Smith, E. R., & DeCoster, J. (2000) .

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Personality and Social Psychology


Dual-Process Models in Social and Cognitive Psychology: Conceptual Integration and Links to Underlying
Memory Systems
Eliot R. Smith and Jamie DeCoster
Pers Soc Psychol Rev 2000 4: 108
DOI: 10.1207/S15327957PSPR0402_01

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Personality and Social Psychology Review Copyright ( 2000 by
2000, Vol. 4, No. 2, 108-131 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Dual-Process Models in Social and Cognitive Psychology: Conceptual

Integration and Links to Underlying Memory Systems
Eliot R. Smith and Jamie DeCoster
Department of Psychological Sciences
Purdue University

Models postulating 2 distinct processing modes have been proposed in several topic ar-
eas within social and cognitive psychology. We advance a new conceptual model of the 2
processing modes. The structural basis of the new model is the idea, supported by psy-
chological and neuropsychological evidence, that humans possess 2 memory systems.
One system slowly learns general regularities, whereas the other can quickly form rep-
resentations of unique or novel events. Associative retrieval or pattern completion in the
slow-learning system elicited by a salient cue constitutes the effortless processing mode.
The second processing mode is more conscious and effortful; it involves the intentional
retrieval of explicit, symbolically represented rulesfrom either memory system and their

use toguide processing. After presenting our model, we review existing dual-process
models in several areas, emphasizing their similar assumptions of a quick, effortless
processing mode that rests on well-learned prior associations and a second, more
effortful processing mode that involves rule-based inferences and is employed only
when people have both cognitive capacity and motivation. New insights and implica-
tions of the model for several topic areas are outlined.

When people perform tasks as diverse as solving log- and-dirty fashion, how they process when willing and
ical problems, evaluating persuasive arguments, and able to engage in extensive thought, and what conditions
forming impressions of other persons, they can make encourage such effortful processing. In this article, we
use of different processing strategies. People can (and in provide a new integrative model that promises to ac-
everyday life often do) use a sort of "quick-and-dirty" count for much of the existing evidence in diverse con-
approach, arriving at usually reasonable answers effi- tent domains. Our new conceptual model also links the
ciently and effortlessly. For example, they may agree two processing modes to theory and research on mem-
with an argument because a quick glance reveals that it ory systems. After presenting the new model, we review
is presented by an expert source and contains statistical a number of existing dual-process models and point out
data. People also, when adequately motivated and given how the new model accounts for the broad patterns that
enough time and freedom from distraction, can try hard have been empirically observed and interpreted with the
to think deeply about these tasks, sometimes arriving at aid of these various domain-specific theories. Thus, the
qualitatively different answers. The expert's argu- new model serves the purpose of conceptual integration,
ments, on close examination, may prove specious, the bringing apparently disparate findings under a common
statistics biased. umbrella and highlighting previously unrecognized
In recent years, researchers working in numerous ar- parallels. Finally, we argue that our model also yields
eas of social and cognitive psychology have developed important new insights in many of these domains, points
models that follow these general lines: dual-process to key conceptual questions that need to be resolved, and
models, as we label them here (Chaiken & Trope, 1999). opens up new empirical areas for investigation.
Such models contain three major components. They
provide accounts of how people process in quick- Structural Basis of Dual-Processing
Modes: Two Memory Systems
Preparation of this article was made possible by National Institute
of Mental Health Grants R01-MH46840 and K02-MHO1 178. In this section, we first present our view of the struc-
We thank Shelly Chaiken, Leonel and Teresa Garcia-Marques, Dan tural basis of the two processing modes, two memory
Gilbert, Rich Petty, Sarah Queller, Gun Semin, Steve Sloman, Janet systems with systematically different properties. We
Swim, and Duane Wegener for helpful comments on earlier drafts.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Eliot R. Smith, Department review several types of evidence that support this dis-
of Psychological Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, tinction and then describe how the two processing
IN 47907-1364. E-mail: modes draw on these underlying memory systems.

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In recent years, numerous theorists have advanced 1. Damage to the hippocampal region causes defi-
generally similar proposals focused on the idea that hu- cits in new learning, in both humans and other animals.
mans have two separate memory systems with distinct Deficits particularly affect the rapid learning of new as-
properties (Alvarez & Squire, 1994; McClelland, sociations among objects or events and their context.
McNaughton, & O'Reilly, 1995; Milner, 1989; Murre, For example, the ability to learn new associations be-
1995; O'Keefe & Nadel, 1978; Sherry & Schacter, tween unrelated pairs of words is impaired in amnesi-
1987; Tulving, 1983; for additional discussion, see acs (Scoville & Milner, 1957). Also, there are marked
Schacter & Tulving, 1994). In this context, a "memory deficits in explicit or intentional retrieval of informa-
system" is defined as a set of acquisition, retention, and tion (Schacter, 1987).
retrieval mechanisms that follows certain rules of op- 2. Hippocampal lesions produce not only impair-
eration (Sherry & Schacter, 1987). The claim that there ments in new learning but also deficits in retrieving
are two memory systems means that these systems use earlier memories (retrograde amnesia). The amnesia is
fundamentally different rules or principles of opera- temporally graded, with more recently learned mate-
tion, not simply that they store different types of infor- rial suffering more than more remote material (Squire,
mation (e.g., visual vs. verbal information). 1992; Zola-Morgan & Squire, 1990).
Why should there be two memory systems rather 3. Other types of cognitive performance, however,
than just one? The fundamental reason is that human are relatively unimpaired by the same types of lesions.
memory must meet two conflicting demands that are The first systematic observations of this type of dissoci-
functionally incompatible (McClelland et al., 1995; ation in humans were striking to the researchers
Sherry & Schacter, 1987). One demand is to record in- (Scoville & Milner, 1957). The patient HM, who had
formation slowly and incrementally so that the total large parts of his hippocampal system surgically re-
configuration in memory reflects a large sample of ex- moved, could not learn new facts or explicitly recall
periences. This is important so that general expectan- anything that occurred after a point several months prior
cies and long-term stable knowledge can be based on to his surgery. Still, he could recall more distant memo-
the average, typical properties of the environment. ries. Moreover, his performance on intelligence tests
This function requires a slow-learning memory sys- and his social skills were relatively unimpaired, and he
tem, which could be termed "schematic" because it could carry on a more or less normal conversation.
matches the typical properties assumed for schema in 4. Not only general intellectual abilities but also
social and cognitive theories (see Fiske & Taylor, some forms of new learning are relatively unimpaired.
1991; Rumelhart, Smolensky, McClelland, & Hinton, These include the learning of skills (e.g., reading re-
1986). A second demand is for rapid learning of new versed print; Cohen & Squire, 1980). In addition, pa-
information so that a novel experience can be remem- tients with hippocampal damage remain able to extract
bered after a single occurrence. After all, people can at what is common in a set of stimulus items. Although
least sometimes learn things by being told once. This they might not be able to recall any of the items on a pre-
function requires a "fast binding" system that can store viously studied list, they may perform about as well as
episodic records of the details of specific experiences, normals on the task ofjudging whether new stimuli were
including the context. However, the requirements of generated from the same prototype as the studied items
slow and fast learning are incompatible. (Knowlton, Ramus, & Squire, 1992). In one of the few
Because of this functional incompatibility, humans social psychological investigations of brain-damaged
and other animals are believed to have evolved two patients, Klein, Loftus, and Kihlstrom (1996) obtained a
separate memory systems to serve these two func- conceptually similar finding. Although their amnesic
tions.I This idea may seem unparsimonious, but many college student WJ could not recall any specific behav-
types of psychological and neuropsychological evi- iors she had performed while at college, she could give
dence point to the existence of two memory systems personality trait descriptions of herself at college that by
with properties that correspond to slow-learning and available criteria (such as agreement with ratings pro-
fast-learning systems (McClelland et al., 1995; Sherry vided by her friends or with her own ratings after recov-
& Schacter, 1987). The evidence suggests that the ery from her amnesia) were as accurate as those of nor-
fast-learning system is mediated by the hippocampal mal students. This finding resembles that of Knowlton et
region of the brain. Among the major points are these: al. (1992) in that the woman could access the general gist
or common properties (i.e., traits) from a set of specific
stimuli (behavioral episodes) despite her inability to ex-
plicitly recall the latter.
1To avoid confusion, note that these proposed memory systems
are not equivalent to short-term and long-term memory; both are
long-term in nature. Most current models hold that short-term mem- All of this evidence, then, suggests that learning of
ory is not a separate store but is the activated portion of information general regularities can occur more or less independent
held in long-term memory. of the ability to consciously recollect specific events;

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amnesia resulting from hippocampal damage greatly tures for retrieval. Consolidation is known, on inde-
affects the latter ability (mediated in our view by the pendent grounds, to take considerable time in hu-
fast-learning memory system) and leaves the former mans-weeks to years-and McClelland et al. (1995)
ability relatively intact. A model featuring two sepa- suggested that it is necessarily slow so that new infor-
rate but interacting memory systems can account for mation can be integrated into the stably structured rep-
these sorts of evidence. The slow-learning system is a resentations maintained in the slow learning system
collection of overlapping systems that are involved in without disrupting previous knowledge.
sensory, perceptual, and motor output processes. The The empirical evidence on some aspects of the dual
operation of these systems generally does not depend memory systems hypothesis is compelling, and numer-
on conscious awareness or attention. These systems ous theorists have advanced basically similar views
are responsible for translating input representations (Alvarez & Squire, 1994; McClelland et al., 1995;
(e.g., visual patterns of letters) to output representa- Milner, 1989; Murre, 1995; O'Keefe & Nadel, 1978;
tions (e.g., word meanings). They also function as Sherry & Schacter, 1987; Tulving, 1983; see also
memory systems. Learning takes place as the system Schacter & Tulving, 1994). However, this viewpoint is
processes each stimulus and involves small, incremen- not universal, and other theorists (e.g., Craik, 1983;
tal alterations of representations in ways that facilitate Kolers & Roediger, 1984) advocated unitary models of
repetition of the same processing. As such changes ac- memory (i.e., a single general set of principles describ-
cumulate over multiple episodes, this learning changes ing all operations of memory). Our purpose in this arti-
responses to future stimuli. In summary, slow-learning cle is not to settle this theoretical debate. Rather, we
memory is responsible for forming stable, general rep- consider the theoretical implications of a dual memory
resentations of the typical properties of the environ- systems conception for many areas of social and cogni-
ment (e.g., correspondences between word forms and tive psychology. We argue that numerous models of
word meanings) over many trials. These representa- dual-processing modes can be integrated and inter-
tions are then used preconsciously to process and inter- preted in terms of the properties of two underlying
pret new information by categorizing, filling in memory systems and that this integration will lead to
unobserved details, and the like. new insights and new predictions in several substan-
The fast-learning memory system is necessary be- tive areas of psychology. Of course, to the extent that
cause the effects of a single experience on the our review and integration succeed in this purpose, it
slow-learning system will generally not be large does serve as supportive (though not definitive) evi-
enough to allow for full retrieval of the details of that dence for the dual memory system models.
experience on a future occasion. The fast-learning sys-
tem is responsible for rapidly constructing new repre- Dual-Processing Modes
sentations (i.e., episodic memories) that bind together
information about different aspects of an object or ex- How are these two memory systems used as we
perience in its context (Wiles & Humphreys, 1993). make judgments and decisions in our daily lives? We
This system mediates conscious, explicit recollection believe that two distinct processing modes draw on the
and depends on the hippocampus and related brain memory systems in fundamentally different ways. In
structures. In addition to differences in speed of learn- brief, what we term the associative processing mode is
ing and conscious accessibility, their differentiated based directly on the properties of the slow-learning
functions mean that the slow-learning and fast-learn- system and operates essentially as a pattern-comple-
ing systems attend to different types of information. tion mechanism. After knowledge has been accumu-
Slow learning is chiefly concerned with regularities, so lated from a large number of experiences, this memory
it primarily records what is typical and expected. In system uses that knowledge to fill in information,
contrast, the fast-learning system records the details of quickly and automatically, about the characteristics
events that are novel and interesting, attending more to that previously have been observed or affective reac-
the unexpected and unpredicted. tions that previously have been experienced, in situa-
The two memory systems interact in several ways tions that resemble the current one.
(McClelland et al., 1995). Most important is the pro- In contrast, the rule-based processing mode uses
cess of consolidation, by which a newly formed mem- symbolically represented and culturally transmitted
ory is transferred by repeated presentations from the knowledge as its "program" (Smolensky, 1988). It rests
fast-binding to the slow-learning system. Prior to con- on human linguistic abilities, which in turn draw on both
solidation, a representation of a new event is only underlying memory systems. Rules may be stored in ei-
maintained in the fast learning system, thus it is vulner- ther processing system, depending on such factors as
able to loss from hippocampal damage (point 2 of the how frequently they have been encountered (i.e., just
evidence listed previously). After consolidation, the one or two times vs. many times) and over what length of
memory is no longer dependent on hippocampal struc- time (i.e., whether consolidation has had time to occur).

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To forestall possible misunderstandings, we repeat: Al- tions that were stored on past occasions when similar
though the associative processing mode draws solely on cues were present. Through associative processing, in-
the slow-learning system, the rule-based processing formation that has repeatedly been linked to an object
mode uses both memory systems, notjust the fast-learn- in the past is automatically brought to mind whenever
ing one (see Table 1 for a summary). we perceive or think about the object again. This infor-
mation can fill in unobserved details or can even
Associative Processing Mode change the way people perceive existing features of an
object. We can think of associative processing as per-
Features of the associative processing mode. forming multiple constraint satisfaction, where the
Associative processing takes the form of pattern-com- system develops an impression of a stimulus that ac-
pletion or similarity-based retrieval from the slow- commodates both its perceived characteristics and the
learning memory system, cued by salient features of the regularities observed in previous experiences.
input. Connectionist memories are well suited to per- 3. Associative processing uses general, overall
form these functions (Rumelhart et al., 1986; Smith & similarity between the cues and stored memory repre-
DeCoster, 1998). As a concrete example, someone may sentations to guide retrieval. Past knowledge may be
have built up, over years of experience with persuasive retrieved and used based on superficial or irrelevant
messages, an association between statistical charts and similarities to the current cues, rather than only for
graphs and validity of the message. If the person is now structurally important or logical reasons (for social psy-
confronted with a message having these features, the chological demonstrations of this property, see
message characteristics may automatically activate this Gilovich, 1981; Lewicki, 1985).
long-term association, yielding an intuitive impression
that the message is probably valid. As another example, Learning of associations. Learning the repre-
when an individual encounters a woman, the target's sentations used in the associative mode takes a long
gender may elicit the retrieval of gender stereotypes, time and requires a large amount of experience. If our
which for most people are well learned over a lifetime. long-term knowledge structures were to change
Automatic activation of this stereotypic material may quickly, new experiences could overwhelm the infor-
color perceptions of the person. This associative pro- mation collected in earlier encounters, and our social
cessing mode has several characteristic features. knowledge would lack stability. By building up knowl-
edge slowly and incrementally, the slow-learning
1. One striking feature is how quickly and automati- memory system can extract patterns that have been ob-
cally it provides information. Associative processing served consistently over time.
operates preconsciously (Bargh, 1994), and we are gen- Associations sometimes have been termed "rules."
erally aware only of the results ofits processing. The as- For example, someone may build up through experi-
sociative mode generates what are experienced as intu- ence the knowledge that green fruits are unripe and
itive and affective responses to objects or events. We taste bitter, or that black and yellow striped insects of-
may look at a mug and know that it is used to hold coffee, ten sting, and these items of knowledge could be called
or we may look at a friend and feel warmth and affection. rules. However, this usage would lead to confusion.
2. Another feature is that associative processing For clarity it is important to preserve the distinction be-
can be termed reproductive rather than productive: It tween associations (which are built up through re-
uses currently available cues to retrieve representa- peated experiences over time and are not necessarily
interpersonally shared or symbolically encoded) and
rules (which can be explicitly learned on a single oc-
Table 1. Summary of Theoretical Properties of Two
Processing Modes currence and are symbolically represented and often
interpersonally shared).
Associative Processing Rule-Based Processing
Draws on associations Draws on symbolically Rule-Based Processing Mode
represented rules
That are structured by That are structured by language Features of the rule-based processing mode.
similarity and contiguity and logic The defining feature of rule-based processing is that it
And are learned over many And can be learned in just one uses symbolically represented and intentionally ac-
experiences. or a few experiences.
Occurs automatically Occurs optionally when cessed knowledge as rules to guide processing. For ex-
capacity and motivation are ample, an individual may effortfully examine a persua-
present sive argument to determine its validity by searching
And preconsciously, with And often with conscious memory for other relevant facts. Or the individual may
awareness of the result of awareness of steps of form an impression of a new acquaintance by consider-
processing processing ing not only her gender but also available individuating

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information. It is crucial to recognize that this process- knowledge shared between individuals therefore exists
ing may use information stored in either the fast-learn- in symbolic form. Symbolic rules also may be con-
ing or the slow-learning memory system. The individu- structed by explicit, conscious thought by an individual
ating information might include the woman' s assertive rather than by being socially learned. In either case, we
behaviors, which are linked through well-learned can learn symbolic information on a single occasion.
knowledge (stored in the slow-learning system) to the The process of learning, however, requires conscious
trait of assertiveness. The woman also might be wear- attention and can be directed and controlled strategi-
ing a lapel pin that the perceiver learned just minutes cally-in contrast to learning in the schematic memory
ago signifies membership in a conservative political or- system, which is more automatic and less dependent on
ganization. The inference of conservatism and related attention.
characteristics would then be mediated by that newly Because the rule-based processing mode rests on
acquired knowledge (or rule). This knowledge would socially learned and culturally shared rules, the results
be stored in the fast-learning system, because it was en- of this form of processing have greater perceived va-
countered only once and has not had time to be consoli- lidity (Smolensky, 1988). We are more likely to trust a
dated into the slow-learning system. statement made by someone when it is based on logical
Several other characteristics follow from the funda- reasoning than when it is based on intuition. It is the
mental nature of this processing mode as the inten- wide sharing of the rules of logical inference that gen-
tional application of rules: erates this feeling of validity (Levine, Resnick, &
Higgins, 1993). Ultimately, validity stems from con-
1. First, unlike a database of associative knowledge sensus. When many people agree on a rule or on a con-
that must be built up over a long period of time, sym- clusion generated by applying shared rules, we tend to
bolic knowledge can be learned from a single experi- attribute the agreement to objective reality rather than
ence. Symbolic knowledge can then be used as rules to to possible errors or misinterpretations made by the in-
guide inferences and judgments-as the "program" for dividuals concerned (Mackie & Skelly, 1994).
rule-based processing, in effect.
2. The nature of rule-based processing is interpre-
tive in the sense used by computer scientists (Smo- Alternative, Sequential, or
lensky, 1988); that is, explicit representations of the Simultaneous Processing?
symbolic knowledge are retrieved from memory and
used to guide processing. The processing uses or fol- We assume that the two processing modes generally
lows rules, rather than merely conforms to them. operate simultaneously rather than as alternatives or in
3. This interpretive process is necessarily sequential sequence. However, because rule-based processing is
and relatively slow (in contrast to the fast, parallel con- slower than associative processing, it might be argued
straint-satisfaction process that can be used with asso- that both processing modes would operate initially but
ciative knowledge representations). The reason is that then the fast associative processing would finish, leav-
only one rule can be explicitly used to guide processing ing only rule-based processing operating. Such a par-
at a time. Rule-based processing is thus more effortful tial-overlap model likely would be difficult to
and time-consuming than associative processing. distinguish empirically from a pure sequential model,
4. Rule-based processing also tends to be analytic, in which first associative and then rule-based process-
rather than based on overall or global similarity. For ex- ing takes place. In terms of our model, both partial
ample, a symbolic rule may single out one or two spe- overlap and sequential processing seem unlikely. True,
cific features of an object to be used in categorization, rule-based processing is relatively slow, but as rule ap-
based on conceptual knowledge of the category. In con- plications generate new concepts and representations,
trast, associative processing categorizes objects those will elicit associative retrieval from the slow-
nonanalytically, on the basis of their overall similarity learning memory system. In other words, the relative
to category prototypes or known exemplars. automaticity of associative processing means that it
will continue to operate rather than ceasing before
rule-based processing begins (in the sequential model)
Learning of rules. Symbolic rules may be so- or completes (in the partial-overlap model). The ongo-
cially learned by comprehending language input from ing impact of associative processing has been empiri-
other individuals, the media, or other cultural sources. cally demonstrated in studies by Chaiken and her
Humans do not have the ability to directly transmit colleagues (see Chen & Chaiken, 1999).
what we think or experience to each other, so we must We now describe the implications and applications
choose commonly accepted symbols (words) to ex- of this new dual-processing model in several specific
press ourselves. Each time that we talk to another per- areas of social psychology. First, we focus on each pro-
son we have to fit what we want to say into words. Most cessing mode individually, outlining some of the em-

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pirical phenomena that can be traced back to the tive memory system is able to access people's
mode's specific properties. Then we describe impor- evaluations of words or other objects, automatically
tant forms of interaction between the processing and without subjective intention or effort.
modes. Finally, we review the implications of the
model for several specific theories in social and cogni- Attributional judgment. The representations
tive psychology, focusing on the modifications and constructed by the slow-learning memory system can be
new insights provided by this model. used to make causal attributions, in two separate ways.
First, of course, these representations record informa-
Associative Processing: Implications tion about the covariation of events. If a particular event
for Social Psychological Phenomena has frequently co-occurred with a potential cause in the
past, people likely will attribute the event to that cause
Categorization and stereotyping. The term as- (Kelley, 1972). Similarly, in classical conditioning, an
sociation may suggest a learned connection between two initially neutral stimulus becomes associated with a
items or concepts, as when people study word pairs like more meaningful stimulus through repeated pairings.
"table-blue" in a paired associates learning task and then For example, an animal that always hears a bell before
try to recall one when given the other as a cue. However, being fed comes to associate the sound of the bell with
associative processing is better regarded as performing a food. Once the association is formed, the neutral stimu-
pattern completion function. A slow-learning memory lus can evoke responses normally associated only with
can learn to associate an entire set of characteristics that the meaningful stimulus. Our animal, therefore, may be-
frequently co-occur, such as the visual appearance of an gin to salivate on hearing the bell.
object, its name, the actions one performs with it, one's Second, the strength of the connection between two
emotional reactions to it, and so on. This entire configu- features in an associative network is not simply a direct
ration then can be retrieved or reconstructed when a sub- measure of the extent to which the two features are cor-
set of the characteristics (e.g., just the name) is again en- related in the environment or how frequently they have
countered; the complete pattern is brought forth from a co-occurred in the past. In fact, associative learning
sufficiently distinctive part. Pattern completion process-
ing, therefore, can be regarded as performing categoriza- rules perform more powerful and complex computa-
tion, instantiation of a complete "schema" or knowledge tions that estimate the causal impact of one event con-
structure based on the perception of a diagnostic set of trolling for the impact of other events (Gluck & Bower,
features. In social psychology, categorization is the fun- 1988). In an experiment on "blocking," for example, a
damental process underlying such important phenom- participant first learns an association between one neu-
ena as stereotyping (in which people are categorized into tral stimulus and a meaningful stimulus. The participant
social groups that have specific stereotypes associated then receives further training with the addition of a sec-
with them) and person perception (in which specific be- ond neutral stimulus. For example, after learning to as-
haviors are categorized into traits and other more ab- sociate a bell with food, an animal goes through a
stract person characterizations). number of learning trials in which it both hears a bell and
sees a flashing light each time it is fed. In this case, the
Retrieval of well-learned affect and evaluations. animal will not learn to associate the light with food. To
Pattern-completion processing in an associative mem- explain this and related conditioning phenomena,
ory system can retrieve not only properties of the object Rescorla and Wagner (1972) proposed that an associa-
but also affective responses or evaluations that are as- tion only will be formed between two stimuli to the ex-
sociated with the object-that is, attitudes. Work by tent that one provides unique, diagnostic information
Fazio (1986) showed that when objects had become about the occurrence of the other. Social psychologists
strongly associated with attitudes (through a large are familiar with the phenomenon of blocking under an-
amount of experience over time), evaluations could be other name: Kelley's (1972) discounting principle.
retrieved automatically without any conscious effort or Both humans making causal attributions and animals
intention when the objects were encountered. Bargh, learning cues that predict an important reward (such as
Chaiken, Govender, and Pratto (1992) found evidence food) rely similarly on the unique predictive power of
that this process can occur even for weakly associated each cue controlling for other currently available cues,
attitudes and, in fact, for essentially all objects. Green- not simply on the correlation of cues. In this way, the as-
wald, Draine, and Abrams (1996) extended this work sociations between events built up over time in an asso-
by having research participants view words presented ciative memory system are actually more akin to partial
subliminally in brief flashes on a computer screen. regression coefficients than to simple correlations.
These researchers used statistical arguments to show
that even in the absence of participants' ability to detect Facilitation of repeated judgments. When peo-
the words at a conscious level, the words' evaluations ple make a judgment about a particular stimulus (e.g.,
affected patterns of response times. Thus, the associa- judge whether abehaviorimplies a specific trait), arepe-

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tition of the same judgment is facilitated for a long time slowly (and perhaps painfully)-experience that would
afterward (Smith, Stewart, & Buttram, 1992). Like produce the equivalent knowledge in the associative
many forms of implicit memory, this facilitation (often system. The benefits that this ability brings to individu-
termed repetition priming) does not require explicit als-of being able to build on the experiences and
memory of the initial experience (Schacter, 1987; Smith learning of other individuals and also the experiences
et al., 1992). In contrast to semantic priming, in which embodied in cultural knowledge and formal educa-
the processing of a stimulus creates a temporary pro- tion-are obvious (see Smolensky, 1988).
cessing benefit for semantically related concepts, the
benefits of repetitive processing are long lasting, even Shared rules and validity. Symbolically encod-
enduring for months (Sloman, Hayman, Ohta, Law, & ed and socially learned rules may be pragmatically use-
Tulving, 1988). ful, but they often have another quality as well: socially
Wiles and Humphreys (1993, pp. 157-163) pro- accepted validity. Symbolic rules may constitute a for-
posed that this effect is mediated by an associative mem- mal system, such as the laws of arithmetic or of logical
ory system. They concluded that changes in connection inference, that is accepted by social consensus in a way
weights in networks that translate information from one that goes beyond its inherent persuasiveness for any
representation to another (e.g., from letters to word given individual (Sloman, 1996; Smolensky, 1988).
meanings) were responsible. These models learn by The results of such reasoning, such as a mathematical
incrementally changing weights after processing each proof or a logical argument, will not only be socially ac-
pattern. A repeated pattern will have an advantage over a cepted as valid because of the special properties attrib-
novel pattern because the network changed its weights uted to the rule system but will be subjectively experi-
the first time to more accurately and more efficiently enced as particularly compelling and valid by the
process the pattern. Similar suggestions have been made individual reasoner as well. This is one way in which so-
by Humphreys, Bain, and Pike (1989), Rueckl (1990), cial sharing of knowledge leads to perceived validity
Schacter (1994), and Moscovitch (1994). (see Levine et al., 1993).
Summary. It is tempting to identify intelligent Explicit, reusable memory traces. As we de-
thought with the rational processing performed by the scribed previously, rule-based processing depends on
rule-based system and to think of the associative pro- an ability to dynamically construct and change knowl-
cessing system, which we share with nonhuman ani- edge representations that encode, for example, the
mals, as extremely limited-in fact, downright stupid. meaning of a sentence that is being comprehended. The
In contrast, we suggest that it is capable of highly adap- fast-learning memory system's ability to bind together
tive, apparently "thoughtful" processing. The previous multiple elements rapidly into new combinatorial
sections have argued, for instance, that the associative structures underlies this ability. Such new structures,
system can perform categorization, generate affective given sufficient attention and other cognitive re-
responses to stimuli based on similar past experiences, sources, may be retained in memory and be explicitly
and carry out attributional reasoning using covariation retrievable at a later time (McClelland et al., 1995).
and discounting principles. These are all processes that Thus, if the rule-based processing system creates a new
social psychological theories often have assumed are symbolic representation encoding a perception, infer-
performed thoughtfully and effortfully, but we now ence, or linguistic input, it may leave an enduring mem-
must realize that the apparent complexity of these pro- ory trace that can have an effect later when retrieved by
cesses does not necessarily require the use of a con- another process. Such a representation even may be
scious, rule-using processor. Associative processing consciously accessible and verbally reportable. In con-
can generate remarkably sophisticated results. trast, processing in the associative system does not
strongly affect explicit memory; recall that the basic
Rule-Based Processing: Implications nature of the memory system that stores associative in-
for Social Psychological Phenomena formation involves only slow, incremental weight
changes (McClelland et al., 1995).
One-shot learning and rule use. Perhaps the It is true that processing a specific stimulus may
most significant ability of the rule-based system is to produce traces in the slow-learning memory system
learn a new fact or rule, whether from personal observa- that can cause repetition priming. However, this type
tion or social (linguistic) input, and make immediate of trace is use-specific, facilitating only the same type
use of it in processing. For example, someone may be of processing of the same or a closely similar stimulus
told "Those black and yellow striped insects sting" or (Wiles & Humphreys, 1993). The new memory struc-
"It' s a good idea to castle your king as early as possible" tures constructed in the course of symbolic processing
and apply those facts in situations in which they are rel- are much more flexible, being retrievable even for pro-
evant, without needing to accumulate experience cessing in other types of tasks and in other contexts.

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Neuropsychological evidence as well as computational Suppose we explicitly commit ourselves to an ideal of

models (Eichenbaum, 1997; Gluck, 1996) suggest that acting compassionately in all circumstances. We then
a key role of the hippocampus (the core of the see ourselves reacting with anger and frustration at the
fast-learning system) is to promote flexible retrieval of apparent ingratitude of a sick friend. By spotting the
information outside of the specific contexts in which it local divergence between our ideal and our current
practice, we may be able to bias our own way of taking
was originally learned. Clark (1993) and others have the person's behavior-in effect, canceling out our
described the distinction between use-specific knowl- representation of those aspects of the behavior rooted
edge and explicit, flexibly accessible knowledge as a in their feelings of pain and impotence .... We may be
key marker of the difference between associative and led to focus attention on such aspects of input vectors
rule-based processing. as might help us bring our outputs back into line. (pp.

In most cases, our intuitive judgments and behav-

Flexible recombination and construction of ioral decisions serve us well, but when they conflict
counterfactuals. Associative systems construct rep- with symbolically represented ideals or norms, the
resentations based on repeated experiences. Thus, they rule-based system may help us change our associa-
may find it difficult to represent events that they have tively driven responses. We can do this, as Clark
never encountered. For example, an associative system (1997) noted, by focusing attention on the most "cor-
might be able to represent "dog bites man" but not "man rect" or appropriate aspect of the input. Intentionally
bites dog." In contrast, symbolic language permits the thinking hard about the sick friend's pain may induce
recombination of symbols in new ways, so that unlikely feelings of sympathy to replace the undesired feelings
or even completely impossible events ("space alien ab- of annoyance. The process is not very different from
ducts man") can be expressed and represented. The abil- the child's replacing a similarity-based categorization
ity to reason counterfactually, essential for such impor- (it's a skunk because it looks like a skunk) with a the-
tant tasks as planning future actions, seems to be a key ory-based override by focusing on the single key at-
function of the rule-based system (Clark, 1997, p. 167). tribute (even if it looks like a skunk, it must be a
In social psychology, counterfactual thoughts are raccoon, because its parents were raccoons and that's
known to influence affect, judgments about the self and all that matters).
others, and overt behavior (Miller & McFarland, 1986;
Roese, 1994).
Providing explanations or justifications. The as-
sociative system works by pattern completion, and its
operations are quick and subjectively inaccessible. An
Analytic focus on key dimensions. Symbolically answer provided by the associative system just "pops"
represented rules often focus on specific key dimen- into the head so the perceiver may be unable to provide
sions of stimuli. For example, a novel object may be any justification for it other than intuition. In contrast,
categorized on the basis of its overall similarity to the rule-based system maintains and uses explicit rep-
known category members; this is a pattern-completion resentations of rules to derive its conclusions. The indi-
type of process that the associative system is well suited vidual may be aware of discrete, sequential steps in this
to perform. In contrast, the object may be categorized process and may be able to report verbally on the rules
on the basis of a single key feature that is known, on the that were used (Sloman, 1996). This ability to back-
basis of some abstract theory, to analytically define a track provides a basis for explaining orjustifying a con-
given category. Keil (1989) documented the way in clusion. The social importance of this ability is clear:
which young children' s categorization judgments con- Other people are likely to be more readily convinced of
cerning cleverly constructed examples (e.g., a raccoon a conclusion if one can offer a step-by-step logical ac-
that is given a skunk's appearance through surgery) count of how it was derived than if the conclusion is
shift with age from similarity-based to theory-based. simply based on "gut feelings" or intuitions.
The distinction between decisions relying on one or
two key features versus more global similarity-based Interactions Between the Systems
associations has implications aside from categoriza-
tion judgments. Clark (1997) discussed the way people From symbolic rules to associations. Suppose
can use symbolic rules to monitor their own decisions someone repeatedly uses a step-by-step rule-based pro-
and behavioral intentions generated by the associative cess to make an inference or solve a problem-perhaps
system. In some cases, these symbolic rules may be so- just counting on one' s fingers to get the answer to 2 + 3.
cial norms or in other ways have special moral force. Repeated trials create the conditions for associative
Clark (1997) gave this example: learning, so eventually the same answer can be re-

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trieved by pattern-completion from the associative sys- through repeated use of a rule. Information also can
tem, rendering the step-by-step procedure superfluous move in the other direction. People can reflect on their
(Logan, 1988; Sloman, 1996). With enough practice, own past experiences and summarize them, perhaps in
therefore, the answer to such a problem just pops into the form of a symbolically represented rule. For exam-
consciousness. ple, after going fishing with your buddy Hank on many
This is a fundamentally important point with impli- occasions, you may observe that Hank always knows
cations that go far beyond increased efficiency and de- where the fish will be biting. Turning this knowledge
creased conscious awareness of task performances. from a mere association built up from repeated experi-
Consider that by definition, the workings of the ences into a symbolic representation has several bene-
rule-based system are socially structured-as Smo- fits-the knowledge can be used flexibly, applied in
lensky (1988) said, cultural knowledge is the program other contexts, or it can be communicated to other peo-
that runs on this processor. As this socially shared ple. Investigations of learning models have found that
knowledge shapes and tunes the associative system as adding a rule-induction component on top of a standard
well, we can see how all aspects of the human mind be- connectionist associative learner can improve perfor-
come socially structured. Vygotsky is perhaps the most mance (Sun, Peterson, & Merrill, 1996). Thus, we can-
famous proponent of this position: not accept the strong form of the Vygotskian claim that
all associative or intuitive knowledge was symbolic
Any higher mental function necessarily goes through (i.e., socially learned) knowledge first. In some do-
an external stage in its development because it is ini- mains, when people lack relevant rules, they may at first
tially a social function.... When we speak of a process, use whatever associations they have available to per-
"external" means "social." Any higher mental func- form adaptively; symbolic knowledge may arise later as
tion was external because it was social at some point people reflect on their behavior and its successes or
before becoming an internal, truly mental function. (as
cited in Hutchins, 1995, p. 283)

Clark (1997) put the point into more modern terms: Use associations or symbolic rules? Roles of
motivation and capacity. In many cases, associa-
What emerges ... is a vision of the brain as a kind of as- tive and rule-based processing will arrive at the same
sociative engine, and of its environmental interactions answer. This can occur, for instance, when people orig-
as an iterated series of simple pattern-completing com- inally used a symbolic rule but over time learned to pro-
putations. At first blush, such a vision may seem pro- duce the same response associatively (e.g., Logan,
foundly inadequate. How can it account for the sheer 1988). However, there also will be times when the two
scale and depth of human cognitive success? Part (but modes produce different responses. In fact, Sloman
only part) of the answer is that our behavior is often (1996) treated this type of "simultaneous contradictory
sculpted and sequenced by a special class of complex belief' as a key criterion for demonstrating two inde-
external structures: the linguistic and cultural artifacts pendent processing systems. Conflicting answers aris-
that structure modern life, including maps, texts, and ing from the two systems have been intensively investi-
written plans. Understanding the complex interplay gated in the domain of persuasion, in which a message
between our on-board and online neural resources and may be constructed containing strong or weak argu-
these external props and pivots is a major task con- ments, together with cues that lead people to agree or
fronting the sciences of embodied thought. (p. 53) disagree with it through well-learned associations
(Petty, Cacioppo, & Goldman, 1981). A message con-
Many other recent authors have agreed with this taining weak arguments, for example, may be pre-
fundamental point (Hutchins, 1995; Millikan, 1996; sented by an attractive or an expert source. When the
Nelson, 1996; Sloman, 1996; Smolensky, 1988). The two modes tend to give different responses, what fac-
idea is reminiscent of George Herbert Mead (1934) as tors affect the way people weight them and arrive at an
well, with his emphasis on linguistic-symbolic influ- overall response? We hold that motivation and capacity
ences on mental processes, conscious awareness, and are the key factors.
the self. The external social world, acting indirectly As we outlined earlier in this article, using the
through the rule-based processing system, ends up rule-based system is subjectively effortful, requiring
shaping the workings of the more personal, private, in- attentional resources. Thus, if people are not motivated
tuitive associative system, importing social influence to use rules, the response generally will be controlled by
into every aspect of our mind's operation. the relatively effortless associative system. Several dis-
tinct motives may spur rule-based processing. Perhaps
From associations to symbolic rules. As we have most obvious is a desire for accuracy. The socially
described, information can be passed from the rule- shared and subjectively valid nature of rule-based pro-
based processing system to the associative system cessing means that people believe it provides more ac-

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curate answers than does low-effort associative ple' s judgments of specific stimuli and logically equiv-
processing (Chaiken, Liberman, & Eagly, 1989). How- alent general classes have been identified. For exam-
ever, other motives also can encourage rule-based pro- ple, although the American public holds Congress in
cessing. Chen and Chaiken (1999) discussed the abysmally low esteem, the same citizens typically ap-
processing effects ofmotivation to defend important ex- prove of their own congressional representatives-
isting beliefs or attitudes or to meet social goals, such as who en masse constitute Congress-and tend to vote
creating a positive impression on others. Note that them back into office year after year (see Sears, 1983).
rule-based processing driven by these motives may not Similarly, Fazio, Jackson, Dunton, and Williams
be evenhanded and unbiased and may, in fact, decrease (1995) demonstrated dissociations between people's
(rather than increase) the accuracy of overall conclu- positive or negative evaluative responses to pictures of
sions compared to the results of associative processing. Black stimulus persons and their favorable or unfavor-
Cognitive capacity, as well as motivation, is re- able attitudes about Blacks as a group. Although there
quired for rule-based processing. Capacity refers to are several factors that may contribute to such dissoci-
available processing time as well as attentional re- ations, one possibility is that specific and general judg-
sources. Rule-based processing generally takes longer ments call differentially on the two processing modes
than associative processing (Logan, 1988), and, be- (Sherman, Beike, & Ryalls, 1999). It seems likely that
cause it requires attention, it is more subject to disrup- more richly detailed, specific stimuli are better cues for
tion by distraction, interference, and so forth. Thus, responses from the associative system, whereas more
responses that are made quickly or when the perceiver general and abstract stimuli-often verbally repre-
is busy or distracted likely will be controlled by the as- sented-better afford processing by symbolic rules
sociative system. However, given adequate time and (Epstein, 1991; Kahneman & Miller, 1986).
freedom from distraction, rule-based responses (be- 3. Mood: Finally, findings in several topic areas
cause of their greater subjective validity) may override suggest a generalization about the effects of mood on
associative responses (Chaiken et al., 1989). the use of the two processing systems (see Bless, in
press). Positive mood seems to elicit more reliance on
Use associations or symbolic rules? Other the associative system, which tends to increase perfor-
potential moderators. Motivation and capacity mance on some types of tasks (such as those requiring
have been well studied as potential influences on peo- creativity) and decrease performance on other tasks
ple's reliance on the two processing modes. Several (such as the thoughtful evaluation of persuasive argu-
factors besides motivation and capacity also have re- ments). Conversely, negative mood appears to promote
ceived tentative support. reliance on rule-based processing. Some mood effects
on processing may be mediated by motivation or capac-
1. Type ofjudgment: Different types of judgments ity (e.g., positive mood may elicit distracting thoughts),
may elicit responses that are more heavily weighted by but Bless (in press) suggests that at least part of the ef-
the associative or rule-based processors. In particular, fect is direct and not due to motivation or capacity.
judgments that are more "intuitive" or affective, in-
volving how one subjectively feels about an object or Explanations for Various Dissociations
event, appear to be more associatively driven, com-
pared to more analytic, rational judgments such as Our theory also may explain many empirical find-
those about causation. For example, Epstein, Lipson, ings of dissociations between seemingly closely related
Holstein, and Huh (1992) gave students brief stories measures or variables. In general, the explanation in-
describing fictitious characters experiencing negative volves the assumption that one measure taps the asso-
events and asked both affective questions (such as ciative processing system (and therefore the contents of
"How foolish would you feel if you had reacted that the slow-learning memory system), whereas the other
way?") and more rational attributional questions measure is generated by rule-based processing.
("How foolishly did the person actually behave?"). Re- One well-known dissociation in social psychology is
sponses to the affective questions were more strongly that commonly observed between judgment and ex-
influenced by such logically irrelevant factors as plicit memory (usually recall) of the information on
whether the individual in the story had acted in a typical which the judgment was based. For example, a
or atypical way. Probably more of us than care to admit perceiver may encounter a mix of positive and negative
feel at an intuitive level that if we take an umbrella on a information about a target person and then both report
cloudy day it is less likely to rain than if we leave the an overall evaluation of the person and attempt to recall
umbrella at home, despite our rational knowledge that the provided information. In many cases, the correlation
our behavior cannot affect the weather. between the judgment and the recalled information
2. Generality or specificity of stimuli or judgment (weighted by its evaluative implications) is near zero
targets: Many instances of dissociations between peo- (Hastie & Park, 1986). From the perspective of our

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model, the reported judgment is based on the net associ- ognize that the stimulus has been previously pro-
ation ofthe target person with positivity or negativity, an cessed. Like several other theorists, we explain this
association that is gradually and automatically built up dissociation by attributing repetition priming to small
"online" as positive or negative information about the changes in connection weights in slow-learning mem-
person is encountered trial after trial. Evidence re- ory; explicit recall, or recognition, draws on the
viewed earlier showed that amnesiac patients could ex- fast-learning memory system (see Schacter & Tulving,
tract the general features common to a set of presented 1994; Wiles & Humphreys, 1993).
items despite being unable to recall the individual items In the area of categorization, dissociations have been
(Knowlton et al., 1992). Similarly, forming an overall observed between similarity judgments (e.g., the simi-
impression that a person is likable (based on a majority larity of a new exemplar to category prototypes or
ofbehaviors being positive) is a function that can be per- known exemplars) and category membership judg-
formed by the slow-learning memory system.2 In con- ments. One likely explanation is that similarity judg-
trast, explicit recall draws on episodic traces in the ments are relatively global, drawing on associative
fast-learning memory system. The typical dissociation processes, whereas category membership judgments in
is explained as a function of the considerable degree of many cases depend on symbolic rules (Sloman, 1996).
independence between the two memory systems. Of course, in cases where category membership is
This dissociation is not always empirically observed. judged purely on the basis of similarity (because the
For example, if people are exposed to information about perceiver does not possess a theory concerning the cate-
a person and then asked a question they could not have gory) we would not expect this dissociation to emerge.
anticipated (such as the person's suitability for a partic- Finally, Sloman (1996) pointed to a general category
ular occupation), recall and judgment are typically cor- of dissociations, which he termed simultaneous contra-
related (Hastie & Park, 1986). In such cases, whatever dictory beliefs. In some circumstances, different re-
associations people build up "online" cannot be used to sponses come from different processing modes, and
make the required judgment, so they must engage in each has its own subjective "pull." One response (pro-
rule-based processing, presumably relying on search, vided by associative processing) is subjectively or
retrieval, and integration of specific items of informa- experientially compelling, and the other (provided by
tion from memory. This process results in a positive rule-based processing) seems more valid and more
judgment-memory correlation. likely to be agreed on in a social context (Epstein, 1991;
Another type of dissociation is that not all knowl- Sloman, 1996). Of course, such dissociations only
edge can be verbalized. Cognitive and motor skills or emerge with specific types of problems, such as the
perceptual abilities, such as the ability to judge well-known "Linda problem." In this problem, people
whether a smile is genuine or false, often defy verbal read background information about Linda, who is de-
explanation. We attribute this dissociation to the dis- scribed in ways that suggest she is liberal and socially
tinction between two memory and processing systems. concerned. They are then asked whether it is more likely
The associative processor (drawing on slow-learning that Linda is (a) a bank teller or (b) a bank teller who is
memory) is responsible for skilled performance, also a feminist. Many people pick option (b), although
whereas verbal reports are generated by the rule-based logic dictates that (a) must be correct.3 In this and similar
system. Not all knowledge is represented verbally in problems, associative processing, relying on associa-
the first place, so verbal reports necessarily will be lim- tions between Linda' s characteristics and being a femi-
ited and inaccurate in some respects (see Hutchins, nist, points toward answer (b) in a subjectively
1995, pp. 310-312). compelling way. However, the logical rules demanding
Another typical dissociation is that between explicit answer (a) are also available to the same individuals.
memory and repetition priming. Having processed a The socially shared validity of rule-based responses
particular stimulus in a particular way facilitates a rep- makes them subjectively compelling as well. Yet even
etition of that same processing for a long period of time someone who knows the laws of probability that make
(Smith et al., 1992; Tulving, Schacter, & Stark, 1982). one answer objectively "correct" can see the attraction
This facilitation generally is found to be independent of the other answer-just as in looking at an optical illu-
of explicit memory measures, such as the ability to rec- sion one can "know" that the two lines are the same
length even while recognizing that they look different.
2We are not claiming that online processing is always simply asso-
ciative. When people are actively scrutinizing an argument, for in-
stance, they may process online in a temporal sense (i.e., while the ar- 3This slightly oversimplifies the matter. There are several poten-
gument is being presented) but do so using systematic or rule-based tial explanations for the conjunction fallacy, including the idea that
processing. Our claim is that in person perception situations (on pragmatic assumptions about language lead people to assume that al-
which the review by Hastie & Park, 1986, is largely based), online ternative (a) really means bank teller but not feminist. Such issues are
processing is generally simple and associative, effectively equivalent not essential for the point being made here, that logical and intuitive
to forming and updating an implicit evaluation of the person. processes may generate conflicting responses.

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Thus, by incorporating the idea of two separate fend currently held attitudes that are congruent with
memory systems with distinct functional properties, one's interests or important self-definitions, or hold at-
our model can account for several types of dissociation titudes and beliefs that will serve current social goals
among memory and judgment, as well as for the char- (such as creating a positive impression on others).
acteristics of dual-processing modes. We earlier de- Whatever the goal, two types of processing are possi-
scribed various processes that tend to create similar or ble. Heuristic processing is said to involve the use of
parallel representations in the two memory systems simple, well-learned, and readily accessible decision
(e.g., consolidation or the transfer of information over rules like "experts are always right," "the majority is
time from the fast to the slow-learning system). How- correct," or "statistics don't lie." Heuristic processing
ever, these dissociations illustrate the point that the two is the default processing mode; people will process
systems may at times contain different and even con- heuristically unless special circumstances intervene.
flicting information. Predictable conditions lead to People go beyond heuristic processing when cir-
such dissociations: for example, when one type of in- cumstances (a) make them feel an unusually great need
formation is frequently encountered over a lengthy pe- to be accurate, defend an attitude, or create a positive
riod of time (e.g., a person learns socially shared group impression; and (b) offer enough time and cognitive
stereotypes from other people or the media) and then capacity to permit more effortful processing. When
different information is encountered a few times (e.g., both of these conditions hold, people will perform sys-
the person has positive personal encounters with mem- tematic processing. This involves the active, effortful
bers of the stereotyped group or decides that stereotyp- scrutiny of all relevant information and therefore de-
ing is morally wrong). Wilson (1999) recently mands considerable cognitive capacity. For example,
developed an account of "multiple attitudes" that is people may evaluate arguments by considering their
consistent with this view, although in our framework logical coherence or by comparing them to existing
the point applies to any type of representation, rather knowledge. Systematic processing leads to attitude
than only to attitudes. change that is more enduring and more resistant to fur-
ther persuasion attempts. Systematic processing is as-
Implications for Existing sumed to take place in addition to, and simultaneously
Dual-Process Models with, heuristic processing rather than replace it. The
two types of processing may have additive or offset-
Dual-process models have been advanced in nu- ting effects on judgment, depending on the circum-
merous specific areas of social psychology and cogni- stances. Many studies support the general assumptions
tive psychology (see Abelson, 1994; Epstein & Pacini, of the heuristic-systematic processing framework in
1999, for lists). Some models using the dual-process the domain of attitude change and social influence (for
label rest on different processing distinctions from the a review, see chapter 7 in Eagly & Chaiken, 1993). Ad-
one on which we focus and will not be reviewed here. ditional work has taken the basic framework as a gen-
We do not claim that all dual-process models have im- eral model of social judgment, applicable to other topic
portant common features, but a significant subset of areas including person perception, decision making,
them do, and these are the focus of this article. This re- and the like (see Chaiken et al., 1989; Chen & Chaiken,
view necessarily simplifies the models; most of them 1999).
have been the topic of numerous empirical studies and Petty and Cacioppo's (1986) Elaboration Likeli-
in some cases lengthy theoretical discussions as well. hood Model (ELM) is similar in most respects. The
However, the basic assumptions of the models, as well ELM focuses on the influence of what are termed "cen-
as the domains in which they have been applied and tral" and "peripheral" processing on elaboration likeli-
tested, can be described concisely. Following the de- hood. Elaboration likelihood is the extent to which the
scription of each model, we discuss relevant new in- impact of a persuasive message is caused by the argu-
sights and implications of our integrative model. ments contained in the message (high elaboration) ver-
sus peripheral aspects of the message, its source, or the
Persuasion persuasion situation (low elaboration). As in the heu-
ristic-systematic processing model, it is assumed that
Within social psychology, dual-process models when people are low in capacity or motivation they
have been most influential in the field of persuasion will not engage in much elaboration. Therefore, judg-
and attitude change. Petty and Cacioppo (1981) and ments will be based mostly on highly salient peripheral
Chaiken (1980) proposed broadly similar models. As cues. When people possess both capacity and motiva-
described by Chen and Chaiken (1999), the Chaiken tion, they perform a detailed analysis of the message.
model assumes that a person may have any of several They consider argument strength as well as have an op-
goals activated in a given situation: to form valid atti- portunity to correct for effects of any potentially bias-
tudes that will accurately guide thought and action, de- ing peripheral cues. During elaborated processing,

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people are still affected by peripheral cues, although nitive representation of an attitude object, simply en-
their influence is mediated by conscious consideration countering the object may cause the attitude to be
of their relevance (Petty & Wegener, 1999). Because spontaneously activated. Based on several experi-
of the strong similarities between the ELM and ments, Fazio and his colleagues (Fazio, Sonbonmatsu,
Chaiken's (1980) model, we focus our discussion on Powell, & Kardes, 1986) argued that access to such
the latter, which is closer to our own perspective. strong attitudes does not depend on the perceiver's
having a particular goal beyond attending to the object.
Implications of our model for persuasion pro- For example, access occurs even when the individual
cesses. Chaiken' s model (1980) is closely aligned thinks the attitude object is merely a distractor in an ex-
with our perspective in most ways. For example, it as- periment. Attitude access may become spontaneous
sumes the two modes operate simultaneously and takes through repeated expression of the attitude or through
a broad view of the potential motives that can encourage extensive direct behavioral experience with the object.
systematic processing. One terminological difference is Bargh et al. (1992) offered an alternative view, holding
Chaiken's use of the term simple decision rules or that essentially all attitudes, even weak ones, are capa-
heuristics to describe the representations that guide pro- ble of automatic activation.
cessing in the heuristic or associative mode. The term On the other hand, if an attitude is not automatically
rule probably should be avoided in this context, for akey activated or if a current goal makes people wish to pro-
assumption of the current model is that associations and cess further, they can construct an attitude. This pro-
rules are quite different (see Table 1). If the representa- cess, however, will be somewhat effortful, involving a
tions used in heuristic processing were described as search for evaluatively relevant information about the
well-learned associations rather than as rules, the dis- object and its integration into a single overall judgment
tinction would be clearer. (Fazio, 1986). In either case, whether the attitude is
In Chaiken's model (Chen & Chaiken, 1999), de- quickly and spontaneously activated or is effortfully
fense of existing attitudes or social goals other than the constructed, it can then bias further processing of in-
desire for accuracy can motivate systematic process- formation about the object and direct the individual's
ing. In this case, the processing may be biased rather actions with regard to the object.
than even-handed. A full account of biased selection or
use of rules in rule-based processing is beyond the Implications of our model for attitude access.
scope of this article. However, it is easy to incorporate The two postulated modes of attitude access (using a
one type of biased processing in our model: The extent well-learned association vs. effortfully retrieving rele-
to which rule-based processing is used may depend on vant information and constructing an attitude) probably
the specific answer given by initial associative pro- operate simultaneously instead of as alternatives. Thus,
cessing; that is, if a quick glance leads to a tentative an- a previously formed attitude may be associatively re-
swer supporting one's existing beliefs, self-interests, trieved and bias a simultaneously occurring search for
or self-presentational goals, little further processing is further information. Also, Fazio (1986) has empha-
likely to occur. In contrast, if the tentative answer ap- sized the capacity requirements of the effortful attitude
pears uncongenial on the basis of current social mo- construction process, but we should note that motiva-
tives, the perceiver may engage in rule-based tion is also required.
processing (which may or may not be biased) that
might offer some chance of yielding a different an- Person Perception
swer. This is a familiar principle; for example, we gen-
erally give more careful scrutiny to arguments for We often process information about other people in
positions with which we disagree than to arguments an extremely superficial manner, simply categorizing
whose conclusions we like (e.g., Ditto & Lopez, 1992). them by age, gender, race, or role. For example, a few
minutes after interacting with a server in a restaurant
Attitude Access we might be unable to describe the person's appear-
ance. The categorization as a server is adequate to
When people need to evaluate a particular object, guide our behaviors toward the individual. On the
such as a politician or consumer product, when and other hand, we may extensively process information
how do they come up with an attitude? The question is about other people when they are motivationally rele-
important, for it is generally assumed that an attitude vant to us-for example, when we will be dependent
(in fact, any mental representation) will not affect on them. Brewer (1988) and Fiske and her colleagues
thoughts or behavior unless it is made active in some (Fiske & Neuberg, 1988) developed dual-process
way (Higgins, 1996). Fazio (1986) proposed a models of person perception that make similar distinc-
dual-process model of attitude access and use. If an in- tions between categorical processing and more
dividual's attitude is strongly associated with the cog- effortful, individuated processing triggered by motiva-

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tional relevance. In support of their model, Neuberg Consider a perceiver observing a woman who is visibly
and Fiske (1987) demonstrated that perceivers who re- nervous. Consistent with the well-known correspon-
ceive fairly rich information about a target person may dence bias (Jones & Harris, 1967), the perceiveris likely
simply categorize him or her (e.g., as a former mental to see the woman as a dispositionally anxious person.
patient) and use the category as a basis for judging the However, what ifthe perceiver knows that the target is in
person and forming an impression. But if the perceiver a situation that would make just about anyone anx-
expects to interact with the target while performing a ious-for example, being interviewed about her sexual
task, the perceiver will pay more attention to individu- fantasies? Presumably the perceiver should realize that
ating information about the target and will use that to the anxiety might stem from this external source and ap-
go beyond the simple initial categorization. propriately discount the dispositional inference. Gilbert
Brewer's model (1988; Brewer & Feinstein, 1999) et al. (1988) set up this situation and found that partici-
treats categorization and individuation in much the pants in a control condition did exactly this: They rated
same way as does Fiske's model and adds a third pro- the target as less dispositionally anxious when they
cess termed personalization. In this mode, cate- thought the discussion topics were sensitive and anxi-
gory-relevant (even category-inconsistent) features of ety-provoking than when they thought the topics were
the person do not receive any special treatment; a cate- mundane. However, participants given an extra task that
gory is not a reference point in processing at all, as it is drained their cognitive capacity did not engage in dis-
for both categorization and individuation. Instead, fea- counting and rated the target as equally dispositionally
tures that are relevant to the perceiver's interaction anxious, regardless of the topics. The failure to discount
goals or relationship with the target person receive the could not stem from a lack of awareness ofthe topics, for
most attention. the participants' extra task was to memorize the topics
Implications of our model for person perception. Gilbert's account for the results in this and related
The existing models (Brewer, 1988; Fiske & studies (see Gilbert, 1989, for a review) follows the
Neuberg, 1988) maintain that the two types of pro- general lines of the other dual-process models that we
cessing occur sequentially, with relatively effortless have discussed, although it assumes two sequential
categorization preceding individuation. From the per- stages instead of either simultaneously occurring or
spective of our model, the two forms of processing mutually exclusive processes. Minimal effort and pro-
occur simultaneously. cessing resources are required to make a correspondent
Our model emphasizes that the categorical-individ- dispositional inference, attributing a trait to the person
uating information content distinction crosscuts the as- based directly on observed behavior. Thus, partici-
sociative-rule-based processing mode distinction, as pants can do this even if their capacity is limited or if
Fiske, Lin, and Neuberg (1999) and Brewer and they have little reason to think deeply about the target
Feinstein (1999) agreed. Associative processing can be person. On the other hand, a second stage, considering
based on either social category membership or salient a range of possible situational causes of the behavior
individual attributes such as extreme height or red hair. and appropriately discounting the initial correspondent
In fact, a connectionist associative memory system can inference, requires more processing effort. This second
draw on both types of attributes simultaneously, per- stage will not be carried out by perceivers who have lit-
forming parallel constraint satisfaction, as Kunda and tle cognitive capacity-or, presumably, by those who
Thagard (1996) also argued. Similarly, either categori- have little reason to devote any effort to the task
cal information or individual attributes such as behav- (though Gilbert's, 1989, research has dealt mainly with
iors can be processed through the flexible but effortful capacity).
application of symbolic rules. In many circumstances
in real life (as well as in many research paradigms), Implications of our model for correspondent
categorical information is indeed the most readily inference. Gilbert's model (1989) holds that
available to be processed without much effort, whereas attributional reasoning may follow, and possibly cor-
individuating information takes attention and effort to rect, an initial correspondent inference. From our per-
extract and use. However, this confounding of infor- spective, however, the two processes occur simulta-
mation type with processing mode is not necessary in neously rather than in sequence. Associative processing
principle. continually activates trait concepts that are linked to the
observed behavior, even while the perceiver considers
Correspondent Inference the possibility of alternative, situational causes.
Gilbert's research emphasizes that the correction pro-
Gilbert and his associates (Gilbert, Pelham, & Krull, cess requires more resources than does correspondent
1988) have advanced a dual-process model in the do- inference, although he has acknowledged that motiva-
main of person perception and attributional inference. tion is also required.

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Social Judgment and Correction motivation underlying this extra processing is the de-
sire to avoid guilty feelings by appearing (to oneself as
The dual-process principle has been formulated in a well as to others) relatively unprejudiced.
relatively general way by several theorists including
Martin and his colleagues (Martin, Seta, & Crelia, Implications of our model for stereotyping and
1990). Their experiments focus on trait judgments about suppression. In Devine's (1989) model, both moti-
other people, but their ideas are intended to apply to vation (stemming from guilty feelings about using ste-
many types of social judgment. Consider the effect of a reotypes) and capacity are stressed, but automatic ste-
"priming" manipulation that raises the accessibility of a reotype access and conscious suppression processes
trait construct that is potentially applicable to a target probably should be considered to occur simultaneously
person. As we know, the effect of such priming is usu- rather than sequentially.
ally assimilative: The impression of the target will move Our proposal also solves a puzzle that is implicit in
closer to the primed trait (Higgins, 1996). In Martin's Devine's (1989) theory. Her model (among others) as-
studies, both the perceiver's motivation to correct for sumes that people possess "implicit" beliefs such as
the effect of the prime and his or her ability to do so are group stereotypes that contradict their "explicit"
manipulated. A perceiver is assumed to be motivated to verbalizable, consciously held beliefs. How an assumed
correct when he or she is aware of the priming and real- single memory system can represent both of these con-
izes that it might contaminate the judgment. Ability to tradictory beliefs is not made clear. Under our model,
correct can be influenced by an external cognitive load stereotypes are represented by associations built up in a
or by time pressure. The results indicate that people may connectionist distributed memory, and explicit beliefs
correct their judgments (often ending up overcorrecting, are symbolically represented, solving the representa-
leading to a contrast effect) when they have both moti- tional puzzle. The term association is probably clearer
vation and ability but otherwise fail to correct and end in cases like this than clumsy terms like implicit beliefs
up being affected by the primed construct. Wegener and because of the qualitative difference between associa-
Petty (1995; see also Martin & Stapel, 1998) have pro- tions and explicit symbolically represented beliefs. For
posed a conceptually similar model that emphasizes this reason, we welcome the adoption of the label "Im-
how perceivers use naive theories about the influence of plicit Association Test" by Greenwald, McGhee, and
salient situational or contextual factors (such as a prim- Schwartz (1998) for their measure of automatically elic-
ing manipulation or a transitory mood state) to direct the ited reactions to social groups.
correction process.
Rational Versus Intuitive Reactions
Implications of our model for social judgment
and correction. Martin's model (Martin et al., Epstein and his associates (e.g., Epstein, 1991;
1990) recognizes the requirements of both motivation Kirkpatrick & Epstein, 1992) have proposed cogni-
and capacity to correct for automatically occurring tive experiential self-theory (CEST) as a general the-
judgmental effects. However, like Gilbert's (1989) ory of personality and have applied it to several
two-stage model of person perception, it holds that the domains including problem solving. The theory as-
processes occur sequentially, whereas from our per- sumes that people have two processing modes, la-
spective simultaneous operation seems more likely. beled experiential and rational. The former is
preconscious, automatic, and intuitive and operates
Stereotyping and Suppression heuristically. It is chiefly responsible for emotional
and affective responses to situations or events. In
Devine (1989) proposed a model of stereotyping contrast, the rational system is conscious and primar-
that also follows the general dual-process framework. ily verbal in nature. The two processing modes are
She held that virtually everyone learns common ste- assumed to function simultaneously.
reotypes of gender, ethnic, and other groups from other Donovan and Epstein (1997) applied this model to
people or the media. These well-learned associations reasoning involving the conjunction fallacy, such as
are automatically activated merely by encountering or occurs in the Linda problem. As noted previously, in
thinking about a group member, in a way that is rela- this problem, experiential processing-relying on as-
tively constant across perceivers with different levels sociations between Linda's characteristics and being a
of prejudice toward the group. However, an additional feminist-makes the "feminist and bank teller" answer
process may occur as a second sequential stage in indi- seem correct, although the logical rules that validate
viduals who are low in prejudice. These people may the other answer also may be known.
effortfully override the automatic activation of stereo-
types by using their relatively more favorable "per- Implications of our model for CEST. Epstein's
sonal beliefs" about the group's characteristics. The (1991 ) model generally fits well with the outlines of the

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model advanced here, except that he gives more atten- work more cooperatively; for example, in proving a
tion to capacity than to the motivational determinants of mathematical theorem, one "sees" intuitively what
rational processing. Epstein also emphasized that the re- step is needed next and then uses symbolic rules to
sults of processing in the experiential mode (which we check that the proposed step actually works.
term associative) are particularly subjectively compel- Logan's (1988) model of problem solving is similar
ling. We agree that in some cases, such as food prefer- in many respects to that of Sloman. Logan studied an
ences, experientially based reactions override rational "alphabet arithmetic" task, in which people see prob-
responses. However, in general, validity arises from so- lems like "H+ 3" and have to give the answer "K. " When
cial sharing and therefore is higher for the rational sys- initially introduced to this task, people mentally count
tem (Levine et al., 1993). Moreover, reactions that were ("L, J, K") to give answers, as evidenced by response
initially generated by the rule-based-rational system times that are proportional to the number added. How-
come over time to be embodied in associations. This ever, after a specific problem has been seen enough
process means that socially shared reactions often will times, responses become much faster and times are no
acquire the phenomenologically given quality that the longer related to the content of the problem. Logan
preconscious associative (or experiential) system af- (1988) accounted for this pattern of performance with a
fords. The idea that spinach is good for you, originally model similar to the others reviewed in this article, in-
derived from symbolic, socially shared knowledge, volving initial performance of the task by explicit rule
eventually becomes just as compelling and subjectively use. Numerous repetitions of an individual problem al-
valid as the idea that spinach tastes awful. low the problem and its solution to become associated in
the slow-learning memory system, permitting rapid as-
Problem Solving and Reasoning sociative access to the solution. Logan explicitly postu-
lated that both types of process go on simultaneously,
Sloman (1996) outlined a two-process model of rea- with a "race" model in which the first process to run to
soning and problem solving. His two processes are completion controls the overt response.
labeled associative and rule-based. Associative pro-
cessing is quick, intuitive, and relatively effortless. As- Implications of our model for reasoning. Slo-
sociations are structured by similarity and patterns of man's (1996) and Logan's (1988) models fit well with
temporal co-occurrence rather than by logic. Thus, in the one we advance here, except that (like Epstein) both
the associative mode, people use concepts that are re- emphasize cognitive capacity, failing to discuss the ne-
lated through well-learned associations to cues found cessity for motivation for rule-based processing. Our
in a problem (as being a feminist bank teller is associ- model differs from Sloman' s in particular by (a) incor-
ated with Linda's liberalism). In the area of categoriza- porating conceptual links to underlying memory sys-
tion, this process gives rise to similarity-based tems and (b) linking the processing modes to a much
categorization, whether based on previously learned wider range of models in social psychology.
category exemplars or on abstract prototypes.
In contrast, rule-based processing involves the use of Summary of Models'
symbolically represented rules to manipulate problems Common Features
and derive solutions. The laws of logic and causal infer-
ence, rather than simple association, are brought to bear. Table 2 summarizes the key features of the different
These rules are abstract, incorporating variables that can models that have been presented here. Because the
be bound to specific contents. Importantly, this mode is models use different labels for the two processing
assumed to make use of explicit symbolic representa- modes, some common terms have to be chosen. We
tions of rules in the course of processing; it uses or fol- have labeled the heuristic-automatic-effortless pro-
lows rules rather than simply conforms to them cessing mode "associative" and the systematic-con-
(Sloman, 1996) in the sense that a thrown ball conforms trolled-effortful mode "rule-based." These terms
to the law of gravity. In this processing mode, people (from Clark, 1993; Sloman, 1996) seem the most de-
would conclude that it has to be more likely that Linda is scriptive of the basic operations of the systems. Sum-
a bank teller, because that possibility includes her being marizing the previous descriptions, we now present the
a bank teller and feminist. Rule-based processing also common features of the various models as well as
underlies theory-based categorization, including the oc- some of their more notable differences.
casions when a theory overrides similarity-based
categorization. Associative Mode
Sloman (1996) held that, in general, both modes
work together, not that people use one or the other as In general, the previous theories agree with our
alternatives. Sometimes they provide different an- model on the fundamental properties of the associative
swers, as in the Linda problem. In other cases, they mode. Processing in this mode amounts to the auto-

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Table 2. Summary of Key Points of Existing Dual-Process Models

Model and Domain of Terminology and Properties of Terminology and Properties of Assumptions About Relations
Application Low-Effort Processing Mode High-Effort Processing Mode Between Processing Modes
Chaiken (1980); Petty & Heuristic: Use learned Systematic: Effortfully search for Systematic processing when
Cacioppo (1981) associations of salient cues like relevant information and specially high need for
Persuasion source attractiveness or logically evaluate arguments subjective confidence and
message length with processing resources are
positive/negative evaluations available; both modes occur
Fazio (1986) Associative access: Use Construct attitude: Search for and Associative processing when
Attitude Access evaluation associated with summarize attitudinally strongly associated attitude
attitude object through repeated relevant information exists; modes are alternatives
Brewer (1988); Fiske & Categorization: Use information Individuation: Process and Individuation requires specific
Neuberg (1988) and evaluations associated with summarize multiple individual motivation (e.g., due to
Person Perception person's salient category characteristics interdependence) or perceived
membership (gender, race, etc.) lack of fit to category; modes
are alternatives
Gilbert (1989) Correspondent inference: Use Attributional thinking: Process Attributional thinking requires
Person Perception, trait associated (through range of attributionally relevant cognitive capacity; modes are
Attributional Inference semantic similarity) with information such as situational sequential stages; attribution
person's observed behaviors causes of behavior follows correspondent
Martin, Seta, & Crelia Automatic contextual influences: Correction: Engage in Correction occurs only when both
(1990) Prime or other contextual attributional thinking to detect motivation and capacity are
Social Judgment and factor (e.g., mood) affects the contextual influence and present; modes are sequential
Correction judgment shift judgment to correct for it stages; correction follows
contextual influence
Devine (1989) Automatic stereotyping: Apply Suppression: Effortfully access Low-prejudice people are
Stereotype Use and stereotype information personal beliefs about group, motivated to engage in
Suppression associated with group through use to override stereotype suppression; modes are
past learning sequential stages; suppression
follows automatic stereotyping
Epstein (1991) Experiential: Thoughts and Rational: Use conscious, largely Modes are activated by features
Experiential Versus feelings learned in association verbal thought to make of stimulus situation and the
Rational Thinking with stimulus through past judgments nature of the judgment being
experiences are reactivated made; modes operate
Sloman (1996) Associative: Use concepts that are Rule-based: Use symbolically Rule-based reasoning requires
Reasoning related to cues in stimulus represented rules in sequential more capacity; modes operate
through well-learned fashion to reason or make simultaneously
associations judgments

matic access, based on a cue that is salient in the cur- turally associated with particular social groups
rent stimulus or context, of knowledge or affective (Brewer, 1988; Devine, 1989; Fiske & Neuberg,
reactions that have become associated with that cue. 1988), concepts that suggest particular solutions to rea-
The buildup or learning of such an association is as- soning or categorization problems (Sloman, 1996),
sumed to take repeated trials over a long time, a point traits that are related to observed behaviors performed
on which Devine (1989), Fazio (1986), and Sloman by oneself or others (Bem, 1967; Gilbert, 1989), or fa-
(1996) were particularly clear. Activation of the vorable or unfavorable evaluations of persuasive mes-
knowledge is automatic and preconscious, so that it be- sages based on easily noticed cues such as message
comes subjectively part of the stimulus information length or source attractiveness (Chaiken, 1980; Petty
(rather than being seen as part of the perceiver's own & Cacioppo, 1981). Once accessed, these knowledge
evaluation or interpretation of it). The associated structures, often with an affective or emotional tinge,
knowledge, therefore, has the potential to affect judg- can affect people's thoughts, feelings, or overt behav-
ments and behavior. This emphasis is perhaps clearest iors. Our interpretation emphasizes that associative
in Fazio's (1986) and Epstein's (1991) models. processing (a) relies on well-learned associations that
Using this mode, people automatically access such have been built up over time and (b) depends on the
things as their well-learned attitudes toward specific properties of the underlying slow-learning memory
attitude objects (Fazio, 1986), stereotypes that are cul- system.

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Rule-Based Mode fecting cognitive capacity, whether in the form of time

pressure, distraction from external stimuli or simulta-
The models reviewed here also share most of our neous tasks, or resources such as task-relevant back-
key assumptions about the nature of rule-based pro- ground knowledge (Gilbert, 1989; Sloman, 1996). Still
cessing. This mode is consciously controlled and other models give weight to both motivation and abil-
effortful and involves search, retrieval, and use of ity (Chaiken, 1980; Devine, 1989; Martin et al., 1990;
task-relevant information (see Fiske & Neuberg, 1988; Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). The models that give more
Petty & Cacioppo, 1981; Sloman, 1996). The "rules" emphasis to one of these factors tend to have been de-
that govern processing in this mode range from formal veloped in domains in which the other factor can be
or normative rules like those of logic to loose, informal assumed to be available and unproblematic. For exam-
maxims like "Consider people as unique individuals ple, people generally have access to information
rather than just stereotyping them." Rule-based pro- needed to formulate an attitude about an object when-
cessing is assumed to be strategic, and its exact nature ever they are motivated to do so (Fazio, 1986), so little
will vary depending on the specifics of the task, the in- theoretical attention need be given to cognitive capac-
dividual's goals, or situational constraints. When it oc- ity. Conversely, participants in problem-solving stud-
curs, this type of processing generally gives rise to a ies in cognitive laboratories are assumed to be
higher level of perceived validity and to more motivated by the task instructions to attempt to per-
long-lasting effects (Chaiken et al., 1989). Our pro- form the task adequately (Sloman, 1996), so theories
posal emphasizes not only the relatively effortful na- can emphasize capacity and take motivation for
ture of rule-based processing but also the idea that it granted. All these dual-process theorists would pre-
draws on symbolically represented rules, which are sumably agree that both capacity and motivation are in
structured by language and logic. These rules may be fact required, as our model assumes.
maintained in either the fast-learning or slow-learning The theories also differ substantially in their ac-
memory system depending on how often they have count of the temporal and logical relations between the
been encountered, whether consolidation has had time two processing modes. Some models hold that the two
to occur, and so forth. are alternatives: People process either one way or the
Using this mode, people may consider the details of other, but not both (Brewer, 1988; Fazio, 1986). Other
persuasive arguments and evaluate their validity based models assume sequential processing, with automatic
on logic and general knowledge (Chaiken, 1980; Petty associative processing occurring first and rule-based
& Cacioppo, 1981), use logical or mathematical rea- processing optionally following (Devine, 1989; Fiske
soning to solve problems (Sloman, 1996), engage in & Neuberg, 1988; Gilbert, 1989; Martin et al., 1990;
attributional thinking to determine the causes of their Wegener & Petty, 1995). Still other theories agree with
own or others' behaviors (Gilbert, 1989), summarize a ours in holding that both processing modes occur si-
number of known facts about a person or object into an multaneously (Chaiken, 1980; Epstein, 1991; Petty &
individuated impression or attitude (Brewer, 1988; Cacioppo, 1986; Sloman, 1996). In this case, their ef-
Fazio, 1986; Fiske & Neuberg, 1988), or effortfully fects may be additive (if they lead to the same conclu-
override automatically generated judgments with alter- sions), or associative processing may bias ongoing
native responses deemed more appropriate (Devine, rule-based processing, or the two modes may work in
1989; Martin et al., 1990). opposition (see Chen & Chaiken, 1999).
Finally and perhaps most interestingly, the models
reviewed here differ in the extent to which they imply
Relations Between Modes an evaluative distinction between the two processing
modes, identifying associative processing with bias
The dual-process models outlined previously gen- and general badness and rule-based processing with
erally agree, often strikingly well, on the characteriza- accuracy and general goodness. Models that state or
tions of the two processing modes themselves. connote such an evaluative distinction include
However, three main differences among the models Chaiken (1980), Petty and Cacioppo (1981), Brewer
become evident when one considers their accounts of (1988), Fiske and Neuberg (1988), Gilbert (1989),
the relations between the processing modes. First, the Martin et al. (1990), Wegener and Petty (1995), and
models differ somewhat in their emphasis on the role Devine (1989). All of these models offer qualifications
of motivation versus ability or cognitive capacity in and caveats, of course. Some acknowledge that the ef-
determining how people process. Several models put ficiency of associative processing may on occasion
the greatest stress on motivation, although they make outweigh its assumed potential for bias. The heuristic-
varying assumptions about the specific nature of the systematic processing model (Chaiken, 1980) empha-
relevant motives (Brewer, 1988; Fazio, 1986; Fiske & sizes people's assumption that systematic processing
Neuberg, 1988). Other models emphasize factors af- will lead to more accurate results than heuristic pro-

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cessing, rather than the claim that this will generally "If the argument makes sense in terms of all my general
actually occur. Furthermore, several models describe knowledge, it must be right" would be examples.
ways in which each type of processing can produce ei- Kruglanski et al. (1999) acknowledged that ability and
ther accuracy or inaccuracy (e.g., when a "correction" motivation influence the amount of processing that
process using the symbolic mode can lead to biased re- people carry out, but they held that the type of process-
sponses; Martin et al., 1990; Wegener & Petty, 1995). ing remains constant, involving the application of such
Some other models have little or no connotation of if-then rules.
an evaluative distinction between the two processing In company with most other dual-process theo-
modes. Such models simply describe alternative ways rists, we do not find this suggestion compelling. First,
of processing without stressing potential differences in if-then rules are highly abstract constructs-too ab-
accuracy (Fazio, 1986), or they emphasize that both stract to capture differences in actual psychological
types of processing are needed for successful task per- processes. For example, a simple physical law may
formance (Epstein, 1991; Sloman, 1996). be expressed as "If I let go of my pencil, then it will
Why are the two processing modes often implicitly fall to the floor" and a computation in an income tax
treated as good versus bad? Abelson's (1994) analysis program as "If total deductions are less than the stan-
is insightful. dard deduction, then use the standard deduction." The
possibility of putting both of these into a common ab-
This may be partly because of the fairly slow arrival of stract logical form does not erase the distinction be-
affect onto the agenda of social psychologists, partly be- tween physical and logical-computational types of
cause of a bias toward rational instrumentalism in West- processes. Second, as we elaborate further subse-
ern thought, and partly because in the major topic pitting quently, the associations and symbolic rules that re-
reason against impulse-racial prejudice-is an area in spectively underlie the operation of associative and
which the self-conscious, rational self is a socially desir- rule-based processes involve fundamentally different
able egalitarian, fighting against the habitual negative kinds of if-then connections and are applied by fun-
feelings of a prejudiced inner self. (p. 28) damentally distinct mental operations. Associations
are structured by similarity and repeated contiguity
Various factors suggest a recently increasing appre- and are retrieved by a fast, automatic pattern-comple-
ciation for the roles of less rational (i.e., intuitive and tion mechanism. Symbolic rules are structured by
affective) processes, not only by social psychologists. logic and language and are used by a more or less
Consider the observations of devastating social incom- conscious, explicit reasoning process. Although the
petence produced by brain damage to emotional cen- two can be put into the same logical if-then format,
ters even though the patients' reasoning abilities are this does not constitute a strong argument against the
intact (Saver & Damasio, 1991). Western culture has existence of two distinct processing modes.
inherited from the ancient Greeks equations of mind =
rules = rationality = good, and body = intuition = emo-
tion = bad, which will not be unlearned quickly. Still, Distinctive Contributions of This
perhaps we are moving toward recognizing that either Integrative Model
type of processing can have appropriate and adaptive
effects, just as either can produce social and personal The review makes it obvious that dual-process
evil and destructiveness, including (but not only) racial models within social and cognitive psychology have
prejudice. strong common features. Moreover, some of those
models have been applied in more than one specific
topic area (such as the heuristic-systematic processing
Are there two processing systems or only model or the various judgmental correction models;
one? Although (as reviewed previously) dual-pro- Chen & Chaiken, 1999; Epstein & Pacini, 1999; Mar-
cessing models have been popular in social psychol- tin et al., 1990). What differentiates our model from
ogy, some theorists hold that single-mode theories are these? Several points that are important to our model
still viable. Kruglanski, Thompson, and Spiegel have been incorporated in few if any of the current
(1999), in particular, advanced a "unimodel" in the area dual-process models.
of persuasion and argued that the effects observed in
the empirical literature can be explained by a single
type of persuasion process. This argument rests on the Link to properties of two underlying memory
idea that at an abstract level, both the use of simple heu- systems. A key feature of our model is its explicit
ristic cues and the detailed analysis of message argu- links to current theories of separate memory systems
ments can be conceptualized as the application of "if- (e.g., McClelland et al., 1995; Schacter & Tulving,
then" rules. "If an expert says so, it must be right" and 1994; Sherry & Schacter, 1987). This conceptual link-

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age in turn connects our model to a wide range of ories in social psychology assume that a single schema
neuropsychological and behavioral evidence (such as or other representation, presumably the most accessible
the specific patterns of memory deficits in people with and best fitting one, is retrieved from memory and used
amnesia, or studies of animals with hippocampal le- to interpret an input stimulus. In contrast, connectionist
sions) that has not previously been regarded as relevant associative memories operate by means of a multiple
to dual-process theories. As noted previously, postulat- constraint satisfaction process (Rumelhart et al., 1986;
ing two memory systems also allows us to account for Shultz & Lepper, 1996). As Smith and DeCoster (1998)
several types of dissociations (e.g., between recall and and Kunda and Thagard (1996) demonstrated, this mul-
judgment or between recognition memory and repeti- tiple constraint satisfaction process can yield novel or
tion priming) that have not been dealt with by existing creative emergent features, as well as flexible, con-
dual-process models. text-specific versions of general constructs.

Qualitatively distinct associative and rule-

structured databases. In our model, the two pro- Breadth and integrative quality. Each of the
cessing modes tap separate databases that represent existing models reviewed in this article involves a
knowledge in distinct formats. The associative mode number of specific details, and each has been
draws solely on patterns of features built up over time fine-tuned with additional assumptions to account for
in the slow learning memory system. Rule-based pro- empirical findings in its own topic domain. In com-
cessing, although it also makes use of the slow learn- parison to those, our own model offers fewer
ing memory system for the storage of long-term topic-specific details. The details are certainly impor-
knowledge of word meanings and the like, uses the tant for understanding how people process persuasive
fast-binding memory holding symbolically encoded messages, form attitudes, suppress stereotypes, and
propositions and other linguistic materials. Many so on. However, we believe that an integrative treat-
dual-process models within social psychology, al- ment of these diverse models provides new insights
though recognizing that the two processing modes and ultimately will benefit theorists in each area by
differ in efficiency, automaticity, and conscious providing multiple sources of strong constraints. The
awareness, nevertheless have held that both forms of type of integration that we offer here goes beyond the
processing are of essentially the same kind. For ex- idea of simply applying one of the theories (e.g., a
ample, both often have been regarded as "schematic model of persuasion) to the ways people process in-
processing" in more and less efficient versions (see formation in other domains (e.g., person perception).
Fiske & Taylor, 1991). From our perspective, the two Such new applications can offer new insights, such as
modes differ much more fundamentally than that. In the idea that a given cue like a person' s gender can be
other words, the two processing modes are not accu- processed in more than one way (e.g., it may be a ba-
rately characterized as involving just more or less ex- sis for associative-categorical processing or may af-
tensive processing; rather, qualitatively different ford elaborative processing using various rules).
types of processing are involved. However, bringing all these models under a single
common framework can do more than simply take
one of those models and apply it in different do-
Powerful features of associative processing. In mains. In our broad conception, the basic nature of
current dual-process theories, low-effort, or heuristic, the two processing modes is constant across all these
processing is generally assumed to rely only on links empirical domains. This means that theorists working
between concepts formed on the basis of their repeated in a particular area can directly make use of findings
co-occurrence. However, recent work suggests that an from any of the other areas rather than just take in-
associative memory system is considerably more pow- sights originally developed in a single area and apply
erful than implied by this description. We listed a num- them in others. Theories of attitude change or cogni-
ber of capabilities of such a memory previously in this tive dissonance or problem solving will be able to
article, including the fact that links between concepts in draw on a strong, well-supported common frame-
an associative memory are much more akin to partial work, supported not only by research in all those ar-
regression coefficients than to simple correlations. eas but also by more basic work in memory (e.g.,
Such a memory can perform a type of causal or McClelland et al., 1995) and cognitive science (e.g.,
attributional analysis, including such complexities as Smolensky, 1988). In this way, theoretical integration
Kelley's (1972) discounting principle (Gluck & promises to strengthen researchers' ability to eluci-
Bower, 1988). Moreover, associative processing can date the special and unique processes that operate in
draw on multiple representations simultaneously in each particular area (within the general framework of
performing multiple constraint satisfaction, rather than two general processing modes), not to blur over all
using a single memory representation. Traditional the- such distinctions.

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Our dual-process model thus offers several advan- ately overturned by newly learned information
tages that are not part of any of the existing models. We (Wilson, 1999).
believe that it illustrates some of the power offered by 4. People with amnesia have deficits specific to the
linking social psychological models of dual-process- fast-learning memory system. Because our model
ing modes to related models in cognitive psychology holds that this memory system plays little role in asso-
and to underlying properties of two distinct memory ciative processing, a number of testable hypotheses fol-
systems. Particularly important are some of the new in- low. For instance, compared to normals, people with
sights and new predictions generated by the model, amnesia should be more influenced by heuristic cues
such as the following examples: than by argument strength in persuasion settings (Petty
et al., 1981), should be less able to suppress their stereo-
1. Social psychological theories typically have re- types (Devine, 1989), and should be more likely to at-
garded attributional reasoning or online combination of tribute behaviors to personal dispositions even in the
multiple knowledge representations as highly complex presence of plausible situational causes (Gilbert,
processes and assumed that they are mediated by exten- 1989). Hypotheses like these concerning social judg-
sive symbolic thought. However, as described previ- ment and social behavior only rarely have been tested
ously, associative memory systems can perform with such patient populations (but see Klein et al.,
attributional reasoning (going beyond mere covariation 1996). Not only people with amnesia but also normal
analysis to perform discounting) and can combine mul- elderly people may show similar effects such as in-
tiple knowledge structures (though multiple parallel creased reliance on stereotypes and persuasion
constraint satisfaction processes; Holyoak & Thagard, heuristics. This prediction is based on evidence that
1989; Kunda & Thagard, 1996). Thus, our model pre- normal aging is associated with reduced efficiency of
dicts that these sophisticated types of processing should the fast-learning memory system and increased reli-
be found even when people do not engage in rule-based ance on stable, general memory structures (Radvansky,
processing because of lack of capacity or motivation. 1999). Testing these hypotheses will involve careful
2. As noted previously, some existing theories consideration of potential confounds (e.g., different
have postulated that people simultaneously maintain stereotype content learned over a lifetime by elderly vs.
representations with conflicting implications, such as young participants), but the tests are important for as-
a general negative stereotype of a social group com- sessing the generality of research conclusions based on
bined with "personal beliefs" that deny the stereotype college student participants.
(e.g., Devine, 1989). How such conflicting knowl-
edge could be actually represented in memory was Summary and Conclusions
generally left unclear. Our model offers the insight
that the two types of knowledge may exist in two dis- In this article, we proposed a model involving two
tinct memory systems. Thus, stereotypes may be held processing modes that we label associative and
in the slow-learning system even by people who sin- rule-based (Sloman, 1996; Smolensky, 1988), which
cerely deny those beliefs, precisely because the ste- draw in different ways on two underlying memory sys-
reotypes take the form of associations between social tems. The existence and properties of the memory sys-
group membership and various negative characteris- tems are independently supported by much evidence
tics, built up over many years through exposure to bi- (McClelland et al., 1995; Sherry & Schacter, 1987).
ased and stereotypic media content, comments from We have reviewed a number of dual-process models
other people, and so forth. that have been developed in diverse areas of social and
3. A clear implication of our model is that a newly cognitive psychology, emphasizing their strong com-
learned rule should be unable to affect associative pro- mon points and the implications of our new model for
cessing. Even if the rule is represented in the fast-learn- these specific areas of application.
ing memory system, it should not be automatically In our view, this type of integration represents an in-
activated (the signature of the associative processing creasingly important trend in psychology. Tradi-
mode) until enough time has passed for consolidation tionally, theories in social psychology were formulated
to occur or until the rule has been encountered or for specific topic areas (e.g., attribution, attitude
thought about many times. Although not framed in change) and used topic-specific theoretical constructs.
these theoretical terms, there is evidence for this hy- As a result, such theories tended to be incommensura-
pothesis from cognitive studies demonstrating that a ble and could not easily be placed within more compre-
large amount of practice is necessary before a newly hensive conceptual frameworks (see Smith, 1998).
learned association can mediate automatic activation The social cognition movement of the 1970s and 1980s
(Dagenbach, Horst, & Carr, 1990). The point is also brought a strong trend toward increased integration
supported by work on "dual attitudes" showing that within social psychology, as theories in various topic
well-learned evaluative associations are not immedi- areas drew on a common conceptual vocabulary (of

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