GNU DOH Compliance Monitoring Sheet 1
GNU DOH Compliance Monitoring Sheet 1
GNU DOH Compliance Monitoring Sheet 1
Month/Year _____________________
Airway adjuncts
Airwav / Intubation Kit (with stylet and bag valve masks)
Alcohol disinfectant
Aseptic bulb syringe
Capillary Blood Glucose (CBG) Kit
Cardiac Board
Endotracheal Tubes, all sizes
Flashlights or Pen lights
Gloves, sterile
Gloves non-sterile
Laryngoscope with different sizes of blades
Nasal cannula
Protective face shield or mask or goggles
Standard face mask
Sterile gauze (pre-folded and individually packed)
Syringes (different volumes)
Urethral catheter
Urine collection bag
Waterproof aprons