A Student
A Student
A Student
A. Why do a Presentation?
1. Purposes of Student Presentations
Student presentations may be given for the purposes of :
a. Advocacy
Support a cause
Join a student society
Buy a product or service
Choose the best candidate for the job
Vote for an individual to take up a rol eon committee
b. Training
Demonstrating the use of piece of equipment
Demonstrating a medical procedure
Training someone in the use of a software package
c. Teaching and Learning
Developing a deeper understanding of a topi cor text
Covering specific areas of the curriculum in more detail
Explaining an experiment or cooking process
d. Informing
Describe a new policy
Outline a set of instructions
e. Assesment
2. Pessures and Problems of Giving Presentations
Would prefer to write an essay rather than deliver a presentations
I only seem to learn from the content of my own presentations but not
when i have to listen to ther students.
I don’t know enough about the topic to give a presentation
There is so much information on the topic I cant decide what to include
and what to leave out
I’m nervous of using technology in public
I am always nervous about speaking in public situation.
3. Benefits of Student Presentations
Student-centred participation in their learning
Presentations offer variety and challenges that contrast with regular
delivery by an aca- demic lecturer. Students can sometimes be more
willing to learn from the poor and good performances of their peers than
from their tutors.
Practice in a known environment/situation
Presentations offer opportunities for students to practise performing in a
fairly safe environment. When you have to prepare several presentations
on a course, you will begin to develop the essential skills and transfer
these from presentation to presentation. The academic environment will
probably be familiar to you.
Improving marks earred for a module assesment
Sometimes, presentations give you opportunities for earning a higher
percentage of marks than for written work alone. Students who prefer to
speak rather than write, may be better communicators and presenters in
their use of speech or visuals than in a writ- ten mode. This is because
presentations use different intelligences in addition to the lin- guistic
intelligence needed for essays and reports. In our experience some
students are quite confident for their presentations and work better in
group situations than on their own.
Preparation for skills needed in the workplace
Developing new knowledge and different prespactives on a topic
4. Examples of Student Presentations
1. A seminar presentations
2. A group presentations on a topic allocated to the group
3. An individual presntation for a job interview
4. A demonstration of your skills in using equipment
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