Dgfasli Brocher
Dgfasli Brocher
Dgfasli Brocher
Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India
We are the DGFASLI an attached office of the Ministry of Interested candidates can register by sending email to the
Labour& Employment, Government of India and serves as a course coordinator. After confirmation of the programme by
technical arm to assist the Ministry in formulating national coordinator only, nominee will deposit institution fee @ Rs
policies on occupational safety and health in factories and 250/- (Rs two hundred fifty only) per participant through
docks. It also advises factories on various problems Bharatkosh portal (https://bharatkosh.gov.in) using following
concerning safety, health, efficiency and well - being of the steps. Fees once submitted will not be refunded/ adjusted.
persons at work places.
Login to https://bharatkosh.gov.in
Background Quick Payment
Ministry: 021 Labour & Employment
Purpose: Other receipts under service and service
Hazards and risk of accidents are increasing in Chemical
industries specially in MAH industries due to complex Pay & Account Office (PAO): 030263 - PAO
processes, parameters, increasing hazardous chemicals (DGFASLI), Mumbai
both in number & quantity hence it is imperative to have DDO Code : 230265 (Central Labour Institute,
comprehensive knowledge on various aspects of chemical
emergencies and its preparedness. Therefore, Central Remarks: Chemical Disaster Planning
Labour Institute, DGFASLI Mumbai is providing online
training platform for Intended participants to learn from their
Training Coordinator
own place using mobile phone/laptop/desktop (with
webcam, microphone & speaker) in view of Covid 19 Dr. S.B. Mishra, Director (IH)
Major Accident Hazards Control Division
pandemic situation/preventive measures.
Central Labour Institute, Mumbai
Ph. No. (O) 022-24037521
Programme Highlights
Email: cli-mahc@dgfasli.nic.in, cli-training@dgfasli.nic.in
An Overview of Chemical Disasters
Disaster Planning in Chemical Industry
Statutory requirements.
Supervisors and above working in Chemical and MAH
Online registration after confirmation of training co-ordinator
factories. Only 50 participants will be accepted on ‘first come
(Invitation link will be sent to the participant by e-mail)
first serve basis’ to ensure quality learning
Designation _________________________________________________
Category _________________________________________________
Phone No _________________________________________________
Place: ______________
Date: ______________
(Signature of Participant)