My Main Worries
My Main Worries
My Main Worries
We hope you find the information on our website and resources useful. However, please be aware that every child is different. As far as possible, the
contents of this resource are reflective of current professional research and are intended for guidance purposes only. The information here may not apply
specifically to your children/classroom/setting.
What Are My Main Worries
If you have completed Rate Your Anxiety/Worry resource and you scored quite highly, it may be an idea to write down the top five worries
you have each day.
Please put them in order, the top one being the biggest worry. All five worries may be everyday worries, or they may be something
you worry about on most days but not daily.
When you have completed all five worries, think about whether you feel you are able to make any changes that would help you to
feel less anxious.
The adult you are with can also help you to think about which coping strategies would be useful to help you deal with the worry and
make it more manageable for you each day.
You could try a variety of coping strategies, such as using worry dolls or writing a diary about your feelings. Take notice of any
patterns, for example: “I am nervous on Monday mornings because I have maths and I worry I won’t be able to do it.” If this is the
case, try to find a solution. Could you speak to your teacher, your parents/carers or a member of school staff?
You could use mindfulness to help you relax. If you are relaxed, you will sleep better, wake up more refreshed, feel more resilient and your
levels of anxiety and worry will fall.
You could try exercise to release positive feelings in your body, which will help you to feel better about yourself and reduce your anxiety
and negative thoughts.
You could create a worry doll: tell your worries to the doll at night and, when you wake up, you will feel better about the issue and more
able to face the task/situation that is troubling you.
If you know you are going to feel worries about something, try to think about it in advance and try to change your mindset. You could
change your routine to break the anxiety cycle or you could do something that you really enjoy right before the task/situation which
makes you feel anxious.
Tell yourself that you feel good and that you are excited and ready for the task or situation you are about to start.
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My Top Five
Worries 4.
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