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Background of the Study

Coconut is, the edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the

palm family (Arecaceae). Coconuts probably originated somewhere in Indo-Malaya and

are one of the most important crops of the tropics. Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be

dried or eaten fresh or processed into coconut milk or coconut oil. The liquid of the nut,

known as coconut water, is used in beverages. A single coconut palm may yield 100

coconuts annually, and each fruit requires a year to fully ripen. Mature coconuts, ovoid or

ellipsoid in shape, 300–450 mm (12–18 inches) in length and 150–200 mm (6–8 inches)

in diameter, have a thick fibrous husk surrounding the familiar single-seeded nut of

commerce. A hard shell encloses the insignificant embryo with its abundant endosperm,

composed of both meat and liquid. Coconut fruits float readily and have been dispersed

widely by ocean currents and by humans throughout the tropics (The Editors of

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2021). It is also used as main ingredients like buko salad, buko

pie, buko juice, buko shake, and others. The traditional method of slicing and juicing the

coconut is done by using bolo, which will need the exertion of many efforts. An accident

is also likely to happen, though it’s workable the risk that needs to look out for and avoid.

Coconut is very important for the Philippine economy. It is the largest employer

of agricultural land and labor in the Philippines (Clarete and Roumasset, 1983). Due to

the performance of coconut in the economy as the major source of income, it is

considered a predictor of the general economic activity of the country. Furthermore, the

exports of coconut products serve as the nation’s prime foreign exchange earner. The

industry in the Philippines shows strong interrelationships among the composition of

three sectors: production, trading, and processing. According to FAO statistics (2016),

world coconut plantations produced 59,010,635 tons in 2016.

Coconut also known as the “tree of life”, is one of the most important crops in the

Philippines. It is considered a major export, contributing 3.6% of the country’s gross

value added (GVA) in agriculture, next to a banana, corn, and rice. Indeed, the country

remains to be a top producer and exporter of coconut worldwide (Lapina and Andal

2017). Coconut is widely used in many establishments just as restaurants, bars, hotels,

and pastries. This innovative idea will help entrepreneurs, specifically buko businesses,

which somehow will help them in operating their Buko businesses, this research focuses

on a buko machine with two functions in one operation.

Buko/coconut is widely used in many countries, especially the Philippines, the

second-largest coconut producer in the world next to India, according to studies coconut

is rich in fiber and MCTs, and it may offer a number of benefits, including improved

heart health, weight loss, and digestion (Anne Danahy, MS, RDN and Rachael Link, MS,

RD, Imashi Fernando, MS, RDN). Buko opener and juice extractor machine will

maximize the use in operating coconuts, and this idea will help the coconut vendors save

time and effort and assure the safety of the machine and the operator.

Objective of the Study

This study generally aims to design, fabricate and evaluate a buko opener and

juice extractor

Specifically, the research aims to take into account the following specific


1. Design a coconut buko opener and juice extractor;

2. Fabricate a coconut buko opener and juice extractor;

3. Evaluate the coconut buko opener and juice extractor in terms of overall output

capacity, cutting capacity (no. of coconut/min), in terms of extractor (no. of

coconut/min), cutting efficiency, and extractor efficiency.

4. Have a cost analysis of using the buko opener and extractor

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is mainly concerned with the design, fabrication, and evaluation of the

buko opener and juice extractor. The design is limited and was based on the combination

of existing design found on the internet, previous research of Agricultural and

Biosystems engineering of CapSU Pontevedra, and the ideas of the researchers.

The fabrication is limited to the mechanism, dimension, materials, and accessories

specified in the design.

` The testing and evaluation of Buko Opener and Juice Extractor are limited to

CapSU Pontevedra condition, particularly at the Agricultural and Biosystems

Engineering Department.

Significance of the Study

The study will benefit people who are engaged in the coconut industry by

reducing labor costs and time spent in producing coconut juice and opening a young


Specifically, the result of the study will help the following:

Vendors. It will help increase the income of small-scale vendors engaged in this

business. Specifically, the result of the study will help them drill, juice, and cut coconut

easier and faster which will be very helpful in the operation.

Coconut Planters. The result help increases the demand for coconut, particularly

for coconut meat, and juice, thus small-scale farmers will be motivated to plant and grow

more coconut trees.

Engineering students. The designed machine can serve as a basis for

Engineering students and graduates if they want to fabricate better agricultural pieces of


Students and Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide and basis for

researchers who may conduct similar studies, specifically in coconut development.

Government Agencies. The result will help the Department of Science and

Technology (DOST), Department of Agriculture (DA), and Philippines Coconut

Authority (PCA) in developing technologies utilizing coconut. It will also help these

agencies enhance their programs and project to support coconut production in the


Definition of Terms

The operational definition of the following terms are presented to facilitate the

reader’s understanding of the study:

Buko opener refers to the ability of the machine in cutting and extracting


Coconut is the edible fruit of the coconut palm (Cocos nucifera), a tree of the

palm family.

Coconut cutter is part of a machine that allows cutting young coconut into two.

Coconut flesh is high in fat and can be dried or eaten fresh or processed into

coconut milk or coconut oil.

Coconut juicer is used to extract coconut juice inside the coconut.

Coconut water the liquid of the nut, also known as coconut water is used in


Buko opener and juice extractor is a machine that operates for cutting, drilling,

and extracting coconut.

Efficiency refers to the efficiency of the machine in cutting and extracting buko


Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject's merit, worth, and paid for

goods that are provided, rather than the manufacturer of the goods itself.

Fabrication refers to the construction or manufacture of machines.

Moisture content is the quantity of water contained in a material.



This chapter discusses the related literature and studies of the existing designs of

buko openers and juice extractor. It also includes the specifications on coconut and the

material used.

The Coconut Tree

Cocos nucifera Beccari or coconut belongs to the palm family, Arecaceae

(Palmaceae) which consists of 200 genera and over 2,000 described species (Child 1974).

According to Woodroof (1970), the term coconut is derived from the Spanish and

Portuguese word, "coco", which means "monkey/grotesque face", but the plant is known

in many countries by local names. For example, it has been known as "naryal" in India

for millennia and as "nut of India" by Cosmos, the Egyptian traveler, in AD 545. The tree

itself has been described as, "man's most useful tree", "king of the tropical forest", "tree

of life", "tree of heaven" and lazyman's crop, inter alia (Woodroof, 1970).

The native habitat for the coconut palm is unknown because coconut is dispersed

by water, although human activity could be credited for much of its dispersal (Child

1974). Of all the cultivated trees in the world, the coconut palm has the widest

geographical range (Ghai and Wadhi 1983). Ninety percent of the world's coconut

acreage lies within 20o N and 20o S of the Equator (Woodroof 1970, Persley 1992). The

crop is best grown within 600 ft. above sea level, with over 1,250 mm rainfall or a high

water table on a rich silty loam. Coconut was introduced into the West Indies at the

beginning of the 20th Century (Woodroof 1970, Child 1974). The main variety was the

Panama Tall found in Guyana, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Venezuela, Trinidad, and Tobago.

There was also the dwarf variety, with its Yellow, Red (golden), and Green color morphs

(Griffith 1982a)

Coconut trees including the species Palmae married one (monocotil). Plant stems

grow straight up and unbranched. Sometimes coconut trees can be branched, but this is an

abnormal situation, for example as a result of crop pests. In the nomenclature or

systematics (taxonomy) herbs, coconut (Cocos nucifera) is inserted into the following

classification: Kingdom: Plantae, Division: Spermatophyte (seed plants), sub-Division:

Angiospermae (seeded closed), Grades: Monocotyledonae (seed dashed one), Order:

Palmales, Family: Palmae, Genus: Cocos, Species: Cocos nucifera L. (Harwanda, 2015).

The common varieties of tender coconut found in the Philippines are dwarf and tall

varieties, these are simply distinguished according to their height. Dwarf coconuts are

usually early maturing.

Coconut Machine

Prof. S. M. Fulmali and Prof. A. A. Bhoyar (2019) engaged in the development of

a Multipurpose Coconut Cutting Machine, by studying such problems the need for an

efficient coconut cutting machine was developed. If the developed machine is

commercialized the problem of the use of coconut water at hotels and restaurants will get

benefited. The purpose of this research is to develop, test, and evaluate the young coconut

fruit cutting machine. This research work includes the description of such a machine

which will not only be used to cut the coconut but also can be used to drink coconut

water at parks and beaches. The application of a screw jack for the development of this

machine reduces the cost of fabrication.

The machine was fabricated as shown in fig.1. Consist of the following parts.1)

the screw jack with a coconut holder arrangement 2) the removable cutting blade 3) the

pointed type of tools with a nut arrangement. The tools are categorized as cutting blades

and pointed tools are kept in a constant fixed position. The coconut cutting machine has

the following dimensions. Its height is about 38 cm and the width is 30 cm with a

platform and the threads of the jack are BSW 38(it is the standard screw jack available in

the market, the threads of the cutting tool blade holding nut are BSW 12 mm and the hole

making tool is of 10mm as shown the in fig. below.

Frame of machine with screw jack

The cutting tools are made up of blades are made up of stainless steel. The blade

size is 17 cm in length and the thickness 5 mm. It is provided with a threaded bolt to hold

that blade in a fixed position. In addition to that, a drill bit is also provided so that

coconut water can draw with the help of a straw. It is also made up of stainless steel.

(Prof. S. M. Fulmali and Prof. A. A. Bhoyar, 2015),

Cutting tool and blade.

The design concept of Rattanapaskorn and Roonprasang, (2008) is that fruit

cutting is accomplished by a pneumatic press on a young coconut sitting on a sharp knife

in a vertical plane. The machine consists of 5 main parts: 1) machine frame, 2) cutting

base, 3) knife set, 4) pneumatic system, and 5) tanks receiving coconut juice and cut

fruits. The machine parts contacting edible parts of the fruit are made of food-grade

stainless steel. In operation, a young coconut is placed on the cutting base and the

pneumatic control is switched on. The coconut is automatically moved to the pressing

unit and cut in half by a knife set. The coconut juice flows down to the tank while the cut

fruits are separated and moved into the other tank. The machine is found to operate safely

without damage to the fruits. The machine capacity is 480 fruits/hr with a total operating

cost of about 2.63 USD/1000 fruits.

The manual cutting for young coconuts

The Manual Operated young

coconut extractor



This chapter includes the procedure and materials for designing fabricating and

evaluating the Buko Opener and Juice Extractor. It also includes the procedure for

collecting the data, the formula that will be used in analyzing and interpreting the data,

and instruments.

Design Criteria of the Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor

For the design mechanism and parts of the Coconut Buko Opener and Juice

Extractor, the researchers will gather all the necessary information from the previous

thesis and the internet. The design of the machine will be decided by the researchers,

adviser, and the member of the advisory committee. The AutoCAD drawing includes the

front view, right side view, left side view, rear view, top view, and an isometric view,

indicating the dimension and specifications of materials. The following criteria will serve

as bases for designing a buko opener and juice extractor, which were ease of transporting,

ease of replacing, adjustment of the parts; safety features, and free of failure or


Design Plan Preparation and Fabrication of the

Coconut Buko Opener and Juice Extractor

The machine design and some of its parts were get from the internet, and with

some addition from the researchers. The fabrication will be done in CapSU Pontevedra,

specifically in the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department. The fabrication

process will involve layouting, cutting of materials, boring, riveting, welding, sanding,

pre-testing, and painting if necessary. The fabricator will be given a copy of the designed

machine to serve as his guide in fabricating the buko opener and juice extractor.

Evaluation Procedure of the Designed and Fabricated

Coconut Buko Opener and Juice Extractor

The buko opener and juice extractor will be tested and evaluated after the

fabrication to determine the output capacity, cutting capacity, in terms of extractor (no.

Of coconut/min), output efficiency, and cutting efficiency, the fabricated machine will be

tested at CapSU-Pontevedra Campus, particularly at the Agricultural and Biosystems

Engineering Department.

To determine the output capacity, cutting capacity, output efficiency, cutting

efficiency, and the following formulas will be used.

1. Output and Cutting Capacity


= Output, Cutting Capacity in pieces of coconut per hour.

= coconut process per hour

= Total Operating time

2. Output and Cutting, Efficiency


E = Output, Cutting, Drilling Efficiency in percentage

= Output Coconut

= Reject Coconut

3. Moisture Content

MC wet basis= x 100


MC = Moisture content in percentage

Wi = Initial mass of sample in grams

Wf = Final mass sample in grams


The instruments to be used for testing the buko opener and juice extractor are a

weighing scale, stopwatch, camera, and vernier caliper. The mentioned instruments will

be calibrated before the measurements. A weighing scale will be used to determine the

weight of every uncut coconut and cut coconut sample and weight sample before and

after the trial. Stopwatch will be used to determine the time consumed in to operation or

testing Camera will be used to take photos and video during the operation for

documentation purposes. Vernier caliper will be used to determine the diameter and

length of cut coconut, the thickness of coconut meat, and the thickness of the coconut




This chapter discusses the reult of the study after designing, fabricating and

evaluating the Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor. It also includes the description and

features of the designed Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor, the process involved

fabrication and the data gathered during evaluation.

The Design and Features of the Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor

The designed and fabrication of Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor has the

following parts:

Cutting Blade

It is a part of the Coconut Juice Extractor and Opener which is responsible for

cutting the coconut into two. It consist if sharp blades made up of stainless steel. The

blade measures 205 mm long and 105 mm wide.

Maine Body Frame

Its function is to support all component parts of Coconut Opener and Juice

Extractor. It is made of 4 mm thick angle bar. It has a length of 1000 mm, width of 500

mm, and a height of 1000 mm.

Support Table

Its cover to protect and keep operator safe. It is made of stainless steel plain sheet.

It measures 1000 mm in length, 500 in length


It’s a part of the machine where young coconut is press. It consist of solid

stainless steel Steel Rod.

Steel Pipe Extractor

It’s a part of the machine that use to extract coconut water. It is a one end sharp

pointed tip closed



Figure __. The parts of the Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor

Machine Specification

The fabricated Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor has the following


Length 1000mm

Width 500mm

Height 1000 mm

Operator 1 operator

Output capacity


Fabrication process of the Coconut Opener and Juice Extractor

Lay-outing is the first fabrication process where the materials were measured and

labeled as the form and dimension. Cutting is the next process where the GI sheet, angle

bars, and flat bars were cut into specific forms and dimensions. Welding was the next

process where the angle bar and flat bars and other materials were welded to form the

frame of the machine. Boring was the next process where angle bars and flat bars were

bored to provide holes in the parts which are to be hinged by bolts and nuts. Riveting was

done next to create and fix the cover of the machine. Assembling was the next process

where all parts of the machine were attached to its specific parts using screws and rivets.

Sanding was the next process to make surfaces smooth and create a good appearance. It

was followed by pre-testing evaluate the performance of the machine. This was made

also to determine if all of the machine were functional or not. Painting was the last

process to achieve good appearance of the machine of the machine.

Lay-outing Cutting

Welding Boring

Riveting Sanding

Assembling Pre-Testing


Actual picture of the machine

Then identify parts

Testing and Evaluating of the Coconut Juice Extracting and Opener

The design and fabrication machine was tested and evaluated to determine its

over-all performance for Dwarf, Golden and Tall young coconut with reference to: Juice

extracting capacity, cutting capacity, juice extracting efficiency cutting efficiency.

Table. Output capacity of Coconut Juice extractor and opener


(Pcs of coconut) OPERATION (Pcs/hr)

Dwarf 20

Golden 20

Tall 20



Table. Cutting capacity of Coconut Juice extractor and opener


(Pcs of coconut) OPERATION (Pcs/hr)

Dwarf 20

Golden 20

Tall 20



Table. Juice Extracting capacity of Coconut Juice extractor and opener


(Pcs of coconut) OPERATION (Pcs/hr)

Dwarf 20

Golden 20

Tall 20



Table. Efficiency of Coconut Juice extractor and opener


(Pcs of coconut) OPERATION (Pcs/hr)

Dwarf 20

Golden 20

Tall 20



Table. Cutting Efficiency of Coconut Juice extractor and opener


(Pcs of coconut) OPERATION (Pcs/hr)

Dwarf 20

Golden 20

Tall 20



Table. Juice Extracting Efficiency of Coconut Juice extractor and opener


(Pcs of coconut) OPERATION (Pcs/hr)

Dwarf 20

Golden 20

Tall 20




This study generally aimed to design, fabricate and evaluate a coconut juice

extractor and opener machine. Specifically, it aimed to: a) design a coconut juice

extractor and opener, b) fabricate a coconut juice extractor and opener machine; and c)

evaluate the coconut juice extractor and opener in terms of output capacity, extracting

capacity, cutting capacity, efficiency extracting efficiency and cutting efficiency d) have

cost analysis of using the coconut juice extractor and opener machine.

The design of the coconut juice extractor and opener machine was based on the

different ideas of the researchers and their advisory committee and also from the internet,

it was fabricated at San Pedro, Pontevedra, Capiz. The fabrication process involved: lay-

outing, cutting of the materials, welding, boring, inverting, sanding, assembling, pre-

testing, and painting.

The machine was tested and evaluated at the agricultural Engineering Department

of CapSU, Pontevedra Campus. The testing of the machine involved three trials each for

juice extracting and slicing of young coconut. A weighing scale, tape measure, ruler,

graduated cylinder, and timer was used in collecting data during the testing


Prof. S. M. Fulmali, Prof. A. A. Bhoyar, (2015), Development of Multipurpose

Coconut Cutting Machine,

Monica B. Castillo, Princess Alma B. Ani, (2019), The Philippine Coconut

Industry: Status, Policies and Strategic Directions for Development | FFTC Agricultural

Policy Platform (FFTC-AP),

Marife L. Moreno, John K. M. Kuwornu, (2020) Overview and Constraints of

the Coconut Supply Chain in the Philippines,

Satip Rattanapaskorn and Kiattisak Roonprasang (2008) Design and development

of a semi-automatic cutting machine for young coconuts


K.Balachandar1 , K.Chaithanya , S.Balamurugan , Ch.Vijay kumar, (2018),

Development of a Tender Coconut Cutting Machine,

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, coconut | Description, Uses, & Facts |


Bartley, research,



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