3 - 9-Planets

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Planets according to their significations give specific results in their major period/sub-
period. Let us consider in detail, what the planets signify.


The Sun is the significator of a person's soul, body, personal attractiveness, power,
severity, strength, splendour, self-reliance, courage, bitterness, old age, cattle,
wickedness, land, father, taste, self-realisation, psychic development, effort, eyes,
mouth, wanderings and travels, bile, mental purity, diseases of the head, bones, blood,
gold ornaments, public activities, eastern direction, genuineness, anger, philosophy,
political power, godliness, nobility, despotism, authority, places of Worship, goldsmiths,
money-lenders, chemists and druggists, medical ability and the like. The Sun indicates
the nature and extent of one's vitality and self-expression. The Sun determines the
type of person. Authority, aristocrats, high government officers, government buildings,
boss, administrative head, captain, leader, royalty, royal Favour, respect for elders,
son, reputation, permanent service. Independent business financed by the father,
career, hard work, and
city to command, will, good fortune, ambition, faith, generosity. hope, happiness,
loyalty, optimism, expansion, splendour, deliberate acts, prestige, scruple, arrogance,
bluff, subtlety, purity, fundamental issues, long standing anger, success in worldly
affairs, jealousy, domineering attitude, prominence, determination, copper, ruby, gold,
dhatu (inanimate objects like minerals and metals), wool, positive,

Interpretation of Planetary Transit heat, summer, dry, fire, temple, shiva temple, forest,
wood, thorny plants, dark red, orange colour, rudra, mantras, yogda Brahma, truth
purity of the mind, self realisation, magistrates, masters, medical practitioners, doctors,
physician. The real self of a person is shown by the position of the Sun and by his
strength. The Sun is the creative principle, the power-giving one. He confers personal
self-expression. When the Sun is well placed, he makes one dignified, dominant,
faithful, cheerful, open-Handed, large-hearted, powerful, proud, affectionate and vital.
He makes one a good organiser. When the Sun is afflicted one is arrogant, autocratic,
despotic, overbearing, childish and playful, averse to any changes, condescending,
domineering. Extravagant, pompous and profligate

The Moon signifies mother and her welfare, mind, intelligence, flowers and perfumes,
idleness, blood, epilepsy, typhoid, enlargement of spleen, mental disposition, heart,
sourness, sleep, happiness, silver, short stature, ability, diamonds, pearls, whiteness,
favours, humour, pleasures, nourishment, face, beauty, reputed here western direction,
shoulders, energy, clothes, cultivation, seamen, travelling agents, navigators, milk,
fruits and flowers, tender objects, juicy items, spirit mediums, visions, stubbornness,
romance, voyages and so on. The Moon refers to response and fluctuation in mind,
tranquillity of the mind, mannerism and general behaviour. Intellect, meritorious deeds
in the past lives, fickleness, tolerance, infancy, orthodoxy, insanity, pleasant banter,
learning, laziness, sleep, equanimity, phlegm, sleep disorders, lethargy, carbuncle,
fever with chills, danger from marine animals, blood disorders, lack of appetite,

jaundice, cold and fever, childbirth, conception, anaemia, embryo, tuberculosis, blood-
pressure, neurological disorders, left eye, esophagus, ovary, uterus, and diseases in

the shoulder, devotion to Goddess Durga, faith, love, openness, peace, happiness,
fame, mediumship, occult studies, hypnosis, telepathy, clairvoyance, artistic
accomplishments and a pleasure loving person. Strength, beauty or lustre of the face,
fair complexion, attractiveness. Water, affluence, north-west direction, sweet
substances, home, place of residence, fragrance, brahmin, soft cloth, new unused
cloth, crystal, ornaments, comfort, well, tank, journey, noon, masses, white colour, belt,
salt, favour, radiance, poets, journey to distant lands, fish, marine life, pilgrimages,
wanderings, eatables, beads, rainy season, changeability, sense of taste. Queen,
women, female, sailor, hawker, traveller, nurse, midwife and other professions

Planets shat deal directly with the people at large. The ability to respond to the
situations is governed by the location of the Moon. Placed well. the Moon makes one
changeable, imaginative, protective, receptive, sensitive and tenacious, the native will
have a good memory and tends to be an introvert. Afflicted, the Moon gives rise to
faulty reasoning fussiness, over possessive, touchy, unreliable and selfish,

Mars indicates brothers, relatives, lands, house, valour and strength, enemies,
generosity, deep red colour, affections, gardens, anger, journeys, firmness, fire,
controversy, blood, bile, wounds, sight, shortness, diseases, fame, weapons, breaking
of limbs, youth, pungent, taste, hindrances, bitterness, character, urinary trouble,
Jeanness, southern direction, independence, perseverance, mental stability, logic,
poisonous gases, treasures, catastrophes, caprice, litigation, zeal, chemists and
druggists, surgery, dentists, engineering, engines, chemical and physical laboratories
and the like. Mars indicates energy, heat and activation and determines the pioneering
activities of the native. Lord Hanuman, summer, coral, savage beasts, birds of prey,
acids, tiger, wolf, battle fields, slaughter house, machinery and smithy. Physical and
mental strength, mines and metallurgy, immovable property but not agricultural land,
younger brother sister, enemy, enmity, courage, kinsmen, weapons, boils, soldier,
injury, self-praise, bone marrow and energy. Head, muscle, testicles, sexual vitality,
blood, acute fever, inflammations, burns, bleeding, miscarriage, smallpox, sunstroke,
measles, surgical operations, wounds, epidemics, excessive thirst, injury due to fire,
poison or weapon; dry and rough skin, fracture of bone, loss by theft. Ruthlessness,
enthusiasm, generosity, boldness, misdeeds, self confidence, will, independence,
determination, argument, leadership, conflict, drive, wit, organising ability, ability to get
the work done, foolhardiness, unruliness and misunderstandings. Battles, crime,
accident, violence, litigation, hearth-fire, fire, electricity, logic, debates, science, iron,
cutlery, athletic performance, quadrupeds, slightly burnt cloth, warrior Class. Mars
determines energy and energetic behaviour, excites feelings or sensations too easily,
governs initiative, courage, self-assertion and push. He is a more material planet than
Venus. When well situated, he makes one an active pioneer, combative, courageous,
constructive, energetic, forceful, impulsive, passionate, indignant and quick. He
governs directness in speech, makes one a leader der and an organiser, and makes
the person strongly sexed. Afflicted Mars makes one angry, cruel, aggressive,
destructive, impatient pugnacious, restless, rude, thoughtless and sensual. It controls
professions of surgeons, warriors, lawyers, debaters, cooks and barbers.

Mercury controls education, wisdom, mathematics, speech. treasury and accounts,

writing, green colour, architecture, sculpture, astrology, pilgrimage, trade and
commerce, maternal grandfather, northern direction, crookedness, modesty, fear.
devotion, jocular disposition, navel, skill in languages, religious acts, gardens, grammar
and mythology, scholarship, cunning. dexterity, journalism, oratory, eloquence, skill,
eunuch, leafy trees. charms, discrimination, embassy, bookseller, publisher, broker.
journeys by air and land, industries, weaving, elegance, wit and humour, psychology,
betel leaves, limestone and so on. Mercury governs all forms of communication. He
determines one's mentality, the type of nervous action he exhibits. Lord Vishnu,
childhood, trade and commerce, truthfulness, friends, consciousness, humour, places
of entertainment, arts and crafts, earth, prince, trader, birds, cotton, cloth, play
grounds, race. courses, clubs, emerald, alloy of metals, mixture of things, grass, tact
and diplomacy, paper money, intellect, vocation, intelligence, writing, training,
publishing, command over languages and adaptability. Skin, brain, intestines, bronchial
tubes, larynx and impotence, sense of smell. School teachers, brokers, editors,
reporters, authors, printers, orators, mathematicians, accountants, insurance agents,
sanitary inspectors, merchants, messengers. Mercury represents hypochondriac,
worry, apprehension of the likelihood of something untoward happening, bad speech,
diseases in the eye, throat, nose and skin. Mercury takes on the colour of any aspect
associated with him and as such is neutral. He makes one adroit, clever, apt,
expressive, intelligent, logical, perceptive, talkative and versatile. He makes one cool
as far as affections are concerned. Adicted Mercury makes one artful, critical,
inquisitive, nervous, sly, insincere and loquacious. One is given to chattering and to
hair-splitting discussions.

Jupiter explains scholarship, wealth, education, sacred texts vedas, knowledge

traditional lore and philosophy, children, money, teachers, duties, savings, good
stature, fame, astrology, grandson, dropsy, phlegm, eldest brother, grandfather, knees,
thighs, penance liberality, religious nature, yellow colour, intimate friend, oratory,
intellect, literature, goodness, happiness, brilliancy, faith, devotion. legal affairs,
diplomacy, religiousness, truthfulness, powers of argument and discussion, asceticism,
banking, philanthropy and corpulence. Jupiter determines expansion and preservation.
He emulates the jovial, optimistic and expansive moods, thighs, children, minister,
happiness, husband, elder brother sister. Good qualities, good behaviour, devotion to
God, grace of God, high moral standard, greatness, respect for and faith in elders,
teacher and God: dispassion. justice, Lord Indra, vedas, religious texts of yore, exalted
after-death state, religious practices, expansion, principles, optimism, compassion,
mildness, fortune, worldly wisdom, adaptability, sincerity, common sense, broad
mindedness, law abiding nature, honesty, steady progress in life and respect, ether,
law, philosophy, religion, treasure, religious preceptor, winter, gold, banks, treasury,
safe vaults, topaz, bipeds, shares and stock markets, education, brahmin, temples,
courts, large and pompous buildings, charity, orthodoxy, learned gatherings.
extravagance, finance and north-east direction. Fat in the body, sense of hearing, pale
complexion, jaundice, masculine, obesity, liver, feet, over-heating, hips, brown hair,
preference for sweet dishes. Priests. professors, judges, attorneys and intellectuals,
typhoid, disputes over religious property or property of a trust.
Jupiter governs the general ability to grow mentally, morally and physically, to expand
one's knowledge and wisdom, and to utilise opportunities for a successful endeavour.
He makes one expansive, fond of sport, generous, optimistic and fortunate. He offers a
breadth and depth of outlook and makes one a good conversationalist. When afflicted,
he makes one an extremist, an improvident one, a provocative
and wasteful person: he will have no sense of detail, and is given to trust luck too

Saturn reveals longevity, enemies, laziness, obstacles, gains, ill-health, distress,

misunderstanding, misery, death, disfigured limbs, conduct, renunciation, wind trouble,
old age, muscles, anger, exertion, black colour, wickedness, iron, harshness,
agriculture, fear, humiliation, fall from a height, poverty, misdeeds, debt, sorrow,
relatives, wanderings, strong will, hard-heartedness, obstinate, hair, fears,
stubbornness, impetuosity, servitude, idiosyncrasy, despondency, imprisonment, drink,
risks, architecture. Saturn is the planet of limitation and of destiny. This is revealed in
the desire to be law abiding and cautious.
Buffalo, air, lead, service, slavery, imprisonment, loss, fate, property, agricultural land,
contraction, separation, cold, dark, slow, dull obstruction, delay, blue sapphire, severe
winter, stone, rock, burial and cremation grounds, dirty places, labour hard work
deserted place gutters, slums, jails, long acting, chronic, Lord Brahma, skin, Planets
west, lowest castes, woollen cloth, birds, learning of foreign languages, and things
buried deep underground, Discipline, asceticism, solitude, ugliness, perversity,
detachment, pessimism, depression, anxiety, miserliness, selfishness, crime,
concentration, sobriety, harsh. hard hearted. Nerves, teeth, paralysis, numbness,
windy diseases, chronic and degenerative disease, cancer, senility, impotence in men,
arthritis, obstruction in the functions of the body like retention of urine, intestinal
obstruction etc., shin and injury to part of leg between ankle and knee, dark
complexion, pain, colds, chills, asthma, paralysis, and menials. Lamness, exhaustion,
mental confusion, trouble from servants. Saturn tends to work towards security. He
makes one aware of the insufficiency in life and this may chill him emotionally or
physically. He enables to know whether one can patiently endure difficulties, bear
cheerfully the heavy burdens of responsibility and successfully overcome limitations

and difficulties. He is a planet who accepts the bonds of necessity in life. When well-
placed, he makes serious, thrifty and careful in speech. When afflicted, he makes one

and uninspired, Saturn does not seek to respond to beauty. He is more inclined
towards truth, to the hard realities of life and hard work.

Venus gives information about the spouse, wife or husband, pleasures, attachments,

love, poetry, music, dance, married life, whiteness, shortness, vigour, vehicles, south-
eastern direction, emotions and passions, beauty, conveyances, clothes, music,

concubines, sexual pleasure, bed, ornaments, perfumes, flowers, opulence, marriages,

festivals, beloved, comfort, good fortune, sharp wit, dramatic talents, genitals, dress,
botanists, scandals, indolence, sycophancy, toilets, intoxication, authorship, kindness,
amiabili vitality, perseverance, develops harmony, unison, and relatednes determines
one's ability to establish close relationship with others and to attract others, in all forms
and ways. Kidneys, buried treasure wealth, art, dance, guru of the demons, minister,
painting, luxury multi coloured objects, diamond, places of entertainment, restaurants
cinema house, theatre, bedroom, water, decorated or embroidered cloth, biped,
Goddess Lakshmi, youth, spring season, flowering trees and articles of luxury.
Affection, good taste, sense of taste, one's liking, self indulgence, harmony, love,
semen, genitals, fair complexion, face, chin, checks, eyes, throat, shyness, aesthetic
sense. elegance, refinement, pleasure seeking, show, charisma, charm, easy going,
accommodating and cooperative, feminine gender. Jewellers actors, musicians,
perfumers, artists, and generally people dealing with entertainment, pleasure and
beauty. Anaemia, diseases of urinary or reproductive system, breaking up of
friendship, and impotence or inability to have normal sex relations.
The harmony that is embodied in Venus takes forms of affection, beauty, art and
partnership. It promotes possession of lovely things. Strong Venus makes one
adaptable, artistic, gentle, graceful, harmonious, companionable, peace loving, placid
and tactful. When Venus is afflicted, the native becomes crafty, indecisive, indefinite,
sentimental, languid, lazy, weak, dissatisfied and unreliable.

Rahu relates to disputes, bad or insulting speech, gambling. intrigues, journeys to

distant places, bones, enlargement of spleen, south-western direction, pains, sorrows,
wind and phlegm, breath, severity, catarrh, foreign languages, diseases, seers,
adventures, invention, litigation, duplicity, aviation, astrology, science, spies, liquors,
psychology, metaphysics, renunciation, epidemics, accidents, corruption, secret plots,
exile and violence, social or political movements, outcastes, reptiles, snakes, snake
bite, widow, and swelling in the body. Disease, cancer, mysterious unidentified
diseases, insanity, general unhappiness, psychic disturbances, possession by
discarnate supernatural beings, epidemics, alcoholism, drug induced maladies, illusion,
hallucinations, dark complexion, tendency to look downwards while talking, skin
diseases, pain in the body, hiccups. Gomed, wild tribes, foreigners, non-Hindus,
Buddhists, riots, general disorders, social unrests, travels abroad, theft, old and bad
women, mass trends, diplomacy, wickedness, execution, exile, aviation, paternal
grandfather and maternal grandmother. Heart trouble, leprosy, mental confusion, pain
or injury in the feet and reptile bite.


Ketu enables us to know about salvation, wealth, consumption fever, pain, wind
trouble, wounds, penance, friends, eye-sore. stupidity, luck, enemies, hunger,
philosophy, astrology, religion. spiritual initiation, renunciation, literary genius,
dissimulation, miserliness, quarrels, biliousness, selfishness, occultism.
assassinations, secret intrigues and associations, and religious shows. Witchcraft,
trouble to enemies, salvation, wounds, injuries, conflicts. intrigues, back-biting, death,
liberation, fire, tuberculosis, cholera, fever, pain, paternal, grand-mother and maternal
grandfather. Spiritual initiation and development, seer, enmity, anger, doubt, narrow
mindedness, ambition, isolation, lack of self-confidence, occult, charms and amulets.

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