Lesson 05

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Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1

SOS Training Intitute- Abu Dhabi



You have learnt about operating system and their functions, in the previous
lesson. Now-a-days most people are using computers in their offices, homes,
markets etc. Modern technology facilitates people to connect, share, and
communicate with people sitting on one computer to another computer at
different place. Data communications refers to the transmission of this digital
data between two or more computers and a computer network or data network
is a telecommunications network that allows computers to exchange data. The
physical connection between networked computing devices is created using
either a cable or wireless device. Internet, for example, is a prime example of
networked computers communicating with each other using data transfer
mechanisms. This lesson will introduce you the various aspects of computer
network and data communications.

After reading this lesson, you will be able to:

 describe basic elements of data communication system, transmission

modes, digital and analog transmission;
 summarize communication terminologies (E-M spectrum, band,
bandwidth and transfer rate);
 explain transmission media;
 list network devices (modem, RJ45 connector, ethernet card etc.);
 define malwares: virus, spam, hacking etc.;
 secure your system.

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking


In our day to day life we communicate with people around us by using
telephone, mobile and letters. In the same way, computer can communicate or
send information to another computer system placed anywhere in the world.
All this is possible using some standard methods. These methods basically use
Notes electrical signals carried along a conductor, optical fibres or over wireless
devices using satellites. The most fundamental unit of exchange is in the form
of bits (0s and 1s) between two devices. Such information is encoded and then
decoded at the beginning and end of data communication channels so that it is
easily understood by humans.

For example, a computer teacher wants to convey some messages to his/her

students. He will send the message from his computer (central computer) and
all the students will receive the message on other computers connected to the
central computer through networking. All this can happen in few seconds. So
we can say that people can send or get information or communicate with
people through e- mail. This is possible because of computer networking. So
sending an email is an example of data communication via computer network
called Internet. Note that data communication has a subtle difference from
telecommunication as we know it. Data communication in the specific context
of this lesson refers to data exchange between computers.

5.1.1 Basic Elements of Communication System

The symbolic diagram of communication system is shown in Fig. 5.1

Information sender Transmitter Channel Receiver

Information receiver

Fig. 5.1: Symbolic Diagram of Communication System

Basic elements of communication system are as follows-

Transmitter – converts the information in a suitable form before transmission.
The Channel – The physical medium or the communication channel used to
send the information from the transmitter to the receiver.
The Receiver – It receives the information transmitted by the transmitter.

2 Computer Science
Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
Basic Computing
5.1.2 Transmission Modes
There are three ways of transmitting data as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Simplex A to B

A B Notes

Half Duplex A to B or B to A


Full Duplex A to B and/or B to A

Fig. 5.2: Ways of Transmitting Data

Three types of transmission modes are-

Simplex: In this type of transmission, data can be sent only in one direction
i.e., it’s a uni-directional mode. The receiver only receives the data, but can
not communicate back to the sender.
Half Duplex: In half duplex system, we can send data in both directions but
sender can either receive the data or send the data at a particular time. So
when the sender is sending the data, it cannot receive the data and vice versa.
Full Duplex: In this mode, we can send data in both directions as it is
bidirectional mode. We can send and receive data at the same time.

5.1.3 Analog and Digital Transmission

Analog and digital transmission signal diagrams are shown in Fig. 5.3 below.
Digital signal

Analog signal

Fig. 5.3: Analog and Digital Signal Transmission

Data is transmitted from one point to another point through electrical signals
that may be in digital or analog form.

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking

Analog Transmission: In this transmission, information changes

continuously and can take on many different values. It uses a continuous
signal to transmit voice, data, image or other information between two
systems. For example, telephones take sound vibrations and turn them into
electrical vibrations of the same shape before they are transmitted over
traditional telephone lines.
Notes Digital Transmission: In this transmission, information is characterized by
discrete states. A light bulb, for example, is on or off. A digital clock represents
the time in one-minute intervals and does not change its numbers again until
the next minute. So the transmission signal is not continuous but discrete. So
the digital transmission is quite different from the analog one. The signal in digital
transmission is much simpler. It’s a series of 0s and 1s. So 1 (or On) is
represented by peak of the signal and 0 (or Off) is represented by bottom of
the signal.


The section below briefly summarizes the terminology used in
communications using computers. It talks about bandwidth and
electromagnetic spectrum.
1. E-M Spectrum: The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all
possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation. The E-M spectrum of
an object has a different meaning, and is instead the characteristic
distribution of E- M radiation emitted or absorbed by the particular object.
The E-M spectrum extends from the low frequencies used for modem
radio communication to gamma radiation at the short wavelength (high
frequency)end, covering wavelengths from thousands of kilometers down
to a fraction of the size of an atom.
Although the electromagnetic spectrum represents an enormous range of
frequencies, not all the frequencies are suitable to purposes of human
communications. Fig. 5.4 below shows the E-M Spectrum of various
communication and network devices.

4 Computer Science
Fig. 5.4: E-M Spectrum of Communication Devices

Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
2. Bandwidth: It is the range of frequencies that make up a signal. There
are three major classes of bandwidth that we refer to in
telecommunications networks: narrowband, wideband, and broadband.
A. Narrowband
It can accommodate up to 64Kbps, which is also known as the DS-
0 (Digital Signal level 0) channel. This is the fundamental increment
on which digital networks were built. Initially, this metric of 64Kbps Notes
was derived based on our understanding of what it would take to carry
voice in a digital manner through the network. If we combine these
64Kbps channels together, we can achieve wideband transmission
B. Wideband
Wideband is a transmission medium or channel that has a wider
bandwidth than the voice channel i. e., more than 64Kbps. This term
is usually contrasted with narrowband.
C. Broadband
The most modern bandwidth used has broadband capacities.
Broadband can be defined in different ways, depending on what part of
the industry you are talking about. Technically speaking, it has been
defined as being anything over 2Mbps. The term broadband refers to
any type of transmission technique that carries several data
channels over a common wire. For example, in home networking,
broadband constitutes any form of high-speed Internet access using
this transmission technique.
3. Transfer Rate : It is the amount of digital data that is moved from one
place to another in a given time. Usually in second’s time. The data
transfer rate can be viewed as the speed of travel of a given amount of
data from one place to another.


The transmission media that are used to convey information can be classified
as guided or unguided. Guided media provides a physical path between
transmitter and receiver.
Guided media include –
1. Twisted Pair: A twisted pair of wires consists of two insulated copper
wires, typically about 1 mm thickness. The wires are twisted together in
a helical shape. These are commonly used in local telephone

6 Computer Science

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking
Basic Computing
2. Coaxial Cable: Coaxial cable consists of a stiff copper wire as the core,
surrounded by an insulating material. Higher data rates over longer
distance can be achieved with coaxial cable.
3. Optical Fiber: This media is superior in data handling and for security
purposes. Each fiber has an inner core of glass or plastic that conducts
light. It’s a flexible transparent fiber made using silica glass and has
Notes been drawn very thin. Optical fiber can be used as a medium for
telecommunication and computer networking because it is flexible and can
be bundled as cables. It is especially advantageous for long-distance
communications, because light propagates through the fiber with little
attenuation compared to electrical cables.
Unguided media employs an antenna for transmitting through air, vacuum, or
water. Unguided media includes –
1. Microwave Transmission: In microwave transmission the waves travel
in straight lines. It gives a much higher signal noise ratio, but the
transmitting and receiving antennas must be accurately aligned with each
2. Radio Waves: Radio waves can be broadcasted in all directions from
the source i.e., Omni-directional so that the transmitter and receiver do
not have to be carefully aligned physically.
3. Infrared Waves: Infrared waves are widely used for short-range
communication. The remote controls used on television, VCRs and
stereos use infrared communication.
4. Communication Satellite: In satellite communication, signal transferring
between the sender and receiver is done with the help of satellite. In this
process, the signal which is basically a beam of modulated microwaves
is sent towards the satellite. Then the satellite amplifies the signal and
sends it back to the receiver’s antenna present on the earth’s surface. So,
all the signal transferring is happening in space. Thus this type of
communication is known as space communication.
5. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a WPAN technology. Accordingly its radio
characteristics include low power, short range, and medium transmission
speed. It effectively exchanges data over short range. Today the
Bluetooth market focuses on professional and field workers, who need to
travel off- site but still require access to corporate communication and
6. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is a Local Area Network (LAN) - you will know more
about LAN, later in this lesson. Wi-Fi depends on a high energy intake
to offer a 100 meter range and much higher transmission rate. This speed
makes Wi-Fi much more faster Bluetooth and similar to a high speed
modem. For large file transfer and quick Internet access, Wi-Fi

8 Computer Science
outperforms Bluetooth.

Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
Basic Computing
A computer network is a group of computers which are interconnected to exchange
and share information. People can transfer or receive information at minimum
cost and time, using computer networks. The Internet is a computer network
that millions of people use every day. Other shared resources can include a
printer or a file server. The Internet itself can be considered as a computer
network. Notes
Data or information available at a central computer can be easily shared,
updated and accessed by all the other users connected to the central computer.
Computer networks from ISPs to Wi-Fi and cellular networks are a key part of
the information economy. These networks are the foundation for the Web.
The connection between computers can be done via cabling, most commonly
the Ethernet cable, or wirelessly through radio waves. Connected computers
can share resources, like access to the Internet, printers, file servers, and
others. A network is a multipurpose connection, which allows a single
computer to do more.

5.4.1 Network devices

Computer network devices are also known as communication devices and
they constitute a data communication network. These devices are routers,
switches, hubs, LAN cards, gateway, modems, hardware firewall, Channel
Service Unit (CSU)/Data Service Unit (DSU), ISDN terminals and transceivers.
In an Ethernet or WAN network, the data communication cannot be performed
without these devices. Being an IT professional or a network administrator,
you must have good understanding of these devices. Some of these devices and
their functionalities are described below:
1. Modem: A modem is a communication device that is used to provide the
connectivity with the internet. Modem works in two ways i.e. modulation
and demodulation. It converts the digital data into the analog and analog to
digital. Figure below shows the position of modem when two computers
are interacting with each other.

Tel Line

Modem A
Computer A

Modem B
Computer B

10 Computer Science
Fig. 5.5: Usage of Modem

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking
Basic Computing
2. RJ45 Connector: RJ45 is a type of connector commonly used for
Ethernet networking. It looks similar to a telephone jack, but is slightly
wider. Since Ethernet cable have a RJ45 connector on each end, Ethernet
cables are sometimes also called RJ45 cables. The ‘RJ’ in RJ45 stands for
‘registered jack’ since it is a standardized network interface. The ‘45’
simply refers to the number of the interface standard.
Notes 3. Ethernet card: An Ethernet card is one kind of network adapter. These
adapters support the Ethernet standard for high-speed network connections
via cables. Ethernet cards are sometimes known as network interface cards
(NICs). Ethernet is the most commonly used local network technology
deployed with transmission speeds heading upwards into the gigabits
range. It is the most widely installed local area network (LAN) technology.
Ethernet is a link layer protocol in the TCP/IP stack, describing how
networked devices can format data for transmission to other network devices
on the same network segment, and how to put that data out on the network
4. Routers: Routers are networking devices used to extend or segment
networks by forwarding packets from one logical network to another. A
router is a device that forwards data packets along networks. A router is
connected to at least two networks, commonly two LANs or WANs or a
LAN and its ISP’s network. Routers are located at gateways, the places
where two or more networks connect. Routers are most often used in large
Internet works that use the TCP/IP protocol suite and for connecting
TCP/IP hosts and local area networks (LANs) to the Internet using
dedicated leased lines.
5. Hub:A hub is the most basic networking device that connects multiple
computers or other network devices together. Unlike a network switch or
router, a network hub has no routing tables or intelligence on where to
send information and broadcasts all network data across each connection.
Most hubs can detect basic network
errors such as collisions, but Hubs can be of two types: Active hubs: These devic
having all information broadcast
to multiple ports can be a security
risk and cause bottlenecks.
Hubs connect computer together
in a star topology network. Due
to their design, they increase the
chances for collision. Hubs
operate in the physical layer of
the ISO
model and have no intelligence. In the past network hubs were popular because
they were cheaper than a switch and router. Today, switches do not cost
12 Computer Science
much more than a hub, and are much better solution for any network.

Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
Basic Computing
6. Switches: Switches are a special type of hub that offer an additional layer
of intelligence to basic physical layer repeater hubs. A switch does
essentially what a hub does, but more efficiently. By paying attention to
the traffic that comes across it, it can “learn” where particular addresses
are. A switch must be able to read the MAC address of each frame it
receives. This information allows switches to repeat incoming data frames
only to the addressed computer. Switches learn the location of the devices
that they are connected to almost instantaneously. The net result is that
most network traffic only goes where it needs to rather than to every port.
On busy networks, this can make the network much faster.

7. Gateways: A network gateway is an internetworking system capable of

joining together two networks that use different base protocols. A network
gateway can be implemented completely in software, completely in
hardware, or as a combination of both. So gateway is a device used to
connect networks using different protocols. Gateways operate at the
network layer of the OSI model.
In order to communicate with a
Gateways are also called as protocol converters and translators.
host of other networks, an IP
host must be configured with a
route to the destination network.

8. Bridges:A bridge is a device that separates two or more network segments

within one logical network (e.g. a single IP-subnet).A bridge is usually
placed between two separate groups of computers that talk with each other,
but not that much with the computers in the other group. The job of the
bridge is to examine the destination of the data packets one at a time and
decide whether or not to pass the packets to the other side of the Ethernet
segment. The result is a faster, quieter network with fewer collisions. A
bridge is used to join two network segments together; it allows computers
on either segment to access resources on the other. They can also be used to
divide large networks into smaller segments.

5.4.2 Types of Networks

A computer network, often simply referred to as a network, is a collection of
computers and devices interconnected by communications channels that facilitate
communications and allows sharing of resources and information among
interconnected devices. Networks may be classified according to a wide variety
of characteristics such as medium used to transport the data, communications
protocol used, scale, topology, organizational scope, etc. Computer networks
are now rapidly used by the all levels of society, like government bodies,

14 Computer Science

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking
Basic Computing
colleges and private sector etc. There are many types of computer networks,
some of the important ones are described below:
1. Local Area Network (LAN) : Local Area Network is confined to small
geographical area, like in a building or group of buildings. Data transfer
rate of LAN is very high even faster than data transmitted through
telephone lines. It’s a group of computers all belonging to the same
organization, and are linked within a small geographic area using a network.
At security purpose level, it is not trust worthy because, for example, an
employee of an organization can change the important data of the
organization. Due to its small size, it is possible for one person to
administrate a Local Area Network. The defining characteristics of LANs,
in contrast to Wide Area Networks (WANs), include their usually higher
data-transfer rates, smaller geographic area, and lack of need for leased
telecommunication lines.
LANs are typically used for single site where people need to share
resources among themselves but not with the rest of the outside world.
Think of an office building where everybody should be able to access files
on a central server or be able to print a document to one or more central
printers. Those tasks should be easy for everybody working in the same
office, but you would not want somebody just walking outside to be able to
send a document to the printer from their cell phone. If a local area
network, or LAN, is entirely wireless, it is referred to as a Wireless Local
Area Network, or WLAN.



File server
Fig. 5.6: Local Area Network (LAN)

2. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) : Metropolitan Area Network or

MAN is basically spread throughout a city, college campus or a small
16 Computer Science
region. MANs are larger than LANs, and it enables its users to share
information throughout

Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
Basic Computing
the city. It is commonly used by schools, campuses, hospitals, large
universities, large companies etc.


Metro Area Network

Fig. 5.7: Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

3. Wide Area Network (WAN) : Wide Area Network covers comparatively

large geographic area than LAN and MAN, for example an entire country.
It uses public network telephone lines and lease lines. This type of network
can even be spread over the world.WAN provides network to the LAN and
MAN. This is very speedy and expensive. Wide Area Networks use optic
fiber as their communication medium. Internet is best known example of
public WAN.

Wide Area Network

Fig. 5.8: Wide Area Network (WAN)


Network topology is the schematic description of a network arrangement,
connecting various nodes (sender and receiver) through lines of connection.
Topology is the schematic diagram showing how the networks are connected
physically and logically. Physical topology is the physical layout of nodes,

18 Computer Science
MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking
Basic Computing
workstations and cables in the network; while logical topology is the way
information flows between different components. So network topology is the
arrangement of the various elements of a computer network. Details of
network topologies are given below and are represented in Fig. 5.9:


Bus Star

Token ring Ring Mesh


Fig. 5.9: Network Topology

1. Bus Topology: In this type of topology all computers are connected by a

single length of cable with a terminator at each end. The bus topology is
the simplest and most widely used local area network design. Only one
computer at a time can send a message. It transmits data only in one
direction and every device is connected to a single cable. So it affects the
speed of the network. It is cost effective and requires least amount of cable
compared to other topologies. It is normally used in smaller networks and
is very easy to understand. But it is slower and if the main cable fails, the
entire network fails.

2. Star Topology: The star network is frequently used to connect one or

more small computers or peripheral devices to a large host computer or
CPU. Each computer on a star network communicates with a central hub
that re-sends the message either to all the computers or only to the

destination computer.

20 Computer Science
Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
Basic Computing
Every node has a dedicated connection to the central hub. It is fast with
few nodes and low network traffic. It is easy to troubleshoot and easy to
setup. But cost of installation is high and is expensive to use as well. If the
host computer fails, the entire network gets affected.

3. Token Ring: A token ring network is a Local Area Network (LAN) in

which all computers are connected in a ring or star topology and a bit- or
token passing scheme is used in order to prevent the collision of data Notes
between two computers that want to send messages at the same time. The
token ring protocol was developed by IBM. The access method used
involves token passing. In token ring, the computers are connected so that
the signal travels around the network from one computer to another in a
logical ring.

4. Ring Topology: In this type of topology the workstations are connected in

a circle using cable segments. In this layer each node is physically
connected to only two other nodes i.e., adjacent pairs of workstations are
directly connected. Ring topology can function without server. The ring
topology may prove optimum when system requirements are modest and
workstations are at scattered points.

5. Mesh Topology: It is a type of network setup where each of the

computers and network devices are interconnected with one another. A
mesh topology is most often used in large backbone networks in which
failure of a single switch or router can result in a large portion of a
network going down. A mesh network topology is a decentralized design
in which each node on the network connects to at least two other nodes.
Mesh networks can use a full mesh topology or a partial mesh topology. In
a full mesh topology, each network node is connected to all the other
nodes in the network. In a partial mesh topology, at least one node
connects directly to every other node while others may only connect to
those nodes they exchange data with on a frequent basis.

6. Tree Topology: The tree topology, also known as Hierarchical topology

uses two or more star networks connected together. It could also employ a
combination of bus and star topologies. This topology divides the network
into multiple levels of network. It has a root node, intermediate node, and
ultimate nodes. The tree network topology is ideal when the workstations
are located in groups, with each group occupying a relatively small physical
region. An example is a university campus in which each building has its
own star network, and all the central computers are linked in a campus-
wide system. It is easy to add or remove workstations from each star
network. Entire star networks can be added to, or removed from, the bus.

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking
Basic Computing


I. Choose the appropriate answer.

1. What are the basic elements of communication system?

Notes a. Conductor b. Transmitter
c. Channel & Receiver d. b & c

2. The slowest transmission speed are those of ..................

a. Twisted pair wire b. coaxial cable

c. Fiber optic cable d. Microwaves

3. A network that can function without server is a ..................

a. Ring network b. Star network

c. Bus network d. All of the above

II. State whether the following statements are true or false:

1. WAN comparatively covers small geographic area.

2. Tree topology is also known as hierarchical topology.


A network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication between
network devices. Network protocols include mechanisms for devices to
identify and make connection with each other.

There are several protocols which are given below –

1. FTP : The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is the most widely used protocol
for file transfer over the network. FTP uses TCP/IP for communication.

2. PPP : PPP means Point to Point Protocol. It is a much more developed

protocol than SLIP, in so far as it transfers additional data, better suited to
data transmission over the internet.

3. TCP/IP : TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol)

are two different procedures that are often linked together. The linking of
several protocols is common since the functions of different protocols can
be complementary so that together they carry out some complete task.

22 Computer Science
Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1
Basic Computing
4. HTTP : Hypertext is well organized documentation system which uses
hyperlinks to link the pages in the text documents. HTTP (i.e. Hypertext
Transfer Protocol) works on client server model.
5. HTTPS : Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a communication
protocol for secure communication over a computer network.
6. SLIP : Serial Line Internet Protocol is the result of the integration of
modern protocols prior to the suit of TCP/IP protocols. It is a simple Notes
Internet link protocol conducting neither address or error control, this is
the reason that it is quickly becoming obsolete in comparison to PPP.

You will learn more detail about protocols in the next lesson.

Malware is short for malicious software and used as a single term to refer to
virus, spyware, worms etc. Some examples of malware risks are:
1. Virus : Virus is a program written to enter in your computer and damage/
alter your files/data. A virus might corrupt or delete data on your
computer. Virus can also replicate themselves.
2. Spam : Spamming is a method of flooding the Internet with copies of the
same message. Most spams are commercial advertisements which are sent
as unwanted emails to users. Spams are also known as electronic junk
3. Hacking: Computer hacking is the practice of modifying computer
hardware and software to accomplish goal outside of the creator’s original
purpose. In computer security, a hacker is someone who seeks and
exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network. Hackers
may be motivated by a multitude of reason such as profit, challenge,
enjoyment or to evaluate those weaknesses to assist in removing them.


Network devices – such as routers, firewalls, gateways, switches hubs and so
on, create the infrastructure of local area networks and the Internet. Securing
such devices is fundamental to protecting the environment and
outgoing/incoming communications. Some security methods are –
1. Firewall : A firewall is a hardware device or software application installed
on the borderline of secured network to examine and control incoming and
outgoing network communications. Firewall provides protection from
outside attacks.

MODULE – 1 Data Communication and Networking
Basic Computing
2. Antivirus : The word ‘antivirus’ refers to a group of features that are
designed to prevent unwanted and potentially malicious files from entering
your network. These features all work in different ways, which include
checking for a file, size, name, or type or for the presence of a virus or
grayware signature.
Cyber Ethics and IT : Cyber Ethics is the philosophic study of ethics
Notes pertaining to computers, encompassing user behaviour and what computers are
programmed to do, and how this affects individuals and society.


Fill in the blanks.
1 protocol is most widely used protocol for file transfer over the
2 is a communicaiton protocol for secure communication over a
computer network.
3 is a program written to enter in your computer and damage/alter
your file/data.


 The basic elements of data communication system i.e., sender, receiver,
 Three types of transmission modes are simplex, half duplex and full duplex.
 Bandwidth is the range of frequencies that make up a signal.
 Computer network is a group of computers which are interconnected to
exchange and share information.
 Hub is a common connection point in a network.
 Modem converts digital data into analog and analog to digital.
 Bridge is a device that separates two or more network segments within one
logical network.
 Network protocol defines rules and conventions for communication
between network devices.
 FTP, PPP, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, SLIP are some of the network protocols.
 Firewall provides protection from outside attacks.

24 Computer Science
Data Communication and Networking MODULE – 1

1. Where can Bluetooth device be useful?
2. What is RJ45 connector?
3. What is Ethernet and how does it work?
4. What do you mean by network topology? Write the names of different
types of network topologies.
5. What are the different types of networks? Write in detail.
6. Write a short note on TCP/IP, PPP, FTP protocols.
7. Write a short note on virus, spam, hacking.
8. What is antivirus software?

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