TSP 2019
TSP 2019
TSP 2019
Abstract—Hand gesture recognition has numerous applications general, affected by noise. For this reason, apart from using
in medical (e.g., prosthetics), engineering (e.g., robot manip- adequate signal processing techniques to reduce the effect of
ulation) and, even, military research areas (e.g., UAV control noise, powerful recognition algorithms are required.
applications). This paper proposes a fast and accurate method
to identify hand gesture categories based on electromyographic In the field of gesture classification, several approaches
(EMG) signals registered by a commercial sensor (e.g., Myo have been proposed, e.g., multistream Hidden Markov Models
Armband developed by Ontario-based Thalmic Labs), which is (HMM) have been combined with decision trees to determine
placed on the user’s forearm. The proposed method is based 18 types of hand gestures based on data collected from
on the extraction of time-domain features and a neural network accelerometer sensors and EMG data [1].
architecture to perform the classification of the EMG signals. In
order to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, we In [3], an integrated approach for the identification of
use a publicly available dataset with 7 hand gesture categories. daily hand movements with a view to control prosthetic
The proposed hand gesture recognition system achieves a 99.78 members is proposed. The EMG signals were acquired using
% overall performance accuracy, which is comparable to that two electrodes attached on two specific muscles of the hand.
reported by applying other state-of-the-art methods, but is able Features are extracted in the frequency domain, while inserting
to work in real-time conditions
Keywords—hand gesture recognition, neural networks, EMG a dimensionality reduction stage (based either on Principal
signals Component Analysis (PCA) or RELIEF feature selection algo-
rithm [4]) before the application of the classifier. Results have
I. I NTRODUCTION shown that the information carried by the Empirical Mode
A significant amount of research has been focused on Decomposition (EMD) extracted features may further increase
human-computer interaction based on gestures, vision and the classification accuracy [5].
voice. Hand gesture recognition provides an intelligent, natural Recently, neural networks have proved great potential in
and convenient way of human-computer interaction (HCI). Its solving gesture classification tasks [6], [7]. In [7], a convolu-
main applications are sign language recognition (SLR) and tional network (ConvNet) is augmented with transfer learning
gesture-based control [1]. Sign language recognition has the techniques to leverage inter-user data from the first data
goal of interpreting signs automatically using a computer, in set, alleviating the burden imposed on a single individual
order to help deaf people communicate easier with the society. to generate a vast quantity of training data for sEMG-based
Although it is highly structured and based on an alphabet and gesture recognition. Specifically, the transfer learning tech-
symbols, it also serves as a good basic for the development nique proposed in [7] divides the recognition problem into
of general gesture-based human-computer interaction. learning a general mapping between the muscle activity and
Surface Electromyography (sEMG) is the electrical man- the hand gestures (i.e., source task) and learning a specific
ifestation of the neuromuscular activity associated with the mapping (i.e., target task). The proposed transfer learning
contracting muscle. This technology may be used by physi- scheme achieved good results, but the features used are compu-
cally impaired persons to control rehabilitation and assistive tationally complex, involving time-frequency transformations,
devices. EMG is also used in many research domains, e.g. e.g. Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT).
biomechanics, gesture-based control applications, neuromus- Another method for gesture recognition is mentioned in
cular physiology, sign language recognition, military applica- [8], where an EMG-based pattern recognition algorithm is
tions, games and virtual reality [2]. Among the challenges proposed for classification of joint wrist angular position
that accompany a recognition system based on sEMG signals, during flexion and extension movements from EMG signals.
signal acquisition plays an important role. This process is, in The algorithm considers features in both time and frequency
domains. The pattern recognition stage uses a recurrent neural
This work was supported by the Ministry of Innovation and Research, network (RNN) as classifier. Results show that shallow Neural
UEFISCDI, project SPIA-VA, agreement 2SOL/2017, grant PN-III-P2-2.1-
SOL-2016-02-0002 and project UAV Platforms, agreement 1SOL/2016, grant Networks have better performance than architectures with
PN-III-P2-2.1-SOL-2016-01-0008. numerous layers containing autoencoders.
Myo Extraction
This paper proposes a real time automatic gesture recogni- Fig. 2. Proposed Neural Network-based architecture
tion system, for seven basic gestures, based on sEMG signals.
The signals are acquired using Myo armband, equipped with
8 circularly arranged EMG sensors, placed on the forearm. EMG (8). Considering x to be the analysed signal of length
The classification is performed using a fully connected Neural L, the above mentioned descriptors are defined as follows:
Nerwork, whose training involves a free-source data set1 , also
acquired with Myo armband, detailed in [7]. 1 X
M AV (x) = |xk | (1)
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section II L
the proposed method is presented, including the features and
the architecture used for the classification. Section III details
the experimental setup and the corresponding results. The last ZC(x) = | k : (|xk − xk−1 | ≥ α) ∧ (sgn(xi ) 6= sgn(xi−1 )) |
section, IV, is dedicated to concluding remarks.