Lecture 5 Protocol
Lecture 5 Protocol
Lecture 5 Protocol
Diplomatic communication and correspondence are a part of protocol; protocol is way beyond it.
Protocol is, however, always presented in communication and correspondence.
Starting from the type of document is used, the content and the way it should be presented,
protocol deals with both verbal and non-verbal communication.
Types of communication
To successfully perform the protocol, you have to do the 7 types of listening. What is expected to
have an impact? You prepare the strategy according to how your country and its politics are
perceived in the press. For the information gathering, it is necessary to pay attention to sources:
1) state governmental official legislation and notes. For example, when you go to Bulgaria as an
ambassador, you have to take into account all official documents of the country.
2) statements of political leaders, officials, public leaders (what do they say about Ukraine?)
3) media - indirect source
4) think-tanks of research and scientific institutions
5) materials from civil society (political parties, NGOs)
6) diplomatic corps from other countries
Sometimes briefings are organized by foreign ministries, diplomats usually attend those
themselves or send their staff.
7) direct communication:
- transcripts and records of telephone calls and meetings
- social media feedback
8) communication within the accredited country
9) internal communication - MFA to its own embassy headquarters (внутрішньовідомча)
Inter-institutional - the embassy is related to different ministries of other country (міжвідомча)
This group of documentation is a lot of reporting, starting from briefings about the country to
regular (yearly, half-yearly) reporting, business trip reports.
Consular reports are also very important.
Private semi-official letters are used between ambassadors who are in close relations with
each other to touch upon very sensitive issues.
Note/appeal to the government - can be made public
Communiqué - a form of press release
Social media posts
Procès-verbal - protocol, minutes of the meeting; after the signature it enters into force and
becomes obligatory.
Demarche is not a diplomatic document; it is a representation of a government's position on
some issues. It is usually targeted to persuade, inform or gather information from a foreign
government. It can also be used as a protest to object to actions of a foreign government. It
can take a form of a note verbale or a signed note, memorandum - but it will have the
character and intent of it, it is not diplomatic correspondence.
Demarche has to always monitor the reaction of the recipient.
Requirements: professional, formal, no spelling mistakes, logical, coherent, concise, "to the point",
references to sources, timeliness