5to 230605 093042
5to 230605 093042
5to 230605 093042
name:___________________________________ B2.2
Have you heard about Starbucks and McDonald’s and tasted their food??
Read the first two paragraphs of the article. Which company is focusing more on the
international market?
Read the whole article, and then look at these company plans. Write “M” (McDonalds) or
“S” (Starbucks) for each one.
Reread the article’s headline and first three paragraphs and find the prepositions that
go with these verbs and match them with their meanings (a-e)
Stir ______ to not het something because someone else
gets it instead
Match the phrasal verbs with take (1-5) with the meanings (a-e).
Take on be surprised
We were going to __________________ five new staff next month, but then the economy
Listen to the second part and decide whether the statements are true (T) or False (F).
We found a far more ____________ market. Er, we found that customers were not ____________
between the companies, the companies were not ____________ with each other, erm, and
consequently we were finding higher ____________, less ____________ and less ____________.