Final Exam Coverage

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Intellectual property (IP) is defined as the intangible creations of the

human intellect or mind, such as
✓literary and artistic works
✓symbols, names, and images
used in commerce that is expressed or translated into tangible forms
and is assigned with specific rights which give them the right over
their property and prevents others from using it without the
permission of the owner (creator).
➢ Encourages inventors, makers, creators, designers, owners to
➢ Enables to recoup the cost
➢ An incentive for future research
➢ Facilitates technology transfer or licensing
➢ For technological advancement
➢ Condition of membership of the world’s trade system;
➢ Essential for science and technology
➢ Strikes a balance between conflicting interests in society
In the Philippines, creations are protected under the
Republic Act 8293 commonly known as the
“Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines”.

Like any other property right, such as ownership

right in material possessions (e.g. cars, homes, etc.),
intellectual property rights (IPR) allow the creator of
legal ownership, to earn recognition or any form of
benefit from their creation.
government agency mandated to implement the law protecting
intellectual property rights in the Philippines as provided for
under R.A. 8293 (signed into law on June 6, 1997).

1. Intangible
2. Can be exclusive and territorial but only for a limited period
means that the IP owner or the IP right
holder enjoys exclusivity over the IP. This means that
without the holder’s permission or legal cause, others are
not allowed to exploit the right holder’s IP. Ex: “Bottle
Cap Remover, Samsung Smartphone)

✓ Territorial IP- refers to the fact that IP is valid only in

the country in which the rights are granted or recognized.
Example: The VSU’s patents and trademarks granted in
the Philippines do not enjoy US protection.
Exclusive IP Examples:

1: Mr. Domingo and Ms. Teruel patented an invention on a

“Bottle Cap Remover ”
Example 2: A Samsung smartphone that embodies one or
several patents will become the property of the person who
bought it, but the underlying patents can be used by the right
holder only to prevent others from making or selling smartphones
using the patented invention.
1. The R.A. 9150 - known as “An Act providing for the Protection of
Layout Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuit”

2. The R.A. 9168 - known as the “New Plant Varieties Protection


Effective and proper protection of IP can be done by identifying the

type of rights a product or good needs.
✓Identifying the right protection ensures that all
features or parts that are vital to certain products or
goods are protected.

✓Effective protection is vital in promoting creativity

and as support to the country’s economic and financial
1. Industrial Property and Copyright- covers patents,
industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, layout-designs
of integrated circuits, commercial names, and designations,
geographical indications, and protection against unfair

2. Related Rights- covers literary works, films, music, artistic

works, and architectural design
1. Empowering
2. Enables the students and other young individuals to
understand that your ideas may have value and may be
3. Individuals of all ages engage in creative and inventive
practices daily as part of the educational system or just
normal activity but are not aware.
Industrial property- a physical matter that is a product
of an idea or concept for commercial purposes
1. Patents – Utility Model
2. Industrial Design
3. Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits
4. Trademarks, Service Marks, Collective Marks
5. Geographical Indications
6. Undisclosed Information (Trade Secrets)
Patents is an exclusive right that allows the inventor to
exclude others from making, using, or selling the product of
his invention during the life of the patent.

✓ Patent owners may also give permission to, or license,

other parties to use their inventions on mutually agreed
1. Novelty or New – the creation or invention shall be considered
new if it does not form a part of the prior art.

2. Inventiveness or Non-obviousness – the invention is not obvious

to a person skilled in the art in the light of the prior publication or
knowledge or document.

Example: Pin/safety pin in 1849 by Mr. Walter Hunt. He

protected his ideas of pin for clipping different fabric pieces together

3. Usefulness or Industrially Applicable


Construction of dress-pins,
hair-pins, etc made from one
entire piece of wire or metal,
forming said pin and
combining with it in one and
the same piece of wire, a
coiled or curved spring,
constructed substantially as
above set forth and
In 1994, an American inventor named Michail
A. Mussell improved Mr. Hunt’s invention.

➢ The problem he identified from the

previously invented pin is the probability of
pinching and damaging the fabric.
3. Usefulness or Industrially Applicable – the invention
or creation must possess utility for a patent to be granted.
It should provide various uses and manners of practicing
them, even if it is considered obvious.

Example: Eyeglasses with integrated telescoping

✓ All information related to the invention granted with a
patent right is all contained in a patent document.
Generally, a patent document is composed of the
following :

1. Bibliography
2. Abstract – this can be found either in the bibliography or the
following page
3. Specifications
• Background of the invention;
• The summary of the invention;
• A detailed description of the invention;
4. Claims of the Invention
5. Drawings (if applicable)
➢ If you want to develop a patentable technology it is important to
identify the closest prior art or find the invention that might devalue
what you have in mind.

To avoid making copies of already existing technologies,

inventors, researchers or creators browse through a patent database,
such as the following
1. A product, such as a machine, a device, an article of manufacture,
a composition of matter, a microorganism

2. A process, such as a method of use, a method of manufacturing, a

non-biological process, a microbiological process

3. Computer-related inventions

4. An improvement of any of the foregoing

1. Discoveries
2. Scientific theories
3. Mathematical methods
4. Schemes, rules, and methods of (performing mental acts,
playing games, doing business, and programs for computers)
5. Methods for treatment of the human or animal body by
surgery or therapy & diagnostic methods practiced on the human
& animal body
6. Plant varieties or animal breeds or essentially biological
processes for the production of plants and animals (RA 9168)
7. Aesthetic creations
8. Contrary to public order or morality
➢ Utility Model- sometimes referred to as “patent-
like” or “utility innovations”- type of
protection that also allows the creator or
applicant to prevent others from commercially
exploiting his/her UM without his authorization.

• It is relatively inexpensive, faster to obtain, and

with less stringent patentability requirements
but in return, the protection is much shorter than
patents (7 years).
Industrial Design

 Industrial design is a type of protection for the visual

appearance of the product.
Industrial Design is composed of

✓ ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article

✓ may consist of three-dimensional features such as the shape or
✓ 2-dimensional features such as patterns, lines of color which
range from fashion to industrial goods.
Industrial designs that are not registrable:

1. designs that are dictated essentially by technical or

functional considerations to obtain a technical result;

2. designs which are mere schemes of surface

ornamentations existing separately from the industrial
product or handicraft;

3. designs which are contrary to public order, health, or

➢ The terms and duration for industrial design
registration are also shorter compared to patents and
utility models (5 years from the filing date), however, it
may be renewed for not more than two consecutive
periods of five years each, by paying the renewal fee.
Examples of an industrial design

The Coca-Cola ‘Contour’ Bottle

The Volkswagen ‘Beetle’
Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits

• “Integrated circuits - a product, in its final form or an intermediate

form, in which the elements, at least one of which is an active element,
and some or all of the interconnections are integrally formed in
and/or on a piece of material and which is intended to perform an
electronic function”.

• “Layout-design – a 3D disposition, however, expressed, of the

elements, at least one of which is an active element, and of some or all
of the interconnections of an integrated circuit, or such a three-
dimensional disposition prepared for an integrated circuit intended
for manufacture”.
Integrated circuits are essential in modern technology.

Typically, it is an element that is vital to a wide range of electrical

products, and developing innovative designs of such is significant for the
production of ever-smaller digital devices with more functions.
✓ This IP protection allows the creator or applicant to have
an exclusive right of the creation and prevent or stop
others from commercially using the protected layout
Unlike patent and industrial design,different
aspects of the integrated circuits should/will
be protected by different types of intellectual
property rights to effectively protect
intellectual property with respect to
integrated circuits.
➢A trademark protects a business’s brand identity in the
➢It is a sign that distinguishes the goods or products, or
services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. A
mark includes any word, name, symbol, device, or any
More often trademarks help the consumer in the identification
and choosing between goods/products/services based on
reputation and quality.
Reasons why trademark registration is important:

1. Exclusive legal right on a business name

2. Protects business name and gives a remedy in court in
case of infringement
3. A sound name in the market in the eye of a general
4. Creates face value among competitors
5. Gives legal recognition to businesses
6. Monopoly business name or brand name.
Geographical indication (GI) - sign being used to
identify the origin of goods or products having
special characteristics.

➢ used to identify the definite geographical

territory of specific goods indicating that such
goods or products should be processed or
produced in that territory.
✓ named after two of the
areas which produce it,
➢ This protection is typically applicable for the provinces of “Parma
and Reggio”.
agricultural products, foodstuffs, wine, and
spirit, drinks, handicrafts, and industrial
Undisclosed Information (Trade Secrets)

➢ Trade secrets are subjected to national laws in any

country. But unlike patents and trademarks, trade secrets
have no formal requirements for registration.

1. commercially valuable because it is secret

2. be known only to a limited group of persons; and
3. be subject to reasonable steps taken by the rightful holder of
the information to keep it secret, including the use of
4. agreements for business partners and employees.
➢Trade secrets offer a competitive edge over other enterprises such
as information concerning manufacturing processes,
pharmaceutical test data, designs and drawings of computer
programs, and commercial information, a list of suppliers and
clients, and even advertising strategies.
➢ If others acquired such information independently
by themselves through their research and
development, the owners cannot provide
“defensive” protection since they did not disclose
the technology or invention to the public.

➢ Example, if a specific protocol of formulating

Compound X has been protected by a trade secret,
someone else can obtain a patent or a utility model
on the same invention provided that the inventor
arrived at that invention independently.
Copyright - an exclusive right granted to authors, writers, composers, and
others of original works such as novels, poems, plays, drawings, paintings,
photographs, and sculptures, however, it does not protect facts, ideas,
systems, and/or method of operation.

➢ It is a right that grants protection to unique expressions of ideas that can

be sold or transferred to others and are usually denoted by “©” followed
by the year and name of the owner.

➢ Work protected through copyright is creative with regards to the choice

and arrangement of the medium of expressions such as words, musical
notes, colors, and shapes.
The term of protection for copyright in literary and
artistic works, and in derivative works is generally the
lifetime of the author plus fifty (50) years.

✓ Works of joint authorship;

✓ Works of anonymous or pseudonymous works;
✓ Photographic works;
✓ Works of applied art;
✓ Audio-visual works.
➢ Owners can protect their creative works right away the
moment it was created through copyright, however, not
all wanted their works to belocked-up. Many people
wanted their work to be freely shared and even built upon
Creative works that are not protected by any
intellectual property rights. This allows anyone
to modify and distribute creative work without
committing infringement or any type of fraud.
This can be identified with the mark shown in
However, the disadvantage of a public domain is
that others defeat the idea of the term “Public
Domain” by declaring the idea or creation
astheir proprietary and sell it for profit.

✓ All computer software created before 1974

✓ Works of William Shakespeare
✓ Works of Ludwig van Beethoven
➢ allows creative works to be freely copied,
distributed, and modified
➢ The idea came from the computer software
community and that programming code shouldn't
belong to only one person/company, but be
available to all to incorporate, modify, and share.
➢ This prohibits users from selling copies or even
claiming proprietary rights of their modified
➢ Selling or distributing any creative works under
this license is allowable given that it will follow the
copyright protection guidelines. (Ex: Linux OS -
GPLv2 License)
➢This is a set of licenses that extends the concept of
copyleft to other creative works. The licenses make
the creative works available to the public free of
charge and even without permission given that the
users meet the conditions for a specific license.
➢Conditions such as displaying credit to the author
and not selling the work as-is. However, specific
licenses allow alteration of the work, incorporating
the original Figure.
➢Creative Commons piece to another work, and selling
the altered and incorporated work for commercial

✓ TED Talks-Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
Creative Commons License (CC-BY-SA License)
✓ Wikipedia Text – Creative Commons Attribution –
Infringement refers to the acts of violating the law, agreement, or a

IP Infringement- creations, protected by IP laws, that are exploited,

copied, or otherwise used without having permission from the IP right
owner .

1. Monetary compensation for the loss that may have been acquired by
the owner;
2. Possible custodial sentence;
3. Confiscation of assets;
4. Internal disciplinary proceedings.
1. Counterfeit & Replica Products Usually infringe the Trademark
and Industrial Design IP Right
2. Piracy Infringe the Copyright IP right
3. Plagiarism
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) – refers any living
organism that possesses a novel combination of genetic
material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology.

Biosafety – refers to a condition in which the probability of

harm, injury, or any damage resulting from the intentional and
unintentional introduction and/or use of a regulated is within
acceptable and manageable levels.

Nanotechnology- refers to the manipulation of matter on a near-atomic

scale to produce new structures, materials, and devices.
Brief History of GMO
✓ In 1965- the terms deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and
ribonucleic acid (RNA) are formally named.

✓ In the 1950s, the efforts of James Watson, Francis Crick,

Maurice Wilkins, and Rosalind Franklin paved the way to the
discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA and gave DNA
and RNA final recognition as the containers of genetic
information in living systems.

✓ Fast forward to 2003 which marked the completion of the Human

Genome Project (HGP).
1. Identification of the trait of interest

• The first step involves the selection or

identification of the gene of interest or
the trait that you want to express in an
• Crucial step as it involves critical
thinking and one must consider the
potential significance or impact of that
trait to the organism and its
2. Isolation of the gene of interest

• The genome of the species with the trait

of interest is compared to the species
which does not carry the said trait.

• Available database of information of an

organism’s genome is helpful in this
method if there are any, otherwise the
scientist will perform the so-called
“knock-out” to screen and isolate the
gene that leads to the specific trait.
3. Insertion of the gene of interest
into a new genome

➢ This step mainly involves the

incorporation of the isolated gene
of interest into a new organism.

➢ This is achieved through various

methods such as the use of gene-
4. Growing the GMO

➢ The genotype is constantly monitored by

scientists or researchers upon growing to
ensure they are propagating the ones that
carry a certain trait.

➢ They are grown in climate-controlled

growth chambers, greenhouses, and other
controlled sites.
GMOs gained advancements in many applications:

✓ food crops and agriculture

✓ improved nutrition
✓ pharmaceuticals,
✓ renewable resources.

In 2018, a total of 70 countries adopted biotech crops through

cultivation and importation and the Philippines ranked 5th
among top adopters in Asia-Pacific.
GM Corn

✓ Most GM corn varieties are made to

resist pests and the application of
✓ Bt-corn is developed for control
against the Asiatic corn borer.
✓ The mechanism involves the
production of a protein specifically
toxic to corn borer pests but not to
humans, pets, livestock, and other
GM Rice

✓ The GM rice crop is intended to

address Vitamin A deficiency in the

✓ It contains beta-carotene that is

converted into vitamin A essential for
the body and that gives the rice its
golden color.
GM Yellow summer squash

✓grown only in the United States

✓resistant to certain squash

GM Soybean

✓ produced for higher oil and protein

✓ Some varieties have been altered for oil
production and higher production of
oleic acid.
✓ Most varieties are used to feed mostly
poultry and livestock.
✓ Uses also include processed food
components like emulsifiers, and
GM Cotton

✓ pest resistant to the cotton

bollworms which allows higher
yield of cotton

✓ provides dependable raw material

sources in textile industries.

✓ Other uses include cottonseed oil

for packaged foods and frying in
restaurants and hulls for animal
GM Canola

➢ For edible oil production have been

modified to be tolerant to specific
herbicides under a defined crop
management plan.

➢ Canola seed meal is also used as food

for animals.
GM Alfalfa

✓ mainly for cattle feed and mostly for

dairy cows

✓ resistant to herbicides

✓ allows farmers to protect crops

against destructive weeds
competing with soil nutrients which
could reduce alfalfa production and
the nutritional quality of the hay
GM Papaya

✓ saved papaya farming in the

Hawaiian Islands infected with
ringspot virus that almost wiped
out their production

✓ made to resist the ringspot virus

✓ also known as Rainbow papaya.

GM Carnations

✓ have been on the market since the

mid-90s and claimed to be the first
GM flowers in the world.

✓ It was genetically modified to have

mauve, purple or violet-colored
Blue rose

✓ Blue roses are genetically

modified with a gene that
stimulates blue pigments in

✓ can resist pests

GM zebrafish

✓ was developed by injecting genes for

fluorescing proteins from jellyfish
and sea anemone to eggs of zebrafish.

✓ aquarium zebrafish were made in

three different colors, red, orange,
and green

✓ said to be the first genetically

modified animal to be sold as a pet
The spider silk protein in goats

✓ The transgenic production of silk

proteins in mammary glands of some
animals and secreted into milk has
been investigated.

✓ A goat has been genetically modified to

contain spider silk protein for possible
silk production along with its milk
What about nanotechnology?

➢Nanoparticles were used in colored glass by Romans during the 4th

century AD.
➢Lycurgus cup is the oldest synthetic nanomaterial.
➢Italians used nanoparticles in their Renaissance pottery during the
16th century.
➢In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman discussed the concept of
nanotechnology and its potential.
➢In 1974, the term "nanotechnology" was defined by Japanese
scientist Norio Taniguchi.
➢Molecular nanotechnology developments led to nanosystems
machinery manufacturing.
There are two general approaches in
nanostructure synthesis:

1. Top-down approach: It involves breaking

down bulk materials into smaller structures
using various methods like lithography and

2. Bottom-up approach: It involves

building nanostructures from single atoms
or molecules into the desired structure using
methods like chemical vapor deposition and
Nanotechnology innovations
Carbon nanotubes (cnts)
CNTs are cylindrical molecules made of
carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal
pattern. They have potential applications
in various fields such as polymer
nanocomposites, water transport systems,
biosensing, and medical applications like
targeted tumors, biosensors for infections,
and drug delivery. They are also used in
anti-static packaging for electronic

Buckminsterfullerene is a chemical
compound with 60 carbon atoms that
form a soccer-ball-shaped molecule. It is
very stable and is used in cancer drug
delivery vehicles to hold and deliver
compounds used in treatment. Its stability
makes it unable to break inside the body
and is excreted in its form.

Nanowires are very small wires on the

nanometer scale made up of
semiconductor materials such as silicon
or germanium. They have applications
in detecting biological agents like
proteins, DNA, RNA, and viruses.
Ongoing research is focused on
developing practical biomedical devices
using nanowires.
Quantum Dots

Quantum dots are semiconductor crystals

with unique optical, electronic, and
photophysical properties that fluoresce
different wavelengths of radiation, making
them suitable for biological labeling,
imaging, and detection applications in
clinical and medical studies, as well as in
the energy industry.
GMO Improved traits useful in various applications:

1. Insect resistance
2. Herbicide resistance
3. Virus resistance
4. Delayed fruit ripening
5. Altered oil content
6. Pollen control
7. Nutrition fortification
8. Pest resistance
9. Protein production
10. Pigment or color chang
The rise of technologies and great advancements is always coupled
with uncertainties and issues not only because of its newness or
because it may sound impossible but also because it might also
affect other aspects may it be social rights, safety, environment,
society, health, or life itself.
Issues and Concerns

1. Genetic Engineering Techniques

• This suggests that one gene might not determine one trait
• Genes incorporated into the genome could reside anywhere
carrying mutations
2. Health Risks
• It is pointed out that animals fed by the crops have been harmed
or even died.
• Young abnormal sperm count in rats, abortion, and infertility in
livestock grazing on some GE maize and corn have been reported.
3. GMOs and human rights
4. Occupational Exposure
National Committee on Biosafety of the Philippines
➢ It identifies and evaluate the potential hazards in GE experiments,
formulation and review of national policies on biosafety and
guidelines in risk assessment
➢ Originally issued under E.O 430 issued by Pres. Corazon Aquino in
the year 1990.

Department of Science and Technology

➢ Shall lead in ensuring that the best available science is used and
applied in the adoption of biosafety policies, measures, and
guidelines, and in making biosafety decisions.
Department of Agriculture
➢ Shall be in charge of addressing biosafety issues related to the
country’s agricultural productivity and food security.
➢ It shall take the lead in evaluating and monitoring plant and plant
products derived from the use of modern biotechnology, as provided
by DA AO No. 8, series of 2002.

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

➢ primarily responsible for the conservation, management,
development, and proper use of the country’s environment
and natural resources
➢ shall ensure that environmental assessments are done and
impacts identified in biosafety decisions.
Department of Health
➢ the DOH shall formulate guidelines in assessing the impacts on
health posed by modern biotechnology and its applications.
➢ shall be in charge of evaluating and monitoring processed food
derived from or containing GMOs.
Department of Foreign Affairs
➢ Shall participate in promoting and protecting Philippine interests
on biosafety in bilateral, regional, and multilateral forums.
Department of Trade and Industry
➢ Shall participate in relation to biosafety decisions that have an
impact on trade, intellectual property rights, investments, and
consumer welfare and protection
National Commission on Indigenous People
➢ Shall participate in relation to biosafety decisions which have a
specific impact on indigenous peoples and communities

Department of Interior and Local Government

➢ shall participate in relation to biosafety decisions which have an
impact on the autonomy of local government units.
Institutional Biosafety Committee
➢ tasked to evaluate and monitor the biosafety aspects of their
biological research
1. Guidelines for Contained Facility Test
➢ refers to any operation, undertaken within a facility, installation, or other
physical structures, which involves GMOs that are controlled by specific
measures that effectively limit their contact with and their impact on the
external environment.

2. Guidelines for Field Tests

➢ refers to the guidelines set to any intentional introduction into the

environment of a regulated article that passed the contained use and
confined test for the purpose of research and development and for which
specific confinement and mitigating measures may be imposed.
3. Guideline for Commercialization
➢ This refers to guidelines set for commercial propagation defined as the
delivery for introduction into commerce of a regulated article for
regeneration into plants or plant products for consumption by humans
or animals.
Thank you! :)
COSMOLOGY- It is the scientific study of the universe, or cosmos,
regarded as a whole, specifically in its structure, origin, evolution, and
➢ Comes from the Greek word, cosmos, meaning "order" and genos ,
meaning "offspring".

Our observable universe is approximately 13.8 billion years

✓ This means that the universe has been expanding for such
period which has had started from the moment called "The
Big Bang", but the expansion slowed down for the first 9
billion years.
The Big Bang Theory describes the expansion and evolution of the
universe from an initially hot and dense state to its current
relatively cool and tenuous state and still expanding today.

Theories of Expanding Universe

1. Einstein’s General Relativity (1915)
General relativity is in the principle of the theory of gravitation that
describes the universe's large-scale physical phenomena and
2. Fr. Georges Lemaître (1927)
Lemaître found the solutions to Einstein's equations that supported
an expanding universe.
➢ He reasoned that if the universe is expanding, then the universe is
smaller and smaller as we go back in time.
Theories of Expanding Universe

3. Einstein’s Cosmological Constant (1917)

Einstein firmly believed in a static universe, but he realized that his

equations could lead to an unstable universe.
➢So he added a term to his equations called the cosmological constant, a
mysterious force of empty space that would push outward and balanced
the inward gravitational collapse of the universe.
Expansion of the Universe

➢The discovery that the universe is expanding was

made by Edwin Hubble.
➢Edwin Hubble, with his assistant Milton Humason
(1891-1972), classified spectra from dozens of
galaxies and discovered a surprising pattern: The
farther away a galaxy was, the more its
spectrum appeared shifted into the red.

➢This relationship between a galaxy’s speed and its

redshift is now described by an equation known as
“Hubble’s Law.”
➢ Expansion in space is not an explosion; there is no center, and there is
no surrounding space. Expansion of the universe involves all space.

➢ The universe looks more or less the same, no matter where in the
universe we are. This important idea is called the cosmological
Evolution of the Universe

❑ The universe started its expansion

13.8 billion years ago in an event
called the Big Bang, and it has been
expanding ever since.

❑ The Big Bang is a moment in time

and not a point in space. At that
moment, all of space-time, matter,
and energy were squeezed into a
point of infinite density called the
Cosmic Microwave Background

1. George Gamow

In 1948, George Gamow was the first to support

the idea of a “Hot Big Bang.” He suggested that;
“As we go farther back in time, the universe gets
not only smaller but also denser, and therefore
hotter. So, the very early universe was in a very
hot dense state and as the universe expands it
cools down allowing matter to form.”
George Gamow
2. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson

In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert

Wilson discovered the remnant of the
Big Bang known today as the Cosmic
Microwave Background (CMB).

➢They had discovered the remnant of

the Big Bang known today as the
Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)

The CMB is like an opaque wall or horizon at the edge

of the observable universe.
Age of the Universe
We can calculate how long the universe has
been expanding since the Big Bang by
measuring the expansion rate of the
universe. The expansion time is equivalent to
the age of the universe. Though mathematically
it would give us the equation
where 𝑇- time and 𝐻𝑜 − Hubble constant

The current calculations based on the

observations will give the age of the universe
13.8 billion years.
Seeing into the Past Light- refers to an electromagnetic wave. You
can see a simplified version of the
electromagnetic spectrum.
➢ The human eyes can detect just a small
portion called the visible or the optical
➢ When we detect light, that means we
detect electromagnetic radiation.
➢ Light travels through space at a speed of
Why do we need to 186,000 m/s.
understand light? ➢ Since astronomical distances are large,
Because the deeper we see astronomers use a unit of length called
in space, the farther we go the Lightyear- the distance that light
back in time. travels in one year
Structure Formation
1. Gravitational Instability - Gravity is the only known possibility to
bring together material to form stars, galaxies, and large-scale
✓ Gravity is the architect of the universe.

2. Density Fluctuations in the very early Universe - the map of the

Cosmic Microwave Background has tiny temperature variations
shown by the different colors.
✓ The slight fluctuations are critical since they provide the “Seeds”
from which all structure in the universe developed.

3. Hierarchical Structure Formation - small structures collapse and

merge to give rise to larger structures such as Stars, Galaxies, Cluster,
Superclusters, and Void.
Dark Matter is composed of particles that do not absorb, reflect, or
emit light, so they cannot be detected by observing electromagnetic
• Dark matter is material that cannot be seen directly.
Dark energy -propels the accelerated expansion of the universe.
Lesson 9: The Secret to
our Success
9.1 Characteristics of a ‘big shot’

9.2 Trust and Passing Down Information are

among the Secret to Success

9.3 Culture and Prestige

Lesson 9.1: Characteristics of a
‘big shot’.
Who is a Big Shot?

➢ Big shot- refers to an important person, an influential leader, or a

major significance in a particular sphere of influence.

▪ It describes a person who influences others or someone who

made outstanding achievements.

▪ This term originated in the early-1900s and is lined up with

phrases that use the word big to mean important.
➢The true task of leadership involves the ability to make change

➢Leaders have a delicate balance between traits, abilities, behaviors,

sources of power, and aspects of the situation

➢Effective leadership starts with the fundamental ability to believe in

yourself, combined with maturity, conviction, and expertise that
translates into a purpose and direction.

➢ They are disciplined thinkers and confidently trust their intuition,

fully understand their environment, and transform every situation to
attain an established vision.
Characteristics of a big shot:

1. Patience –
✓ Consistent in every interaction;
✓ make sure that your aims and beliefs are reflected in your
✓ Be predictable when it comes to mood and actions.
✓ Take pains to avoid hypocrisy.
✓ Know how to control yourself.

For a leader to lead people, he/she would have an exceptional

level of patience and keep his/her coolness.
2. Kindness
✓ Knows when to speak and when to be silent.
✓ Sometimes, you don’t have to be so controlling and listen to
✓ Learn how to listen to what is being said

Show common courtesy and kindness to those who follow you;

these things can make all the difference in leadership.
3. Humility –
✓ When you demonstrate that you are humble, people will always
be more forgiving, more understanding, and more patient.
✓ Regardless of your position, you are still willing to learn from

4. Respectful –
✓ Consider others' opinions and don’t overtake or interrupt others
before offering your own.
✓ Honor those who follow us and develop the nature of respect
5. Self-less –
Do you use people only when you need them?
✓ Going in the opposite direction of the self-absorbed crowd is a
character trait that many leaders need to possess.

6. Forgiving –
✓ Acquiring feelings of resentment and unforgiveness is like hidden
cancer, slowly eating us away and developing health issues due to the
stress of unforgiveness.
✓ We must develop the ability to forgive others. We must know that
there are no “perfect people.”
✓ They can hurt us and make mistakes, but these imperfections will
create plenty of opportunities to exercise our ability to forgive.
7. Honesty/Integrity –
✓ It is one of the traits
that people seek in a
✓ People want to be told
the truth
Follow the principles of
integrity and honesty to
establish this character of
8. Committed –
✓ leadership requires not only character but also commitment. In
your role as a leader, you must be committed to your work and
develop those you lead.
✓ People will have a strong sense of respect and will want to follow
your leadership when you are a leader who shows commitment

9. They have the vision –

✓ influential people have big dreams and ideas of how the world
could and should be
✓ Do is a step to make this dream or vision a reality
✓ believe in yourself
✓ treat people with respect
✓ be genuine,
✓ show interest in others
✓ speak politely
✓ smile
✓ and be helpful

And with that, you will have considerable opportunities to influence

people. Always remember that influence is based on your character.
So, the more positive you show, the more influential you will become
Lesson 9.2: Trust and Passing Down
Information are among the Secret to Success
What is trust?

Trust – refers to a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength

of someone or something. It is a dynamic process. Even though we
established a solid foundation of trust, feelings of confidence continue
to respond to changes and transitions in the relationship. Just as
building up trust, it can also wear down.

“Passing of helpful information from generation to generation

prepares the younger generation to face the adversities that come
their way.”
Lesson 9.3 Culture and Prestige
What do you think is the reason for our
species’ success despite our weaknesses?
What is prestige?

❖ “Prestige” is defined as “respect and admiration accorded to one by


“Culture” -refers to the body of techniques, practices, tools, motivations,

values, and beliefs that we acquire mostly by learning from other people
while growing up.
Cumulative Cultural Evolution

Before the origins of first cities, agriculture, or industrial


▪ our kind is physically weak, slow, poor at detoxifying

poisonous plants, and not suitable for climbing
▪ dependent on eating cooked food though we don’t know
how to make a fire or cook
Cultural Capacities as Adaptations and Cultural Evolution

▪ Humans are adaptive cultural learners.

▪ We acquire ideas, beliefs, norms, motivations, values,
and worldviews from others in our communities.
▪ Our lineage started learning from each other in such a
way that culture became cumulative.

Examples: (hunting practices, tool-making skills, tracking

know-how, and edible-plant knowledge started to improve
and combined)
According to Heinrich,

“our species' immense ability to adapt to various environments and

develop a large body of know-how is because of our unique ability to
learn from others, not our raw brainpower.”

Culture-gene Coevolution

▪ Cultural learning abilities gave rise to an interaction between a

body of cultural information and genetic evolution that shaped and
continues to shape our anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
▪ The expanding body of adaptive information available in other
people's minds drove the genetic evolution to create a second form
of social status, called prestige.
Social Norms- refer to values, beliefs, attitudes, and/or behaviors
shared by a group of people. They are often based on what people
believe to be normal, typical, and appropriate.

▪ The culture changed the environments faced by our genes by

generating social norms.
▪ This influences a wide range of human actions such as kin
relations, mating, food sharing, and parenting.
▪ Cultural evolution initiated a process of self-domestication.
Collective Brains

▪ Innovation depends on the expansion of our collective brains,

which themselves rely on the ability of social norms, institutions,
and the psychologies they create to encourage people to freely
generate, share, and recombine novel ideas, beliefs, insights, and
▪ The secret to our success resides not only in our minds' power but
also in our communities’ collective brains.
▪ Our collective brains arise from the synthesis of our cultural and
social natures.

1. For 30 words, explain the saying, ‘It takes a village to raise a

2. Bob Dylan said, “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning
and gets to bed at night, and in between, he does what he wants to
do.” To what extent do you agree with this definition of success?
3. If our species is such a bunch of dimwits, how can we explain
our species’ success?
3. Is culture still driving genetic evolution?
Instruction: TRUE or FALSE. Write F if the statement is true and T if
the statement is false.

____1. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a group of

people bound by language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and
____2. The secret to species’ success resides only in the power of our
____3. Father’s involvement doesn’t occupy any significance in the
child’s growth.
____4. Children who feel closeness with their father are more likely to
spend time in jail
____5. Being an influential leader needs confidence to build self-
Instructions: Identify the following characteristics and traits in each situation.
____________1. You take a stand not because you think you are always right but because
you are not afraid to be wrong.
____________2. Sharing secrets with other people.
____________3. Modeling and learning from people admired for their achievements and
remarkable qualities.
____________4. A mother’s devotion to her child, causes her to always put the child’s
needs first, before her own.
____________5. It is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while
____________6. Letting someone ahead of you in line when you see they are in a hurry.
____________7. Admitting they cheated on a test.
____________8. A boy sent a letter to his dad in heaven, and the postman sent back a
heartwarming response.
____________9. Willingness to give time and energy to something that you believe in or a
____________10. Jesus sacrifices his life to save us from our sin
Thank you!
Climate Change and its
Weather and Climate

Weather -refers to the conditions of the atmosphere over a

short period of time (minutes, hours, days, or even weeks).
Examples are sunny, rainy, cloudiness, typhoon

Climate- defined as the average weather over a long period of

time (years, decades, or centuries) over a certain place.
➢ It describes the long-term patterns of temperature,
precipitation, wind, etc. in a given area (The climate in
Antarctica is different from that in the Sahara Desert or the
Weather and climate take into account similar elements such as

▪ air temperature and humidity

▪ type and amount of cloudiness and precipitation;
▪ air pressure
▪ wind speed and direction
Climate Change and Climate Variability

What is climate change?

Climate change- climate change refers to any change in climate over an

extended period of time, whether due to natural variability or
anthropogenic (man-made) forces(defined by United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Climate variability- refers to variations in the mean state and other

statistics (e.g., standard deviations, the occurrence of extremes) of the
climate on all temporal and spatial scales beyond that of individual
weather events.
What causes these variations?

Common drivers of climate variability include

• natural and sometimes periodic changes in the circulation of the air

and ocean (El Niño, La Niña)
• storms
• volcanic eruptions and other factors.

Climate variability is often natural, however, climate change is causing

an increase in the probability of many extreme weather events (super
typhoons), and those events contribute to climate variability (UCAR,
Climate Change, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

Based on the Earth’s history, the

planet’s climate has changed
many times with climatic events
alternating from ice ages (glacial
period) to long periods of
warmth (interglacial period).
Climate change includes “global
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states

“Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since

the mid20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in
anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.”

Anthropogenic- refers to environmental change caused or

influenced by people, either directly or indirectly
What are these greenhouse gases? How do these GHGs contribute
to climate change?

Greenhouse gases- refer to heat-absorbing gases found in the

atmosphere that trap the sun’s heat through the natural process known
as the greenhouse effect. These gases let in sunlight but keep heat from
escaping, just like the glass walls of a greenhouse.

Because of this natural greenhouse effect, the Earth’s surface

temperature is maintained at a level that is necessary to support
life. This condition provides a blanketing effect that keeps our planet
warm and makes life possible to thrive compared to the other planets in
the solar system.
• Without it, our planet will be too cold for life to exist.
Some Examples of Green House Gasses:

1. Carbon dioxide (CO2)

2. methane (CH4)
3. nitrous oxide (N2O)
4. water vapor (naturally occurring)
5. fluorinated gases (synthetic).
During the past 200 years, human activities such as the burning of
fossil fuels (coal, peat, oil, gas) and land clearing (deforestation,
urbanization) have caused an increase in greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere resulting to enhanced greenhouse effect.

What will happen if GHGs will increase in our atmosphere?

If GHG levels in the atmosphere will be above normal, try to

imagine our planet being wrapped with piles of blankets. More heat
will be trapped, thus, raising the Earth’s surface temperature and
creating a warming system that cannot naturally repair itself in a
span of time.
Sunlight The more
shines GHG
and concentratio
reaches n in the
onto the atmosphere
Earth’s due to
surface, anthropogen
where ic activities,
the the more
energy is heat gets
absorbe locked up in
d and the
radiated molecules
back into and less
the heat will
atmosph escape into
ere as space, thus,
heat. leading to
What is global warming?
Global warming- refers to the long-term heating of the Earth’s climate
system due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which
increases heat-trapping GHG levels in the Earth’s atmosphere.

➢ It is just one aspect of climate change.

➢ Global warming is used to refer to human-caused warming due to
high levels of GHG emissions, while climate change refers to both
human-caused changes and natural ones

In other words, global warming is just one symptom of the much

larger problem of human-caused climate change
What is the
gas released
by human
How can a greenhouse gas influence global warming? There are three key
factors to consider:

1. First is how much of its concentration exists in the atmosphere.

2. Second is how long it remains in the atmosphere.
3. Third is how effective it is at trapping heat

and this is referred to as its Global Warming Potential (GWP).

GWP is a measure of the total energy that a gas absorbs over a given period (usually
100 years) relative to the emissions of 1 ton of CO2.
Refer to the Bar Graph, Which of the GHGs contains the highest GWP? the fluorinated

Fluorinated gases are sometimes referred to as High Global Warming Potential

gases (“High GWP gases”)
Sources of the four major GHGs according to EPA (2020)

Carbon dioxide (CO2)- burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil),
solid waste, trees, and other biological materials, and also as a result of
certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement).
➢ Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere when it is absorbed
by plants as part of the biological carbon cycle.
Methane (CH4): production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil,
livestock and other agricultural practices and by the decay of organic
waste in municipal solid waste landfills.
Nitrous oxide (N2O): agricultural and industrial activities, combustion of fossil
fuels and solid waste, as well as during treatment of wastewater.

Fluorinated gases: emitted from a variety of industrial processes.

Climate Change Impacts, Mitigations, and Adaptations
Effects of Climate Change

1. Raising sea levels due to melting glaciers and sea ice and an
increase in ocean temperature and acidity (warmer water expands,
which can contribute to sea level rise).
2. Causing more frequent and/or intense extreme weather events,
including heat waves, hurricanes, droughts, and floods.
3. Exacerbating precipitation extremes, making wet regions wetter
and dry regions drier.
4. Altering ecosystems and natural habitat, shifting the geographic
ranges, seasonal activities, migration patterns, and abundance of
land, freshwater, and marine species.
Impacts of Climate Change on Society
1. Melting of Ice and rising sea levels.
2. Melting of Ice and rising sea levels.
3. Heatwaves, droughts, and floods.
4. Changes in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems.
5. Reduced Food Security.
6. Pests and Diseases.
How do scientists monitor the changing climate and its effects?
Scientists use Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological
advances that have enabled them to see the big picture of climate
science by collecting various types of information about our planet
on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years,
reveals the signals of a changing climate.
needs to
take to
and its
Thank you!
Information Technology
Information Technology - refers to the use of computer
systems, software, and networks to store, process,
retrieve, and communicate data and information.
Lesson 8.1: The Medium Change Human Affairs

The Medium is the Message

➢ The message of any medium or technology is the change of scale or

pace of pattern that it introduces into human affairs.
➢ Media have changed the way we behave.
➢ Our memory spans have reduced due to digital technology.
▪ News stories have been replaced with 140-character tweets.
▪ Conversations have been replaced with emojis.
This time, the authenticity of the information is indeed affected the by
medium used.
In the field of communication, what does ‘push of a
button’ means?

‘push of a button’ -Emphasizes that "the world is getting

smaller" due to the improved technology reducing the
geographical and cultural gaps between people with a single
push of a button.
Lesson 8.2: Computers and Internet
C O M P U T E R – This is an electronic device that can execute a wide
range of applications and is used to perform tasks such as data
processing, communication, calculation, storage, and multimedia

DIGITAL DATA- This is the electronic representation of information in a

format or language that machines can read and understand.

BYTE - is the unit of digital information, using 0 and 1 for the binary

I N T E R N E T - A vast global network of interconnected computer

networks that enables the exchange of information and communication
between devices worldwide.
Two ways of storing information:
A) Record player, which is an instrument for reproducing sounds.
B) Android cellphone playing music via Spotify
1. Internet: A super-brief history

• ARPANET 1960’s and other networks (US Department of Defense)

➢ ARPANET or also known as Advanced Research Projects

Agency Network, this is the network that ultimately evolved into
what we now know as the Internet.

➢ This was developed by the United States ARPA in 1966 which

has an initial purpose to link computers

➢ It made easier for people to access computers, improve

computer equipment, and to have a more effective
communication method for the military.
• IDEA: packet switching or data blocks transmission

➢ In this method, information is broken into small segments of

data known as packets and then reassembled when received
at the destination.
➢ Packet switching helps prevent any small information sent
after larger information from having to wait until the larger
information is sent.
➢ When information is broken into packets, packet size and
speed of the line determines how long it takes packets to
travel to their destination.
• Access expanded via the National Science Foundation.

➢ TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol)

standardization in the early 1980’s allows one computer to
talk to another computer via the Internet through compiling
packets of data and sending them to the right location.

So how does it work?

So how does it work?
Two layers of TCP :

TOP Layer (TCP)

✓ responsible for taking large amounts of data.
✓ Its task is to break down messages or files into smaller pieces or
what we know as “packets”, that are then sent over the Internet.
✓ These packets are then received by another TCP layer that then
reassembles the data into a complete file or message
✓ also responsible for error-checking that data stream to ensure the
delivery of the data
✓ TCP retransmits the packet(s) if an error is found.
Bottom Layer (IP)
✓ defines how computers send packets of data to each other.
✓ responsible for the locational aspect of the pair, allowing the
packets of information to be sent and received to the correct
✓ serves as the packet GPS to find the correct destination
✓ like a car driving on a highway and each packet passes through
a gateway computer (signs on the road), which serve to forward
the packets to the right destination.
• Late 1980 universities & research institutions to supercomputers

A supercomputer is a computer or array of computers that act as

one collective machine capable of processing enormous amounts of
✓ used for very complex jobs such as nuclear fusion and weapon
research, forecasting weather patterns, quantum mechanics, gas
and oil exploration, molecular modeling and etc.
✓ has a lot of processing power, complex tasks that would take a
regular computer year to complete can be done in a fraction of the
The first official supercomputer was the CDC 6600 designed by Seymour Cray,
which was released in 1964.
• 1990s boom among the larger community through www

➢ Before, there was different information on different

computers, and you had to log on to different computers first
to get at it.
➢ Sometimes, you had to learn a different program on each
➢ Hence, people were having difficulty sharing information.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee
✓ British computer scientist created a “memory substitute” program
in 1980 that linked various files on his computer and that software
is called Enquire which formed the basis for the World Wide Web.

✓ www made the internet much easier to navigate and interconnect.

➢ The World Wide Web is the fastest-growing communication

▪ www is different from the Internet.
▪ Internet -what connects our computers with other computers.
▪ www –is like an information management system
is what we are viewing while looking at our browser
• 1994 – Philippines was ‘connected’ to the world at the University
of San Carlos

▪ On Tuesday, March 29, 1994, at 10:18 A.M. at the University of

San Carlos (USC), Talamban, Cebu, the Philippines was linked
to the world via the Internet.

▪ The historical event was the first International Email

Conference organized by Dr. John D. Brule of Syracuse
University and USC.

▪ Benjie Tan- Engineer who actually made the country’s first

connection to the Internet the evening before the big
announcement on March 29.
Lesson 8.3: Implications of Information Technology
Media modes of communication

1. Oral mode of communication -could be one on one, one to a few, and

few to few, in terms of the one orally delivering the message to the target
2. Print media -could be one to many, but not an interactive manner, it’s
a one-way communication channel

How about Social Media?

3. Social media- It is a latter form of communication in this information
age. It is a web-based communication tool that enables people to
interact with each other by both sharing and consuming information
Some key features of SocMed:
• Decentralization
• Multitude of choices and options
• Two-way, many-to-many communication channels
• Empowered consumers, the producers are also consumers of
their products termed prosumer
• ‘free’ & ‘common’ use, open vs. closed systems

Social- refers to interacting with other people by sharing information

with them and receiving information from them
Media- refers to an instrument of communication, like the internet
Traditional forms of Media Examples:

1. Television
2. Radio
3. Newspapers

Social media vs. Social networks

Social media- is the platform/tool

Social networking - is the act of connecting on the social media platforms
What are cookies?

cookie –a message that web servers pass to your web browser when
you visit Internet sites
✓ small files (typically named cookie.txt) created and stored on
your hard drive (C:\Windows\Cookies) by the visiting website’s
web server when contacted by your browser.
✓ Cookies keep your browsing history

“Do not be fooled into believing that you can just do everything in
private using the internet. Remember, every computer has an
address that can be traced. The browsing history can reveal what you
have been searching for. If you are still an amateur user, stay away from
acts that can jeopardize your integrity.”
Money on the Internet.

Some of the established ways of ethically and legally earning money

using social media or the internet.
1. Advertising
2. Freemium services
3. E-commerce (e.g Uber, AirBnB)
4. Affiliate marketing (bloggers)
5. Subscription
6. Licensing (e.g software)
7. Selling data (e.g LinkedIn, Google searches) by information brokers
8. Sponsorships/donations
9. Build to sell
The era of prosumer

Why do social media encourage you to stay logged on or accept

desktop notifications?

The longer you are logged on, the more opportunity to gather more
data/information about your activities. In exchange, better-tailored
information and advertisement, better filtering of information.
Profit is not evil

Profitability is a vital sign that the business is good. It is a measure

of the health of the business. A business that does not profit is not

As the recipient of the media

❑ Create resonance via selective replies/linking
❑ Making sense of the noise (too much input) through selective

Carl Sagan, an exobiologist, American astronomer, and novelist said

that “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But
without it, we go nowhere.”

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