Teorias Modelos Comportamento
Teorias Modelos Comportamento
Teorias Modelos Comportamento
Rob Moodie
Melbourne School of Population Health
What this talk is about
Key conceptual models
Big 5 principles of behaviour change*
* From Hill and Dixon The Big Five principles of behaviour change
➢Purpose: translation of theory and research into
successful behavioural change programs
1. Precontemplation
2. Contemplation
3. Preparation
4. Action
5. Maintenance
Stages of Change Theory
5. Social Ecological Approach
People are motivated to ‘do the right thing’: there are cases where
money doesn’t always motivate as it undermines people’s intrinsic
motivation, e.g. You’d stop inviting friends to dinner if they insisted
on paying you.
People are bad at computation when making decisions: they put undue
weight on recent events and too little on far-off ones; they cannot
calculate probabilities well and worry too much about unlikely events;
they are strongly influenced by how the problem/information is
presented to them.
People need to feel involved and effective to make a change: just giving
people the incentives and information is not necessarily enough.
Big Five Principles of Behaviour Change
Hill and Dixon
➢“Subjective” capacity
➢Self efficacy (social cognitive theory and theory of
planned behaviour)
➢Belief of ability to carry out the planned behaviour
➢Based on out own successes and failures
➢Promotion of self efficacy by education and