Free Java Software Developer Resume Word Download
Free Java Software Developer Resume Word Download
Free Java Software Developer Resume Word Download
Manager and team leader of software development, consulting and pre-sales teams and technical projects.
Long track record of successful multi-disciplinary and multi-partner projects, working with development
teams and independently, deadlines, prototype and long-term installations, publications, documentation, and
funding proposals.
Extensive experience liaising and communicating with technical and non-technical clients and end-users
from a broad range of experience domains (industrial partners, psychologists, ethnographers, pedagogs,
artists and scientists).
Vast range of skills including IT, current technologies, numerical methods, communication, mathematics and
Highly experienced in Complex Event Processing and Capital Markets technologies and solutions.
Highly motivated software engineer with extensive experience in IT solutions, OO design and development.
Extensive programming and large code bases experience in Java (9+ years), including J2SE, J2EE, J2ME,
JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Hibernate, JMF, JNI, advanced core concepts, among others.
Experience with C# (2 years) and building .net and compact framework applications (UIs, client/server).
Experienced (regular use over several years) in C, C++, PHP, XML, SQL, Python, JavaScript, Prolog, Lisp,
TCL, OpenGL, SRGP, HTML/CSS, VRML, Postscript, Tex, Matlab, Maple, and others.
Extensive experience with development tools such as Ant, CVS, Eclipse, Visual Studio.
Deployment and interfacing knowledge of server solutions such as Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, Postgres, etc.,
and regular use of operating system environments of Windows, Unix/Linux, Macintosh, PocketPC, and
Author of an extensive software suite and MIDlet/Mobile device frameworks development experience.
Applications and programming in GRID computing, networking, distributed computing, Computer Vision
(image recognition, pattern matching, image manipulation), Computer Graphics (3D graphics algorithms,
OpenGL, SRGP, VR, 3D-modelling), and Neural/Biological Networks (numerics, modelling and visualization,
development tools).
Employment History
2009-present Solutions Engineering Manager at Progress Software for Latin American operations, based in
Miami, Florida, USA.
2007-2009 Solutions Manager and Senior Software Engineer at Progress Software in Cambridge, UK.
2003-2007 Research Fellow in Computer Science at Mixed Reality Lab (MRL), University of Nottingham,
1999-2002 Computer Science Researcher at the Interactive Collaborative Environments Lab (ICE) at the
Swedish Institute of Computer Science, (SICS) in Stockholm and Gothenburg, Sweden.
1997-2000 Part-time work as laboration assistant in several computer course disciplines at the Department
of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and
the Department of Economics in Stockholm University, Sweden.
2000-2007 Development of software for analysis and simulations, and website deployment/management with database backends.
Honorary Research Assistant at the Physiology Department at University College London in London, UK: Modelling Hippocampal
networks in conjunction with consulting for the Department of Psychology at Boston University, United States.
1993-1995, 1997-1999 Master of Science in Applied Physics studies, in the area of Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science, at The
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden.
Engineering manager and project lead for the development of both Algorithmic Trading and Complex
Event Processing solutions.
Managing customer engagements, training and mentoring of pre-sales and consulting teams in Europe
and Latin America.
Senior Software Engineer working on the design, development, requisites and enhancements of the
Apama core product.
Management, design and implementation of demonstrators, proof of concepts and solution accelerators
for Capital Markets and general CEP market domains.
Pre-sales and consulting engagements in Europe and Latin America for Capital Markets and CEP.
Presenter of Capital Markets topics such as Risk Mitigation in conferences and various venues.
2000-2007 IT Consulting
Java development of software for analysis and simulations, usually involving multi-thread concerns.
Website deployment/management (servlets, JSP, JSTL, PHP, HTML, WAP/WML) with database
backends (MySQL, Postgres).
Research into software solutions and feasibility for patented intellectual properties.
Java and numerical modelling of Hippocampal networks and development of Catacomb, a virtual lab
Semantic Media / DReSS – Digital annotation tools for scientists (1 year – 2006-2007, UK)
Main developer of the Digital Replay System for recording and playback of annotation media in Java
using RDF, Jena, Axis, and Spring framework for system persistence, and client/server features.
Collaborating with social scientists and chemists in experiment analysis through sensors and media
Main developer of software components and graphical interfaces to drive research, integration of
hardware and software technologies in domestic environments.
Multi-module stand-alone Java applications, including server applications, client and midlet
applications, distributed computing solutions, web mining and web services.
Applications for long term continuous deployment built in C# including web resource mining,
interfacing to visualization packages and hardware devices.
Developer of JavaBeans components, Swing based GUIs, distributed communication using web
services and Equip system, JNI and C/C++ for native applications, and interfaces to external software
Developer of client applications in C# for PocketPC devices, using XML and SOAP.
Collaboration and orchestration of scenarios and long term installations with industrial designers,
artists and ethnographers.
MyGRID - Alternative GRID solutions for neuro-science/biology research (4 months – 2005, UK)
Developer of Swing based Java GUI component for accessing database backend using GRID and
web service technologies (Jena, Axis, Xerces, Hibernate).
Main designer and developer of mobile phone software for the I Like Frank real world game
experience in conjunction with Blast Theory artist studio.
Developer of Java midlet applications for 3G devices and server side programming.
Java development for Globus Toolkit GRID integration with TinyOS driven sensor devices, server
technologies (Apache Tomcat) and MySQL database backend, 2D Visualization development, and C
programming PIC devices.
Development team leader and coordinator of work activities for the integration of hardware and
software infrastructure components.
Main developer of software components and graphical interfaces to drive research in domestic
eErie - Real world gaming experience with mobile, pervasive and sensor technologies (1 year – 2001-2002,
Main developer of applications in Java for mobile devices and simple distributed computing solutions,
integrating sensor hardware (RFID, proximity sensors, etc).
ITsPU - Role-playing as a tool for management training for professionals (4 months – 2001, Sweden)
Main developer of concept game for hand-held technology and monitoring application in Java and
Development and design for The Pond, a desk based web search/media visualization tool.
Developer of web services, MySQL database integration, TCL scripting, RFID device interface, and
behaviour algorithms in Java.
KidStory - Collaborative storytelling with children with prototype technologies (2 years – 1999-2001, Sweden)
Developer of computer vision platform in Java and software tools for collaborative storytelling.
C and TCL scripting for integration with in-house hardware and 3D Dive system visualization.
Author/Co-author of several international conference, journals and workshop publications. Selected examples
"Playing with the Bits - User-configuration of Ubiquitous Domestic Environments ", Humble, J., et al, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science: UbiComp2003: Ubiquitous Computing: 5th International Conference, Seattle, WA,
USA, October 12-15, 2003, Proceedings, Volume 2864, Jan 2003, Pages 256 - 263.
"A Generic Architecture for Sensor Data Integration with the GRID", Humble, J. et al, First International
Workshop on Scientific Applications of Grid Computing, SAG04, Sept 20, 2004, Beijing, China.
"Something Eerie?", Karl-Petter Åkesson and Jan Humble, Designing Ubiquitous Computing Games, A
workshop at UbiComp 2001 in Atlanta, GA, USA, September 30, 2001.
Selected Appointments
Organizing committee of the 2nd International Workshop on GRID Computing and its Application to Data
Analysis, GADA'05.
Programme committee of several international ubiquitous, pervasive and GRID themed workshops and
conferences including: CHI, Ubicomp, UIST, GADA'07, GADA'06, GADA’04, ADSM'06, ADSM'05, KDMG'05,
ADSM'05, GSRM'05, GPP'05, SAG'04.
Journal reviewer for Future Generation Computer Systems, The International Journal of Grid Computing:
Theory, Methods and Applications.
Interests - personal
SCUBA diving (advance open water / stress and rescue), science literature, travel, tennis, basketball, chess,
billiards, guitar, film.