Lá ch0002
Lá ch0002
Lá ch0002
2 Endotracheal Intubation
Cindy Goodrich
PURPO SE: Endotracheal intubation is performed to establish and maintain a
patent airway, facilitate oxygenation and ventilation, reduce the risk of aspiration,
and assist with the clearance of secretions.
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 9
Figure 2-1 Parts of the endotracheal tube (Soft-Cuffed Tube by Smiths Industries Medical
Systems, Co, Valencia, CA). (From Kersten LD: Comprehensive respiratory nursing, Philadelphia,
1989, Saunders, 637.)
❖Clinical findings consistent with tracheal placement • This procedure should be performed only by physicians,
include visualization of the tube passing through the advanced practice nurses, and other healthcare profession-
vocal cords, absence of gurgling over the epigastric area, als (including critical care nurses) with additional knowl-
auscultation of bilateral breath sounds, bilateral chest edge, skills, and demonstrated competence per professional
rise and fall during ventilation, and mist in the tube.14,15 licensure and institutional standard.
❖ End-tidal CO2 detectors assist in confirming proper
placement of the endotracheal tube into the trachea (see EQUIPMENT
Procedure 14). The presence of CO2 in the expired air
indicates that the airway has been successfully intu- • Personal protective equipment, including eye protection
bated, but does not ensure the correct position of the • Endotracheal tube with intact cuff and 15-mm connector
endotracheal tube. (women, 7-mm to 7.5-mm tube; men, 8-mm to 9-mm tube)
❖ Disposable end-tidal CO2 detectors are chemically • Laryngoscope handle with fresh batteries
treated with a nontoxic indicator that changes color in • Laryngoscope blades (straight and curved)
the presence of CO2. • Spare bulb for laryngoscope blades
❖ Continuous end-tidal CO2 (capnography) assists in • Flexible stylet
confirming proper placement of the endotracheal tube • Magill forceps (to remove foreign bodies obstructing the
into the trachea as well as allowing for detection of airway if present)
future tube dislodgment. • Self-inflating manual resuscitation bag-valve-mask device
❖ During cardiac arrest (nonperfusing rhythms), low with tight fitting face mask connected to supplemental
pulmonary blood flow may cause insufficient expired oxygen (15 L/min)
CO2.22 If CO2 is not detected, use of an esophageal • Oxygen source
detector device is recommended for confirmation of • Luer-tip 10-mL syringe for cuff inflation
proper placement into the trachea.2,3,14,18,23 • Water-soluble lubricant
❖ At least five to six exhalations with a consistent CO2 • Rigid pharyngeal suction-tip (Yankauer) catheter
level must be assessed to confirm endotracheal tube • Suction apparatus (portable or wall)
placement in the trachea because the esophagus may • Suction catheters
yield a small but detectable amount of CO2 during the • Bite-block or oropharyngeal airway
first few breaths.15 • Endotracheal tube–securing apparatus or appropriate tape
❖ Esophageal detector devices work by creating suction ❖ Commercially available endotracheal tube holder
at the end of the endotracheal tube by compressing a ❖ Adhesive tape (6 to 8 inches long)
flexible bulb or pulling back on a syringe plunger. • Stethoscope
When the tube is placed correctly in the trachea, air • Monitoring equipment: cardiac monitor, pulse oximetry,
allows for reexpansion of the bulb or movement of the and sphygmomanometer
syringe plunger. If the tube is located in the esophagus, • Disposable end-tidal CO2 detector, continuous end-tidal
no movement of the syringe plunger or reexpansion of CO2 monitoring device, and esophageal detection device
the bulb is seen. These devices may be misleading in • Drugs for intubation as indicated (induction agent, seda-
patients who are morbidly obese, in status asthmaticus, tion, paralyzing agents, lidocaine, atropine)
late in pregnancy, or in patients with large amounts of • Assortment of oropharyngeal airways and nasopharyngeal
tracheal secretions.14 airways
• Endotracheal tube cuff pressure should be checked after • Rescue airways such as LMA, King LT, or Combitube
verifying correct endotracheal tube position. The cuff • Failed airway equipment: gum elastic bougie, videolaryn-
pressure recommended for assistance in preventing both goscope, optical stylet fiberoptic scope, and cricothyroid-
microaspiration and tracheal damage is 20 to 30 cm otomy kit
H2O.11,17,19 Additional equipment, to have available as needed, includes
• Intubation attempts should take no longer than 15 to 20 the following:
seconds. If more than one intubation attempt is necessary, • Anesthetic spray (nasal approach)
ventilation with 100% oxygen using a self-inflating • Local anesthetic jelly (nasal approach)
manual resuscitation bag device with a tight-fitting face • Ventilator
mask should be performed for 3 to 5 minutes before each
attempt. If intubation is not successful after three attempts, PATIENT AND FAMILY EDUCATION
consider using another airway adjunct, such as a laryngeal
mask airway (LMA), Combitube, or King LT Airway (see • If time permits, assess the patient’s and the family’s level
Procedures 1, 7, and 8). of understanding about the condition and rationale for
• It is important to have a clearly defined difficult/failed endotracheal intubation. Rationale: This assessment iden-
airway plan and alternative airway equipment available at tifies the patient’s and the family’s knowledge deficits
the bedside in case of unsuccessful intubation. This may concerning the patient’s condition, the procedure, the
consist of a gum elastic bougie, LMA, and videolaryngo- expected benefits, and the potential risks. It also allows
scope. Surgical airway equipment such as that needed for time for questions to clarify information and voice con-
a cricothyroidotomy should be available at the bedside in cerns. Explanations decrease patient anxiety and enhance
case of a failed airway.15 cooperation.
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 11
*Level D: Peer-reviewed professional and organizational standards with the support of clinical study recommendations.
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 13
*Level D: Peer-reviewed professional and organizational standards with the support of clinical study recommendations.
Figure 2-5 The blade is advanced into the oropharynx, and the laryn-
goscope is lifted to expose the epiglottis.
18. Visually identify the epiglottis Identification of anatomical External laryngeal manipulation
and vocal cords. landmarks provides landmarks for (BURP) may assist with
successful intubation visualization of the vocal cords.3
Apply BURP on the thyroid cartilage
to move the larynx to the right while
the tongue is displaced to the left by
the laryngoscope blade.3 This may
be done by the intubator or by an
Cricoid pressure (Sellick maneuver)
may provide increased visualization
of the vocal cords by moving the
trachea posteriorly. This is
accomplished by applying firm
downward pressure on the cricoid
ring, pushing the vocal cords
downward so that they are visualized
more easily (see Fig. 2-1). Once
cricoid pressure is applied, it must
be maintained until the intubation is
completed. The routine use of
cricoid pressure is not recommended
during cardiac arrest.14
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 15
Figure 2-6 The tip of the blade is placed in the vallecula, and the
laryngoscope is lifted further to expose the glottis. The tube is inserted
through the right side of the mouth.
B. With a straight blade, advance Exposes the glottic opening. Keep left arm and back straight when
tip just beneath the epiglottis Using the paraglossal technique pulling upward, allowing for use of
and exert gentle traction allows for a better view by shoulders when lifting patient’s head
outward and upward at a displacing the tongue with (decreases use of teeth as a fulcrum).
45-degree angle to the bed. minimal effort.15 Using a straight blade may provide a
Blade may be inserted to the better view when the larynx is more
right of the tongue into the anterior or in those with a receding
natural gutter between the chin.15 Midline insertion of the blade
lower molars (paraglossal often results in difficulty in
technique) or midline.15 Do controlling the tongue which may
not allow the handle to lever obscure the view, particularly in
back, causing the blade to hit unconscious adults.
the teeth.
20. Lift the laryngoscope handle up Allows for correct placement of Do not use the blade as a pry bar; this
and away from the operator (at a tube into trachea (Fig. 2-7). may result in damage to the teeth or
45- to 55-degree angle from the mouth.15
trachea) until the vocal cords are BURP may assist with visualization of
visualized. the vocal cords.3
Procedure continues on following page
16 Unit I Pulmonary System
21. Hold end of tube in right hand Tube is placed with the right hand.
with curved portion downward.
22. With use of direct vision, gently Tube must be seen passing through The front teeth or gums should be
insert tube from right corner of the vocal cords to ensure proper aligned between the 19-cm and
mouth through the vocal cords placement. Advance tube 1.25– 23-cm depth markings on the tube to
(Fig. 2-8) until the cuff is no 2.5 cm farther into the trachea. ensure the tip of the tube is above
longer visible and has passed When correctly positioned, the tip the carina.4 Common tube placement
through the vocal cords (Fig. of the tube should be halfway at the teeth or gums is 20–21 cm for
2-9). Do not apply pressure on between the vocal cords and the women and 22–23 cm for men.10,15
the teeth or oral tissues. carina.4,14 If intubation is unsuccessful within 30
seconds, or the patient’s oxygen
saturations falls below 90% during
the attempt, remove the tube.15
Ventilate with 100% oxygen with a
bag-valve-mask device before
another intubation attempt is made
(repeat Steps 13 through 20).
Before reattempting intubation, correct
problems related to positioning,
procedure, or equipment.
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 17
Figure 2-8 The tube is advanced through the vocal cords into the
Figure 2-9 The tube is positioned so that the cuff is below the vocal
cords, and the laryngoscope is removed.
23. When the tube is correctly Firmly holding tube at the lips An assistant may remove the stylet
placed, continue to hold it provides stabilization and while the intubator firmly holds the
securely in place at the lips with prevents inadvertent extubation. endotracheal tube in place,
right hand while first withdrawing preventing dislodgement of the tube.
the laryngoscope blade and then
the stylet with left hand.
24. Inflate cuff with 5–10 mL of air Inflation volumes vary depending In adults, decreased mucosal capillary
depending on the manufacturer ’s on manufacturer and size of tube. blood flow (ischemia) results when
recommendation. Do not Keep cuff pressure between 20 pressure is greater than 40 mm
overinflate the cuff. (Level M*) and 30 mm Hg to decrease risk of Hg.4,14
aspiration and prevent ischemia Consider using manometer to measure
and decreased blood flow.11,14 cuff pressure and increase or
decrease pressure as indicated to
achieve cuff pressure of 20–30 mm
25. Confirm endotracheal tube Ensures correct placement of
placement while manually endotracheal tube.
bagging with 100% oxygen.
A. Auscultate over epigastrium. Allows for identification of If air movement or gurgling is heard,
(Level D*) esophageal intubation.4,14 esophageal intubation has occurred.
The tube must be removed and
intubation reattempted. Improper
insertion may result in hypoxemia,
gastric distention, vomiting, and
*Level D: Peer-reviewed professional and organizational standards with the support of clinical study recommendations.
*Level M: Manufacturer’s recommendations only.
*Level B: Well-designed, controlled studies with results that consistently support a specific action, intervention, or treatment.
*Level D: Peer-reviewed professional and organizational standards with the support of clinical study recommendations.
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 19
*Level B: Well-designed, controlled studies with results that consistently support a specific action, intervention, or treatment.
*Level M: Manufacturer’s recommendations only.
*Level D: Peer-reviewed professional and organizational standards with the support of clinical study recommendations.
2 Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) 21
Documentation should include the following:
• Patient and family education • Clinical confirmation of tube placement including
• Vital signs before, during, and after intubation, assessment of breath sounds
including oxygen saturation and end-tidal CO2. • Measurement of cuff pressure
• Size of endotracheal tube • Number of intubation attempts
• Type of intubation: oral or nasal • Use of any medications
• Type and size of blade used • Patient response to procedure
• Depth of endotracheal tube insertion in centimeters at • Occurrence of unexpected outcomes
teeth, gums, or naris • Pain assessment, interventions, and effectiveness
• Confirmation of tube placement, including chest
radiograph, end-tidal CO2 detector, and capnography
(method of placement confirmation)