Geological Time Scale
Geological Time Scale
Geological Time Scale
Measuring Time
• The Geological time scale is a record of the life
forms and geological events in Earth’s history.
Radioactive dating helped determine the
absolute divisions in the time scale.
Giving Time a Name
• The largest sections are called
• “Eons” are divided into “eras”
(the 2ndlargest section).
• “Eras” are divided into
• ‘Periods’ are
divided into ‘epochs”.
• Largest, most general division
of time.
• 2 Eons
• The eons are: Cryptozoic
(Precambrian) eon and
Phanerozoic eon.
• Precambrian and
Phanerozoic eon both
consists of three eras as
shown in the figure.
• EachEon is broken up into Eras. Major eras in
• • Archean (4600 mya - 2500mya)
• Proterozoic (2500 mya - 540mya)
• Paleozoic (540mya - 250mya)
• Mesozoic (250 mya - 65.5mya)
• Cenozoic (65.5 mya –present)
Cryptozoic eon (Precambrian time)
• Lasted from 540 million years agoto
4600 million yearsago.
• Oldest and longest (covers almost 90% of
earth’s history).
• simple organisms- bacteria, algae,
protozoa was born.
• Oldest rocks that we know werefound in
this eon which dates to about 3.5 billion
• Divided into 2 eras: Proterozoicand
Archean era.
Archean era
Jurassic is an important
period of Mesozoic era. It
lasted from 250 million years
ago to 200 million years ago.
During this period, first birds
and mammals were formed.
Gymnosperms were dominating
plants. The dinosaurs were
formed in Triassic period
reached at their peak in this
iv) Cretaceous
It is a period of Mesozoic era which
lasted from 150 million years ago to
65.5 million years ago. It marked the
end of the Mesozoic Era and the
beginning of the Cenozoic Era. All of
the dinosaurs and half of the other
animals & plants went extinct in this
period. Scientists think an asteroid
hit Earth, the dustclouds blocked
out the sun. As a result, plants died,
then herbivores,then carnivores.
v)Quarternery period
It is a period of Cenozoicera
which has been lasting from
1.8 million years ago to
present days. In this period,
the humans evolved as the
most intelligent creature of
earth and took over. It is
divided into 2 epochs
namely: Pleistocene and