E DAB 02 Start DataTablesFilterLogicTest
E DAB 02 Start DataTablesFilterLogicTest
E DAB 02 Start DataTablesFilterLogicTest
Data, Data T
Excel T
Excel Da
Data Types
Proper Data Sets
Excel Tables
Logical Tests
E-DAB 02
Data Analysis & Business
ntelligence Made Easy with
Excel Power Tools
Data Sets
1) What is Excel?
2) What is Data, Raw Data?
3) Understanding the Difference Between Data & Information.
4) Define Proper Data Set.
5) Why Proper Data Sets are Mandatory.
6) Tables are not Charts
7) Use Excel Tables For Dynamic Data.
8) Data Types in Proper Data Sets in Various Tools
9) How to Sort Data.
10) Filtering & Extracting Data.
11) Understand & Use AND Logical Tests and OR Logical Tests
Objective #1: What is Excel?
Cell I4
re not in cell
roes are not in cell
umbers, 1, 2, 3… So we can do math on dates.
s. So we can do math on times.
1201.22 Formula to calculate Net Income: =K27-K28
Useful Information:
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Objective #2: What is Data, Raw Data?
Raw Data = Data = Data stored in its smallest form that allows Excel Data
Not Raw Data: Raw Data stored in smallest form, stored in a Proper Data Set.
Data Analysis Features & Tools won't Data Analysis Features & Tools work on Data stored this way.
work on Data stored this way. Easier to analyze data when it is stored in its smallest form.
Example: Example:
Hard to sort this data by Zip Code. Easy to sort this data by Zip Code.
lows Excel Data Analysis Features & Power Tools to work.
d in a Proper Data Set. Not Raw Data. Data in Proper Data Set
Data stored this way. Hard to add sales by Product Easy to add sales by Product
in its smallest form.
Product Sum of Sales ($)
Aspen 658.9
Quad 1150.8
Sunspot 482.9
Total Result 2292.6
Objective #3: Difference Between Data & Information?
Data = Unorganized Raw Data
Data alone doesn't yield insight
Data alone is not very useful
Useful Information:
Useful Information:
Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Objective #4: Define Proper Data Set.
Proper Data Set = Table = Table of Data = Table with 1) Field Names in first row and 2) Records containing Data
In Excel you must have empty cells or Column/Row headers around the Proper Data Set in order for the Excel &
Fields = Column Headers =
Other terms you may see: Field Names, Columns, Variables, Attributes
Fields define what type of data goes into the column
Data Type =
What type of data is in Column? Date, Number, Text and so on?
Traditionally, in an Excel Spreadsheet we do not have Data Types.
Power Tools (Power Query, Power Pivot and Power BI Desktop) we will have to define Data Types if we want o
Records = Rows = One Data point for each Field in a row.
Examples of records:
1) Sales Transactions, where each row represents a product sold with data like date and sales amount
2) Unique Product Information, where each row has the product code, price, cost and other product attribute
Delimiter = In Text Files (Special Files that hold Proper Data Sets) a Delimiter is a designated character, such as a
that separates each Field and each Small Piece of Raw Data.
Naming = Name all tables, fields and other items: 1) smartly and 2) consistently
Example 1: Proper Data Set in Excel. Records = Sales Transaction Example 2: Proper Data Set in Exc
Fields, 1st row
Date ProductID Units Sold Sales ($) ProductID
2/15/2019 1043 6 287.7 1043
2/15/2019 1069 3 89.85 Records with Data 1069
2/15/2019 1069 8 239.6 in each row 2005
2/15/2019 2005 3 65.85
2/15/2019 1069 11 329.45
2/15/2019 1043 8 383.6
2/15/2019 2005 6 131.7 When a Table of Data is in
2/15/2019 2005 13 285.35 an Excel Worksheet, there
must be empty cells all the
2/15/2019 1043 5 239.75 way around data set, or
2/15/2019 1043 5 239.75 Excel Column Row
2) Records containing Data in subsequent rows.
Set in order for the Excel & Power Tools to work.
Table = Field Names & Records with Data. Chart = Visual Portrayal of Number Data.
This may seem obvious, but people confuse these two items regularly in academia, statistics, and other fields
of Number Data.
Date ProductID Units Sold Sales ($) ProductID Product Flight Range (M)
2/15/2019 1043 6 287.7 1043 Quad 20
2/15/2019 1069 3 89.85 1069 Aspen 25
2/15/2019 1069 8 239.6 2005 Sunspot 15
2/15/2019 2005 3 65.85
2/15/2019 1069 11 329.45
2/15/2019 1043 8 383.6
2/15/2019 2005 6 131.7
2/15/2019 2005 13 285.35
2/15/2019 1043 5 239.75
2/15/2019 1043 5 239.75
Proper Data Sets converted to Excel Tables and give a Table Name.
Date ProductID Units Sold Sales ($) ProductID Product Flight Range (M)
2/15/2019 1043 6 287.7 1043 Quad 20
2/15/2019 1069 3 89.85 1069 Aspen 25
2/15/2019 1069 8 239.6 2005 Sunspot 15
2/15/2019 2005 3 65.85
2/15/2019 1069 11 329.45
2/15/2019 1043 8 383.6
2/15/2019 2005 6 131.7
2/15/2019 2005 13 285.35
2/15/2019 1043 5 239.75
2/15/2019 1043 5 239.75
able Name)
anything pointing
en source data changes.
Retail Price
Filter Example #1: Select "Alma" from Unique List of Items to show only Alma records. Copy and Paste to new shee
Filter Example #2: AND Logical Test: Show Records for Sales Rep "Alma" AND Autos "Chevy".
Filter Example #3: OR Logical Test: Show Records for Sales Rep "Alma" OR "Rina".
Filter Example #4: Number Filter to show top 5 sales records.
Date Sales Rep Autos Sales Using Filtering, we are showing only the records for
4/30/2017 Alma Chevy $88,016 "Alma" AND " Auto "Chevy". This is an example of a
9/27/2016 Alma Chevy $69,598 Logical Test because in order for the record to show
needed the record to contain "Alma" and "Chevy".
1/30/2017 Alma Chevy $107,034
Using a PivotTable, we are adding the sales only for the records where t
Sales Rep is "Alma" AND the Auto is "Chevy". This is an example of an A
Logical Test because in order for the sales number to be added, we nee
the record to contain "Alma" and "Chevy".
showing only the records for Sales Rep
hevy". This is an example of an AND
order for the record to show, we
contain "Alma" and "Chevy".