Final Revision 04-Dec-2021
Final Revision 04-Dec-2021
Final Revision 04-Dec-2021
Lei I be the· set of all citizens of India who were eligible lo exercise their voting right in general election held in 2019. A relation
'R' is defined on las follows:
R-{V 1, V 2 }: v., V 2 e I andbothuselheirvotingrigbt ingeneralelection-2019}
I. Two neighbors Xand Ye I. Xexerciscd bis voti ng right while Y did not cast her vote in general elcction-2019. Which of the
following is true?
(a) (X.Y)eR (b) (Y,X)eR (c) (X.X)t!!R (d) (X.Y)t!!R
2. Mr. •x· and his wife •w• both exercised their voting right in general elcction-20 I9. Which of the following is true?
(a) both (X, W) and (W,X) eR (b) (X.W) eR but (W,X) t!!R
(c) both(X,W)and(W,X) t!!R (d) (W,X)eRbut(X,W) t!!R
3. Three fiiends F 1, F2 and F3 cxerc.iscd their voting right in general elcctioo-2019, then which of the following is true?
(a) (F.,F2 )eR,(F 2 ,F3)eRand(F 1,F3)eR (b) (F.,F2 ) eR,(F2 , F 3)eRand(F1,F3 )t!!R
(c) (F., F2 ) eR, (F2 , F 2) eRbut (F3 , F3 ) t!!R (d) (F 1,F2 ) t!!R, (Fi,F 3) !!!Rand (F., F3) t!!R
4. The above defined relation R is_ _ __
(a) symmetric and transitive but not reflexive (b) uni<versal relation
(c) equivalence relation (d) reflexive but not symmetric and transitive
5. Mr. Shymn exercised his voting right in General Elcction-2019, then Mr. Shymn is related to which ofthe following?
(a) All those eligible voters who cast their votes (b) FamilymembcrsofMr.Shymn
(c) All citizens oflndia (d) Eligible voters of India
Sherlin and Danju arc playing Ludo at borne during Covid-19. While rolling the dice, Sherlin 's sister Raji observed and noted the
possible outcomes of the throw every time belongs to set { 1,2,3,4,5,6 }. Let A be the set ofplayers while B be the set of all possible
A= {S,D},!B= {1.2,3,4,5,6}
- - - - - 1 . ___a_11-
_ 2_ __,1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 [Mathematlcs )i------
Ravi decides to explore these sets for various types of relations and functions
II. Ravi wishes to form all the relations possible from B loG. Howmanysuch relations arc possible?
(a) ? (b) 2s
(c) 0 (d) 23
12. Let R : B ➔ B be defined by R = ((x, y): x and yare students of same sex}, then thisrclalion R is_ __
(a) equivalence (b) reflexive only
(c) reflexive and symmetric but not transitive (d) refilexiveand transitive but nol symmetric
13. Ravi wants to know among those relations, how many functions can be formed from B to G?
(a) 'P- (b) 2 12 (c) J2 (d) i3
14. Let R : B➔G bedefinedbyR={(b 1, g 1), (b2 , g2 ), <hJ, g1)} , then R is_ _ __
(a) injective (b) surjective
(c) neither surjective nor injective (d) surjective and injective
15. Ravi wants to find the number of injective functions from B lo G. How many numbers of injective functions are possible?
(a) 0 (b) 2!
(c) 3! (d) O!
Case Study-4
Students of Grade 9, planned to plant saplings along straight lines. parallel 10 each other to one side of the playground ensuring
that they had enough play area. Let us assume that they planted one of the rows of the saplings along the line
y= x- 4. Let L be the set of all lines which arc parallel on lhc ground and R be a relation on L.
-------1[ CBSE Questions aa--2021 )1------------------------1....._o_B-l
_ __,1-----
Two men ao either sideofa temple of30 meters high observe its top at lhe angles ofelevation a and 13 respectively. (as shown in the
figure above). The distance between the two men is meters and the distance between the first person A and the temple is
30../i meters. Based on the above information answer the following:
26. LCAB=a=
28. LBCA=l3=
(a) (-1 , I), (0, n) (b) (-1, 1),(0,n) (c) (-1, 1],[0,n) (d) (-1, I), [-f,f]
Case Study-7
The Government of India is planning to fix a hoarding board at the face of a building on the road of a busy market for awareness
on COVID-19 protocol. Ram, Robert and Rahim arc the three engineers who are working on this project. "A" is considered to
be a person viewing the hoarding board 20 metres away from the building, standing at the edge of a pathway nearby. Ram,
Robert and Rahim suggested lo the firm to place the hoarding board at three different locations namely C, D and E. "C" is at the
height of 10 metres from the ground level. For the viewer A, the angle of elevation of"D" is double the angle ofeleva.tion of"C"
The angle of elevation of"E" is triple lhe angle of elevation of"C" for the same viewer. Look at the figure given and based on
the above information answer the following:
Sm A
- - - - - i(CBSEQuestions Bank-2021 ) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 (__a_e-_s_ _;_ _ __
34. A' is another viewer standing m the same line ofobservatim across the road lfthe width ofthe road is 5 mctas. then the difference
lx:twecn LCAB and LCA'B is
(a) Lan-1( 1/2) (b) tan-I (1/12) (c) tan-{¾) (d) Lan-• G:)
35. Domain and range of tan-• x-
[1 2] [4 o]c=[ 21 -o2]
A= -1 3 B = 1 5
If a = 4 and b =- 2, based on the above information answer the following:
41. Sum of the matrices A, B andC, A+(B + C) is
[~~] (b)
(c) [; !] (d) [~!]
42. (AT)T is equal to
(a) [ ~I ~] (b)
[ ~ ~1]
(a) [ -2
-6 (b) [-2 2]
-4 -6
(c) [ -2
-6 -4
2] (d) [~6 ~2]
44. AC - BC is equal 10
(a) [ 1: ~] (b)
[: 1;]
[! 1~]
[! 1~]
-----1(CB8EQueetlona Bank•2021 )1----------------------1( Qa-7
Case Study-I 0
Three schools DPS, eve and KVS decided to organize a lair fur collecting money fur helping the flood victims. They sold handmade
rans, mats Blld plates from recycled material at a cost o" 25, t I00 and t 50 each respectively. The numbers ofarticles sold are given
49. If the number of handmade fans and plates arc interchanged for all the schools, then what is the total money collected by all
(a) "8.000 (b) f 6,750 (c) f S,000 (d) f 21.250
SO. How many articles (in total) are sold by three schools?
(a) 230 (b) 130 (c) 430 (d) 330
Case Study-11
On her birth day, Seema decided to donate some money to children of an orphanage home. If there were 8 children less, everyone
would have got f 10 more. Howe\1ll', iflhcrcwcre 16childrcn more; everyone \liuuldhavc gix f 10 less. Let the number ofchildren
be x and the amount distributed by Seema for one child bey (in ,).
Based on the information given above, answer the following questions:
61. The equations in terms ofx and y are
(a) x - y=50, 2x-y=550 (b) x - y=50,2x+y=550
(c) x+y=50, 2x+y=550 (d) x+y=50, 2x-y=550
62. Which of the following matrix equation is represented by the given information
Case Study-14
A potter made a mud vessel, where the shape ofthe pot is based oo f\x) = Ix- 31 +Ix - 21, where f(x) represents the height of the pOl.
The Relation between the height of the plant (yin cm) with respect to exposure to sunlight is governed by the following equation
y= 4x-
2x2 where xis the number ofdays exposed tosunjjght.
7l. The ra.te of growth of the plant with respect to sunlight is
I 2 I ,
(a) 4x--.t (b) 4-x (c) x -4 (d) x--x-
2 2
72. What is the number of days it will take for the plant 10 grow to the maximum height?
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 10
- - - - - 1(CBSE Questions B•-·2021 )1----------------------1( aa.11 )1-- - -
73. What vs the muimum height ofthe plant?
(a) (b) IOan (c) 8cm (d) 6an
74. What will be the height of the plant after 2 days?
(a) 4cm (b) 6an (c) 8cm (d) IOan
75. If the height of the plant is 7/2 cm, the number of days it has been exposed 10 the sunligh t is.
002 003 004 001
Case Study-16
P(x) =-5x2 + I25x+ 37500 is the total profit function of a company, where.tis the production of the company.
l. (d) (X,Y) E.R
2. (a) Both (X, W) and (W,X) eR
3. (a) (f 1, F2 ) eR, (F2, F3) eR and (F 1• F3 ) e R
4. (c) Equivalence relation
S. (a) All those eligible voters who cast their votes.
6. (a) Since, y is divisible by x but x may not be divisible by y.
So, reflexive and transitive but not symmettic.
7. (a) Number of possible functions from A to B
- (Number of clements in e,<numbcrofclcmcntsinAJ - (n(B))n<Al - 62
8. (d)
{n(G))"(B) = 23
. BD
.:. sma= AB=60=2=>a=sm
30 I . -1 (I~
... LCAB=a=cos
28. (d) tanj3= BO
CD 10.Jj
: . tan(LDAB) = tan(2LCAB)
2tan(LCAB) _2--
_ 4
J- tan2 ( LCAB)
1-(½r 3
⇒ LDAB= tan-I (1)
33. (d) ·:LEAB= 3LCAB
:. tan(LEAB) = tan(3LCAB)
3 I
3tan(LCAB)-tan3 (LCAB) 2-8 LL
= l-3tan 2 (LCAB) = 1-! =2
2 5
36. (c) TotalrevenueofmarketA =(10,000 2000 18000) [ l.~O =f46,000
1 0
=[6.000 20000 8000) [ -: = f 53,000
38. (d) TotalcostincurredinmarketA =(10000 2000 18000) I.OO ='31 ,000
[ 0.50
2, X 23
⇒ x = 4 is point ofmaximum
So, maximum height ofthe plant
=4(4)- -(4)2=8cm
• I
74. (b) Height of the plant after 2 days. y = 4(2) -
75. (d) Beightoftbeplant=
I 7
2 2
⇒ (x- lXx-7)-0
=> x - 1,7
76. (b) FormaximumprofitP(x)=0 ⇒ -IOx+ 125=0
=>X = 12.S
So. when profit is maximum, the pr<Xluctioo is 12.5.
- - - - - 1____ _:-----------------------------l[Mathematlcs )1-----
77. (b) Since, (P' (x)J.,_ 12_5 - -1 0<0
So,x= 12.5 is point ofmaxima.
Then, maximum profit= P(l2.5) = ,38281.25
78. (d) Since the profit is strictly increasing
⇒ P'(:c) >0
⇒ - !Ox+ 125>0
⇒ x> 12.5
So. the required interval is (0, 12.5)
79. (b) Since, production x = 2 units
So, profit= P(2) = f 37730.
80. (a) Since, profit= 38250
⇒ P(x)=38250
⇒ -s.x2+ l25x+37500=38250
⇒ (x- l0)(x-15)=0
⇒ x=IO, 15
So, production is 15 unit
81. (b) Foraitieal point,/(x)=0
⇒ 12(4.x-1-x)=0
⇒ x= 0, x=:1:
So, abscissa of critical point, x = :I:
82. (d) Slope of tangent on the position (2, 3) ofthe stick=/(2) = 360
- 1
Required slope of normal= Slope of tangent
83. (b) Equation of tangent passing through the point (2, 3)
⇒ y - 36fu-71 7.
84. (c) "; /''f) • I 2(:c2 - I)
.·. /'(5) =3588.
85. (b) f(x) > 0
12.f(4x2- l) > 0