Achtung! Cthulhu - Zero Point, PT 3 - Code of Honour
Achtung! Cthulhu - Zero Point, PT 3 - Code of Honour
Achtung! Cthulhu - Zero Point, PT 3 - Code of Honour
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Istanbul is unreal, a wedding cake of spires and minarets against a Mediterranean blue sky,
fluttering like a mirage over the turquoise seas of the Bosphorus.
ACHTUNG! CTHULHU? war of the ghouls (and the Turks) against the serpent people
(and the ancient Byzantines) for control of the city of Istan-
Achtung! Cthulhu is a setting for Lovecraftian roleplaying bul. The scenario has a very different atmosphere to previous
during World War Two, which allows players to investigate, Achtung! Cthulhu scenarios—the investigators are caught
explore, and discover the truth behind the malign influence up not in the conflict of the war, but rather in a cloak and
of the Mythos on the Nazi war machine as war engulfs the dagger struggle of spies and secrets in a neutral country where
globe during 1939-1945. In this world of brave Allied heroes the war is being fought with smiles and secret assassinations.
and two-fisted adventure, players take on the roles of Allied
or indeed Axis servicemen and women, secret agents, or
members of the Resistance; all standing firm against the What’s In This Book?
twisted might of the Black Sun and its Mythos allies which Code of Honour is a complete mini-campaign for Achtung!
hold most of Europe under their sway. Cthulhu, comprising several episodes and an ancient con-
spiracy, as well as being a sourcebook for the city of Istanbul
Code of Honour is intended for use with the Call of Cthulhu, during World War Two. The sections which follow encompass:
Sixth Edition roleplaying game by Chaosium Inc. and you • Chapter 1: Introduction (this chapter). An introduction
will also need both Achtung! Cthulhu: the Investigator’s to the city and the events of the adventure.
Guide to the Secret War and Achtung! Cthulhu: the • Chapter 2: The City of Istanbul. Detailed background
Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War to play. Pre-generated information on the people, life, and key locations of
investigators can be found at the end of the adventure Istanbul in 1942—the “city of spies”.
(pp.79-82) or, alternatively, players can use their existing • Chapter 3: Factions and Characters. An overview of
characters or create new ones using the Call of Cthulhu the political, intelligence, and occult factions at large in
rules and the guidelines found in Achtung! Cthulhu: the wartime Istanbul.
Investigator’s Guide to the Secret War. • Chapter 4: Secrets and Spies. Descriptions of the “trade-
craft” of espionage and how to manage the many secrets
which are the spy’s stock-in-trade.
658 BC: Byzas founds the city of Byzantium following the 1914: Turkey enters the Great War on the side of Germany.
advice of the Oracle of Delphi. 1918: Turkey signs an armistice, under whose terms the
1st century AD: Byzantium gradually comes under the allies occupy Istanbul for 5 years.
authority of the Roman Empire. 1922: The Sultanate is abolished.
330: Constantine the Great moves the capital of the 1923: The Allies leave Istanbul. A Turkish Republic is
Roman Empire from Rome to Byzantium, which he renames declared, and the capital is moved to Ankara. Mustafa
Constantinople. Kemal Pasha (Ataturk) becomes President..
395: The Roman Empire is divided, and Constantinople 1924: Abolition of the Caliphate.
becomes capital of the Eastern Roman Empire. 1925: The European hat is adopted in place of the fez.
655: Constantinople is besieged by the Arabs for the The international calendar and time system is adopted.
first time. 1928: Latin alphabet and numerical system replaces
1204-61: Constantinople falls to the Crusaders, who the Arabic.
establish a short-lived “Latin Empire” before being expelled. 1932: Language reform removes Arabic words.
1299: The Ottoman Empire is established in Anatolia. 1934: The metric system and family names (surnames)
1357: The Ottomans extend into Europe, beginning to are introduced.
surround Constantinople. 1935: Sunday becomes a day of rest, instead of Friday.
1361: The Ottomans make Adrianople, now called Edirne, 1938: Mustapha Kemal Pasha dies. Ismet Inonu of the
their capital, effectively cutting off Constantinople from the People’s Party (the only political party) becomes President;
rest of Europe. Saracolu becomes his foreign minister.
1453: Byzantium, the city of Constantinople, falls to Sultan 1939-1941: While war rages in Europe, Turkey remains
Mehmet II and the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman capital is neutral. Istanbul becomes a hotbed of espionage, with
moved there the following year. representatives of over 17 intelligence agencies—Allied,
1710: Turkey declares war on Russia, and Russian Axis, and otherwise.
Ambassador Tolstoy is imprisoned at the Castle of the 7th December 1941: The Japanese attack Pearl Harbour.
Seven Towers (p.28). The USA rapidly enters the war on the side of the Allies.
1854: The Crimean War. Turkey declares war on Russia, A few weeks ago: The Ahnenerbe discover the ancient
and is aided by Great Britain, France, and Italy. Florence temple in the Punic dig in North Africa (p.54).
Nightingale organises a group of women nurses in the A week or so ago: Ahnenerbe archaeologist Professor Ion
Uskudar hospital (p.27). Golescu discovers the legendary lost tomb of the Marble
1898: The Sultan concedes a constitution for the Emperor in Istanbul (p.60-61).
Turkish state. The past week: The Varangian Order finds out about the
1909: Sultan Abdulhamid II is deposed, succeeded by Ahnenerbe discovery, attacks the dig, and steals the Akakia,
Mahmud V. part of the ancient Byzantine regalia. Lily Warner, an Allied
1912: Turkey fights the Balkan War against Bulgaria, intelligence asset, is killed, but leaves a message for one of
Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia, and loses the territories the investigators.
west of Edirne. Now (early 1942): The investigators assemble in Istanbul.
years for the rediscovery of the ancient key which can open
the Gates of Micklegard.
What the Investigators
Recent Events Might Find
In recent weeks, a Nazi Ahnenerbe expedition to the moun- Code of Honour has the potential to be a complex
tain of Jebel Chambi in North Africa (code-named “CASE adventure; Istanbul is awash with secrets, intrigue,
ELEPHANT BLACK” and sometimes referred to as “the conspiracies, and dodgy dealings, and players may
Punic Dig”—see p.54) has discovered ruins of a pre-Phoe- initially find themselves floundering, with no clear way
nician snake cult and references to an ancient subterranean to sift through the information. The episodes beginning
realm of “serpent people” beneath the Mediterranean Sea. on p.46 provide guidance for Keepers to structure inves-
The secret masters of the Ahnenerbe, the Black Sun, already tigator activities in the city, and also to gradually make
obsessed with the search for an entrance to a fabled hollow secrets and Mythos information discoverable to the
earth, have ordered the Ahnenerbe to begin a thorough investigators and their foes, but essentially the following
investigation. key items of information are up for grabs:
The attention of the Black Sun has been drawn to a
fresco in the Jebel Chambi ruins, depicting a serpent demon • The investigators may discover what the Nazis are
named “Aciel” climbing from the abyss bearing a “sun of initially looking for—the stolen regalia—and uncover
darkness” with which it laid waste to its enemies. The fresco the tentative link Professor Golescu (p.37) and
appears to have been maintained well into the historical the Ahnenerbe are making with the discoveries at the
era—coinciding with the period of the Roman settlement of Punic dig.
Cillium at the foot of Mount Jebel Chambi, which survived • As the adventure progresses, they may uncover the
up to the 7th century as a Byzantine city. secret Mythos history of Istanbul—what lies beneath
the city, and what is at stake.
• They may realise the Nazis want to ally with the
Varangian Order, and the serpent people behind
The tomb contained not only a body, them; and they may stop them.
but also what appears to be the Imperial • They may discover the existence of the ancient
regalia, including the baton-like Servants of Mehmet, and their shadowy collabora-
Akakia, with its serpentine symbolism, tors, the ghouls; they may even ally with them.
and writings referencing “St Azel’s Bell” • They may find out about the ritual of St Azel’s Bell,
and the demon Aciel it’s said to summon; and about
and the “Gates of Micklegard”.
the Ahnenerbe’s discovery of the same information.
• They may find out about the “Punic Device” found at
the Punic dig, and what the Ahnenerbe think it may
At the same time, a secret Ahnenerbe dig in Istanbul be used for—and why they become so interested the
has uncovered what may be the lost tomb of Constantine Ritual of St Azel’s Bell if they find out about it.
Palaeologus, the “Marble Emperor”. The tomb contained • Finally, the investigators may find out about Jebel
not only a body, but also what appears to be the Imperial Chambi, CASE ELEPHANT BLACK, and get an early
regalia, including the baton-like Akakia (“ah-kah-keeya”), insight into the plan of Himmler and the Black Sun—
with its serpentine symbolism, and writings referencing “St the Nazi search for an occult superweapon which will
Azel’s Bell” and the “Gates of Micklegard”. Ahnenerbe win the war. Optionally this can be a direct link to
archaeologist Professor Ion Golescu of the Istanbul dig has Zero Point 1943: The Kasserine Conspiracy.
put two and two together, and now believes there may be a
link between the tomb and the Punic dig in North Africa.
Golescu isn’t sure what it all means yet, but his mind is drift-
ing towards hidden entrances to the hollow earth and the
powerful occult rituals of a prehistoric snake cult in the Med- Lily Warner (codename: ARDENT), has inadvertently
iterranean basin, remains of which may still exist beneath alerted the clandestine forces of the ancient Varangian
Istanbul. Believing (correctly) that the discovery may be Order. Only days ago, Varangian agents broke into the lost
vital to the nefarious projects of the Black Sun, he is trying tomb and stole the Akakia from the Ahnenerbe, killing an
to find out more, with a view to facilitating his own entry Ahnenerbe operative and agent ARDENT in the process.
into the organisation—and his subsequent rise... Electrified by the rediscovery of the ancient key to the Gates
The Ahnenerbe have kept their discoveries secret. of Micklegard, the Varangian Order is awakening from slum-
In Istanbul, however, the failed mission of an Allied spy, ber, and ancient forces are once again on the move...
Istanbul! The Queen of Cities, the Sublime Porte, old The ancient hero Byzas, on the instruction of the Oracle at
Constantinople, ancient Byzantium, the seat of the Roman Delphi, is said to have founded a settlement here 700 years
Empire in the East for a thousand years after the fall of Rome. before the birth of Christ. Darius and the Persians crossed
City of secrets, of sultans, capital of the Ottoman Empire for here to attack the Greeks, and the Greeks took it back again
five hundred years! Its very name conjures up images of the later. It was besieged by Philip of Macedon, owned by Alex-
exotic orient—of harems, sultans, and Turkish delights. ander the Great, and attacked by the Gauls, all before it ever
In World War Two the fledgling Republic of Turkey became part of the Empire of Rome.
maintains a cautious neutrality, quietly favouring the Allies
but careful to do nothing that would prompt Hitler, already
on their doorstep just a hundred miles north, from invading.
With its old wooden buildings and over two millennia of The ancient hero Byzas, on the instruction
history, the city of Istanbul would suffer like no other from of the Oracle at Delphi, is said
a single night of Blitzkrieg, and so it conducts a meticulous to have founded a settlement here
diplomacy, providing a strange neutral ground where enemies 700 years before the birth of Christ.
who would otherwise be pounding one another with mur-
derous artillery share cocktails while their agents attempt to
steal advantage in this lethal secret war.
This chapter provides historical, cultural, and geo- In 324 AD the Roman emperor Constantine the Great
graphical background for wartime adventures in the city of saw the great advantage of Byzantium’s strategic position,
Istanbul. and took the city for his own, moving the capital of the
Empire here from Rome. Renamed “New Rome”, it later
gained his name also, becoming known as Constantinople—
LOCATIONS Prost, Ataturk Boulevard links the Golden Horn with the Sea
of Marmara, a 50m-wide roadway 3km long. At the moment
Istanbul is a vast city, with a profound history and a pleth- it’s a building site, with open sections and areas under con-
ora of architectural wonders which makes it one of the most struction, where ancient shambles have been demolished and
beautiful cities in the world. Any attempt to describe it can cleared to make way for the new modern thoroughfare. When
only scratch the surface, and there are many great resources, it’s finished and planted with trees it should look magnificent;
both printed and online, to satisfy whatever degree of depth at the moment it feels a bit like No Man’s Land.
a Keeper needs. What follows is a short overview of the city
and its main landmarks and locations, with an emphasis on ATATURK BRIDGE
those which will make for interesting or exciting locations in One of the two bridges across the Golden Horn, and also
play. All locations are referenced on the Istanbul city map on known as “Pont Gazi” or simply “the New Bridge”, it was
pp.14-15; note that not all locations on the map are described. constructed between 1936 and 1940. It’s a pontoon bascule
bridge (a floating drawbridge) and is raised (and therefore
ABDULLAH’S RESTAURANT impassable) between 5.30am and 6.30am every day.
86 Istiklal Avenue, Beyoglu
A fine late 19th century restaurant serving sumptuous Istan- AYAZ PASHA
bul cuisine, Abdullah’s is often thick with spies and sellers of A wide curved avenue lined with shady plane trees in Beyo-
information—some of it true, some of it false or planted by glu, leading up from the Dolmabahce Palace to Taksim
Square. The Park Hotel and German Consulate are located no longer exists. The gate and its neighbourhood are now
here, and numerous apartment buildings line the avenue and named after migrants who settled here from Belgrade in the
its side streets. 16th century. The area is whispered to be riddled with under-
ground burial chambers.
BANKALAR CADDESI Keeper’s Note: The cemeteries here are likely haunted
Istanbul’s principal banking quarter is reminiscent of Wall by Wali Dede’s children (see p.44).
Street or the City of London. The Turkish Central Bank is
located here, as are many other banks, including European BESIKTAS
ones; others can be found along Istiklal Avenue. A district of Istanbul to the north of Beyoglu, gradually
becoming part of urban Istanbul. Legend says there was once
BARBAROS MAUSOLEUM a church here with a stone from the stable where Jesus was
Barbarossa Pasha was the admiral who secured Ottoman born as its relic. It’s a fairly affluent and pleasant part of the
dominance in the Mediterranean Sea in the 16th century. city, and includes the Dolmabahce Palace and the Barbaros
His mausoleum is a tower-like structure built in 1541 at the Mausoleum.
site where his fleet used to assemble, and which is now the
Besiktas ferry’s embarkation point. BEYAZIT MOSQUE
Located in a cluster of trees on the east side of Beyazit Place,
BASILICA CISTERN this mosque was built in the early 1500s on the orders of
Also known the Yerebetan Saray, this underground water Sultan Beyazit II, the son of Mehmet II the Conqueror,
cistern has a modest hut for an entrance which masks the whose tomb lies in its gardens, together with that of his little
hugely impressive subterranean interior, a vast chamber 453ft daughter. In layout it’s reminiscent of Hagia Sophia. Pigeons
(138m) by 212ft (65m) in size—an area of over 100,000 flock in its courtyard, as well as peddlers selling perfumes and
square feet (almost 10,000 square metres)—containing 336 rosaries beneath old cypress trees. There’s also an imaret free
marble columns each 30ft (9m) high. It’s filled with water to kitchen and a medrese school, the latter of which has recently
several feet (a couple of metres) in depth, although it could been allocated to the Museum of the Revolution and the
obviously hold much more. It used to feed the gardens of the Municipal Library.
imperial palaces, and received water from the aqueducts of
Valens (p.27) and Hadrian. BEYAZIT PLACE
Nowadays it’s generally closed to the public; officially you Beyazit Place is an open square on top of one of the old city’s
can only get access in the afternoons of Mondays, Wednes- seven hills, at 203ft (60m). It’s the old site of the Forum of
days, Fridays, and Saturdays. That shouldn’t stop resourceful Theodosius (also known as the Forum Tauri—the “forum of
investigators, though. the bull”) built by Constantine the Great. Officially named
Keeper’s Note: Sometimes there’s a boat moored at “Freedom Place”, it’s known as Beyazit Place because of the
the bottom of the entrance stairway, against the cistern’s Beyazit Mosque next to it. It stands directly in front of the
southern. People can also be seen sneaking in and out on Serasker Gate, the main entrance to Istanbul’s university.
rare occasions, usually in the dead of night. There’s a hidden
entrance to the secret headquarters of the Varangian Order BEYOGLU
(p.66) in the northern wall of the cistern, and also a connec- A district of Istanbul, traditionally known as Pera, from
tion to the lost catacombs beneath Hagia Sophia (p.74). See “Peyre”, the Genoese town in this area in the Middle Ages.
p.75 for more about furtive goings-on in the Basilica Cistern. Beyoglu stands on the hills to the northeast of the Golden
Horn, reaching some 335ft (100m) high, and is the “Euro-
pean” part of Istanbul, with a sizable foreign community, a
People can also be seen sneaking richer class of inhabitants, and modern shops and hotels and
many consulates—and of course spies.
in and out on rare occasions, usually
in the dead of night.
Sometimes called the Cistern of Philoxenus, this vast under-
ground cistern measures 210ft (64m) by 184ft (56m) and
BEBEK comprises 224 columns. It’s been empty since Byzantine days
A wealthy waterfront suburb to the north of Besiktas. It’s the and is currently disused (and fairly full of refuse). It’s usually
location of the all-male Robert College, an American school. locked, although the key can be obtained from the porter at
the nearby Municipality building (although, again, none of
BELGRAD GATE that should stop an intrepid investigator).
A breach in the otherwise fairly well-preserved Theodo- Keeper’s Note: Binbirdirek is ghoul-haunted, and one of
sian Walls, the framework of the former Xylokerkos gate the entry points to their tunnels beneath the city.
Probably most easily approached by boat, the rather steep German book-seller on the corner with the old tree doesn’t
hill on which this palace is built originally lay outside the just sell books…
Theodosian Walls. It was completed in the early 6th cen-
tury, and eventually enlarged and incorporated into the BOSPHORUS
city enclosure. In the 12th century it became the imperial The narrow strait, some 20 miles (32km) long and running
residence, containing a great palace with fine churches and roughly north-south, which separates Europe from Asia
extensive gardens, and courtyards whose porticos were famed and which links the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara (and
for their beauty. When the Crusaders conquered the city in thereby the Mediterranean). Istanbul lies at the southern
1204 they were dazzled by its opulence. end of the strait, which at this point is alive with ferries,
When the city fell to the Ottomans in 1453, Blachernae’s freighters, fishing boats, and endless traffic. At its widest (at
proximity to the city’s defences was fatal, and it was pillaged the northern end) the Bosphorus is roughly 2 miles (3km)
and burned down. Today it’s a ruin; no serious excavation has across, narrowing to only 750 yards (700m) about half way.
ever been done here, and rumour speaks of untold treasures At Istanbul it’s about 1¾ miles (2.8km).
in its depths. The northern and eastern boundaries are still
visible, where strong walls still outline the palace’s grounds, BOUKOLEON PALACE RUINS
but elsewhere fragments of walls, arches, and columns are The ancient headquarters of the Varangian Guard, the
all that remain. Boukoleon Palace has been ruined for centuries. A large por-
tion was removed in 1873 to make way for the railway line
BLUE MOSQUE to Sirkeci.
Also known as the Sultan Ahmet Mosque, this huge mosque Keeper’s Note: There’s probably no physical connection
with its six minarets rivals Hagia Sophia in the skyline of to the Varangian Order lair, although the Varangian Club
the old city, and is considered one of the most beautiful in (p.27) is nearby.
Istanbul. Built in the early 17th century on the site of the old
Palace of Hagia Sophia. CAGALOGLU
A neighbourhood on the southern edge of Eminonu to the
BOOK MARKET east of Fatih in Istanbul’s old city and the centre of its pub-
There’s a secondhand book market in the narrow passage, lishing industry; all the main newspapers and periodicals
shaded by plane trees, near the Beyazit Mosque, with vari- have offices here. It’s also renowned for its famous Turkish
ous barrows specialising in books in different languages. The bath, the Cagaloglu Hammam.
One of the towers in the Theodosian Walls between the Mesrutiyet Avenue, Tepebasi, Beyoglu
Mole and the Golden Gate. It’s named for the exceedingly A popular yet somewhat high-brow European-style theatre
ancient “Chi-Rho” inscription on its walls. popular with the intelligentsia, affluent classes, and foreign
community. A stone’s throw from the British consulate, it has
CIHANGIR an indoor theatre for use in winter and an outdoor summer
A neighbourhood of Beyoglu where it slopes down towards theatre. An excellent place for clandestine encounters.
the Bosphorus, often giving spectacular views. There are
numerous modern apartment blocks here, built since the CONTINENTAL HOTEL
1920s, often used as company flats. Wartime fuel rationing 153 Mesrutiyet Avenue, Tepebasi, Beyoglu
has meant that their otherwise luxurious central heating runs Almost across from the British consulate and the Comedy
tepid even in winter. Theatre, Shai (Zionist intelligence) agents are known to
work out of here.
An open cistern near the Edirne Gate known as the “Sunken DIVANYOLU CEMETERY
Garden” in Turkish. It dates to the early 5th century, although Most cemeteries are outside the walls of old Byzantium, but
it’s dry and used by children playing—although they’re always this is within, next to the revered tomb of Sultan Mahmud
sure to leave before dark. The old folk tell of the “grand old II (not the same as Mehmet II “the Conqueror”). There
man of the night” who comes here on the nights of the full
moon. It’s supposed to be bad luck to see his shadow.
Keeper’s Note: There are wells and cellars in the area
that link to the ghoul tunnels beneath the city.
There are several Mythos texts referenced in Code of Spells: Contact Ghoul. Secrets: esoteric knowledge of the
Honour. In addition to lore and possible spells, these texts Catacombs of Istanbul; Mythos knowledge of Beneath Hagia
may also provide information on Istanbul’s secrets (see Sophia (p.54), the Servants of Mehmet (p.56).
Chapter 4: Secrets and Spies, p.46). Which secrets are
discussed can be uncovered simply by skimming each book; SACRED WISDOM OF THE LIGHT WITHIN—in
gaining the knowledge requires at least another 2D6 hours Byzantine Greek, c. 15th century, author Nikephoros
per secret, and a successful language roll. Astrologos the Elder. Illuminated manuscript, folio. Copies
of this text can be found in the Library of the Jesuits of
CODEX PORPHYRIUS—in Byzantine Greek, c. 16th Ayaz Pasha (p.24), and in the Valusian Library (p.67). It’s
century, author unknown. Quarto, vellum cover, printed filled with esoteric Orthodox mysticism, and describes the
(Venice) 1521. Copies of this text can be found in the journey of St Azel through the Gates of Micklegard to the
Librairie Pandore (p.22), Library of Ahmet III (below), the “world within”, after the holy prayer to open them was
Valusian Library (p.67), and the library of the Cloister of the revealed to him by the Great Mother. A Church Slavonic re-
Servants of Mehmet (p.68). An occult text deriving from cension of this text also exists in the library of the Ukrainian
Byzantine occult teachings and sorcery, it directly mentions SSR in Kiev. Sanity loss 1D2/1D6; Cthulhu Mythos +2
by name a powerful book of ancient forbidden lore called Percentiles; Occult +5 percentiles; average 4 weeks to
the Valusian Codex (see below). Sanity loss 1/1D3; Cthulhu study and comprehend. Spells: Dream Vision, Find Gate,
Mythos +1 percentile; Occult +5 percentiles; average 2 Wandering Soul. Secrets: esoteric knowledge of the Akakia
weeks to study and comprehend. Spells: None. Secrets: (p.54), the Gates of Micklegard (p.55), the Marble Emperor
exoteric knowledge of the Akakia (p.54), the Marble Emperor (p.55), the Ritual of St Azel’s Bell (p.56).
(p.55), the Ritual of the Empress in Purple (p.56), the Tomb
of Constantine Palaeologus (p.57). VALUSIAN CODEX—in early Byzantine Greek, c. 8th
century, author unknown. Bound handwritten manuscript,
COMMENTARIES ON THE SHADOW DIVAN OF unconventionally illuminated, 16” x 16” on vellum with
AVNI (AVNI DIVANI GIZLI KITAP)—in Turkish, c. tooled green leather covers. A copy can be found in the
16th century, author unknown. In quarto, vellum-bound Valusian Library (p.67). A very secret book possessed by
with gold tooling, printed on paper, hand-inked. “Avni” the Varangian Order, referenced in the Codex Porphyrius
means “helper”, and was the pen name of Mehmed II for (above). It contains the full text of the Ritual of the Empress
his poetry. The Sultan wrote one known divan or poetry in Purple (p.56) and the Ritual of the Wedding Feast (p.56).
collection, but these Commentaries refer to a “lost divan” Sanity loss 1D4/2D4; Cthulhu Mythos +6 percentiles;
filled with astonishing and esoteric lore. The Commentaries average 12 weeks to study and comprehend. Spells: Candle
are the “instruction manual” of the Servants of Mehmet Communication, Chant of Thoth, Cloud Vision, Hands of
(p.68); a copy of the Edirne recension of the book can be Colubra, Mental Suggestion, Summon / Bind Child of Yig.
found in the Library of Fatih (p.24), and in the Teaching Secrets: Mythos knowledge of the Akakia (p.55), Beneath
Room of the Cloister of the Servants of Mehmet (p.68). Hagia Sophia (p.54), the Gates of Micklegard (p.55), the
Sanity loss 1/1D4; Cthulhu Mythos +4 percentiles; Occult Handmaidens (p.55), the Marble Emperor (p.55), the Ritual
+2 percentiles; average 6 weeks to study and comprehend. of St Azel’s Bell (p.56).
Istanbul during World War 2 has a population of over
900,000. Of course, not all of them are involved in the TURAN, THE MYSTIC
spying game, but enough of them are to make it possible for Ahmet Turan is a Turkish professor of the History of Turkish,
the investigators to encounter all kinds of people working Ottoman, and Byzantine Art at the University of Istanbul.
for all kinds of agendas during their adventures. This chapter He’s also very much inclined towards the mystical side of
provides brief guides to the major factions and significant Islam, and is often sought out by students of Sufism and
figures at large in the city, including sample character stat other interested parties for his insights and opinions. First
blocks where appropriate. impressions can be somewhat underwhelming, as Professor
In each instance, characters and factions have entries Turan is both modest and unassuming; however, he knows an
indicating typically where they may be encountered and awful lot about the religious and mystical history of Istanbul,
what they may be doing (in terms of the locations in and can be a mine of information for the investigators.
Chapter 2: The City of Istanbul, the five “rumour market”
locations in Chapter 4: Secrets and Spies, or the episodes in TYPICAL HAUNT
Chapter 5: Plot Episodes), and also the clues which inves- Academic environments and public places. His day job is in
tigators may gain by encountering and talking with them. In the university; he has rooms in a traditional Ottoman house
many cases these clues refer directly to the secrets described owned by the university in Sultanahmet. In his free time he
in Chapter 4. can often me found wandering just about any of Istanbul’s
cultural centres, gazing around with unaffected wonder.
Praying, reading, teaching, pondering upon imponderables.
Dossier Profiles His readings have occasionally exposed him to the periphery
of the Mythos, which at this stage have strengthened his
In the stat blocks which follow, we’ve included a special faith, and his belief in the need to oppose “the unrighteous”.
entry known as a dossier profile. This represents what
Istanbul’s broader intelligence community knows about CLUES TO BE GAINED
the character: whether he’s a general surveillance target, • Esoteric knowledge of pretty much any legend, religious
a spy, an agent with an interest in the occult, or an agent topic, or appropriate secret (Keeper’s discretion).
involved in the Mythos. Investigators in Istanbul also • Exoteric knowledge of: the Akakia (p.54); the Marble
have dossier profiles of their own. See p.48 for more on Emperor (p.55); the Varangian Order (p.42).
dossier profiles. • He knows about Professor Ion Golescu (p.37) and the dig
underway at Yedikule Castle (p.61).
Dossier Profile: Target 65%, Spy 15%, Occult 15%,
Mythos 05%.
STR 12 DEX 10 INT 18 CON 10
SIZ 13 APP 15 POW 13 EDU 21
SAN 60 Hit Points: 12
Damage Bonus: +1D4.
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 03%, Folklore 91%, History 90%,
History of Art (Turkish, Ottoman, and Byzantine) 94%,
Institutional Lore 66%, Library Use 67%, Listen 58%,
Occult 49%, Persuade 60%, Psychology 60%, Teach 75%,
Theology (Islam) 66%.
Language Skills: Turkish (Own) 90%, Arabic 85%,
Byzantine Greek 45%, French 70%.
Weapons: Fist 50%, damage 1D3+1D4, atts 1.
Appearance: Tall, handsome, sallow cheeked and a little
stooped, with a gentle yet exceedingly bright expression.
He’s modest and self-effacing, and dresses in Western
clothing for work, although he may relax in more
traditional Turkish clothing (p.10) in his own time.
The American intelligence services may still be in their
infancy, but that’s not to say American intelligence agents
are. The consular staff definitely want to keep agents of the
Office of the Coordinator of Information at arm’s length,
though, regarding them as loose cannons. As a result, US
intelligence efforts in Istanbul in early 1942 are mostly a
matter of star individuals working from the ground up while
paper-pushing officials and higher ups get in their way. STR 13 DEX 07 INT 14 CON 10
SIZ 14 APP 14 POW 09 EDU 16
TYPICAL HAUNT SAN 45 Hit Points: 12
Pro-Allies locations, pro-Axis locations, public places, and
society events. Damage Bonus: +1D4.
Skills: Accounting 33%, Bargain 35%, Cryptography 41%,
TYPICAL ACTIVITY Disguise 25%, Dodge 55%, Drive 45%, Espionage 65%,
Determine activities using the rumour market (p.49); Amer- Fast Talk 26%, Hide 41%, Institutional Lore 37%, Library
ican agents often have cover identities as consular officials, Use 31%, Listen 60%, Photography 42%, Psychology 57%,
commercial salesmen, company reps, or “professional wives” Sneak 37%, Spot Hidden 48%.
of any of these.
Language Skills: English (own) 80%, French 26%,
CLUES TO BE GAINED German 22%, Turkish 16%.
• Relatively low-level intelligence information, with no Weapons: Fists 55%, damage 1D3+1D4, atts 1.
real occult or Mythos content; Espionage rolls for dossier
M1911 (Handgun) 66%, damage 1D10+2, atts 1, base range
profiles (p.48) are Difficult.
15 yards.
• Knowledge of Allied intelligence operatives.
Appearance: Excitable, quick with a smile, and freely calls
BRADLEY SORENSEN, AGE 25, “THE TOBACCO everyone “sir” and “ma’am”. His suit is probably a bit too
DEALER” good for a salesman’s, and his accent a bit too educated—
Dossier Profile: Target 50%, Spy 50%, Occult 00%, but who picks up on that?
Mythos 00%.
Dossier Profile: Target 60%, Spy 35%, Occult 5%,
Lily Warner Mythos 00%.
STR 08 DEX 13 INT 18 CON 11
Lily Warner was an American heiress living in Istanbul,
SIZ 09 APP 15 POW 16 EDU 15
and a friend of Nastasya Filippovna Mitroglou (p.39).
A thirty year old peroxide blonde, she was famed for her SAN 65 Hit Points: 10
wild socialising and garrulousness, and her stunning Damage Bonus: None.
looks. What was less known was that she was an asset
Skills: Accounting 62%, Credit Rating 50%, Cryptography
working for American intelligence, codename: ARDENT.
Her mysterious death in the Marble Tower by the ancient 65%, Drive 39%, Espionage 90%, Fast Talk 68%, First Aid
city walls has Istanbul’s high society buzzing! See p.60 51%, Institutional Lore 80%, Law 42%, Library Use 81%,
for more. Listen 61%, Persuade 74%, Photo Interpretation 49%,
Psychology 71%, Radio Operator 36%, Scrounge 54%,
Spot Hidden 60%, Telephony 45%.
Language Skills: English (own) 75%, French 48%,
German 27%, Turkish 39%.
BETTY CARTER, THE Weapons: Webley Service Revolver (Handgun) 60%, damage
SECRETARY 1D10, atts 2, base range 15 yards.
Betty Carter is the US intelligence effort’s secret weapon Appearance: Dark-haired with a pale complexion and very
in Istanbul. A mid-level administrator in the US consulate, red lips, Betty was a stunner when she was younger and
she’s been in Istanbul for over ten years in the same position. is generally held to be a “fine woman” even today. She’s
She knows everyone who’s anyone—not just in the foreign never married, although there are rumours of a “great lost
community, but in the Turkish community too. She has a love”; in fact she’s exceedingly discreet about her personal
reputation for not putting up with any nonsense, but she life, and has been in a long-term relationship with a
also has a love for Istanbul and a respect for its people which Turkish teacher called Ayla—with whom she also shares a
means that she can often achieve things which are otherwise house—since her first year in Istanbul.
impossible for foreigners.
Betty crops up in the most extraordinary places, mostly Betty crops up in the most extraordinary
pro-Allies locations and society events, usually meeting places, mostly pro-Allies locations and
“a friend” in an open and jovial way. She works in the US society events, usually meeting “a friend”
consulate (p.17), but is frequently out on errands, deliv- in an open and jovial way.
ering messages and picking up reports, and always seems
to be having lunch with somebody. She particularly likes
the Flower Passage on Istiklal Avenue (p.18) for meals,
and relaxes with cocktails in the Grand Hotel de Londres
(p.22)—although she’ll go anywhere. BRITISH AGENTS
The Special Operations Executive (SOE) has a solid pres-
TYPICAL ACTIVITY ence in Istanbul associated with the British consulate’s
Delivering messages, running errands, picking up reports, passport and visa office, liaising with other sections of the
drinking cocktails, having lunch or dinner, meeting a friend, Secret Intelligence Service, commanded by Lieutenant
going to society parties. Colonel Harold Gibson. A great deal of their activity is
focussed on activity in the new Axis countries (occupied
CLUES TO BE GAINED or otherwise) in the Balkans, particularly around sabotaging
• Although she doesn’t know anything about the Mythos railways, industry, and the Romanian oil fields.
secrets of Istanbul, she pretty much knows everyone They’re experts at chartering fishing boats and mounting
of importance in the city, and has an encyclopaedic night-time raids into enemy territory—all the while avoiding
memory for events, faces and histories. Turkish attention.
• Exoteric knowledge of all the secrets in Chapter 4:
Secrets and Spies except for the Punic Device (p.55). TYPICAL HAUNT
She doesn’t necessarily believe it all—but she’s heard or Pro-Allied locations, pro-Axis locations, public places, and
read about it somewhere. society events.
Consulting extensive networks of informers, often by stealth THE EMNIYET
at extremely odd hours; relaxing in the Orient Bar at the The Turkish National Security Service or Milli Emniyet Hiz-
Pera Palace Hotel (p.24), or “working” the Snake Pit at the meti (generally called the Emniyet or MAH) operates out
Park Hotel (p.24). of their Istanbul HQ (p.18), their job: to foil the activities
of foreign spies on Turkish soil. They stake out, shadow,
CLUES TO BE GAINED and politely interrogate foreign intelligence operatives and
• Good quality intelligence information. military attaches, and keep dossiers on every alien, and
• Detailed knowledge of Allied intelligence efforts. register reporters and printers. As informants they recruit
• Decent knowledge of Axis intelligence efforts. concierges, hotel doormen, post office officials, street sellers,
taxi drivers, bartenders...
Dossier Profile: Target 75%, Spy 25%, Occult 00%, Pretty much anywhere other spies are active.
Mythos 00%.
STR 10 DEX 12 INT 16 CON 11
Trying to keep a lid on everything. Following orders; spying on
SIZ 14 APP 11 POW 16 EDU 15
spies. Cleaning up. Careless investigators may easily come to
SAN 71 Hit Points: 13
their attention if they aren’t cautious. They take an especially
Damage Bonus: None. dim view of gunplay, and deniable assets of foreign intelligence
Skills: Backgammon 80%, Cryptography 51%, Drive 45%, services have faced the death penalty for murder if caught.
Espionage 75%, Fast Talk 59%, Institutional Lore 60%,
Listen 56%, Locksmith 46%, Persuade 67%, Psychology CLUES TO BE GAINED
• Excellent knowledge of the activities and identities of
68%, Scrounge 58%.
most foreign intelligence agents in Istanbul; Espionage
Language Skills: English (own) 75%, French 40%, rolls for dossier profiles (p.48) are Easy.
German 22%, Turkish 40%. • Upper echelon Emniyet agents have esoteric knowledge
Weapons: Webley Service Revolver (Handgun) 58%, damage of the Servants of Mehmet (p.56), the Tomb of Constan-
1D10, atts 2, base range 15 yards. tine Palaeologus (p.57), the Varangian Order (p.57), and
the Handmaidens (p.55).
Appearance: Middle-aged and balding, with a perennially • Lower echelon Emniyet agents are kept in the dark, but
damp comb-over of lank dark hair, Denis is slightly could be following orders; shadowing them could lead the
overweight and looks every inch the civil servant. He PCs to upper echelon clues.
plays an average game of tennis in the inter-embassy
tournaments, but his avowed passion is a game of OSMAN KAVUR, AGE 34, “THE SECRET
backgammon in one of Istanbul’s many parks, where he POLICEMAN”
takes on all comers (and often leaves with more information Dossier Profile: Target 20%, Spy 75%, Occult 05%,
than he came with...). At parties he always looks a bit Mythos 00%.
crumpled in dinner dress, but makes up for it by hanging out
with the tennis crowd and mixing killer cocktails. STR 12 DEX 08 INT 17 CON 14
SIZ 09 APP 12 POW 14 EDU 13
SAN 57 Hit Points: 12
Damage Bonus: None.
TYPICAL ACTIVITY Language Skills: German (own) 75%, English 29%, French
Consulting with extensive networks of contacts, agents and 45%, Turkish 27%.
informers throughout the city, including within the academic
Weapons: Walther P38 (Handgun) 55%, damage 1D10,
and theological establishments, all the while avoiding the
atts 2, base range 15 yards.
Emniyet. Liaising with undercover Ahnenerbe agents, usu-
ally in academic positions. Communicating with visiting Description: Works for the Sicherheitsdienst as liaison with
representatives of the Black Sun, under conditions of greatest the clandestine Ahnenerbe agents at large in Istanbul.
secrecy. Spying on the Allies, and running counterespionage Average looking, if somewhat cadaverous, he affects a dry,
activities against their agents. Relaxing at the Snake Pit in laconic manner but in reality is becoming increasingly
the Park Hotel (p.24), or out “fishing” at the Pera Palace disturbed by what he’s begun to find out, both about the
Hotel’s Orient Bar (p.24), Abdullah’s (p.12), Ellie’s (p.18), current situation in Istanbul, and also the secret handlers
the Grand Hotel de Londres (p.22), and elsewhere. behind the Ahnenerbe—the Black Sun.
THE HANDMAIDENS Weapons: Bite* 75%, damage 1D8+1+1D4+POT 16
venom, atts 1.
The Handmaidens are a group of strangely sensuous women
Poison Dagger 55%, damage 1D4+1+1D4+POT 16 venom,
who are occasionally seen on the Istanbul social scene.
atts 1.
Almost uncannily beautiful, they have almond eyes, thin
lips, and sleek straight black hair flowing down to the smalls Spells: Bite of Colubra*.
of their backs. They’re rumoured to be spies in the employ of Appearance: Voluptuous and sensuous, with almost
the Emniyet, or some other Turkish agency, or even assassins. snakelike features and sinuous movements, they epitomise
In reality they’re affiliated with the Varangian Club—and the Middle Eastern femme fatale, although their provenance
the Varangian Order, being under the command of Sybilla appears to be more Byzantine than Ottoman. They’re
Theraponou, the Varangian Priestess (p.42). lethal if they need to be, and use their seductive wiles to
put potential victims off their guard.
Society events, the Varangian Club (p.27), the Varangian *Their Bite of Colubra spell works similarly to Hands of
Order (p.42), anywhere in the company of Sybilla Theraponou. Colubra (Call of Cthulhu Sixth Edition p.237), except that
it gives the Handmaidens snake fangs and a poison bite.
Gathering information (usually by seduction and / or vio-
lence); assassinating or kidnapping people for the Varangian
Order or Priestess.
• Extensive knowledge of Istanbul secret and occult
• Mythos knowledge of Aciel (p.53), the Akakia (p.54),
Beneath Hagia Sophia (p.54), the Catacombs of Istan-
bul (p.55), the Gates of Micklegard (p.55), the Marble
Emperor (p.55), the Ritual of the Empress in Purple
(p.56), the Ritual of St Azel’s Bell (p.56), the Ritual
of the Wedding Feast (p.56), the Servants of Mehmet
(p.56), the Varangian Order (p.57).
On the 24th of February, 1942, an event occurs which makes Within two days the Emniyet makes a breakthrough, iden-
the lives of anyone involved in intelligence activity that much tifying a 25-year old Yugoslav student named Omer Tokat as
more difficult, risky, and downright dangerous. That morning, the perpetrator. A member of the Yugoslav Communist party,
an attempt is made on the life of Franz Von Papen, the he had enrolled in Istanbul University in October 1940. The
German Ambassador to Turkey, in the capital of Ankara. police surround the Soviet consulate in Istanbul, demanding
A portable bomb explodes prematurely, killing the bomber; several suspects be surrendered for questioning; some are
the ambassador and his wife are lightly injured. discovered trying to flee the country.
For a time, the event sends shockwaves through the The Russian press launches an offensive, accusing Turkey
diplomatic community. Despite the fact that millions are dying of yielding to “fascist pressure”. The US and British believe
in the war in Europe, somehow the assassination is deemed a that Turkey shouldn’t proceed with the investigation against
breach of etiquette. No one knows who is behind the attack— their erstwhile ally, and try to gently pressure the Turkish
but there’s no shortage of suspects. The Germans blame the authorities to back off.
Allies, and particularly the Russians; the ambassador thinks it’s The trial begins in 1942, and the two Turkish defendants
the British. Moscow hints the Gestapo were behind the attack, confess they were acting on Soviet orders to try and force
and TASS (the Soviet press agency) publishes “evidence” Turkey’s entry into the war against the Germans. On April
that papers found in the remains of the bomber tie him to the 18th Turkey’s foreign minister declares Turkey is willing to risk
German Embassy. war with Russia. The Russians deny everything. On June 17th,
The Emniyet steps up operations against all dubious the courts find all four defendants guilty, sentencing them to
activity in Istanbul and across Turkey, and intelligence work terms between 10 and 20 years. The scandal surrounding the
suddenly assumes a far more urgent character and—if case drags on in the press for many months thereafter.
discovered—is punished with far greater severity. And yet the The assassination crisis is constantly simmering in the
Turkish authorities must be careful—accusing any state runs background during the events of Code of Honour. The Keeper
the risk of plunging Turkey into war. may wish to use it to make the investigators’ lives that bit
more difficult.
Damage Bonus: +1D4. often stays “somewhere else”. Anyone successfully searching
Professor Golescu’s Park Hotel rooms, or tailing him when
Skills: Accounting 35%, Credit Rating 42%, Cryptography
he leaves (p.49), may find the way to the Ahnenerbe dig
41%, Espionage 40%, Fast Talk 27%, History 32%,
(p.60), or the room he secretly maintains at a cheap hotel
Institutional Lore 56%, Law 26%, Library Use 41%, Listen
in Yedikule, where he is currently stashing the remaining
40%, Psychology 39%, Spot Hidden 34%, Telephony 35%.
imperial regalia from the dig (minus the Akakia, of course—
Language Skills: German (own) 75%, English 29%, see p.60), as well as the Glass From Leng.
French 36%, Turkish 19%.
Weapons: Walther PP (Handgun) 25%, damage 1D8, atts 3, TYPICAL ACTIVITY
base range 10 yards. These are Golescu’s activities by episode and scene (see p.58).
They parallel those of the investigators, as he gradually works
Appearance: A strong-looking woman with flax- out what’s going on at roughly the same time they do.
yellow hair and a solid build, the epitome of “German • Trying to retrieve the Akakia (p.54).
motherhood”—except that she’s married very firmly to her • Trying to find out about the Varangian Order (p.42),
career. She’s generally unarmed, although she can check Servants of Mehmet (p.41).
out a Walther in an emergency. • Trying to find out about the investigators.
• Trying to find out about the Ritual of the Empress in
Purple (p.70), probably in Episode Two: The Varangian
Order (p.64).
Golescu now believes the Punic Device
• Trying to inform Himmler, in Episode Two: The Varan-
and the Akakia may have something to do gian Order or Episode Three: The Varangian Ball (p.72).
with a powerful ancient weapon. • Trying to become the Marble Emperor in Episode Three:
The Varangian Ball.
Pro-Allied locations, pro-Axis locations, public places, and
society events.
• A good knowledge of Axis intelligence agents and
• A relatively low knowledge of Allied intelligence
agents and activity; Espionage rolls for dossier profiles
are Difficult.
• Useful contacts throughout the Istanbul diplomatic and
foreign community.
SYBILLA THERAPONOU, Preparing for the return of the Marble Emperor (p.55)
THE VARANGIAN and the Rituals of the Wedding Feast and the Empress in
Actually a member of the Varangian Order (p.42), but not CLUES TO BE GAINED
at all a public figure, Sybilla Theraponou is a serpent woman Sybilla is hardly amenable to interview, but as might be
hybrid, and extremely long-lived. Amongst those who know expected her knowledge is profound. She has Mythos knowl-
of her (very few, but perhaps including the older inhabitants edge of all the secrets in Chapter 4: Secrets and Spies.
of her immediate neighbourhood), there are rumours that How to get that information out of her is another matter.
she’s been alive for centuries.
Dossier Profile: Target 00%, Spy 00%, Occult 50%,
Mythos 50%.
STR 06 DEX 10 INT 18+ CON 13
SIZ 08 APP 06 POW 22 EDU 18
Hit Points: 11
Damage Bonus: -1D4.
Skills: Conceal 40%, Cthulhu Mythos 40%, Disguise 62%,
Dodge 46%, Fast Talk 72%, Hide 77%, History 90%,
Listen 74%, Occult 60%, Persuade 60%, Psychology 79%,
See in the Dark 67%, Sense Heat 50%, Sneak 65%, Spot
Hidden 82%, Theology (Orthodox Christianity) 90%.
Language Skills: Byzantine Greek (own), English 30%,
French 55%, German 36%, Modern Greek 70%,
Turkish 60%.
Weapons: Knife 60%, damage 1D4+2-1D4, atts 1.
Spells: Candle Communication, Chant of Thoth, Cloud of
Memory, Flesh Ward, Food of Life, Hands of Colubra,
Ritual of the Empress in Purple, Ritual of the Wedding
Feast, Wither Limb.
Appearance: Sybilla has the appearance of an impossible
old woman—wrinkled beyond measure, with skin like
old leather, and no teeth. Her rheumy eyes sparkle with a
preternatural energy, however, and her tongue darts out to
moisten her dried and shrivelled lips. She wears ancient
clothes that were once rich and gorgeous Byzantine silks.
prepared to die rather than betray the STR 14 DEX 14 INT 11 CON 15
order’s existence to the outside world. SIZ 12 APP 13 POW 10 EDU 14
SAN 45 Hit Points: 14
Damage Bonus: +1D4.
ANDRONIKOS EUGENIKOS, AKA “OMER Skills: Cryptography 24%, Dodge 52%, Drive 46%,
UZUNER”, AGE 51, “THE PUPPET MASTER” Espionage 20%, Fast Talk 36%, First Aid 49%, Hide 60%,
Dossier Profile: Target 100%, Spy 00%, Occult 00%, Institutional Lore 45%, Law 52%, Library Use 48%,
Mythos 00%. Listen 45%, Locksmith 38%, Occult 05%, Persuade 63%,
STR 12 DEX 09 INT 17 CON 12 Psychology 57%, Sneak 46%, Spot Hidden 51%, Track 29%.
SIZ 12 APP 14 POW 18 EDU 19 Language Skills: Turkish (own) 70%, English 25%,
SAN 31 Hit Points: 13 French 38%, German 28%.
Damage Bonus: +1D4. Weapons: Webley .38 Service Revolver (Handgun) 60%,
damage 1D10, atts 2, base range 15 yards.
Skills: Art History 70%, Credit Rating 83%, Cryptography
30%, Cthulhu Mythos 19%, Dodge 34%, Drive 46%, Fist 65%, damage 1D3+1D6, atts 1.
Espionage 40%, Fast Talk 72%, History 56%, Institutional Grapple 53%, damage special.
Lore 95%, Law 81%, Library Use 64%, Listen 61%, Occult
65%, Persuade 80%, Psychology 66%, Spot Hidden 46%, Description: A typical plainclothes policeman wearing
Theology (Orthodox Christianity) 39%. what plainclothes policeman all around the world seem to
wear. He smokes constantly, swears like a trooper, and is
Language Skills: Modern Greek (own) 90%, Turkish very free with his fists. He has a weakness for the ladies,
(own) 95%, Byzantine Greek 80%, English 27%, French and for being bought expensive drinks, especially scotch.
60%, German 35%.
Weapons: Walther PP (Handgun) 42%, damage 1D8, atts 3, Ottoman conquest, many more came with the Sultan from
base range 10 yards. their ancient realms in the Middle East, and have cooperated
with the Servants of Mehmet (p.41) ever since to thwart
Spells: Candle Communication, Chant of Thoth, Cloud
the Varangian Order and keep the Gates of Micklegard
Memory, Hands of Colubra, Mental Suggestion.
closed—the key to their dominance over Istanbul’s secret
Description: Eugenikos, as his alter ego Omer Uzuner, is an subterranean world.
elite official in the upper echelons of Istanbul’s municipal The ghouls of Istanbul are led by Wali Dede, “Grand-
government, and highly placed to ensure no undue attention father”, an ancient and powerful individual who claims to
is ever paid to rumours about the Order. He’s sophisticated, remember when Constantine first brought the One God to
urbane, and handsome, affecting European dress and the city.
manners, although he rarely attends public functions,
preferring a life of secrecy and seclusion. Politically well- TYPICAL HAUNT
placed investigators may recognise him from the halls Any of Istanbul’s many cemeteries, both inside and outside
of power. its walls. Also the cisterns, including those now dry and
above ground, which are favourite haunts on dark nights.
Finally they know all the city’s ancient tunnels and cata-
There have always been ghouls beneath Istanbul. To those TYPICAL ACTIVITY
aware of the deep secrets beneath the world, this will come Communicating with the Servants of Mehmet (p.41) about
as no surprise. For centuries they were hunted and oppressed the hunt for the Akakia (p.54), and later the true HQ of the
by the agents of the Empress in Purple (p.2) but, after the Varangian Order (when the Varangian Club turns out to be a
red herring—see p.66). Later, attacking anyone suspected of NIKEPHOROS, “THE STARGAZER” RUMINATING
being in the Varangian Order, or having the Akakia. GHOUL / SERVITOR GHOUL
Dossier Profile: Target 00%, Spy 00%, Occult 00%,
• Profound knowledge about the history and secret places
STR 19 DEX 08 INT 15 CON 14
of Istanbul.
SIZ 10 POW 09
• Esoteric knowledge of the Varangian Order (p.57).
Hit Points: 12
• Mythos knowledge of Aciel (p.53), the Akakia (p.54),
Beneath Hagia Sophia (p.54), the Gates of Micklegard Damage Bonus: +1D4.
(p.55), the Ritual of the Empress in Purple (p.56), the Skills: Astronomy 60%, Burrow 76%, Climb 88%, Hide
Ritual of St Azel’s Bell (p.56), the Servants of Mehmet 63%, Jump 81%, Listen 73%, Scent Decay 69%, Sneak
(p.56), the Tomb of Constantine Palaeologus (p.57). 87%, Spot Hidden 52%.
• If the investigators are able to somehow gain the cooper-
ation of the ghouls, they can lead them through the city’s Language Skills: Gibbering Arabic 42%, Gibbering Greek
tunnels to any cistern or other similar area undetected. 65%, Meeping Turkish 57%.
They know about the tunnels beneath Hagia Sophia, but Weapons: Bite 33%, damage 1D6+1D4+worry, atts 1.
won’t reveal them to anyone, unless requested to by the
Servants of Mehmet (p.56). Claws 45%, damage 1D6+1D4, atts 1.
Spells: Alter Weather, Create Mist of Releh.
Armour: Firearms and projectiles do half damage.
His eyes sparkle with brilliance,
however, and he seems to enjoy Sanity Loss: 0/1D6.
talking with everyone, if only to Appearance: A loyal servitor of Grandfather, and a ghoul
meep knowingly at their naivety. the investigators are likely to meet. His skin is elaborately
scarified with astrological symbols and the outlines of
zodiacal symbols. He has deep mystical opinions, and loves
to stare at the stars.
Dossier Profile: Target 00%, Spy 00%, Occult 00%,
Mythos 100%.
STR 13 DEX 07 INT 18 CON 14
SIZ 14 POW 17 Other Factions in
Hit Points: 14
Damage Bonus: +1D4.
The above factions are by no means the only forces oper-
Skills: Burrow 88%, Climb 97%, Hide 80%, Jump 91%, ating in the city. There are smugglers and fishermen from
Listen 83%, Scent Decay 92%, Sneak 95%, Spot all over who’ve settled in the Bosphorus for the lucrative
Hidden 71%. yet dangerous work, spies from the Free French and the
Language Skills: Gibbering Arabic 70%, Meeping French Jewish Agency, and even the Papal Legate, Monsignor
37%, Gibbering German 29%, Meeping Turkish 80%. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, a vigorous anti-fascist who
plays a dangerous game of dining with the Germans
Weapons: Bite 58%, damage 1D6+1D4+worry, atts 1.
while using his office to smuggle Jewish refugees out
Claws 65%, damage 1D6+1D4, atts 1. of Europe. His assistant, Monsignor Rici, is a most
Spells: Blight / Bless Crop, Bring Haboob, Cloud Memory, unattractive little man, and operates a secret wireless for
Contact Nodens, Dust of Suleiman, Enthrall Victim, Heal, Italian military intelligence.
Raise Night Fog.
Armour: Firearms and projectiles do half damage.
Sanity Loss: 0/1D6.
Appearance: Wali Dede is an ancient ghoul, his skin
em be r t hi s: t he an cient sultans
Rem heir arsenal
used everything in t Everything.
loathsome with wattles and rugose excrescences. His eyes
sparkle with brilliance, however, and he seems to enjoy
talking with everyone, if only to meep knowingly at their
naivety. to take this city.
- Nathan Chance
Istanbul is one of the great spy cities of World War Two. BRITISH
There are more people involved in the business of espio-
nage and skulduggery per head of population than any other
city in the world. It’s a city filled with mistrust, where ene- ISTANBUL
mies rub shoulders and politely ignore one another when British intelligence in Istanbul is run out of at least two
they aren’t trying to discover each other’s secrets. Only 40 locations. MI6’s Istanbul station is located in a building in
miles away the Nazis occupy Bulgaria, eyeing Istanbul as the block opposite the British consulate (p.17) round the
their potential gateway to the Middle East, while the Allies back of Istiklal Avenue, and is run by Harold Gibson, former
are everywhere in the city, staking their claim as a poten- head of MI6’s Czech station, who has been here since the
tial beachhead in the other direction back into Occupied 1920s. The Special Operations Executive, run by Gardyne
Europe. The Turks are caught in the middle, desperately de Chastelain, former head of sabotage ops in Romania, has
trying to avoid any action which might lead to a sudden and offices off Ayaz Pasha in a beautiful 18th century house with
unprovoked attack, tolerating unbelievable levels of espio- a spacious garden, overlooking the gardens of the German
nage as long as it doesn’t infringe on their sovereignty and consulate. Both make extensive use of the Whittals and the
the spies don’t get caught. Lefontaines, well-connected old British Istanbul families
who have connections everywhere going back years.
Dossier Profiles Every NPC also has a dossier profile, which helps the
Everyone keeps files on everyone else in Istanbul, and the Keeper determine their overall range of interests and activ-
Emniyet (the Turkish secret police) keep files on them, too. ity. Roll percentile dice on the dossier profile to randomly
Whenever an investigator uses his or her tradecraft, they run determine the nature of an activity the NPC is engaged in,
the risk of coming to the attention of other spies. for example.
This is measured by the dossier profile. Every agent (in Some NPC dossier profiles may change from episode to
fact, every person) active in the city has a score in four pro- episode. It’s also possible that different agencies may have
files: Target, Spy, Occult, and Mythos. These scores always different dossier profiles on any given character, based on
total 100%. A character with no real profile in the intelli- what they know. It’s up to the Keeper whether they want
gence community begins with a Target score of 100%, and 0% that degree of detail; for this adventure, we assume each
in the other three profiles. This means that anyone observing investigator has just a single dossier profile representing
them thinks they’re just an ordinary person—a “mark”. “what is known” about them.
THE RUMOUR MARKET At this stage, the investigators don’t know any of the
detail; they may observe a suspicious-looking European
Information is the lifeblood of wartime Istanbul. Some of it’s approach an oriental-looking man or woman and begin
even true. If an investigator spends any time at all in public talking in hushed tones. It’s up to the investigator to make
places anywhere in the city, they may witness dubious events appropriate rolls to recognise the individuals and eavesdrop
and shady encounters between the many factions jostling on their conversation.
for power. Correctly interpreting these events and encoun- Obviously not all information will pertain to the adven-
ters may provide an advantage in the ongoing struggle—and ture at hand. However, that doesn’t make it useless; canny
even in the wider war. investigators can use such information as leverage, or to
Events in Istanbul aren’t “just” about the war. As the trade for more relevant information.
episodes and scenes detailed in Chapter 5: Plot Episodes
proceed, investigators may observe things which relate PUBLIC PLACES
directly to the hidden conspiracy unfolding around them. Public places include the Grand Bazaar (p.20), Hagia Sophia
Often, as well as playing through the episodes and scenes (p.20), and the numerous mosques, streets, alleyways, and
provided, investigators improvising and simply heading out shops throughout the city. These are usually busy during the
to gather information may make unexpected breakthroughs. day, and deserted by night.
This section details the events and encounters which
observant investigators may witness. Note that these events
aren’t meant to replace events mandated by the scenes in
Chapter 5: Plot Episodes, but rather to enable the Keeper
to handle moments when the investigators are engaged in SURVEILLANCE LOCATIONS TABLE 1:
more general information gathering. Less subtle investigators PUBLIC PLACES
may become the subjects of new events in their own right...
D% Event
Surveilling a target or location may allow an investigator to [GENERAL FACTION] to exchange valuable
witness a surveillance event. There are five broad categories information on [GENERAL TOPIC].
of location an investigator may practice their tradecraft in: 21-30 The [GENERAL FACTION] is spying on the
public places, academic environments, society events, and [GENERAL FACTION].
pro-Ally and pro-Axis locations (hotel bars are a typical 31-35 The [GENERAL FACTION] is up to no good.
example). The five tables below list ten possible types of
36-45 The [GENERAL FACTION] accosts the
event which a character may observe or hear about. These investigators. What do they know?
event types are presented in a “mad lib” format with gaps the
46-50 The [GENERAL FACTION] attempts to rob
Keeper can fill out using appropriate sub-tables. A typical one of the investigators. What does the
surveillance event looks like this: investigator have worth stealing?
51-55 The [GENERAL FACTION] attacks the
“A [GENERAL FACTION] approaches a [GENERAL FACTION] investigators! What have they stumbled
to exchange valuable information on [GENERAL TOPIC].” upon?
56-70 The investigators overhear or witness
This indicates that the Keeper should roll on two sub-ta- a [GENERAL FACTION] talking about
bles: General Faction, and General Topic, to identify the common knowledge of a [PLOT SECRET].
people and topics in question. If the investigators are already 71-80 A representative of the [PLOT FACTION] is
tailing a specific faction, then the first faction mentioned going about some obviously shady business
in the mad-lib is that faction, unless the investigators related to the current episode or scene.
They haven’t spotted the investigators.
are tailing a general faction and the event calls for a plot
faction, in which case the Keeper should roll for the plot 81-90 A representative of the [PLOT FACTION]
faction separately. is going about their shady business,
when they spot the investigators. Can the
The results on these tables may also differ depending on investigators extricate themselves? Have
the investigators’ location (public, pro-Axis, etc). For exam- they been recognised?
ple, the Keeper may roll on the tables when the investigators 91-00 The investigators stumble upon a key
are sitting in the Snakepit Bar at the Park Hotel (a notorious background event to the current scene or
pro-Axis location) and get the following result: episode. They must avoid detection to allow
it to proceed.
“A Romanian (Balkan) agent approaches a Japanese agent to
exchange valuable information on troop movements.”
Broadly speaking this means parts of Istanbul university, but
also includes libraries, any of the medrese mosque schools, SURVEILLANCE LOCATIONS TABLE 3:
bookshops, the studies and residences of mystics, priests, SOCIETY EVENTS
or professors, museums, and so on.
D% Event
01-25 The [GENERAL FACTION] approaches the
[GENERAL FACTION] to exchange valuable
ACADEMIC ENVIRONMENTS 26-40 The investigators spot the [GENERAL
FACTION] in a compromising situation which
can be used for blackmail.
D% Event
41-50 The [GENERAL FACTION] conspire to put one
01-10 The [GENERAL FACTION] approaches the
or more of the investigators in a compromising
[GENERAL FACTION] to exchange valuable
situation which could be used for blackmail.
information on [GENERAL TOPIC].
51-60 The absolute head of the [GENERAL
11-20 The [GENERAL FACTION] are receiving
FACTION] in Istanbul is at the event. Do the
information about [GENERAL TOPIC] from a
investigators even recognise him?
member of the academic environment.
61-70 The [GENERAL FACTION] makes an attempt
21-30 The [GENERAL FACTION] are passing
on the life of the [GENERAL FACTION]. Alert
information about [GENERAL TOPIC] to a
investigators may have just enough time to
member of the academic environment.
31-40 The [GENERAL FACTION] are interrogating
71-80 The investigators barge in on two plot factions
the member of the academic environment
interacting regarding the [PLOT SECRET]. They
must take immediate action to mitigate their
41-50 The [GENERAL FACTION] are recruiting response.
the member of the academic environment
81-90 The investigators overhear the [PLOT
FACTION] discussing their best level of
51-60 The [GENERAL FACTION] are recruiting the knowledge about a [PLOT SECRET]. They must
member of the academic environment using take measures not to be caught.
91-00 The investigators witness the [PLOT
61-70 The investigators overhear or witness a [PLOT FACTION] engaged in a major background
FACTION] talking about a [PLOT SECRET]. event to the current episode or scene.
The level of knowledge will equal what they
71-80 The investigators observe a representative
of the [PLOT FACTION] at this location,
removing, replacing, or copying a plot-related SOCIETY EVENTS
object. They haven’t spotted the investigators.
Istanbul’s big society events are lavish yet pretty exclusive
81-90 The investigators stumble into a meeting affairs, organised by the big families, consulates, and major
between two plot factions and must take
socialites (perhaps the investigators have enough Credit
immediate action to avoid detection. The
factions may be mutually friendly or hostile. Rating to throw their own?). There’s usually something hap-
pening every weekend, and more often when the weather
91-00 The investigators observe a member of the
academic environment involved in a crucial is good. The investigators can’t just barge in, though—they
background event to the current episode. need an invitation. That may require charm, influence, or
outright bluster if they intend gatecrashing.
These include consulates, friendly bars such as the Orient
Bar in the Pera Palace, the Grand Hotel de Londres, and
so on.
Don’t look now –
We’ve picked up a tail. These include consulates, the Snake Pit bar at the Park
Hotel, Ellie’s Bar, Abdullah’s Restaurant, and so on.
– Sergeant Ron “Ferret” Farnsworth
01-20 The [GENERAL FACTION] approaches the
[GENERAL FACTION] to exchange valuable D% Event
information on [GENERAL TOPIC]. 01-25 The [GENERAL FACTION] approaches
FACT ION ] to exch ange valua ble
21-30 An Allied schmoozer makes an outrageously [GENERAL
public pass at the investigator with the highest information on [GENERAL TOPIC].
APP. Use tradecraft to avoid damage to your strikes up “Boo,
26-35 The pianist or other musician
dossier profile as all eyes are turned on you. Boo, Baby, I’m a Spy” when the [GENERAL
31-40 An Axis faction attempts to grill the investigators FACTION] ente rs.
for information about [GENERAL TOPIC]. tigators. Do they
36-45 An Axis faction spots the inves
41-50 A [GENERAL FACTION] tries to recruit the recognise them ?
investigators regarding [GENERAL TOPIC]. ersation with the
46-55 An Axis faction strikes up a conv
51-60 The Emniyet (p.33) spots the investigators investigators. Can they bluff their way through it?
They must use tradecraft to avoid damage to investigators.
56-60 The Emniyet (p.33) spots the
their dossier profile. They must use tradecraft to avoid damage to their
61-70 A [GENERAL FACTION] is meeting a [PLOT doss ier profi le.
FACTION] to find out more about a [PLOT [GENERAL
61-70 The investigators observe the
SECRET]. FACTION ] spyin g on an Axis faction regarding
71-80 The investigators observe a [PLOT FACTION] a [GENERAL TOPIC].
plot faction
waiting to pass on information about a 71-80 The investigators observe an Axis T
[PLOT SECRET] to an Allied faction. Can the meeting a [PLOT FACTION] about a [PLO
investigators disguise themselves and intercept SECRET].
the information? What are the consequences? plot faction
81-90 The investigators observe an Axis
81-90 Apparently the Germans are frantically lookin waiting to pass on infor mati on abou t a [PLOT
’t arrived
for something—and a Romanian professor called SECRET] to a [PLOT FACTION] who hasn
Golescu is involved. ise them selve s and inter cept
yet. Can they disgu
91-00 The investigators observe an Allied faction the information?
involved in a key background event to the current 91-00 The investigators observe an Axis
episode. invo lved in a key back grou nd even t to the current
German Agents German Agents German Agents German Agents The Handmaidens
21-30 (SD, Ahnenerbe) (SD, Ahnenerbe) (SD, Ahnenerbe)
(SD, Ahnenerbe)
Wali Dede’s Wali Dede’s Heike-Carlotta
31-40 The Handmaidens The Handmaidens Kammler
Children* Children*
Heike-Carlotta Nastasya Filippovna Ion Golescu
41-50 The Handmaidens The Handmaidens Kammler Mitroglou
Heike-Carlotta Nastasya Filippovna
51-60 Ion Golescu Ion Golescu Ion Golescu Mitroglou
Nastasya Filippovna Nastasya Filippovna Heike-Carlotta
61-70 Ion Golescu Mustafa Basmevi Mitroglou Mitroglou Kammler
The Servants of Nastasya Filippovna
71-80 Mustafa Basmevi The Handmaidens Betty Carter Mitroglou
Nastasya Filippovna The Handmaidens The Handmaidens
81-90 Turkish Police Prof. Ahmet Turan Mitroglou
Emniyet Ion Golescu Omer Uzuner** Servants of Mehmet Ion Golescu
*At night only, otherwise re-roll. **See “The Varangian Order”, p.42.
SUB-TABLE 3: GENERAL TO In the event of a faction NPC talking about a plot secret,
roll on the table below or select one of the “Clues to be
D% Plot Secret Gained” given in their description in Chapter 3: Factions
01-05 Addresses of Agents and Characters. See “Secrets” (p.53) for descriptions.
06-10 Addresses of Dignita
11-15 Agent Dossiers
16-20 Event Dossiers
21-25 Identities of Agents D% Plot Secret
26-30 Identities of Double- 01-05 Aciel
31-35 Meeting Reports 06-15 The Akakia
36-40 Movements of Money 16-20 Beneath Hagia Sophia
41-45 Movements of Troops 21-25 CASE ELEPHANT BLACK
46-50 Personnel Dossiers 26-35 The Catacombs of Istanbul
51-55 Reconnaissance Pho 35-40 The Gates of Micklegard
56-60 Secret Treaties 41-45 The Handmaidens
61-65 Smuggling People Into 46-55 The Marble Emperor
t of Europe
66-70 Smuggling People Ou 56-60 The Punic Device
71-75 Transport (Explosive 61-70 The Ritual of the Empress in Purple
76-80 Transport (Foodstuff 71-75 The Ritual of St Azel’s Bell
81-85 Transport (Fuel) 76-80 The Ritual of the Wedding Feast
86-90 Transport (Weapons 81-85 The Servants of Mehmet
91-95 Travel by Dignita ries
86-95 The Tomb of Constantine Palaeologus
96-00 Upcoming Attacks 96-00 The Varangian Order
Sometimes surveillance goes terribly wrong. Someone gets SECRETS
the wrong idea, perhaps feels in danger of their life, and guns Almost everyone knows a secret. The problem is knowing
come out and people start shooting. When that happens, roll whether that secret is true, and, if it is, how true it is. Secrets
on the table below. often lie hidden inside other secrets, until the nightmarish
truth at the centre of it all is revealed.
As Keeper, you’re often going to have to make judgement
calls as to how much of a specific secret a given NPC will
DANGER TABLE know. Spies are very knowledgeable—but even they aren’t
likely to have detailed Mythos knowledge. Some of them
D% Plot Secret may know the occult significance of some things, but most
likely they’ll just have more prosaic, yet still secret, informa-
01-25 There’s been a case of mistaken identity.
The faction suddenly attacks! tion. As a result, we’re going to define four different types of
“knowledge” about a secret:
26-50 The faction shouts accusations at the
investigators, who suddenly find themselves
surrounded by a violent mob. • Common Knowledge: What an educated person will
51-65 The faction shouts accusations at the know about the secret (it may require a Knowledge roll—
investigators. Nearby police attempt to arrest ignorant people won’t even know this). In many cases
one or more of the investigators. this will be “nothing at all”.
66-80 The faction does something immediately or • Exoteric Knowledge: This is what an informed spy will
later which leads the Emniyet to conclude the know about a subject. It may require an Espionage roll to
investigators are a threat to national security. determine they actually know it.
81-90 The faction arranges an assassination attempt • Esoteric Knowledge: This is what an occultist will know
on the investigators later that day. about a subject. Spies may know some of this, but often
91-00 The faction attempts to kill the investigators, they’re just not that interested. It may require an Occult
regardless of personal danger. roll.
• Mythos Knowledge: This is the terrifying truth behind
the secret—what it all actually means. It may require a
Cthulhu Mythos roll.
Rumours of Events The entries below describe the major secrets of Code of
You can’t be everywhere, all the time. Much of Istanbul’s Honour, which investigators may unearth during play. Inves-
rumour market is second-hand, thriving off the trading of tigators are thrown back on their own knowledge, anything
hearsay and events witnessed by the city’s legions of inform- they can find in Istanbul’s libraries (p.22), or people they
ers and freelance spies. You don’t have to hang out in the can grill or spy on for information. Chapter 3: Factions
Park Hotel every night; instead, you can check in with your and Characters (p.30) provides suggestions for who might
network of (hopefully) reliable informers to see if they’ve know what; feel free to improvise and come up with your
heard anything. In such cases, roll to gather information as own ways of getting this information into the investigators’
usual, and then roll for a surveillance event, but as you’re hands. Any reasonably well thought-out plan to learn these
grilling an informer this event is in fact reported as a rumour. secrets should have a good chance of success. Remember:
your job is to keep things moving, not frustrate the players.
Plot Episodes
I eyed him through the bottom of my whisky glass,
wondering if he knew I’d been sniffing around the dig. That’s always the thing -
no one knows who knows what, or even if what they know is real.
or a bluff that will leave you in a blind alley with your throat cut.
The following episodes and scenes are provided as a frame- Black Sun, the Ahnenerbe’s secret handlers, in the Father-
work to enable the Keeper to play through the plot of land), tipping off every spy in Istanbul that something big
Code of Honour, as described in Chapter 1: Introduction is happening.
and below. They represent the events that will happen
unless the investigators take action to thwart them. They THE VARANGIAN ORDER SPRINGS INTO ACTION
are presented in the order they are most likely to occur. As soon as they hear about this discovery, the secret
The Keeper should feel free to ignore this and run scenes Varangian Order attacks and kills the archaeologist from
in the order that makes most sense for their game; investi- Golescu’s team who has the regalia, and steals the artefact
gators have a notorious habit of jumping the gun, running known as the Akakia (p.54). They leave the rest of the rega-
back to fill in gaps, and generally trashing the Keeper’s best lia untouched.
laid plans.
Some of the scenes below are marked as “mandatory”.
Without them, key parts of the plot may not make sense, or A Nazi archaeological team under
may never occur. The Keeper should endeavour to include Professor Ion Golescu has recently found
all mandatory scenes. Optional scenes add more flesh to the
the lost tomb and imperial regalia of
bones, and more opportunity for the investigators to work
out what’s going on. Even then, Istanbul is an ancient city Constantine Palaeologus.
filled with mysteries, reluctant to give up its secrets…
reward being... well, it depends on what you believe. Either KEEPER’S INFORMATION
a potential alliance, or something decidedly more sinister. As an Allied spy investigating possible Ahnenerbe intel-
The ball is thick with intrigue, politics, and skulduggery. ligence networks in Istanbul, Lily Warner had suspected
Neither the Turks nor the Varangians will tolerate open war- Professor Ion Golescu and the Ahnenerbe had been onto
fare, so proceedings are very cloak and dagger. No faction something. She followed them to Yedikule Castle (p.28),
wants to “scare off the Turks”. where she stumbled upon their discovery of the tomb of
An important and attractive female figure is kidnapped Constantine Palaeologus. Appreciating the significance of
from the ball (to be devoured by the serpent woman to the artefacts the tomb was purported to contain, she tried to
become the Empress in Purple). tell her superiors but, before she could leave, she was stabbed
The Varangians select their consort—probably Professor with a poison dagger by one of the Handmaidens (p.35),
Golescu, or another Ahnenerbe representative put forward an agent of the Varangian Order, who had followed her
by the Black Sun. They take him secretly beneath Hagia from the Snakepit Bar. She fled to the Marble Tower (p.28),
Sophia, where the Gates of Micklegard are open (a weird where the poison overcame her. Meanwhile the Hand-
glow lighting up the whole cathedral, climbing up from its maiden killed the Ahnenerbe guard in the tomb and stole
base—something that hasn’t happened since 1453), and the the Akakia (p.54).
Empress in Purple lies ready to consummate the relationship Lily had just enough time to scribble the message in her
in full view of the handmaidens and other Varangians. diary before dying. She left no information about where the
Once the “wedding” has been consummated, Golescu is regalia had been found, or who had found it.
feted as the new Marble Emperor by the Varangian Order,
who provide secrets and support further the Black Sun’s
broader goals. The Nazis gain a huge boost to understanding She tried to tell her superiors but, before
how the Punic Device is supposed to function, as well as
she could leave, she was stabbed with a
access to the Ritual of St Azel’s Bell--unless, of course, the
investigators can stop them! poison dagger by one of the Handmaidens.
THE TOMB OF THE Use this scene to establish the environment the investigators
are operating in; who they are, what their cover identities
MARBLE EMPEROR are, where they are staying and how they meet every day.
Take the opportunity to stress the high levels of espionage
Scene 1: A Message for in Istanbul—and the need to take precautions to avoid
Chance (Mandatory Scene) acquiring one or more spies on their tail (p.47). Although
THE HOOK a wartime adventure, Istanbul is a city at peace—a tense,
Istanbul is the city of spies, always a hotbed of wartime fraught, and intrigue-filled peace, but peace nevertheless.
espionage. However, recently, the level of activity has been
extraordinary even for Istanbul, and the Allies believe some- INVESTIGATOR ACTIONS
thing major is going down—but they don’t know what. The • Initial Info Gathering: The investigators are starting
Allies suspect secret negotiations between the Turks and— from a position of relative ignorance. Use this oppor-
who, exactly? And why? tunity to familiarise everyone with the “Secrets” and
Against this background, a sudden murder and a mys- “Gathering Information” rules (p.49), using “the Tomb
terious message takes events on an unexpected turn. of Constantine Palaeologus” as your example (p.57). Let
the investigators make knowledge rolls (Archaeology, investigations may lead them almost anywhere, but per-
Art, History) to see what they already know about the haps most likely to Professor Ion Golescu (p.37) or the
tomb; and then discuss how they can find out more: Ahnenerbe Dig (see Scene 2, below), or further to the
• Forensics: Asking about the murder is quite informa- Handmaidens (p.35), or the Marble Emperor and the
tive, although the Turkish police (p.43) will need careful “Megali Idea” (p.57).
“handling”. There’s been no autopsy, but if the investi-
gators can persuade the authorities to allow a medical
examination, it becomes clear that Lily Warner was
Scene 2: The Ahnenerbe Dig
killed by a poisoned blade—highly unusual even for (Optional Scene)
exotic Istanbul! Furthermore, analysis of the poison (a THE HOOK
Chemistry roll with access to a laboratory) will reveal the The investigators may figure out that the tomb of Constan-
poison is of a completely unknown nature! tine Palaeologus has been found by the German Ahnenerbe,
• The Libraries: This is the traditional route, and Istan- in a secret dig in Yedikule Castle in southwestern Istanbul
bul is filled with libraries (p.22). The investigators can (p.61). Professor Turan (p.30) might reveal this information,
make Library Use rolls to find out common and exoteric or perhaps even Heike-Carlotta Kammler (p.36); otherwise
information about the tomb, and possibly even esoteric the investigators will need to tail the Ahnenerbe, such as
information if they choose their library carefully. To gain Professior Golescu (p.37), or raid the professor’s rooms in the
Mythos information about the tomb, they’ll need access Park Hotel (p.24) or Yedikule (p.28) and find a clue to the
to texts such as those described on p.23. location. This optional scene describes what happens if the
• Gathering Information: This is where the true action investigators decide to pay the dig a visit.
of Code of Honour lies—in espionage, interrogation,
spying, and pumping your contacts for information. KEEPER’S INFORMATION
It’s likely the investigators will gravitate towards aca- The Ahnenerbe dig is located by the legendary Golden Gate
demic types—perhaps Professor Ahmet Turan at in Yedikule Castle, and specifically in the Bloody Well in
Istanbul University (p.30); or, alternatively, Lily Warner’s the Execution Chamber, a side-chamber of the South Pylon
acquaintances, such as Natasha Mitroglou (p.39). Their (location 6 on the castle map on p.28).
2. The Excavated Entrance: This is the start of the dig
proper; the side of the Bloody Well has been dug out
with shovels and pickaxes, revealing a rough tunnel
which heads east for a metre or so before becoming a
smooth-hewn passageway.
3. The First Trap: There was a primitive deadfall trap here,
hastily built when the tomb was constructed. The Ahne-
nerbe have left it covered with a gravel-strewn tarpaulin
weighted at the corners with rocks. It’s a pretty unso-
phisticated trap, but highly effective if you don’t detect
it—it’s a 10ft (3m) drop causing 1D6 damage.
4. The Second Trap: No one would expect two traps in
quick succession, right? Well, that’s what the Ahnenerbe
are hoping. There’s a tripwire just after the pit trap, tied
to a hand grenade lodged in the wall. Tripping it will
cause an explosion doing 4D6 damage in a 12ft (4m)
KEY TO THE DIG radius, plus 1D6 additional damage due to falling stone
1. The Bloody Well: The well is a dark pit in the centre of in the tunnel back to the well. Characters getting thrown
the floor of a small, stone-walled chamber in the South back out of the western tunnel may fall into the well.
Pylon known as the Execution Chamber. It’s guarded by 5. The Tomb: Considering that this is the fabled tomb of
a single Ahnenerbe goon, who’ll be ready for the inves- the legendary last emperor of Byzantium, it’s a bit of a
tigators if they don’t take steps to be stealthy. See below let-down. It was hastily hewn in the days following the
for his stats. The Bloody Well drops 40ft (15m) into fall of the city, and there was little time for ceremony
darkness (4D6 damage), and at the bottom links directly or ornamentation; there’s a simple stone coffin on top
to the sea. In Ottoman times severed heads were thrown of a stone-built bier, hastily carved with inscriptions in
down here. A wooden ladder has been recently lashed Greek which read “Beloved of the Empress in Purple” and
to pitons in the eastern wall of the well, leading down “Sacrificed for the Holy Mother and Her Eternal City”.
to location 2. A Difficult History roll can reveal that the Emperor
was not married when he died (see also “The Marble
FRITZ LINDAU, AGE 26, “AHNENERBE GOON” Emperor” on p.55).
STR 15 DEX 12 INT 09 CON 16
SIZ 15 APP 08 POW 12 EDU 07 Most significantly, the tomb is empty. There is no body,
SAN 45 Hit Points: 16 no regalia, no remains at all. It’s as though the place has been
swept clean. Where is everything? (In fact the regalia and
Damage Bonus: +1D4.
remains are stashed in a cheap hotel in Yedikule—see p.37.)
Skills: Close Combat 60%, Demolitions 36%, Espionage
40%, Fieldcraft 65%, Hide 40%, Listen 47%, Sneak 42%,
Spot Hidden 51%.
Scene 3: The Game’s Afoot
(Optional Scene)
Language Skills: German (own) 35%, French 15%.
Weapons: Luger P08 9mm (Handgun) 70%, damage 1D10, The investigators have worked out that the tomb of Con-
atts 2, base range 15 yards. stantine Palaeologus has been found, but that its contents,
Fist 75%, damage 1D3+1D4, atts 1. including some or all of the ancient Byzantine regalia, have
been stolen—and someone with access to unusual methods
Description: Fritz is a heavy-set shaven-headed goon—not is willing to kill to keep the whole thing quiet. But what has
one of the Ahnenerbe’s brightest, but a capable enforcer. been stolen, and by whom? And who knows what?
He’s not suicidal, either, although he’s understandably
trigger happy after his colleague was stabbed and poisoned. KEEPER’S INFORMATION
His job is to keep intruders from the dig if possible, but The investigators aren’t the only ones puzzled and alarmed
if driven off he’s supposed to try and identify who the by recent events. Professor Ion Golescu and the Ahnenerbe
intruders are then report back to Professor Golescu or other (p.34) are trying to work out who has stolen the Akakia,
Ahnenerbe operatives. If he can’t identify intruders, he’ll and why, and—behind the scenes—the Servants of Mehmet
challenge them verbally; if he knows they’re foreign spies are starting to become alarmed. Who would have the occult
and thinks he can get away with it, he’ll shoot. He won’t knowledge to just steal specifically the Akakia? Professor
shoot Emniyet or Turkish police, though. Golescu in particular is intrigued.
This scene is one of further investigation, tradecraft, and Depending on the astuteness of their tradecraft, the
information gathering, possibly now looking for the missing investigators may hear about this attack within hours
contents of the tomb of Constantine Palaeologus. If they of it happening, or sometime the next day. Either way,
haven’t done already, the investigators may visit the Park the Turkish police (p.43) will have the Varangian Club
Hotel and the Snakepit (p.24), and surveil and even meet (p.27) cordoned off, and by the next day the Emniyet will
with Professor Golescu or other Ahnenerbe representatives. also be on site (p.33). Any investigative attempts will be
They may also visit libraries or interview scholars such as Easy before the Emniyet arrive, as evidence is fresh, people
Professor Turan (p.30) or Mustafa the bookseller (p.38) to are panicky and talkative, and the police not in charge of
research secrets such as the Marble Emperor (p.55), the Holy the situation.
Mother, the Empress in Purple (p.56), the Byzantine regalia A Know roll by any investigator will reveal that the
(see “The Akakia” on p.55), and so on. Varangian Guard was the name of the ancient personal bod-
By the end of the scene, the investigators may have yguard of the Byzantine Emperors, drawn from Scandinavian
worked out that the Germans are also looking for at least and Anglo-Saxon warriors (“Varangian” refers to “Vikings”).
part of the imperial regalia—and that no one knows who A History roll, or interviewing anyone knowledgeable,
stole it. They may also be aware there are other factions reveals that the headquarters of the old Varangian Guard,
interested in the theft—scholars from the medrese mosque the ruined Boukoleon Palace (p.16), is a stone’s throw from
schools (actually the Servants of Mehmet—see p.41), and the Varangian Club.
other dealers in antiquities, and perhaps even members of If the investigators arrive the same day, several Club
the establishment (secretly members of the Varangian Club members will be present, including a couple of Handmaid-
and Order—see p.27, 42). ens (p.55) and Andronikos Eugenikos (p.43). The police
won’t allow the investigators to see them; they’ll need to
bribe, persuade, or intimidate the police, or even use stealth.
The Servants of Mehmet have heard None of the club members will be forthcoming, even though
they’ve clearly been roughed up, and a Psychology roll will
that the Akakia has been found,
indicate they’re hiding something. Investigators familiar
and have panicked. with diplomatic circles (perhaps an Idea roll and an appro-
priate background, or an appropriate Institutional Lore roll)
recognise Eugenikos as a minister in the Turkish political
establishment—he usually goes by the name Omer Uzuner.
Scene 4: The Attack on the Interviewing witnesses in the neighbourhood is more
Varangian Club productive. Several locals saw shady figures in dark robes and
THE HOOK face masks ransacking the Club before fleeing empty-handed
The whole of Istanbul is electrified. There’s been an attack, when the police arrived.
on a little known and low-key private members club called
“The Varangian Club”, in the Sultanahmet neighbourhood
of the old city, not far from Hagia Sophia! Rumours are flying
that it was a burglary gone wrong—but there’s also talk of
other attacks across Istanbul, and even kidnappings of pos- Background Events: The
sible spies, informers, and even scholars. What’s going on?
Varangian Order’s Plan
If the investigators have met an Istanbul scholar (such as Now that the Varangian Order have recovered the Akakia
Professor Turan—p.30), it might be exciting to have that after centuries of searching, they intend to conduct the
scholar kidnapped at this point. Don’t have Mustafa the Ritual of the Empress in Purple on May 29th, the anniver-
bookseller kidnapped if you can help it—but he should be sary of the fall of the city and a ritually crucial date.
fearful it might be him next. They know how to use the Akakia in the Ritual of
The Servants of Mehmet (p.41) have heard that the the Empress in Purple (p.70). In the ritual, the Empress
Akakia has been found, and have panicked. Suspecting that in Purple will come up through the Gates of Micklegard,
the Varangian Order never died out, they’ve attacked the closed for five hundred years, devour a female human
Varangian Club looking for the regalia, and have even kid- and take her form, before having intercourse with a
napped others in the city to interrogate them. In particular human male and bearing a hybrid child, who will be the
they’re looking for evidence of the Varangian Order, and a new Marble Emperor and the “heir to Micklegard”.
possible hidden headquarters (see Episode Two, Scene 3:
The Varangian Order Headquarters).
The investigators may wish to search the Varangian Scene 1: Secret
Club; this will be difficult the day of the attack, unless the
investigators are on good terms with the police. The follow-
ing day, the Emniyet will be watching, but otherwise the club THE HOOK
is empty and can be searched at leisure (see p.27). After the attack on the Varangian Club, the secret world
of Istanbul is electrified, and everyone is trying to work out
HASHISHIN! what is going on, and what’s at stake. There are all kinds of
If the investigators involve themselves with the attack on outlandish theories, but no one is inclined to dismiss the
the Varangian Club, they’ll come to the attentions of the importance of this singularly disturbing event.
Servants of Mehmet, who are at this stage trying to cover up
the whole affair—lethally! KEEPER’S INFORMATION
The first attack will be from a single Servant of Mehmet With the Akakia in their possession, the Varangian Order
(p.41), likely against a single investigator in his or her is now trying to find a consort for the Empress in Purple,
accommodation that night. The Servant’s goal will be to put for their ritual on the coming 29th May. At the same time,
the frighteners on the investigators, but above all to escape they’re keeping a low profile, defending against attacks from
incognito; they’ll kill if they can, but not at the price of get- the Servants of Mehmet, their ancient and implacable foes.
ting caught. Everyone suspects secret negotiations—negotiations
If the investigators don’t take the hint, the second attack they’re not party to—and that Turkey is about to ally itself
will come the following night, from a single ghoul (probably and enter the war. People are getting paranoid and jumpy—
Nikephoros the Stargazer—see p.45), again against a single wondering if they should invade before someone else does.
investigator if possible. This time Nikephoros will try to kill Although it’s not immediately obvious, the Germans
one of the investigators, and will try again (against the same are split into two factions—one that believes there’s some
or a different investigator) every night thereafter until killed occult significance to the current events (led by Professor
or driven off—or until somehow the investigators are able to Golescu and the Ahnenerbe, increasingly with Black Sun
gain the trust of the Servants. backing), and one that doesn’t (Heike-Carlotta Kammler
By the end of the scene, the investigators should be and the Abwehr faction).
aware of a secretive Varangian Club (and may even have
picked up hints about the shadowy Varangian Order behind INVESTIGATOR ACTIONS
it), and the Servants of Mehmet—maybe in league with The investigators should play through some tradecraft
the ghouls!—who seem to be searching for the Akakia, and actions, contacting informers, staking out choice locations,
think the Varangians have it. spying on key individuals. As they do so, they should pick up
on the strain and near-panic of all the factions.
It feels like Istanbul is about to blow. Maybe the Turks
are about to ally with a power and enter the war, and any
It feels like Istanbul is about to blow.
other power will be willing to get very violent—even to
Maybe the Turks are about to ally with attack Turkey—to prevent this happening. Events may be
a power and enter the war. about to get very bloody.
THE VARANGIAN ORDER the police, the Emniyet, or the government—named Omer
Uzuner. In fact, he’s none other than Andronikos Eugen-
This is potentially the longest episode, and the most variable ikos from the Varangian Club, whom the investigators may
in terms of action. The investigators have begun to realise an recognise from Episode One, Scene 4: The Attack on the
ancient struggle has once again broken out in Istanbul—one Varangian Club.
which may be linked to ghouls, ancient rituals, and an occult This is a delicate moment, so play it carefully. Eugenikos
prophecy. In this episode, they struggle to find out just whose has come to test the waters with the investigators, to see
side they should be on, and what’s at stake. The tension is whether any of them or their superiors might make good
ratcheted up as they realise they’re not the only ones inter- candidates for Marble Emperor in the Ritual of the Empress
ested—some nightmarish game is being played, and the prize in Purple (p.70). He’ll volunteer no details at all; indeed, to a
begins to seem unimaginable. layperson the conversation is nothing more than a polite talk
After playing through the mandatory scenes, the inves- about the state of the war, touching upon Istanbul’s past glo-
tigators should appreciate the great secret behind the events ries, and the “Megali Idea” or “Great Idea” that one day the
of the masked ball in Episode Three: The Varangian Ball. city might rise again as the capital of a restored Byzantium
(p.57). However, a Psychology roll will reveal that there’s a Those of a more occult bent are becoming aware of the
very important subtext to the conversation, and an Occult Varangian Order and the Servants of Mehmet, and are trying
roll will reveal that Eugenikos appears to be offering an to track them down—possibly even tailing the investigators
occult ritual bargain which will give the investigators—and to do so. A lot of the “usual” skulduggery is turning lethal.
their governments—great advantage in the war. On a suc-
cessful Cthulhu Mythos roll, the investigator understands KEEPER’S INFORMATION
Eugenikos is referring to an ancient power dwelling beneath During this episode, feel free to have otherwise routine scenes
Istanbul itself—but one that is not the ghouls. turn into a sudden bloodbath. Don’t overdo it, but stress that
The Keeper should be careful at this point not to give everyone is on a knife edge, and very quick to panic.
too much away. Eugenikos is trying to gauge whether the Historically-minded Keepers can bring in the actual his-
investigators might be allies and contain a suitable candidate torical event of the attempted assassination of the German
to become Marble Emperor, but he won’t say as much; in any Ambassador, von Papen, in Ankara in February 1942 (p.36).
case, the final decision won’t be made until the night of the Is it linked to current events somehow? In any case, it only
Masked Ball (see Episode 3). adds to the tension. Everyone’s on the look out for even sui-
By the end of this scene, the investigators should be cide bombers now.
aware that some high-stakes negotiations are going on
behind the scenes, and that all of the intelligence services INVESTIGATOR ACTIONS
in the city seem about to blow. They may believe that these Bring home just how lethal things have become on the
negotiations have some occult and even Mythos significance. streets. Have one or two surveillance events or other scenes
turn nasty. Here are some ideas:
• In a routine surveillance event, the other side suddenly
Scene 2: A Trail of Bodies pulls out guns and starts shooting.
(Optional Scene) • The investigators or their targets are suddenly attacked
THE HOOK by the Varangian Order or the Servants of Mehmet.
This scene can be run more than once. In the strained • On a routine journey through the old city to meet
atmosphere since the attack on the Varangian Club, both informers or contacts, the investigators happen on the
the Varangian Order and the Servants of Mehmet are killing aftermath of a bloodbath—locals have been fighting with
anyone trying to track them down. None of the intelligence guns and knives, and no one knows why.
services in Istanbul know precisely what’s going on, but are By the end of this scene, the investigators should believe
trying to find out. Things are getting bloody. that the intelligence services in Istanbul are on the verge of
The factions are getting paranoid, each thinking the open war; or, perhaps, some unknown forces are trying to
others are close to making a secret deal with the Turks. spread terror.
Scene 3: The Varangian Handmaidens or Andronikos Eugenikos after the attack on
Order Headquarters the Varangian Club, or stake out the entrance to the Basil-
ican Cistern. Or they may simply follow one of the other
(Optional Scene) factions (such as Golescu’s Ahnenerbe, or even the Servants
THE HOOK of Mehmet).
The investigators discover the hidden headquarters of the Note that it’s not necessary to find the HQ. Even if
Varangian Order, in the catacombs beneath the old city of the investigators do, they may well find the Varangians are
Istanbul. simply too powerful to overcome. Even if they do overcome
them at their headquarters, doing so won’t derail their plot
KEEPER’S INFORMATION to conduct the Ritual of the Empress in Purple—it’s likely
There are several ways the investigators can discover this that not all the Order’s members are in the headquarters, and
hidden HQ. They may simply stumble upon it by follow- the Wedding ritual can still happen as long as some Varangi-
ing the tunnel from the Varangian Club to the Basicilican ans (such as the Priestess or Handmaidens) survive and the
Cistern (p.27). Alternatively, they may tail one of the Akakia remains in their hands.
If the investigators somehow muster enough luck, banners on the walls, and many relics of Mythos signif-
cunning, or firepower to disable the Varangian Order com- icance, including:
pletely, you have two options: either to declare the threat to »» a rack of metallic phials of an unknown nature
Istanbul defeated, in which case simply see the Epilogue on containing the same POT18 poison that killed Lily
p.78. Or, to let the Akakia and the knowledge of the Ritual Warner;
of the Empress in Purple end up in Ahnenerbe hands, and go »» several 1ft diameter globes of a mica-like substance
ahead with the ritual anyway. In this last case, you wouldn’t containing a gaseous form of Domination serum
need to run the masked ball at all. (range 10ft radius if shattered) which looks like a
The Varangian Order Headquarters is located behind glitter suspension;
a secret door in the northernmost corner of the Basilican »» and some intricately coiled brooches or netsuke made
Cistern (p.66) beneath Istanbul’s old city. It’s remained of a kind of eggshell.
hidden for five hundred years, even from the ghouls; it’s not 4. The Valusian Library: A true treasure trove for biblio-
at all easy to find. philes, ornate in stone and wood-panelling, with at least
5000 volumes dating up to a thousand years or more.
KEY TO THE HEADQUARTERS Most are Byzantine. There are copies of the Codex Por-
1. The Secret Door: This is almost impossible to phyrius, the Sacred Wisdom of the Light Within, and the
find unless you’re following someone who knows it’s Valusian Codex here (see p.23).
there—figure you can only find it on a critical Spot 5. The Hall of Wisdom: This is the meeting and dining
Hidden roll, and then only if you’re looking in exactly hall of the Order, with a grand table seating up to forty
the right place and suspect something’s hidden there. people. These days the Order is lucky to seat a dozen.
It looks just like the rest of the wall, and pivots open 6. Kitchen: There are always stores here. Nothing really
on a counterweight only if a certain stone is pressed fresh, but the Order could hole up for a month or more if
just so. required. Water can be drawn from the Basilican Cistern
2. The Rotunda: The headquarters is protected from flood- pretty much indefinitely.
ing from below—this round chamber is featureless apart 7. Ablutions: Water for washing and bathing is drawn
from a staircase against the wall, leading upwards. If the from the Basilican Cistern; waste water drains through
Varangian Order are even remotely feeling beset (ie, any a Byzantine cloaca which eventually links to the Sea
time after the start of Episode 2), there’ll be one of their of Marmara.
members on guard here. 8. Cells: The lesser members of the Order can reside here.
Each cell has room for eight beds; right now only two
YORGO, AGE 35, “VARANGIAN GUARD” cells are in liveable state, and each contains four beds.
STR 14 DEX 14 INT 11 CON 13 The other cells are storage.
SIZ 12 APP 08 POW 08 EDU 07 9. The Highmost Chambers: These are grandiose
SAN 25 Hit Points: 13 chambers for the Tribune and High Priestess of the
Order—currently Andronikos Eugenikos (p.43) and
Damage Bonus: +1D4.
Sybilla Theraponou (p.42). If the Keeper hasn’t decided
Skills: Cthulhu Mythos 02%, Dodge 40%, Hide 50%, it should be elsewhere, the Akakia (p.54) will be kept
Occult 16%, Sneak 50%, Spot Hidden 60%, Track 45%. here, in an ornately carved ebony box lined with purple
Language Skills: Turkish (own) 35%, French 17%. velvet—itself a valuable Byzantine treasure.
10. Chapel: This is clearly not a Christian chapel, but it has
Weapons: ERMA SMG (Submachine gun) 60%, damage obvious Byzantine elements. It more closely resembles
1D10, atts 2/burst, base range 30 yards. something from ancient Greece—perhaps a temple to
MAB Modèle S (Handgun) 55%, damage 1D8, atts 3, base Hecate. There are obvious snake symbols everywhere;
range 15 yards. the altar is in the form of carven stone gates, which the
investigators may assume are the Gates of Micklegard.
Fist 55%, damage 1D8+1D4, atts 1. The altar is flanked by columns very similar to the famous
Description: Yorgo’s job is to shoot at intruders and raise Serpentine Column in the Hippodrome above (p.25).
the alarm, running up the staircase to the passageway to 11. The Approach to the Gates of Micklegard: The altar
location (3), which is much easier to defend. gates aren’t actually the Gates of Micklegard—but they
guard the secret approach to them, a hidden door which
3. The Camera Esoterica: The hidden entrance hall to the can only be found on a special Difficult Spot Hidden roll,
ancient headquarters of the legendary Varangian Order, or a normal Spot Hidden roll if you watch someone else
this is ornate, candlelit, a true mediaeval secret society in use it first. Behind them lies an ancient and long-disused
modern-day Istanbul. Its walls are carved and hung with tunnel to the catacombs beneath Hagia Sophia—
occult sigils and symbols, there are weapons, staves, and see Episode Three, Scene 4: The Gates of Micklegard.
in the complex which shows any signs of use (although even
that use is very low-key). It isn’t easy to enter, however.
Defending the Order
The headquarters of the Varangian Order have never been 1. The Entrance: This door is closed and locked from the
breached. All of its members are willing to die to protect inside. Knocking loudly will get the view panel opened
its secret—the ancient gates beneath Hagia Sophia. by one of the Servants, who will tell any visitors to leave.
However, they won’t do this if dying would jeopardise 2. The Reception: Visitors are greeted here; there’s a place
the possible success of the Ritual of the Empress in for shoes, and divans around the walls.
Purple—instead they’ll try and flee through the chapel to 3. The Teaching Room: The ancient heart of the old
the catacombs and regroup. medrese, the main room on the ground floor is still
Everyone in the headquarters will muster in the used for teaching; at its centre is a table with a beautiful
Camera Esoterica to defend the Order, taking advantage copy of the Edirne recension of the Commentaries on the
of the chokepoint of the stairs from the Rotunda to Shadow Divan of Avni, the “instruction manual” of the
hold off any invaders. If Eugenikos and Theraponou the Servants of Mehmet (there’s a second copy in the Library
Priestess are here, they’ll take part in the defence whole- of Fatih—see p.24). The upstairs room is used by Wali
heartedly, using the Domination globes to disable any Hasan Ali Yilmaz, the order’s grand master; he’ll be here
attackers until their cause looks doomed, at which point if he isn’t teaching below, or at the antiquarian book
they’ll flee through the chapel. The remaining defenders shop in the Grand Bazaar (p.20), or out in the city. In
will gladly give their lives to give them time to flee. the basement there’s a tunnel which leads into the city’s
Possible defenders at the Order include: seven catacombs—from where Wali Dede’s children (p.44)
cultists (a mixture of male and female—use the stats sometimes emerge.
in location 2); any surviving Handmaidens (up to 3); 4. The Library: Fairly small, yet with rare texts, including
Andronikos Eugenikos; and Sybilla Theraponou. a manuscript of the Codex Porphyrius (p.23).
5. The Masters’ Rooms: The four masters of the order
reside in the corner cells of the Cloister. They have skill
levels 20-50% higher than the Aspirants; key skills are
As well as discovering the headquarters of the Order, the 6. The Aspirants’ Rooms: The six students of the order
investigators may find definite links here between the Order reside in individual cells around the Cloister. Abdullah
and the serpent people—whether they make the connection (p.41) is one such student.
overtly or not. Additionally, the texts in the Valusian Library 7. The Treasury: The precious belongings of the Servants of
are extremely valuable—see p.67. Mehmet are stored here. It’s quite astounding—antiques,
THE VARANGIAN BALL The ball is like Istanbul in microcosm, all condensed into a
single place on a single night. The Taksim Casino (p.26 and
This is the climax of Code of Honour and, unlike the previous below) has been entirely turned over to the ball (although
episodes, all the action happens on one night—Friday the there are some swish and high-stakes games being run, of
29th May, 1942. While the diplomats party, the fate of Istan- course!). Run the ball like any tradecraft encounter—there
bul—and perhaps the world—is being decided far beneath... are spies everywhere, all watching each other, informants
to be pumped for information, and surveillance events
to watch.
Scene 1: The Masked Ball Let the investigators take advantage of the unique situa-
THE HOOK tion as much as they like—let them find things out, observe
The Varangian Ball is sumptuous, easily worthy of its place people, draw conclusions. When you feel they’ve done
in Istanbul’s social calendar in the early summer of 1942. enough, move straight on to Scene 2: The Ladies’ Prize.
It’s a masked ball, with a loose theme of Istanbul’s Byzan- The game’s afoot!
tine and Ottoman heritage. The trees are in bloom, the
days and nights are warm, the war seems a thousand miles INVESTIGATOR ACTIONS
away—except for all the damn spies... Anyone in the Taksim The investigators may now know that the Varangian Club (or
Casino ballroom tonight knows that something deadly is the Varangian Order, even if still unknown to them by name)
going on behind the champagne, chandeliers, and smiles. is looking to make a deal with a “chosen one”, with political,
But what? economic, and possibly occult power as a reward. Let them
observe people and events during the ball to identify which of the Ladies’ Prize out to the front of the Taksim Casino, to
individuals are representing the Varangians (Andronikos be whisked away in a horse-drawn carriage for a ride through
Eugenikos, in his role as Omer Uzuner, is attending, as are one night-time Istanbul. The investigators will either have to
or more Handmaidens), and which of the other factions may split up to attempt to follow both, or choose one.
be trying to talk to them. Certainly Professor Golescu will
be here, as will representatives of most of the other factions.
At some point the Varangians will select their candi-
date—a chosen one who will actually become the “consort” The Handmaidens are escorting
of the Empress in Purple (p.46). This may even be one of the consort away from the ball, quietly,
the investigators, if they’ve been offering themselves. It’s a without people noticing.
surveillance event to notice the moment (p.49); if the inves-
tigators are chosen, then at least one faction will make a
secret attempt on their lives to thwart the choice. As soon
as the choice happens, the Ladies’ Prize will be announced. Scene 3: The Chase Through
Night-time Istanbul
Scene 2: The Ladies’ Prize (Optional Scene)
At the same time as the Varangian Order select their consort Omer Uzuner, secretly Andronikos Eugenikos, has headed
behind the scenes, the Varangian Club takes to the stage to off with the winner of the Ladies’ Prize in a horse-drawn
announce it’s time to award the Ladies’ Prize, touted as an carriage through the night-time streets of Istanbul—just at
acknowledgement of the contributions of the “fairer sex” to the moment the Handmaidens have left the ball with their
Istanbul’s cultural life. This is quite a novelty in Turkey’s newly-selected “chosen one”. What’s going on?
social life, perhaps all the more unusual in that there are In this scene, the investigators decide to tail either the
relatively few Turkish women present at the ball. carriage, or the Handmaiden’s car, or both.
STR 28 DEX 10 CON 18 Scene 5: The Marriage of
SIZ 28 POW 11
Hit Points: 23
the Empress in Purple
Damage Bonus: +2D6.
The Empress in Purple has returned to Byzantium! Now
Skills: Move Unexpectedly Quickly 60%, Scent Prey 70%. she aims to “wed” the Varangian consort and appoint him
Weapons: Bite 65%, damage 1D10+2D6, atts 1. Marble Emperor—and in turn give birth to a new dynasty of
Claw 80%, damage 1D8+2D6, atts 1. Marble Emperors. Can the investigators stop her? Or do they
even intend to take part?
Tail Lash 90%, damage 2D6+2D6, atts 1.
Armour: 6 points. KEEPER’S INFORMATION
Sanity Loss: 0/1D3. This scene may be simply a continuation of Scene 4: The
Wedding Feast. Alternatively, it may be the first time the
Appearance: 15 ft (5m) long, with a huge dorsal fin or investigators come face to face with the assembled might of
crest, massive jaws, lethal claws, and a lashing tail. It the Varangian Order.
weighs approximately 550lbs (250kg). A dimetrodon may At its core, this is a “sex scene”. The Empress in Purple,
having taken the form of the devoured Ladies’ Prize, is
impregnated by the Varangian consort there and then on
the altar before the Gates of Micklegard, bathed in the lurid
purple glow from the subterranean Valusian realm, and
What if the flanked by dinosaurs!
Investigators Agree? If the investigators haven’t already, they should try and
It’s possible that the investigators might have considered disrupt this!
themselves possible candidates for the role of Marble
Emperor, and may have cooperated with the Varangian INVESTIGATOR ACTIVITIES
Order up to this point. Now, however, the true cost If an investigator is the consort, he must decide what to
of the bargain with the Order starts to become clear. do! If he’s witnessed the Wedding Feast (Scene 4, above),
Any investigators siding with the Varangian Order who he knows who he’s expected to bed: the dreaded act is a
witness the Ritual of the Wedding Feast face a +1 SAN 1/1D6+1 SAN roll. Otherwise it’s a 0/1D2 SAN roll—it’s
loss for every SAN roll they must make (so, a 0/1D6 SAN unlikely the investigator has had sex under quite these cir-
roll becomes a 1/1D6+1 SAN roll). cumstances before.
If the investigators are opposing the Varangians (prob-
ably the most likely situation), they may be continuing the
In the worst case, the Varangian Order succeeded. The
Empress in Purple has returned, and has taken the form of
How Can the a feted socialite in Istanbul’s foreign community—possibly
Investigators Win? Nastasya Filippovna Mitroglou, heiress to the Mitroglou
Shipping Company with a vast fortune. She has consum-
To be honest, if the investigators are in a pitched battle mated her relationship with a significant personage—possibly
with an entire snake cult, a serpent woman, and two even Professor Golescu of the Ahnenerbe (and indeed the
dinosaurs in the catacombs of Hagia Sophia, they’ve Black Sun)—who will now receive her wholehearted occult,
probably already lost. Even if they survive, the SAN loss economic, and political support, in return for secretly push-
may leave them gibbering wrecks. ing for the restoration of the “Megali Idea” (p.57) and the
Succeeding in thwarting the Varangian Order’s plans pre-eminence of secret serpent people power under the aegis
requires organisation—perhaps intercepting the cult of the Varangian Order. The Empress in Purple will fall
before the Empress in Purple can arrive, or not being pregnant, with a sinuous, seductive male child who will be
present when the rituals happen, but attacking the groomed for political power from birth...
Marble Emperor and the Empress in Purple after they’ve In all likelihood, the result will fall somewhere between
transformed. Even then, there’s the little matter of the these two poles. The key issues are whether a candidate
dinosaurs which now live below the city... from the Axis becomes Marble Emperor, and whether he
survives. If he does, the Black Sun will have a major advan-
tage in their occult research and technological advantages
in the rest of the war, gaining access to serpent people
struggle directly from Scene 4. Otherwise they must pene- knowledge and devices they can’t even begin to understand.
trate into the catacombs, via the staircase in Scene 4, either Most importantly, they gain access to the Ritual of St Azel’s
by stealth or in a running gun battle with the Handmaidens. Bell, and now need only to make a Punic Device—see
Once again, any surviving members of the Varangian Scenario 4 of the Zero Point campaign, The Kasserine Con-
Order, and the dimetrodons, will array themselves to protect spiracy, for more.
the Empress in Purple and her carnal plans. The deed itself
will take 1D8+2 rounds; if the investigators haven’t broken
through and disrupted things by then, the “wedding” will have Sanity Awards
been consummated, and the Varangian plans well under way. For the most part, sanity penalties have been dealt with
If the investigators have somehow mustered enough fire- above. Investigator successes are rewarded as follows:
power to pose a serious threat to the Purple Empress, she and
the Marble Emperor and whoever of the Varangians are able Choose one of the following:
will attempt to flee, ideally into the catacombs beneath the • The Ladies Prize is not slain, and the Gates to
city (where they may come into conflict with the ghouls, if Micklegard are never opened: +2D6 SAN.
the investigators have secured the cooperation of the Serv- • The Ladies Prize is not slain: +1D6+1 SAN.
ants of Mehmet—p.41). If allowed, they will vanish into
obscurity beneath the city—see the Epilogue, below. Then, apply any of the following:
• The Varangian Order remains secret: +1D3+1 SAN.
• The Servants of Mehmet remain secret: +1D3+1 SAN.
If the investigators have somehow mustered • An Allied Agent is the Marble Emperor: +1 SAN.
• The Ritual of the Purple Empress was thwarted:
enough firepower to pose a serious threat
+1D3+1 SAN.
to the Purple Empress, she and the Marble
• There is no Marble Emperor: +1D3 SAN.
Emperor and whoever of the Varangians are • An Axis Agent is the Marble Emperor: -1D10 SAN.
able will attempt to flee.
Pre-generated Characters
Killer and Ferret were at a table playing backgammon, their weapons inconspicuous beneath their
double-breasted jackets. My face betrayed a flicker of recognition as Sedley entered,
stunning in a vibrant crimson evening gown. Golescu followed my gaze, his face
breaking into an obscene smile of rotten teeth stained by tobacco.
“Ah... our mysterious new arrival. Beautiful, is she not? My people tell me she was brought here by Chance...”
The pre-generated characters below have been provided recent months (see p.9). Military and espionage equipment,
with weapons and sometimes an additional special item of if desired, may be available from the SOE offices in Cihangir
gear. General equipment hasn’t been mentioned; assume that (p.17), via the British Consulate, or from the US Consu-
they’ll have any reasonable item to enable them to use their late, but will require combination rolls of Credit Rating and
skills. More esoteric equipment can be obtained in Istan- Persuade, which may be Difficult in the case of risky, rare, or
bul, although for unusual items prices have skyrocketed in dangerous items.
Suggested Cover: Secretary at the British Consulate (p.17). Thompson (Submachine Gun) 44%, damage 1D10+2, atts 1 or
burst, base range 30 yards.
Bonus: Gone Native (Investigator’s Guide p.65).
STR 08 DEX 12 INT 17 CON 14
SIZ 08 APP 13 POW 14 EDU 16
SAN 52 Hit Points: 11
Nathan Chance
Background: In 1942, Allied intelligence efforts are in he’s begun to uncover ever since the horrendous events of
a barely-controlled whirl of activity. Since the Americans Operation WOTAN (as recounted in Heroes of the Sea).
joined the war a month or two ago, no one’s quite sure Chance can still clean up to look good in a tux, but he’s
who’s supporting who, whether briefings have been properly equally likely to sleep in it afterwards…
communicated, and whether the right people know what
Suggested Cover: Professor at the University or a private
they need to know. The British Secret Intelligence Service
school or college.
has been struggling to find a counterpart Stateside—and,
for Chance, Section M is finding itself increasingly forced to NATHAN CHANCE, AGE 29, “THE PROFESSOR”
improvise and fall back on its own networks and procedures
in a very fluid situation. STR 08 DEX 13 INT 16 CON 09
SIZ 11 APP 11 POW 16 EDU 18
If only it was that easy! Since the events of Heroes of the SAN 47 Hit Points: 10
Sea, Chance has been devoting every spare hour to his deep-
ening interest in what can only be called magic—the bizarre Damage Bonus: None.
powers he saw wielded in Operation WOTAN. After poring Skills: Anthropology 67%, Archaeology 57%, Command
over ancient tomes checked out of shuttered libraries and 24%, Cryptography 40%, Cthulhu Mythos 18%, Dodge
private collections in what’s probably an abuse of Section M 61%, Drive 28%, Espionage 55%, Fast Talk 50%, Geology
privileges, he’s even managed to memorise some uncanny 25%, Hide 29%, History 55%, Institutional Lore 35%,
texts which appear to be spells—and what they imply has Library Use 81%, Listen 35%, Natural History 33%,
unnerved him even more. Occult 55%, Parachute 42%, Persuade 48%, Psychoanalysis
He’s been getting quite a reputation. Which is why, when 30%, Psychology 49%, Sneak 48%, Spot Hidden 56%,
Lily Warner’s final message about the discovery of mystical Tactics 29%.
regalia from lost Byzantium came to his attention, Chance Language Skills: English (own) 90%, French 31%,
became only too eager to see what’s afoot—and what German 38%, Turkish 11%.
strange powers he can co-opt in his nightmarish secret war…
Weapons: Browning M1911A1 Pistol (Handgun) 57%,
Appearance: These days Chance looks haunted—very damage 1D10+2, atts 1, base range 15 yards.
tired, drawn, and preoccupied, some of which is his a result
Thompson (Submachine Gun) 43%, damage 1D10+2, atts 1
of his deepening addiction to “sleeping pills”. He still has
or burst, base range 30 yards.
that scholarly air, but it looks like he just forgot to abandon
his preppy look and it got increasingly ragged. He tries to Spells: Cloud Memory, Gray Binding, Unmask Demon.
be the good listener he’s always been, but that works best
Bonus: Mind Over Matter (Investigator’s Guide p.66).
when the person he’s talking to isn’t rambling about things
which aren’t relevant to the mission, dammit—or the secrets
There’s a secret here that’s been buried for
ld on fire.
What happens here could set the whole wor
- Nathan Chance
Colour Sergeant Jack “Killer” Killarney
Background: “Killer” Killarney is a 35-year old British COLOUR SERGEANT JACK “KILLER” KILLARNEY,
army colour sergeant assigned to Section M. Born in AGE 35, THE COMMANDO KILLER
Londonderry, his enthusiasm for violence stems from his
STR 17 DEX 12 INT 09 CON 16
early life in the 1920s and the Irish civil war; his hand-to-
SIZ 13 APP 13 POW 10 EDU 07
hand combat skills are second to none, especially after the
SAN 40 Hit Points: 15
commando training he has received since the events of
Heroes of the Sea. The training has strangely left him less Damage Bonus: +1D4.
of a soldier than he was, and more of a special agent, Skills: Close Combat 64%, Command 31%, Conceal 47%,
a change which leaves Jack a bit nostalgic for his army life, Cryptography 29%, Demolitions 39%, Disguise 29%,
although he considers it his duty to prepare himself as Dodge 55%, Drive 52%, Espionage 30%, Fieldcraft 61%,
best he can for the terrifying and uncanny secret war he First Aid 67%, Folklore 33%, Hide 39%, Martial Arts 72%,
now finds himself fighting. Military Doctrine 31%, Parachute 48%, Perform
Jack is still best enemies with Ferret Farnsworth, although (tin whistle) 58%, Radio Operator 38%, Silent Kill 75%,
if the truth be told he’s come to rely on him more than Sneak 48%, Tactics 29%.
ever: these days, he finds himself increasingly flying off Language Skills: English (own) 48%, French 10%,
the handle when provoked, and Ferret’s the best antidote German 10%, Turkish 07%.
for calming him back down.
Weapons: Browning M1911A1 Pistol (Handgun) 58%,
Appearance: Jack’s a big lad, over 6 feet (almost 2 metres) damage 1D10+2, atts 1, base range 15 yards.
tall, although he’s more wiry than he was after recent
training. His blond hair looks a lot whiter than it used too, P14 Sniper Rifle (Bolt-action Rifle) 67%, damage 2D6+2,
and his grey streak seems to have faded. Sometimes these atts 1/2, base range 110 yards*.
days he wears a haggard and hungry expression, like a Thompson (Submachine Gun) 63%, damage 1D10+2,
lone wolf about to pounce. He’s brought along a couple of atts 1 or burst, base range 30 yards.
tyrebusters (Achtung! Cthulhu Investigator’s Guide p.122).
Fist 67%, damage 1D3**+1D4, atts 1.
Suggested Cover: Driver at the British consulate,
university, or a hotel. Grapple 46%, damage special, atts 1.
Head Butt 30%, damage 1D4**+1D4, atts 1.
Kick 44%, damage 1D6**+1D4, atts 1.
Knife 38%, damage 1D4**+2+1D4, atts 1.
*3x Sight doubles base range to 220 yards, quadrupled to
440 yards if using precision aim.
** Martial Arts 72% doubles base damage.
Bonus: Silent Kill (Investigator’s Guide p.83).
Ron recently underwent commando training with Jack Weapons: Webley No 1 Mk VI Service Revolver
Killarney. Since then, he’s found Jack leaning on him for (Handgun) 59%, damage 1D10+2, atts 1, base range
emotional support, and to be honest he’s found that an 15 yards.
anchor. He’d probably go off the rails without him. Thompson (Submachine Gun) 52%, damage 1D10+2,
Appearance: Ferret’s quite handsome, especially when atts 1 or burst, base range 30 yards.
he drops the chirpy cockney routine, and has a greater Knife 45%, damage 1D4+2, atts 1.
presence since commando training. He’s less inclined to
Bonus: Scrounger (Investigator’s Guide p.75).
clam up, too, although he still most definitely does not
have the gift of the gab. Whenever he spots something
“scroungable”, though, he tends to look shifty, and his
fingers start twitching.
Suggested Cover: Mechanic at the British consulate.
Operational Briefing
Now look, everyone, Istanbul isn’t a war zone.
I want a zero body count on this mission - is that clear?
- Major Archibald Strang, Section M handler
Situation Report
Since the start of the war the situation in Istanbul has been precarious. The
Turkish government has maintained a policy of strict neutrality and enforcement
of its laws within its territory, whilst turning a blind eye to intelligence and
diplomatic activities pursued covertly by foreign powers. Their overriding concern
is to provide no power (in particular no Axis power) with a pretext for aggressive
action. This has worked to our advantage, and we have been able to establish networks
which have led to valuable products. However, we anticipate other powers have
done the same, and so the situation is one of classic bluff and double-bluff, and
verifying intelligence has been problematic.
Section M Analysis:
Until now Istanbul has not been an arena for activities of interest to Section M.
The recent termination of US intelligence asset Lily Warner (codename: ARDENT) and
her communique addressed directly to your team suggests this may no longer be the
case. Her mission in Istanbul was to investigate Ahnenerbe information networks in
the educational and diplomatic community; her message suggests she had discovered
an archaeological dig with Ahnenerbe involvement, which had discovered cultural
artefacts of a politically sensitive nature (namely the lost regalia of the last
Emperor of Byzantium), and of sufficient importance to the Ahnenerbe to have
necessitated her termination.
the price we
If this is true, Turkey entering the war may be
pay for this not falling into Nazi hands.
- Major Archibald Strang, Section M handler