Surge in Liar Loans' From Major Aussie Bank Is Concerning'
Surge in Liar Loans' From Major Aussie Bank Is Concerning'
Surge in Liar Loans' From Major Aussie Bank Is Concerning'
May 18, 2022 A A A
Key takeaways
(/) • More than half of Australian mortgage holders who took out a new home loan lied
about their circumstances to make sure their loan was approved.
Table of contents
More than half of Australian mortgage holders who took out a new home loan
( with one of the major banks
lied about their circumstances to make sure their loan was approved, shocking new research has
The survey, conducted by UBS, revealed that 55% of Aussies who took out a home loan with ANZ
( in the 6 months to
December 2021 made false representations on their application.
During the period of booming house prices and fierce competition for properties which led to
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), it seems more Aussies pushed the envelope trying to borrow to the
max – usually by fudging their declared living expenses.
“This is particularly concerning, given ANZ’s persistent declines in mortgage market share,
and the fact that 81% of the 93 respondents who misrepresented their ANZ originated loan
claim they were advised to do so by their banker,” UBS analyst John Storey said in the
ANZ lost market share during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when the bank was caught
unprepared for a housing boom (
have-been-integral-to-australias-covid-19-economic-recovery/) that saw mortgage demand
Turnaround times slowed, and faster lenders stepped in to snatch market share from the bank.
And the numbers are disappointing given the survey shows that the overall ‘liar loan
investor/)’ trend actually decreased to 37% in 2021, from 41% in 2020.
As for the other major banks, the analysis showed that 40% of Westpac customers had lied on
their application, while 30% did at Commonwealth Bank and 19% at National Australia Bank.
The news is particularly concerning at a time when the Reserve Bank has officially begun hiking
The 0.25% hike in May is the first increase mortgage-holders have experienced in 12 years.
And the increase comes with a warning that there are many more hikes to come
You see, even a 1% rise could add hundreds of dollars a month in repayments on the average new
So mortgage holders with ‘liar loans’ could be further stretched than we realise.
But there is some good news
The UBS survey also revealed some more promising data.
It found that 51% of homeowners are more than 3 months ahead on mortgage repayments and
25% have savings buffers and emergency funds to cover 7 to 12 months of repayments.
Of course, the regular property pessimists are out there telling us our property markets are going
to crash because of “mortgage stress.
One analyst warned the country could be in for a “big shock” telling the Australian Financial Review:
“If 70% of customers are ahead on mortgage repayments, that means 30% of people are not,
which I think is pretty worrying.”
“When you add up the fact that people are misrepresenting their income to get loans, we
could be gearing up for a big shock.”
In fact, the total value of Australia’s residential real estate market is close to $10 trillion and is only
a total of around $2 trillion in debt against this.
Sure some young first homeowners have loan commitments of more than 30% of their income -
the definition of mortgage stress but they tend not to sell up when things get tough – they would
rather eat Maggi noodles than sell their homes.
And in line with what the survey shows, we know that those who do have a mortgage are well
ahead in their mortgage repayments (
In fact, it is estimated that a total of $1.37 billion is sitting in offset or redraw accounts.
Also remember that mortgage distress should also be minimised to some extent by mortgage
serviceability assessments at the time of the loan origination since banks have, in general, been
very conservative when it comes to stress testing.
All borrowers would have been assessed to repay their mortgage under a scenario of mortgage
rates being 2.5 percentage points higher than the origination rate, and since October last year,
borrowers were being assessed at mortgage rates of 3 percentage points higher.
Combine this with the fact that the average Australian is wealthier than ever, our economy is
robust, wages are rising, there is a dire supply shortage ahead, and migration is about to pick up
and it’s clear our property market is in good shape.