Scenario 4 - NCP
Scenario 4 - NCP
Scenario 4 - NCP
Subjective: Ineffective Airway Ineffective airway NOC- Respiratory NIC Airway Management GOAL MET
- Mrs. SC stated that Ivana Clearance related to clearance: Status: Airway
had colds for a week and bronchospasm / Inability to clear Patency
denied fever, trauma and airway spasm secretions or
ingestion of object secondary to asthma obstructions from the Short term: Short term:
respiratory tract to After 8 hours of nursing After 8 hours of nursing
-Verbalized that her child maintain a clear interventions: interventions:
vomited once to previously airway (NANDA,
ingested milk formula 2018)
The patient will be able Assessed respiratory rate, Provides a basis for The patient was able to
Asthma is a to demonstrate signs of depth, and rhythm. Noted evaluating adequacy of demonstrate signs of airway
respiratory problem patent airway and inspiratory- to expiratory ventilation. Respirations patency and improved air
Objective: where muscles can increased air exchange. ratio. may be shallow and rapid, exchange as evidenced by
-12 months old contract and narrow with prolonged expiration relaxed breathing, normal
your airway. When in comparison to respiratory rate or pattern,
-Severe difficulty of that happens, it's inspiration. and absence of cyanosis and
breathing called a bronchial arterial blood gas/ pulse
spasm, or a oximetry results within client
-Cyanotic bronchospasm. Assisted with appropriate To identify causative/ norms
During a bronchial testing (e.g., pulmonary precipitating factors.
-Severe retractions of the spasm, breathing function/ sleep studies) The patient’s mother was
sternum becomes more able to identify and avoid
difficult. specific factors that inhibit
-Wheezing effective airway clearance
Auscultated lungs for Abnormal breath sounds such as dust, pollen, and
-Has decreased intake adventitious breath sounds can be heard as fluid and smoke.
(wheezes and rhonchi). mucus accumulate. This
-ROD ordered Ivana for may indicate ineffective
Intubation stat. airway clearance. The patient’s mother was
able to verbalize
-Lethargic understanding of the
Assessed the effectiveness of Coughing is a natural way therapeutic management
-UTZ result: cough. to clear the throat and regimen.
Normal breathing passage of
foreign particles, irritants,
-T: 37.2 C and mucus. Severe
bronchospasm, thick Long term
-PR: 120 bpm secretions, and respiratory After 3 days of nursing
muscle fatigue are some of interventions:
-RR: 54 bpm the causes of an ineffective
cough. The patient was able to
maintain clear, open airways
as shown by normal
Suctioned naso/ tracheal/ oral To clear the airway when respiratory rate, depth, and
when necessary excessive or viscous rhythm, as well as the
secretions are blocking the absence of signs and
airway or client is unable to symptoms that could indicate
swallow or cough insufficient airway
effectively. clearance.
Upright or semi-
Position patient with head of Fowler’s position allows
the bed elevated, in a semi- increased thoracic
Fowler’s position (head of capacity, total descent of
the bed at 45 degrees when the diaphragm, and
supine) as tolerated. increased lung
expansion preventing the
abdominal contents from
Slumped positioning
Regularly check the patient’s causes the abdomen to
position so that they do not compress the diaphragm
slump down in bed. and limits full lung
Long Term:
After 7 days of nursing
interventions, the patient will
be able to: Changes in behavior and
- remain in a stable Monitored patient’s behavior mental status can be
condition and achieve and mental status for the early signs of impaired
optimal gas exchange onset of restlessness, gas exchange.
agitation, confusion, and (in Restlessness, which may
the late stages) extreme be triggered by
lethargy. conditions that change
the respiratory state,
presented high
specificity in a
determination study
conducted by Pascoal
(2015). Cognitive
changes may occur with
chronic hypoxia.
Central cyanosis of
Observed nail beds, cyanosis tongue and oral mucosa
in the skin; especially noted indicates severe hypoxia
the color of the tongue and and is a medical
oral mucous membranes. emergency (Pahal et al.,
2021). Peripheral
cyanosis in extremities
may or may not be
Irritants in the
Assessed the home environment decrease
environment for irritants that the patient’s
impair gas exchange. Helped effectiveness in
the patient adjust the home accessing oxygen during
environment as necessary breathing.
(e.g., installing an air filter to
decrease dust).