History Notes 30
History Notes 30
History Notes 30
Based on the Cummunist Manifesto by Marx and Engels (1848). Held that all of history had been
shaped by a class struggle. The Manifesto acted as a call to revolution for the workers of the world.
Engels was the son of a textiles manufacturer and saw the harm that the Industrial Revolution
caused first-hand. Was sent to Britain for training in a factory and was horrified by the conditions by
which the workers lived. Marx was a lawyer and philosopher, believing that history was shaped by a
class struggle. The pair met in 1844 (and kissed a bit), then collaborated on the Manifesto and Das
“Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose
but their change. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite. “
Ideas of Marxism
Class Conflict: Centred on the idea of conflict between the haves and have nots
Base and Superstructure: Belief that the ‘superstructure’, the framework of society, was held up by
the ‘base’ of owners.
Five stages of history – Primitive Communism, Ancient society, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism,
Social Democrats
Generally Marxist. Formed in 1898 under Georgi Plekhanov. Joined by Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)
in 1900 after returning from Siberia. Tried to radicalise the party. In 1902 Lenin writes What is to be
Done? , his first revolutionary pamphlet. Lenin was known to the Tsar after his brother was killed for
A vote was held but no consensus was met. Lenin claimed more support, naming his faction the
Bolsheviks (Majority), even though he had less support. The Mensheviks (Minority) were just sorta
absesnt that day..
- Had to be different as Russia had not went through the stages of history
- Wanted a pary of professional, full time revolutionaires in a precises hierarchy
- Believed Imperialsim was the highest stage of capitalism and would lead to a world war over
- Workers would rise up and take over in a dictatorship of the proletariat.
- The war would deepedn clase conflict and make a better time for revolution
Socail Revolutionaires
- Formed out of the populist movement or Narodniks to include peasants and proletariant.
- Appealed to workers with ideas like minimum wages, universal sufferage and an 8 hour day
- Weake
The Liberals
The octoberists