable ECC error - VERIFY detected an RBN with
an uncorrectable ECC error that was marked bad in the RCT.
If VERIFY detects an RBN with an uncorrectable ECC error and it is NOT marked
bad in the RCT, this message is displayed with a severity of W (Warning).
7-22 Utilities
• VERIFY-I n Blocks with hard EDC errors-The number of blocks with hard EDC errors.
• VERIFY-I n LBNs with corrupted data-The number of revectored LBNs with forced error
set. This indicates the data is probably bad.
• VERIFY-I n unused RBNs with good EDC-The number of RBNs with valid EDCs that are
recorded in the RCT as being used.
• VERIFY-I n good RBNs marked bad in the RCT-The number of RBNs marked bad in the
RCT that are actually good.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with solid (non-ECC) errors-Indicates the number of blocks with solid
(not ECC or EDC) errors.
• VERIFY-I n total ECC symbols corrected-Indicates the total number of ECC symbols
corrected during the VERIFY operation.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with n symbol ECC errors-Indicates the number of blocks in which a
specified number of ECC symbols were corrected.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with uncorrectable ECC errors-The number of blocks in which
uncorrectable ECC errors were detected.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with transient errors-The number of blocks in which transient errors
were detected.
• VERIFY-I n revectors verified - Indicates the number of revectors that were correctly
verified. Correct verification requires that all blocks that are primary or non-primary revectors
are recorded as such in the ReT.
• VERIFY-I n bad RBNs verified - The number of bad RBNs that were verified as bad in the
• VERIFY-I n total blocks with any error-The total number of blocks that contained an
error(s) of any kind.
• VERIFY-I n bad DBNs-The number of bad DBNs VERIFY encountered.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with positioner errors-The number of blocks in which positioner errors
were detected.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with header compare errors-The number of blocks in which header
compare errors were detected.
• VERIFY-I n blocks with EDC errors-The number of blocks in which EDC errors were
• VERIFY-I n blocks with non-header, non-EDC errors-The number of blocks with in
which non-header, non-EDC errors were detected.
• VERIFY-I Exiting-Has completed and is exiting, or you pressed CTRUC or CTRUY.
The FORMAT utility destroys user data if used by persons not familiar with DSA.
The DBN area is always formatted. If the user requests it, the LBN area also is formatted. When
the LBN area is formatted, there are two modes of operation: the reformat and the best guess
Utilities 7-23
In reformat mode, the FCT on the disk is used and the XBN area is not formatted. If a reformat is
requested, but the FCT is null or corrupt, a modified best guess mode is used where only the LBN
area is formatted.
The main difference between best guess mode and reformat mode is each track is reread at least
three times during the check pass (best guess mode) instead of once (reformat mode). If any error
is detected, the track is reread 20 times instead of 3 times for reformat mode.
Be careful when using CTRUC or CTRUY to abort the FORMAT utility after formatting
operations begin. Doing this may destroy the contents of the FCT and/or the RCT.
The FORMAT utility should only be aborted under fatal-unrecoverable disk failure
The next prompt determines whether the LBN (user data) area should be formatted or whether
only the DBN (diagnostic) area should be formatted. If this prompt is answered with a Y, user data
is destroyed.
FORMAT-Q Format user data area (Y/N) [N]?
If replied with an N or a carriage return only (to obtain the default), the program starts executing
and formatting only the DBN area. If a Y is entered, the program prompts for the sector size to use
when formatting the disk.
FORMAT-Q Enter sector size to be used (512/576) [512]?
If only the carriage return is pressed, the sector size used is 512 bytes. Otherwise, either 512 or
576 should be entered.
FORMAT-Q Continue if bad block information is inaccessible (Y/N) [N]?
If an N is entered, reformat mode is used if the FCT is valid. If it is not valid, the program aborts
with an appropriate error message. If Y is entered, reformat mode is used if the FCT is valid or a
modified best guess mode is used if the FCT is null or corrupt.
If the response to the preceding prompt is Y or the response to the destroy FCT prompt is Y, the
program prompts for a serial number:
FORMAT-Q Enter a non-zero serial number (D)?
This serial number is used when all copies of FCT block 0 are unreadable (in modified best guess
mode). FORMAT allows a number of special options, not only for debugging purposes but also to
increase data reliability. To determine if any of these options are desired, the program prompts
with the following:
FORMAT-Q Do you want special options (YIN) [N]?
If the response is N or a carriage return (the default ofN), FORMAT. starts processing.
7-24 Utilities
If the response is Y, the following three special option prompts appear. The first prompt option: is:
FORMAT-Q Revector blocks with 1 symbol ECC errors (YIN) [N]?
Nonnally, blocks discovered during the check pass of fonnatting with one-symbol ECC errors are
not retired. The program assumes this level of error is tolerable. If the response to this prompt
is Y, all blocks with solid (nontransient) ECC errors are retired. However, in all cases, blocks
with two-symbol (or more) ECC errors are always retired, regardless of the drive's ECC symbol
The second special option prompt is:
FORMAT-Q Revector blocks with transient errors (YIN) [N]?
Mter a track is formatted, it is read either once (reformat) or three times (best guess). If an error is
detected, and the mode is reformat, the track is read twice more. If any block not previously retired
shows an error twice, it is retired and the track is reformatted with this check pass done again. If
no block had errors twice, the track is read 3 more times (reformat) or 20 more times (best guess).
Blocks that show an error only once during all of these reads are nonnally not retired. Such errors
are considered tolerable transient errors. If the response to this prompt is Y, blocks that show any
error are retired.
The third and final special option prompt is:
FORMAT-Q Report position of bad blocks (YIN) [N]?
Blocks retired during the format process are reported with a single line printout. The type, block
number, and cause are printed. If the response to this prompt is Y, the PBN number, cylinder,
track, group, and pesition are also printed on a subsequent line.
The user can enter CTRLIZ at any prompt to use the default for the remainder of the responses.
Also, the responses to subsequent questions can be supplied at any question by typing the responses
separated by commas. For example, if unit DI33 has an FCT and is to be formatted in 512-byte
mode with no special options, the user could type D133,Y"" at the first prompt.
* VERIFY must be RUN to complete FORMAT verification!
* *
* *
The message in the BOLD indicates VERIFY must be run to complete verification. This
is an essential step and should not be skipped.
The preceding example is the output for an actual session for an RA80 disk with one bad PBN in
the FCT. Notice the message that indicates it was retired because it was in the FCT and also the
RCT area. Note the information message that is printed every 10 cylinders. This confirms that
progress is actually being made and to show at what rate. Also, note the two LBNs that were
retired because they had two-symbol ECC errors; they became primary revectors. The error log
messages were printed for them because, in the case of an RA.80, two symbols are in excess of the
ECC drive threshold.
The final statistics indicate two LBNs were revectored and one bad LBN was found in
the RCT area. The nine Blocks Retried on Check Pass include the two bad LBNs plus
seven other blocks with transient errors only and therefore not retired. The bad block
in the ReT was not retried in the check pass because it was known to be bad from the
FCT. This would be true for any blocks retired due to their location in the FCT. The final
message indicates an FCT was found and was successfully used.
7-26 Utilities
• FORMAT-F FCTwrite error!-Prints if all copies of some given block of the FCT cannot be
successfully written.
• FORMAT-F Formatter initialization error!-Prints if FORMAT cannot acquire enough
Data Buffers or control blocks to start formatting, or if the disk functional code is not loaded.
• FORMAT-F GET STATUS failure!-Prints if the unit requested is not available or cannot be
brought on line.
• FORMAT-F LBN format error (drive FORMAT command failed)!-Prints if a FORMAT
command fails for five retries when formatting the LBN area.
• FORMAT-F Nonexistent unit number!-Prints if the unit requested does not exist.
• FORMAT-F RCT does not have enough good copies of each blockY-Prints if any block
in the RCT does not have two good copies.
• FORMAT-F RCT is fullY-Prints if so many bad blocks are encountered that the RCT
• FORMAT-F RCT read error!-Prints if all copies of some given block of the RCT cannot be
successfully read.
• FORMAT-F RCT write error!-Prints if all copies of some given block of the RCT cannot be
successfully written.
• FORMAT-F SDI receive error!-Prints if a track cannot be read at all after it has been
• FORMAT-F Too many bad RBNs found before RCT was formatted-Prints if more RBNs
than can be recorded in memory are encountered before the RCT area has been formatted.
• FORMAT-F Unsuccessful SDI command!-Prints if the drive fails to respond to an SDI
command. FORMAT issues SEEK, RECALIBRATE, and DRIVE CLEAR SDI commands.
• FORMAT-I CTRUY or CTRLlC abort!-An information message and prints if the user
aborts FORMAT by typing a CTRLIY or CTRUC. Note, this probably leaves the disk in an
unusable state if the format has begun.
• FORMAT-I FCT was not used-Prints if a null or clobbered FCT was found on the disk or
generated at the request of the user (best guess mode).
• FORMAT-I FCT was used successfully-Prints if a valid FCT was found on the disk and
• FORMAT-I n Cylinders left in XBN space at hh:m.m:ss.xx-Prints after every 10 cylinders
are formatted in order to record the progress of the FORMAT program. .
• FORMAT-I Only DBN area formatted (n bad DBNs)-Prints if the user requested
formatting of the DBN area only. It prints after the format of the DBN area is completed.
Mter this message prints, the program terminates.
RETURN Closes the current location without modifying it and opens and displays the next consecutive
Utilities 7-29
n Sets the current location to a value of n, closes it, and opens and displays the next location.
Closes the current location without modifying it and opens and displays the previous
nA Sets the current location to n, closes it, and opens and displays the previous location.
;B Backs up to the previous prompt. If requesting new value, backs up to Offset. If at Offset,
backs up to Base. If at Base, prompts for the checksum.
;C Restores the value originally in the open location. Used when an incorrect location is
;E Exits to the checksum prompt. If entered at the checksum question, causes PATCH to exit
without making any modifications to the file.
;Q!n Performs a logical inclusive OR of the contents of the open location with n, and opens and
;Q!nA displays the contents of the next (or previous) location.
;Q&n Performs a logical AND of the contents of the open location with n, and opens and displays
;Q&nA the contents of the riext (or previous) location.
;V Displays all changes made to the file during the current session.
CTRUC Exits PATCH without modifying the file.
PATCH prompts for the device and name of the file to be patched.
HSC>PATCH-Q RX33 Unit and fi~ename (dev: fi~e • ext) [SY:] ?dev: fi~e • ext
Enter the file and device name. To use the default system drive, specify only the filename. Refer to
the following table for special considerations.
If Then
The file being modified with Install system and utility software of the same revision level.
PATCH is on the device containing
the system or utility software
The system version numbers do not PATCH displays an error message, releases all acquired resources, and
match terminates.
The file or device name is invalid PATCH displays an error message and prompts for another file and
device name.
7-30 Utilities
H Then
The filename extension is .SAV The load device unit is acquired for exclusive access and all changes by
other programs are locked out.
The filename extension is not .SAV The SYSCOM.INI file on the system medium and the. 2NDTAP.VER
on the utility medium are accessed to compare the system version
PATCH locates the file and checks the version numbers if necessary.
PATCH prompts for the base address of the patch.
Base (0) [000034]? IRETURN I
If the base address is odd, PATCH displays all values as bytes, rather an word values, unless no file
was specified.
PATCH prompts for the offset address of the patch.
Offset (0) [OOOOOO]? (100)
The default offset address is zero. If the offset address is odd, PATCH displays all values as bytes,
rather an word values, unless no file was specified.
PATCH prompts for the new contents of the file location.
Bas. Offset Old New?
aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc ?
Enter the new contents of the file location in the NEW field. Each field in the prompt is described
in the following table:
Field Meaning
Enter RETURN after typing in the new location contents. PATCH automatically increments
the offset to the next address, displays the current contents of that location, and prompts for a new
location contents. Use;B to enter new addresS/offset values as directed by the patch documentation,
and continue installing the patch data until completed.
Enter ;V to list the patch locations for verification. Check the changes carefully, and when you are
satisfied that all data has been entered correctly, exit the data entry prompt by typing ;E. If you
discover a mistake, enter CTRUC to abort the program without the patch, and start over.
Mter entering ;E, PATCH next prompts for the checksum.
Enter c:h.ckaum?
Enter the checksum given in the patch documentation. If you enter the wrong value, patch gives
you an error message and reprompts for the checksum. PATCH does not make any changes to the
file until you have entered the checksum.
PATCH then proceeds with the patch operation and displays a message indicating whether the
patch was successful and what patches were made.
Utilities 7-31
Mter installing the patch, reboot the HSC and verify that the system version number is
incremented on both the system and utility software. COPY the patched media to any backup
media as required and return. the system to service.
0 Base is 12000
6) Offset is 0 (default)
• PATCH-F Cannot access PATCH data file - PATCH cannot access the file you specified to
be patched.
• PATCH-F Cannot Access Version On Off-line Diagnostic medium-PATCH could not
access the file OFLLDR.SAV on the off-line diagnostic utility medium.
• PATCH-F Cannot Access Version On System medium - PATCH could not access the file
SYSCOM.INI on the system medium. If this message displays after the Wait ... message is
displayed, a serious bug or problem exists with the load medium. If the message displays just
after the filename has been entered, the system medium is probably not mounted.
• PATCH-F Cannot Access Version On Utility medium-PATCH could not access the file
2NDTAP.VER on the utility medium. If this message displays after the Wait ... message is
displayed, a serious bug or problem exists with the load device. If this message displays just
after the filename has been entered, the utility medium is probably not mounted.
• PATCH-F File Not Found-The user specified a nonexistent file. PATCH exits cleanly.
• PATCH-F Insufficient Resources To Run-The program could not acquire the resources to
run. Sufficient common pool memory is not available to allocate the necessary structures.
• PATCH-F Read Failure: block-number-When PATCH attempted to read the specified
block of the file, a media error occurred that cannot be recovered. PATCH exits cleanly.
• PATCH-F You cannot PATCH this file-The filename you specified cannot be patched.
• PATCH-F Unit(s) write-protected: update was not done-The disk unit on which the load
medium to be patched resides is write-protected.
• PATCH-F Version On System Medium Does Not Match Utility Medium- The version
numbers on the system and utility media do not match, indicating media from two different
revision levels are being used.
• PATCH-F Write Failure: block-number-When PATCH attempted to update the file with
the requested changes, a media error that cannot be recovered occurred in the specified
:file block. This is the most serious of errors because both file and medium integrity are
questionable. The usual recovery is to restore the medium with the backup copy made before
starting the patch.
• PATCH-F Write failure during write check, status: block number-PATCH verifies that
a file can be written before it actually writes to the file. You will get this message if the the
:file cannot be written for some reason other than the file being write-protected or a recoverable
software error.
Troubleshooting Techniques
8.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the types of errors occurring during HSC boot and operation. The major
divisions are initialization errors and system-type errors. Initialization errors occur while the HSC
is trying to boot. System-type errors occur while the HSC is running functional code. System-type
errors may be reported to a host node and possibly the HSC console device. Some system errors
may result in the HSC crashing and rebooting. System errors include MSCP, TMSCP, BBR, and
out-of-band errors.
8-2 Troubleshooting Techniques
03 03 00011 OFF OFF
fault. A soft fault code is cleared in the OCP by pressing the Fault switch a second time. To restart
the boot procedure, press the Init switch. To identify the probable failing module, see Figure 8-1.
The following paragraphs describe specific fault codes displayed in the OCP lamps. All fault codes
are indicated with octal values.
• Fault Code 1, K.pli error
Determine the error that occurred by examining physical location 17772340, which contains the
number of the failing boot ROM test. In each of these cases, replace the M.std2 module, and
run the initialization tests again. If the module still fails, run the off-line P.io test.
Enter the SETSHO utility and execute the SHO MEM command. If any memory locations
appear in the suspect or disabled memory locations list, set the SecurelEnable switch to enable
and execute the SET MEM ENABLE/ALL command.
• Fault Code 23, Boot device failure
UPARO 17777640
UPAR1 17777642
UPAR2 17777644
UPAR3 17777646
UPAR4 17777650
UPAR5 17777652
UPAR6 17777654
UPAR7 17777656
3. Analyze bits 8 to 11 of the 16-bit message displayed by examining UPAR7. Table 8-2 shows
the bit/error relationship.
Memory Management Unit (MMU) trap: Examine UPAR1, UPAR2, and UPAR3 to
determine the status of the :MMU at the time of the OCP fault code of 31. When an MMU
trap occurs, status of the MMU is found in these registers.
Software crash: Try using another copy of the boot media. If the problem is not corrected,
replace the P.iojlP.ioc module. If the problem still persists, replace the memory module.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-11
K.ci host reset: Press the break key again and at the @ symbol type 17 770 000/ when a
host reset is known as the reason for an OCP fault code of 31. This is the address of Control
memory window o. When the / is pressed, the contents of control window 0 are displayed.
Enter a 0 into this location followed by a carriage return. Then type 17 760 0021. This is
the second location in Control memory. The number displayed as the contents of 17 600 002
is the number of the host that issued the HOST RESET command.
• OCP error code 32, Software inconsistency
1B 33 11011 ON ON OFF ON ON
The entire LED package on the M.std2 or M.stel is called D2. All three LEDs are contained
in the D2 package.
Green Module OK-Turned on by the lnitIFunc Flag signal in the K functional microcode.
The green LED comes ON after successful initialization or while the data channel
is running functional microcode.
LED pack Amber DI-OFF for PROM 10adJ ON for RAM load.
(K.si (eight D2 through DB-Upper register #2 contents.
only) LEDs) The LEDs reflect the implemented bits of the upper error register #2. When a
microinstruction parity error is detected, the module clocks are inhibited, stopping
the module. The bit content of the upper error register #2 is displayed on the
Kpli D2 Red ON when P.io has booted or rebooted, but K. pli module has not yet passed its
Kpli Dl Green ON when Kpli has passed its self-test.
PlLA D2 Red ON when PILA module has not yet passed the test performed by the K.pli.
PlLA Dl Green ON when the PlLA module has pas~d the test performed by the K.pli. LED
is controlled by the port processor.
PlLA D3 Yellow Not found on all module revisions. ON when K. pli is asserting Init. When
lnit is true, both the red and the green PILA LEDs are forced OFF.
8-14 Troubleshooting Techniques
LINK D998 Green ON when local activity is present on the LINK. module. Whenever the LINK.
module detects a message directed to its node or when it detects an outgoing
LINK D999 Red ON during the CI maintenance loop test.
When the Init switch is released, the HSC reboots.
If this procedure fails to echo characters typed at the keyboard, the failure is either a terminal
to P.ioclj baud-rate mismatch (default is 9600), a P.ioj/c module failure, or a problem within the
terminal-cabling subsystem. Ensure the terminal setup parameters are correct. Refer to theHSC
Installation Manual for the proper terminal configuration, the VTxxx Owner's Manual for problem-
solving techniques related to the VTxxx, and the DECwriter Correspondent Technical Manual for
problem-solving techniques related to the LA12.
When a module fails internal microdiagnostics or its functional code, the status byte
reflects the failure. See Appendix D for a complete list of Kci, Ksdi, Ksti, and K.si
detected failures.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-15
TIME = 0
--- 07 (RED LED) ON
? ? ?
? ? ?
LOC 1777700 SHOULD
? ? ?
-? - ?-
0 0 0
Sheet 1 of 5
Sheet 2 of 5
Sheet 3 of 5
- - - -ON -
Sheet 1 of 4
3 ~----------~--------~
~--~ ----
-- ----
Sheet 2 of 4
Sheet 4 of 4
The requestor with the red LED ON is the failing requestor. In this case, the diagnostic identifies
requestor 2 as failing its internal self-test number 7. Additionally, the fault indicator turns on,
and a soft fault code of octal 12 is displayed on the OCP after the Fault switch is pressed. Refer to
Appendix C for a listing of STATUS = nnn codes.
See Section 8.3.1 for more information on errors indicated by the OCP.
ERROR-X The X is a code indicating the severity level of an error. The codes are: E for non-
fatal, Q for inquiry, I for informational, F for fatal, W for warning, and S for success.
Only severity levels E and Q require user action.
Information following the severity level code is a textual version of the error message
describing the event code, followed by the date and time.
Command Ref # This nwnber (in hexadecimal) is the MSCPfI'MSCP command number which caused
the reported error. It is zero if the error does not correspond to a specific outstanding
command. This number is normally assigned by the issuing host CPU.
Err Seq # This number (in decimal) is a sequential number which counts error log messages
since the MSCPtrMSCP server established a connection with the host. It is zero if
the MSCPfI'MSCP server does not implement error log sequence numbers.
Format Type This number (in hexadecimal) is the byte that describes the detailed format of the
error log message. Table 8-9 defines the format type codes. Format Type xx basically
defines the type of error packet.
Error Flags This number (in hexadecimal) indicates bit :flags, collectively called error log message
11ags, used to report various attributes of the error. Refer to Table 8-10.
Event This number (in hexadecimal) identifies the specific error or event being reported by
this error log message. This code consists of a 5-bit major event code and an 11-bit
subcode. The event codes and their meanings are listed in Appendix C.
00 Controller errors
01 Host memory access errors with memory address
02 Disk transfer errors
03 SDI errors
04 Small disk errors
05 Tape transfer errors
06 STI errors
07 STI drive error log
08 STI formatter error log
09 Bad block replacement
7 80 If set, the operation causing this error log message has successfully completed.
The error log message summarizes the retry sequence necessary to successfully
complete the operation.
6 40 If set, the retry sequence for this operation continues. This error log message
reports the unsuccessful completion of one or more retries.
5 20 This is MSCP-specific. If set, the identified logical block number (LBN) needs
4 10 This is MSCP-specific. If set, the reported error occurred during a disk access
initiated by the controller bad block replacement process.
o 1 If set, the error log sequence number has been reset by the MSCP server since the
last error log message was sent to the receiving class driver.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-29
Buffer Addr This number (in octal) is the starting address of the HSC Data Buffer where
the error occurred.
Source Req. This is the number (in decimal) of the requestor that originally filled the
buffer with data.
Detecting Req. This is the number (in decimal) of the requestor that detected the error.
8-30 Troubleshooting Techniques
RA81 unit # This is the number of the unit the error log message relates to, or is 4095 if the unit
number is unknown. In this example, the RA81 indicates the drive is an RA81 and
is unit 124.
Request This number (in hexadecimal) is a byte describing the various requests from the drive
for controller action. Figure 8-19 shows the bits of this byte field, and Table 8-13
describes the bits. In this example, the 1B indicates:
• RUN/STOP switch in
• Port switch in
• Logable information in extended area
• Spindle ready
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-31
Mode This number (in hexadecimal) is a byte describing the mode of the unit. These modes
can be altered by the controller. Figure 8-20 shows the bits of this byte field, and
Table 8-14 describes the bits. In this example, the 00 indicates:
Error This number (in hexadecimal) is a byte describing the the current drive error
conditions that prevent normal drive operations. Figure 8-21 shows the bits of
this byte field, and Table 8-15 describes the bits. In this example, the 80 indicates a
drive error has occurred, and the drive Fault lamp may be on.
Controller This· number (in hexadecimal) is a byte describing the subunits with attention
available messages suppressed in the controller and a status code indicating
various states of drive operation. Figure 8-22 shows the bits of this byte field,
and Table 8-16 describes the bits. In this example, the 00 indicates:
RetrylFail This number (in hexadecimal) is a byte containing one of two types of information
depending upon the status of the DF bit in the error field. The DF bit describes
the drive initialization process. The DF hit is a zero if the drive initialization
was successful. In this case, the RetrylFail field contains the retry count from
the previous operation. For example, a Seek operation required 14 retries to be
successful. If a GET STATUS command is initiated, the RetrylFail field contains the
number 14.
The DF bit set indicates the drive initialization failed, and therefore, the RetrylFail
contains a specific drive error code. This error code is defined in the appropriate
drive service manual.
In this example, 00 indicates no retry count exists for the previous operation. (The
DF bit is zero in the Error field.)
Extended status These bytes (in hexadecimal) contain the extended status of the particular drive. (In
this example it is an RA81.) Refer to the appropriate drive service manual for the
meaning of these bytes.
8-32 Troubleshooting Techniques
• 8~Controner command functional code last executed by the drive. (In this
• OO--Interface error status bits which are all reset.
• 03-Low-order cylinder address bits of the last Seek operation.
• OO-High-order cylinder address bits of the last Seek operation.
• 07-The present group address.
• 4B-Error code (index pulse error) displayed by the drive LEDs during the
execution of a drive-resident diagnostic.
• lA-Error code (servo fine positioning error) displayed on the OCP of the RABI.
Requestor # This number (in decimal) is the number of the requestor connected to the drive.
Drive port # This number (in decimal) is the number of the port on the requestor. (The ports are
numbered 0 through 3.)
OA A logical 1 in this position indicates the drive is unavailable to the controller. A logical 0
indicates the drive is available to the controller.
RR A logical 1 in this position indicates the drive requires an internal readjustment. Some drives
do not use this bit.
DR A logical 1 in this position indicates a request is outstanding to load a diagnostic in the drive
microprocessor memory. A logical 0 indicates no diagnostic is being requested of the host
SR A logical 1 in this position indicates the drive spindle is up to speed. A logical 0 indicates the
drive spindle is not up to speed.
EL A logical 1 in this position indicates usable information in the extended status area. A logical
o indicates no information is available in the extended status area.
PB A logical 1 in this bit position indicates the drive is connected to the controller through Port B.
A logical 0 indicates the drive is connected through Port A.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-33
PS A logical 1 in this bit position indicates the drive port select switch for this controller is pushed
in (selected). A logical 0 indicates the switch is out.
RU A logical 1 in this position indicates the RUN/STOP switch is pushed in (RUN). A logical 0
indicates the switch is out (STOP).
W4 W3 W2 W1 DD FO DB 57
W4-W1 A logical 1 in any of these four bit positions represents the write-protect status for the subunit.
(For example, a 0001 indicates subunit 0 within the selected drive is write-protected.)
DD A logical 1 in this position indicates the drive was disabled by a controller error routine or
diagnostic. The fault light is on when this bit is set. A logical 0 indicates the drive is enabled
for communication with a controller.
FO A logical 1 in this position indicates the drive can be formatted.
DB A logical 1 in this position indicates the diagnostic cylinders on the drive can be accessed.
S7 A logical 1 in this position indicates the 576-byte sector format is selected. A logical 0 indicates
that the 512-byte sector format is selected.
DE A logical 1 in this position indicates a drive error has occurred and the drive Fault lamp may
be on.
RE A logical 1 in this position indicates an error occurred in the transmission of a command
between the drive and the controller. The error could be a checksum error or an incorrectly
formatted command string.
8-34 Troubleshooting Techniques
PE A logical 1 in this position indicates improper command codes or parameters were issued to the
DF A logical 1 in this position indicates a failure in the initialization routine of the drive.
WE A logical 1 in this position indicates a write-lock error has occurred.
84 83 82 81 C1 C2 C3 C4
S4-S1 This is a 4-bit representation of the subUnits with attention available messages suppressed
in the controller. The right-most bit (Sl) represents subunit 1. The left-most bit (84)
represents subunit 4.
If one of the bits is set, it indicates the controller is not to interrupt the host CPU with
an attention available message when the specified subunit raises its available real-time
drive status line to the controller. The S4 through Sl bits reflect the results of a CHANGE
CONTROLLER FLAGS command in which attention available messages are not desired for
certain subunits.
C4-C1 This is a 4-bit drive status code indicating various states of drive operation.
When the HSC marks the drive as inoperative, it places the drive in a state of Unit.-Off-
line with a substate of Unit-Inoperative relative to this HSC.
Command Ref 50400015
RAe1 unit 120.
Err Seq .f 9.
Format Type 02
Error Flags EO
Event 01Ce
Recovery level O.
Recovery count O.
LBN 426978
Orig err flags 100020
Recovery Flags 000003
LvI A retry cnt 1.
LvI B retry cnt o.
Buffer addrs 143022
Source Req. 5.
Detecting Req. 5.
Error-I End of error.
RA81 unit # This is the number of the -iInit the error log message relates to, or is 4095 if the unit
number is unknown. In this example, the RA81 indicates the drive is an RA81 and
is unit 120.
Recovery level This number indicates the drive error recovery level used for the most recent transfer
attempt by the unit. In this example, the 0 indicates it used error recovery level o.
An RA81 only has a recovery level of 0 (recalibration).
Recovery count This number indicates the number of times the drive recovery level was tried. In this
example, the 0 indicates the recovery level was not retried.
LBN This number indicates the logical block number. In this example, the LBN is 426978.
Original This number (octal) indicates the original errors associated with this error.
error flags Table 8-18 describes the bits associated with this field. In this example, the 100020
• ECC error
• EDC error
Recovery flags This number (octal) indicates the recovery flags the software processes should take
to recover from this error. Table 8-19 describes the bits associated with this field. In
this example, the 000003 indicates:
LvI A retry This number indicates the number· of times the HSC attempted the level A recovery
count routines. These routines are those not requiring any exhaustive SI exchanges as part
of the recovery sequence. In this example, the 1 indicates the ECC error correction
was completed in the HSC without going over the SI.
LvI B retry This number indicates the number of times the HSC attempted the level B recovery
count routines. These routines require extensive SDI exchanges as part of the recovery
sequence. In this example, the 0 indicates no level B recovery was attempted.
Buffer address This number (octal) is the address of the HSC internal Data Buffer associated with
this error. In this example, the buffer address is 143022.
Source This number is the requestor that filled the buffer with data. In this example, the 5
Requestor indicates the source requestor was requestor number 5. A requestor of 1 in this field
would indicate a disk Write operation. All other values would indicate a disk Read
Detecting This number is the requestor that detected that error. In this example, the 5
Requestor indicates requestor number 5 detected the ECC error.
Table S-18 shows definitions of the original error £lags and Table S-19 defines the recovery flags.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-37
Replace Flags This number (in hexadecimal) indicates bit flagS used to report in detail the outcome
of the bad block replacement attempt. In this example, the 8000 indicates the block
was verified as bad.
LBN This number (in decimal) is the logical block number that is the target of the
replacement. In this example, the LBN is 205.
Old RBN This number (in decimal) indicates the RBN the bad LBN was formerly replaced
with, or zero if it was not formerly replaced. In this example, the 0 indicates it was
not formerly replaced.
NewRBN This number (in decimal) indicates the RBN the bad LBN was replaced with, or is
zero if no actual replacement was attempted. In this example the new RBN is 5.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-39
Cause Event This number (in hexadecimal) is the event code from the original error that caused
the replacement to be attempted. The number is zero if that event code not available.
Refer to Appendix C for a listing of generic error log fields. In this example, the OOE8
indicates an uncorrectable ECC error caused the bad block replacement.
15 8000 Replacement attempted-This bit is set if the suspect bad block indeed tested
bad during the initial stages of the replacement process. If not set, the suspect
block did not check bad and no replacement was completed.
14 4000 Forced error-The data from the suspect bad block could not be corrected
or obtained without error. The Forced Error Indicator will be written to the
replacement block along with the bad data from the block that was replaced.
The user data from the bad block is read with a forced error when accessed. If
this condition occurs frequently on a specific drive, then a closer analysis of the
drive for possible problems is recommended.
13 2000 Nonprimary revector-This bit is set if the replacement process was
accomplished and required putting the bad block data into a replacement
block that is not the bad block's primary RBN.
12 1000 Reformat error-This bit is set during the replacement process if the status
coming back from the execution of the MSCP REPLACE command is not
successful. If this occurs, the drive should not be used until it is reformatted.
NOTE: The HSC does not use the REPLACE command as it initiates its
own BBR. This message is printed for the HSC equivalent of the REPLACE
command such as FORMAT SECTOR.
11 800 RCT inconsistent-This bit is set if the Replacement Control Tables are not
usable. The drive should not be used until it can be reformatted.
10 400 Bad replacement block-This bit is set if the bad block reported is a
replacement block. The replacement block can be replaced just like any other
Event The number (in hexadecimal) identifies the specific error or event reported by this error log
message. The event codes and their meanings are shown in Appendix C. In this example, the
OOEB means drive-detected error.
Position This is the last known tape position the formatter received. This is given in gap counts from
BOT. In this example, the number 13026 means 13026 gaps from BOT.
GSS Text The GSS Text field is the response received by the HSC from the formatter when the HSC
issues the GET SUMMARY STATUS (GSS) and TOPOLOGY commands. The GSS text in this
example is 02 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. This means level 2 protocol error, Speed
Management Enabled, and Zero Threshold. See Section for details on field definitions
and bit decoding.
Position The last known tape position the formatter received. This is given in gap counts
from BOT. In this example, the number 1057 means 1057 gaps from BOT.
STI Formatter Error See Table 8-24.
1 40 Formatter error
2 00 Not set for this example
3 00 Not set for this example
4 81 Data pulse parity error during data transfer
The information contained in these fields is product specific. Refer to the
appropriate drive manual for a description of the remainder of the bytes.
Position The last known tape position where the HSC believes the tape drive is, upon
successful completion of all outstanding commands. This is given in gap counts
from BOT. In this example the number 1 means 1 gap from BOT.
GEDSText See Table 8-26.
Drive Error Log See Table 8-27.
Refer also to Section for field definitions and bit decoding.
The infonnation shown in Table 8-27 is product specific to the TA78. See the TA78 Service Manual
for details.
Table 8-27 STI Drive Error Log (TA78 Drive Product Specific)
Byte No. Byte Data Description
Table 8-27 (Cont.) STI Drive Error Log (TA78 Drive Product Specific)
Byte No. Byte Data Description
Table 8-27 (Cont.) STI Drive Error Log (TA78 Drive Product Specific)
Byte No. Byte Data Description
45 00
46 16 125 ips tape drive
47,48 25,97 Tape unit serial #2597
49 A2 AMTIE threshold field =2
Write BIT 4
50 00
51 00
• Fifth through eighth bytes = Gap count-The formatter's gap count is from the beginning
of the tape to where the tape drive is. The contents of this field may differ from the Position
field in this error message. The HSC's gap count is contained in the Position field at the end of
successful completion of all outstanding commands.
• WP: Write protect-Set when the controller desires to illuminate the write protect light on the
selected unit.
• ZT: Zero threshold-Instructs the formatter to change all error thresholds from their default
values to zero.
Always verify proper dc voltage levels if the indicated possible FRUs do not rectify
Some out-of-band errors report microcode-detected error status codes within the
printout. Refer to Appendix D for a full list of all K.ci, K.sti, K.sdi, K.si, and microcode-
detected errors.
When replacing indicated FRUs, always verify correct dc voltage levels before and after
replacing a module.
8-50 Troubleshooting Techniques
The -S following the SYSDEV prompt and before the Seq. number indicates the severity level. The
RX33 has three severity levels:
1. Success (S): 1\vo or less errors during a command/retry.
2. Informational #(1): More than two errors.
3. Error (E): Unrecoverable error.
The status field is most important and is a direct indication of the error. Following is a list of the
RX33 status codes:
• 000: Success.
• 001: Success with retries.
• 002: Software version mismatch (driver versus operating code).
• 200: Command aborted through a CTRLIY or exception operation.
• 201: Illegal file name.
• 202: File not found.
• 203: File is not in a loadable image format.
• 204: Insufficient memory to load image.
• 205: No free partition to load image into.
• 206: Unit is software-disabled.
• 365: Unit is write-protected.
• 367: No media mounted.
• 375: EOF detected during read or write.
• 376: Hard disk error, other than the following:
370: Bad unit number.
357: Data check error.
343: Motor broken (would not spin up).
340: Un correctable seek error (desired cylinder not found).
311: Bad record (LBN) number (not on media).
272: Parity error in controller on M.std2 module.
In the example, the failing diskette drive is indicated by DX1:. The logical block number where
the failure occurred is displayed by LBN 1488. The three numbers in parentheses, separated by
commas after the logical block number indicate in order the cylinder, the media surface, and the
drive sector.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-51
The Seek entry's first group of zeros shows the retry count for seeklrecal errors or the number of
times the command was issued but not completed. The second group of zeros shows an inclusive
OR of the control and status registers CSR bits set during seek error retries. The important bit in
a seek error is bit 4.
The Tran (transfers) entry's :first group of zeros shows the retry count for read, write, and format
errors, or the number of times the command was issued and not completed. The second group of
zeros shows an inclusive OR of the CSR bits set during read, write, and format error retries. A
breakdown of the upper CSR bits is shown in Figure ~24.
87 Not Ready Not Ready Not Ready Not Ready Not Ready Not
86 Write 0 0 0 Write Write
Protect Protect Protect
S5 Head Loaded 0 Record Type 0 0 0
S4 Seek Error RNF RNF 0 RNF 0
83 eRe Error eRe Error eRe Error 0 eRe Error 0
82 Track 0 Lost Data Lost Data Lost Data Lost Data Lost
81 Index Pulse DRQ DRQ DRQ DRQ DRQ
80 Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy Busy
The T.O. entry line is a timeout recording for each command type. This counter reflects the total
number of timeouts for the command in error. All commands (Read, Write, Recal, 8pinup, and
Format Track) time out in one second.
The last line in the error message is more complicated to break down. Figure 8-25 shows the
breakdown of the last line of the example RX33 error message.
8-52 Troubleshooting Techniques
87 3 1485 -7680 49 1 4
' - - - - - - - - U N I T NUMBER
The actual sequence of events for a SINI-E out-of-band error printout is as follows:
1. When the HSC detects an unrecoverable problem, a soft lnit or crash occurs. A system dump is
perfonned under the heading SUBSYSTEM EXCEPTION. The HSe then reboots.
2. When the HSe reboots, a message indicating it has rebooted, followed by the multiline SINI
message, gives the reason for the last soft Init (crash).
3. The same message is written on the system diskette and can be examined with the SHO
EXCEPTION command. A host error message log is also filed in host memory as an HSe
datagram, storing the out-of-band error SINI message.
8.4.6 Traps
The four traps described in the following sections (Trap through 4, Trap through 10, Trap through
114, and Trap through 134) are the same as are found in the 11170 CPU.
KPAR(0-7) :
000440 000640 001040 1577770 001440 001240 000240 177600
KPDR(O-7) :
077506 077506 077506 077406 077506 077406 077506 077506
UPAR(0-7) :
000000 000000 000000 000000 002204 001240 000240 177600
UPDR(0-7) :
077406 077406 077406 077406 063406 077406 077406 000116
MMSR(0-2): 000017 000000 037260
Window Index Reg: 000026
Window Bus Reg: 001431
WADR(0-7) :
Troubleshooting Techni~ues 8-55
Requestor 6 has failed with a status of 175. Refer to Appendix D to determine if the failure was a
Control bus error.
At this time the HSC reboots. A message is displayed on the local console terminal stating the HSC
has rebooted.
The actual SIN! error message is printed on the local console terminal after the HSC has rebooted.
The resulting 134 trap information is printed on the local console terminal. The PSCHED
statement indicates PSCHED was the active process when the error occurred. The status statement
shows requestor 6 failed with a status of 175. Also, three lines after the status line is a message
line indicating the control area for slot six and slot six control address. This indicates requestor 6
is the failing requestor. The INIPIO-I Booting statement indicates the HSC is attempting to reboot.
When the HSC completes the initialization, the Last soft Init caused by level 7 K interrupt failure
is printed on the local console terminal identified by SINI-E. The active process at time of failure
is identified. In this case, the active process was PSCHED. If the failure is a hard failure, the
following message may also be displayed on the local console terminal.
Because the trap is a MMU trap, look first at the register contents of MMSRO (memory
management status register 0). Refer to Figure 8-26 for a breakdown of the bits in MMSRO.
~ II' ~
The first group of numbers under the UPAR(0-7) line is for page zero, the second for page one,
the third for page two, and so forth. The third group of numbers in the example are for page two,
the violated page. Note the difference in UPDR contents on page two versus the UPDR contents
on other pages. The UPDR contents on other pages all start with 077 designating a full page of
memory to be allocated for that page. The UPDR contents on page two starts with a 013., indicating
a short page.
Two possible problems cause this error:
1. Memory Management Unit on the P.ioj/c
2. Software
Software inconsistency (Trap through 20) is reported similar to an MMU trap. A subsystem
exception is dumped on the local console terminal with the trap vector reported being a Trap
through 20 (AT). An example printout and explanation are found in Appendix B.
The subsystem exception is followed by the HSe reboot. Upon successful reboot, the following
message is displayed.
HSC Version YI0B 16-Jan-1986 15:30:20.20 System MASTER
Then the SIN! error resulting from the detected subsystem exception is printed.
SINI-E Sequence 1. at 16-Jan-1986 00:00:11.20
Last soft Init caused by software inconsistency
From process HOST
PC 007044
PSW 140001
Stack dump: 000016 006401 015476
an error is not possible because of excessive RECALS and the drive is declared inoperative.
Action: Refer to the drive service manual and any other type errors being logged to determine
reasons for persistent positioning failures.
Possible FRUs: Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
Compare Error
Error Type: Controller error
Severity: Error
Description: A compare error occurred during a Read-Compare or a Write-Compare operation.
For the Read-Compare operation, the HSC again obtains the data from the unit or shadow
set and compares it with data obtained from host memory. If the data is not the same, a
compare error results. For the Write-Compare operation, the controller obtains data from each
destination and compares it with data again obtained from host memory. If the data is not the
same, a compare error results.
Action: Isolate the FRU by moving the disk or tape drive to another data channel and retrying
the exact failing operation. Also, check the HSC Data memory buffer address for repetition. If
failure occurs on multiple physical units across multiple data channels and HSC Data memory
buffer address is not repetitive, investigate a possible K.ci problem.
Possible FRUs:
1. Isolated disk (or tape) unit
2. K.sdilK..stilK.si module
3. M.std2lM.std module
4. K.ci module set
5. Host CIImemory
Controller Detected Position Lost
Error Type: Tape error
Severity: Error
Description: Information contained in the response from the formatter to the HSC POSITION
command did not match the expected tape drive position.
Action: Check the formatter. If the error persists, run the In-line Tape (ILTAPE) diagnostic to
help isolate to the FRU.
Possible FRUs: Formatter
Controller Transfer Retry Limit Exceeded
Error Type: Tape error
Severity: Error
Description: The controller failed to perform the command within the limit of allowable
Action: Check the formatter and the drive.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. Formatter
8-64 Troubleshooting Techniques
Could Not Get Formatter Summary Status During Transfer Error Recovery
Error Type: Tape error
Severity: Error
Description: Issued the command and the formatter did not respond with the formatter
Action: Check the formatter.
Possible FRUs: Formatter
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-65
Could Not Get Formatter Summary Status While Trying to Restore Tape Position
Error Type: Tape error
Severity: Error
Description: Issued the command and the formatter did not respond with the formatter
summary status.
Action: Check the fonnatter.
Possible FRUs: Formatter
data to the bus more quickly than the consumer can remove it, a data overrun occurs. If the
consumer removes data more quickly than the producer can send it, a data underrun occurs.
Action: Determine which module is the data producer and which module is the consumer for a
given error. Use the requestor number for assistance.
If the problem persists after replacing the suspect module(s), an HSC software problem should
be investigated.
Possible FRUs: Source or detecting requestor modules.
4. Another element in the subsystem that should have supplied resources to the disk transfer
operation in a reasonable time did not.
Action: Check the drive.
Possible FRUs: Drive modules. (Refer" to the drive service manual.)
DRIVE CLEAR attempt on disk unit xx. (Requestor xx., Port xx.).
DeB addr: xxxxxx Error count ******.
Error Type: Disk functional out-of-band
Severity: Informational
Description: The drive detected some previous error and the HSC is now attempting to clear
that error.
Action: Examine the host error log to determine what error the drive is trying to clear.
Possible FRUs: Drive
2. SDI cables
3. SDI bulkheads
Drive Inoperative
Error Type: SDI error
Severity: Error
Description: The HSC has marked the drive inoperative due to an unrecoverable error in the
previous level 2 exchange, the drive's Cl flag is set, or the drive has a duplicate unit identifier.
Once the HSC reports the drive as inoperative, the drive state clocks must transition to return
the drive to an operational state.
Action: Refer to the drive service manual. Run ILDISK to help isolate failure between HSC
and drive.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. KsdilK.si module
3. SDI cables
EDC Error
Error Type: Controller error
Severity: Error
Description: The sector was read with correct or correctable ECC and invalid EDC. A fault
probably exists in the logic of either this controller or the controller that last wrote the sector.
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-71
Look at the source and detecting requestor fields in the error message to determine which
requestor detected the error and the direction of the transfer (read or write).
Action: Determine if other errors indicate a problem with the data path circuitry on the
indicated requestor modules.
Possible FRUs:
1. KsdilK.si module
2. M.std2lM.std module, if an address parity error on Data memory occurs, as this is checked
by the EDC field.
Forced Error
Error Type: Disk transfer error
Severity: Error
Description: The sector was written with a Force Error modifier indicating this is a replaced
image and the original data could not be read correctly using retries and the ECC algorithms.
Action: Restore the media from a previous backup. A VMS (HSC) backup and restore of the
current media will clear the forced error condition but will leave the sector corrupt.
Possible FRUs: None
FRB Error: K.sdi, Unit xx., 1stLBN xxx., xx. buffers, FE$SUM xx
Error Type: Disk functional out-of-band
Severity: Informational
Description: An error was detected by the KsdilK.si while processing a Fragment Request
Block (FRB) and the FRB has been sent to the disk error process. Example: Suspected
Positioner error.
Action: If excessive, reformat drive.
Possible FRUs: Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
Header Error
Error Type: SDI error
Severity: Error
Description: The subsystem reads an inconsistent or invalid header for the requested sector.
The header is inconsistent if three out of four copies of the high order header word do not
The header is considered invalid if all of the following are true:
• The header is consistent (three out of four copies of the high order header word match).
• Two out of four of the low-word header values match the desired target header low-word
8-74 Troubleshooting Techniques
• The high-word header values do not match the respective target header values.
For recoverable errors, this code implies a retry of the transfer to read the valid header. For
unrecoverable errors, this code implies the subsystem attempted nonprimary revectoring and
determined the requested sector is not revectored. Causes of an invalid header include header
mis-sync, header sync timeout, and an unreadable header.
Action: Determine if this error is repetitive on this unit indicating a deteriorating media.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. K.sdilK.si module
HML$ER set-HM$ERR = nn
Error Type: CI-detected out-of-band
Severity: Warning
Description: A Host Memory Block (HMB) operation resulted in an error. A breakdown of
HMB error word (HM$ERR) bits follow.
• 000002 HME$BM-Insufficient BMBs to receive message.
• 000004 HME$N~equenced message received over a connection with 0 in credit field.
• 000010 HME$N~equenced message received over a connection with credit field> 1.
Excess has been added to CB$EM.
• 000020 HME$OV-Oversize message received (>1096. bytes).
• 000040 HME$DN-Data memory NXM during BMB operation.
• 000100 HME$DP-Data memory parity error in BMB operation.
• 000200 HME$DO-Data memory overrun during BMB operation.
• 000400 HME$FP-Reception buffer parity error in packet header. Message not receivable.
• 001000 HME$PL-Reception buffer parity error in body of message.
• 002000 HME$CN-Transmission not attempted because connection not valid.
• 004000 HME$VC-Transmission not attempted because VC closed or connection invalid.
• 010000 HME$TE-Transmission attempted but failed (no ACK).
• 020000 HME$TP-Transmission failed due to transmission buffer parity error.
• 040000 HME$HC-Packet inconsistent with Kci context received from host.
• 100000 HME$IC-Illegal control function Opcode.
Action: Compare the displayed code to the previous list and determine where the problem lies.
For example, a code of 000040 indicates a failure in the M.std2/M.std module, and a code of
002000 indicates a problem in the K.ci module set.
Possible FRU s:
1. PILA module
2. Kpli module
3. M.std2lM.std module
Troubleshooting Techniqu.es 8-75
Wait for two or more failures of this type to determine if the real problem is the M.std2lM.std
module. If the M.std2/M.std is at fault, the same requestor is not displayed twice as the failing
requestor. Refer to Appendix D for failing status values and their meanings. Check the status
line message to detennine the failing requestor status. Change the requestor exhibiting the
failing status if the same requestor is displayed more than once.
Possible FRUs:
1. Requestor displaying a continuous failing status value
2. M.std2lM.std module
1. The data error falls within the ECC error correction capability Oess than nine lO-bit
symbols in error) and data correction is performed. In this case, depending on the drive
type, no data errors are shown.
2. The data error does not fall within the error correction capability of the ECC, and the error
is retried according to drive dependent parameters. If all of the retries fail, an uncorrectable
ECC error occurred and a bad block is reported through an end packet.
An uncorrectable ECC error is reported when a transfer with the Suppress Error
Correction modifier encounters an ECC error of any severity.
Action: Determine if the ECC errors are just normal events or if a very large number of blocks
is being replaced. The latter indicates the drive may have a read path problem.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. KsdilK.si module
or only to a particular node. If the HSC is encountering crossed paths to all nodes, the problem
is probably in the HSC or the cables. If it is encountering the problem to only one node, it is
likely a problem with that host node's CI module set or the cables running from the host to the
Star Coupler.
Possible FRUs:
1. Cables physically connected wrong at HSC, Star Coupler, or host CI
2. Any of the three K.ci modules in the HSC: LINK (LOlOOILOl18), PILA (LOI09), and K.pli
3. Host CI module set
4. Duplicate node address settings
Determining which error caused the bad path is not possible except with the Transmit Buffer
Parity Error (XBUF PE) which prints as an MSCP type message.
Possible FRUs:
1. CI cable
2. HSC/CI interface
3. Host/CI interface
low error address register (170024), the error is in cache memory. If the error is in cache, the
probable FRU is the P.ioj.
Possible FRUs:
1. P.ioj/c module
2. M.std2fM:.std module
2. LINK module
3. Kpli module
As of Va.50 and above, Reverse Retry is supported.
Error Type: Tape error
Severity: Error
Description: Reverse Retry requests from the formatter were not supported before Version
3.50 ofHSC software.
Action: Update software
Possible FRUs: None
Rewind failure
Error Type: Tape error
Severity: Error
Description: A command for a rewind was issued, and the command failed (the controller
received an unsuccessful response from the formatter).
Action: Check the drive and/or formatter.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. Formatter
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-91
logs for surrounding disk errors, as this error may be the result of a previously-reported drive
Action: Determine if this drive has encountered any other related problems which may be
found in an appropriate error log report. Also, this error may be due to an SDI cable problem.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. SOl cable
SI Command Timeout
51 Response Overflow
Error Type: SDI error
Severity: Error
Description: A drive sent back more frames than the reception buffer could hold. This can be
caused by a hung drive microdiagnostic or a malfunctioning K.sdilK.si.
Action: Determine if the drive is failing in other ways, indicating a drive problem. If not, the
KsdilK.si may be the more likely cause.
Possible FRUs:
1. Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
2. KsdiIK.si module
SERDES Overrun
Error Type: Controller error
Severity: Error
Description: This error is either a SERDES overrun or underrun error. Either the drive is
too fast for the controller, or a controller hardware fault prevented controller microcode from
keeping up with data transfer to or from the drive.
Action: Determine if other errors have occurred that may indicate a KsdilK.si problem. Move
the offending drive to another requestor. If the problem persists, test the drive further.
Possible FRUs: K.sdilK.si module
8-94 Troubleshooting Techniques
1. Tape drive
2. Tape formatter
3. STI cable
Tape unit number xx connected to Requestor xx Port xx dropped state clock while on line
Error Type: Tape functional out-of-band
Severity: Error
Description: The formatter supplies the state clock over the STI cable. The state bits are
encoded on this state clock waveform such as AVAILABLE and ATTENTION. As long as the
KstilK.si is receiving a state clock, the STI cable must still be plugged in, and the formatter
must be operating correctly. Dropping state clock is equivalent to disconnecting the STI cable
from the HSC.
Action: First isolate the problem to the HSC, STI cable, or tape drive. Next, try replacing or
swapping the KstilK.si module exhibiting the failure. If the problem is not solved, try a known
good tape drive.
Possible FRUs:
1. STI cable
2. Tape drive
3. KstilK.si module
Tape unit number xx connected to Requestor xx Port xx is not asserting available when it should be
Error Type: Tape functional out-of-band
Severity: Error
Description: The formatter is not on line and is not asserting its Available signal to the HSC.
The HSC does not detect the Available signal and displays this message on the local console
Action: First isolate the problem to either the HSC, the STI cable, or the tape drive. Next, try
replacing or swapping the K.stilK.si module exhibiting the failure. If the problem is not solved,
try a known good tape drive.
Possible FRUs:
1. STI cable
2. Tape drive
3. KstiJK.si module
Tape unit number xx connected to Requestor xx Port xx went available without request
2. Formatter
3. STI cable
Tape unit number xx connected to Requestor xx Port xx went off line without request
Error Type: Tape functional out-of-band
Severity: Error
Description: The formatter lost contact with one of the tape drives. The HSC detected this
loss of a tape drive and printed this message.
Action: Check to see if a breaker has blown. The tape drive may be in diagnostic mode also,
causing the tape drive go off line.
Possible FRUs:
1. Tape drive
2. Tape formatter
3. STI cable
TMSCP Server operation limited by insufficient Private memory. Use the SET MAX command to reduce
private memory requirements.
Error Type: Tape functional out-of-band
Severity: Error
Description: This message appears before the message Insufficient private memory
remaining for TMSCP Server and indicates the same problem. Private memory has
insufficient space to hold the necessary structures the TMSCP Server needs as dictated by
the number of KstilK.si modules and the number of tape formatters on the HSC.
Action: Use HSC SETSHO utility to decrease maximum number of tape formatters for which
the HSC should reserve memory structures.
Possible FRUs:
1. M.std2lM.std module
2. P.ioj/c module
3. Software
Troubleshooting Techniques 8-97
Unit xx. declared Inoperative because no progress. made on Command Reference xxxxx.
Error Type: Disk functional out-of-band
Severity: Error
Description: The HSC Disk Path has made no progress on the host command represented by
the given reference number in an extended time period. This scenario can occur if the drive is
degraded to a point where the Disk Path spends too much time in error recovery and can make
no progress on the host command.
Action: The HSC was unable to complete error recovery on the drive and took it off line. Check
the drive with diagnostics to determine the nature of the problem.
Possible FRUs: Drive modules. (Refer to the drive service manual.)
Internal Cabling Diagrams
A.1 Introduction
This appendix contains diagrams of the internal cabling for the HSC, HSC50 (modified), and
A-2 Internal Cabling Diagrams
IT! 2
8 7 6 5 ' 7 ,,\
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.13 (50 HZ) .16 (50 HZ)
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Sheet 1 of 6
Certain software inconsistencies can cause an exception (crash) in the HSC. This appendix describes
all HSC exception codes caused by software inconsistencies. It provides a description of the
exception codes, the facility or program reporting, and the action you should take. For ease of
reference, these codes are arranged in numerical order (octal radix).
To determine which exception code caused a particular crash, refer to the crash dump printed on
the terminal. Note that the code number, but not the text, appears on hardcopy printouts.
INIPIO-I Booting .•.
B-2 Exception Codes and Messages
6) A 3-letter mnemonic indicating the type of crash. The example mnemonic lOT indicates that
this is a software inconsistency. Any other combination of letters, such as NXM: (Nonexistent
Memory) would designate a crash outside the scope of this appendix. Hardware exceptions are
defined in Appendix D.
e The initial name on this line identifies the process active at the time of the crash. It is valid
only during user-mode crashes. Use this name as a crosscheck when looking up the crash
€) If the mode notation is Kernel, check the first word of the Kernel Stack for the crash code.
(D Because the mode notation in this example indicated User, check the User Stack for the crash
code number. This code is always the first word of the stack (in this case, 002013).
Data structures needed with the SPR must be formatted. These data structures are addressed by
a register or the contents of another structure's field. To format the necessary data structure(s),
substitute the x in Table B-1 with the pointer from the specified register or location. Substitute
only the x and type the rest of the line exactly as you see it in the table, except for the information
in parentheses. The number of = signs designates the data structure memory:
= indicates program memory
= == indicates Control memory
=== indicates data memory
After the information is complete, the customer should fill out the SPR and submit it, together with
all hardcopy, as instructed on the SPR form.
If you instruct the customer to call the Customer Supp.ort Center for assistance, inform
the Center of the problem. Also, let them know your customer will need help gathering
information related to the software error.
B-4 Exception Codes and Messages
001001 ($CKERSTK)
execution of Kernel Stack
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: The HSC executive executed stack space.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. You may reboot the HSC immediately.
001002 ($CPUM1)
Previous mode not user
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: During a context switch of user processes, the previous mode (as indicated by
the Program Status Word (PSW» was not user mode.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. R5 points to PCB (Process Control Block).
001003 ($CEXPCB)
EXEC PCB was scheduled
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: During process scheduling, the EXEC process control block (PCB) was scheduled.
This dummy PCB is used only for loading the process and should never be scheduled.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. R2 points to PCB.
001004 ($CDEBCAC)
Cache setting In PDR Is In Incorrect state
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. A
Page Descriptor Register (PDR) directed to program memory does not have "disable cache" set.
A PDR directed to data memory does have "disable cache" set.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. RO points to PDR.
001005 ($CPUM2)
Previous mode not user
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: During a context switch of user processes, the previous mode (as indicated by
the PSW) was not user mode.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001006 ($CCB4)
Spurious Interrupt from K at Control Bus Level 4
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: One of the Ks interrupted the P.ioc at Level 4, but, upon queue examination, no
elements were shown (an element should be on the Level 4 Interrupt queue).
Exception Codes and Messages B-5
001007 ($CCBS)
Spurious Interrupt from K at Control Bus Level S
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
One of the Ks interrupted the P.ioc at Level 5, yet, upon queue examination, no elements were
shown (an element should be on the Level 5 Interrupt queue.)
Action: Submit an SPR. If this crash continues to occur, escalate the problem to Customer
Service support.
001010 ($CDC1)
Downcount failed
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
During processing of the Level 5 Interrupt queue, a down-count operation on a counter (down
counted by 1) failed.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. R1 points to the counter.
001011 ($CDC2)
Downcount failed
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
During processing of the Level 5 Interrupt queue, a down-count operation on a counter (down
counted by 1) failed.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. R1 points to the counter.
001012 ($CACQ)
Acquire on Semaphore with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
ACQ$P System Service was called with a Semaphore address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001013 (SCAML)
Acquire MUltiple on Semaphore with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
AMLT$P System Service was called with a Semaphore address ofO.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001014 (SCRLP)
Release on Semaphore with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
REL$P System Service was called with a Semaphore address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
B-6 Exception Codes and Messages
001015 ($CRRTI)
RRTI$ on Semaphore with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
RRTI$P System Service was called with a Semaphore address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001016 ($CRTI1)
RRTI$ on Semaphore with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
RRTI$P System Service was called with a Semaphore address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001017 ($CRTI2)
RRTI$ on Semaphore with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
RRTI$P System Service was called with a Semaphore address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001020 ($CRCPP)
ReceivelDequeue from Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
One of the RCV$P FROM$P or DEQ$P FROM$P system services was called with a queue head
address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001021 ($CRCCP)
RecelvelDequeue from Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
One of the RCV$C FROM$P or DEQ$C FROM$P System Services was called with a queue
head address ofO.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001022 ($CRCCV)
RecelvelDequeue from Queue with address of 0
·Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
Services was called with a queue head address ofO.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages B-7
001023 ($CRMPP)
Receive/Dequeue Multiple from Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the RMLT$P FROM$P or DMLT$P FROM$P System Services was called with a queue head
address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001024 ($CRMCP)
Receive/Dequeue Multiple from Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the RMLT$C FROM$P or DMLT$C FROM$P System Services was called with a queue head
address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001025 ($CRMCV)
Receive/Dequeue Multiple from Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
System Services was called with a queue head address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001026 ($CRAMCV)
Receive AII-Maybe from Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the RCAM$C FROM$P or RCAM$C FROM$W System Services was called with a queue head
address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001027 ($CSPP)
SendlEnqueue to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the SEND$P TO$P or ENQ$P TO$P System Services was called with a queue head address
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001030 ($CSCP)
SendlEnqueue to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the SEND$C TO$P or ENQ$C TO$P System Services was called with a queue head address
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump_
8-8 Exception Codes and Messages
001031 ($CSCV)
SendlEnqueue to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the SEND$C TO$P, ENQ$C TO$P, SEND$C TO$W, or ENQ$C TO$W System Services was
called with a queue head address ofO.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001032 ($CSHPP)
SendlEnqueue-to-Head to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the SNDH$P TO$P or ENQH$P TO$P System Services was called with a queue head address
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001033 ($CSHCP)
SendlEnqueue-to-Head to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. One
of the SNDH$C TO$P, ENQH$C TO$P, SNDH$C TO$P, or ENQH$C TO$P System Services was
called with a queue head address ofO.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001034 ($CIHPP)
Insert at Head to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
INSH$P TO$P System Service was called with a queue head address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001035 ($CIHCP)
Insert at Head to Queue with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
INSH$C TO$P System Service was called with a queue head address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001036 (SCUPCV)
Upcount to Counter with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
UPC$ System. Service was called with a queue head address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-9
001037 ($CDWCV)
Downcount to Counter with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
DWNC$ System Service was called with a queue head address of o.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Set Timer operation to Timer with address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances. The
SETTM$ System Service was called with a queue head address of O.
Action: The process specified as active is the offender. Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001041 ($CSNZ1)
Release of Semaphore wHh address of 0
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: This software inconsistency should not appear under normal circumstances.
During some circumstances, a semaphore will require a downcount without subsequent
scheduling considerations. This typically happens when a process enters hibernation or exits.
During the implicit release operation, the semaphore had an address of o.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001042 ($CTOVR)
Time-of-day overflowed
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: During an update of the current time of day, the executive detected an overflow.
This can happen if a node on the CI sets a false time to the HSC.
Action: Examine previous console printouts to verify accurate date and time fields. If accurate,
submit an SPR with the console crash report. If inaccurate, set the HSC outband error level to
INFO. Then verify console report of date and time set by a host node on the next HSC reboot.
If a host node problem is NOT indicated, escalate the problem to Customer Service support.
001043 (SCPWFL)
Power Failure
Facility: EXEC, EXEC
Explanation: The processor is still operating 5 seconds after a power failure indication.
Therefore, CRONIC concludes that the power failure indication was false.
Action: Verify the ac voltages are cOlTect. If so, and the problem persists, notify Customer
Service support.
B-10 Exception Codes and Messages
001201 ($CNOHIBER)
Process on Recoverable List not hibernating
Explanation: Before loading a utility or diagnostic, the loader examined the Recoverable
Memory List of cache programs to determine whether a program might be loaded from memory
instead of from the load device. When a program was found on the Recoverable Memory List,
its state was not Hibernate State. This software inconsistency should not be seen under normal
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump, noting previous activity with the program
Register R3 points to PCB (Process Control Block) for process to restart.
001202 ($CIMAGE)
Memory extent encroaches defined area
Explanation: The process to be loaded specified additional memory or buffer space, as specified
on the Loadable File Header (LFHEADER) directive. When the additional memory was
allocated and mapped to the process, it had encroached upon the loaded area.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Register RO points to XFRB (extended function
request block) for loading the image. Register R4 points to CH$ (Canonical File Header).
001203 ($CNOPROC)
No code parent process loaded
Explanation: When a process was loaded, its PCB specified it should execute and share code
associated with another process. When attempting to locate the code parent, the loader found
that the parent was not loaded.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Register R2 equals process number of code parent.
Register R3 points to code child's PCB.
001204 ($CALLOCATE)
Insufficient Kernel Pool
Explanation: When EXEC attempted to allocate either a PCB (PCB-Z.) or an address
Descriptor (A.) structure from Kernel Pool for a new process, Kernel Pool was inadequate
to support the additional structures.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001205 ($CLFAO)
FAO overrun
001401 ($CBUSy)
Performed receive when already busy with request
Explanation: The READ$/WRITE$ service, while in its exception routine, was already busy
with one request while a RCV$P operation was performed.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001402 ($CNOLOADED)
Requested driver not loaded
Explanation: A process within the HSC specified a READ$ or WRlTE$ operation with a
device control block (DDCB) for a device not configured on that model. For example, a program
specified a transfer for a TU5S on an HSC70 model. Because the device is not configured on the
system, the driver is not loaded.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump, describing activity on the HSC at the time of the
exception. The process listed as active may be the READ$lWRlTE$ Service, and not the process
that performed the offending request. R3 points to XFRB (extended function request block). R4
points to DDCB. R5 equals CSR for device.
001403 ($CDDCB)
Invalid DDCB specified
Explanation: A request to the READ$/WRlTE$ Service specified a DDCB that was invalid, or
it specified an invalid device type in the DD$TYPE field.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump, describing activity on the HSC at the time of the
exception. The process listed as active may be the READ$IWRITE$ Service and not the process
that performed the offending request. R3 points to XFRB (extended function request block). R4
points to DDCB. R5 equals CSR for device. RO equals Device Type.
Software Inconsistency-Motor not Running
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The motor was not running when the Motor Shutdown Timer expired.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software Inconsistency-Non-RX33 command requested
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The RX33 driver received an XFRB (CRONIC transfer request), but the XFRB
specified a DDCB for a non-RX33 device. R4 points to DDCB, R5 points to XFRB (extended
function request block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software Inconsistency-Invalid Unit Number
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The DDCB (device control block) specified an RX33 device, but the unit
requested was not 0 or 1. R5 points to XFRB (extended function request block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
8-12 Exception Codes and Messages
Software Inconsistency-Zero byte count transfer
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: A transfer was requested with a zero byte count. R2 equals byte count, R5
points to XFRB (extended function request block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software Inconsistency-Invalid byte count
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: A transfer was requested with a byte count that was not a multiple of 512
(sector size). R2 equals byte count, R5 points to XFRB (extended function request block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software Inconsistency-Invalid Internal byte count
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The remaining byte count of a partially completed transfer was not a multiple
of 512 (sector size). The original (requested) byte count was a multiple of 512. R2 equals byte
count, R5 points to XFRB (extended function request block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software/Hardware Inconslstency-RX33 hardware registers are Incorrect
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: RX33 hardware signaled successful completion of an 110 operation, but the
hardware registers (current sector, current track, or memory address register) did not contain
the expected values.
Explanation: Check for RX33-related hardware failures. If the problem persists, submit an
SPR with the crash dump.
Software Inconsistency-Invalid Head Select
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The Software attempted to select a head other than 0 or 1. RO equals head
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software Inconsistency-Memory Management
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: Relocation is not enabled in the memory management hardware. Bit 0 is not set
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-13
Software Inconsistency-Invalid Virtual Address
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The virtual address passed in the XFRB is not in page 4. R5 points to XFRB
(extended function request block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software/Hardware Inconsistency - Unexpected Interrupt from RX33
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: An unexpected interrupt was received from the RX33 controller. This condition
is not detected until a command is about to be issued; that is, the crash does not happen when
the intelTUpt is detected.
Action: If the problem persists, submit an SPR with the crash dump. Further testing of the
HSC subsystem load device area may be necessary.
Software Inconsistency-Invalid Internal Unit Number
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX33
Explanation: The unit number index value is not 0 or 2. This unit number index value is
contained in R4.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Software/Hardware Inconsistency - Nonexistent Memory
Facility: EXEC, EXECRX.33
Explanation: The RX33 controller returned an NXM error.
User Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem Goad device area) may be necessary. If
the problem persists, submit an SPR with the crash dump.
001601 ($CPAG1)
TYPE$ crosses page boundaries
001603 ($CNOPCB)
PCB not found on run queue
Facility: EXEC, EXECTT
Explanation: When a process attached to a terminal is excepted by a keyboard command, the
exception manager of the Terminal Service performs an EXCPT$ on the Terminal Service and
load device driver. To prevent the attached process from running while the drivers potentially
run down any activity, the PCB (process control block) for the active process is removed from
the run queue. When EXEC searched the run queue specified in the Z.RVNQ field of the PCB,
it could not find the PCB. This is a software inconsistency. R4 points to attached PCB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
001701 ($CPAGE)
READ$ or WRrrE$ crossed page boundary
Exception routine Invoked for unknown reason
Facility: DEMON
Explanation: DEMONs exception routine was activated, but not for CTRUY, CTRUC, or a
diagnostic timeout.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence. A software problem is the most likely cause
of this crash.
Insufficient free memory to allocate a program stack
Facility: DEMON
Explanation: When DEMON was initialized, it could not allocate enough free program
memory for use as a stack.
DEMON was Initiated when there was no diagnostic to run
Facility: DEMON
Explanation: DEMON did a receive on its work queue and received a nondiagnostic request.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-15
Failure in periodic control or data memory test
Explanation: One of the periodic control or data memory interface tests detected a failure.
Failures in these tests are fatal, and the HSC must reboot after displaying a message describing
the failure.
Action: A failing P.ioc module is the most probable cause of this crash. Further testing of the
HSC memory and Pioj may be necessary.
Failure in periodic K.sdi or K.sti test
Explanation: The periodic KsdilK.si or KstilK.si tests detected a failure. Failures in these
tests are fatal, and the HSC must reboot after displaying a message describing the type of error
and requestor number of the failed module.
Action: A failing KsdilK.si or K.stiIK.si module is the most probable cause of this crash. The
requestor number of the probable failing module is displayed in the error message preceding
the crash. Further testing of HSC data channels and HSC internal buses may be necessary.
ILDISK received Illegal queue address
Explanation: ILDISK requested exclusive access to a drive's state area. The acquire operation
should return the control memory address of the Attention/Available Service Queue for the
specified drive. The address returned was zero, an illegal address for a queue.
Action: If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced this crash, include a description of
that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a particular disk drive is tested.
ILDISK received Illegal buffer descriptor
Explanation: ILDISK received a buffer descriptor from the free buffer queue. A consistency
check on the buffer descriptor failed because the descriptor indicated the buffer was not in the
HSC's buffer memory. A software problem is the most likely cause of this crash.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular disk drive is tested.
ILDISK detected inconsistency in exception routine
Explanation: ILDISK.'s internal flags indicated exclusive ownership of a drive's state area,
but the address of the K.sdilK.si control area was not available. When ILDISK has exclusive
ownership of a drive state area, the address of the KsdilKsi control area should always be
available. A software problem is the most likely cause of this crash.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular disk drive is tested.
8-16 Exception Codes and Messages
An ILEXER disk 110 request failed to complete
Explanation: ILEXER attempted to abort all outstanding disk 110 requests. After waiting 2
minutes, the program found that one or more 110 requests had not completed. The HSC crashes
and reboots because ILEXER cannot exit with a request outstanding.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular disk drive is tested.
A faulty disk drive is the most likely cause of this problem. Further testing of the suspect disk
and associated requestor(s) may be necessary.
An ILEXER tape 110 request failed to complete
Facility: DEMON
Explanation: ILEXER attempted to abort all outstanding tape 110 requests. After waiting 2
minutes, the program found that one or more 110 requests had not completed. The HSC crashed
and rebooted because ILEXER cannot exit with a request outstanding.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular tape drive or formatter is tested.
A faulty tape drive or formatter is the most likely cause of this problem. Further testing of the
suspect tape subsystem and associated requestor(s) may be necessary. This crash may also be
caused by the K.stilK.si clocks stopping due to a hardware error such as an Instruction Parity
ILTAPE was supplied an Illegal requestor number
Explanation: ILTAPE was automatically initiated to test a particular formatter. One of the
parameters supplied to ILTAPE is the requestor number of the K.stiJK.si connected to the
formatter. ILTAPE checked the specified requestor and found it was not a K.stiIK.si.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Also include a summary of any tape error
messages immediately preceding the crash. If a certain sequence of HSC operations caused
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular tape drive or formatter is used.
ILTAPE timed out waRing for Drive State Area
Explanation: ILTAPE requested exclusive access to a tape formatter for testing. ILTAPE
timed out because the request did not complete within 60 seconds.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Also include a summary of any tape error
messages immediately preceding the crash. If a certain sequence of HSC operations caused
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular tape drive or formatter is used.
Exception Codes and Messages B-17
ILTAPE detected Inconsistency after a command failure
Explanation: ILTAPE issued a command to the HSC tape diagnostic interface, but the
command failed. In the process of preparing an error message, ILTAPE found that the
command Opcode was an illegal or unknown value).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Also include a summary of any tape error
messages immediately preceding the crash. If a certain sequence of HSC operations caused
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular tape drive or formatter is used.
ILTAPE detected inconsistency while restoring a TACB
Explanation: ILTAPE maintains a table of available tape access control blocks (TACBs). When
a particular TACB is in use by the program, the associated table entry is zeroed. When finished
with a TACB, ILTAPE stores the address of that TACB into one of the table entries containing
a zero. While trying to return a TACB to the table, ILTAPE discovered that all table entries
were nonzero, implying that no TACBs were in use.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Also include a summary of any tape error
messages immediately preceding the crash. If a certain sequence of HSC operations induced
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular tape drive or formatter is used.
ILTAPE detected Inconsistency In exception routine
Explanation: ILTAPE's internal flags indicated exclusive ownership of a drive state area,
but the address of the K.stilK.si control area was not available. When ILTAPE has exclusive
ownership of a drive state area, the address of the .K.stilK.si control area should always be
available. A software problem is the most likely cause of this crash.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. If a certain sequence of HSC operations caused
this crash, include a description of that sequence. Also note if the problem occurs only when a
particular tape drive is tested.
003001 ($CFNnrrYP)
Illegal format type specified
Facility: CERF
Explanation: An illegal format type was specified in an error message to CERF. R4 equals
Format Type.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
003002 ($CFA01)
Output length too long
Facility: CERF
Explanation: When CERF processed an MSCP error message, the FAO output of the text
string was too long for CERF's buffer. Rl equals number of bytes output.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
8-18 Exception Codes and Messages
003003 ($CFA02)
Output length too long
Facility: CERF
Explanation: When CERF processed an out-of-band message, the FAO output of the text
string was too long for CERF's buffer. Rl equals number of bytes output.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
BMB reserved but not found
Invalid action byte In Connect Block
Datagram received from a connection
MSCP message size exceeded maximum
Invalid error signaled by K.ci
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: The main MSCP comma~d server received an MSCP command packet, with
invalid error bits set, from the K.ci. This may indicate memory corruption or improper message
reception. It may also indicate that an improper structure was passed to the process, possibly
by the host software.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note all levels of host software running in the
cluster and the revision level of the K.ci microcode.
Server queue on work queue with no Items
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The main disk process received a subprocess work queue, with no items, from
the main work queue. This indicates either memory corruption or improper manipulation of
items on the subprocess work queue. An invalid structure may have been queued to the main
work queue.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note the current process running.
Invalid module number
Facili ty: DISK, many
Explanation: The main disk process detected an invalid module number when it tried to
switch to a different internal process represented by the module number. This indicates that
memory is corrupted or that an invalid structure has queried to the main work queue.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note the current process running.
State change to ONLINE requested through gatekeeper
Facility: DISK, SDI
Explanation: The state change processor within the sequential command gatekeeper received
a DUCB extension requesting a state change to on line. This crash indicates an improper use of
the state change mechanism.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Inconsistent drive state detected
Facility: DISK, SDI
Explanation: The state change processor within the sequential command gatekeeper received
a DUCB extension containing a different state than the current state in the DUCB. This crash
indicates an improper use of the state change mechanism. _
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
8-20 Exception Codes and Messages
Improper state change for shadow member
Facility: DISK, SDI
Explanation: The sequential gatekeeper mechanism completes action for shadow units before
allowing a state change on any of the members of the shadow set. This crash indicates the
mechanism failed to operate properly.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Disk Unit Table (OU) Inconsistency
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The disk server tried to add a unit to the DU when it was already there, or tried
to remove a unit from the DU that was not present. This crash indicates improper sequencing
of actions to add or remove a unit in the DU. This crash can also occur if the ordered list of
DUCBs is destroyed.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Invalid diagnostic HMB
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: The diagnostic interface within the disk path received a host message block
(HMB) with a nonzero length field in the HM$LOF word. This indicates an invalid request
from some diagnostic or improper routing of the HMB by the disk path.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. List any utilities or diagnostics running at the
time of the crash.
Diagnostic release of disk unit while on line
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: A diagnostic or utility attempted to release a disk unit while the disk unit was
still on line.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Specify the utilities or diagnostics running at the
time of the crash.
Error Identification table overwritten
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The disk error identification table was overwritten or a wild branch was taken.
The most probable cause is a bad load.
Action: If this crash occurs immediately after a boot, try rebooting with a backup copy of the
HSC software. Otherwise, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-21
Invalid error bH value found during error recovery
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The bit value describing a KsdilK.si error was not valid for a given stage of the
error recovery. It is also possible, though unlikely, that a K.sdilK.si is malfunctioning.
Action: If this error appears to recur from the same K.sdilK.si, replace it.
Invalid disk characteristics for operation
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: An arithmetic operation to compute some disk parameter caused an overflow or
produced a result outside the allowed range. It is also possible, though unlikely, that a disk is
supplying invalid characteristics to the HSC.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log. Further testing of the disk and attached requestor(s)
may be necessary. If this error appears to recur from the same disk unit, repair it.
S bit not set in FRS error state
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The S bit in the K control area port subarea for a drive in FRB error state was
not set as expected. This logical inconsistency indicates improper manipulation of the port
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed
on the console or from the system error log. Further testing of suspected requestor may be
necessary. If this error appears to recur from the same KsdilK.si, replace it. If no hardware
problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
DT$ERQ not zero In FRB error state
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The FRB error queue in the DRAT being processed by error recovery was not
zero as expected. This logical inconsistency indicates improper manipulation of the port state.
Action: This error could be caused by a malfunctioning KsdilK.si. Further testing of the
suspected requestor may be necessary. If this error appears to recur from the same K.sdilK..si,
replace it. If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Unable to get to FRB error state
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: Error recovery was unable to place a port in the FRB error state to perform
an error recovery operation. This crash can occur in an extremely unlikely compound error
Action: Reboot the HSC. If this error persists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
B-22 Exception Codes and Messages
Non-ECC/EDC errors remaining after Ece correction
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: ECC error correction should take place after all other errors, except EDC, have
been corrected. This crash occurs because other error bits are set after ECC correction.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Level B retry In wrong state
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: A Level B retry operation was attempted without the drive port being in FRB
error state.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Level C retry in wrong state
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: A Level C retry operation was attempted without the drive port being in FRB
error state.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
DeB state is busy with empty DCB queue
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The drive state indicator in the K control area indicates a KsdilK.si is
processing a DeB, but the DCB queue is empty.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log.
Further testing of the suspect requestor may be necessary. If this error appears to recur from
the same K.sdilK.si, replace it. If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash
Invalid error queue address in route
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: When the disk server attempted to route an FRB to an error queue, the error
queue address in a route descriptor was invalid.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Undefined error bit In error word from K
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The error recovery routine IDENTIFY found an undefined bit in the error word
stored by either a K.sdi/K.si or Kci.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-23
Further testing of the suspect requestor may be necessary. If this error appears to recur from
the same K.sdilK.si, replace it. If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash
No buffer found in FRS when expected
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: The error recovery routine MAPBUF attempted to map a buffer but found the
buffer address to be zero.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
FRB not in error state for level D 110 operation
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: A call to the error recovery subroutine LVLDIO was made without the port
being in FRB error state. The only cause of this logical inconsistency is a design error within
the error recovery code.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Stack too deep to save in thread block
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: A call to the error recovery subroutine LVLDIO was made with too many items
on the stack to save in a thread block.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
004044 .
Buffer not found for specified error
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: A call to the error recovery subroutine RCDH.MX. specified a buffer that was not
in the list of buffers for the specified FRB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
DRAT not found for FRB retirement
Facility: DISK, ERROR
Explanation: While attempting to retire an FRB by simulating route completion, the error
recovery subroutine RETIRE could not locate the DRAT for downcounting.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log.
This crash is caused by either overwritten memory or a malfunctioning K.sdilK.si. Further
testing of requestors and HSC internal buses may be necessary. If this error appears to recur
from the same K.sdilK.si, replace it.
If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
B-24 Exception Codes and Messages
DRAT queue not empty for shadow copy
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: Mter obtaining exclusive use of a drive, the shadow copy code found that a
DRAT queue for the drive was not empty.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Inconsistent result for repair operation
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: An impossible combination of results was found at the end of a shadow repair
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Known drive not found In the Disk Unit Table
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: When the disk server attempted to remove a known disk unit from the Disk
Unit Table, the unit was not found in that table.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note any utilities or diagnostics running at the
time of the crash.
Attempt to enable drive interrupt already enabled
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The ARM subroutine was called to enable K.sdilK.si interrupts to the disk server
for drive state changes when interrupts were already enabled.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note the process running at the time of the crash.
Attempt to enable drive interrupt with pending state change
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The ARM subroutine was called to enable KsdilK.si interrupts for drive state
changes while a drive state change was being processed.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note the process running at the time of the crash.
Invalid drive state change requested
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The SCHSQM subroutine was called to schedule a state change operation for a
drive that has been declared inoperative but whose state is still recorded as available.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note the process running at the time of the crash.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-25
Nonzero status for SUCCESSful DCB
Facility: DISK, SDI
Explanation: Although a DCB (SDI command) completed with a status of SUCCESS, the elTor
word indicated elTors, or the SDI command opcode was invalid.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log. If this elTor appears to recur from the same KsdilK.si,
replace it. If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
DCB state is busy with empty DCB queue
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The drive state indicator in the K control area indicates a DCB is being
processed by the KsdilK.si, but the DCB queue is empty.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log.
Further testing of requestors, HSC internal buses, and the memory subsystem may be
necessary. If this error appears to recur from the same KsdilK.si, replace it. If no hardware
problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
K.sdi is not responding
Facility: DISK, SOl
Explanation: A K.sdilK.si failed to process an immediate DCB within a preset time.
Action: If possible, get the number of the requestor involved from the last error log printed on
the console or from the system error log. If the error persists, replace the KsdilK.si.
No thread block for operation
Facility: DISK, SOl
Explanation: A thread block was not available to the SDI interface in order to block the
CUlTent thread process
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Stack too deep to suspend process in thread block
Facility: DISK, SOl
Explanation: The DCBWAIT routine was called with too many words on the stack to suspend
the process in a thread block.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
DRAT allocation failure
Facili ty: DISK, many
Explanation: There was not enough free control memory to allocate a DRAT for a specific
drive type.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
8-26 Exception Codes and Messages
A command did not complete after the drive was declared Inoperative
Facility: DISK, MSCX
Explanation: Since no processing was being done on an outstanding command, Get Command
Status processing declared the drive inoperative. The outstanding command, however, the
command still failed to complete in the timeout period.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump. Note the drive type of the drive identified in the
error message and any errors reported by the disk server prior to the crash.
Get Command Status overflow
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: Get Command Status processing determined the calculated status will result in
an overflow.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
A timer's link field values are inconsistent with its current operational state
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: A timer was in a state that prevented adding or removing it from an active list.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Inconsistent shadow member state detected
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: A unit is incorrectly marked as a member of a shadow set, or the shadow unit
links are inconsistent given the current state of the shadow unit.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
NO DRAT list is invalid
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The NO DRAT list was found to be invalid when declaring a drive inoperative.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Connection closed after delay in ATTN process
Facility: DISK, AVLATT
Explanation: While the disk server was waiting to acquire resources to send an attention
message to the host, the connection closed.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-27
DeB address inconsistency
Facility: DISK, SDI
Explanation: While processing an error on a seek DCB, the current seek DCB address was
inconsistent with the DCB address stored in the DRAT.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Bad error completion queue in DeB
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: An invalid error completion queue was found in the DCB when it was being
setup for a seek operation. This indicates that after the previous seek operation, the DCB error
completion queue was not properly restored before the DCB was retired.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
No DRAT was found on the K.sdi DRAT list when expected
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: The DRAT list was empty when the disk server expected to find a DRAT queued
to the KsdilK..si DRAT list. This most likely cause is a disk server design error.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Too many DRATS in use during ESE transfer operations
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: The number of DRATs in use has exceeded the maximum value allowed. The
possible causes include a design error in the disk transfer code or corruption of the count of
DRATs in use.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
RBN access during an ESE transfer
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: The disk server is preparing to perform a transfer operation to an RBN, but the
ESE has no RBNs.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Invalid DRAT bit set
Facili ty: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: A DRAT on the K.sdiJK.si DRAT list did not have the "Set D bit on completion"
flag set as expected. This indicates that the DRAT was probably not set up properly.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
8-28 Exception Codes and Messages
DeB K.sdi list inconsistency
Facility: DISK, many
Explanation: More than one non-seek DCB was queued to the Ksdi/K.si during I/O rundown
on an ESE. Only one non-seek DCB is expected to be active at a time.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Buffer count Inconsistency for ESE
Facility: DISK, MSCP
Explanation: During transfer processing, the DRAT buffer count indicated that the DRAT was
full. However, the DRAT full flag was not set. The most likely cause is a transfer design error.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
EeC self-diagnostic string too big for FAO
Facility: ECC
Explanation: A self-diagnostic string generated for the ECC process was too big to print with
the allocated FAO buffer. This crash can only occur if the self-diagnostic code is present and
enabled. The self-diagnostic code is not enabled for distributed base levels.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
No ECC errors to correct
Facili ty: ECC
Explanation: An FRB without any errors was sent to the ECC process.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Can't allocate XFRB to print self-diagnostic messages
Facility: ECC
Explanation: The ECC process failed to allocate an XFRB (extended function request block) or
printing messages during self-diagnostic.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
ECC found more than a 10-blt symbol error
Facility: ECC
Explanation: The ECC process received a buffer containing more than a lO-bit symbol error.
Error recovery processing should never pass on such a buffer.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-29
This class of crashes Is for tape path software inconsistency errors
Facility: TAPE, TFxxxx
Explanation: A software inconsistency error occUlTed.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Specify the utilities or diagnostics active at the
time of the crash.
Explanation: When issued to the tape data channel, the STI command GET LINE STATUS
returned with a failure. This command should not fail when issued to a working tape data
channel. General Register 5 points to the windowed K Control Area for the tape data channel
in question. Offset KG$SLT points to the tape requestor in question.
Action: Verify that the K.stilK..si tape data channel is working; if so, submit an SPll with a
crash dump.
Received an interrupt from an unknown tape data channel
Explanation: The tape server received an interrupt from an unknown tape data channel.
This is a software inconsistency. General Register 1 points to the windowed tape data channel
control area for the tape data channel in question. General Register 2 contains the tape data
channel slot number the interrupt was received from.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Received an Illegal connection block (CB) from the CIMGR
Facility: TAPE, TFCI
Explanation: A connection block (CB) with an illegal Opcode was sent to the tape diagnostic
interface. General Register 1 points to the windowed address of the connection block (CB) in
question. General Register 2 contains the Opcode in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the connection block (CB) structure.
An Illegal diagnostic Opcode was received
Facility: TAPE, TFDIAG
Explanation: A diagnostic HMB with an illegal Opcode was sent to the tape diagnostic
interface. General Register :3 points to the windowed diagnostic host message block (81MB).
General Register 1 contains the Opcode in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Specify the utilities or diagnostics active at the
time of the crash. Include the HM.B structure.
8-30 Exception Codes and Messages
Diagnostics trying to acquire assigned drive state area
Facility: TAPE, TFDIAG
Explanation: Diagnostics are trying to acquire the previously assigned Drive State Area.
General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the host message block
(HM:B). General Register 2 points to the tape formatter control block (TFCB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Specify the diagnostics or utilities active at the
time of the crash. Include the HMB, TFCB, and tape drive control block (TDCP) structures.
Inconsistencies during drive state area acquisition
Facility: TAPE, TFDIAG
Explanation: The software context word K.T$SFW is not equal to the tape formatter control
block (TFCB) address and/or the DIALOG list head is nonzero when diagnostics are trying
to acquire the Drive State Area. General Register 0 points to the windowed K control area.
General Register 2 points to the tape formatter control block (TFCB).
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump. Indicate the utilities or diagnostics active at the
time of the crash. Include the tape formatter control block (TFCB) structure.
No Block Header supplied by BACKUP
Facility: TAPE, TFDIAG
Explanation: BACKUP did not supply the initial Block Header buffer descriptor. General
Register 3 points to the windowed host message block (HMB) address. General Register 5
should point to the buffer descriptor and, in this case, be o.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump. Include details of the BACKUP operation.
Include the host message block (HMB) (command packet) structure.
No buffers supplied In BACKUP operation
Facility: TAPE, TFDIAG
Explanation: No disk data block buffers were supplied in the host message block (H.M:B) for
the backup operation. General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address
of the HMB in question. General Register 0 should point to the buffer descriptor list for the
backup operation.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include details of the BACKUP operation. Include
the host message block (HMB) (command packet) structure.
Could not allocate a XFRB
Facility: TAPE, TFLIB
Explanation: The tape server could not allocate an XFRB (extended function request block)
through ALOCB, a CHRONIC system service.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-31
Required CIMGR functionality not yet implemented
Facility: TAPE, TFMSCP
Explanation: The host sent the tape server a command packet with an Opcode that was not
a sequenced message. General Register 5 is the Opcode received. General Register 3 is the·
windowed Control Memory address of the command packet received (host message block).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Indicate the host software version. Include the
host message block (HMB) (command packet) structure.
Required CIMGR functionality not yet implemented
Facility: TAPE, TFMSCP
Explanation: The tape server received a host command packet longer than allowed (36 bytes).
General Register 4 is the size of the command packet received. General Register 3 is the
windowed Control Memory address of the command packet in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Indicate the host software version. Include the
host message block (HMB) (command packet) structure.
Required CIMGR functionality not yet implemented
Facility: TAPE, TFMSCP
Explanation: The tape server received a host command packet with a status that is currently
illegal. General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the command
packet in question. Offset HM$ERR is the field in question.
Action: Further testing of HSC hardware, particularly the K.ci, may be necessary. If no
hardware problem exists, submit an SPR. Indicate the host software version and include the
host message block (HMB) (command packet) structure.
Could not find correct tape drive control block (TDeB) pointer
Explanation: A call to remove a host's access to a drive resulted in the tape server searching
the current chain of tape drive control blocks (TDCBs) in that host's HCB. Inability to find the
correct tape drive control block (TDCB) pointer resulted in this message.
General Register 4 points to the tape drive control block (TDCB) trying to have host access
removed. General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the host
message block (lIMB). Offset HM$CTX in the host message block (HMB) points to the host disk
block (HDB). Offset HDB.TDCB in the HDB points to the tape drive control block (TDCB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Unable to allocate an HDB
Explanation: The tape server's attempt to add a host access, which requires allocation of a
host disk block (HDB), failed for lack of resources.
Action: Submit an SPR \vith a crash dump.
8-32 Exception Codes and Messages
Tape formatter does not support allowed densities
Explanation: The tape formatter does not support a density that the HSC supports. General
Register 4 points to the tape drive control block (TDeB) for the drive in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the host software version and tape
formatter revision. Also include the tape drive control block (TDCB) structure, host software
version, and tape formatter revision.
An invalid density is set in the tape drive control block (TDCB)
Explanation: An invalid density was set in the tape drive control block (TDCB). General
Register 4 points to the tape drive control block (TDCB) in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a Crash dump. Include the host message block (HMB) structure.
Read-reverse emulation not flagged
Explanation: The tape server entered the read-reverse emulation code without read-reverse
emulation being flagged in the tape drive control block (TDCB) at offset TD.FLAGS bit
TDF.RREVEM. General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the
host message block (HMB). General Register 4 points to the tape drive control block (TDCB) for
the drive in question. General Register 2 points to the tape formatter control block (TFCB) for
the formatter in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the following structures: host message
block CEiMB), tape drive control block (TDCB), and tape formatter control block (TFCB).
Route pointer for read-reverse emulation zero
Explanation: The tape server entered the read-reverse emulation code without having the
route pointer set in the host message block (HMB). General Register 3 points to the windowed
Control Memory address of the host message block (HMB) in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the host message block (HMB) structure.
Requested transfer larger than 64 Kb
Explanation: The requested transfer size for a read reverse is larger than 64 Kh. General
Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the host message block (lIMB) in
question and offset HP.BC indicates the transfer size requested.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the host message block (HMB) structure.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-33
Read-reverse emulation not flagged
Explanation: The tape server entered the read-reverse emulation short retry code without
read-reverse emulation being flagged in the tape drive control block (TDCB) at offset TD.FLAGS
bit TDF.RREVEM. General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the
host message block (HMB). General Register 4 points to the tape drive control block (TDCB) for
drive in question. General register 2 points to the tape formatter control block (TFCB) for the
formatter in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the following structures: host message
block (I:IM:B), tape drive control block (TDCB), and tape formatter control block (TFCB).
Read-reverse emulation not flagged
Explanation: The tape server entered the read-reverse emulation long retry code without read-
reverse emulation being flagged in the tape drive control block (TDCB) at offset TD.FLAGS bit
TDF.RREVEM. General Register 3 points to the windowed Control Memory address of the host
message block (HMB). General Register 4 points to the tape drive control block (TDCB) for the
drive in question. General Register 2 points to the tape formatter control block (TFCB) for the
formatter in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the following structures: host message
block (I:IM:B), tape drive control block (TDCB), and tape formatter control block (TFCB).
KT$SEM Is equal to zero
Explanation: The K control area offset KT$SEM is zero. General Register 3 points to the K
control area in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the K control area structure.
No available stacks
Explanation: There are no available stacks for a process trying to suspend.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Top of user stack for a resume Is not set to server return
Explanation: The top of the user stack on a process resume is not set to the server return
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
B-34 Exception Codes and Messages
No stack available to suspend with
Facility: TAPE, TFSTI
Explanation: There is no stack available to suspend a process. General Register 2 points
to the tape formatter control block (TFCB). General Register 5 points to the K control area.
General Register 4 points to the dialogue control block (DCB).
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump and include the following structures: TFCB,
DCB, and K control area.
DeB operation timed out
Facility: TAPE, TFSTI
Explanation: A dialogue control block (DCB) operation timed out.
Action: This usually indicates a problem in the tape data channel. The tape requestor slot in
question is given as the second word on the stack. If no hardware problem exists, submit an
Buffer descriptor address missing
Explanation: The next address is missing from the linked list of buffer descriptors. General
Register 5 points to the fragment request block (FRB) in question. Offset F$BFHD points to the
buffer descriptor list in question.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the fragment request block (FRB)
Unexpected fragment request block (FRB) error received
Facility: TAPE, TFERR
Explanation: The tape server received an error from a software station rather than a
hardware station. General Register 5 points to the fragment request block (FRB) in error.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the FRB structure.
Unknown fragment request block (FRB) error received
Facility: TAPE, TFERR
Explanation: An unidentifiable error is flagged in a fragment request block (FRB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the FRB structure.
K.cl did not return a fragment request block (FRB)
Facility: TAPE, TFERR
Explanation: Transfer request blocks (TRBs) have associated fragment request blocks (FRBs)
that point to data buffers. When a TRB is received in error, the FRBs must be deallocated. If
an FRB is held by Kci and not returned within 20 seconds, this crash occurs.
Action: Check the K.ci. If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-35
Invalid downcount occurred on a host message block (HMB) chain
Facility: TAPE, TFERR
Explanation: Whenever transfer request blocks (TRBs) were purged from the K.stiIK.si input
queue, the associated host message block (HMB) were returned to the host as an end message.
This catching mechanism relies on a change of HMBs with associated counters. This is a
software consistency. Check to ensure Control memory is not corrupted by the end of the chain.
General Register 5 points to the HMB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the lIMB.
Sequence number corruption occurred
Facility: TAPE, TFERR
Explanation: Error recovery ensures against a deadlock on K.stilK.si by preventing a transfer
request block (TRB) from waiting for a diagnostic control block (DCB) that will never execute.
This is a software inconsistency.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
This class of crashes includes CIMGR software consistency errors
Facility: CIMGR, many
Explanation: A software inconsistency error occurred.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Specify the utilities or diagnostics active at the
time of the crash.
Received a sequence message without a credit
Explanation: The SCS$DIRECT process received a sequence message in a host message block
(HMB) flagged by the K.ci as not having a credit for the connection. General Register 1 has the
address of the HMB in error.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the lIMB.
Failed to acquire 8 control block from K.cl
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: The POLLER process could not obtain a control block from the K.ci to resend a
timed-out STACK datagram.
Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem may be necessary, particularly the available
control memory. If no hardware problem exists, submit an $PR with a crash dump.
8-36 Exception Codes and Messages
K.ci is hung
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: During the polling interval (60 seconds), the CIMGR ensures K.ci is still
running. This trap indicates it is not.
Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem may be necessary, particularly the K.ci. If no
hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
K.cl detected an unrecoverable error and stopped
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: K.ci sent its control area to the CIMGR exception process. K.ci does this
whenever it detects a nonrecoverable hardware error.
Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem may be necessary, particularly the K.ci and data
memory. If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
K.ci patch status check failed
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: K.ci did not respond to a path status check within 8 seconds.
Action: If no hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump_
Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem may be necessary, particularly the K.ci. If no
hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
System name Is corrupted
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: During initialization, the CIMGR discovered the system name in the SCT was
Action: Release the Online button (out) on the HSC. Reboot the HSC by holding the Fault
button in until the State light blinks. This will bypass using the SCT on the boot device. Run
SETSHO to reset the system name and ID, then reboot the HSC again before pushing in the
Online button on the front panel.
HMB received with wrong number of BMBs
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: CIMGR received a host message block (HMB) with the wrong number of big
message blocks (BMBs), or CIMGR detected an inconsistent state. General Register 0 points to
Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem may be necessary, particularly the K.ci. If no
hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump_
Exception Codes and Messages B-37
Connection Incarnation inconsistent
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: While a connection is in the process of opening, the incarnation of that
connection is flagged as formative. The final step of opening the connection is to remove the
flag. This crash indicates the flag was prematurely removed, indicating a state inconsistency
for the connection. General Register 2 points to the connection block (CB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the CB.
Connection incarnation mismatch
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: The incarnation of an opening connection is kept in both the connection block
(CB) and the connection block vector table. As a connection opens, a check is made to ensure
these incarnations agree. A disagreement indicates a dangling reference to an old carnation of
the connection.
General Register 2 points to the connection block (CB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the CB.
Inconsistent connection state due to a VC closure
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: CIMGR attempted an illegal state transition on a connection. The state
transition was initiated by a virtual circuit closure. General Register 2 points to the connection
block (CB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the CB.
Unable to retrieve resource from K.cl during a disconnect
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: During a disconnect, the CIMGR was unable to retrieve the resources from the
K.ci associated with the credits on that connection.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
K.cl did not respond to notification of a VC closure
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: The K.ci did not respond to notification of a virtual circuit closure with the
12-second time limit. This crash occurs if the response times out.
Action: Further testing of the HSC subsystem may be necessary, particularly the Kci. If no
hardware problem exists, submit an SPR with a crash dump.
8-38 Exception Codes and Messages
Illegal connector state
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: CIMGR detected an illegal connector block (CB) state. General Register 2 points
to the CB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the CB.
Attempt to deallocate a connection block without an incarnation
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: A connection block (CB) did not have a valid incarnation at the time it was
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the CB.
Failure to retrieve SCS resources from K.ci
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: When CIMGR tried to allocate resources for use across a virtual circuit, the
count of data memory resources was incorrect. The host message block (HM:B) for serializing
VC traffic must have two big message blocks (BMBs). General Register 0 points to the HMB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the HMB.
The count of walters for virtual circuit resources went negative
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: While processing the list of waiters for virtual circuit transmission resources,
CIMGR detected a nonempty list to indicate a negative number of waiters. General Register 1
points to the system block (SB).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Include the SB.
Invalid BMB address
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: An HMB arrives at the resource collector with an invalid BMB address attached
to it.
Action: Use the SETSHO SHOW REQUESTORS command to view the K.pli microcode
revision level. If it is less than revision 45, contact your Digital Customer Service
representative for the update. Submit an SPR with the crash dump and note the disk
SCS buffer retrieval failure
Facility: CIMGR
Explanation: When changing the status of the virtual circuit, CIMGR tries to retrieve the SCS
buffer from the K.ci.K.HSRR queue. This buffer should be on the queue because it is not in use
Exception Codes and Messages 8-39
at the time of the crash. No elements were enqueued on the .KHSRR queue, therefore, CIMGR
forced a crash.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Cantt Find Connection Block
Facility: DUP
Explanation: When DUP receives an HMB, DUP tries to find a reference to the connection
block (referred to by HM$CTX in the HMB) in the DG$ structures (DUP context control blocks).
DUP was unable to find a reference to the connection block, even though it searched every DG$
Action: Submit an SPR with an exception dump or startup message indicating the contents of
the stack.
Illegal BMB Count
Facility: DUP
Explanation: The HMB (MSCP packet carrier) has an illegal number of Big Message Buffers
(BMBs) allocated. DUP allows only one BMB. Therefore, the HMB is invalid. The third word of
the stack contains the value in HM$CN - the count of the number ofBMBs.
Action: Submit an SPR with an exception dump or startup message indicating the contents of
the stack. The second word of the stack contains the windowed address of the lIMB.
Illegal HMB Opcode
Facility: DUP
Explanation: The Opcode specified in the HM$LOF field of the lIMB was not equal to
Hl\1:L$RM. (Received sequence message over connection; HML$RM=OOOOOO.) lIMB Opcodes
must indicate the HMB is for a sequenced message.
Action: Submit an SPR with an exception dump or startup message indicating the contents of
the stack. The second word of the stack contains the illegal Opcode.
Illegal HMB Error
Facility: DUP
Explanation: The error specified in the HM$ERR field of the lIMB was not equal to 0,
HME$EC, or HME$NC. The second word of the stack contains the value in the HM$ERR
field. (Extra credits received; HME$EC=10. No credits received; HME$NC=4.)
Action: Submit an SPR with an exception dump or startup message indicating the contents of
the stack.
Invalid Connection Block
Facility: DUP
Explanation: The DUP process received a connection block with an invalid value in the
CB$ACT field. The CB$ACT field contains the action value (action to be performed by the DUP
Action: Submit an SPR with an exception dump or startup message indicating the conten~ of
the stack. The second word of the stack contains the contents of the CB$ACT field.
8-40 Exception Codes and Messages
Bad Down Count
Facility: DUP
Explanation: DUP initiates a return of the endpacket to the host by down counting the
reference counter in the related control block. The down-count action should return a one. If
the downcount did not decrement the reference counter to 1, DUP crashes the HSC. The second
word of the stack is the value of the counter following the downcount.
Action: Submit an SPR with an exception dump or startup message indicating the contents of
the stack.
Connection Broken
Facility: DUP
Explanation: While DUP was preparing to send a message to the Kci, the connection to the
host was broken. The connection was broken after DUP did an extensive check to ensure the
connection existed.DUP detected the connection break the second time because the DG$CB
field was set to zero.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
FAO message buffer overflow
Facility: DIRECT
Explanation: The program DIRECT was attempting to output the formatted directory end
message, but the length of that message was longer than the allotted FAO output buffer.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Wrong HMB received when trying to bring source on line
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: DKCOPY sent a host message block (lIMB) to the disk server requesting the
source unit be brought on line in a shadow set. When the completion queue of this HMB was
checked, it pointed to a different (incorrect) HMB. This is crash $CDKCOPY+SRC_ONL_HMB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to previous HMB.
Bad downcount when trying to bring source on line
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: When an MSCP end message was to be sent over a connection to a host, a
counter keeping track of the transaction (decrementing by 1) failed to operate properly. This
occurred after DKCOPY asked the disk server to bring the source unit on line in a shadow set.
This is crash $CDKCOPY+SRC_ONL_CNT.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to counter.
Exception Codes and Messages 8-41
Wrong HMB received when trying to issue GCS to target unit
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: DKCOPY sent a host message block (HM:B) to the disk server requesting it to
send a GET COMMAND STATUS (GCS) command to the target unit. When the completion
queue of this HM:B was checked, it pointed to a different (incorrect) HMB. This is crash
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to previous HM:B.
Bad downcount when trying to issue GCS to target unit
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: When an MSCP end message was to be sent over a connection to a host, a
counter keeping track of the transaction (decrementing by 1) failed to operate properly. This
occurred after DKCOPY asked the disk server to send a GET COMMAND STATUS (GCS)
command to the target unit. This is crash $CDKCOPY+TGT_GCS_CNT.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to counter.
Bad downcount when trying to bring target unit on line
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: When an MSCP end message was to be sent over a connection to a host, a
counter keeping track of the transaction (decrementing by 1) failed to operate properly. This
occurred after DKCOPY asked the disk server to bring the target unit on line into the shadow
set. This is crash $CDKCOPY+TGT_ONL_CNT.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to counter.
Bad downcount when trying to Issue abort command to target unit
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: When an MSCP end message was to be sent over a connection to a host, a
counter keeping track of the transaction (decrementing by 1) failed to operate properly. This
occurred after DKCOPY asked the disk server to abort an ONLINE command to the target unit.
This is crash $CDKCOPY+TGT_ABO_CNT.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to counter.
Wrong HMB received after Issuing AVL command to shadow unit
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: DKCOPY sent a host message block (HMB) to the disk server requesting the
shadow unit used to facilitate the copy operation be made available. When the completion
queue of this HMB was checked, it pointed to a different (incorrect) lIMB. This is crash
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to previous HMB.
8-42 Exception Codes and Messages
Bad downcount when trying to issue AVL command to shadow unit
Facility: DKCOPY
Explanation: When an MSCP end message was to be sent over a connection to a host, a
counter keeping track of the transaction (decrementing by 1) failed to operate properly. This
occurred after DKCOFY asked the disk server to send the available shadow unit. This is crash
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Top of stack equals crash code. Second word
points to counter.
An XFRB was not acquired to print messages
Explanation: The SETSHO main routine did not acquire an XFRB (extended function request
block). A crash was initiated because the lack of an XFRB prevents communication between the
HSC and the console. This is crash $CSETSHO+NOXFRB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Failed to properly send HMB to K.cl
Explanation: SETSHO sent a host memory block (HMB) to the Kci (the hardware that
handles communication between the hosts and the HSC). A crash was initiated because
SETSHO did not receive confirmation of the HMB from the Kci within the required time.
This is crash $CSETSHO+CIHMB.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Too many characters Intended for console printout
Explanation: In this case, when SETSHO called Formatted ASCII Output (FAO), it generated
more characters than the buffer size allocated would allow. The maximum buffer size is 510
characters. This is crash $SETSHO+PNTOVF. R1 points to string size.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
The SCT (System Control Table) crossed a page boundary
Explanation: The SCT must remain on one page in memory. The crash typically indicates
an incorrect amount of padding was placed at the end of the file SSDATA.MAC. This is crash
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Exception Codes and Messages B-43
Failed in sending HMB to disk server for SET Dn [NO]HOST
Facility: SETSHO
Explanation: SETSHO sent a host memory block (HMB) to the disk server to set a disk
drive to HOST or NOHOST access. The crash was initiated because the confirmation of this
command was not received within the required time. This is crash $CSETSHO+SETDSK.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Failed in sending HMB to tape server for SET Tn [NO]HOST
Facility: SETSHO
Explanation: SETSHO sent a host memory block (HMB) to the tape server to set a tape
drive to HOST or NOHOST access. The crash was initiated because the confirmation of this
command was not received within the required time. This is crash $CSETSHO+SETIAP.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Failed in sending HMB to disk server for SHOW Dn
Facility: SETSHO
Explanation: SETSHO sent a host memory block (HMB) to the disk server to show a specified
disk drive. The crash was initiated because the confirmation of this command was not received
within the required time. This is crash $CSETSHO+SHODSK..
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Failed in sending HMB to tape server for SHOW Tn
Facility: SETSHO
Explanation: SETSHO sent a host memory block (HM:B) to the tape server to show a specified
tape drive. The crash was initiated because the confirmation of this command was not received
within the required time. This is crash $CSETSHO+SHOTAP.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
SeT crash context table contained too many characters
Facility: SETSHO
Explanation: The SCT crash context table contained too many characters. In this case, when
SETSHO called FAO, it generated more characters than the buffer size would allow. The
maximum buffer size is 510 characters. This is crash $SETSHO+CSHOVF. R1 points to string
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
B-44 Exception Codes and Messages
052001 ($CDWMATH)
Doubleword math not consistent
Facility: SINI
Explanation: During calculation and allocation of control blocks (allocated in quantities of a
doubleword), the count of words in control blocks was not a doubleword multiple. RO points to
memory descriptor (MD).
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
052002 ($CDIV10)
Divide operation set overflow
Facility: SIN!
Explanation: During allocation of control blocks (set as 80 percent of available Control
memory), a divide operation set the PSW Overflow bit.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
052003 ($CMUL8)
Multiply operation set overflow
Facility: SINI
Explanation: During allocation of control blocks (set as 80 percent of available control
memory), a multiply operation set the PSW Overflow hit.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
XCALL stack overflow
Facility: DIAGINT
Explanation: The DDUSUB transfer routines use a stack allocated from common pool for
XCALLs (cross-address space calls) from the disk server. The low word of this stack is
initialized to a special value that should never change. This crash occurs when the routine
DDUTIO is called. The low word of the stack contains a value different than the initialization
value. The most probable cause of the crash is corruption by the process running.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump. Note the diagnostics or utilities running at the
time of the crash.
062001 ($CNOWINDOW)
Process does not have windows declared
Explanation: A process requesting an out-of-band error log be issued through the ERTYP$
service in SUBLIB does not have windows declared in its PCB (process control block)
declaration. A window set is required to use this service.
Action: Submit an SPR with a crash dump.
Common Pool memory returned twice
Facility: Many
Explanation: A process attempted to return a memory segment that was already in the
common pool.
Action: Submit an SPR with the crash dump.
Generic Error Log Fields C-1
Generic Error Log Fields
C.1 Introduction
Some fields described on HSC console message printouts are generic, regardless of error type.
The following example is a typical printout of the error log fields. Table C-l describes the error
ERROR-S Bad Block Replacement (Success)
Command Ref t OA66000D
RAel unit t 77.
Err Seq t 166.
Format Type 09.
Error Flags 80
Event 002B
ERROR-I End of Error
ERROR-x The x represents the severity level of the error message. Severity levels are E for
error, S for success, W for warning, I for informational, and F for fatal. What follows
is the English version of the error message describing the event code, date, and time.
Command Ref # This number, in hexadecimal, is the MSCP command number that caused the
error reported, or is zero if the error does not correspond to a specific outstanding
Err Seq # This number, in decimal, is the sequence number of this error log message since
the last time the MSCP server lost context, or is zero if the MSCP server does not
implement error log sequence numbers.
Error Flags This number, in hexadecimal, indicates bit Hags, collectively called error log message
Hags, used to report various attributes of the error. Refer to Table 0-2 for a
description of the error Hags.
Event This number, in hexadecimal, identifies the specific error or event being reported by
this error log message. This code consists of a five-bit major event code and an 11-bit
subcode. The event codes and what they mean are listed in Table 0-3.
C-2 Generic Error Log Fields
7 80 If set, the operation causing this error log message has successfully completed.
The error log message summarizes the retry sequence necessary to successfully
complete the operation.
6 40 If set, the retry sequence for this operation continues. This error log message
reports the unsuccessful completion of one or more retries.
5 20 This is MSCP-specific. If set, the identified logical block number (LBN) needs
4 10 This is MSCP-specific. If set, the reported error occUlTed during a disk access
initiated by the controller bad block replacement process.
o 1 If set, the error log sequence number has been reset by the MSCP server since
the last error log message sent to the receiving class driver.
0008 Data Error Disk-Sector was written with Force Error modifier.
Tape--Long gap encountered.
0009 Host Buffer Access Error Cause not available.
The controller was unable to access a host buffer to perform a
transfer and has no visibility into the cause of the error.
OOOA Controller Error Reserved for host-detected command timeout logging. This
error is never reported by a controller.
OOOC Shadow Set Status Has Disk-Shadow set status has changed. Tape--Formatter
Changed error.
OOOD BOT Encountered BOT encountered.
OOOE Tape Mark Encountered Tape mark encountered.
0010 Record Data Truncated Record data truncated, data transfer operation.
0013 LEOT Detected LEOT detected.
0014 Bad Block Replacement Bad block successfully replaced.
0020 Success Disk-Spindown ignored; status only subcode. Tape--Unload
0023 Unit Off Line Disk-No volume mounted or drive disabled via RUN/STOP
switch. Unit is in known substate; status only subcode.
Tape--No media mounted, disabled via switch setting, or on
line to another controller.
002A Controller Error SERDES overrun or underrun error. Either the drive is too
fast for the controller, or more typically, a controller hardware
fault has prevented controller microcode from keeping up with
data transfer to or from the drive.
002B Disk Drive Error Drive command timeout For SDI drives, the controller timeout
expired for either a level 2 exchange or the assertion of
ReadlWrite Ready after an Initiate Seek.
0034 Bad Block Replacement Block verified good-not a bad block.
0035 Media Loader Loader command timeout. The key length is too short for the
specified key type.
0040 Success Still connected; status only subcode.
0043 Unit Off Line Unit is inoperative; status only subcode. For SDI drives,
the controller has marked the drive inoperative due to an
unrecoverable error in a previous level 2 exchange, the drive
C1 flag is set or the drive has a duplicate unit identifier.
0044 Unit Available Shadow set copy in progress; status only subcode.
c-4 Generic Error Log Fields
0048 Disk Data Error Invalid header. The subsystem read an invalid or inconsistent
header for the requested sector. For recoverable errors, this
code implies a retry of the transfer read or a valid header.
For unrecoverable errors, this code implies the subsystem
attempted nonprimary revectoring and determined the
requested sector was not revectored. As an example, the
RCT indicates the sector is not revectored. Causes of an
invalid header include header mis-sync, header sync timeout,
and an unreadable header.
0049 Host Buffer Access Error Odd byte count.
004A Controller Error EDC error. The sector was read with correct or correctable
ECC and an invalid EDC. A fault probably exists in the ECC
logic of either this controller or the controller that last wrote
the sector This can also be caused by any K module (including
the K.ci) writing bad EDC into Data memory.
004B Disk Drive Error Controller-detected transmission error For SDI drives, the
controller detected an invalid framing code or a checksum
error in a Level 2 response from the drive.
0054 Bad Block Replacement Replacement failur~REPLA.CE command or its analog
0055 Media Loader Controller-detected transmission error. The controller does
not implement the specified key type.
0068 Disk Data Data sync not found (data sync timeout).
0069 Host Buffer Access Error Nonexistent Memory error.
006A Controller Error Inconsistent internal control structure. A high-level check
detected an inconsistent data structure. For example, a
reserved field contained a nonzero value, or the value in a
field was outside its valid range. This error almost always
implies the existence of a microcode or hardware problem.
006B Disk Drive Error Positioner error (mis-seek). The drive reported a seek
operation was successful, but the controller determined the
drive had positioned itself to an incorrect cylinder.
0074 Bad Block Replacement Replacement failur~inconsistent RCT.
0075 Media Loader Error Controller-detected protocol error.
0080 Success Duplicate unit number; status only subcode.
0083 Unit Off Line Duplicate unit number; status only subcode.
0084 Shadowing Unit Available No members in shadow set. An on-line command was
addressed to a virtual unit of an existing shadow set from
which all members have been removed.
0085 Media Format (Shadowing) Characteristics or protection mismatch for shadow member.
Generic Error Log Fields c-s
0088 Disk Data Error Correctable error in ECC field. A transfer encountered a
correctable error where only the ECC field was affected. All
data bits were correct, but a portion of the ECC field was
incorrect. The severity of the error (the number of symbols
in error) is unknown. If the number of symbols in error is
known, an n symbol ECC error subcode should be returned
0089 Host Buffer Access Error Host memory parity error.
OOBA Controller Error Internal EDC error. A low-level check detected an inconsistent
data structure. For example, a microcode-implemented
checksum or vertical parity (hardware parity is horizontal)
associated with internal sector data was inconsistent. This
error usually implies a fault in the memory addressing logic
of one or more controller processing elements. It can also
result from a double bit error or other error exceeding the
error detection capability of the controller hardware memory
checking circuitry.
008B Disk Drive Error Lost Read/Write Ready during or between transfers. For SDI
drives, Read/Write Ready drops when the controller attempts
to initiate a transfer or at the completion of a transfer with
ReadlWrite Ready previously asserted. This usually results
from a drive-detected transfer error, where additional error
log messages containing the drive-detected error subcode may
be generated.
0094 Bad Block Replacement Replacement failure-drive access failure. One or more
transfers specified by the replacement algorithm failed.
OOAS Media Format Error Disk-Not formatted with 512-byte sectors; status only
subcode. The disk FCT indicates it is formatted with 576-
byte sectors, although either the controller or the drive
support only 512-byte sectors For tape--Block mode device
not formatted for tape operations.
OOA9 Host Buffer Access Error Invalid page table entry.
OOAA Controller Error LESI adapter card parity error on input (adapter to
OOAB Disk Drive Error Drive clock dropout. For SDI drives, either data or state clock
was missing when it should have been present. This is usually
detected by means of a timeout.
OOB4 Bad Block Replacement Replacement failure, no replacement block available.
Replacement was attempted for a bad block, but a replacement
block could not be allocated. For example, the volume's RCT
is full.
OOC5 Disk Media Format Error Disk not formatted or FCT corrupted; status only subcode.
The disk FCT indicates the disk is not formatted in either
512- or 576-byte mode.
C-6 Generic Error Log Fields
00C9 Host Buffer Access Error Invalid buffer name. The key in the buffer name does not
match the key in the buffer descriptor, the V bit in the buffer
descriptor is clear, or the index into the buffer descriptor table
is too large.
OOCA Controller Error LESI adapter card parity error on output (controller to
OOCB Disk Drive Error Lost Receiver Ready for transfer For SDI drives, Receiver
Ready was negated when the controller attempted to initiate
a transfer or did not assert at the completion of a transfer.
This includes all cases of the controller timeout expiring for a
transfer operation (Level 1 real-time command).
00D4 Bad Block Replacement Replacement failure, recursion failure. Two successive RBNs
were bad.
00E8 Data Error Disk-Uncorrectable ECC error. A transfer without the
Suppress Error Correction modifier encountered an ECC error
exceeding the correction capability of the subsystem error
correction algorithms, or a transfer with the Suppress Error
Correction modifier encountered an ECC error of any severity.
For tape--Unrecoverable read error.
00E9 Host Buffer Access Error Buffer length violation. The number of bytes requested in
the MSCP or TMSCP command exceeds the buffer length as
specified in the buffer descriptor.
OOEA Controller Error LESI adapter card cable in place not asserted.
OOEB Disk Drive Error Drive-detected error. For SDI drives, the controller received
a get status or unsuccessful response with EL set, or the
controller received a response with the DR Hag set and it does
not support automatic diagnosis for that drive type.
0100 Success Already on line; status only subcode.
0103 Unit Off Line Unit disabled by field service or diagnostic; status only
subcode. For SDI drives, the drive DD fiag is set.
0105 Disk Media Format Error RCT corrupted. The RCT search algorithm encountered an
invalid RCT entry. The subcode may be returned under
the following conditions: during replacement of a block,
revectoring a faulty block, and when a unit is brought on line.
0106 Write-Protected Unit is data safety write-protected; status only subcode.
0108 Disk Data Error One-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
0109 Host Buffer Access Error Access control violation. The access mode specified in the
buffer descriptor is protected against the PROT field in the
010A Controller Error Controller overrun or underrun. The controller attempted to
perform too many concurrent transfers, causing one or more of
them to fail due to a data overrun or underrun.
Generic Error Log Fields C-7
010B Disk Drive Error Controller-detected pulse or state parity error. For SDI drives,
the controller detected a pulse error on either the state or data
line, or the controller detected a parity error in a state frame.
0125 Disk Media Format Error No replacement block available. Replacement of a faulty block
was attempted, but a replacement block could not be allocated
(i.e., the RCT is full). This subcode may be returned during
actual replacement and when an interrupted replacement is
completed as part of bringing a unit on line.
0128 Disk Data Error Two-symbol ECC error A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
012A Controller Error Controller memory error. The controller detected an error in
an internal memory, such as a parity error or nonresponding
address. This subcode applies only to errors not affecting
the ability of the HSC to properly generate end and error log
messages. Errors affecting end and error log messages are
not reported via MSCP. For most controllers, this subcode is
return.ed only for controller memory errors in data or buffer
memory and noncritical control structures. If the controller
has several such memories, the specific memory involved is
reported as part of the error address in the error log message.
012B Disk Drive Error Drive-requested error log (EL bit set).
0145 Disk Media Format Error No multicopy protection. All but one copy of a block in a
multicopy structure are bad. The disk should be reformatted
or replaced at the earliest convenient time.
0148 Disk Data Error Three-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
014A. Controller Error Insufficient resources. The controller is unable to honor a
(Shadowing) request to create a shadow set or to add an additional member
to an existing shadow set. This is due to the lack of internal
resources to support the new entity.
014B Disk Drive Error Controller-detected protocol error. For SDI drives, a level
2 response from the drive had correct framing codes and
checksum but was not a valid response within the constraints
of the SI protocol. The response had an invalid opcode, was an
improper length, or was not a possible response in the context
of the exchange.
0168 Disk Data Error Four-symbol ECC errer. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
OlGA Controller Error PLI transmission buffer parity error.
c-a Generic Error Log Fields
016B Disk Drive Error Drive failed initialization. For SDI drives, the drive clock
did not resume following a controller attempt to initialize the
drive. This implies the drive encountered a fatal initialization
0188 Disk Data Error Five-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
018B Disk Drive Error Drive ignored initialization. For SDI drives, the drive clock
did not cease following a controller attempt to initialize
the drive. This implies the drive did not recognize the
initialization attempt.
OIA8 Disk Data Error Six-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
olAB Disk Drive Error Receiver Ready collision. For SDI drives, the controller
attempted to assert its Receiver Ready when the Receiver
Ready of the drive was still asserted.
01C8 Disk Data Error Seven-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
OICB Disk Drive Error Response overflow. A drive sent back more frames than the
reception buffer could hold. This can be caused by a hung
drive microdiagnostic or a malfunctioning K.sdilK.si.
01E8 Disk Data Error Eight-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
0200 Success Still on line.
0203 Unit Off Line Exclusive use.
0208 Disk Data Error Nine-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
0220 Success Still on line, unload ignored.
0228 Disk Data Error Ten-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a correctable
ECC error with the specified number of ECC symbols in error.
The number of symbols in error roughly corresponds to the
severity of the error.
0248 Disk Data Error Eleven-symbol ECC error. A transfer encountered a
correctable ECC error with the specified number of ECC
symbols in error. The number of symbols in error roughly
corresponds to the severity of the error.
Generic Error Log Fields C-9
FE2A Controller Error Record EDC error. On a read from tape operation the EDC
calculated by the K.stilK.si did not match the EDC generated
by the tape formatter.
FE2B Tape Drive Could not set byte count.
FE4B Tape Drive Could not write tape mark.
FE6B Tape Drive Could not set unit characteristics.
FE8A Controller Error Lower Processor timeout. The Upper Processor in the
KstilK.si detected the Lower Processor had stopped and
restarted it.
FE8B Tape Drive Unable to position to before L_EOT.
FEAB Tape Drive Rewind failure.
FECB Tape Drive Could not complete on-line sequence.
FEEB Tape Drive Erase gap failed.
FFOB Tape Drive ERASE command failed.
FFOC Tape Formatter TOPOLOGY command failed.
FF31 Tape Drive Position Lost Retry limit exceeded while attempting to restore tape position.
FF68 Tape Data Formatter retry sequence exhausted.
FF6A Controller Error Lower Processor error. A bit was set in the Lower Processor
error register. Bits included in the Lower Processor error
register are Data bus NXM, data SERDES overrun, Data
bus ovelTUIl, Data bus par err, data pulse missing, and sync
real-time par err.
FF6B Tape Drive Tape drive requested error log.
FF6C Tape Formatter Formatter requested error log.
FF71 Tape Drive Position Lost Formatter-detected position lost.
FF88 Tape Data Controller transfer retry limit exceeded.
FF8A Controller Error Buffer EDC error. The K.stilK.si detected an EDC error on
the Data Buffer it read from memory on a Write operation.
FFAS Tape Data Host requested retry suppression on a K.sti/K..si-detected
FFAA Controller Error Data overflow due to pipeline error. No Data Buffers in HSC
Data memory were available when the K.sti/K..si needed one
during a data transfer.
FFC8 Tape Data Reverse retry currently not supported.
FFCB Tape Drive Could not position for (formatter) retry.
FFCC Tape Formatter Cannot clear formatter errors.
FFDl Tape Drive Position Lost Formatter and HSC disagree on tape position.
Generic Error Log Fields 0-11
Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
0.1 Introduction
This appendix lists all possible codes each K (e.g. K.ci or data channel) can generate after detecting
a fatal error. Only K-detected errors are listed here.
When a K detects· a fatal elTor, it: puts a code in its status register and performs a level 7 Control
bus interrupt to the P.io. ·This interrupt causes the HSC to trap through location 134 and crash.
The crash message contains the status codes from all Ks in the Status of requestors (1-9): field.
The following shows a printout example from a K-detected error. In this case, as in many others,
the crash was not caused by the K but was detected by the K which forced the crash. Section D.2
explains this crash is detail. For additional explanations of the fields in the crash message, refer to
0-2 Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
Translated WADR(0-7) :
001401 001401 001401 001401 001401 001401 001407 001607
Error regs: 170024 000077
Status of requestors (1-9):
000177 000002 000002 000377 000377 000377 000377 000377 000203
(PC-6) TO (PC):
104002 012600 000003 011505
Control area for slot #000001
Control area address: 022010
Register area contents:
Table D-1 provides additional information regarding status code 77. The description of this error
indicates the HSC received a HOST CLEAR command from a host node. The description for the 77
status also shows that the node number of the host which sent the HOST CLEAR is found in R17.
To find R17, look at the Register area contents: field on the second page of the example. The first
entry in the register area contents is always· the Q register from the K. The Q register contains
important information for some crashes. The second entry is RO. In the example, count in octal
up to R17 (remember the first entry is the Q register). The contents of R17 are 000001. Many of
the error descriptions in the following tables indicate additional information exists in one of these
Notice other entries below R17 in the register area contents. In the K.sdi, Ksti, and Ksi register
areas, these other entries are RAMO through RAM 17, and they sometimes contain important
information. On the K.ci, these entries are not significant for troubleshooting crash messages.
The registers referred to in this appendix are not general registers, but the internal
K registers. All status code~ followed by an asterisk (*) are hardware-detected errors.
More detailed information for these errors is found in the appropriate sequencer error
The normal operational status codes for requestors are:
001 for a K.ci
002 for a K. sdiIK. si
203 for a K.stiIK.si
377 means no requestor is in the slot
Any value other than a 001, 002, 203, or 377 means the K detected an error. Because the Kci
is always requestor 1, a Kci-detected error always shows in the far left position in the Status
of requestors (1-9): field of the message. In any other position, the type of requestor must be
Count over the Status of requestors (1-9): field to the status contents showing an error (this is the
requestor number). When the HSC reboots, type SHOW REQUESTOR at the HSC> prompt to see
whether the requestor detecting the error is a K.sdi, K.sti, or Ksi. Find the number of the data
channel that found the error in the displayed response. This display shows whether that requestor
number is either a K.sdi, K.sti, or K.si.
D-4 Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
If the HSC is not operational or the requestor in question fails initialization self-
tests, check the module utilization label above the card cage to determine whether
the involved requestor number is a K.sdi, K.sti, or K.si.
Tables in this appendix consider only the rightmost two octal characters in failure code. Use the
appropriate table (dependent upon requestor type) to find the meaning of the status code.
"(See NOTE.)tt appears in several places in the following tables. In each table, this
information appears at the end of that table.
00 Two conditions cause failure of the 2911 sequencer test upon powerup or
reinitialization. In one case, the requestor sent status back to the P.io while Init
was asserted. In the other case, the sequencer had already released the !nit signal
but the sequencer failed to reach the point in its code where it could change the
status bits.
A common reason for this status code is from an HSC false power fail crash dump. In
this type of crash dump OOT through 20), all requestors present report a 00 status
01 2901 ALU test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
02 Data bus (DBUS) test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
03 Control bus (CBUS) test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
04 CROM test failed upon powerop or reinitialization.
06 K pli RAM test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
07 PLI interface test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
10 Packet buffer test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
11 LINK. board test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
12 Control bus/memory error occurred during a lock cycle while the Kci was attempting
to locate the K-Init packet in Control memory upon powerup or reinitialization.
13 Kci could not find a properly formatted K-Init packet in Control memory after
completing poweruplInit diagnostics.
14 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. While attempting to update
the next buffer pointer in an FRB, the pointer was found to be zero (illegal). Rl1
contains the FRB address.
15 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
16 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. The control stream found
a structure on its own work queue which is not an HMB or FRB. Rll contains the
structure address.
17 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. While constructing a slot
(SNDDAT, REQDAT) from an FRB, the FRB address was found to be zero (illegal).
R12 contains the slot address.
20 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
Interpretation of Status Code Bytes 0-5
21 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A buffer allocate request
was initiated without sufficient buffers on the allocated queue in the control area to
satisfy the request. RII contains the FRB address.
22 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. The queue head for an
allocated send buffer was zero.
23 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
24 An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. The lower sequencer
encountered an inconsistent internal data structure. R2 contains the message slot
25 An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. During the RTNDAT routine,
the lower sequencer finds a zero (illegal) FRB address.
27 An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. This error occurs when the
lower sequencer polling loop calls a routine which adds or removes Big Message
Block (BMB) pointers to or from the BMB chain, if the queue that is supposed to
contain these pointers is empty.
30 An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. This error occurs when the
lower sequencer determines that BMBs need to be returned to the free BMB pool and
during a consistency check finds no BMBs to return. R2 contains the message slot
31 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
32 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. While attempting to transmit
over a connection, the upper sequencer found an incarnation number of zero (invalid)
in the Connection Block structure. Rll contains the HMB address and R14 contains
the CB address.
33 through 41 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
42 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected following a block move to Control memory. RIO contains the Upper
Processor error register contents. RIG contains the last Control memory address
in the block that was moved.
43 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected following a block move out of Control memory. RIO contains the Upper
Processor error register contents. RIG contains the last Control memory address in
the block that was moved.
44* An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected following a Control memory Receive operation. RIO contains the Upper
Processor error register contents. RIG contains the Control memory address of the
item received. R17 contains the Control memory address of the queue head.
45 and4G * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
47* An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected during a Downcount operation. RIO contains the Upper Processor error
register value. R17 contains the counter address.
50* An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected while de-queueing a Control memory item from a scratchpad list. RIO
contains the Upper Processor error register contents. Rl1 contains the Control
memory address of the item.
D-6 Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
51 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected while internalizing an FRB. RIO contains the contents of the Upper
Processor error register, Rll contains the FRB address and R14 contains the CB
address. The Q register contains the work queue index.
52 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer.
Either a consistency problem was found with the scratchpad queue or an attempt
was made to send to a queue at address zero (illegal address).
53 through 55 * An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
56 through 71 * An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
72 * An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. This error occurs while the
Lower Processor is trying to link a BMB on the BMS free chain. RIO contains the
Lower Processor error register contents. R5 contains the BMB Data memory address.
73 * An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected during a BMB list operation. RIO contains the Lower Processor error
register contents. R5 contains the BMB Data memory address.
74 * An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. A hardware error was
detected during a BMB list operation. RIO contains the Lower Processor error
register contents. R5 contains the BMB Data memory address.
75 * An error was detected by the lower (control) sequencer. (See NOTE.)
76 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. While copying data. from an
HMB to a message slot, the upper sequencer found the byte count of the HMB was
larger than the slot capacity. R12 contains the slot address and R17 contains the text
77 An error was detected by the upper (control) sequencer. A host clear sequence has
been received. R17 contains the address of the issuing node number.
The sequencers access Control memory several times before checking for a hardware
error. Thus, to help determine the particular cause of the error, the sequencer saves the
contents of the error register present at the time of the error check in RIO (octal). The
contents of RIO are visible within the crash dump and can help in narrowing the error
possibili ties.
The following lists show the bits available from both the Upper and Lower Processor error registers.
Those bits marked with an asterisk (*) may cause a crash.
• Upper Processor error register:
Bit 0 = Even/odd bit Control memory address
Bits 3, 2, 1 = CCYCLE 2, 1, 0
* Bit 4 = Control bus error (illegal cycle)
* Bit 5 = Control bus NXl\1:
* Bit 6 = Control data parity error
* Bit 7 =Instruction (CROM) parity error
* Bit 8 = Scratchpad parity error
Interpretation of Status Code Bytes 0-7
00 Two conditions cause failure of the 2911 sequencer test upon powerup or
reinitialization. In one case, the requestor Bent status back to the P.io while lnit
was asserted. In the other case, the P.io had already released the lnit signal but the
sequencer failed to reach the point in its code where it could change the status bits.
A common occurrence of this status code is from an HSC false power fail crash dump.
In this type of crash dump (lOT through 20), all requestors present report a 00 status
01 2901 ALU test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
02 Data bus (DBUS) test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
03 Control bus (CBUS) test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
04 PROM test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
06 Scratchpad RAM test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
07 R-S/Gen test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
10 Partial SDI test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
12 The K.sdi encountered a Control bus/memory problem while searching for the K-Init
packet in Control memory.
13 After completing poweruplInit diagnostics, the K..sdi could not find a properly
formatted K-Init packet in Control memory.
14 While trying to write the microcode version into the control area at address R7+44
(R7 is base address), the upper sequencer encountered a Control bus error. Rll
contains the contents of the upper error register. (See NOTE.)
15 The Upper Processor tried to advance the buffer descriptor pointer when the old
value of the pointer is zero (illegal).
D-8 Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
16 While attempting to read the block number (LBN) from a buffer descriptor in Control
memory, the Upper Processor encountered a hardware error. R11 contains the
contents of the upper error register. (See NOTE.)
17 through 30 * The Upper Processor encountered an error while attempting to access Control
memory. R11 contains the Upper Processor error register contents. (See NOTE.)
31 This error occurs if, during transfer completion, a DRAT counter goes to zero and the
DRAT list head in the control area is not locked and not equal to the current DRAT
32 through 42 * The Upper Processor encountered an error while attempting to access Control
memory. RI1 contains the Upper Processor error register contents. (See NOTE.)
43 This error occurs while processing an active DCB if the dialogue state indicator is
not locked (a value of 100000 is not in KS$DHD) and not valid (KS$IND does not
contain the values 0, 1, 2, 3, OR 4, or -1).
44 The Upper Processor encountered an error while attempting to access Control
memory. RI1 contains the Upper Processor error register contents. (See NOTE.)
45 This error occurs if, after completing state 0 processing, the upper sequencer cannot
find a valid DCB opcode. (No valid state is present to go to next.)
46 through 55 * The Upper Processor encountered an error while attempting to access Control
memory. RI1 contains the Upper Processor error register contents. (See NOTE.)
74 through 76 The Upper Processor attempted to downcount a counter that was already at zero.
The upper sequencer accesses Control memory several times before checking for a
Control bus error. Thust to help determine the particular cause of the error, the upper
sequencer saves the contents of the error register present at the time of the error in
Rll (octal). The contents of Rll are visible within the crash dump and may help in
narrowing the error possibilities.
Interpretation of Status Code Bytes D-9
The following list defines all the bits contained within the Upper Processor error register (value
loaded in Rll). Those bits that may cause a crash are denoted with an asterisk (*).
0-1 0 Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
000 Two conditions cause failure of the 2911 sequencer test upon powerup or
reinitialization. In one case, the requestor sent status back to the P.io while Init
was asserted. In the other case, the sequencer had already released the Init signal
but the sequencer failed to reach the point in its code where it could change the
status bits.
A common occurrence of this status code is from an HSC false power fail crash dump.
In this type of crash dump (lOT through 20), all requestors present report a 00 status
103 Control bus (CBUS) test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
106 Scratchpad RAM test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
110 Partial STI test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
112 The Ksti encountered a Control bus/memory problem while searching for the K-Init
packet in Control memory.
301 2901 ALU test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
302 Data bus (DBUS) test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
304 PROM test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
307 SERDES test failed upon powerup or reinitialization.
313 After completing poweruplInit diagnostics, the Ksti could not find a properly
formatted K-Init packet in Control memory.
The upper sequencer accesses Control memory several times before checking for a
Control bus error. Thus, to help determine the particular cause of the error, the upper
sequencer saves the contents of the error register present at the time of the error in
Rll (octal). The contents of Rll are visible within the crash dump and may help in
narrowing the error possibilities.
The following list defines all the bits contained within the Upper Processor error register (value
loaded in R11). Those bits that may cause a crash are denoted with an asterisk (*).
• Upper Processor error register:
Bit 0 = Even/odd bit Control memory address
Bits 3, 2, 1 = CCYCLE 2, 1, 0
* Bit 4 = Control bus error (illegal cycle)
* Bit 5 = Control bus NXM
* Bit 6 =Control data parity error
* Bit 7 = Instruction (CROM) parity error
Bits 8 through 12 not used
* Bit 13 = Response pulse missing on SDI RDIRES Line (pulse-error)
Bit 14 = Upper Processor RTCS clock present
0-14 Interpretation of Status Code Bytes
When an error occurs, the upper processor transfers the contents of the upper processor
error register at the time of the error to register Rl1 (octal).
Interpretation of Status Code Bytes 0-15
The contents of R11 are given in the crash dump to help you narrow the error
possibilities. The following list defines all the bits contained in Rl1 from the upper
processor error register. Those bits that can indicate the possible cause of a crash are
denoted with an asterisk (*).
Bit 0 Even/odd bit for control memory address
Bits 3,2,1 CCYCLE 2,1,0
Bit 4* Control bus error (illegal cycle)
Bit 5* Control bus NXM
Bit 6* Control data parity error
Bit 7* Instruction (CROM) parity error
Bits 8 through 12 Not used
Bit 13 Response pulse missing on SDI RDIRES line
Bit 14 Upper processor RTC clock pulse present
Bit 15 Parity error on RTDS line
:II m
HSC70-AA/CA IREV A1 B1 E5 .t,
rr $I
E2-ETCH 01
.... L0100-00 S.
g C-ETCH 01 . C)'
::s 3:
.:..,.. L0107-YA K.PLI C2 C3
~ C4 e3.
.... ()
D-ETCH C8 C9 C10 -.. ~
~ E-ETCH C1 C2 C3 --.
::s F-ETCH C22 C22 C23 C24 C25
a:::!. L0108-YB
o E-ETCH C3 C4 ...
::I. F-ETCH C23 C23 C24 C25 C26
Sheet 1 of 4
cC HSC70-AA/CA IREV A1 81 E5
CXO-1271B m
Sheet 2 of 4 ~
E-6 Revision Matrix Charts
L0100-00 III (CI LINK) E2-ETCH 01
r" L0105-00 P.IOC D-ETCH E1 E3 E5
:::t E-ETCH E2 E4 E6
g M.STD C1
I: L0107-YA K.PLI C1 C2 C3 C4
:;; L0108-YA C-ETCH
K.SDI C6 C7 C8
& (HSC5X-B)
D-ETCH C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10
fI) E-ETCH C1 C2 C3
K.SOI F-ETCH C23 C24 C25
o::r L0108-YB
I» (HSC5X-C)
L0109-00 PILA E1 E2
54-14048-00 BACKPLANE D-ETCH A1 A2
L0118 III (CI LINK) 3:
L0119 K.SI D-ETCH x'
CXO-2078A m
Sheet 1 of 4 .!.,
70-20033-01 STO PS ASSY - 120 V~C IN Ai B1 C1 C2 C3 Ai B1 C1 C2 C3 f.
~ 70-20033-03 STO PS ASSY - 120 VAC IN C1 C2 C1 C2 :::J
l HSC5X-EA OPT PS KIT - 120 VAC IN Ai A2 B2 a
:c 70-20184-01 OPT PS ASSY - 120 VAC IN Ai B1 B2 A1 B1 B2 o'::J'
~ 70-19122-00 PWR CTRL ASSY - 120/208 V Ai A2 A3 B1 B2 C1 C2 ~
70-20524-01 OCP ASSEMBL Y A2 A3 "'A2 A3
- 54-15286-01 OCP C C
(I) 70-20186-01 BEZEL ASSEMBLY (TU58) A1 A
TU58-XA ORV MECH (70-15510-00) F K F K
~ TU58-XB S INTRFC (54-13489-00) F3 F4 K L M F3 F4 K L M
Sheet 2 of 4
L0100-00 III (CI LINK) E2-ETCH 01
~ C-ETCH 01
..:..,.. L0105-00 P.IOC D-ETCH E1 E3 E5
:E: E-ETCH E2 E4 E6
g M.STD C1
L0107-YA K.PU C1 C2 C3 C4
-i (HSC5X-B)
O-ETCH C5 C6 C7 CS C9 C10
tn E-ETCH C1 C2 C3
K.SDI F-ETCH C23 C24 C25
o L010S-YB
L0109-00 PILA E1 E2
54-1404S-00 BACKPLANE A1 A2
L011S III (CI LINK) 3:
Sheet 3 of 4
HSC50-AB lREV E4 E5 E6 rr-.
70-20033-02 STD PS ASSY - 240 VAC IN A1 B1 C1 C2 C3 A1 B1 C1 C2 C3 A1 B1 C1 C2 C3
70-20033-04 STD PS ASSY - 240 VAC IN C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 0'
::I: :::3
~ 54-15286-01 OCP C C C
a:1 70-20186-01 BEZEL ASSEMBLY (TU58) A1 A1 A1
o:r TU58-XA DRV MECH (70-15510-00) F K F K F K
:1. TU58-XB S INTRFC (54-13489-00) F3 F4 K L M F3 F4 K L M F3 F4 K L M
Sheet 4 of 4
Revision Matrix Charts E-11
Control bus error conditions (hardware- Disk functional out-of-band errors (cont'd.)
detected), 8-54 clock dropout from ONLINE disk unit
Controller byte field, 8--34 xx., 8-62
Controller errors deferred ATN. message for node xx,
compare error, ~ unit xx, 8-67
data bus overrun, 8-65 disk unit xx. (requestor xx., port xx.)
data memory error (NXM or parity), being INITialized, 8-67
8-66 disk unit xx. ready to transfer, 8-68
EDC error, 8-70 disk unit xxx. (requestor xx., port xx.)
internal consistency error, 8-77 declared inoperative, 8-68
MSCP, 8-29 DRAT/SEEK timeout, disk unit xxx.,
PLI receive buffer parity error, 8-86 8-68
PLI transmit buffer parity error, 8-86 DRIVE CLEAR attempt on disk unit
SERDES overrun, 8-93 xx. (requestor xx., port xx.)., 8-69
TMSCP, 8-29 duplicate disk unit xx, 8-70
Control program, 1-21 FRB error: Kci, 1st LBN xx., xx.
Cooling, 1-5 buffers, FE$SUM xx, 8-72
Crash dump, B-1 FRB error: Ksdi, unit xx., 1st LBN
CSR breakdown xxx., xx. buffers, FE$SUM xx,
RX33 disk drive, 8-51 8-73
illegal bit change in status from disk
unit xxx, 8--76
D KsdilK.si in slot xx. failed its lnit DIT
Data channel module (K.si), 1-17 status = xxx, 8-78 '
LBN restored with forced error in
see also K. si
dc power switch, 2-6 RESTOR operation!, 8-79
Description and :flags LBN xx. repaired for shadow member
unit xx., 8-79
MSCP error format, 8-26
TMSCP error format, 8-26 positioner error on disk unit xxx.
DRAT addr:xxx, 8-87
Device integrity tests
premature LP flag in RTNDAT
generic error message format, 5-2
sequence from host node xx, 8-87
generic prompt syntax, 5-1
ILRX33, 5-2 SDI exchange retry on disk unit xxx,
ILTU58 , 5-5
Diagnostic indications unexpected AVAILABLE signal from
ONLINE disk unit xx, 8--98
boot, 8-26
unit xx. declared inoperative because
Diagnostic manager, 1-22
no progress made on Command
Diagnostic subroutines, 1-22
Disk data channel module (K.sdi), 1-16 Reference xxx:xx., 8-98
unrecoverable error on disk unit xx.
see also K.sdi Drive appears inoperative, 8-99
Disk drive, 3-38 unsuccessful SEEK initiation, disk unit
see RX.33 disk drive xxx. DCB addr: xxx, 8-99
prompts, 5-40 VC closed due to timeout of
Disk drive integrity test RTNDAT/CNF from host node
ILDISK, 5-9 xx, 8-99
Disk error processor, 1-22 Disk 110 manager, 1-22
Disk functional errors, 8-52 Disk status code bytes
Disk functional out-of-band errors K.si, D-12
aborting error recovery due to excessive Disk transfer errors
recals, 8-58 data sync not found, 8-67
aborting error recovery due to excessive eight-symbol ECC error, 8-81
timeouts, 8-59 five-symbol ECC error, 8-81
attention condition serviced for forced error, 8-71
ONLINE disk unit xxx., 8-60 four-symbol ECC error, 8-81
ATl'N. message sent to node xx, for MSCP, 8-35
unit xx, 8-59 MSCP field description, 8-35
Index 3
error messages (cont'd.) disk errors (cont'd.)
error 52, 576-byte format failed, error 103, this drive removed from
5-20 test, 5-54
error 53, 512-byte format failed, error 104, couldn't put drive in
5-20 DBN space, 5-54
error 54, insufficient resources to error 105, no DACB available,
perform test, 5-20 5-54
error 55, drive transfer queue not error 106, some disk I/O failed to
empty before format, 5-20 complete, 5-54
error 56, K.sdilK.si detected error error 107, command failed - invalid
during format, 5-20 header code, 5-54
error 57, wrong structure on error 108, command failed-no
completion queue, 5-21 control structures available,
error 58, Read operation timed out, 5-54
5-21 error 109, command failed-no
error 59, K.sdilK.si detected error buffer available, 5-54
in read preceding format, error 111, write requested on
5-21 write-protected drive, 5-54
error 60, read DRAT not returned error 112, data compare error,
to completion queue, 5-21 5-54
error 61, Format operation timed error 113, pattern number error,
out, 5-21 5-54
error 62, format DRAT was not error 114, EDC error, 5-54
returned to completion queue, error 116, unknown unit number
5-21 not allowed in ILEXER, 5-54
error 63, can't acquire specific unit, error 117, disk unit numbers
5-21 must be between 0 and 4095
error 64, duplicate unit detected, decimal, 5-54
5-21 error 118, hard failure on disk,
error 65, format tests skipped due 5-54
to previous error, 5-21 error 119, hard failure on Compare
error 66, testing aborted, 5-22 operation, 5-54
error 67, not good enough DBN s error 120, hard failure on Write
for format, 5-22 operation, 5-54
hardware requirements, 5-10 error 121, hard failure on Read
MSCP status codes, 5-22 operation, 5-54
operating instructions, 5-10 error 123, hard failure on initial
progress reports, 5-12 Write operation, 5-54
software requirements, 5-10 error 124, drive no longer on line,
specifying requestor and port, 5-12 5-55
system requirements, 5-10 error message format, 5-50
test parameters, 5-11 error messages, 5-52
tests performed, 5-9 generic errors, 5-52
test summaries, 5-12 error 01, no disk or tape
test termination, 5-11 functionality, 5-52
ILEXER error 02, could not get control block
communications error format, 5-51 for timer, 5-52
communications error report, 5-48 error 03, couldn't get timer for
data compare error format, 5-50 MDE, 5-52
data patterns, 5-44 error 04, disk functionality
data transfer error report, 5-46 unavailable, 5-52
disk drive prompts, 5-40 error 05, tape functionality
disk errors, 5-54 unavailable, 5-53
error 102, drive error not up to error 06, couldn't get drive status,
speed, 5-54 5-53
error 07, drive is unknown, 5-53
Index 11
generic errors (cont'd.) tape errors (cont'd.)
error 08, drive is unavailable, error 204, comm error: TDUSUB
5-53 call failed, 5-55
error 09, drive cannot be brought error 205, read data error, 5-55
on line, 5-53 error 206, tape mark error, 5-55
error 12, couldn't return drive to error 207, tape position lost, 5-55
available state, 5-53 error 209, data pattern word error,
error 13, user requested write on 5-55
write-protected unit, 5-53 error 210, data read EDC error,
error 14, no tape mounted on unit, 5-55
5-53 error 211, couldn't set unit char,
error 15, record length larger that 5-55
12K or 0, 5-53 error 213, truncated record data
error 16, this unit already error, 5-55
acquired, 5-53 error 214, drive error... hard error,
error 18, invalid time entered, 5-55
5-53 error 215, unexpected error
error 20, couldn't get buffers for condition, 5-55
transfers, 5-53 error 216, unexpected BOT
error 21, tape rewind commands encountered, 5-55
were lost, 5-53 error 217, unrecoverable write
global prompts, 5-43 error, 5-55
informational message error 218, unrecoverable read
at most, 16 words may be entered error, 5-55
in a data pattern, 5-52 error 219, controller error... hard
disk interface not available, 5-52 error, 5-55
number must be between 0 and 15, error 220, formatter error...hard
5-52 error, 5-55
pattern number must be within error 221, retry required on tape
specified bounds, 5-52 drive, 5-56
please mount a scratch tape, 5-52 error 222, hard error limit
please wait-clearing outstanding exceeded, 5-56
110, 5-52 error 224, drive went off line,
starting LBN is either larger than 5-56
ending LBN or larger than error 225, drive went available,
total LBN on disk,5-52 5-56
tape interface not available, 5-52 error 226, short transfer error,
informational messages, 5-52 5-56
multi drive exerciser, 5-37 error 227, tape position
operating instructions, 5-38 discrepancy, 5-56
pattern word error format, 5-51 test parameter, 5-39
performance summary, 5-46 test summaries, 5-48
progress reports, 5-46 test termination, 5-39
prompt error format, 5-50 ILMEMY
setting/clearing :flags, 5-46 error message example, 5-8
system requirements, 5--37 error messages, 5-9
tape drive exercise commands, 5-49 error 000, tested twice with no
tape drive prompts, 5-42 error, 5-9
tape errors, 5-55 error 001, returned buffer to free
error 201, coulddt get formatter buffer queue, 5-9
characteristics, 5-55 error 002, memory parity error,
error 202, couldn't get unit 5-9
characteristics, 5-55 error 003, memory data error, 5-9
error 203, some tape I/O failed to error 004, NXM Trap (Buffer
complete, 5-55 Retired), 5-9
14 Index