NNPC Q1 Magazine 2019
NNPC Q1 Magazine 2019
NNPC Q1 Magazine 2019
Special Story
Golden Nuggets From
NOGIG 2020 Change at the Speed
of Light – Covid-19 and
Protocol Perspective
The Team After decades in fits and starts, the story Manager in charge of the Group Public Affairs
of natural gas production, utilization and Division of the Corporation. And by extension,
Editor in Chief optimization in Nigeria is flaring-up, albeit the Editor-In-Chief of all GPAD publications
Kennie Obateru positively, for a rewarding experience for including your favourite In-house quarterly
stakeholders and for the populace who the journal.
Editorial Advisor NNPC Group Managing Director, Mallam Mele A gifted Public and Media Relations
Gboyega Bello Kyari, would readily refer to as the ‘’over 200 professional, Obateru comes across as a
million shareholders’’ of the Corporation and thorough NNPC breed PR strategist, bringing to
Michael Mukwuzi the Nigerian Oil & Gas industry. the table over 30 years of experience in the oil
Though the discovery of gas in Nigeria is as and gas industry.
Deputy Editor old as the successful spud-in of the nation’s first What is more! He commands a great deal
Chika Umeh commercially viable crude oil well in 1956, the of respect and admiration from colleagues
substance, for so long, did not enjoy the same and stakeholders alike for his undeniable
Assistant Editors pride of place as the famed black gold. professionalism and savoir-faire.45
Rakiya Sambo
But all that seems changed now, as the 441]’
Stanley Ogadigo
country grapples with the reality of the shifting In a recent article, a columnist wrote thus
News Editor sands and unimaginable volatility in the global about him:
Abu Kabir crude oil matrix. “Obateru has paid his dues as a public
The Q1 2020 edition of the NNPC and media relations expert. He rose through
Photo Editor Magazine undertook an in-depth excursion into the ranks in the NNPC through his tenacity,
Olasunkanmi Arowosegbe the subject of Gas. brilliance, astuteness and friendliness. Reporters
The edition presents on a salver concrete who have covered and are still covering the oil
measures by the Corporation to expand domestic industry always commend him for his friendliness
Iyabo Ayobami-Ojo
Bukar Abba Gas footprints from the existing 1.1 BCF to 2.2 and resourcefulness. Obateru is an epitome of
Wycliffe Lumsam BCF within the next few years by activating a competence and humility’’.
Alex Okumo cocktail of strategies ranging from provision His career in the NNPC started in 1992
Aliyu Abubakar of adequate gas infrastructure networks in when he was employed as a protocol/consular
Francis Alu accordance with the growing population, to officer at the Public Affairs Department of the
Prince Etuwewe integration of gas & power infrastructure corporation.
Abdullahi Idris networks, and down to the instilling of market Rising through the ladder to the position of
Ikenna Okpani
driven gas and power prices to support supply/ General Manager/Head NNPC London Office.
Abigail Ojogbo
demand among others steps. An alumnus of the Nigerian Institute of
Distribution The Cover Story is made complete with the Journalism, Ogba, Lagos, University of Ilorin
Andrew Wobo historic chronicle of the advent of natural gas and University of Stirling, Scotland, United
Elijah Yenyor-David in Nigeria as captured in the detailed research Kingdom, Obateru holds a certificate in news
work presented years ago by the Nigeria Gas reporting, a Bachelor’s degree in Performing
All correspondence to the Flare Commercialization Programme under Arts and an M.Sc in Public Relations.
Editor, NNPC Magazine, Group the auspices of the Department of Petroleum In 2012, he was awarded a doctorate
Public Affairs Division,
Resources (DPR). in Management [Honoris Causa], by the
Room 100, 1st Floor, Block
D, NNPC Towers, Herbert Commonwealth University, Belize.
Macaulay Way, Central Unveiling, Dr. Kennie Obateru, Our Obateru is a member of the International
Business District, Abuja New Editor-In-Chief Public Relations Association, a senior member of
Tel: 09046084203, In concordance with the vision to reposition the Africa Public Relations Association as well
09046081026 the Corporation for efficiency and Improved as a member of both the Nigerian Institute of
Email: nnpcpublicaffairs@ productivity, the Federal Government in March, Public Relations and the Nigerian Institute of
nnpcgroup.com 2020, made some crucial changes in the Top Management.
Management Cadre of the NNPC.
Thus entered Dr. Kennie Obateru, who has Michael Mukwuzi
since assumed duty as the Group General
he Nigerian National facing the corporation to in the long term”, he assured.
Petroleum Corporation include vandalism of oil and gas In his presentation, NNPC Chief
(NNPC) has disclosed that infrastructure and kidnapping Operating Officer, Downstream,
the nation lost about $750 of personnel, adding that there Engr. Yemi Adetunji, said that
million to oil theft in 2019. was a deep connection between in 2016, the Gulf of Guinea
In a presentation to members of the the various shades of security accounted for more than half of
Executive Intelligence Management challenges as they are all linked the global kidnappings for ransom,
Course 13 of the National Institute to what was happening in the Gulf with 34 seafarers kidnapped out
for Security Studies (NISS) who of Guinea and the entire maritime of 62 cases worldwide.
visited the NNPC Towers, Abuja, on environment. He said the corporation was working
a study tour, the Group Managing He called for a concerted effort closely with security agencies to
Director of NNPC, Mallam Mele and synergy to secure oil and gas tackle the security challenges, and
Kyari, decried the growing operations for the economic survival cited the “Operation Kurombe”
activities of oil thieves and pirates of the country. that was recently conducted by the
which he described as a threat to Responding to questions on the Nigerian Navy at the Atlas Cove as
the operations of the corporation. challenge posed by the proposed an example of such collaborative
The GMD who spoke on the topic: energy migration by most western efforts.
“Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea; Issues, countries to renewables, the GMD On his part, the Executive Director,
Challenges for International Trade, said that fossil fuels would still be National Institute of security
National Security and Sustainable relevant and that the demand for Studies, Dr. Ayodele Adeleke,
Development of Member States”, crude oil would not reduce in the called for synergy among the
stated that any threat to the nearest future. security agencies to tackle the
corporation’s operations was a “Even by 2050, fossil fuel would security challenges not only in the
direct threat to the very survival of account for 80 per cent of the Gulf of Guinea, but in the Nigerian
Nigeria as a nation because of the energy mix, and there would still Petroleum Industry generally.
strategic role of the corporation as be consumption of at least, 100 The visiting team was drawn from
an enabler of the economy. million barrels of oil per day. We 18 agencies within and outside
He listed other security challenges are determined to remain relevant Nigeria.
s part of efforts to the GMD assured. which we are putting up strategies
guarantee energy He informed that NNPC under his to stop. By stopping gas flaring, we
security for the country, watch was committed to providing create wealth, we create prosperity
the Nigerian National the necessary infrastructure that and we have to deliver power to
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has would reduce the power deficit and the country. We also know that the
secured a grant from the United also reduce to the barest minimum focus of the Federal Government is
States Trade and Development gas flaring which impacts the to deliver power to the people as
Agency (USTDA) to facilitate the environment negatively. quickly as possible and also deliver
establishment of a 1,350Megawatts The NNPC helmsman stated that the gas to our domestic market,”
(MW) Independent Power Plant in corporation had already delivered Mallam Kyari submitted.
Abuja. the Oben-Obrikun and Obiafu Earlier, the United States
Speaking at the signing ceremony (OB3) gas pipelines, expanded the Ambassador to Nigeria, Mary Beth
of the grant which held on the Escravos-Lagos Pipeline System 2 Leonard, said the grant was part
sidelines of the recent Nigeria (ELPS 2) with her partners and is of America’s intervention to reduce
International Petroleum Summit about constructing the Ajaokuta- the power deficit, create jobs and
(N.I.P.S) in Abuja, Group Managing Kaduna-Kano (AKK) pipeline which support the expansion of gas
Director of the NNPC, Mallam would deliver gas from the OB3 infrastructure in Nigeria.
Mele Kyari, said the $1.16million line to Kano. On his part, the Director of USTDA,
USTDA grant would be deployed He added that along that corridor, Tom Hardy, stated that the grant of
for the provision of technical, the plan is for the NNPC to build $1.16million to the NNPC was an
economic and financial analyses three independent power plants in American power solution geared
necessary for the development of Abuja, Kaduna and Kano, stressing towards boosting the nation’s
the combined cycle, natural gas- that the strategy would enable the economy.
fired power plant to be sited in debottlenecking of power into the Managing Director of General
Gwagwalada, a satellite town of grid to ensure stable power supply. Electric (GE) Gas Power System
Abuja. Mallam Kyari said the construction in Nigeria, Mohammed Mijindadi,
Mallam Kyari stated that the power of the AKK pipeline would lead expressed the readiness of GE to
plant, when completed, would to the establishment of industries deliver on her mandate.
deliver power to the national along the route of the pipeline all Highpoint of the event was the
grid for onward transmission to the way to Kano, noting that the signing of the grant documents
Nigerians to facilitate industrial spin-off effect would be prosperity by the Managing Director of
growth and reduce poverty in the for the people. NNPC Gas and Power Investment
country. “We know that gas is the cleanest Company (GPIC), Engr. Husaini El-
“We all know that there must be a form of energy. We also know that Yakubu, for NNPC and Tom Hardy
framework. We all know that there we are flaring some of the gas for USTDA.
are so many delayed projects in
this industry that have to do with
delivering gas to the domestic
market for so many reasons. One
of the challenges that led to this
is inability to secure financing and
other fiscal issues that we are all
familiar with and they have to be
resolved. What we have to do is
to create infrastructure that will
deliver gas to the domestic market
and we are already doing that,” A Gas Processing facility
he Russian Federation has the two countries across the oil and was ready to provide any kind
expressed its readiness to gas value-chain. of assistance to move the project
partner with the Nigerian “We are particularly interested in forward.
National Petroleum participating in Nigeria’s power Responding, Mallam Kyari thanked
Corporation (NNPC) in the infrastructure projects. We would the Ambassador for the visit, even
development of Nigeria’s upstream, also keep close track of the ongoing as he assured him of NNPC’s
gas and power sectors. negotiations between NNPC and commitment to partner with the
This was made known by the Gazprom on the restoration of the Russian Embassy in Nigeria to
Russian Federation Ambassador bilateral cooperation which aims ensure that the two countries benefit
to Nigeria, Alexey Shebarshin, to revive and solidify the venture from the bilateral cooperation
during a working visit to the Group between our two companies for reached in Sochi, Russia.
Managing Director of the NNPC, gas infrastructure development in “As a National Oil Company,
Mallam Mele Kyari. Nigeria,” Ambassador Shebarshin we are committed to growing
....Shebarshin, who stated that the stated. Nigeria’s economy. We will set
visit was to consolidate on the gains While highlighting the Memorandum up communication channels with
made from the Russia-Africa Summit of Understanding (MoU) signed the Russian companies, Lukoil and
held in Sochi last year, added that between the NNPC and Russian- Gazprom in particular, to promote
the Russian Embassy in Nigeria was based Company, Lukoil, which this collaboration for the benefit of
keen on enhancing and developing focused on refinery rehabilitation, our two countries,” Kyari noted.
the bilateral co-operation between the diplomat stressed that he
Group Managing Director of NNPC, Mallam Mele Kyari with H.E Alexey Shebarshin, Russian Federation
Ambassador to Nigeria.
NNPC Retail Station
Country with Largest Crude Oil Reserves
Venezuela with proven oil reserves of over 303.2 billion barrels
ranks as the country with the largest oil reserves in the world.
According to the US Energy Information Administration (US EIA)
estimates for 2017, Venezuela holds 17.9 per cent of total global
crude oil reserves.
Meaning of Petroleum
The word “petroleum” literally translates as “rock oil”, which stems
from the Greek word “petra,” meaning rock, and the Latin word
“oleum,” meaning oil.
he history of gas production exploration activities was stepped was reportedly flared as a result
in Nigeria is as old as the up and on Wednesday, 3rd August of lack of gas processing and
story of the first discovery 1955, the discovery well Oloibiri-1 utilization in the country.
of commercial crude oil in was spudded and drilled vertically This unprofitable practice was
the country in Oloibiri, present day to a total depth of 1200 feet sustained through the next
Ogbia Local Government Area, (3660m). The well was tested and decade of oil and gas operations
Bayelsa State in what is known it flowed at the rate of about 5, in Nigeria leading up to 1963
today as South-South Nigeria. 000 barrels of oil per day. Some when gas utilization in Nigeria
According to available records, with volume of gas was also discovered literally teed-off with the historic
the discovery of oil in commercial with the oil. gas sales by the Shell Petroleum
quantities in Oloibiri by Shell Darcy, Alas! The gas produced with the oil Development Company of Nigeria
noticeable increase Company, and increasing demand commenced in 1963 with gas sales
in gas production for local gas supply for power by the Shell Petroleum Development
commenced in the early generation. In 2015 there were Company of Nigeria (SPDC) to
1970s, ultimately rising 39 companies directly involved in industrial users in Aba.
above 2.7 bscf/d by 1979. By oil and gas production in Nigeria, In its bid to create value for AG,
this time, a domestic market had producing natural gas from 189 which was routinely being flared
been created for the consumption fields with daily AG production of by operators, the Government
of produced gas in the eastern 4.74 bscf/d and NAG production initiated several projects to increase
part of the country, close to the gas of nearly 3.46 bscf/d. gas utilisation in the country from
source. Since 1990 gas production Forecasts indicate that Nigerian the mid-1960s to the late 1990s.
has steadily increased with daily domestic gas demand, coupled with These projects included gas supply to
production rising above 8.2 bscf/d regional demand from the greater thermal power plants in Delta state,
in 2015. West Africa region, may push the Port Harcourt refinery in Rivers
The steady increase in production in annual gas production in Nigeria state, Power Holding Company
recent times is strongly linked to the beyond the 10 bscf/d mark by of Nigeria (PHCN) Sapele, Delta
discovery of more non-associated 2020. The global population is Steel Aladja, National Fertilizer
gas (NAG) reserves in deeper expected to rise to nearly 10 Company of Nigeria (NAFCON),
reservoirs, the development of billion people by 2050, spurring the Ajaokuta Steel complex, the
deep offshore oil fields with huge global energy demand to levels Egbin Thermal Power Station and
associated gas (AG) reserves, nearly 60% higher than today by the Aluminium Smelting Company
participation in the gas export 2060. of Nigeria (ALSCON) in Ikot Abasi).
business through the Nigerian Gas Utilization The development of the Nigerian
Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) Gas utilisation in Nigeria LNG project was pivotal to
Michael Mukwuzi
he inspiration to write this This negative trend continued until customers badly. Before going on
article came to my mind a new competitor showed up and to highlight how well to treat or
when I walked into one business started slowing down not to treat a customer we need
of our canteens in block A until the “invisible hand” which to identify who is a customer and
and saw that a new restaurateur drives the forces of demand and who is not. Identifying a customer
had taken over one of the stands is a key step towards treating them
with a very beautiful Bain-Marie, right.
clean show glasses, well dressed
and happy staff, clean tables with Who Is A Customer?
lovely tablecloths to match, and a As a business, not everyone that
variety of scintillating and inviting interacts with you is your customer.
dishes on display. Most businesses don’t even know
I saw a long queue of customers who their customers are. It is difficult
waiting to find out what this new to believe that the people you sell
restaurant had to offer and joined. to, collect revenue from and talk to
After ordering a breakfast of every day of the week might not
African fried eggs with sauce and be your customers.
unripe plantain, I was offered Every business has both a primary
a complimentary cup of tea to and secondary customer. Firms
wash the food down and some must make a conscious decision on
sweets to freshen up my breath as who their primary and secondary
dessert. I stood in awe wondering customers are.
if I was in a canteen in the towers As simple as this question sounds
or in some dreamland like Alice in it is one of the most difficult and
Wonderland. misleading for a business owner to
Permit me to digress a little about answer. When asked the question,
the former restaurateurs who ‘who is your customer’, the usual
had to pack up because they did answer is that we serve a lot
not treat their customers right. of customers and these include:
Actually, they started very well users, influencers, administrators,
but as soon as they established distributors, etc. The problem here is
themselves they started doing so that calling all this group of people
many wrong things which included: customers is very misleading. You
overbilling customers, serving stale must determine who your primary
and tasteless food, exhibiting lack customer is and marketing efforts
of care and empathy, coupled with supply as propounded by Scottish must be geared towards delivering
non-availability of prime dishes at philosopher and Economist Adam distinctive value to them.
the required time. Imagine walking Smith forced them to close shop. This distinction between primary
into a canteen by 1:30 pm on a One of the major reasons why this and secondary customers is very
very busy afternoon and you are once budding business packed up important and critical and must be
told Eba was not ready! was because they treated their taken well ahead of time because
By Aliyu Abubakar
First Things First Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Games and women from only NNPC
efore we take a plunge, (NOGIG) was first staged in 1986, and Mobil Producing Nigeria
let us first put some things as a Squash tournament in Eket, Limited. With a dozen companies
into perspective. According Akwa Ibom State. The participants participating in the 18th edition in
to available records, the then were just a handful sportsmen the last week of February 2020
The NNPC Soccer Team reclaimed their golden trophy by thrashing a youthful DPR Team 2-0.
Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, Chief Timipre Sylva and GMD NNPC, Mallam Mele Kyari were super
impressed with proceedings at the NOGIG final
game via a long throw from our leader, Uyi Charles, which led to was obvious that our experience
Captain Oloton Uyi Charles, which a goal-mouth scramble. We could saved us from the DPR’s dangerous
was smartly converted by a header have scored a third goal via a and youthful side.
from our prolific striker, Abdullahi penalty kick, but Abdullahi Aliyu
Sa’idu. ballooned the ball deep into the Taking One for the Team
The second goal, scored by our stands. In between that, we saw I initially didn’t want to highlight
mercurial midfielder Abdullahi ‘hell’ from the DPR young guns this incident, at the risk of sounding
Aliyu shortly after the second who ran so many rings around us, too selfish. But for reasons of
half, was similar. It also came had a lot of ball possession, but inspiring our younger players who
following yet another rocket throw- were extremely wasteful with their will soon be joining the team, I must
in launched by our Captain and chances. After the final whistle, it
have written severally on Respect personal space: This In respecting personal space,
protocol but I want to take it from is one of the key etiquettes. It is apart from cultural consideration,
another angle, which is universal a physical distance between two these factors should be considered
behaviors perspective. people either in social gathering, too – male to male, female
International protocol, from this family or work environment. to, female; male to, female;
behavioral perspective is essential personal relationship and country.
and critical to the survival of any In observing personal space, a
protocol professional. In fact, it will protocol professional must be
help a great deal to keep him out conscious of company’s policies
of danger or ‘the banana peel’ of regarding relationships with co-
protocol quagmire. workers; must not assume much
In practical terms, one slip or a familiarity with one’s seniors or
silly mistake could wipe or rubbish superiors; avoid hugging and other
the good records of a protocol familiar gestures.
professional built over the years.
According to the Dalai Lama, “We Use your full hand to gesture:
humans are social beings. We Most times, in an attempt to explain
come into the word as the result of ourselves, we unwittingly make
others’ actions. We survive here in gestures that depict authority,
dependence on others. Whether arrogance or warning to superiors.
we like it or not, there is hardly a There are about twenty-five hand
moment of our lives when we do not gestures during conversation.
benefit from others’ activities. For Hand gestures assist us during
this reason, it is hardly surprising conversation to drive home our
that most of our happiness arises in points but we must watch it. For
the context of our relationships with instance, the use of open hands with
others”. palms at 45-degree angle could be
In context, the mistakes of a protocol used as a gesture to communicate
professional is always very visible that you know what you are talking
because he is in the frontline. Every about while also sending a signal
viable protocol professional must that you have nothing to hide. This
ensure that fundamental errors are is one of the notably 25 hand
avoided in the discharge of his gestures.
According to the Protocol School of Pay close attention to
Washington, ten universal behaviors
introductory exchanges: First
can shape the conduct of a protocol Sometimes, because of familiarity impression, they say, matters a lot. A
professional to discharge his duties or closeness to their bosses, some protocol professional must have this
creditably well. people forget to draw the line. etiquette - Protocol of introducing
istorically, change has memos showing why such a policy of the work week, realizing that
always been a slow would be premature and doomed there was no need for physical
process. Aversion to to fail. While in the western world,
presence in order for collaboration
change or change apathy companies had for some time, to take place, and recognizing the
has been the reality of every opportunities for a reduction in
change process and the bane of overhead provided by a HR policy
change managers from the dawn that encouraged remote working,
of time. it had always been assumed
But what happens when the choice that Nigeria was decades, if not
is taken from us? When an external centuries, away from such an
factor forces change on a system arrangement.
and its people? However, Covid-19 happened and
Well, some have said that such a time suddenly, the understanding of
is upon us today. Researchers have what is possible had to undergo a
said that the coronavirus pandemic drastic transformation.
will change the way we do business In truth, the workplace disruption
forever. As employees have been caused by the coronavirus
forced to work from home, and pandemic cannot be ignored and
consumers are increasingly wary of any CEO that wishes to ensure
face to face services, the business survival of their industry with and
world has experienced a drastic post COVID-19 has already begun
and lasting transformation. to articulate and implement policies
Furthermore, giving the global that would see a sustained move
nature of the pandemic, the need for towards a digital workplace.
a rapid, nay, almost instantaneous However, certain organizations
adoption of IT tools, as the would experience a tougher time
only means of ensuring business of it than others. And one of most
continuity is felt equally by all, significant factors to consider when
regardless of each society’s level projecting ease of adoption of a
of penetration and acceptance of digital working environment is the
digitization pre COVID-19. demography of the workforce.
In Nigeria for instance, especially Apart from the natural tendency
in the public sector, if managers for younger people to adapt to
were asked in January 2020 to change more readily, being less set
implement a policy which would in their ways for the simple reason
see 90% of meetings being held recognized the benefits of having of not having spent as much time in
virtually, the response would have a part of the work force work from those ways as an older generation,
been some very well-articulated home at least for a percentage the very nature of the change being